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Brotherton room and group study table

booking request form

Venue Brotherton Room ☐ Group Study Table [seats 10 maximum] ☐
Details of group/course/module: ..........................................................................................
Course code: .......................................................................................................................
Session leader name: ..........................................................................................................
School: ................................................................................................................................
Address/Library barcode:.....................................................................................................
Telephone/extension: ..........................................................................................................
Email: ..................................................................................................................................

Details of session Bookings are 10am-4pm Monday-Friday

Date of session .............................. Start: ............................ Finish: ....................................
Is this a recurring session? Yes ☐ No ☐
If yes, please give details of all sessions: ............................................................................
Number of expected attendees for each session: ................................................................
Type of group (delete as appropriate): University of Leeds / Non-University of Leeds

Undergraduate year =.................... Postgraduate taught ☐ Postgraduate research ☐

Type of session: Teaching ☐ Workshop ☐ Other ☐
(if ‘other’ please provide details) ..........................................................................................
Please talk to a member of staff if you require further information
Please note, sessions can only be booked if using Special Collections material
Room layout (for Brotherton Room bookings)
☐ Boardroom 1: Chairs sat around long table (max 12 chairs)
☐ Boardroom 2: Chairs sat around wide table (max 14 chairs)
☐ Cruciform: Tables set up in cross formation (max 16 chairs)
☐ Study group: Chairs set about 3 tables (max 22 chairs)

Presentation equipment
The room is set up for PC use. If you are bringing a Mac you will need to provide an adaptor. Special
Collections cannot provide IT support during events.
☐ Bringing own laptop – you will need an Eduroam login for Wifi
☐ Require Library laptop – you must bring presentation on portable USB drive
☐ Projector and screen
☐ Speakers
Special Collections material request for session
Complete your requirements below (note max 10 items). The list is required at least 2 weeks in advance of
your event
You may return the booking form without this information.

Shelfmark Author Title Date/edition/details


Guidance notes for using the Brotherton Room & Group Study Tables
 All events must be confirmed by Special Collections.
 Please arrive 15 minutes before your event is due to start to check that you are happy with the
layout of the material.
 As the event organiser you are responsible for returning the Brotherton room key and for ensuring
that your group are aware of fire exits and rules about food and object handling.
 No food or drink may be taken into the Brotherton Room or Group Study Area, this includes bottled
water, sweets and gum.
 When your booking is confirmed, you will be sent information about handling historic objects. Please
ensure that members of your group are given guidance before any handling sessions commence.
 Please only use pencils for making notes. If your group do not have pencils please ask in Special
Collections and we will provide some.
 The Brotherton Room has CCTV cameras which are monitored by Reading Room staff during
sessions. Staff may interrupt the session if necessary.
 The Brotherton Room is a storage facility as well as a teaching space. Reading Room staff may
have to retrieve items during your session. They will try to be as discreet as possible.
 There is a wheelchair-accessible lift at the entrance to the Brotherton Library providing access to
Special Collections on Level 4. Further details can be found on the library website at

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