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Day / Date : Wednesday, 30th July 2019

Subject : Physics
Lesson : Waves
Assessment Aspect : Kognitif
Level : 10 IPA
Academic Year : 2019 – 2020

Name : ...................................................... Note: recorded in national report

Total: 24 points

1. l

2. l

3. A metal sphere of radius r is dropped into a tank of water. As it sinks at speed v, it experiences a
drag force F given by F = krv, where k is a constant.

4. Which row shows a base quantity with its correct SI unit?

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5. The frictional force F on a sphere falling through a fluid is given by the formula

6. What is the component of this displacement vector in the direction XY?

7. The drag force F acting on a moving sphere obeys an equation of the form F = kAv 2, where A
represents the sphere’s frontal area and v represents its speed.

8. The table contains some quantities, together with their symbols and units.

9. The diagram shows a resultant force and its horizontal and vertical components.

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10. l

11. A student measures a current as 0.5 A.

Which of the following correctly expresses this result?

12. Which of the following is scalar quantity?

A. Acceleration
B. Mass
C. Momentum
D. Velocity

13. What is the unit of power in SI base units?

14. Physical quantities can be classed as vectors or as scalars.

Which pair of quantities consists of two vectors?
A. kinetic energy and force
B. momentum and time
C. velocity and electric field strength
D. weight and temperature

15. What is the size of the resultant of the two forces shown in the diagram?

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16. The rate of flow of thermal energy 𝑡 in a material is given by

Determine the SI base units of C. [2]

17. Look at the diagram below.

What is the magnitude and the direction of vector force F? [7]

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