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Course Outcome: C203.2- Analyze the performance of small signal BJT amplifiers - single
stage and multi stage amplifiers

1. “Base to collector voltage changes output current”. Justify using Early Effect. 2 A
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) is a current controlled device. So output current changes
due to change in input current. But according to early effect, named after its discoverer James
M. Early, is the variation in the effective width of the base in a BJT due to a variation in the
applied base-to-collector voltage. So the collector current varies with collector emitter
voltage. The relationship between collector current and collector emitter voltage is given by
r0  vCE / ic Q  pt
r0  VA / I CQ

Where VA is the early voltage and r0 is called the small signal output resistance.
2. “Common collector configuration is called Emitter Follower”. Justify 2 A
As the input signal rises, the base emitter voltage rises ever so slightly, forward biasing the
junction and the transistor immediately starts to carry more current as a result. That current
goes through the parallel resistance of the emitter resistor and the load resistance and the
increased current results in increased voltage across the effective resistance. The net result is
the emitter voltage rises, following the base voltage. i.e., the output drawn from at the emitter
terminal follows the input which is applied at the base of the transistor. Hence it is called as
emitter follower.
3. A small signal source 𝑽𝒊 (𝒕) = 𝟐𝟎𝑪𝒐𝒔 + 𝟑𝟎𝑺𝒊𝒏𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝒕 is applied to a transistor amplifier 2 A
shown in the figure below. The transistor has hfe=150, ro=∞ and rπ=3kΩ. Determine
Vo(t). [A/M’15]

VCC = 5V, R1 = 100kΩ, R2 = 20kΩ, RC = 3kΩ, RE = 900Ω, Vi(t) = 20cos20t + 30 sin
106t, hfe = β =150, rπ = 3 k Ω.
Step 1

𝐼𝐶 = 𝛽𝐼𝐵 = 150 × 0.87μA = 130.52 μA = 𝐼𝐶𝑄

Step 2:
𝑟𝜋 = 3 𝑘Ω

𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑝 3:
𝑉0(𝑡) = −𝑔𝑚𝑉𝜋(𝑟0‖ 𝑅𝐶 )

𝑉0(𝑡) = −𝑔𝑚𝑉𝑆(∞‖ 𝑅𝐶 ) where 𝑅𝑆 = 0

𝑉0(𝑡) = −5.01𝑚𝐴 × 20cos20t + 30 sin 106t × 3 𝑘Ω
𝑉0(𝑡) = −( 15.03) × 20cos20t + 30 sin 106t
4. Identify the need of a load line. 2 A
A load line is used in graphical analysis of nonlinear electronic circuits, representing the
constraint other parts of the circuit place on a non-linear device, like a diode or transistor. It is
usually drawn on a graph of the current vs the voltage in the nonlinear device. A load line,
usually a straight line, represents the response of the linear part of the circuit, connected to the
nonlinear device. A dc load line shows the relationship between the Q-point and the transistor
characteristics. When capacitors are included in a transistor circuit, a new effective load line
called an ac load line exists.
5. “Slope of a.c. load line is always higher than that of d.c. load line”. Justify 2 A
In the load line analysis of BJT, it is important to note that the parallel combination of
collector resistance and load resistance is always less than collector resistance. Therefore, the
slope of a.c. load line is always higher than that of d.c. load line.

6. Outline the need for Darlington Amplifier. 2 A

A Darlington transistor, also known as a Darlington pair, consists of a pair of bipolar
transistors that are connected in order to provide a very high-current gain from a low-base
current. In a Darlington transistor, the input transistor’s emitter is wired to the output
transistor’s base and their collectors are tied together.
Therefore, the current that is amplified by the input transistor is amplified even further by the
output transistor. Some applications include:
 Power regulators
 Audio amplifier output stages
 Display drivers
 Motor controllers
7. Identify the techniques to increase the input impedance of a BJT amplifier. 2 A
A Single stage emitter follower can give input impedance up to 500 KΩ. However, the input
impedance considering biasing resistors is significantly less. The input impedance of the
circuit can be improved by direct coupling of two stages of emitter follower amplifier. They
 Using direct coupling (Darlington connection)
 Using bootstrap technique.
8. “More number of stages cannot be connected for increase of Zi and Ai”. Justify 2 A
In Darlington connection of two transistors, emitter of the first transistor is directly connected
to the base of the second transistor. Because of direct coupling dc output current of the first
stage is (1+hfe) Ib1. If Darlington connection for n stage is (1+hfe) n times Ib1.
Due to very large amplification factor even two stage Darlington connection has large output
current and output stage may have to be a power stage. As power amplifiers are not used in
the amplifier circuits it is not possible to use more than two transistors in the Darlington
9. Identify the need for boot strapping in amplifier. 2 A
The emitter follower circuit is modified to overcome the problem of shunting effect of biasing
resistors reducing the input resistance. Two additional components are used such as resistance
R3 and capacitor C. For d.c signal C acts as open circuit and for a.c it acts as short circuit.
The effective input resistance is given by miller’s theorem. The theorem says that the
impedance between the two nodes can be resolved into two components, one from each node
to ground. The two components are, Z/(1-K) and (Z-K)/(K-1).
10. Outline the need for Cascading. 2 A
For faithful amplification, amplifier should have desired voltage gain, current gain and it
should match its input impedance with the source and output impedance with the load.
To achieve this more than one amplifier stages are cascaded such that input and output stages
provide impedance matching requirements. One such connection is CE-CC connection, which
has following characteristics:
 It provides high input impedance
 It provides high voltage gain
 It provides very high output resistance
 It also provides high slew rate and high stability
11. Calculate the Vd and Vc for dual input, balanced output differential amplifier 2 A
configuration ifVs1 = 70 mV peak to peak at 1 KHz and Vs2 = 40 mV peak to peak at 1
We know that Vd = VS1 – VS2
= 70 – 40 = 30 mV peak to peak.
And Vc = (VS1 + VS2)/2 = (70mV+40mV)/2
= 55 mV peak to peak
12. Find the CMRR of differential amplifier with differential gain of 300 and common mode 2 A
gain of 0.2. [N/D’14]
We Know that,
CMRR    Ad / Ac
  300 / 0.2
CMRR    1500
13. If CMRR of an amplifier is 100 dB, Calculate common mode gain, if the differential 2 A
gain is 1000.
CMRR=100dB, Ad=1000
CMRR in dB=20 log CMRR
100=20 log CMRR
CMRR=Ad/Ac Therefore, 1X10 =1000/Ac Ac=0.01
14. Determine the output voltage of a differential amplifier for the input voltages of 300 µV 2 A
and 240µV. The differential gain of the amplifier is 5000 and the value of CMRR is
Differential voltage (Vd) = V1 – V2 =300 -240 = 60 µV
Common mode Voltage (Vc) = (V1 +V2)/2 = (300 +240)/2 = 270 µV
CMRR    Ad / Acm
Given CMRR=100, Ad=5000.
Therefore 100=Ad/Acm =100=5000/Acm
Common mode gain (Acm) = 50
V0 = Ad Vd + Ac Vc = 5000 × 60 + 50 × 270 = 313500 µV = 313.5 mV
15. Build the methods to improve CMRR of BJT differential amplifier. [A/M’15, N/D’16] 2 A
The ability of a differential amplifier to reject a common mode signal is expressed by a ratio
called common mode rejection ratio denoted as CMRR.
When the same voltage is applied to both the inputs, the differential amplifier is said to be
operated in a common mode configuration. Many disturbance signals, noise signals appear as
a common input signal to both the input terminals of the differential amplifier. Such a
common signal should be rejected by the differential amplifier.
It is defined as the ratio of differential voltage gain to common mode voltage gain.
CMRR    Ad / Acm
To improve CMRR, either Acm must be reduced or RE (or Ad) must be increased by proper

1. Calculate Ri, Ri’, Av, Ai and R0 for the circuit shown below. The transistor parameters (16) A
are β=100, VBE=0.7 and VA=80 V.

Step 1:
Find ICQ and VCEQ:
VTH  ( R2 / R1  R2 )VCC
 (51K / 51K  51K ) X 10
 5V .
RB  R1 R2  25.5K 
I B  (VTH  VBE ) / ( RB  (1   ) RE )
 (5  0.7) / 25.5  (1  100)1)
 34 A
I CQ   I BQ  100 X 34 A  3.4mA
VCEQ  VCC  I E RE  VCC  (1   /  ) I CQ RE  [10  (1  100) /100].(3.4).1
6.566V (4)
Step 2: Determine small signal transistor parameters:
r  VT  / I CQ  (0.026)(100) / 3.4  765
g m  I CQ / VT  3.4 / 0.026  130.77mA / V
r0  VA / I CQ  80 / 3.4  23.53K
Step 3: Find Ri, Av, Ai and R0
Ri '  r  (1   )(ro R E )  765  (1  100)(23.53 1k )  97.647 k 
Ri  R1 R2 Ri '  25.5k 97.647k  20.22 K 
AV  0.968
Ai  (1   )(( R1 R2 ) / ( R1 R2  Ri '))(r0 / r0  RE )
 1.812
R0  7.51 (8)
2. Calculate the small signal voltage gain of an emitter follower circuit. Given β = 100, VBE (8) A
(on) = 0.7V, VA = 80V, ICQ = 0.793 mA, VCEQ = 3.4V. (6) [M/J’16]
We know that for a emitter follower, the voltage gain is given by
(1+𝛽)(𝑟𝑜 ∥𝑅𝐸 )
𝐴𝑣 = 𝑟
𝜋 +(1+𝛽)(𝑟𝑜 ∥𝑅𝐸 )

𝑉 80
∴ 𝑟𝑜 = 𝐼 𝐴 = = 100.8𝐾Ω (2)
𝐶𝑄 0.793×10−3
𝑉𝑇 𝛽 0.026×100
𝑟𝜋 = = = 3.27𝐾Ω (2)
𝐼𝐶𝑄 0.793×10−3
Assume RE=1KΩ
(1+𝛽)(𝑟𝑜 ∥𝑅𝐸 )
𝐴𝑣 = 𝑟
𝜋 +(1+𝛽)(𝑟𝑜 ∥𝑅𝐸 )
= 3.27𝐾Ω+(1+100)(100.8𝐾Ω∥1𝐾Ω)
= = 0.96 (4)

3. For the circuit shown in the figure below determine input resistance and voltage gain. (16) A
Transistor parameters are β=100, VBE=0.7 and VA=infinity.

Step 1:Find ICQ:
VTH  ( R2 / R1  R2 )VCC
 (5 / 47  5) X 10
 0.96V .
RB  R1 R2  4.52 K 
I B  (VTH  VBE ) / ( RB  (1   ) RE )
 (0.96  0.7) / 4.52  (1  100)0.5)
 4.73 A
I CQ  I C  100 X 4.73 A  0.473mA
Step 2:
Determine Small Signal parameters rπ,gm and r0:
r  VT  / I CQ  (0.026)(100) / 0.473  5.497 K 
g m  I CQ / VT  0.473 / 0.026  18.19mA / V
r0  VA / I CQ   /1.727  
Step 3:
Calculate Ri and Av:
Ri '  r  (1   ) R E  5.947  (1  100)0.5  56k 
Ri  R1 R2 Ri '  4.52 56  4.78K 
AV  7.5
Using approximate formula, Av=-RC/RE = -9.4 (4)

4. (a) For the Circuit shown in the Figure below, RC=5kΩ, RB=100kΩ, RS=500Ω, (16) A
RE1=500Ω and RE2=5kΩ. The Transistor Parameters are β=100, VBE=0.7 and VA=100V,
Calculate Av and Ri.
Step 1: Calculate ICQ:Applying KVL to the base emitter loop,
I B RB  VBE  I B (1   )( RE1  RE 2 )  VEE  0
I B RB  I B (1   )( RE1  RE 2 )  VEE  VBE
I B  VEE  VBE / ( RB  I B (1   )( RE1  RE 2 ))
I B  (5)  0.7 / (100  (1  100)(0.5  5))  6.56 A
I CQ  I C   I B  100 X 6.56 A  0.656mA
Step 2: Determine small signal parameters :
r  VT  / I CQ  (0.026)(100) / 0.656  3.96 K 
g m  I CQ / VT  0.656 / 0.026  25.23mA / V
r0  VA / I CQ  100 / 0.656  152.44 K 
Step 3: Determine input resistance and voltage gain:
Ri  R1 R2 Ri '  RB [r  (1   ) RE1 ]
 100 K [3.96  (1  100) X 0.5]  35.26 K 
AV    RC / [r  (1   ) RE1 ]( Ri / Ri  RS )
 100 x5 / 3.96  (1  100) X 0.5(35.26 / 35.26  0.5)  9 (6)

5. For the circuit shown in the figure, determine Ri and voltage gain. Assume the transistor (16) A
parameters are amplification factor = 120, Base - emitter voltage = 0.7V and VA =
Solution: (8)

VS  V  [((V / r )  g mV ]RE

 V [1  (1  ( g m r / r ) RE
 V [1  (1   / r ) RE
V  VS / [1  (1   / r ) RE
V0  g m RC (VS ) / [1  (1   / r ) RE
AV  V0 / VS   g m r RC / [r  (1   ) RE ]
AV  V0 / VS    RC / [r  (1   ) RE ]
AV  120 X 4.7 / (5.2  (1  120) X 2
AV  2.28
Ri  R1 R2 Ri '  27.8 [5.2  (1  120) X 2]  25k (8)
6. For a common base amplifier shown below, calculate R i , Av, Ai and Ro. The transistor (16) A
parameters are β=100, VBE=0.7 and VA=infinity.

Step 1 : Find ICQ:
I B  (VEE  VBE ) / ( RB  (1   ) RE )
 (10  0.7) /100  (1  100)10)
 8.378 A
I CQ  I C   I B  100 X 8.378 A  0.8378mA
Step 2: Determine small signal transistor parameters:
r  VT  / I CQ  (0.026)(100) / 0.8378  3.1K 
g m  I CQ / VT  0.8378 / 0.026  32.223mA / V
r0  VA / I CQ   / I CQ  
Step 3: Find Ri,Av,Ai and R0
Ri  r /1    3.1/1  100  30.69
Av  g m ( RC RL ) / Rs [(r / (   1)) RE Rs
 32.223(10 2) /1[30.69 / (1  100) 10 1]  1.594
Ai  g m R c / (R c  R l )[(r / (1   ) R E ]  0.821
R0  RC  10 K (8)
7. For the circuit of BJT amplifier is shown in the figure below draw a.c and d.c load lines. (16) A
Also find the Q-point. Assume β=100, VBE=0.7V.

Step 1: Obtain VCEQ,ICQ ,Point A & Point B.
Applying KVL to the base circuit
VCC  I B RB  VBE  0
I B  (VCC  VBE ) / RB  (12  0.7) / 220 K  51.36mA
I CQ   I B  100 X 51.36 A  5.136mA
Applying KVL to the collector circuit
VCC  I c Rc  VCEQ  0
VCEQ  VCC  I c Rc  (12  5.136mAX 1000  6.864V (4)

Therefore Q POINT is ICQ=3.424 mA. VCEQ= 6.864 V

Axes Intersection Points
Point A: VCE=VCC=12V at IC=0
Point B:IC=VCC/Rdc=VCC/RC=12/1K=12 mA

Step 2: Obtain Rac,Point a and Point b:

RaC  RC RL  1K 1K  500
Point a:
VCE max  VCEQ  I CQ Rac  8.576V

Step 3: Draw ac and dc load lines (4)

8. For a circuit shown in the figure, Find RC, R1, R2 and R3 such that R1+R2+R3 =100K, (16) A
ICQ2=0.5mA and VCE1=VCE2=4V. Neglect the dc base currents and assume IC=IE in both
Q1 and Q2. Also determine the voltage gain. Assume β=100, VBE=0.7 and VA=infinity for
both transistors.

Step 1: Find RC,R1,R2 and R3
Neglecting base currents, (4)
I1  VCC / ( R1  R2  R3 )  12 /100  0.12mA
VE1  I CQ 2 RE  (0.5)(0.5)  0.25V
VC1  VCEQ1  VE1  4  0.25  4.25V
VC 2  VCEQ 2  VC1  4.25  4  8.25V
RC  VCC  VC 2 / I CQ  (12  8.25) / 0.5  7.5 K
VB1  VE1  0.7  0.25  0.7  0.95V
VB1  [ R3 / ( R1  R2  R3 )]VCC  R3 (12 /100)  0.95
R3  7.92k
VB 2  VC1  0.7  4.25  0.7  4.95V
VB 2  VC1  0.7  4.25  0.7  4.95V
R2  (4.95)(100) /12  7.92  33.3K
R1  100  R2  R3  100  33.3  7.92  58.8 K (4)
Step2: Determine rπ and gm:
For both Q1 & Q2,
r 1  r 2  VT / I CQ  (100)(0.026) / 0.5  5.2 K
g m1  g m 2  I CQ / VT  0.5 / 0.026  19.23mA / V
r0  r01  r02   (4)
Step 3:
Av  Vo / Vs   gm1 gm 2 (r 2 / (1   )( RC RL )
30.06 (4)

9. For a differential amplifier shown in the figure below, calculate Ad, Acm and CMRR. (8) A
Assume IQ=1, β=100, VA=Infinity, the output resistance looking into the constant
current source is R0 = 20K and source resistors RB = 0.

Ad  I Q RC / 4VT
Ad  1X 12 / 4(0.026)  115.38
Acm  ( I Q RC / 2VT ) /1  [(1   ) R0 I Q / VT  ]
Acm  (1X 12 / 2(0.026) /1  [(1  100)20 X 1/ 0.023(100)]
Acm  0.297
CMRR  Ad / Acm  115.38 / 0.297  388.5
CMRR(dB)  20 log10 388.5  51.79dB (4+4)

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