Burial Exhumation Histories For The Coop PDF

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Basin Research (2006) 18, 351–373, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2006.00294.

Burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^

Eromanga Basins and implications for hydrocarbon
exploration, Eastern Australia
Angelos Mavromatidis
Petroleum Development Oman LLC, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

The Cooper^Eromanga Basins of South Australia and Queensland are not at their maximum burial
depth due to Late Cretaceous^Tertiary, and LateTriassic^Early Jurassic exhumation. Apparent
exhumation (maximum burial depth^present burial depth) for the Cooper Basin has been quanti¢ed
using the compaction methodology.The results show that exhumation of the Cooper Basin for the
majority of the wells is greater than the exhumation of the Eromanga Basin. Using the compaction
methodology, apparent exhumation of Early to MiddleTriassic age Arrabury and Tinchoo Formatios
has been quanti¢ed. Both units yield similar results and do not support that the Arrabury/Tinchoo
boundary represents the Cooper^Eromanga boundary. Hence, the Cooper Basin is believed to have
reached its maximum burial depth in LateTriassic times. Sonic log data are not available for the units
overlying the Late Cretaceous Winton Formation; thus, it is not possible to date exhumation beyond
the Late Cretaceous^Tertiary using the compaction methodology.Tertiary sequences as are preserved
are relatively thin and separated by marked unconformities and weathered surfaces; hence,
exhumation rather than sedimentation dominated theTertiary, and in exhumed areas, maximum
burial depth was attained in Late Cretaceous times.The burial/exhumation history of representative
wells was synthesized using sediment decompaction and establishing porosity/depth relations for the
Cooper^Eromanga units. Considering the relative signi¢cance of the major periods of exhumation in
the Cooper/Eromanga Basins, three broad types of burial/exhumation histories can be distinguished.
Maximum burial depth of the Cooper Basin sequence was attained before the deposition of the
Eromanga Basin sequence, i.e. LateTriassic^Early Jurassic times; maximum burial depth of the
Cooper and Eromanga Basin sequences attained in Late Cretaceous times; and Cooper and
Eromanga Basin sequences are currently at maximum burial-depth. Incorporation of exhumation
into burial history has major implications for hydrocarbon exploration.

INTRODUCTION manga Basin sediments, major sedimentation ceased and

over the last 90 Myr, the basin has been characterized by
The Cooper and Eromanga Basins are Australia’s largest
periods of exhumation and minor sedimentation (Moore
onshore petroleum province, and are located in central
& Pitt, 1984; Shaw, 1991; Mavromatidis, 1997; Mavromati-
and eastern Australia (Fig.1a).The sediments of the Coop- dis & Hillis, 2005) (Fig. 1b).
er Basin were deposited during Late Carboniferous-Per-
The aims of this study are to:
mian and Triassic times in predominantly £uvial and
lacustrine environments (Thornton, 1979). In Late Trias-  determine the magnitude of LateTriassic^Early Juras-
sic^Early Jurassic times, an exhumational event took sic exhumation using sonic velocity data from the
place, which resulted in the basinwide Nappamerri uncon- Nappamerri Group from 133 wells (Fig. 1c),
formity (Thornton, 1979; Kuang, 1985) (Fig. 1b). Subse-  compare the exhumation values in this study with the
quently, the Eromanga Basin sediments were deposited in exhumation values in Late Cretaceous^Tertiary times
Jurassic and Cretaceous times in mainly £uvial-lacustrine (Mavromatidis & Hillis, 2005),
and shallow marine environments (Bowering, 1982). The  discuss the timing and duration of exhumational
Eromanga Basin is the larger of the two and completely events during the major unconformities and deter-
overlies the Cooper Basin. After the deposition of the Ero - mine the burial/exhumation history of representative
wells and
Correspondence: Angelos Mavromatidis, Petroleum Develop-  discuss the implications of the exhumation results
ment Oman LLC, PO Box 81, Muscat 113, Sultanate of Oman. with respect to exploration and thermal maturity of
E-mail: angelos97@hotmail.com. source rocks.

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 351
A. Mavromatidis


(b) (c)

Fig. 1. (a) Location map for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins (B, Permo -Triassic in age Bowen Basin; E, Permian-Jurassic in age Esk
Trough; C-M,Triassic^Jurassic in age Clarence^Moreton Basin; G, Permo -Triassic in age Gallilee Basin; S, Jurassic^Cretaceous in age
Surat Basin). (b) Cooper^Eromanga Basins stratigraphic nomenclature (FM, formation; GRP, group; MBR, member; SST, sandstone)
(modi¢ed after Moore, 1986). (c) Location map of the wells used in compaction analysis of the Nappamerri Group. Major tectonic
elements are also shown (NM, Nappacoongee^Murteree; GMI, Gidgealpa^Merrimelia^Innamincka; RW, Roseneath^Wolgolla; PNJ,
Pepita^Naccowlah^Jackson South; Patch, Patchawarra).

The term exhumation (as opposed to erosion or uplift) is face. For principally tectonic/geodynamic reasons,
used here, in the sense of England & Molnar (1990), to de- displacement of the Earth’s surface with respect to the
scribe the displacement of rocks with respect to the sur- geoid (surface uplift), displacement of rocks with respect

352 r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373
Burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins

to the geoid (uplift of rocks) and displacement of rocks with lue in each well for speci¢c unit) from the normal, undis-
respect to the surface (exhumation) should be distin- turbed trend (Fig. 2a).
guished. Although all three quantities are related (surface
uplift 5 uplift of rock ^ exhumation), they cannot be Data
equal, unless all are zero (England & Molnar, 1990). It is
The use of multiple lithologies in the compaction-based
important to distinguish these di¡erent quantities, be-
analysis of maximum burial depth has several advantages
cause only surface uplift requires work against gravity, and
(Japsen, 2000; Mavromatidis & Hillis, 2005). However,
hence a tectonic driving force. Uplifting of rocks or exhu-
only the Nappamerri Group was selected from the Cooper
mation, although signi¢cant with regard to geohistory
Basin. The Nappamerri Group was selected as it is devoid
modelling, may be caused solely by changes in sedimen-
of coals, which are found in the rest of the Cooper Basin
tary or the erosional base level (e.g. sea level). Analysis of
units. The unit does not show bulk lateral facies variation,
sonic log data as presented here quanti¢es the displace-
which satis¢es the assumption that their compaction
ment of rocks with respect to the surface. Although pre-
trends are laterally consistent. The Group consists of in-
vious authors (Bulat & Stoker, 1987; Hillis, 1991) have
terbedded shales, sandstones and siltstones and was de-
used the term‘uplift’ to describe this quantity, the term‘ex-
posited in a continental £uviatile and lacustrine
humation’ is used herein following the de¢nitions of Eng-
environment. The Nappamerri Group is devoid of smec-
land & Molnar (1990). The term ‘erosion’ is avoided
tite, which can lead to overestimates of porosity and hence
because it refers not only to the process of elevating rocks
sonic time in sediments (Brown & Ransom,1996).The sec-
with respect to the surface but also to the removal and
tion is in excess of 400 m in the northern Cooper Basin.
transport of weathered material. Only removed rocks are
There is a considerable thinning of the Group over the
eroded; however, the entire rock column is exhumed as a
Gidgealpa^Merrimelia^Innamincka (GMI) trend. If less
result of erosion.
than 40 m of a unit is present, that unit was not analysed
because relatively condensed sequences of a given unit
are likely to have anomalous porosity/compaction charac-
Normal compaction relationship
The degree of compaction (as evidenced by porosities) of
the rocks in these basins was attained at burial depths Published results for compaction curves support a linear
greater than that presently observed. The compaction interval transit time/depth function and the assumption
methodology attempts to quantify the magnitude of exhu- that linearity is valid over a large range of depths (Perrier
mation by analysing the amount of overcompaction of the & Quiblier, 1974; Bulat & Stoker, 1987; Wells, 1990; Issler,
rocks. It is an assumption of the compaction-based meth- 1992; Japsen,1993; Hillis,1993,1995a, b). Although porosity
od of determining exhumation that burial depth, at the directly describes compaction state, sonic velocity is
formational and regional scale, exerts the primary control widely used as an indicator of compaction state because it
on compaction. As porosity describes compaction state, is strongly dependent on porosity (e.g. Wyllie et al., 1956;
the sonic log is an appropriate indicator of compaction, Raiga-Clemenceau et al., 1988). The mean sonic interval
and hence appropriate for quantifying exhumation from transit time (Dt) was determined from the sonic log data
compaction. Furthermore, the sonic log is routinely run and plotted against the depth of the midpoint of the unit
in exploration wells and hence is widely available. (Fig. 2a). Sonic log calibration was checked with reference
to the continuous sonic velocity (check shot) data.
The de¢nition of a normal compaction trend is crucial
Quantification of apparent exhumation
as exhumation estimates depend on this. For consistency,
The reduction of interval transit time (reciprocal of velo - the same de¢nition applied in the Eromanga Basin exhu-
city) of each unit with increasing burial depth is a largely mation study of Mavromatidis & Hillis (2005) was applied
non-reversible process (Hillis, 1995a, b). As depth- con- herein, as one of the objectives in this study is to compare
trolled compaction is largely irreversible, units that are the exhumation between the Cooper and Eromanga Basins.
shallower than their greatest burial depth will be overcom- In an area subject to exhumation, wells with the highest Dt
pacted, with respect to their present burial depth (e.g. Ma- values (lowest velocity) for their given burial depth should
gara,1976; Bulat & Stoker,1987; Hillis, 1991,1995a, b; Issler, be taken to be normally compacted, provided that their re-
1992; Japsen, 2000).The units analysed are assumed to fol- latively high Dt is not due to phenomena that may inhibit
low a normal compaction trend with burial, and compac- normal compaction (such as overpressure or hydrocar-
tion is assumed not to be reversed by subsequent bon- ¢lled porosity). For a linear decrease of Dt with depth,
exhumation. With these assumptions, the amount of ele- any two wells that can be linked by a straight line that has no
vation of exhumed sedimentary rocks above their maxi- points falling to the lower compacted side de¢ne the nor-
mum burial depth, termed ‘apparent exhumation’ (EA), mal compaction trend. These are termed the reference
which is given by the displacement, along the depth axis, wells (Fig. 2a). In this study, three wells determine the nor-
of the observed compaction trend (i.e. mean sonic log va- mal compaction trend, named as Beanbush-1, Steward-1

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373 353
A. Mavromatidis

and Wimma-1 (Table1), as on the line connecting two refer- It must be assumed that the reference wells de¢ning the
ence wells according to the above principle (e.g. Steward-1 normal compaction relation are at maximum burial depth,
and Wimma-1) one more well is located (i.e. Beanbush-1). and have not themselves been exhumed. Support for the
wells being su⁄cient to constrain the normal compaction
(a) 1000 trend comes from the following points:
(a) The reference wells Beanbush-1, Steward-1 and Wim-
normal ma-1 are located away from major inversion axes and in
1500 compaction
midpoint (m below ground level)

major troughs such as the Patchawarra (Beanbush-1,
Depth to nappameri group

Wimma-1) and Windorah Trough (Steward-1) (Fig. 1c).

(b) The greater the number of wells and the larger the
Steward-1 study area, the more likely the reference wells are to
be close at maximum burial depth. It is signi¢cant that
in this study the reference wells were picked among133
wells throughout the entire Cooper Basin.
(c) Beanbush-1and Wimma-1wells have been used for the
normal compaction trends in the Eromanga Basin ex-
3000 Beanbush-1
humation study (Mavromatidis & Hillis, 2005).The re-
sults of this study indicated that these wells, and the
locations they belong to are currently at/or close to
60 80 100 120 maximum burial depth.
Interval transit time (µs / ft) (d) There is no indication (from log analysis) of either
overpressure or hydrocarbon- ¢lled porosity in the
(b) 0 wells for the Nappamerri Group.
An additional constraint on the selection of the normal
compaction relation/reference wells is that the surface in-
Nappamerri Group
5000 tercept on the velocity/depth plots should have a value
close to, or less than, 189 ms ft  1, the interval transit time
for salt water.
Depth (ft)

10000 Discussion on normal compaction

The selection of normal compaction relationship as men-
15000 tioned previously is crucial as apparent exhumation esti-
mates are based on this trend. Di¡erent algorithms have
been proposed for di¡erent lithologies and depositional
environments (e.g. Japsen et al., 2002; Corcoran & Dore,
0 20 40 60 80 2005). It has been found that realistic compaction trend
Porosity (%) baselines are best achieved through evaluation of physical
models for a given lithology and not via an arbitrary choice
(c) 1000
‘possible’ normal of mathematical functions (Japsen, 1998). An extensive
trends well database and good stratigraphic control allows a bet-
ter de¢nition of normal compaction trends even in areas
midpoint (m below ground level)

Depth to nappameri group

2000 Fig. 2. (a) Mean sonic Dt/depth to unit midpoint plot in the
Nappamerri Group.The normal compaction relationship (i.e.
‘possible’ normal
those una¡ected by exhumation, determined as outlined in the
2500 trend with text) is also shown. (b) Relationship between porosity and depth
surface intercept of burial for shales and argillaceous sediments in di¡erent parts
of 178µs/ft
Beanbush-1 of the world (after Rieke & Chilingarian,1974) and in this study. (c)
‘Possible’ normal compaction relationships that were determined
3000 Hypothetical missing
wells in this study from Patchawarra Trough wells (e.g. Beanbush-1) and
Confidence that wells hypothetical wells that ‘were not’available or have not been
are at/or close to maximum
burial-depth drilled; a ‘possible maximum in range’ normal trend is
determined from PatchawarraTrough wells (grey area in the lower
60 80 100 120
part of the compaction trends), and a surface interecept of
Interval transit time (µs/ ft)
178 m s ft  1 (determined as outlined in the text) is also shown.

354 r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373
Burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins

Table1. Data de¢ning normal compaction relationship

Normally Equation of
Stratigraphic compacted Mean Dt Midpoint normal compaction
unit wells (m s ft  1) depth (m bgl)n relationshipw

Nappamerri Steward-1 81.1 2099.8

Group Wimma-1 67.9 2889.1 Dt 5 116.167  0.0167 dbgl
Beanbush-1 67.1 2936.2

m bgl, metres below ground level.
wDt, interval transit time (m s ft  1); dbgl, depth below ground level (in metres).

with lithological variations (Japsen, 1998, 1999). However, more wells been available the trend of the normal compac-
in this study the available data (mean sonic values and mid- tion line would be di¡erent. It is possible that the area of
point depths) come from only one unit and hence further the Windorah Trough in which Steward-1 is located might
analysis of the methodology is not possible. In addition, have experienced exhumation in LateTriassic^Early Juras-
the scope of this study is to compare the exhumation in sic times. In this case, the ‘possible’ new compaction trend
Eromanga Basin with the Cooper Basin. Exhumation in will give greater apparent exhumation values for all wells,
the Eromanga Basin has already been determined (Mavro - except Beanbush-1 and/or the wells belonging to the
matidis & Hillis, 2005), and hence using the same compac- Patchawarra Trough (Fig. 2c).
tion methodology in the Cooper Basin a reasonable The Nappamerri Group has a lithology similar to the
comparison is attempted in the following sections. Winton, Cadna- owie and Birkhead Formations (Thorn-
Nevertheless, in this study the principles of identi¢ca- ton, 1979). The normal compaction trends from the above
tion of a baseline were incorporated.These principles are: Eromanga Basin units have been determined and the
detection of a relatively homogenous lithological unit, and trends have been justi¢ed as reasonable for the area (Mav-
selection of data points representing normal compaction romatidis & Hillis, 2005). In an attempt to derive the best
and assigning a functional expression to the velocity (or in- estimate of a ‘possible’ new compaction trend for the Nap-
terval transit time)^depth trend (e.g. Bulat & Stoker, 1987; pamerri Group, the maximum Dt surface intercept of the
Hillis, 1995a; Japsen, 1998, 2000). above Eromanga Basin units compaction trends together
The surface intercept of the selected normal compac- with the Beanbush-1 is considered to establish a new ‘pos-
tion relationship (116.1 ms ft  1) is reasonable for a mixed sible’ compaction trend (Fig. 2c). The maximum surface
lithological unit comprised of shales, sandstones and silt- intercept from the normal compaction trends of the above
stones, which would be expected to have a surface porosity Eromanga Basin units is 178.4 ms ft  1 and derives from the
of 40% in the examined area (Gallagher & Lambeck, 1989). normal compaction trend of the Winton Formation (Mav-
Using Wyllie et al.’s (1956) time average equation, consider- romatidis & Hillis, 2005). However, this trend will lead to
ing a calcite matrix of 66.8 ms ft  1 (71 ms ft  1 for shale and greater apparent exhumation values than determined
57 ms ft  1 for sandstone (Liu & Roaldset, 1994), and aver- using the normal compaction trend in Table 1 and indeed
aged values of 70% for shale and 30% for sandstones) and for the well Steward-1 will give an exhumation of more
a pore £uid of 189 ms ft  1, the porosity decreases to 26.7% than 1200 m, not very realistic as the well is located in an
at 2 km and 13% at 2 km, which is consistent with Galla- area where the Nappamerri Group has its maximum pre-
gher & Lambeck’s (1989) porosity studies in shaly- sand- sent thickness.
stone lithologies in the Cooper^Eromanga Basins. In
addition, the decrease in porosity with depth is considered
reasonable in comparison with various porosity^depth
trends in other parts of the world (Fig. 2b).
The normal compaction trend was determined from133 The map of apparent exhumation is shown in Fig. 3 and
wells; however, if more wells were available, the normal listed in Appendix A. The Patchawarra and Ullenbury
compaction trend might had been di¡erent if the new Troughs seem to be at/or near maximum burial depth as
wells have high Dt (lower velocities) in shallower depths. the reference wells come from these areas. The Wimma-1
The Beanbush-1 and Wimma-1 wells come form an area and Beanbush-1 wells, located in Patchawarra Trough, are
that is most probably at maximum burial depth as men- at maximum burial depth at the present day as apparent
tioned in the previous section. Hence, there is con¢dence exhumation values during Late Triassic^Early Jurassic
regarding the lower group of well(s) in the compaction line and in Late Cretaceous^Tertiary times (Mavromatidis &
that determines the normal trend. However, the Steward-1 Hillis, 2005) are at/or close to zero.
well comes from an area that has shown exhumation in The boundary between the Patchawarra Trough and the
Late Cretaceous^Tertiary times. Although it is located in anticlinal GMI trend is apparent on the map of exhuma-
an area with a thick section of the Nappamerri Group and tion (Fig. 3).This suggests that the GMI trend has experi-
away from an inversion axis, there is a possibility that had enced Late Triassic^Early Jurassic deformation. This

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373 355
A. Mavromatidis

24 45 00S
Apparent Exhumation 25 00 00S

0 0
80 60 40

26 00 00S
South Australia



27 00 00S


1000 28 00 00S


29 00 00S
New South Wales

29 15 00S
139 10 00E 140 00 00E 141 00 00E 142 00 00E 143 10 00E

Fig. 3. Apparent exhumation (m) (maximum burial depth^present burial depth) in the Nappamerri Group.Well control points and
tectonic elements are also shown. (FL, Fly Lake; GMI, Gidgealpa^Merrimelia^Innamincka; NT, Nappamerri Trough; NY, Naryilco^
Yanko; PNJ, Pepita^Naccowlah^Jackson, RW, Roseneath^Wolgolla; TC, Tirrawarra^Cuttapirrie).

evidence for exhumation of the GMI trend is supported by merri Trough is separated from the Patchawarra Trough
the thinning of sedimentary strata of the Cooper Basin by the GMI trend. Unlike the PatchawarraTrough, signi¢ -
over the structural highs and in some places are absent cant exhumation has occurred in the Nappamerri Trough.
due to exhumation (Apak etal.,1993).Thinning of the Nap- Exhumation from maximum burial depth is almost simi-
pamerri Formation close to the structural high and thick- lar to 600^800 m in the south and west of the Nappamerri
ening away from it indicates reactivation of faults in Trough and in its north- eastern (NE)/Queensland part.
Middle to Late Triassic times (Kuang, 1985). The Nappa- Broadly speaking, exhumation increases eastwards from

356 r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373
Burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins

1400 GMI trend and Nappamerri Trough appears to have ex-

erted little in£uence on the Nappamerri Group depocen-
1200 tre.
Apparent exhumation from

nappamerri group (m)


It is di⁄cult to ascribe error limits to the apparent exhu-
400 mation values that have been determined here and in the
exhumation study of Mavromatidis & Hillis (2005) in the
200 Eromanga Basin. For individual units (in the study of the
Eromanga Basin), and for the mean results based there-
0 upon, systematic errors in the results are dependent on
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Mean apparent exhumation from the extent to which the assumptions in the method are vio -
eromanga basin units (m) lated, principally, the extent to which units do not follow
Fig. 4. Crossplots of apparent exhumation (in metres) in the the normal compaction relation with burial in all wells,
Nappamerri Group (Cooper Basin) against those from the mean and the extent to which compaction is reversed by subse-
Eromanga Basin units.The line illustrating the 1 : 1 relationship quent exhumation. Measurement errors are likely to be in-
between apparent exhumation values from each pair of units signi¢cant in comparison with the potential systematic
analysed is shown. errors. The spread of the exhumation values around the
one-to - one relation for units within the Eromanga Basin
gives an indication of the errors in exhumation values from
these units, and, although no detailed statistical analysis
the PatchawarraTrough, through the GMI trend and Nap- has been undertaken, a value of  200 m seems reasonable
pamerri Trough into Queensland, with values of approxi- from inspection of the Eromanga exhumation study (Fig. 5
mately 600^800 m in the Jackson^Naccowlah area. The in Mavromatidis & Hillis, 2005). An indication of the er-
other area of maximum exhumation, which reaches ap- rors in the exhumation values derived from the unit(s) ana-
proximately 1km, lies near the extreme NE boundary of lysed in the Cooper and Eromanga Basins can be obtained
South Australia, in the vicinity of the Curalle-1 well, and by considering Fig. 4, whereas the apparent exhumation
apparent exhumation reaches approximately 1.2 km, north from the Nappamerri Group is compared with the mean
of the Jackson^Naccowlah area. exhumation of the Eromanga Basin. In the absence of
These results are consistent with the exhumation pat- major lateral tectonic movement (as may be reasonably as-
tern in Late Cretaceous^Tertiary times (Mavromatidis & sumed in the relatively tectonically quiescent Cooper^
Hillis, 2005), i.e. maximum exhumation areas are concen- Eromanga Basins), any exhumation to which the Cooper
trated in the Curalle and Morney and Jackson anticlines, Basin was subjected must also have a¡ected the Eromanga
and hence this supports the hypothesis that many anticli- Basin. Hence, in the absence of errors, exhumation from
nal features were breached by reactivated faults (Powis, units in Eromanga Basin could not exceed that from units
1989; Shaw, 1991). in the Cooper Basin. However, the tendency for Cooper
Exhumation as expressed in the Nappamerri Group Basin unit, i.e. Nappemerri Group, to yield greater appar-
and analysed in the Cooper Basin is, to some extent, the ent exhumation values than those of the Eromanga Basin is
complement of Nappamerri thickness. The Nappamerri beyond the demonstrable error limits of the data. It is thus
is very thin over the maximum in exhumation to the north inferred that some areas of the Cooper Basin did reach
of the Jackson^Naccowlah area and in the vicinity of the maximum burial depth before the deposition of the Ero -
Curalle-1 well (Powis, 1989). The region of lower exhuma- manga Basin sequence; the location and structural signif-
tion between these two maximum (Windorah Trough) cor- icance of these areas is discussed later in this section.
responds to a minor depocentre, which holds in excess of In order to further analyse the greater exhumation va-
400 m of Nappamerri sediments (Thornton, 1979; Powis, lues yielded by Nappamerri unit, the di¡erence between
1989). The Patchawarra Trough is a part of the major Nap- the mean exhumation value yielded by the sonic log data
pamerri depocentre of the area, with up to 500 m of Nap- from the Cooper Basin units and those from the Eromanga
pamerri sediments (Powis, 1989), and this is consistent Basin units has been illustrated in Fig. 5. Given a  200 m
with the interpretation that it is currently at maximum error on exhumation values from individual units, much of
burial depth.This Nappamerri depocentre does, however, the excess of apparent exhumation of the Cooper Basin
extend south of the Patchawarra Trough, extending over over that of the Eromanga Basin is within the error limits.
the GMI trend and into the southern part of the Nappa- However, there are signi¢cant areas (17 wells) where the
merri Trough (Powis, 1989). The trend of the Nappamerri di¡erence is in excess of 400 m, and, perhaps even more
depocentre follows the Patchawarra Trough, and may have importantly, the map of the di¡erence between Cooper
been inherited from it. However, the structural grain of the and Eromanga Basin exhumations (Fig. 5) has a demon-

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373 357
A. Mavromatidis

COOPER BASIN (Nappamerri group) apparent exhumation -

EROMANGA BASIN mean apparent exhumation
<0 0-400 > 400

South Australia

New South Wales

Fig. 5. Map showing the di¡erence between apparent exhumation in Cooper Basin and Eromanga Basin. Major ¢elds, well control
points and tectonic elements are also shown.

strable link with the structural history of the basins. The sic structural highs such as the Murteree and Roseneath^
major Troughs within the Cooper^Eromanga Basins; Wolgolla and a signi¢cant area centred on the Toolachee
Patchawarra, Arrabury and Windorah, which were depo - Field in the Nappacoongee trend.
centres during the development of the Cooper Basin Exhumation estimates based on vitrinite re£ectance and
(Stuart et al., 1988; Heath et al., 1989), correspond with areas apatite ¢ssion analyis track analysis indicate that exhumation
where maximum burial depth was attained subsequent to was higher than and equal to the exhumation in Late Cretac-
the deposition of the Eromanga Basin. A number of the eous^Tertiary and LateTriassic^Early Jurassic times. However,
areas where Cooper Basin exhumation is signi¢cantly there is great uncertainty in palaeogeothermal gradients,
greater than that of the Eromanga Basin are Permo -Trias- which is crucial in such studies (Mavromatidis, 1997).

358 r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373
Burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins

Implications for hydrocarbon exploration this event as being due to wrench-induced northeast^
southwest compressional stress. Wiltshire (1982a) and
A major region of hydrocarbon accumulations from Fly
Gallagher et al. (1994) related the unconformity to the
Lake through Gidgealpa, and Moomba lie between the
Mid^Late Triassic Hunter/Bowen orogeny in the New
Patchawarra and Nappamerri Troughs, where high
England Fold Belt. It would seem reasonable to correlate
geothermal gradients (Pitt, 1986) and maximum burial
the unconformities, with more intense deformation
depth were attained after deposition of the Eromanga Ba-
observed in the Sydney and Bowen Basins to the east
sin, and an NNW^SSE trending axis where the Cooper
(Veevers, 1984). Detailed mapping of seismic lines in the
Basin attained maximum burial depth before the deposi-
Bowen and Surat Basins has shown that major unconfor-
tion of the Eromanga Basin.TheToolachee and surround-
mities developed near thrust and reverse faults in response
ing ¢elds are located in another region where the Cooper
to compressional reactivation of these faults (Elliott, 1993).
Basin attained maximum burial depth before the deposi-
In the Cooper^Eromanga Basins, the timing of erosion
tion of the Eromanga Basin. Given that Permian- sourced
associated with the Triassic^Jurassic unconformity is lo -
oils are highly unlikely to be preserved where the sources
cally constrained where the Late Triassic Cuddapan For-
attained maximum burial depth before the deposition of
mation is observed (Fig. 1b). However, the Cuddapan
the Eromanga Basin, it is suggested that the Nappamerri
Formation is limited to the Windorah Trough and the
Trough, or other more local areas where maximum burial
Patchawarra Trough, having a maximum thickness of 50 m
depth was attained after deposition of the Eromanga Ba-
(Powis, 1989). Powis (1989) argued that erosion before de-
sin, may be the primary source of Permian hydrocarbons.
position of the Lower Jurassic Poolowanna Formation re-
This implies some degree of lateral migration of hydrocar-
sulted in these isolated remnants of Late Triassic strata.
bons to ¢ll reservoirs located on structural highs where
However,Wiltshire (1982b) noticed that the thickest devel-
maximum burial depth was attained before the deposition
opment of the unit is in areas where Lower Jurassic sedi-
of the Eromanga Basin.
ments are also thick, i.e. this Late Triassic sedimentation
was apparently a precursor of Eromanga Basin sedimenta-
tion. Wiltshire (1982b) argued that the unit in terms of
TIMING OF MAJOR PERIODS OF lithology, log character and area of distribution has much
EXHUMATION IN THE COOPER ^ greater a⁄nity to the overlying Eromanga Basin sequence
EROMANGA BASINS than to the Cooper Basin, and thus it presumably
post-dates erosion. Powis (1989) argued that the boundary
The Daralingie and Nappamerri
between the Lower and Middle Triassic Arrabury and
Tinchoo Formations, which is a mappable seismic marker
A hiatus witnessed by the absence of palynological zones in the Queensland sector of the study area, is associated
between the Early and Late Permian is apparent in the rock with a tectonic event. Powis (1989) suggested that this was
record as the Daralingie unconformity (e.g. Heath, 1989; a major event (of Early/Middle Triassic age) that initiated
also Fig.1b). At the end of Early Permian/beginning of Late the termination of the Cooper Basin phase of deposition.
Permian times, a compressional phase resulted in rejuve- In order to check whether the Arrabury/Tinchoo
nation of older basement structures and produced, for ex- boundary represented the main uplift event between the
ample, the northeast- orientated GMI trend (Apak et al., Cooper and Eromanga Basins, the compaction method
1993). Although the tectonic activity along pre-Permian was applied separately to the Arrabury and Tinchoo For-
fault trends (Stuart, 1976; Stanmore & Johnstone, 1988) mations in 37 wells selected to provide regional coverage
caused uplift and erosion of previously deposited sedi- (Figs 6a^ c). Apparent exhumation from both units is very
ments, sediment accumulation was continuous in deeper consistent (Fig. 6d). Apparent exhumation values do not
parts of the basin (Battersby, 1976; Stuart, 1976). Vitrinite support Powis’s (1989) suggestion that the Arrabury/
re£ectance modelling showed that there is no o¡set in the Tinchoo boundary represents the boundary between the
amounts of exhumation determined from the Lower Per- Cooper and Eromanga Basins hence accepting Wiltshire’s
mian units (Patchawarra Formation, Murteree Shale and (1982b) interpretation that the Cuddapan Formation is
Roseneath Shale) and those determined from Upper Per- part of the Eromanga Basin sequence, where the Cooper
mian and Triassic units (Toolachee Formation and Nappa- Basin is believed to have reached its maximum burial
merri Group) (Mavromatidis,1997). Hence, it appears that depth, before the deposition of the Eromanga Basin, in
the pre-Daralingie, Lower Permian units did not reach LateTriassic times.
maximum burial depth during the hiatus associated with
the Daralingie unconformity.
Deposition of the Cooper Basin sequence was termi-
Late Cretaceous^Tertiary unconformities
nated by major uplift in LateTriassic^Early Jurassic times,
which resulted in a northeasterly tilting of the Cooper Ba- Deposition of the Winton Formation ceased in Late Cen-
sin (Kuang, 1985), rejuvenation of pre- existing structures omanian or EarlyTuronian times (Moore & Pitt, 1984).The
and a basin-wide unconformity (Thornton, 1979; Kuang, Winton Formation is unconformably overlain by the Late
1985; Channon & Wood, 1989). Kuang (1985) considered Palaeocene^Late Eocene Eyre Formation. The Eyre For-

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373 359
1500 1500

(b) (c)

A. Mavromatidis

2000 2000 normal

normal compaction
Queensland compaction trend
South Australia

2500 2500

(m below ground level)

(mbelow ground level)
Depth to tinchoo formation midpoint

Depth to arrabury formation midpoint

3000 3000
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
Interval transit time (µs/ft) Interval transit time (µs /ft)


NM = Nappacoongee-Murteree 500
GMI = Gidgealpa-Merrimelia-Innamincka
RW = Roseneath-Wolgolla

formation (m)
PNJ = Pepita-Naccowlah-Jackson South
Patch = Patchawarra

interval transit time in tinchoo

Apparent exhumation from sonic
New South Wales
0 100 0 500 1000
Apparent exhumation from sonic
interval transit time in arrabury
formation (m)

Fig. 6. (a) Location of wells used in compaction analysis. Mean interval transit time/depth to unit midpoint for (b) Arrabury Formation and (c) Tinchoo Formation.The normal compaction
relationship for each unit is also shown. (d) Crossplot of apparent exhumation (in metres) derived from interval transit time in Tinchoo Formation against those from Arrabury Formation.The line
illustrating the 1 : 1 relationship between apparent exhumation values from each pair of units analysed is shown.

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373
Burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins

My Rate of
Age Stratigraphy Structuring
Erosion /dep'n

QUAT. Cadelga limestone

Pliocene and equivalents
Miocene Etadunna
20 formation

30 cene

40 ?
Eocene Eyre

60 cene



90 Tourinian

Cenomanian Winton formation

B Mackunda formation
100 Oodna- Allaru mudstone
Albian datta fm

Toolebuc fm

Coorikiana sst
11 0 BX Bulldog Wallumbilla

shale formation

Cadna-owie formation
130 Algebuckina sst
140 MOOGA Murta member
DN Late jurassic FM. Namur sandstone

Fig. 7. Summary of stratigraphy and structuring in Eromanga^Tertiary sediments (synthesized from various Santos Ltd reports).

mation is itself unconformably overlain by the Early^Mid- iod of exposure and deformation before deposition of the
dle Miocene Etadunna Formation (Fig. 7). Eyre Formation.
Unfortunately, no log data are available for the units Deep chemical weathering during late Eocene^Oligo -
overlying the Winton Formation; thus, it is not possible cene times, between the deposition of the Eyre and Eta-
to date the exhumation beyond post-Cenomanian using dunna Formations, caused silici¢cation the Eyre and
the compaction methodology. As the Tertiary units are Winton Formations. This period may also have been one
relatively thin, the timing of Late Cretaceous^Tertiary of signi¢cant exhumation. Structuring continued subse-
deformation, which may be contemporaneous with quent to the deposition of the Eyre Formation, producing
exhumation, cannot be determined from seismic re£ec- the major surface anticlines and the uplifted silcrete- cov-
tion data using standard techniques (i.e. interpretation ered tablelands seen today (Moore & Pitt, 1984).
of Tertiary units a¡ected/una¡ected by deformation). Regionally, Late Miocene-Recent exhumation, subse-
Information on the age of Tertiary deformation and quent to the deposition of the Etadunna Formation, is wit-
exhumation is restricted to analysis of the outcropping nessed by the uplift of the Sturgon Volcanics in central
Tertiary. Queensland (Coventry et al., 1985), and by uplift of the
Even in the subsurface, the Winton Formation is deeply Flinders Ranges (Callen & Tedford,1986). However, Moore
weathered in its upper part (Wopfner et al., 1974; Senior et & Pitt (1984) suggested that there is no clear evidence of
al., 1978; Williams & Moriarty, 1986), indicating that it was post-Etadunna folding of Eromanga Basin sediments.
subject to a long period of exposure, and potentially exhu- In summary, although the chronology of Late Cretac-
mation, beforeTertiary deposition. Furthermore, an angu- eous^Tertiary basin development is not well constrained,
lar unconformity of a few degrees separates the Winton uplift and deformation appears to have been multi-phase
and Eyre Formations on the crests of major anticlines or episodic throughout Late Cretaceous and Tertiary
(Sprigg, 1958; Wopfner et al., 1974). Hence, there was a per- times (Moore & Pitt, 1984; Shaw, 1991; Mavromatidis &

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373 361
A. Mavromatidis

Age (Ma)
0 23 97 112 124 132 135 141 146 155 157 178 187 209 245 252 260 269
0 7f 8g 10i 12k 15n 16o 17p
3b 5d 13l 16n 17o
4c 8f 13k
14m 17n Decompacted depth
4b 5c 6d 6e 9h 11j 18o 18p 18q to Cooper - Eromanga
14k 16m basement
5b 9g 11i
9f 16l 18n
2a 15m
16k 15l
7e 15k
2 7d 17l 17m
6b 8e 10g 10h 12j
10f 12i 13j 17k 18m
8d 13i 18l
7c 9e 11g 11h 18k
1000 3a 8c 11f
9d 14j
7b 14i
4a 8b 10e
3 12g 12h 15i
5a 9c 12f 13h 16j
10d 13f 13g
16i 15j
4 9b
10c 11e 1. Tertiary Unnamed
Sediment thickness (m)

5 11d 17j
6a 14g 14h 17i
10b 12e
14f 2. Winton Formation
11c 13e 18i 18j
12d 16g 16h 3. Mackunda Formation
11b 13d 16f 15g 15h
7a 12c 15f 4. Allaru Mudstone
8a 12b 13c 14e 17g 17h
17f 5. Toolebuc Formation
7 14d
2000 9a 16e 18g 18h 6. Wallumbilla Formation
8 18f
14c 16d 15e 7. Cadna-owie Formation
9 10a 14b 15d
16c 17e 8. Murta Member
10 11a 17d 18e
9. Namur Sandstone Member
15b 17c
11 12a
17b 18c
10. Birkhead Formation
12 18b
11. Hutton Sandstone
12. Basal Jurassic
13. Cuddapan Formation
3000 16a 14. Nappamerri Group
605m 15. Toolachee Formation
15 17a
16 16. Murteree Shale
17 18a
17. Patchawarra Formation
3500 153m
18. Tirrawarra Sandstone

Fig. 8. Progressive decompaction of the Cooper^Eromanga sequence in well Beanbush-1.

Hillis, 2005). Given that such Tertiary sequences as are from the porosity (hence, associated volume) increase in-
preserved are relatively thin and separated by marked un- dicated by the porosity/depth relationship as the rock unit
conformities/weathered surfaces, it is suggested that exhu- is raised from its maximum burial depth to the surface.
mation and/or no sedimentation rather than To illustrate the technique of sediment decompaction,
sedimentation dominated the Tertiary, and that in ex- the decompacted depth to the base Permian in the Bean-
humed areas, maximum burial depth was attained in Late bush-1 well is calculated by removing and decompacting
Cretaceous times. the overlying sediment sequence unit by unit (Fig. 8).The
top unit (1), from which there are no well returns, is re-
moved ¢rst and the underlying units are decompacted, in-
creasing in thickness.
BURIAL /EXHUMATION HISTORY The thickness increase of underlying units counteracts
the removal of the top 240 m of sediments; hence, the de-
Sediment decompaction crease in decompacted depth to ‘basement’ from the pre-
In order to re- create burial/exhumation history through sent to the end of the Miocene, with removal of the
time, the preserved rock record must be decompacted. Se- topmost 240 m, is only 150 m. The Cenomanian Winton
dimentary rock decompaction aims to restore the original Formation is removed next: its thickness has increased
depositional thickness of now-buried and compacted stra- from 910 m (2) to 950 m (2a) due to the removal of the top
tigraphic units and thus re- create burial history (e.g. Scla- unit; however, the decompaction of the underlying sedi-
ter & Christie, 1980; Falvey & Deighton, 1982). To restore ments as the 950 m of Winton Formation is removed
the original thickness of a stratigraphic unit, its normal means that the decrease in decompacted depth to base-
porosity/depth relationship and maximum burial depth ment is only 600 m. This continues until approximately
must be determined. Restored thicknesses are calculated the middle of the sequence where the decompaction of

362 r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373
Burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins

Table 2. Relationships between porosity and interval transit time for the units to be backstripped in the Cooper^Eromanga Basins

Lithology Stratigraphic unit Interval transit time^porosity equation

Hutton sandstone f 5 1  (55.5/Dt)1/1.6
Bulldog Shale/Wallumbilla Formation, f 5 (1/1.57)([Dt  59]/[189  59])
Roseneath Shale, Murteree Shale
Sandy Shale
80% shale^20% Allaru Mudstone/Oodnadatta Formation f 5 0.8(1/1.57)([Dt  59]/[189  59])10.2(1  (55.5/Dt)1/1.6)
70% shale^30% Winton Formation, Cadna- owie Formation, f 5 0.7(1/1.57)([Dt  59]/[189  59])10.3(1  (55.5/Dt)1/1.6)
sandstone Birkhead Formation, Nappamerri Group
65% shale^35% Patchawarra Formation f 5 0.65(1/1.57)([Dt  59]/[189  59])10.35(1  (55.5/Dt)1/1.6)
60% shale^40% Mackunda Formation, f 5 0.6(1/1.57)([Dt  59]/[189  59])10.4(1  (55.5/Dt)1/1.6)
sandstone Toolachee Formation

the unit being removed becomes greater than the decom-

paction of the underlying units due to its removal, and de- f ¼ ð1=1:57Þð½Dt  59=½189  59Þ ð1Þ
compacted depths to ‘basement’ change by more than the
present-day thickness of the unit being backstripped. De-
Dtma 1=x
compacting a sediment sequence hence predicts more ra- f¼1 ð2Þ
pid early and slower later subsidence than present well Dt
thicknesses. An important assumption is that levels be- where Dtma (m s ft  1) 5 55.5 and x 5 1.6 (Raiga-Clemen-
neath compaction basement are fully compacted before ceau et al., 1988).
the onset of sedimentation and do not compact further Most of the stratigraphic units are combinations of the
during subsequent deposition. above lithologies; the above equations were modi¢ed ac-
Several algorithms for decompaction have been pro - cording to the approximate fraction of the lithology in
posed based on the rate of reduction of porosity with each unit. The relationships applied are summarized in
depth and conservation of the solid volume of sediments Table 2 and Fig. 9.
(Athy, 1930; Perrier & Quiblier, 1974; Sclater & Christie, Sclater & Christie’s (1980) method is based on Athy’s
1980; Baldwin & Butler, 1985). Among these algorithms, (1930) equation relating porosity (f) to depth (z):
Perrier & Quiblier’s (1974) and Sclater & Christie’s (1980)
are the most acceptable (Liu & Roaldset, 1994). In this fz ¼ fo ecz ð3Þ
study, Sclater & Christie’s (1980) algorithm, as incorpo -
where fz and fo are porosity at depth z and surface por-
rated in the BasinModt software, was used. It has been
osity, respectively, and c is the exponential factor to allow
used in this study with porosity^depth parameters derived
for the varying compressibilities of di¡erent lithologies.
from the Cooper^Eromanga Basins as discussed in the
Rubey & Hubbert’ (1959) equation has been ¢tted to the
next section.
least compacted porosity^depth points for each unit (Fig.
10). Surface porosities have been taken from the literature.
Sclater & Christie’s (1980) suggested 63% for shales,
Porosity^depth relations and sediment whereas Pryor (1973) showed that sandstone surface poros-
decompaction in the Cooper^Eromanga ity is facies dependent and a simple average of these facies,
Basins which is 46%, was taken to represent the varied sandstone
facies of the Cooper^Eromanga Basins. Sediment grain
In order to decompact sedimentary rocks in exhumed
densities were taken from Sclater & Christie’s (1980), and
wells, their undisturbed porosity^depth trend and the
these are 2.72 and 2.65 g cm  3 for shales and sandstones,
amount of exhumation must be known. Like the normal
respectively. The surface porosity and density values were
velocity^depth trend used to estimate exhumation, the
assigned according to the fraction of each lithology in each
normal porosity^depth trend is de¢ned by the wells that
unit. Table 3 summarizes the porosity^depth values used
are the least compacted (highest porosity) for their burial
in sediment decompaction.
depth. In order to determine porosity^depth trends, the
sonic log values of 204 wells were converted to porosity va-
Discussion of burial/exhumation histories
lues using Hansen’s (1996) equation for shales (Eqn. (1))
and Raiga-Clemenceau et al.’s (1988) equation for sand- Considering the relative signi¢cance of the major periods
stones (Eqn. (2)): of exhumation in the Cooper/Eromanga Basins, three

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373 363
A. Mavromatidis

75 estimates of exhumation. In 19 wells, the mean

exhumation yielded from compaction analysis of the
60 Cooper Basin units is less than the mean value yielded
from the Eromanga Basin units. In these wells there is no
Porosity (%)

45 evidence, from compaction analysis, of exhumation in

Sandy shale (a)
LateTriassic^Early Jurassic times. However, in the absence
30 Sandy shale (b) of major lateral tectonic movement, the Cooper Basin
Sandy shale (c) units must have been subjected to the same magnitude of
Sandy shale (d)
Late Cretaceous^Tertiary exhumation as the Eromanga
Sandstone Basin units. Thus, the wells in which exhumation indi-
0 cated by the compaction of the Cooper Basin units is
50 100 150 200 less than the mean value indicated by the Eromanga
Interval transit time (µs / ft) Basin units give an indication of the error associated with
Fig. 9. Interval transit time (Dt)/porosity relationships. the method.
Sandstone interval transit time/porosity relationship is after Figure 12a illustrates the burial/exhumation history for
Raiga-Clemenceau et al. (1988) and was used to convert sonic log several wells where the Cooper Basin sequence attained
based Dt to porosity in the Hutton Sandstone. The shale interval maximum burial depth before the deposition of the Ero -
transit time (Dt)/porosity relationship is after Hansen (1996) and manga Basin sequence. As LateTriassic^Early Jurassic ex-
was used to convert sonic log-based Dt to porosity in the Bulldog humation was of greater magnitude than subsequent
Shale/Wallumbilla Formation, Roseneath and Murteree Shales. burial during development of the Eromanga Basin, the
Sandy shale interval transit time (Dt)/porosity relationships are pre- exhumation (Cooper Basin) units would not have
combinations of a: (a) 80% shale and 20% sandstone relations
compacted during deposition of the Eromanga Basin se-
suitable for the Allaru Mudstone/Oodnadatta Formation, (b)
70% shale and 30% sandstone relations suitable for the Winton
quence. Hence, the Cooper Basin sequence acts as a com-
Formation, Cadna- owie Formation, Birkhead Formation, and paction basement during decompaction of the Eromanga
Nappamerri Group, (c) 65% shale and 35% sandstone relations Basin units, i.e. all horizons in the Cooper Basin would
suitable for the Patchawarra Formation and (d) 60% shale and have followed a burial/exhumation path parallel to that il-
40% sandstone relations suitable for the Mackunda and lustrated for the base Permian. In practice, Cooper Basin
Toolachee Formations. units were decompacted as a separate sequence, with the
addition of 2700 m of sediments inferred to have been re-
moved during Late Triassic^Early Jurassic exhumation.
These wells also exhibit signi¢cant Late Cretaceous^Ter-
broad types of burial/exhumation histories can be distin- tiary exhumation. The incorporation of the Late Cretac-
guished (Fig. 11): eous^Tertiary exhumation into the burial histories of
these wells signi¢cantly increases maximum burial depth
 maximum burial depth of the Cooper Basin sequence
of the Eromanga Basin sequence from that observed at
attained before the deposition of the Eromanga Basin
the present day. Consequently, the Eromanga Basin de-
sequence, i.e. LateTriassic^Early Jurassic exhumation
compacts considerably more when allowance is made for
was of greater magnitude than subsequent burial dur-
Late Cretaceous^Tertiary exhumation.
ing development of the Eromanga Basin;
Figure 12b illustrates the burial/exhumation history for
 maximum burial depth of the Cooper and Eromanga
wells where maximum burial depth was attained in Late
Basin sequences attained in Late Cretaceous times,
Cretaceous times. All that can be said with con¢dence
beforeTertiary exhumation; and
about any LateTriassic^Early Jurassic exhumation in such
 currently at maximum burial depth.
wells is that it was of lesser magnitude than subsequent
There are relatively few wells where the stratigraphic units burial during the deposition of the Eromanga Basin. Given
analysed lie on or close to the normal velocity/depth com- that many wells in the Cooper^Eromanga Basin show ma-
paction trends in the Eromanga Basin (Fig. 4 in Mavroma- jor exhumation at this time, and that there is a regional an-
tidis & Hillis, 2005) and three wells in this study. Hence, it gular unconformity between the Cooper and Eromanga
is inferred that few wells are currently at maximum burial Basins, it seems unlikely that these wells were not subject
depth. In the vast majority of wells (133 of those analysed), to any exhumation at this time. Figure 12b shows a dotted
the mean exhumation yielded from compaction analysis of line, which indicates the maximum possible burial and
the Cooper Basin units is greater than the mean value subsequent exhumation during LateTriassic^Early Juras-
yielded from the Eromanga Basin units. As discussed pre- sic times in these wells.The true amount of burial and ex-
viously in the Cooper vs. Eromanga Basin apparent exhu- humation at this time may have been anywhere between
mation Section, in these wells it is inferred that the Cooper none and that indicated by the dotted line. Given the mag-
Basin sequence attained maximum burial depth before the nitude of exhumation in other wells and the regional an-
deposition of the Eromanga Basin sequence. However, it gular unconformity, the author believes that it is closer to
should be mentioned that in many cases, the di¡erence is the latter than the former. In these wells, the e¡ect on de-
less than the sum of the probable error bounds on the two compaction of incorporating Late Cretaceous^Tertiary ex-

364 r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373
Burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins

(a) (b) (i) (j)

(c) (d) (k) (l)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Fig. 10. Porosity/mid-point depth plots for units

backstripped in the Cooper^Eromanga Basins (a) the
Winton Formation, (b) the Mackunda Formation, (c) the
Allaru Mudstone/Oodnadatta Formation, (d) the Bulldog
Shale/Wallumbilla Formation, (e) the Cadna- owie
Formation, (f) the Birkhead Formation, (g) the Hutton
Sandstone, (h) the Nappamerri Group, (i) theToolachee
Formation, (j) the Roseneath Shale, (k) the Murteree Shale
and (l) the Patchawarra Formation.

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373 365
A. Mavromatidis

Table 3. Porosity^depth parameters and sediment grain (matrix) tory and palaeogeothermal gradients or palaeo -heat£ow/
densities used in sediment decompaction thermal conductivity (e.g. Falvey & Deighton, 1982). To as-
sess the in£uence of LateTriassic^Early Jurassic on source
fo c rma
rock maturity, vitrinite re£ectance levels have been mod-
Unit (%) (km  1) (g cm  3)
elled in Jackson South-1. The palaeogeothermal gradients
Eromanga Basin used in modelling were adopted from the Mavromatidis &
Winton Formation 58 0.45 2.69 Hillis (2005) vitrinite re£ectance study and are as follows:
Mackunda Formation 56 0.52 2.69 during deposition of the Cooper Basin section (i.e. 286^
Allaru Mudstone/Oodnadatta 60 0.55 2.70 193 Ma) a 49 1C km  1, during deposition of the Eromanga
Formation Basin section (i.e. from 193 to 0 Ma) a 34 1C km  1 was used
Bulldog Shale/Wallumbilla 63 0.60 2.72
from 193 to 91 Ma and a 55 1C km  1 from 91 Ma to present
day. Source rock maturity has been modelled (in terms of
Cadna- owie Formation 58 0.57 2.69
Birkhead Formation 58 0.61 2.69 vitrinite re£ectance) both with and without considering
Hutton sandstone 46 0.40 2.65 exhumation in Late Cretaceous^Tertiary times (Mavro -
Cooper Basin matidis & Hillis, 2005), and in this study considering ex-
Nappamerri Group 58 0.70 2.69 humation in Late Triassic^Early Jurassic and Late
Toolachee Formation 56 0.60 2.69 Cretaceous^Tertiary times (Figs 13a^ c).
Roseneath Shale and 63 0.80 2.72 Modelling was undertaken using the BasinModt soft-
Murteree Shale ware in which vitrinite re£ectance is calculated using the
Patchawarra Formation 57 0.57 2.69 kinetics of Sweeney & Burnham (1990). All burial/
exhumation histories were decompacted using the metho -
dology of Sclater & Christie (1980) with the decompaction
parameters de¢ned in this study. Ages were taken from
humation is more readily apparent than it is in the wells il- the operators’ composite logs and geochronologically
lustrated in Fig.12a, because the Cooper Basin sequence is calibrated after the time scale of Harland et al. (1989). The
not acting as a compaction basement during decompac- apparent exhumation values (in metres) in Late Cretac-
tion of the Eromanga Basin units. eous^Tertiary times were adopted from Mavromatidis &
Figure 12c illustrates the burial/exhumation history for Hillis (2005), and for the Late Triassic^Early Jurassic the
a well believed to currently be at maximum burial depth. value of 800 m was used (Fig. 4). The major potential
There are only three such wells in this study. There is source rocks for liquid hydrocarbon generation are the
no evidence, from compaction trends, of exhumation Patchawarra and Toolachee Formations in the Cooper
either in Late Triassic^Jurassic or Late Cretaceous^ Basin (Jenkins, 1989), and the Basal Jurassic (Hawkins
Tertiary times in these wells. Indeed, these are the wells et al., 1989), Birkhead Formation (Jenkins, 1989) and
that were used as reference wells in the compaction plots, Murta Member (Michaelsen & McKirdy, 1989) in the
i.e. wells de¢ning the normal compaction relation. It is, of Eromanga Basin.
course, possible that these wells are above maximum bur- In modelling, without allowance for burial/exhumation,
ial depth and that the amount of exhumation inferred in the Patchawarra Formation reaches a vitrinite re£ectance
all wells is reduced from the true amount by the amount level of 0.5% RO, equivalent to early maturity for oil gen-
of exhumation to which these reference wells were eration during Late Cretaceous times and the rest of the
subjected. However, comparison of normal compaction source rocks during Tertiary times.Without allowance for
trends in this study with those published worldwide exhumation, no source rocks reach mid maturity (0.7^
(e.g. Fig. 2b), suggests that if such is the case, the amount 1.0% RO) (Fig. 13a). However, with the incorporation of
of exhumation is not signi¢cant. Exhumation is seen in Late Cretaceous^Tertiary exhumation, all source rocks
wells in close proximity to the reference wells, both during reach a vitrinite re£ectance of 0.5% RO, during Late Cre-
Late Triassic^Early Jurassic and during Late Cretaceous^ taceous times, and the Patchawarra Formation reaches a
Tertiary times. Hence, it is considered likely that the vitrinite re£ectance of 0.7% RO, equivalent to mid matur-
reference wells were exhumed at these times, but by a ity for oil generation duringTertiary times (Fig.13b).When
smaller amount than subsequent burial. The dotted lines maturation modelling incorporates Late Triassic^Early
in Fig. 12c indicate the minimum (zero) and maximum Jurassic exhumation, the Patchawarra and Toolachee For-
amount of exhumation to which these wells may have mations pass through early oil generation during Mid
been subjected. Triassic times and the Patchawarra Formation reaches
mid maturity during LateTriassic times (Fig.13c). Consid-
ering Late Triassic^Early Jurassic exhumation, the Toola-
chee Formation reaches mid mature oil generation at
around the Late Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Incorpor-
SOURCE ROCK MATURITY ating Late Triassic^Early Jurassic and Late Cretaceous^
The source rock thermal history required to model ob- Tertiary exhumation into maturation modelling is
served maturity is generally determined from burial his- consistent with the sourcing of the oil ¢elds of the

366 r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373
Burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins


Cooper Basin Unconformity Eromanga Basin Unconformity



Cooper Basin Unconformity Eromanga Basin Unconformity

Cooper Basin Unconformity Eromanga Basin Unconformity

?? ?

Fig. 11. Types of burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins. In type (a), the burial/exhumation event in the Cooper
Basin unconformity is not apparent, in type (b), the well is at maximum burial depth and no previous burial/exhumation events are
apparent, and in type (c), the well is at maximum burial depth and no previous burial/exhumation events are apparent.

Jackson^Naccowlah area, in southwestern Queensland, DISCUSSION

from the above source rocks (Vincent et al., 1985). It is worth noting that in Jackson-1, the excess of Late
In summary, the combination of any given palaeo - Triassic^Early Jurassic exhumation over subsequent bur-
geothermal gradients with a burial history plot for a ial is relatively small, and greater maturities are attained
potential hydrocarbon source that allows for exhumation by Cooper Basin source rocks in Tertiary times than were
indicates earlier and higher levels of organic maturity attained in Late Triassic^Early Jurassic times. Hence, hy-
than the same palaeogeothermal gradients combined drocarbons generated by Cooper Basin source rocks could
with a burial history plot that does not allow for have charged reservoirs in these areas in Tertiary times.
exhumation. This is more discernible when Late Where the excess of LateTriassic^Early Jurassic exhuma-
Triassic^Early Jurassic exhumation is incorporated into tion over subsequent burial is relatively small:
maturation modelling. Thus, estimates of exhumation,
such as those presented, should be incorporated into  Cooper Basin- sourced oils could have directly charged
maturation modelling of wells not at their maximum Eromanga Basin
burial depth.  reservoirs, and

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373 367
A. Mavromatidis

 Cooper Basin reservoirs may have been charged with However, where the excess of Late Triassic^Early Jurassic
Cooper Basin- sourced oils in LateTertiary times, and exhumation over subsequent burial is large (in excess of at
such oils need not have been preserved in reservoirs least 400 m), it is considered unlikely that Cooper Basin
since LateTriassic^Early Jurassic times. sources could have ¢lled Eromanga Basin reservoirs.
Indeed, geochemical work by Michaelsen & McKirdy
(a) 0 (1989) has suggested that Eromanga Basin- sourced oils
Battunga-1 form a signi¢cant component of Eromanga Basin-reser-
voired oils. There are not yet su⁄cient geochemical data
to compare geochemically based determinations of source
1000 rockwith the exhumation values determined herein. How-
ever, in the future, it may be possible to investigate whether
Depth (m BGL)

areas where Cooper Basin sources are currently at maxi-

2000 mum maturity based on exhumation values coincide with
areas where Cooper Basin- sourced oils dominate, and
whether areas where Cooper Basin sources have not re-at-
tained maturity levels attained in Late Triassic^Early Jur-
assic are dominated by Eromanga Basin- sourced oils.

300 200 100 0
Age (Ma)
The aim of this study was to determine the amount of ex-
(b) 0 humation in the Cooper Basin, reconstruct the burial/ex-
Ullenbury-1 humation histories of the Cooper^Eromanga Basins and

Fig. 12. (a) Burial/exhumation history for the base Permian in the
Depth (m BGL)

Battunga-1 well.The dashed line indicates the preserved

stratigraphy.The long dash-dotted line indicates preserved
stratigraphy corrected for compaction.The black line indicates
the decompacted burial/exhumation history of the base Permian
allowing for LateTriassic^Early Jurassic and Late Cretaceous^
3000 Tertiary exhumation. Note that because the Cooper Basin
sequence reached maximum burial depth in these wells before
the deposition of the Eromanga sequence, the Cooper Basin
sequence acts as a compaction basement during Eromanga Basin
4000 burial (i.e. all Cooper Basin units follow parallel burial histories
250 200 100 0 during Eromanga Basin burial). (b) Burial/exhumation history for
Age (Ma)
the baseTriassic in the Ullenbury-1 well.The dashed line
indicates the preserved stratigraphy.The long dash-dotted line
(c) 0 indicates preserved stratigraphy corrected for compaction.The
black line indicates the decompacted burial/exhumation history
of the baseTriassic in well Ullenbury-1 allowing for Late
Cretaceous^Tertiary exhumation.There is no evidence from the
1000 compaction method of Cooper Basin having reached maximum
burial depth before the deposition of the Eromanga Basin.The
Depth (m BGL)

dotted line indicates the maximum amount of LateTriassic^

Early Jurassic burial/exhumation that could have occurred
2000 without being witnessed by the compaction method. (c) Burial/
exhumation history for the base Permian in the Beanbush-1 well.
The dashed line indicates the preserved stratigraphy.The long
dash-dotted line indicates preserved stratigraphy corrected for
compaction.There is no evidence from the compaction method
of Cooper^Eromanga Basins having reached maximum burial
depth before the deposition of theTertiary sequence in
4000 Beanbush-1.The dotted line indicates the maximum amount of
LateTriassic - Early Jurassic and Late Cretaceous^Tertiary
300 200 100 0
burial/exhumation that could have occurred without being
Age (Ma) witnessed by the compaction method.

368 r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373
Burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins

investigate the implications of exhumation to hydrocarbon from more than 133 wells has been used. Broadly speaking,
exploration.The compaction method was applied in order exhumation increases eastwards from the Patchawarra
to achieve this aim. As porosity describes compaction Trough, through the GMI Trend and Nappamerri Trough
state, the sonic log is an appropriate indicator of compac- into Queensland, with values of approximately 800 m in
tion, and hence is appropriate for quantifying exhumation the Jackson^Naccowlah area. The other area of maximum
from compaction.The sonic log in the Nappamerri Group exhumation, which also reaches approximately 1km, lies
near the extreme NE boundary of South Australia, in the
(a) 0
vicinity of the Curalle-1 well.The region of lower exhuma-
tion between these two maximum (Windorah Trough) cor-
responds to a major depocentre that contains in excess of
400 m of Nappamerri sediments.The Patchawarra Trough
is part of another major Nappamerri depocentre of the
1000 area, and this is consistent with the interpretation that it
Depth (m BGL)

is currently at maximum burial-depth.

One of the key results is that in many cases, the Cooper
Basin (Nappamerri Group unit) exhibits more overcom-
paction than the Eromanga Basin units in the same well.
Given a  200 m error on exhumation values from indivi-
dual units, much of the excess of apparent exhumation of
the Cooper Basin over that of the Eromanga Basin is with-
in error limits. However, there are signi¢cant areas where
3000 the di¡erence is in excess of 400 m, and, perhaps even
300 200 100 0 more importantly, the map of the di¡erence between
Age (Ma)
Cooper and Eromanga Basin exhumation has a demon-
0 strable link with the structural history of the basins. The
major Troughs within the Cooper^Eromanga Basins, e.g.
Patchawarra, Arrabury and Windorah, which were depo -
centres during the development of the Cooper Basin, cor-
respond with areas where maximum burial depth was
1000 attained subsequent to the deposition of the Eromanga
Depth (m BGL)

Basin. A number of the areas where Cooper Basin exhu-

mation is signi¢cantly greater than that of the Eromanga
Basin are Permo -Triassic structural highs such as the Mur-
teree anticline, Roseneath^Wolgolla and on the Toolachee
Unfortunately, no log data are available for the units
overlying the Winton Formation; thus, it is not possible
to date exhumation beyond Late Cretaceous^Tertiary
3000 using the compaction methodology. As the Tertiary units
300 200 100 0 are relatively thin, the timing of Late Cretaceous^Tertiary
Age (Ma) deformation, which may be contemporaneous with exhu-
(c) mation, cannot be determined from seismic re£ection data
using standard techniques (i.e. interpretation of Tertiary
units a¡ected/una¡ected by deformation). Given that such
Tertiary sequences as are preserved are relatively thin and
separated by marked unconformities/weathered surfaces,
1000 it is suggested that exhumation rather and/or no sedimen-
Depth (m BGL)

tation than sedimentation dominated the Tertiary, and

Fig. 13. Burial/exhumation and maturity histories for the

2000 Jackson-1 well, (a) without allowance for exhumation, (b) with
allowance for Late Cretaceous^Tertiary exhumation (value taken
from Mavromatidis & Hillis, 2005) and (c) with allowance for Late
Cretaceous^Tertiary and LateTriassic^Early Jurassic exhumation.
Incorporation of Late Cretaceous-Tertiary exhumation increases
3000 the level of thermal maturity of a given stratigraphic level (Ptch,
300 200 100 0 Patchawarra formation; Tl, Toolachee formation; BJ, Basal
Age (Ma) Jurassic; Brh, Birkhead formation; Mm, Murta member).

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373 369
A. Mavromatidis

that in exhumed areas, maximum burial-depth was at- the Esk Trough and Moreton Basins. The compaction
tained in Late Cretaceous times. methodology could also be applied to determine Late Cre-
In the vast majority of wells, the mean exhumation taceous^Tertiary exhumation in the Surat and Moreton
yielded from compaction analysis of the Nappamerri Basins. Given the broad lithological similarity of these ba-
Group is greater than the mean value yielded from the sins to the Cooper^Eromanga Basins, normal compaction
Eromanga Basin units. In these wells, it is inferred that relations would be expected to be similar to those deter-
the Cooper Basin sequence attained maximum burial mined herein. Accurate knowledge of exhumation in the
depth before the deposition of the Eromanga Basin se- eastern part of the Australian continent will be useful for
quence. However, it should be mentioned that in many petroleum exploration in these areas to apply a regional
cases, the di¡erence is less than the sum of the probable tectonic model for the formation and evolution of the east-
error bounds on the two estimates of exhumation. In a ern part of the continent and its sedimentary basins.
few wells, the exhumation yielded from compaction analy-
sis of the Cooper Basin is less than the mean value yielded
from the Eromanga Basin units. In these wells, there is no
evidence, from compaction analysis, of exhumation in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
LateTriassic^Early Jurassic times. However, in the absence The present work has been made possible thanks to Santos
of major lateral tectonic movement, the Cooper Basin Ltd, by providing the well data and the software. I warmly
units must have been subjected to the same magnitude of thank Prof. R. Hillis University of Adelaide, Australia, for
Late Cretaceous^Tertiary exhumation as the Eromanga his critical reviews. Comments from Prof. Joe Cartwright
Basin units. Indeed, these wells are used to estimate the and constructive reviews from Prof. Jonathan Turner and
likely error bounds on the compaction methodology. Dr Peter Japsen are sincerely appreciated, and have greatly
The Permian hiatus associated with the Daralingie un- improved the manuscript.
conformity was treated as a phase of non-deposition be-
cause there is no evidence from compaction, and other
methods, of exhumation at this time. However, all meth-
ods of quantifying exhumation based on rock properties REFERENCES
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vial sandstones, Permian Cooper Basin. Aust. Petrol. Expl. Assoc. ry of propagation of elastic waves in a £uid saturated porous
J., 28, 255^265. solid. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 28, 168^191.
Sweeney, J.J. & Burnham, A.K. (1990) Evaluation of a simple
model of vitrinite re£ectance based on chemical kinetics. Am. Manuscript received 22 May 2005; Manuscript accepted 4 April
Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., 74, 1559^1570. 2006.
Appendix A

Table A1. Midpoint depth and mean interval transit time data and apparent exhumation results in Nappamerri Group.

Midpoint Midpoint
depth Mean Dt depth Mean Dt
Well (m bgl) (m s ft  1) EA (m) EA,EROM Well (m bgl) (m s ft  1) EA (m) EA,EROM

Alkina-1 2379.9 65.3 667.8 529.1 Challum-1 2162.3 66.8 794.2 388.8
Amyema-1 1824.1 74.2 689.3 366.4 Childie-1 1794.4 71.9 857.2 410.9
Andree-1 2521.2 68.0 365.9 166.9 Cooba-1 2427.6 69.1 388.3 162.9
Araburg-1 2196.0 73.5 358.0 460.9 Cook-1 2401.7 70.2 354.0 349.6
Arrakis-1 2101.7 70.4 638.3 253.1 Cook North-1 2415.5 68.6 434.3 414.9
Azolla-1 1775.3 75.8 643.8 357.0 Coonavalla-1 1920.9 68.1 957.7 678.0
Ballera-1 2148.6 65.8 868.5 437.5 Cowan-3 1992.8 72.1 649.3 294.5
Baratta-1 1921.5 68.7 920.3 429.6 Cuddapan-1 2406.7 69.8 370.8 439.2
Barrolka-1 2347.1 67.5 565.8 456.0 Curalle-1 1722.0 73.4 839.5 996.4
Baryulah-1 2128.2 69.2 686.2 366.3 Daer-1 2268.3 67.6 640.7 205.3
Battunga-1 1804.9 76.5 571.1 302.2 Daralingie-15 1941.9 73.4 622.6 428.4
Beanbush-1 2936.2 67.1 0.0 (R1) 66.7 Daralingie-23 1952.2 72.8 644.0 276.7
Belah-1 1724.3 71.8 930.1 434.3 Darter-1 2412.7 72.5 199.9 155.0
Big Lake-26 2171.1 69.4 632.0 583.2 Della-7 1877.8 69.8 896.4 708.7
Big Lake-35 2201.6 67.5 713.3 334.0 Della-10 1863.1 68.8 970.7 557.8
Boldrewood-1 1774.5 66.8 1181.9 818.6 Denley-1 2504.9 70.1 252.7 437.8
Bookabourdie-1 2498.3 67.9 390.8 201.1 Deparanie-1 2312.0 70.5 425.2 227.9
Boxwood-1 1705.9 80.1 456.3 401.4 Doonmulla-1 2466.9 66.9 482.4 356.5
Brolga-2 2527.8 69.4 273.5 260.2 Dullingari-3 2033.6 71.6 635.2 513.6

372 r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373
Burial/exhumation histories for the Cooper^Eromanga Basins

Table A1. (Continued)

Midpoint Midpoint
depth Mean Dt depth Mean Dt
Well (m bgl) (m s ft  1) EA (m) EA,EROM Well (m bgl) (m s ft  1) EA (m) EA,EROM

Bungee-1 1844.7 75.3 603.8 277.9 Dullingari North-1 2022.5 69.7 759.3 528.1
Burley-2 2470.3 66.9 482.7 385.3 Durham Downs-1 2309.2 68.2 561.4 584.5
Carney-1 1806.6 72.5 811.2 485.5 Fly Lake-1 2477.4 69.0 347.0 142.9
Fly Lake-4 2506.2 69.9 263.1 304.8 Lake Mcmillan-1 2673.6 68.3 192.3 125.1
Garanjanie-2 1753.1 77.1 590.4 266.0 Macadama-1 2412.1 67.2 522.1 335.9
Gidgealpa-42 2072.0 74.7 414.9 266.1 Mackillop-1 2400.6 67.3 524.1 446.2
Gooranie-1 2425.9 68.1 455.2 204.6 Marabooka-2 1890.5 69.6 898.7 401.2
Gooranie-2 2462.5 68.4 397.2 245.4 Marengo -1 2737.2 65.3 310.6 353.8
Hammond-1 2527.1 66.0 475.6 398.4 Marsilea-1 1864.4 73.9 665.0 408.2
Hooley-1 1533.4 70.8 1185.8 757.3 Mawson-1 2195.5 69.5 597.2 214.9
Hume-1 1816.3 67.6 1089.0 449.6 Mcleod-1 2422.1 66.6 546.6 517.3
Ingella-1 2457.9 68.0 426.0 501.3 Meeba-1 2384.1 68.8 451.8 438.1
Innamincka-3 1818.3 69.3 990.6 666.5 Meranji-1 2333.1 69.9 436.1 209.8
Innamincka-4 1926.3 67.7 975.9 666.2 Merrimelia-7 2165.1 73.0 420.4 227.6
Jack Lake-2 2374.9 69.8 403.8 137.1 Merrimelia-25 2199.4 72.0 446.0 349.5
James-1 2339.5 67.6 565.8 371.2 Minkie-1 2221.2 70.2 529.5 295.0
Karmona-2 2079.5 68.8 755.4 446.6 Moolion-1 2621.9 67.5 289.4 179.2
Keeto -2 1809.3 76.4 574.7 332.8 Moomba-27 2353.5 70.4 389.8 335.1
Keilor-1 2243.6 68.7 598.0 425.3 Moomba-57 2264.6 68.3 599.1 324.3
Kenny-1 2628.4 66.0 377.5 241.3 Moomba North-1 2328.1 68.3 535.4 345.5
Kercummurra-1 1645.6 69.0 1181.6 802.0 Moomba South-1 2256.6 68.7 587.3 449.5
Kerna-5 1972.7 72.3 654.6 337.7 Moorari-4 2541.0 68.8 296.3 199.7
Kirby-1 2452.9 67.5 462.8 373.0 Morney-1 1818.4 72.5 797.7 823.7
Kirby-2 2411.7 67.1 529.0 415.0 Mudera-3 1947.1 68.9 881.1 452.7
Kurunda-1 2177.9 70.8 537.8 246.1 Munkah-2 2009.2 68.3 855.7 435.1
Naccowlah East-1 1851.1 78.6 398.8 414.5 Tinchoo -1 2461.9 66.4 517.9 407.8
Naccowlah South-1 1796.5 75.6 636.7 458.2 Tirrawarra-13 2455.8 68.9 371.8 306.0
Navalla-1 1707.5 67.3 1216.2 971.8 Tirrawarra-15 2446.8 69.6 341.1 279.2
Nulla-1 2311.5 70.3 438.2 229.8 Tirrawarra-26 2470.9 69.1 344.9 349.0
Okotoko -1 1986.1 68.1 892.5 516.9 Tirrawarra North-1 2535.3 69.0 288.2 185.3
Packsaddle-4 2032.6 69.1 786.1 457.4 Tirrawarra West-1 2496.0 68.4 361.9 168.7
Paning-1 2606.3 67.9 282.5 253.3 Toby-1 1973.7 66.6 995.6 805.6
Pepita-2 2089.4 67.1 845.9 430.9 Toolachee-9 1823.9 72.1 817.0 445.3
Pondrinie-5 2095.8 69.9 676.8 352.8 Toolachee-21 1848.2 73.6 704.1 396.9
Potiron-1 2073.5 63.8 1061.1 686.6 Toolachee-39 1829.7 73.8 711.1 436.7
Russel-1 2619.5 67.0 323.8 337.4 Turban-1 2127.2 70.3 622.3 457.0
Snake Hole-1 2250.5 73.0 336.6 186.9 Ullenbury-1 2452.5 70.0 310.1 453.0
Spectre-1 2561.4 69.2 253.2 146.2 Wackett-3 1801.2 71.6 870.4 482.8
Steward-1 2099.8 81.1 0.0 (R1) 513.7 Wantana-2 2413.9 66.5 561.8 306.2
Strzelecki-10 1848.8 71.1 849.8 434.2 Wareena-1 1681.2 68.5 1172.2 871.2
Swan Lake-1 2409.3 67.4 509.4 351.1 Warnie East-1 1857.8 71.3 830.8 541.5
Tanbar-1 2636.3 66.3 346.7 388.8 Wicho -1 2491.6 69.2 320.0 360.5
Tanbar North-1 2575.9 67.1 360.0 625.2 Wimma-1 2889.2 67.9 0.0 (R1) 33.8
Tartulla-1 2204.8 68.9 625.0 505.8 Wippo -2 2079.3 69.8 696.7 441.1
Three Queens-1 2089.9 68.4 772.4 476.7 Witchetty-1 1816.8 71.6 850.0 418.5
Thurakinna-5 1929.2 71.3 760.2 287.6 Yanbee-1 2420.9 68.7 419.3 355.3
Thurra-1 1839.9 75.7 586.4 473.8 Yanda-2 2059.0 68.0 824.4 382.0
Yumba-1 2003.3 68.7 840.8 412.3

The mean apparent exhumation from Eromanga Basin was adopted from the Mavromatidis & Hillis (2005) study.
m bgl, metres below ground level; Dt, interval transit time; EA, apparent exhumation derived from Nappamerri Group; EA,EROM, mean apparent exhu-
mation of the Eromanga Basin units; R1 , reference well, i.e. well used to de¢ne normal compaction relationship.

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 351^373 373

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