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North Davao Colleges

1st long TEST

English 7

Name: _______________________________ Score: ___________________

Grade/Section: ______________________ Date: ____________________
Multiple Choice: Read the following sentences carefully. Encircle the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer.

1. I remember _____ the Queen in London.

a. meet
b. to meet
c. meeting
d. to meeting
2. Did you remember _____ the letter?
a. post
b. to post
c. posting
d. to posting
3. I'm not used _____ up this early.
a. get
b. to get
c. getting
d. to getting
4. I used _____ to the cinema a lot.
a. go
b. to go
c. going
d. to going
5. I regret _____ Mary about the wedding.
a. tell
b. to tell
c. telling
d. to telling
6. Mrs. Jones, I regret _____ you that your credit limit has been exceeded.
a. inform
b. to inform
c. informing
d. to informing
7. Stop _____ this terrible noise at once!
a. make
b. to make
c. making
d. to making
8. I wanted to stop _____ some presents, but we didn't have enough time.
a. to
b. to buy
c. buying
d. to buying
9. Look, it's starting _____ .
a. rain
b. to rain
c. raining
d. to raining
10. I started _____ English when I was four.
a. learn
b. to learn
c. learning
d. to learning

Test II. Fill in the missing word/s from the Student’s Handbook

The North Davao Colleges, Panabo City is anchored on the (1.) ___________ that man was
created in the image of (2.) _______. Therefore, the work of (3.) _____________ is to nurture
the individual after his divine similitude in order to restore in man the complete blending of the
(4.) _____________, the mental/intellectual, the (5.) _____________, the moral and the
spiritual aspects of development.

To enhance the kind of education that is (6.) __________ and spiritually lasting.

To establish an excellent academic venue which shall transform the individuals to become (7.)
___________ and fully-developed citizens through reasonable and legitimate standards of
institution, research, community involvement and (8.) __________ related undertaking in the
pursuit of a meaningful and excellent education.

An institution of learning fully committed to produce physically, mentally, (9.) ___________, and
spiritually developed individuals for the upholding of progressive (10.) ______________.

Test III. Complete the following exercise with gerund or infinitive forms of the indicated
1. She decided _____________ (move) in another city.
2. Grammar bank is one of the best websites _____________ (practice)
English grammar.
3. Alicia enjoys _____________ (watch) soap operas on television.
4. She refuses ______________ (listen) to her father.
5. Students want ______________ (get) good grades.
6. Many drivers avoid _________________ (drive) in traffic.
7. Do you feel like _________________ (eat) hamburger?
8. I can't imagine ______________ (jump) out of a flying jet.
9. The president wishes _________________ (end) the war.
10. I would love _______________ (see) that movie. I heard it's really good.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding”. –Proverbs 3:5

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