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Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 2, No.

4, pp 36-39, 2004
Copyright © 2004 Trakia University
Available online at:
ISSN 1312-1723

Original Contribution

Valentina Sharlanova*

Department of Information and Qualification of Teachers,

Trakia University, 9 Armejska Str., Stara Zagora 6010, Bulgaria

The Experiential Learning theory and the Kolb’s learning cycle are some of the most widely known
modern educational theories. They take an important place at the formulation of the modernisation of
the Bulgarian education – in the movement from traditional to person-oriented educational process.
The purpose of this article is to show the opportunities of these concepts. The implementation of
Kolb’s cycle, as well as its advantages, difficulties, and methods are discussed.

Key words: person-oriented educational process, teaching and learning, Experiential Learning
theory, Kolb’s learning cycle

INTRODUCTION alternative approaches and to become more

flexible in different learning situations.
Kolb’s Experiential Learning theory is one of
Teachers also need to realise their own
the most popular and most frequently cited
learning style as a basis for development of
educational theories (8, 9). It takes an
effective teaching and study strategies.
important place at the formulation of the
Studying can suffer if there is an underlined
modernisation of the Bulgarian education (10,
discrepancy between the style of the students
11) Fruitful work on Experiential Learning
and the style of the teacher.

was published in 1984. Since then, Kolb has

Kolb’s theory is affirmed as a learning
had a rising influence on teachers and trainers,
theory that confirms all main aspects of active
especially among those whose students are
learning (1). It provides theoretical argument
above 16 years. Kolb is one of the most
of independent learning, learning by doing,
influential researchers in his field because he
work-based learning, and problem-based
provides a solid theoretical base that is absent
learning. The theory has a vast range of
in the work of many other authors. According
application, including helping students realise
to Kolb (1984)(9), “Learning is a process, in
themselves, helping teachers become reflexive
which knowledge is created through
teachers, identifying learning styles of
transformation of experience.” His theories
students, and development of key teacher’s
present a way of constructing and alternation
skills. It also helps in development of group
in the course of study, and provide concrete
project work and deciding how information
understanding of how a class or a whole
and communication technologies can aid the
course of study can be taught in order to have
process of learning. The advantages of Kolb’s
better learning by the students.
theory can be summarised in the following
The Experiential Learning theory
way (6):
involves studying in four phases connected
with doing, sensing, observing, reflecting, • Provides ready directions for application.
thinking and planning. An important • Gives directions for the necessary range of
characteristic of the theories is that different education methods.
phases are connected with particular learning • Provides effective connection between
styles. People differ in their own learning theory and practice. Offers a theoretical
styles. Accepting this is an important premise argument of things that many teachers
that enables the students to realise the possible apply and need advice on how to improve
their practice.
∗ • Clearly formulates the importance of
Correspondence to: 22V Ivan Pashinov Str., Stara
students to reflect and the importance of
Zagora 6014, Bulgaria; phone # 359-42-78288, E-
36 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2004
providing feedback in order to stimulate the learning process, but his emphasis on
their studying. reflection definitely puts him in the group of
• Helps to rationalise the way of combining learning based on experience. Boreham
learning styles so that learning can become (1987) (2) says that “the concept of
more effective. experiential learning really means learning by
• Without any effort, can be used in all reflection on the experience”. Without
subject areas. reflection on experience, students are in
• Can be used by an individual, by teams, or danger to continue to make the same mistakes
by whole organisations. over and over again.
• Can be used in a particular lesson, session, The essence of Kolb’s model is just a
or long course of study. description of the learning process, which is
pictured as a cycle made of four phases. In the
model it is shown how experience is
transformed through reflection in ideas and
In his research David Kolb uses works by concepts, which in turn are used for active
John Dewey and Kurt Levin (8, 9). Kolb, experimenting and choice for new experience.
according to Zuber-Skerritt, creates “a broad Kolb connects with those four phases the
theory that provides the basis of education Concrete Experience (CE) -doing, Reflexive
approach and learning as a process of lifelong Observation (RO) - observing, Abstract
learning; a process that is based on the Conceptualising (АC) – thinking, and Active
intellectual traditions of the philosophy, the Experimenting (АE) – planning. They follow
cognitive and social psychology” (14). Kolb’s one after another in a cycle (Fig. 1).
model can be used as a general description of

Figure 1:

Concrete Experience – the student is an active participant

Reflexive Observation – the student consciously reflexes on experience
Abstract Conceptualising – the student tries to conceptualise theory or model of what
he has observed
Active Experimenting – the student tries to plan how to test the model, or the theory,
or the plan for the forthcoming experience

The cycle can be entered at any point, but the just does the task. During that time, they do
phases must be followed consecutively. In not reflect on it but have intention to reflect
that way the learning cycle provides feedback on it.
that is the base of a new action and evaluating
Second phase. Reflexive observing.
the consequences of the action. The students
must pass through the cycle a couple of times. The reflection includes returning to the
Then it can be called a spiral of cycle. Kolb beginning point of the task and review what is
briefly conceptualises the process of research done and tried. Listening skills, paying
as “a spiral of action and examinations attention, distinguishing the differences, and
consisting of four general moments: plan, applying ideas help finding results and
action, observation, and reflection” (15). The sharing them with the others. Adjustments,
description of all the learning cycle phases is: values, and beliefs influence on the definition
of particular results. The vocabulary is
First phase. Concrete Experience /trying or
important for the verbalising and discussing
involving in “doing”.
the perceiving and comprehending of the
The individual, the team, or the organisation experience.
Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2004 37
Third phase. Abstract conceptualising. two basic measurements of the learning
process, corresponding to the two basic ways,
The conceptualising includes interpretation of
which people use to learn. The first is how to
the marked results and understanding the
perceive or comprehend new
connections between them. Theory can be
information/experience. The second – how to
useful as a base of shaping and explaining the
manipulate and transform what has been
results. In that phase the adjustments, values,
perceived (12).
and beliefs also have influence on the
Generally the learning cycle must be used
interpretation of the results. During the critical
reflection questions are asked from the
perspective of the previous experience, while • During the initial defining of the problem
during the phase of conceptualising an attempt in order to find out if the previous
to find answers is done. Generalisation and experience might suggest a method;
conclusions are made; hypotheses for • During the natural interruption of the task
experience are formed. About the abstract as well as in the end of a meeting or
conceptualising, Kolb says, “In that phase working day;
learning involves more logic and ideas than • When the advancement obviously goes
feelings of understanding the problems or the well or badly.
situations. It is typical to follow systematic The model can be used by teams (there again):
planning and development of theories and • Concrete Experience (doing) – the team
ideas for solving problems.” members are involved in a task and in a
Fourth phase. Active experimenting relationship;
(planning). • Reflection – the team members use open
The planning (active experimenting) reflection, a dialogue for sharing the
gives an opportunity to master the new perception and how they interact. They
understanding and its carrying to predicting evaluate the facilitated and not facilitated
which is likely to happen later, or what other processes in the team;
actions must be taken for improving the way • Interpretation – the team develops a
that we treat the task. About the active common culture through building the
experimenting, Kolb thinks, “Learning during shared significance of the events;
that phase has an active form – experimenting, • Planning – the team is engaged in common
influence or change of the situation. You have planning, solution, and expression of an
to have a practical approach and to be agreement for action.
interested in what is actually working…” The abundant supply of practical methods for
As the name hints, the Experiential Learning completing each of the phases of the learning
theory affirms the significance of experience. cycle increases the learning effectiveness (6):
But apart from that, it is extremely important • For the experience planning are suitable;
for the students to pass through all four phases planning of actions; defining the goals;
of the cycle, and to have effective connections planning of experiments; a list of
between each of these phases. The model is everything that will be observed; defining
critical to action where students make a small criteria; educational agreements;
preparation for experience and/or do not • For increasing the realisation of the
reflect effectively on experience, or do not experience – diaries, questions, increasing
connect it with the corresponding theoretical the understanding of the feelings, silent
aspects (7). demonstration;
Defining the correct tempo of learning • For returning the experience back and
cycle is very valuable. If somebody waits for reflection on it – diaries, using audio and
a task to be completed, and then to reflect, he video records, mutual evaluation,
will not be able to improve it until a similar structured discussions, structured briefing,
task reoccurs. For instance, if a student does self-evaluation, mutual interview, a list of
only one test at the end of the semester, he everything, on which will be reflected,
will not be able to change his learning style reflection after a pattern;
and to improve his results. On the other hand, • For providing a replacing experience –
long reflection means spending more time in studying of cases, games, simulations, role
thinking instead of doing, i.e. bringing the games, evaluation through replacing
task to an end. Therefore, the time for the experience.
learning cycle phases must be balanced.
Two fundamental axes are connected CONCLUSION
with the learning cycle: abstract – concrete,
and active – reflexive. These axes reflect the “Learning is a process as well as an outcome.”
38 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2004
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