A. The Background of Study

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A. The Background of Study

The different research with paradigm research, psycho-statistical research and the related
with contemporary science research is a method usual called action research. The concept of
Action Research different with other research. Because the basic concept and principles used
different. Because the step of action research is dialect

Although in many develop countries has evolved, in Indonesia still new research. Because
the research related with qualitative research, because the data collection using qualitative
approach. Combine between action research with data collection conducted on reciprocal. In the
form : planning, act, research and reflection.

Action research is the systematic research carried out by the research ( in the education by
teacher, lecture or counselor) in the activities, collecting data, success or not, then the preparation
as well as the implementation and the complete activities. The action can called a research to
developed researcher with decision maker about the variables can be manipulation and can be
important think in the education, because one of effect to interpretation that activities has the
urgency, of the evaluation in the future. The main characteristic of the action research is aims to
get significant discovery in operation that can used when the policy of implementation.

B. Statement of Problem
What kind of the design Classroom Action Research?

C. Objective of The Research

To know kind of the design Classroom Action Research.

The Models of Action Research

Hopkins (2008) the argue the model of action research is the design of the
research can be used to translate a the concept into the reality that are more practical. The
model of action research serves as the advice to facilitate of communication or as a hint
that is the perspective to take a decision or as a clue composed of planning to the
activities of the management in doing research survey class.
The model of action research good was models who can helped us to understand
the one of the process of research is fundamental and thoroughly. A lot of the model we
can apply as a guideline in design and carry out classroom action research. Model of
action research had so many models, so research can chosen one of the model in
accordance potensional. In the model, there is not considered and researchers advisable to
chosen one of the models according to the researchers.
There are several kinds of the model PTK developed by some of the experts have
a pattern of the same, namely a series of events research in the form of a series of cycle
where on many of the cycle will form of the new cycle result revision.

1. Model Kurt Lewind

Kurt Lewind explained that there are emphatal should be done in the process of
research action namely :
a. Planning
Planning is the process of repair determine the program that departed from one of the
idea researchers.
b. Action
Action is the treatment carried out by the researchers in accordance with the planning
has been drafted in the researchers.
c. Observation
It is the observation conducted to determine the effectiveness of action or grather
information about the lack of action that have been carried out.
d. Reflection
It is analyzed about the observation or planning new.

2. Model Kemmis and Mc. Taggarte

It is development of the concept the basic introduced by Kurt Lewind . said so,
because in one cycle consist of four parts,
a). Planning
b). Action
c). Observation
d). Reflection

After a cycle finished be implemented and reflection then followed by the planning of
his carried out in the form of cycle it self. But, in the general researchers ranging from a
phase of the reflection of beginning to conduct studies introduction as a base in
formulating problem research. Next followed planning, action, observation, and
reflection of that can be described as follows :
a. Planning or as reflection of the beginning of a activities to gather information about
situations relevan to the time of the study.
b. Planning structure is the result of the reflections of the beginning. This is planning
flexible, can change in accordance with the condition of the real.
c. Action is an effort to repair, an increase in or changes carried out based on the plan of
d. Observation is observe of the impact of action implemented or worm against the
e. Reflection is activities analysis, the synthesis, interpretation of all the information
obtained bye the time the action to examine, seeing and considering the result or the
impact of action that can be pulled the conclusion that steady and sharp based on the
theory of the result of research there has been and relevant.

3. Model Jhon Elliot

Model Elliot is more emphasized in the process of to trying new things in the learning
process. According to Elliot, the first step to do is to determine the and develop the idea of
public followed by doing exploration of the to sharpen the idea of or the idea. According to
Elliot about the model PTK that whatever problems to be raised in the study should remain in
the scope of a problem faced by teachers in the implementation of learning everyday in the
classroom and is something that want to be repaired or changed.
Interpretation Elliot against the model PTK that the early in the form of identification
problem is a statement that connect the idea of the with idea of the with action. While in the
reconnaissance is an understanding of the situation class who wanted to altered or repaired. It
as if compared to other PTK bagan model then there are some differences fundamentally, but
still form a activities recurring (cycle).

4. Model Dave Ebbutd

Model research this action developed by Ebbutd (1985). A model of this in ilhami by
thinking Kemmis and Elliot. In he improvement, Ebbutd less so same with the interpretation of
Elliot and Kemmis, because Kemmis equate her research with only findings fact. While the fact,
Kemmis clearly shows that the research consist of discussion, negosiasi, investigating, and down
obstacle constraint that there.

Ebbutd (1985) said that a researcher action should start form the beginning of the idea
that driven by the wishes of the researchers to do a repair the process of would generate
something more optimally. Based on the idea of the start, the researchers trying to find a
anything to do to solve it later the design of the public that will be implemented. During the
process of implementation, do monitoring to see the influence of a caused the researcher

The result of the monitoring next prepared an explanation about various failure happened.
To the explanation would be put in revision plans common next gave birth to plan
implementation on the second round. That’s continuously until on round of certain.
5. Model Hopkins

Model of this study conducted by forming a downward spiral which starting from the
feel of the problem, the planning, carry out the action, making observations an do a reflection
and make plans again and so on.

Action research is the systematic research carried out by the research ( in the education by
teacher, lecture or counselor) in the activities, collecting data, success or not, then the preparation
as well as the implementation and the complete activities. The action can called a research to
developed researcher with decision maker about the variables can be manipulation and can be
important think in the education, because one of effect to interpretation that activities has the
urgency, of the evaluation in the future. The main characteristic of the action research is aims to
get significant discovery in operation that can used when the policy of implementation.

The model of action research good was models who can helped us to understand the one of
the process of research is fundamental and thoroughly. A lot of the model we can apply as a
guideline in design and carry out classroom action research. Model of action research had so
many models, so research can chosen one of the model in accordance potensional. In the model,
there is not considered and researchers advisable to chosen one of the models according to the

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