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Concurrent Assignment

213: Computer Aided Personal Productivity Tool Lab

Q.No.1. Enter following text and solve the following questions.

Table of Contents
Type chapter title (level 1) ............................................................................................................... 1

Type chapter title (level 2) ........................................................................................................................... 2

Type chapter title (level 3) ..................................................................................................................... 3

Type chapter title (level 1) ............................................................................................................................... 4

Type chapter title (level 2) ........................................................................................................................... 5

Type chapter title (level 3) ..................................................................................................................... 6

types of computers
There are different types of computer systems nowadays for different purpose according to the
user needs. However we can classify them into different groups based on different aspects:
based on size
We can find four different type of computers based on size.


These are large computers that are most powerful. They can complete tasks very soon and are
optimized to complete given tasks quickly.


These are the largest computers and can support hundreds of users simultaneously. These are
powerful computers and optimized to run maximum number of applications at one time.


These are medium sized computers –smaller than mainframe but much larger than personal
computers. They can be the best solution for medium scale organizations.


Micro computers are the smallest when size is concerned. They range from Desktop, Laptop up
to the palm top and even smaller ones. Because micro computers are developed to support single
person, they are often called personal computers (PCs). ‘Go to top’

“Based on Size”
Q.No.2 Create a document with following text and carry out the
tasks mentioned below:
"Before starting, check that you are
viewing this in Ms Word. If you left
clicked on the
link in your web browser to come here, you will be viewing this through
Internet Explorer. You
can check this by clicking on the Help menu and seeing if it lists either
"About Ms Word"
or "About Internet Explorer". If it says, "About Internet Explorer" you
have opened this fine in
the incorrect way, and so you can use the Back button on the browser to
go back and download
the document in the correct way. If it says "About Ms Word", you've
done it correctly -
carry on."

Q.No.3. Design in MS Word

a. Create Page 1 and 2 in Portrait.

b. Create Page 3 in Landscape.
c. And 4 and 5 in A4 Portrait.
Make this Table in Page no. 3
Personal Budget

“Based on Size”
Personal Budget
SN Month Income Expenses Saving
1 January 12000 8000
2 February 18000 12000
3 March 15000 23000
4 April 14000 11000

“Based on Size”
SN Month Income Expenses Saving
1 January 12000 8000
2 February 18000 12000
3 March 15000 23000
4 April 14000 11000
Q.No.4 Type following paragraph correctly
What is Network?
Network used to interconnect computers in a single room,
rooms inside a building or buildings

are normally called local area networks (LANs). LANs

normally transmit data in a digital form
using media such as coaxial cable or multithreaded cable.
Local Area Network can be used only

on one site of a building. The terminals and workstations are

able to connect either one of the

'two' host computers when required.

The network has a file server and a print server. The file server
is a special computer which
provides a form of auxiliary storage that can be used by any
other computer on the network. The
print server is a special printer which can receive data form
other computers on the network and

print it. It is possible to connect external communications

server on the LAN with a device which
makes the communication possible between the equipment of
the network and system elsewhere,

e.g. modem.

For example, in IT department of Nepal Electricity Authority,

there are more than 30 computers

“Based on Size”
working at the same time. The authority can get the
information about whatever is being

operated in any computer. All things can be connected with

the file server.
Inserta Network clip art right side of second paragraph set text
wrapping square and
insert caption below clip art as "Figure 1 : Clip art Picture"
Q.No.5. Make up an interesting Letterhead and contact details and center it at top of
letter. Use a picture/ logo at
the top left of the page. Keep it small and appropriate. Set appropriate tab stops for
tabular area

Ref PB/PK/A345
Miss Sapana Singh

Date: (12/02/2019)
Dear Sir
Sub: Fax Machine Accessories
Enclosed please find our current booklet detailing our selection of fax machine accessories.
We feel sure you will find many items of interest in this booklet and would like to draw your
attention to the following special effects:
Code Item Description Sale Price
432809 Trim Fax Stand £85.00
0984231 Eurotek Fax Station £25.99
809432 Epson Machine Trolley £35.00
984321 Twinlock Fax Holders £45.50
You will note that our products are listed in 15 sections.
For your convenience, section numbers are listed for easy reference on page 2. We will be
pleased to quote you for any special requirements you may have.
Yours ………
Mr ……………….
General Manager
Encl.: Booklet of fax machine accessories

“Based on Size”

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