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Making invitations:

Do you feel like going for a walk?

Do you want to go to the movies tonight?
Would you like to play cards?
Would you like a cup of coffee?
What about a cup of tea?
I would like you to have lunch with us tomorrow.
Would you be interested in going to the movies tonight?
Why don’t you have lunch with me tomorrow?
How about joining me for a walk?
I invite you to have breakfast with me tomorrow morning.

Accepting an Invitation:
Thank you for your kind invitation.
I’d love to, thanks.
I’ll be glad to do so.
Thanks, I’d like that very much.
That’s a great idea.
Thanks for inviting me to dinner.
It’s very nice of you.
Many thanks for your kind invitation. I’ll join you.
Sure. Thank you.
With pleasure!

Refusing an Invitation:
I’m sorry to refuse your invitation.
I can’t, sorry. I have to work.
Thanks for your invitation but I’m busy now.
I’m afraid I won’t be able to come.
I’m afraid I am busy tomorrow.
Sorry, I’d love to but I have an appointment.
I really don’t think I can, sorry.
That’s very kind of you, but I can’t accept your invitation.

A: “What are you doing on Friday night?”
B: “Nothing special. Why?”
A: “Do you wanna see a movie?”
B: “Sure! What time?”
A: “Can I pick you up around 7?”
B: “Sounds good.”
 “pick you up” means that person A will go to person B’s house and take person B
to the movie.
 “Sounds good” means that person B approves of this plan.
A: “Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?”
B: “I can’t. I have to study.”
A: “OK, then how about getting together for coffee tomorrow afternoon?”
B: “Sorry. I have other plans.”
 “Would you like to…” can be used in formal or informal conversation.
 “How about” is always followed by the -ing form. “How about to get together” is
 In this conversation, person B’s responses show that she is NOT interested in
spending time with person A, and they give the impression that she will not be
interested in the future – differently from formal conversation 4 below.
A: “Are you free next Saturday?”
B: “I believe so.”
A: “We were wondering if you’d like to go to a baseball game with us. We
have an extra ticket.”
B: “I’d love to!”
 “We were wondering if…” makes the invitation less direct. It can be used in
formal situations, or in informal situations if the person making the invitation is a

little shy
A: “We’re going to the Italian restaurant. Would you care to join us?”
B: “I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have another commitment this evening.
Maybe another time.”
 “Would you care to join us?” is used in more formal conversation.
 “Maybe another time” means that person B would like to be invited by person A
again in the future. Another phrase used for this is “Can I take a raincheck?”

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