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How does each of the movies appeal to you in terms of the following a. logos, b. pathos and ethos?


a. Logos- many people are nonbelievers of God they believe that God is already dead.
b. Pathos – why we argue about Gods made existence infact all he did are just for good for the
c. Ethos- God wasn’t do for the bad things to the people all he did is just guide all people do good
and who belief and trust with faith by him will save.


a. Logos- The threatening of the white people to the black American people where in slavery,
brutality, acts, constant treats of torture rape and murder that leads to black people to fights their right
and freedom as an equality threats.

b. Pathos –.it is true that it is so unfair that the white people has the only have a rights because we
all need wanted respect and all, where there is a law to be follow us

c. Ethos- based on Augustine of Hippo an unjust law is no law at all if you did not give freedom to
black people

2. How are proposition formed in each of his movie?

Answer: proposition formed in each of his movie by knowing who is right or wrong in terms of belief,
facts, and opinions support, in the movie GOD is not dead where in people belief that there is God that
give the lights in the darkness and for the great debaters where blacks people fights for their freedom of
equality for white people.

3. Discuss the overall the premise in every movie with corresponding education.

4. Cite at least 3 logical fallacies in each movie for a total of 6 fallacies all in all and label and discuss

The great debaters

a. Adhominem
b. Apeeal to popular passion
c. Spin spin doctors

a. Adhominem
b. Strawman-
c. Appeal to fear –when all of the staff of the school are trying to tell that she will accept what is
not thetruth..

5. cite at list 3 presumptions and assumptions in every movie for a total of 6 presumption 6 assumption
and discuss.

Any man more right than his neighbors

constitutes a majority of one.''

6. cite 3 syllogisms in every movie 6 syllogism all in all in every movie 6 syllogisms all in all identify each
type and discuss.

7. How is the use of burden of proof and its shifting tendency used in every movie?

The use of burden of proof and its shifting tendency used in every movie by defencing the opponent on
his strong evidence but the side opponent is trying to repeat the statement into difficult situation and
she defencing her statement to be more valid and reliable to the societal problem.

8. Argue on this miss graces lawyers won the case because he dii not want to lose over the prosecutor
and not necessarily because he has proven Jesus existence .

9. Argue on this the great debaters are merely romanticizing racism issue.

10. How are both movies similar and different in the observation of argumentation?
The similarity of both movies are they are the same won in the debates ,they are staying their beliefs
and fighting for their rights to sacrifice to all Negros and religion . the difference of both arguments on
the great debaters are shifting the burden of proof by defencing validity, reliability with facts ,opinion
with strong statement. While the movie God’s not dead is performing on the trial court be making

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