Pop Seminar

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George Gershwin:

- born in Brooklyn, NY September 26, 1898

- put regular tunes together
o like imitation of the popular tunes that day
- worked in Tin Pan Alley for Jerome H. Remick and Company
- first big hit “Swanee” in 1919
- used blues elements in pieces, but doesn’t satisfy blues element, more
- music used conflicting elements which only a few popular songs of that day
- had his own interpretation of “small jazz band”
- age 25 wrote “Rhapsody in Blue”
o for solo piano and jazz band
o later orchestrated for orchestra
o displays his talent of rhythm and melodic inspiration
o has been interpreted as a musical portrait of New York City
o used in Disney’s film Fantasia 2000
- wrote in theatres with the help of lyricists
- biggest theatrical success “Porgy and Bess”
o based on the novel Porgy
o innovative synthesis of European orchestral techniques with American
jazz and folk music idioms
o “It Ain't Necessarily So” and "Summertime” were most famous
- after, went to Hollywood to work on music for films
- escalated his mark in popular music

‘Summertime’ from Porgy & Bess


It Ain't Necessarily So

Part 1 of Rhapsody in Blue

Disney Produced Singers:
- started out with The Mickey Mouse Club
- children’s show
- featured ever-changing teenage performers
- was a variety show which included music; dancing and singing
- revived in 70’s and again in 90’s
- was a launching spot for many singers
o Matt Morris, JC Chasez, Keri Russell
- rise in Disney stars started w/ artists such as cheetah girls, HSM, jonas
- aimed at children/teens
- “Disney makes you a star, you make them an enormous amount of money,
and then you either crash and burn or you go out and stake your claim in the
real world.”
- marketing is successful
MMC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcYA-bcGMP4
Featured Britney, Justin, JC

Britney Spears:
- introduced to talent agents while being on Mickey Mouse Club
- ended up on Star Search which launched music career
- originally wanted to sound like Sheryl Crow, but wanted music to dance to so
she went pop
- first image as “girl next door” “wholesome”
- music was very poppy, dance-like
- commented that she’s tired of being compared to “bubble gum pop”
- also commented her influences were Madonna and Janet Jackson
- as her career escalated, became dependent on auto tune and robotic effects
to make her voice sound better
- early 2000’s digital music broke out
- teen-pop trend diminished with the break out of modern R&B and hip hop
- wants to stray away from the image
- while on tour, felt inspired by hip hop artists like Jay-Z wanted to create a
record with more funkier sound
- release of 3rd album entitled ‘Britney’ in 2001
o obvious attempt to present herself as more of an adult
o transition from teen pop to adult
- release of 4th album ‘In the Zone’
o more computer generated sounds
o songs such as ‘Toxic’
o presented herself even more as a “mature” adult, more sexually
assertive performer
- Rolling Stone wrote: "Britney Spears carries on the classic archetype of the
rock & roll teen queen, the dungaree doll, the angel baby who just has to
make a scene.”
- media started getting into her personal life
- controversial behaviour started which then she shaved head for “new start”
- one of the most controversial and successful female vocalists of the 21st
Toxic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCRT8IItGpw

Miley Cyrus:
- achieved fame by acting on Disney’s original Hannah Montana
- aimed for young teenagers
- role model/pop star
- released records under her stage name ‘Hannah Montana’ and later under her
own name
- wanted to change the image of her under Disney
- released self-titled album ‘Breakout’ in 2008
o breaking out from the Disney image
- started becoming more “adult” through her appearance and music
- mostly a commercial pop star; released movies and shows
- hoping that by being in ‘The Last Song’ will transition her image
- Vanity Fair released pictures of Miley which Disney got upset over
- stirred many controversies
- all personal decisions; went with provocative image, influenced music
- ‘Can’t be Tamed’ and ‘Who Owns My Heart?’
- released album ‘Can’t Be Tamed’ in 2010
o arousing media criticism for being provocative
o nonetheless sold numerous records on the first day
o edgier beats, not poppy
- she took pictures that the public made out to be provocative which hurt her
wholesome image
- still criticized for being too ‘adult’ for her age because of the background from
- ‘The Climb’ and ‘Party in the USA’ vs. ‘7 Things’ and ‘See You Again’
Can’t be Tamed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQSmoZbCGwU

- mostly electronic sounds
- generated through computer
- use of synthesizers
- drums kept constant beats; like tempo in dance music
- acoustic guitar, drum machine, sequencer
- orchestration like classical music

Gammond, Peter. Popular Music. Oxford University Press 1991. New York.



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