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iSuccess – Feedback Exchange

Performance Review Process

HCL Technologies Ltd. 2016. All rights reserved.

No part of the document may be copied, reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, either electronically, mechanically, or otherwise without prior written permission.
Revision History

Version No. Date Prepared by / Modified by

1 3rd June 2016 Shikha Agnihotri, Ritesh Seth

HCL Technologies Ltd.-Confidential

Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Legal Disclaimer:

This Program First/iSuccess initiative from HCL (‘Company’) consisting of Performance management,
career management, rewards management, talent management and learning management,

1. May not address every question or every possible circumstance with respect to every employee

2. Should be always read in conjunction with applicable laws of the jurisdiction, and the respective
employment contract (and other applicable employment policies and procedures) pursuant to
which an employee has been hired. In case of any conflict between this document on one side and
any applicable laws of the jurisdiction or employment contract on the other side, the applicable
laws of the jurisdiction or the applicable employment contract, will prevail. Provided that to the
extent there are no such conflicts, Program First/ iSuccess will apply to every employee working
for HCL.

3. Nothing in this Program First/iSuccess is designed to interfere with, restrain, or prevent an

employee from exercising statutory rights, wages, hours of work, collective bargaining or other
terms and conditions of employment, which are protected under law. HCL employees have the
right to engage in or refrain from such activities.

4. In the process of implementation of Program First/iSuccess, Company may receive different types
of information about the employee, including: 1) the information the employee chooses to share
(such as locational preference, target roles, etc.); 2) Information others share about the employee
(peers , managers and others); and 3) Other information the Company receives about the
employee (including additional related data or metadata) such as when the employee looks at
another employee timeline, post a referral or otherwise interact with the Program First/iSuccess
platform. Personal information of any employee that HCL obtains or receives during this process
will be held and used in accordance with applicable data privacy laws and HCL’s policy in this
regard. It will be treated confidentially and shared internally with a limited number of people who
have a need to know or who are responsible for dealing with its implementation. This may, in
some cases, include persons in other countries (including India) where HCL does business or have
a back office presence. The Company will store such information/data for as long as the employee
is employed with HCL and/ or the Company reasonably requires access to such information.

5. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Company is authorized to share the

aforementioned data/information, in case the Company receives any specific direction/s for
sharing any data or information regarding an employee from any governmental or judicial or
quasi-judicial authority etc.

HCL Technologies Ltd.-Confidential

Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Feedback Exchange - Performance Review Process

Q1. What is iSuccess?

iSuccess is a people practices platform being implemented in HCL across key HR processes
of Employee Information, Expectation Exchange, Feedback Exchange, Rewards, Learning, On-
Boarding, Manager Self Service, Employee Self Service, Career Connect and Talent
Management. It is a cloud-based solution designed to provide employees a clear line of sight &
linkage to organization strategy.
iSuccess will integrate the various HR applications across these processes to ensure seamless
integration of employee profile (such as your personal information, career information,
certifications, and skill profile and project details) and talent management decisions (such as
career planning and succession planning).

iSuccess will also help engage, enable and empower talent and drive them to achieve both
organizational and career objectives.

Q2. What is iSuccess Feedback Exchange Process?

Feedback Exchange is a Performance Review process that involves a formal discussion about an
employee’s development and performance. It involves reviewing what has been achieved and
what could have been done better to achieve the goals set in the last review period.

Q3. How do I access Feedback Exchange in iSuccess?

The iSuccess Home page is where users access all the activities and processes in the system, along
with an overview of the status of performance activities/to do list.
The path for the same is:

MyHCL >> HR Studio >> PERFORM >> iSuccess Feedback Exchange

The “Feedback Exchange” tile displays the user’s current Performance Assessment form and
allows easy access to the various sections in the form by selecting any of the section names in the

Q4. When will my Performance Review get initiated?

The Performance review cycle followed across the organization is July to June. Typically the
Annual Performance Review is initiated in the first/second week of June every year for E0-E3
employees and in the second/third week of July for E4 and above band levels.

In case of confirmation/anniversary reviews, the performance period shall be the period of

probation and the reward effect date will be the first day of the immediate quarter following the
quarter in which probation ends. For all employees joining in AMJ & JAS quarter will get there
review initiated along with the annual cycle of the organization post completion of their

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

probation period, that is in June and for employees joining in OND & JFM quarter they will get
there review initiated post completion of their probation period that is in November.

Q5. What is my performance review period & how that is calculated?

The Performance review cycle followed across career levels/ geographies/ and functions in the
organization is July to June. In case of confirmation/anniversary reviews, the performance period
shall be from your date of joining HCL + the period of probation as mentioned in your
appointment letter. The anniversary reviews will be post completion probation period as per the
laid guidelines and the reward effect date will be the first day of the immediate quarter following
the quarter in which probation ends.

 Employees joining in AMJ & JAS quarter will get there review initiated along with the
annual cycle of the organization post completion of their probation period, that is in June
 Employees joining in OND & JFM quarter they will get there review initiated post
completion of their probation period that is in November.
 Employees joining on the 1st of every quarter their review period will be taken as last day
of the previous month & will get aligned in the previous quarter i.e.

Review Review
DOJ Probation Period Review Activation/Alignment Quarter Effective
From Date To Date
1-Jul-15 1-Jul-15 30-Jun-16 12 Annual Performance Review FY’16 1-Jul-16
1-Oct-15 1-Oct-15 30-Sep-16 12 JAS’15 Anniversary Reviews 1-Oct-16
1-Jan-15 1-Jan-15 31-Dec-16 12 OND’15 Anniversary Reviews 1-Jan-16
1-Apr-16 1-Apr-16 31-Mar-17 12 JFM’16 Anniversary Reviews 1-Apr-17

Employees in positions at E4 & Above

 All employees already aligned to the Annual Review Cycle in 2015.
 All employees joined in AMJ’15, JAS’15, and OND’15 including 1st July’15 joiners.
 For employees joined in JFM’16 their Reviews have been activated along with JFM’17
confirmation cycle.
 AMJ’16 joiners will be clubbed with Annual Review cycle in 2017.

Q6. I have not received the Performance Review initiation mail. Please confirm?

The review records are activated in bulk, due to load on the server sometimes automated mailers
take up to 48hours to get delivered. However information mailers do get sent from HR.
Also speak to your Business Partner HR to determine whether your Review was to be initiated as
per eligibility criteria, in case you do not see your review process initiated on MyHCL >> HR Studio
>> Perform >> iSuccess >> Feedback Exchange

Need to also ensure that your mailbox is not full and the correct email address/id is updated on
ESS portal on At times its observed that auto generated system mailers gets

HCL Technologies Ltd.-Confidential

Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

downloaded in junk folder , hence you are advised to check the mails in the junk folder of your
mail box.

Q7. What is Goals/Key Performance Parameter(s) & who defines them?

Goals are quantitative and qualitative measures used to review an organization’s progress against
its goals. These are broken down and set as targets for achievement by departments and
individuals. The achievement of these targets is reviewed at regular intervals.

The onus and ownership of goal setting rests with the employee. It is expected that you develop
deep appreciation of your job identity visible on Career Connect
( portal on meme and Key Performance
Areas/Responsibilities associated with it recorded on the C-DEX portal on Myhcl. Thereafter,
initiate a dialogue with your manager to seek feedback on your KPPs and targets for the review
period on your Expectation Exchange Worksheet.

Q8. What is the rating scale and description of the same?

Rating Scale Description

Distinctive performance when replicated in a larger context

Distinguished Performance
creates competitive differentiation.

Performance contribution surpasses role expectations quite

Exceptional Performance

Performance contribution in certain instances exceeds role

Good Performance
expectation but by & large consistent

Performance just about meets work requirements in

Threshold Performance
consistence with the role being performed

Performance Needs Improvement Performance is in bottom end of the peer group

Q9.What are the advantages of iSuccess Feedback Exchange Process for an Employee?

The inputs from the Expectation Exchange form flow directly to Feedback Exchange Form which
makes the life of the employee simpler by ensuring that employee does not need to record his
goals and achievements separately in two separate places. Also helps ensure that employee
feedback is continuous and is not just restricted to a year-end review exercise.

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Q10. Who are the key stakeholders in this process & what is their role?

Appraisee Reviewer
(Reporting Manager/Project
(Employee) Appraiser’s Appraiser
Reporting Manager)
 Individual who is seeking
feedback against  Provides feedback on  Identify performers at
recorded achievements achievement against expectations higher & lower end of
 Record individual Goals in a timely manner spectrum for
score and comments in  Help employee identify course counseling
Feedback Exchange correction needs.

For entities and individuals, where PRM is not mapped, RM would act as the PRM of that

Q11. What are the various sections in the Feedback Exchange Form?

Every form is provided with a header in iSuccess application, this short descriptor enables
concerned stakeholder to understand the form detail along with the ask from him. This header
also known as “Form Tile” is visible in the Performance Inbox and on the open form.

 Route Map: The Route Map specifies stage wise movement of the Performance Review form
and details the role of the stakeholder. If an individual clicks on the information icon over a
stage, it will display information regarding these steps. You will be able to see the timelines
with respect to each stage on the route map.

 Instruction for Mid-Year/Annual Assessment: This Section provides you information regarding
the current Assessment process going on. User Manuals and FAQs links are available in this
section for your reference.

 Employee Information: This section displays information about your Personal Details such as
First Name; Last Name; Designation; Location etc.

 Employee Information: Quick Links- This Section displays quick links to Appraisee’s Employee
Profile portlets such as “Progression within HCL”, “Special Assignment”, “Ideapreneurship” etc.
You can directly update the information in any of these portlets through the available links in
the Appraisal Form. As an Appraiser/Reviewer you can update and view the information
present in the portlets.

 Employee Document Repository for Reference: This section will display Documents like client
appreciation etc. which an individual wants to share it with Manager(s) in regard to his
performance. All Documents in this section will be visible to Appraiser/Reviewer for reference.

 Goal Assessment: This section is to evaluate achievement against Goals.

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

 Successor Identification: You need to nominate 2 Successors in this section. Please mention
the Name and Ecode within your team or any other team who can be a possible successor. This
section is mandatory for E4+ employees.

Q12. How do I know what all stages the review form will go through in Feedback Exchange Form?

Every form will have a route map on the top section of the form. The Route Map specifies stage
wise movement of the Performance Review form and details the role of the stakeholder. If an
individual clicks on the information icon over a stage, it will display information regarding these
steps. You will be able to see the timelines with respect to each stage on the route map.

Q13. Where do I upload any additional support document that I feel may be relevant to my

There is a supporting pod available in Appraisal form called “Supporting”. This is the placeholder
where employee can go and upload any additional document like a client appreciation mail, any
whitepaper etc. All documents uploaded here will be viewable to the Appraiser/Reviewer while
he is reviewing the Feedback Exchange form of the employee.

Q14. What is the purpose of Goal Assessment section in the Feedback Exchange Form?

This section is to evaluate achievement against Goals. Each goal must be self-scored and sum of
weights should be 100%.This section displays information related to Goals such as Goal Name,
Goal Category, Goal Description, Work Area Level, Work Area Code, Target, Status, Start Date,
Due Date etc.

There are certain Action Buttons through which employee can choose the display of the Goal
Assessment Section. You can also edit/delete your existing Goals as per the discussion with your

Q15. What is the Successor Identification in Feedback Exchange Form?

Successor Identification - Identify near-term successor candidates for most-critical roles.

You need to nominate 2 Successors in this section. Please mention the Name and Ecode within
your team or any other team who can be a possible successor.
Please note, this section is mandatory for E4+ Employees.

HCL Technologies Ltd.-Confidential

Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Q16. What is the function of various Action Item buttons in the Feedback Exchange Form?

Action Items provide you with various options such as to save the form, print the form, to run spell
check, Legal Scan etc. In order to explore more details on each Action Items, Employee needs to
click on each action button to drill-down for more details.

Action Items on the form

Various Action items such as Spell Check, Legal Scan, Print Preview, and Save, Info, Add to
Outlook can be used as per the employee’s convenience.

Spell Check: This Action Item helps you to do Spell Check of review Form. Spell Check checks the
spelling of words in a text document. Textual spelling errors can be easily corrected by using spell

Spell Check

Legal Scan: This Action Item helps you to do Legal Scan of review Form. The Legal Scan checks for
potentially improper or discriminatory language in comment sections of forms. Legal Scan works
much like a spell-checker. Legal Scan automatically reviews the selected text and displays any
words that are potentially improper and suggests changes.

Legal Scan

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Info about the Form: This Action Item helps you to provide the overall information about the
Feedback Exchange From. This section display information related to the step owners as per the
route map. For example Appraiser would be mapped against Annual Appraiser Assessment.

Info about the Form

Add to Outlook: This Action Item helps in creating a meeting request your Manager and it also
integrate the same with the Outlook. As soon as you click the below display Action Item in the
screenshot, it will automatically create a meeting appointment with the existing Feedback Form
with your Manager.

Add to Outlook

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Performance Form History: This Action Item helps you to view and search for previous
Performance forms. You can view the previous performance forms period wise.

Performance Form History

Print: This Action Item helps you to print the review form; this can be used while having
discussions with your Appraisers/Reviewers.


Save: This Action Item helps you to save the form.


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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Profile View: This section provides information about the Employee for whom the Assessment
Process has been initiated. A quick card will be available which will quickly navigate you to various
other modules with Information such as employee’s reporting manager; Direct Subordinates;
Team size; Org chart.

Profile View

Overall Score: This feature displays individual score against the KPP/Goals. (Rating will be visible
under “Overall Summary” section in once the appraisal process is completed)
Rating will reflect in this section for Appraiser’s view. This feature is available for Appraiser
reference only.

Overall Score

Incomplete Items: This feature highlights the incomplete section in the Appraisal form which
requires current stakeholder’s action.

Incomplete Items

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Out of: This feature ranks the employee rating in comparison with the other team members for
whom appraisal has been initiated. This feature is available only for Appraiser’s & Reviewer’s view.

Out of
Gap Analysis: Gap Analysis feature displays the deviation of scoring by appraiser and appraisee
against each goal. This feature is available only for Appraiser’s & Reviewer’s view.

Gap Analysis
Supporting: Any Additional document such as client appreciation etc can be attached directly for
Appraiser/Reviewer Reference. The feedback that is returned through “Ask for Feedback”
populates the “Supporting Information” pod in the performance form.

Supporting Document

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Team Overview: Team Overview provides a dashboard with team progress on all performance
forms. This feature is available only for Appraiser’s & Reviewer’s view.

Team Overview

1. The “Ask for Feedback” function allows Appraiser/Reviewer to loop in person other than
Additional Appraiser to provide comments on performance.
2. Detailed view of your team for whom appraisal has been triggered.
3. It displays stage wise movement of the Performance Review form and details the role of the
stakeholder. If an individual clicks on the information icon over a stage, it will display information
regarding these steps. You will be able to see the timelines with respect to each stage on the
route map.
4. Rating of employee and score against the goal will be visible in each stage.
5. “Go to form” option directly open with the form of the Appraisee

Ask for Feedback: The “Ask for Feedback” function allows Appraiser/Reviewer to loop in person
other than Additional Appraiser to provide comments on performance. The feedback that is
returned through “Ask for Feedback” populates the “Supporting Information” pod in the
performance form.

Procedure to “Ask for Feedback”:

In order to seek feedback form “Ask for feedback” option in Feedback Exchange follow the below
mention steps:

 Step 1: Under Team Overview, Click on “Ask Feedback” available against each stakeholder for
whom Appraisal form has been triggered. An Email box will appear.

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

 Enter the desired stakeholders email id/Name within HCL. You can add as many stakeholders you
want by using this option. After selecting, click on “Send email” option.
 The feedback that is returned through “Ask for Feedback” populates in the “Supporting
Information” pod aswell as it will be available “Team Overview” in the Appraisal form.

Ask for feedback

Q17. Can I add and create new Goals in Feedback Exchange Form?

Yes, Goals can be added in the Feedback Exchange Form by using two options:

 From XYZ’s Goal Plan: This option is used to add goals that are available on your
Expectation Exchange Worksheet but not a part of Feedback Exchange Form.

 Add Goal: One can add new Goals by using option of “Add a Goal” at rightmost corner in
the Feedback Exchange Form. On clicking the option “Add a Goal” you will find two
o Personal Goals- Personal Goals allow you to make your own Goals and assign any
metrics you want.

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

o Library Goals- Library Goals are selected from an organized library with suggested

Q18. What should be the total Weightage for Goals in Feedback Exchange Form?

The total weightage for Goals should be distributed till 100% else form will not move to the next

Q19. During what stages of the review process, can the record be referred back?

The Review form can be referred back at both Appraiser and Reviewer stage in case any
clarification is needed. The form would be referred back to Appraisee/Appraiser depending at
which stage the form is.

Q20. Can I upload any supporting Documents link to my Goals in Feedback Exchange Form?

You can upload your documents/appreciation into “Supporting” pod available at the top corner in
Feedback Exchange Form.

Q21. Can I seek feedback from additional appraisers also for the year end evaluation?

Yes, you can seek feedback from additional appraisers with whom you have worked during the
year. You have leverage to seek feedback from as many as additional appraiser by using “Get
Additional Feedback” button in Feedback Exchange Form.

Get Additional Feedback

Once this form is clicked, the complete form would move to the additional appraiser and you
would not be able to make any changes till the time Additional Appraiser does not send the form
back to you. If this wish to recall this form from the Additional Appraiser, “Recall Form” button
can be used, this would bring the form back to you.

HCL Technologies Ltd.-Confidential

Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Recall Feedback

Q22. What is the procedure to add Additional Appraiser in Feedback Exchange?

In order to add Additional Appraiser in Feedback Exchange follow the below mention steps:

 On Feedback Exchange Form click on “Get Additional Feedback” button.

 Use the field Search User.
 Enter Additional Appraiser’s Employee code/Name in this field and search.

You will be able to view the Additional Appraiser details under the search criteria, select the
desired Additional Appraiser and submit.

Once this form is clicked, the complete form would move to the additional appraiser and you
would not be able to make any changes till the time Additional Appraiser does not send the form
back to you. If you wish to recall this form from the Additional Appraiser, “Recall Form” button
can be used.

HCL Technologies Ltd.-Confidential

Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Q23. Can I view detailed action history of my Feedback Exchange Form?

Yes, you can view the detailed Action History related to your Feedback Exchange Form by using
the “Info about this form” tab available at the rightmost corner of the form. Any change made by
Appraisee/Appraiser will be captured as the Action History in the Information section.

Info about the Form

Q24. The absolute scores provided by my Manager during the Feedback Exchange review
discussion are in contrast with my final rating?

Your final rating is an outcome of relative assessment of your contributions against that of peers.
After absolute scoring by appraiser, your reviewer and DU Head effectively level your
performance against peer group and finalize a rating. Therefore, your individual scores are an
indication of your performance at an individual level and not a relative assessment against your

Q25. No specific feedback was shared and no performance gaps were highlighted during the
performance review discussion whereas my final rating is towards the lower end of the scale.
Why so?

A review discussion is a dialogue and as an appraise you participate as an equal in this dialogue. If
you feel the developmental feedback provided by the manager is insufficient, you should express
this concern and make sure your manager spends adequate time to help identify your areas of
improvement during discussion stage of the performance review process.
Furthermore, it is a good idea to reaffirm your understanding/interpretation of the overall
discussion before you leave the discussion table and sign off the discussion stage accordingly.

Q26. I have several customer appreciation mails and awards to my credit. Despite this I have
been rated low and feel my contributions have been undermined?

Your final rating is an outcome of relative assessment of your contributions against those of
peers. Your reviewer and L4 level map your contributions, accolades, awards and the customer as
well as internal impact that your role has created vis. a vis. that of your peers to arrive at final

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

relative rating. Not only it is appropriate but also the onus is with the employee to ensure that all
his contributions, awards & accolades are noted so as to do a fair relative assessment. It is
important that you discuss the same with your manager(s) and understand how the same are
valued and fit into the larger customer/entity deliverables.

Q27. I have been billed throughout the year, yet rated low. How is this justified?

Billing is an important but not the only criterion basis which your individual or relative
performance rating can be arrived. A high billing percentage is only one amongst many variables
that influence your final relative performance rating.

Moreover, the final rating is an outcome of relative assessment of your

contributions/performance against those of peers. You are requested to appropriately discuss
your views/concerns with your respective Managers and/or Business heads, as the iSuccess
Feedback Exchange exercise output is a culmination of decisions taken by the respective business

Q28. I have consistently secured one among the top two ratings in all prior performance
reviews. However, my latest performance rating is lower than I had expected and I am
disappointed with this dip in my rating.

Please note that the current performance rating is independent of your prior performance
history. The latest performance rating holds good for your contribution and achievements in this
role vis. a vis. defined goals, customer deliverables and peer performance. Your role, goals, peer
group and business context are dynamic and influence your performance. Therefore, a year on
year comparison of the relative performance rating is inappropriate.

Q29. I am dissatisfied with my final rating and I am told that the reason for a low rating is my
limited contribution/time spent in the current project/delivery unit. Isn’t annual performance
review an assessment of my contributions throughout the year?


I have recently moved to a new project team and I am told that the reason for a low rating in
the last performance review is my limited contribution/time spent in the current
project/delivery unit. Isn’t annual performance review, assessment of my contributions
throughout the year?

Yes, the annual performance review takes into account your contributions throughout the year.
Your erstwhile Manager can act as your additional appraiser and provide valuable
inputs/feedback on your performance during the last assignment.

These inputs are factored in to the overall feedback provided by your appraiser as well as the final
relative rating. Therefore, it is inappropriate to suggest your relative rating is a function of time
spent in the current project only. You are requested to appropriately discuss your views/concerns

HCL Technologies Ltd.-Confidential

Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

with your respective Managers and/or Business heads, as the iSuccess Feedback Exchange
exercise output is a culmination of decisions taken by the respective business unit head.

Q30. I am rated DP / EP but I have not got promotion?

A DP/EP rating doesn’t not by default make an employee eligible for promotion.
Multiple factors such as the Pyramid to be achieved for the LOB, project architecture type, role
availability in a particular project, potential and capability of the employee that he/ she has
exhibited towards the next role are considered before finalizing any Promotion.
Therefore, please coordinate with RM & EP’s to facilitate a discussion to seek clarification.

Q31. When will I be able to view my overall rating?

Appraisee can view the final rating only post closure of the review that is in the “Assessment
Completed” stage of iSuccess Route map under “Overall Summary” Section available in the
appraisal form.

Q32. My performance review has still not been closed / letter has not been released, it is
pending in either of the following stages: Appraiser, Reviewer or Calibration Stage?

Employees for whom performance reviews are pending at various stages as Appraiser, Reviewer
or calibration should get in touch with their Employee HR partners to have their performance
reviews closed and seek their help.

In case if you are facing any technical issues during submission of performance review record,
please raise an SSD under category 2 of SSD this will get directly routed to the EIS team for
technical assistance.

Q33. I am currently assigned to bench, why should I fill up the review form?

Feedback needs to be sought for the review period regardless of your current state of assignation.

Q34. Who is the point of contact for further query resolution & understanding on the
Performance Review Process?

You should log in all queries on the Smart Service Desk.

In addition your Employee Partner HR is an active enabler of the process. You could reach out to
them for any concerns.

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Q35. From where can I view all the Promotion Actions in iSuccess?

Employee Information: Quick Links contain all the portlets in which you can view Performance
view history Appraisee/Appraiser/Reviewer view. You can also view the previous Promotion
Action history is stored under “Employee Information” in “Progression within HCL” portlet. This
information would reflect all the promotions that have happened for you in your tenure with HCL.
For any discrepancies, please connect with your HR Partner.

Q36. I joined as a lateral joiner, hired in April last year, my probation period is 12 months ; my
appraisal performance review was due in April this year however it is not launched yet. When
will Performance Review get initiated for me? How will I be aligned to July cycle? (For E0-E3
band employees only)

Performance Reviews of all employees who join in the months of April – June get aligned to July
cycle and are launched together with the rest of the Annual cycle. Typically annual cycle gets
kicked off around 1st week of June.
The performance review period for such cases will be April’14 –30 June’2015.

Q37. What does stack ranking mean? I got an overall score of 9 /10 but my rating is GP or TP?
The organization follows a process of relative assessment and categorization of employees in 5
different performance zones/ratings.

Your final rating is an outcome of relative assessment of your contributions/performance against

that of peers. After absolute scoring by appraiser, your reviewer and DU Head effectively level
your performance against peer group and finalize a rating. Therefore, your individual scores are
an indication of your absolute performance at an individual level and not a relative assessment
against your peers.

Q38. What are the steps needs to be followed by Reporting Manager/PRM in order to validate
Expectation Exchange Goalsheet?

Expectation Exchange in iSuccess will be unlocked throughout the year. You can get Feedback at
any point of time. You need to provide comments against each goal by clicking on the Goal Name
and same needs to be validated by your PM. PM needs to provide score for each Goal in
Expectation Exchange. PM needs to click on “Validate Goals”, once validated by the respective PM
the state of the form changes from Non-Validate to Validate.

Q39. I am unable to view all my goals on the Goal sheet, but can view this Goal on the
Expectation Exchange tile on the iSuccess Home page; also my Total Weightage reflects that
Goal is available. How to fix this?

In such a scenario, this error happens because of Goals being out of the date range, these Goals
can be viewed by disabling the Goal Range from the Summary Section.

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Q40. Earlier I was able to see the my Manager’s score against each goal in old Expectation
Exchange tool however in iSuccess I am unable to view my Manager’s score. What is the
visibility of scores as a Manager and as an Employee in Expectation and Feedback Exchange?

As per the new process Employee will only be able to provide comments in Expectation Exchange
however Employee will be able to view the score and comments provided by the Manager against
each goal in Feedback Exchange of iSuccess. As a Manager you will be able to provide score
against each goal in the Expectation Exchange of iSuccess however the given scores will not be
visible to employee. However in Feedback Exchange Employee will be able to self- score against
each goal and will be able to provide comments similarly Manager will be able to provide score
and comments against in Feedback Exchange.

Q41. What is work Area Level and Work Area code?

Work Area Level:

Specify the level at which you will take target against the goal. For example, if you are a Delivery
Unit Head (DUH) select L4 org unit as the work area level. Similarly, if you manage project delivery
select Project as the work area level.
Make an appropriate selection out of the identified 6 work area levels - L1 org unit, L2 org unit, L3
org unit, L4 org unit, Customer, Project and Individual.

Work Area Code:

Mention the code of the work area you manage/are assigned to. This should be obviously in line
with the work area level selection. For example, if you are the DUH for following L4 org unit ERS-
SEG-Microsoft-CS the corresponding L4 code - 54014740 should be mentioned.

* Please refer to the below mentioned information in order to better understand how to fill the
Work Area Code in correspondence to Work Area Level.

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

L1 org unit: You will be able to locate your L1 org unit work area level in Employee Self Service
(ESS). Please visit:

MyHCL >> My Career >> Employee Self Service (ESS)

 You can also locate you L1 org unit under the “Personal Information” Portlet in iSuccess.

iSuccess >> My Employee File >> Public Profile >> Employee Information >> Personal

L2 org unit: You will be able to locate your L2 org unit work area level in Employee Self Service
(ESS). Please visit:

MyHCL >> My Career >> Employee Self Service (ESS)

L3 org unit: You will be able to locate your L3 org unit work area level in Employee Self Service
(ESS). Please visit:

MyHCL >> My Career >> Employee Self Service (ESS)

L4 org unit: You will be able to locate your L4 org unit work area level in Employee Self Service
(ESS). Please visit:

MyHCL >> My Career >> Employee Self Service (ESS)

 You can also locate you L1 org unit under the “Personal Information” Portlet in iSuccess.

iSuccess >> My Employee File >> Public Profile >> Employee Information >> Personal

Employee Self Service (ESS)

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Customer: You will be able to locate your customer name and customer code under the “Project
Experience” portlet in the iSuccess.

iSuccess >> My Employee File >> Public Profile >> Employee Information >> Project Experience

Project: You will be able to locate your Project name and Project code under the “Project
Experience” portlet in the iSuccess.

iSuccess >> My Employee File >> Public Profile >> Employee Information >> Project Experience

Project Experience

Individual: Mention “Individual” as individual code against the individual work area level.

Q42. My goals are not migrating from old Expectation exchange/I-perform/SATORI/KPP into I-
success. Is there any technical problem due to process provision?

Scenario 1: If goals are not migrated from old EE to iSuccess then in such case employee need to
add new goals. Goals can be added in Expectation Exchange/Feedback Exchange by using:

From Expectation Exchange:

Add a Goal: One can add new Goals by using option of “Add a Goal” at rightmost corner in the
Expectation Exchange Form. On clicking the option “Add a Goal” you will find two options:
 Personal Goals- Personal Goals allow you to make your own Goals and assign any metrics
you want.
 Library Goals- Library Goals are selected from an organized library with suggested metrics.

From XYZ’s Goals Plan:

Add a Goal: One can add Goals by using option of “From XYZ’s Goals Plan” or by using “Add New
Goal” in Feedback Exchange.

 From XYZ’s Goal Plan: This option is used to add goals that are available on your
Expectation Exchange Worksheet but not a part of Feedback Exchange Form.
 Add Goal: One can add new Goals by using option of “Add new Goal” in the Feedback
Exchange Form. On clicking the option “Add new Goal” you will find two options:

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

o Personal Goals- Personal Goals allow you to make your own Goals and assign any
metrics you want.
o Library Goals- Library Goals are selected from an organized library with suggested

Scenario 2: If employees have filled goals while there iPerform Mid-Year was activated, they are
not migrated from iPerform tool to iSuccess then in such cases employee need to add new goals.
Please follow the steps above.

Scenario 3: If employees have filled goals in Expectation Exchange but they are not visible in
Feedback Exchange then employee is required to use “From XYZ’s Goal Plan” option to add goals
from Expectation exchange to Feedback Exchange.

Q43. My Deployed Job & Job family is reflecting incorrect, how this can be rectified?

The deployed Job and Job Family inputs have been received from your LOB. This information
being displayed in your Personal information section in Employee Information/Feedback
Exchange forms will remain static and cannot be changed for the purpose of the current ongoing

If you want to comment on your Deployed Job/Job Family in iSuccess please give this through the
comments section to your Appraiser & Reviewer and Connect with your HR Business Partner in
case of any queries/clarification related to the Job Mapping is required.

In order to locate who is your HRBP, you can visit My HCL >> ESS >> HR Detail

Q44. My Project Reporting Manager is reflecting incorrect, how this can be rectified?

PRM (Project Reporting Manager) can be changed/updated through Employee Self Service (ESS)
on MyHcl or I Assist

To change the PRM Mapping please follow the path below:


MyHCL >> My Profile (ESS) >> My information- Employment >> Project Reporting Manager

iAssist >> My Page >> My Profile (ESS) >> My information- Employment >> Project Reporting

HCL Technologies Ltd.-Confidential

Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Q45. I am able to add only one person as an Additional Appraiser at a time, what is the
procedure to add more than one person as Additional Appraiser in Feedback Exchange?

You can add only one additional appraiser at one point of time. Once the first additional appraiser
sends the form back to your post his/her comments you would be able to send this form to the
second additional appraiser.

Q46. What is the role of Additional Appraiser in Feedback Exchange?

You have leverage to seek feedback from additional appraisers by using “Get Additional
Feedback” button in Feedback Exchange Form.

Additional Appraiser is able to view and not edit the goals. Additional Appraiser is able to view
Employee Information such as First Name; Last Name; Designation; Location; Band; Job etc.
Information related to Appraiser, Reviewer and L4 Head will also be visible here. Additional
Appraiser is able to view any supporting documents in the "Employee Document Repository for
Reference" section. Additional Appraiser is able to add "Comments" against each Goal. This
comments box is mandatory.

Q47. What is Reviewer/L4 Calibration? Who are the key stakeholders in Calibration process?

Calibration happens at two levels in Feedback Exchange, one at the Reviewer stage and another
at the L4 Stage. In this step, Reviewer/L4 Head conducts relative peer assessment for all
Appraisees in their span.

Key Stakeholders:

 Performance CoE- Able to create Calibration sessions.

 Reviewer/L4- Act as the Owner and provide the finalized ratings as per the suggested

 HR Business Partner - HR BP post discussion with the Reviewer/L4 will be responsible for
final submissions of these sessions in the system. HR BP will be playing either of the roles
(a) Session Facilitator – They will have the primary role in this process and will be
responsible for closing the sessions in the system.
(b) Participant - They will have a view only right and supports the session facilitator.

 Appraisee- Act as the "Subjects" in this session.

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Q48. I am unable to view my form in my login as Appraisee, What could be the possible reason
for this?
I have missed the Appraisee/Appraiser stage SLA, how do I get my Feedback captured?

Review process is a time bound activity with clear SLAs defined for all stakeholders i.e. Appraisee/
Appraiser/ Reviewer and L4 head. These timelines are communicated well in advance, followed
by multiple reminders from the central team to ensure timely and smooth completion of the
review process. As per guidelines in case, any of the stakeholder does not submit within the
defined SLA, records get auto moved to the next stage so that process can move further towards

In such scenario it is suggested that the respective Appraisee/ Appraiser (PRM/RM)/EP/BP

highlight these cases & ensure that feedback is sent to the Reviewer/L4 Head basis the stage at
which the form is pending so that records can be closed from his/her end along with necessary
feedback/ recommendation.

Q49. In my Satori KPP tracker I am facing certain issues. How this can be rectified?

Kindly get in touch with your respective HRBP for any clarification on Satori Application.

Q50. I want to update/change my Appraiser/Reviewer in Feedback Exchange, what is the

procedure to get this done?

Appraiser Mapping:
Employees who are a part of Non Apps & SI entity:
For Non Apps & SI the Appraiser mapped would be RM & Reviewer would be Appraiser’s
Appraiser. Appraiser mapping can be changed/updated through Employee Self Service (ESS) on
MyHcl, however there is no option available to update Reviewer mapping manually as this is
picked up directly from SAP basis mapped Appraiser in the system.

**For Non Apps & SI the Appraiser mapped would be RM (Reporting Manager) & Reviewer
would be Appraiser’s Appraiser.

To change the Appraiser Mapping Please follow the path below:


MyHCL >> My Profile (ESS) >> My information- Employment >> Appraiser

iAssist >> MY Page >> My Profile (ESS) >> My information- Employment >> Appraiser

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Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

Employees who are a part of Apps & SI entity:

For APPS & SI the Appraiser mapped would be PRM & Reviewer would be Appraiser’s Appraiser.
There is no option available to update Reviewer mapping manually as this is picked up directly
from SAP basis mapped Appraiser in the system.
PRM (Project Reporting Manager) can be changed/updated through Employee Self Service (ESS)
on MyHcl or I Assist.

**For APPS & SI the Appraiser mapped would be PRM (Project Reporting Manager) & Reviewer
would be Appraiser’s Appraiser.

To change the PRM Mapping please follow the path below:


MyHCL >> My Profile (ESS) >> My information- Employment >> Project Reporting Manager

iAssist >> My Page >> My Profile (ESS) >> My information- Employment >> Project Reporting

Reviewer Mapping:
There is no option available to update Reviewer mapping manually as this is picked up directly from SAP
basis mapped Appraiser in the system. Appraiser changes can be done at your end as per above

HCL Technologies Ltd.-Confidential

Feedback Exchange – Frequently Asked Questions

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