DSR Beed District 2015 2016

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Page No.
Sr.No Classification of Items From To



- Bd- A Excavation 09 12
Bd- C Structural Steel Work. 12 13
Bd- E Plain Cement Concrete . 13 15
Bd- F Reinforcement Cement Concrete 15 26
Bd-G Brick Work 26 29
Bd - J Wate.r Proofing 29 33
Bd- K Expansions Joints 33 34
Bd - L Plastering and pointing
34 37
Bd- M Paving ,Flooring And Dado 37 50
Bd- N Wood Finish 50 51
Bd- 0 Oil Painting 51 55
Bd- P Colour I White Washing, Distempering 55 58
Bd-Q Wood Work 58 60
Bd- R Roofing and Ceiling I 60 64
Bd- T Doors And Windows 64 98
Bd- U Iron Work 98 99
Bd - V
·Bd - W
Water Supply and Sanitary Fittings.
Miscel laneous
- - 99
- - - -Removing and dismantling
- - -
120 128
l_ _ -
-- - -
Page No .
Sr. No Classification of Items From To

3 RD- ROADWORKS 129 162

Road Safety Works/ Road Furniture 129 162
Road SuNey 181 192
- iransportation /lead chart 193 lI 194
- l
II - Standard Cement Consumption 195 199
Ill - Material Requirement for Asphalt treatment. 200 202
IV - Pay Load Factor 203 205
v - labour Rate 206 208
VI - Material Rate 209 230
VII - POL Component 231 233
VIII:- Ufe of Equipment 234 234
IX - Out put of Machines 235 236
X - Average fuel consumption of company m/c 237 238
XI - Quality control Test 239 246
6 Block Estimate - Road & Building 247 248
GENERAL NOTE ON D. S. R. ( 2015-16)
1. The schedule of rates p re pared for the y ea r 2015-16 a re op era tive from
1st July 2015 and Is applicable for Beed Distnct.
2. For the Ra t es 1n notified Tribal Area, Hill y a nd in accessible Areas, Corporat ion
Areas, and jail Pr emises, an increase of percentage over the normal schedule
of Rates prescril>ecl for the year 2015- 16 is allowed as follow s :
a. Notified Tribal Area, Hilly and Inaccessi ble area s 10 %
( Govt. circular of Planning Department No. 1089/CR-661Pian- 19
dated 23-11-1990 which notify the villages are shown on Page No. 2 53
of this DSR)
b. Corporation area 05 %
c. I nside High Security wall of Jai l Prem ises. 15%
3. The increase in rates as above should be applicable only one at a time, that is,
If jail premises is situated in Corporation Areas, an increase of only 15 % for
the jail premi ses is to be considered and not 20 % ( 15 % + 5 % ).
4. Schedule of rates is based on the following basic rate of materials :-
1. Cement Rs. 6000.00 Per M.T.
2. Mild Steel Rs. 46000.00 Per M.T.
3. H. Y. S. D. (Tor Steel ) Rs. 46000.00 Per M.T.
4. T. M. T.
a) Integrated Plant( Such as TATA,SAIL) Rs. 52000.00 Per M.T.
b) Other plant Rs. 48000.00 Per M.T.
5. (Packed) VG-40(30/40) Rs. 48322.00 Per M.T. Ex. Ref. Mumbai
6. (Bulk) VG-40 (30/40) Rs. 43550.00 Per M.T. Ex. Ref. Mumbai
7. (Packed) VG-30 (60/70 ) Rs. 46777.00 Per M.T. Ex. Ref. Mumbai
8. (Bulk) VG'-30 (60/70) Rs. 42100.00 Per M.T. Ex. Ref. Mumbai
9. Structural Steel Rs. 46000.00 Per M.T.
(Angle Tee, Channel I beam etc)
10. M.S. Plate Rs 52000 PerM. T
11. Emulsion
Bulk RC Drum
RSI for tack coat Rs 35849/- Rs 39711/-
SSI For Prime coat WMM/WBM Rs 57 2 75/- Rs 61136/-
a) Since the Basic rate of Materials adopted while preparing the rate
abstract of Items are as per Market Rates which includ es VAT and
other Taxes, no separate provision is r equired to be made in the
Est imate Rate a nalysis D.S.R. items i. e . rate considered in the D.S.R.
are inclusive of VAT.
b) The rates of bulk 1 packed bitum en, b itumen emulsion, and ru bber
modified bitumen, adopted for the it ems of bitumtnous works are
based on the rates prevailing at ex-refinery Mumbat. The rates are
tnclu siv e of excise duty 14 % addl. Cess 3 % on excise duty and VAT
12.50% subsequent rncrease 1 d ecrease, if any, in t hese rates shall be
accoun ted for in the analysis of t he items while framing the estr m ate .

c) While preparing the estimate of B. T. works separate prov ision for
difference bet w een actual costs, including. excise duty of 14 %
additional at 3 % on excise duty, VAT Tax at 12.5 % shall be added
d) While preparing the estimates, the above values may be treated as
basic va ~ ues and all calcu lations should be performed accordingly.
e) Rate of mild steel 1 HYSD I TMT are based on rates prevailing in
market. The rates are Inclusive of all taxes. Rates of steel Vary as per
global market, hence subsequent in case or decrees If any in this rates
shall be informed by circle office. While preparing estimate the
increase or decrees in rate of basic rate Is consider in rate analysis.
5. For cost towards procurement and temporary storage of water for
construction purpose to provision of 1 % in rate analysis is made.
6. The rates In CSR are inclusive of 1% labour aminities and 1% rnsu rance
7. Item required for water supply and sanitary works, which are not included in
this OSR, the OSR of Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhil<aran in the District is to be
8. The rates of machinery hire charges shall be as per the machinery use rates
of Irrigation. Department Issued by the Chief Engineer, (Mech) Nashik.
9. The rates for items pertaining to Parks & Gardens shall be taken from the DSR
of Superintendent, Parks & Gardens, Mumbai.
a) For all completed items initial lead up to S kms. Is considered .

b) For pl;.:tin & reinforced cement concrete worrks , if GOOD QUALITY OF

ARTIFICIAL SAND available with reasonable lead ,the rate for same can
be derived by addition to rate of item of natural sand in this CSR for
per cubic metre of item
1) With total artificial sand Rs 200/- per cu m
2) With SO % of Natural Sand & SO % of artifidal sand Rs 100/- per

c) The floor is designed by the space contained within the top of the
virgin slab 1 roof covering below to the top of the virgin slab I roof
covering above.
d) For every floor percentage increase in rate shall be considered for the
items in the following section, as given in the table . Aoor height shall
be up to 3.80 metres or roof height whichever is less

- - -r ·
Sr. No. Floor Percentage Increase
1 Ground Floor Nil
First Floor
2 - 1.00 % -
3 Second Floor 1.50%
4 Third Floor 2.00%
5 Fo urth Floor 3.50%
6 Fifth A oor 4.00%
7 Sixth Floor 5.00%
8 Seventh Floor & above 7.00%
The maximum percentage for lift charg_es shall not be more than 7 %

e) Items to be carried out above terrace such as waterproofing treatment

on terrace, water storage tank, parapet wall with copi ng, stair case, lift
room with slabs and water proofing treatment, plastering, painting etc.
required for the completion of building are assumed to be the items of
its lower floor.
f) The Fly as bricks, tiles or similar products shall be used in construction
within radial distances of 100 Km. from Thermal Power station.
g) Items of doors and windows with Iron oxidized fixture and fastening
with butt hinges are provided for other type of fixtures and fastening
and percentage as given below per Sqm rate.

Particular Double leaf shutter Single Leaf Shutter

Butt Hinges Parl iamentary Butt Parliamentary
Hinges Hinges Hinges
For Doors
Iron Oxidiesd - 1% - 1%
Allumlniu m 5% 6% 3% 4%
Brass 35% 38% 30% 33%
Brass Oxldised 40% 44% 35% 38%
For Windows
Iron Oxidiesd - 1% - -
Alluminium 3% 4% - -
Brass 22% 25 % - -
Brass Oxi dised 30% 34% - -

For Compound wall sand faced plaster shall not be done. Inst ead 20
mm thi ck ordin ary in C. M. 1: 5 Plaster sha ll be provided.
a) For plain & re inforced cement concrete worrks , if GOOD QUALITY OF
ARTIFICIAL SAND ava ilable with reasonable lea d ,the rate for same can
be derived by addition to rate of item of natural san d in this CSR for
per cu bic metre of item
1) With total artifici al san d Rs 200/~ per cum
2 ) Wit h SO % of Natural Sa nd & 50 % of artif icia l sa nd Rs 100/- per cum

b) Rates for supplying of material for road work at quarry site with lead of
SO metre. Lead charges will have to be considered separately while
preparing the estimate for roadwork .
c) For Bridge work & C. D. work basic leacl of 5.00 kms is cons1dered for
all completed items. For working out items of additional leads more
than 5.0 kms. The estimate should be prepared for actual leads by
deducting Initial lead charges of 5.00 kms for all completed items of
d) Bitumen content for semi dense carpet is taken as 5.25 %. The job mix
formula is to be designed to decide bitumen content before execution
of the item. Accordingly the difference in Bitumen cost shall be
adjusted. (This Para shalt be incorporated in tender conditions at
appropriate place.)
e) The rates of cement concrete item are based en standard consumption
specified in chapter V. The mix design shall be carried out for concrete
Grade of M-20 and above. If the consumption as per approved mix
design various from standard consumption accordingly the difference in
the cost of cement be adjusted according to mix design. ( This Para
shall be incorporated in tender conditions at appropriate place. )
f) Additional lift for Bridge items : For additional lift for various, bridge
item_s shall be as per list given below. Rate shall be increased by
percentage g.iven below. Lift is to be measured with respect to
common datum level which will be specified in tender document I
estimate. For raft foundation, the datum level shall be raft top .
1. Pier, Abutment, Returns, wing walls, pier cap, slab Box Returns.
a) Up to 4.00 m. above datum level. Nil
b) For every uddltional 2.00 m. height or depth beyond 4.00 m
from datum 3.50%

g) The Items related to traffic safety and transportation are grouped

under a separate chapter" Road Safety Works".

h) The rates of R. C.C. pipes shall be as per MSSIDC rate contract for
preparation of estimates.

i) The dewatering rates mentioned In briclge sections includes post

monsoon flow of river 1 nalla and general seapage of water only and
docs not include provision of cofferdam, casing etc. for standing water
are felt essenllal for prepared and got approved from competent
Authority and shall be included in the estimate and tender.


1) Lead charge for various material are given in Statement Part 1 (C2)
and these charges are Include loading and unloading charges. Hence
Loading and unloading charges should not be separately added.
ti) Statement - I (Cl) is for loading, unloading and stacking charges.
Loading and unloading charges to be deducted from transportation
charges in statement - I (C2), wherever transportation charges without
loading and unloading are required.

- ... - ~---- ·- --· .

iti) Rate of transportation of bulk bt tumen from refmery to the plant site is
Rs. 5.00 M. T. I km. Rate of heatmg and unloadtng bulk bitumen is Rs.
100.00 M.T.

a) The rates of VG - 30 (60/70), VG-40 (30/40) grade bitumen are

separate. Hence specify the grade accordingly, in items of work to be

b) References of PWD standard specifications, MORTH specification are

mentioned in bracket below descriptions of items.

13. For Specific tests like taking bores, span load tests, plate load test etc. whi ch
are not included in the rate analysis of item, the payment I estimates for
these tests will be prepared on the basis of rates app roved by Superintend ing
Engineer, Vigilance & Qu ality Control Circle, Aurang abad or DSR approved by
M. E.R.I.

14. Royalty charges for supply of materials : As per instructions issued vide
P.W.D. Govt. of Maharashtra Resolution of Revenu e and Forest Department
) liE'I'll~ ~T"R1'1 {1614':1 3roT~ mcrr 'q""R (31) w. G.<-9 ~"'f ie!:> ')CJ -it ~o9~ while
I framing the estimates, Royalty charges for the items of supply of material like
the rubble, metal , crushed metal, soft murum I hard murum, sand and soil
shall be considered in the rate analysis of respective items @ 141.34/ Cubic
Metre ( Rs. 400.00 per brass ) and shall be recovered.
m 15. Royalty charges at source sho uld be added to be basic rate while preparing
the rate analysis in the estimate. The Royalty charges prevailing shall be
mentioned rate as informed by revenue authorities other wise it should be
ed taken as per serial number 17.

16. The Contractor ha s to pay these charges directly to Revenue Dept. and
for original Challans; permission documents shall be produced to concerned
Executive Engineer. If Contractor falls to produce these original documents
the Royalty charges shall be recovered from contractor bill. This condition
•OSt shall be incorporated In every tender document.
;~ter 17. As Royalty charges already paid by the quarry owner the Royalty charges for
tent the bri cks ( as it is factory product ) sho uld not be considered in the


(ot lon

Concept of Gre en Buildings :-
• Green bu i lding concept is based on Recycle, Reu se, Reduce a nd use of
Renewa ble forms of energ y.
• It is Environment frie nd ly build ing it is also an energy effic1ent building.
Recyc le: -
• Recycling of water
• Recycling of w aste material ( ex. Old steel, wastage pa pers , plastic etc.)
Reuse :-
• Us ing of Old useful, dismantled materials in the construction ( eg. - wood,
stone, bricks, steel grills etc. )
• Water to be treated and reused. ( Waste water shall be treated a nd used for
flushing & gardening )
• Reduce energy consumption without sacrificing the comfort levels.
• Reduce destruction I stress on natural resources like land, native habitats etc.
• Reduce air, noise and water pollution . ( ex. spill prevent ion, proper
co nstru ction timing, Reduce of air, and noise pollution during const . )
• Reduced water consumption.
• Reduced pollution loads and GHG ( green house gas ) emissions and helps in
preventing global warming. (Green house gasses are Co2 , Co, No2, CFC'3)
• Redu ced waste generation.
• Reduced demand of the fossil fuels ( coal, petrol, diesel, wood etc. )
• Reduced ca rbon footprint.
Renewable forms of Energy : -
• Use Renewable form of e nergy like solar I wind I tidal and biogas.
Use of non toxic mate rials :-
• Low Voc paints I Adhesives and seal ants .
• Ban on smoking or provide smok ing zo nes.
• Good I Assured qua lity of water
• Safe d 1sposa l of hazardous materials.

• Use of ecologi ca lly sustai nable materi als ( with hig h recycled content, rapid ly
ren ew able reso urces and low emission potential ) ex. - Fly ash, mud bricks.

• Use of locally availabl e materia ls .

• Adopting efficien t t echnologi es ( eg. precast sy stems/ R. M. C. post ten sion i ng

etc. )
Rain water harvesti ng and reducing hard paving on site. ( Avoid pavi ng blocks
I B. T. I Concrete paving )
• Thermal, visual and audio comforts .

• Use of natural fe rtilizers and not to use on chemica l ferti li zers .

• Preserving and maintaining wate r bodies ( w ells 1 ponds I lakes etc)

• Use of low energy material in interiors ( composite wood products like

hardboardsr block boards particle boards, rapidly renewable materials like
Bamboo, rubber, eucalyptus, jute I cotton stalks etc. Produ cts which use
Industrial wastage such as wood waster, agricultural waste etc.
• Minimize a zone depleting substances ( i.e. CFC's and HCFC's in refrigeration,
air conditioning systems. insulation, and halos in fire suppression systems and
ext inguishers. )
• Deploying building operation and maintenance.

Based on so l ar passive architecture

• Orient the building so that the longer ax is shall be along East West axts.
• Arrange spaces w. r .t. favorable orientations e.g. place of buffer spaces like
toilet, service areas and staircase along the west I east face of th e building.
• Spaces with the requirement for natural lighting to be on the north.
• Shade the east and west wall using shading devices ex. louver system or any
other system .
• Shade the sou th side window opening with required shelves to prevent direct
entry of sunlight.
• The annual energy consumption of energy systems in a fully air conditioned
building for day use in a composite climate should not exceed 1400 kwh I m2
( Bench marked energy consumption )
• I n a fully non air conditioned building for a d ay use should not exceed 26 kwh
1 m2 (Bench marked energy consumption.)
Use of Energy Efficient fixtures
• CFL ( Compact Florescent lamps )
• LEO ( Light, emitting diode )
• Electronic ballast and T -5 tube light
• Solar lamps.
Use of low flow fixtures
• Sensor urinals
• Sensor taps
• Flushing tanks with low capacity ( instead of 10 liters )
• Use of Solar water heater, solar pumps, wind mill, biogas plant and solar
panels ( PV panels )
• Architecture may be integrates with PV panels.
• Maintaining appropriate lux levels with artificial lighting also ( during night
time avoid over lighting )
• Maintaining appropriate !;izes and number of fa ns.
• Providing turbo ventilators and roof lig hting . ( Helps ventilation, admits 1
provides daylight harvesting and provides thermal comforts by reducing the
temperature by 5 to 6 c. )
• Refer ECBC, BEE, GOI ( ECBC · Energy Conservation Building Code, BEE -
Beauro of Energy Efficiency, GOI - Govt. of India )

....--- -~--~----
_n_Kii~IO"l 01- l' CM UN I~ K01e lor LUI~ 16
SR .NO 8.
lH·M Proppsed
CODE Completed 'l Labour
1'A'RT- I 'B'UILV I:N(i 'WORX.
ti_ o_
n ~f=-
o-n in earth, soil~ ,- - - - -.,.......-- - -!
BDA 1 of all types sand, gr ave l a nd s oft I
murum,Includi ng removing the excavated
meterial w ith all lifts and leads beyond a
t distance of so metre the building area
stacking and spreading as d irected, Cum 1 32 .00 3 7. 00
dewatering , preparing th e bed for the
fou ndation and necessary back filling
2 ,ra mming, w ate r ing Includ ing shoring and
strutting etc.complete ( Lift up to 1. so
Jh metre ) Spec No.Bd.A.l Page No 259
2 Exca vation for foundation in earth, soils
BDA of all types,sand, gravel and soft
lA murum,lncluding removing the excavated
" mete rial with all lifts and leads beyond a
distance of 50 metre the bui lding area
stacking and sp rea ding as directed, Cum 143.00 43.00
dewatering, p reparing the bed for the
fou ndatio n and necessary back fi lling
,ramming,watenng Includ ing shoring and
strutting etc.co mplete ( lift above 1.50
.::.t.:..:r-=e=-L..}Spec No.Bd .A.l Page No 259
I- - - -1--'-M...:.e
3 Excavation for foundation in hard
;ol ar BOA 2 murum lncl~ding removing the excavated
m eterial with all lifts and leads beyond a
distance of SO metre the building area
stacking and spread ing as directed,
dewatering,preparing the bed for the Cum 148.00 45.00
night foundation and necessary back filling
,ramm1n g,watering Including shoring
,strutting complete. ( Lift up To 1.50
Metre )
n1 ts I
~.2~P~a~'9~,e~N~o~2~5~9~--------~-----l---------~------ _ 1
)g the 4 Excavation for foundation in hard
-· BDA murum In cl uding rem ovi ng the excavated
BEE - 2A m eterial with all lifts and lead s beyon d a
distance of 50 metre the bu ilding area
stacking an d spreadmg as directed ,
Cum 1 53.00 48.00
dewatering,prep<J ring the bed f or the
lou ndat1on and necessary back fdllng
J amming, wute ring I ncluding shor ing and
strutting co mplete .( Lift above 1.50
Metre ) Spec No.Bd.A~2 Pa_g_e No 259

n Fs c~~iP T t O N OF-111 M 1 t Jr--!11 Ro 1c: lor 2~j !.) 1 6 Pror)J);e~ I
Comple ted Labour
5 Excavation for foundation in h ard
BOA 3 murum and boulde r s Including
removing t he excavated meteria l with all
lifts and leads beyon d a distance of 50
metre the building area stacking and
spreading as directed , dewatering, Cum 169.00 54.00
preparing t he bed for the foundatto n and
necessa ry back filling , ramming, watering
Including shoring and strutting co mplete .
( Lift upto 1.50 Metre ) Spec
No.Bd .A .3 Pane No 259
6 Excavation for foundation in hard
BOA 3 A murum and boulders upto 0 . 10 cum.
Including removing the excavated meterial
w ith all lifts and leads beyon d a distance
of 5 0 m etre t he building area stacking and
spreadi ng as directed, Cum 18 4 .00 59.00
dewatering,preparing the bed for the
foundation and necessary back filling
,ramming, watering I ncluding shoring and
strutting complet e. (Lift above 1.50
Metrel S_Q_ec No. Bd.A. 3 Pag_e No 259
l------~:..=...::.:....:=~~=....:..:..~:...::..:..:...::.c~~:...oo..::~::....::.....:::.=:...=:...._-+- _ _ _4-_ ___ ____ ... _ _ _ ___
7 Excavation for foundation in soft rock
SDA 4 and old cement and lime masonry
foundations Including removing the I'
excavat ed meterial with all lifts and leads
beyond a distance of SO metre the building
area st acking and spreading as directed, Cum 319.00 54.00
dewatering,preparing the bed for the
foundation and necessary back filling - .
, ramming,water ing Including shoring and
strutting complete. (Lift upto 1.50
Metre1 ~2_ec No.Bd. A.4 Page No 259
- - - - - - t -- - ----1
8 Excavation for foundation in soft rock
BOA 4A and old cement and lime masonry
foundations I ncludi ng removing t he '·

excavated meterial with all lifts a nd leads

beyond a dist ance of 50 me t re the building
area stacking and spreading as directed ,
dewatering ,preparing the bed for the
Cum 349.00 54. 0 0
fou ndation and necessa r y back filling
,ramming,watering incl uding shoring <Jnd it,
' struttrng complet e . (lift a bove 1.5 0 J~

L _ __._s
_ .4_P_a-""-'

- - r : - -- -- - - --
.)i< N() <·~ l)t"\lll Rn tr: for ?.0 15- 16 t 'ror ps<:.d
;l EM
C O D~ Com pleted I abou r
9Excavation for found ation in hard rock
BDA 5 by blasting Including trimming and
leveling the bed by ch isell mg where
necessary and re moving the excavated
meterial with all lifts and leads beyond a
distance of 50 metre and stacking it 1n Cum 579.00 54 .00
measurable heaps the b uilding area and
Including dewatering and back filling
(Lift upto 1.50 Metre) Spec No.Bd.A.S
Page No 259
-ui Excavation for foundation in hard rock
BOA SA by blasting Including trimming and
leveling t he bed by chiselling where
necessary and removing the excavated
)0 meterial with all lifts and leads beyond a
distance of 50 metre and stacking tt in Cum 594.00 54.00
measurable heaps the bu ild i ng Area and
Includi ng d ewatering and back filling
( Lift above 1.50 Metre ) Spec
~P~a~~~e~N~o~2~5~9~-----------~-----~---------'•--- ---- __ _
11 Excavation for foundation in hard rock
BDA 6 by chisling, wedging, line drilling
etc.Incluclti ng trimming and leveltng the

LOO \ bed, removi ng the excavat ed meterial with

all lifts and leads beyond a distance of 50 Cum
metre the building area and stacking as
745. 00 80.00

directed, dewatering and back filling

complete. (lift upto 1.50 Metre)
S__pec No.Bd.A.6 Page No 260
J-----::-:::---+~-=-=-=-:..:;:..:...::..::::..:....:..:..=-.:.--=...o:l.=......:....:..::.....=.=....=_ _ _ ___ +- - ---l- -
-.:.........::.._-f- ·- - -·- - - -
12 Excavation for foundation in hard rock
----- BDA 6A by chisling, wedging, line drilling
etc.Including trimming and leveling the
bed, removing the Excavated meterial with
all lifts and leads beyond a distance of 50 Cu m

t met re the bu ilding Area and stacking as
directed, dewatering and back filling wirh
avai lable eart h 1 murum, ram m i ng,
780. 00 80.00

I~ 13
watering complete.
Metrej S_pec No.Bd.A.6 Page No 260
Filling in pli"lth and floors with
BDAtO approved excavated materials in 15
em. to 20 em. layers including waterin g CLJm
and compact ion
(Lift above 1.50 ~

ctc. com plcte. Spec

~ --

7/. 00
I ~


,_ No.Bd.A.10 Pa ge No 262


Ill M &+
CODE Completed Labour
14 Fi lling in plinth and floors w ith
BOA 1 1 contractor's sa n d or muru m in 15 em.
to 20 em. layers incl uding watering and Cum 262.00 32. 00
compaction etc.com plete . Sp ec
No . Bd .A .1 1 Pa g~e.. . .N
15 Providi ng and filling in t h e f oundatio n
BDA 13 with sa nd of approved quality including Cum
com paction com plete. Sp ec No. Bd.A.13 377. 00 32.00
Pa g e No 264
~----~~~~~~~~-----------------------l -----t----------~---------·-
16 Providing soling u s ing 6 0 t o SO m m.
BOA 14 s i z e tra p metal in 15 em. l ay e r
includi ng fillmg voids with sand/ grit Cum 402.00 32.00
ramming, watering com pl ete . Spec No. :
As dire cted ~Y Engineer i n c harg....::e::____:--•----:::--L----- - ----...::.l::..-- ---- - ·-1
'.Bcf.C - ST'R11CTU1U\L ST''EU 1VORX.
17 Provi di ng stru ctural steel work in r oll e d
BOC 2 sectio n s like j oists, ch ann e ls, a ngl es,
t ees etc. as per det ailed designs and
drawing incl ud ing fixing in positio n w it hout M .T . 6 5213.00 14713.00
connecting plates, braces etc. and three
coats of oil painting com plete. Sp ec No. :
Bd. C. 2. Page . No. 2 75
18 Prov iding structural s tee l work in rolle d
BOC 3 section, f ix ed with connecting plates or
angle cleat s etc . as in main and cross
beams, hi p and jack rafters, purlins
connecting to truss members and the like,
as per de tai led designs and drawing or as M .T. 669 8 0.00 14980 .00
directed incl uding cutting, fabricating,
hoisting, erecting, fixi ng in posit ion ma king
riveted/ bolted/ welded connection s and
three coats o f oil pai nting complete. Sp ec I"

No. : Bd. C. 3 . Page . No. 27 5

19 Prov iding s tructural s teel work i n s ingle
BDC 6 stan c h oin s compos ed o f r o lle d ste e l
joists channels etc. with caps, bases,
mild steel plates, angle br ackets, cleats,
gusset plates, anchor bolts etc. as pe r
detailed des igns and d rawmgs or as M.T. 68050.00 16050.00
d1 rected mcludmg cu tting , fabricat ing,
ho1sttng, e• ect ing, ttxing tn pos•tion making I~
nveted/ bol ted/ weld ed connccllons and
painttng complete . Spec No. . Bd. C.6 .
Pa g e . N o .277 ~--------~--------_J-~ •.

b-,-( ) ,<,.,- DF'\C'~ t r :JO N O i lftM .----:--- .0 1!l-16 p rCpp)CC
lJ Nll I<Clie for 2~ - -
llEM - --- -
COD[ Comt Jlcte:d lobm)r
20 Pro\tiding structural steel work 'in - - +· - --
BDCB trusses, other similar tru ssed purlins
and members with all bracing, gu sset
plates e t c. as per detailed designes and
drawings or as directed i ncluding cutting, M.T. 71120.00 17120.00
fabricating, hoisting, erecting, fixing in
j position making riveted/ bolted/ welded
connections and painting complete. Spec
No. : Bd. c.s. Page. No.278
21 Anchoring roof trusses by 16 mm .
BDAD diameter steel bars i n posrtion i nclud ing all Rgm 121.00 21.00
L 26 fi x tures and fastening etc. complete.
Providing Gas or Electrical welding for
_____ ~--------

structural steel section , plates as per Run

12 A detailed drawing for less t han 10 mm. thick Cm 5.00 1.00
section .Spec. No. : As directed by
Engineer in charge
.00 ~----~·----------------------------------.-----.---------.- --------- ·
23 Provid ing and laying in sltu, cement
BDE 1 concrete M-15/ 1:2:4 of t rap/ granite/
qua rtzite/ g ne iss metal for foundation
Cum 3780 .00 640.00
and bedding including dewatering,
compacting and cu rring etc. complete.
Spec. No. : Bd.E.l Page No. 287
24 Providing and laying in situ, cement -
BDE concrete M - 10/ 1:3:6 of tra p/ gra nite/
30.00 lB quartzite/ gneiss m etal for foundation
and bedding including dewatering,
formwork, compacting, roughening them if
specia l finish Is to be provided, finishing if
required, and curring etc. complete. Spec.
Cum 343().00
I 640.00

l ~P~a~rg~e~N~o~·~2~8~7~-----------+----~--------------------
---- 25 Pro vid ing and ca sting in situ, cement
BDE 2 concrete M-20 of t rap/ granite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for steps including cent ering ,
formork, compacting , fin1sh rng the exposed
faces with sufficien t min1mum thickness o f
Cum 4370.00 640.00
)050. 00 1:3 cement p laster to give a smooth and
even surface o r roughening them if special
finish is to be provided and currrng etc~·
complet e. Spec. No. : Bd . E. 2 Page No •
.....___--.1_288 - - --
-- -·L-------~

SR.NO & DESC RIPTION 01-ITEM UNIT Rate for 20 l S 1 t1 Proopo,ed
CODE Completed Labour
- --t- - -- - 1 - - -- -1
26 Providing and casting in situ, ce m e nt
BDE 2A concrete M - 15 of trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal for steps
including centering , formork, compacting,
fin ishi ng the exposed faces with sufficient
Cum 3900.00 640.00
m inimum thickness of 1 :3 cement plaster
to give a smoot h and even surface or
roughening them if special finish is to be
provided and curring etc. complete . Spec.
No. : Bd .E.2 Pag e No. 288
27 Providing and casting in situ, ce m e nt
BDE 3 co n cret e M-1 5 I 1:2:4 of trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal for cop ing to
plinth or parapet, moulded or
chamfered as per drawing or as d i rected
including centering, formork, compacting,
Cum 4000.00 640.00
finishing the exposed faces with suffident
minimum thickness of 1:3 cement plaster
to give a smooth and even surface or
roughening them if special finish is to be
provided and curring etc. complete. Spec.
No. : Bd.E.3 Page No. 288
28 Providing and casting in situ, cement
BDE 3A con c rete M-20/ 1:11/2:3 of trap/
granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for
coping to plinth or parapet, moulded E
or c hamfered as per drawmg or as
Cum 4400.00 640.00
d irected in cludi ng centering, formork,
compacting, roughening them if special
finish is to be provided, finishing if
requ ired and curi ng etc. complete. Spec.
No. : Bd.E .3 Page No. 288
29 Providing and casting in situ, cement
BDf 4 con crete M -1 5/ 1:2:4 of t rap/ g ranale/
qua rtzite/ gneiss metal for bed block,
foundation block and such o ther items
mcludmg dewatering, formo rk ,
com pactu1g, finrshrng lhe exposed faces 4100.00
Cum 610.00
with suffic1ent min1mum th rckness of 1:3
cement plaster to give a smooth and even
surface or rou g he ning them 1f special
fin1 sh is to be provided and cu rri ng etc .
complete. Spec. No. : Bd.E.4 Page No.

SI<.N<> r~ L! :S C ~ !F'J'IO t~ U i .IL M
C ODE Cor1pleled Labour
30 Providing and casting in situ, ceme nt
BDE 4A conc rete M-20/ 1:11/2:3 of trap/
granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal fo r bed
block, foundation block and such
other items includ in g bailing out water
manually, formork, compacting, finishing Cum 4400.00 640.00
roughening them if special finish is to be
Iprovided, finishing if required and curring
etc. complete. Spec. No. : Bd.E.4 Pa g e
No. 289
31 Providing and casti ng in situ, cement
BDE 5 concrete M-15/ of trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal for plain or
moulded sills, cornice, jamb, block in
cource, or architraves of required size
and shapes including centering formork,
compacting, finishing the exposed faces Cum 4 250.00 640.00
- with sufficient minimum thickness of 1:3
cement pi<:J ster t o give a smooth and even
surface or roughening them if special
finish is to be provid ed and curring etc.
complete. Spec. No . : Bd.E.S Page No.
32 Providing and casting in situ, cement
BDE SA concrete M -20/ of trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal for plain or
0 moulded sills, cornice, jamb, block in
cource, or architraves of required size Cum
and shapes including centering formork, 5000.00 640.00
compacting, roughening them 1f special .......
finish IS to be provided and curri ng etc.
complete. Spec. No. : Bd.E.S Page No.

'B'DJ'- 'R'EIN:fO'RC:~1J C~M.1::NT'CONC'R/ET~
33 Providing and casti ng in situ, cement
BDF concrete M-20/ 1:11/ 2:3 of trap/ granite/
lA quartzite/ gneiss m etal for reinfor ced
cement c oncret pile caps as per detailed
design and drawing mclu dm g bailing out Cum 4800.00 640.00
water manually, formork, co mpacting, and
curnng etc. cornpiele- . ( ~ xc.l u din g
n.!1nforcerner1l ) Spec. No. : Bd.F . l Page
No. 297
~--~~~~~-----------------------------~--~~----- --~---------

r-------, ---------------------------------~~~~------------------
SR.NO & DES CRJPliON O F ll EM UNIT Rate for 201 .J- 16 Proppse d
Completed lot>Our
34 Providing and laying in sit u, cement - C ODE
BDF 3 concrete M-20 of trap/ gran ite/ 37
qua rtzite/ gneiss metal fo r reinforced
cement concrete work In foundation like
raft, grillages, strip foundation and
footings of reinforced cement concrete
columns and steel stanchion including Cum 4800 .00 830.00
bailing out water, formork, compaction,
and finishing, cu ring etc. complete.
(Excluding steel reinforcement and
structural steel } Spec. No. : Bd.F.3
Page No. 298
35 Prov iding and Casti ng in situ, cement
SDF 3A concrete M-20 o f trap/ granite/ quartzite/ ...
,... ·.~

gneiss metal for reinforced cement

concrete Columns as per detailed
designs and drawing or as directed
including ce ntering formork, compacting Cum 6600.00 1350.00
and roughening t he surface if special finish
is to be provided and curlng etc. complete .
(Excluding reinforcement ) Spec. No. :
Bd.F.S Page No. 300
~------~~~~~~~~~~~~---------------+----~-------·· ~----- · ---­
36 Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete M-20 of trap metal for R.C.C.
work in foundations like raft, strip
foundations, gr-illage and footings of
R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc.
including bailing out water, for mwork,
cover blocks compaction and curing
roughening the su.rface if special finish is
to be provided (Excluding reinforcement
and structural steel) complete, With f-ully
automatic micro processo r based
Programmable Logical Cantroler (PLC)
with Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition (SCADA) e nabled r eversibl e
drum type concrete m ixer, With
.. . ............ . . Spec . No.: Bd. F.3 Page N o.
298 and 8 . 7, Pag~ 38 - - - - - - - --l-----l--- _ _ _ ..
Natural sand . 4850.00 850.00
Crushed sand
- --

---.----- --- -~ - -for-?.~l-15--i 6-PrOf.JOS(';d
- - Rate - - ----,
'SR. NO & OESCRIPTI0 !'--1()1 ITIM U!'-111
COD E Comp 1eled Labour
37 Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete M - 25 of trap metal for R.C.C.
work in foundations like raft, strip
foundations, grillage and footings of
R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc.
including balling ou t water, formwork,
cover blocks compaction and curing
roughening the surface if special finish is Ir I

to be provided (Excluding reinforcement

and structural steel) complete, With fully ,,
t ~

autom atic micro processor based

Programmable Logical Cantroler (PLC)
with Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition (SCADA) enabled reversible
drum type concrete mixer With
.... .......... ... Spec. No.: Bd.F.3 Page No.
298 and 8.7, Page 38
Natu ral sand. 5170.00 8 50.00
~-----------------------------4 Cum · - --'!""-'
Crushed sand 5110.00 8 50.00
38 Providing and casting in situ cement
concrete M-20 of trap metal for R.C.C.
columns as per detailed designs and
drawing or as directed Including centering,
formwork, cover blocks compacting and
roughening the surface if special finish Is
to be provided and curing complete.
(Excluding relnforcement).W ith fully
automatic micro processor based
Programmable Logical Cantroler (PLC)
with Supervisory Control And Data
Acqu isition (SCADA) enabled reversible
drum type concrete mixer. With
...... .... .... .. . Spec. No.: Bd.F.S Page
No. 300 and 8.7, Paqe.No. 38.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----~------+---------+--- ~-----
Natural sand. 6650.00 1500.00
~-::----~------------------1 Cum 1- - - - -1- - -- -- - -
-- Crushed sa nd 6600.00 1500 .00

S-R.-N-0 -&·--,-- - --
- D- !:_S_C--:-R-IP_T_
IO_N_ O_F_lT_[_M_ _ _ _
UNn i~ote ior 201 ) -16 Preppsed I
39 Providing and casting in situ cement
concrete M -25 of trap metal for R.C.C.
columns as per detailed designs and
drawing or as directed including centering,
formwor k, cover blocks compacting and
roughening the surface if special finish is
to be provided and curing complete.
(Excluding reinforcement).With fully
automatic micro processor based
Programmable Logical Cantro/er (PLC)
with Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition (SCAOA) enabled reversible
drum type concrete mixer. With
................. Spec. No.: Bd.F.S Page
No. 300 and 8.7..L Page.No. 38.
Natural sand. 6980.00 1500.0Q
Crushed sand Cum
6920.00 1500.00
40 Providing and Casting in situ, cement
BDF SA concrete M -25 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for reinforced cement
concrete Columns as per detailed
designs and drawing or as directed
including centering formork, compacting Cum 6900.00 1350.00
and roughening the surface if special finish
is to be provided and curing etc. complete. ,.
(Excluding reinforcement ) (8.50
Bag/ Cum.) Spec. No. : Bd.F.S Page
41 Providing and Casting in situ, cement
- ·- ----
BDF 6A concrete M-20 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for reinforced cement
concrete beam and lintels as per
detailed designs and drawing or as
directed including centering formork, Cum 6750.00 1350.00
compaction and finishmg the formed
surface or roughening the surface if
spec ial fi nish is t o be provided and curing
etc. complete . ( Ex cluding rei nforcement )
Spec. No. : Bd.F.6 Pag~o_._3_o_o_ _ _ _., ____ ~.

SIUKi t. P: zl (~ 10 1 '/0
com Cornplotco Labour
and casting in situ cement
- - ----1
concrete M- 20 of trap m et a l f o r R.C .C.
b ea m s an d lintels as per detailed
designs and drawing or as directed
including cente ring, formwork, cover
blocks compacti ng and roughening the
surface if specia l finish is to be provided
and curing complete. (Excluding
reinforcem ent).With fully automatic micro
processor based PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible drum type concrete mixer. With
.. .... ........... Sp ec. No.: Bd.F. 6 Pag e
No. 3 00 a nd B.7L Pag e.No. 3 8.
Natural sand. 6800.00 1500.00
~-----+~~~~~~----------------------1 Cum - 1 - - - - ---1
Crushed sand 6750.00 1500.00
43 Providing and Casting in situ, cement
BDF 66 concrete M-25 of t rap/ gra nite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for reinforced cement
co nc r ete b ea m s and lintels as per
detailed designs and drawing or as
dtrected including centering formo rk, Cum 7100.00 1350.00
).00 compaction and roughening the su rface if
specia l finish is to be provided and curi ng
etc. complete. (Excluding
reinforcem e nt ) Spec. No. : Bd . F. 6
Pac;J e No. 3 00
44 Providing and casting in situ cement
concrete M- 25 of trap metal for R.C.C.
beam s and lintels as per detailed
designs and drawing or as directed
including centering, formwork, cover
blocks compacting and roughening the
50.00 surface if special finish is to be prov ided
and curing complete . (Excluding I•
reinforcement).With fully automatic micro
processor based Programmable Logical
Cantrol er (PLC) with Supervisory Control
And Data Acquisrtror. (SCADA) enabled
reve rsible drum type co ncrete mixer. With
.............. .... Spec. No.: Bd.F.6 Page
~o. 300 and 8.71 Page.N<'. 38.
Natural c;a nd . ---'--'--- - - ; - 7/ 00.00 J 500.00
Crushed sand Cum 1- noo.oo=---+-~1-=s":"
o~ o-:.o=-=o=--

SR. NO & DrSCRIPTION OF IIE:M UNIT Ro le tor 20 i ~- 16 Prop p sed
Completed Labour
45 Providing and Casti ng in situ, cement
BOF SA concrete M- 20 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal fo r reinforced cement
concrete slab and landing s as per
detailed designs and drawing or as
dtrected inclu ding ce nte ring formork, Cum 6400.00 1350.00
compaction and roughening the surface if
special f1n ish is to be provided and curing
etc. complete. (Excluding reinforcem ent ) ,s.
Spec. No. : Bd.F.B Paqe No. 302
46 Providing and casting in situ cement
concrete M- 20 of trap metal for R.C.C.
slab and landings with steps as per
detailed designs and draw ing or as
directed including cen tering, formwork,
cover blocks compacting and roughening
the surface if special finish is to be
provided and curing complete. (Excluding
reinforcement). With fully automatic micro
processor based Prog rammable Logical
Cantroler (PLC) with Supervisory Control
And Data Acquisition (SCADA) enabled
reversible drum type concrete mixer. With
..... ............ Spec. No.: Bd.F.S Page
No. 302 and 8.7, Page.No. 38.
Natural sand . 6450.~ 1100.00
Cum - ·
.Crushed sand 6400.00 1100.00
47 Providing and casting in situ cement
concrete M- 25 of trap m eta l for R.C.C.
slab a nd landings with steps as per
detailed designs and drawing or as
directed includi ng cen teri ng, formwork,
cover blocks compacti ng and roughening
the surface if speci al finish is to be
p rovided and cu ring complete . (Exclud ing
n~inforcement). With fully automa tic micro
processor based Programmable Log ica l
Cantroler (PLC) with Supervisory Control
And Da la Acquls1li0n (SCADA) enabled
reversible drum type concrete mixer. With
.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Spec. No.: Bd.F.S Pag e
1 ~N~o~·~3~0~2~a~n~d~B~-~7~t~P~a~•g~e~·~N~o~-~3~8~·-------1-----t- --~~~+---------- l·
Natu ral sand.
Crushed sand
Cum 6800.00
6650 .00
~ 00.00 __
1100.00 ,I ,

.~ ~I
\ ~.
20 ,)' ~1:
N6 & T
[ ,rSCRIP i iOI-l Of ITEM lJ I-.JIT J<o i ~ for 20 ' S 16 Proppse cJ

1 C OD F.:

Providing and Casting in situ, cement
concrete M-20 of trap/ granite/ quartzit e/
gneiss metal for reinforced ce ment
con crete chajja as per detailed designs
CornplotGd I o bour

and drawing or as directed including

Cum 6900. 00 1350.00
centering formork, compaction and
ro ughening the surface if special finish is
to be provided and curing etc. compl ete.
(Excluding reinforcement ) Spec. No. :
Bd .F.9 Pa e No. 303
49 Providing and casting in situ cement
concrete M-20 of trap metal for R.C.C.
chajja as per detailed designs and
drawmg or as directed including centering,
formwo rk, cover blocks compacti ng and
roughening the surface if special fin 1sh is
to be provid ed and curing complete.
(Excluding reinforcement). With fully
au tomatic micro processor based
Prog ram mable Logica l Cantroler (PLC)
with Supervisory Con trol And Data
Acquisition (SCADA) enabled reversible
drum type concret e mixe r. With
.... ............. Spec. No. : Bd.F.9 Page
5~aa ·· No. 303 and B.7 Pa e. No. 38.
Q.OO Natural sand. 7000.00 1700.00
Cum 1- - - - - -- - l
Crushed sand 6950. 00 1700.00
50 Providing and casting in situ cement
concrete M-25 of trap metal for R.C.C.
chajja as per detai led designs and
drawing or as di rected including centeri ng,
formwork, cover blocks compacting and
roughening the surface if special fin1sh is
to be provided and curing complete.
(Excluding' reinforcement).With fully
automatic micro processor based
Prog ram mab le Log.ical Can troler (PLC)
with Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition (SCADA) ena bled reve rsible
drum type conc rete mixer. With
... .. . . ..... . .... Spec. No .: Bd .F.9 Pag e
100 .00 No. 303 and B .7, P<::ge.No . 38.
Natural san d.
ClQG.Oo rc
d-s_a_n_d:--~-----------1 Cu rn
7350 .00
7 300.00 1700.00

-:-- - - - - -
Rate tor 201 5- 16 Propp:.e U
C ODE Compte fed

7ooo.oo 1 13so.oo

\_ _______ .
'7200.00 1700.00


Natural sand. 7700.00 2000~00

Crushed sand Cum 76s0:oo -2000:00

COL)f Labour
55 Providing c.~ nd Casting in situ, cement
BDF concrete M -20 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/
) 13A gneiss metal for reinforced cement
concrete waist s lab and s teps as per
detailed drawings for sta1r cases including
centering formork, compacting roughening Cum 67 00 .00 1400.00
the surface if special finish is to be
provid ed and curing etc. complete .
(Excluding reinforcement ) Spec. No. :
Bd.F.1 3 P a e No. 305
56 Providlng and Casting in situ, cement
oo BDF concrete M -2 0 / 1:11/2:3 of t ra p/
14A granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for
reinforce d cement co n c ret e newel
post of sta ir cases as per detailed
drawings including centering formork, Cum 7140.00 1400.00 .
compacting and roughening the surface if
special finish is to be provided and curing
etc. complete. (Excluding reinforcement )
S ec. No. : Bd .F.14 Pa e No. 305
57 Providing and Casting in situ , cement
BDF concrete M - 20/ of trap/ granite/
lSA quartzite/ gneiss metal for reinforc ed
cement concrete Arches with skew
back as per detailed drawings including
centering formork, compacti ng and Cum 7500.00 1500.00
roughening the surface if special finish is
to be provided and curing etc. complete .
{Excluding reinforcement ) Spec. No. ;
= d:::·:..:..
F .15 Page No. 3 0 6
58 Providing and Casting in situ, cement
BDF 16 concrete M - 20 1 of t rap/ granite/
quartzite/ gnetss metal fo r reinforced
cement concrete Fins in positions as
shown on the drawings or as directed by
the Engineer in charge including centering
formork, compacting finishing th e formed Cum 7800.00 1500.00
su rface with cement mortar 1: 3 of
sufficiant minimum thtckness to gtve a
smoot h <'~ nrl even smf a cJ:> a nd c' i n n ~J et <...
complt"f ~ . (Excllldl rHJ rp1n forn~me nt )
S ec. No.__: Bd.F. l4 Page _N~3QS

- ----·-
SRNO & DESCRIPTION O F ITEM UNIT Rate for 201 !>-16 Proppsed
Completed Labour
59 Providing and Casting in situ, cement -~--·-------------+------- ----·--
BD - concrete M - 20 of trap/ gran ite/ quartzite/
ADL- 55 gneiss metal for reinforced cement
concrete grid slabs and beams as per Cum 8100.00 1700.00
detailed drawing design and roughening if
special fi nish is to be provided and curing
etc. complete. ( Excludinq reinforcement ) ~·

60 Providing and casting in situ CC M - 20 of

trap metal for RCC rectangular grid
beam with s lab as per detailed design
and drawing or as directed including
dewatering if necessary, centering,
formwork, cover blocks compacting,
finishing the form surface with C.M. 1:3 of
sufficient minimum thickness to give
smooth and even surface or roughening
them if spedal finish is to be provided and
curing complete (Excluding
reinforcement). With fully automatic micro
processor based Programmable log ical
Cantroler (PLC) with Superv isory Control
And Data Acquisition (SCAOA) enabled
reversible drum type concrete mixer With
..... ...... ...... . Spec. No.: Bd.F.6, Page
No.3 00 I Bd.F.S, Page No.302 and B.7
Page No. 38 ---·-
Natural sand. 8150.00 · 2400.00
Cum ·---
Crushed sa nd 8050.00 2400.00
61 Providing and casting in situ CC M-25 of
trap metal for RCC rectangular grid
beam with slab as per detailed design
and drawing o r as directed including
dewatering if necessary, centering,
formwo rk, cover blocks com pacting,
frn1shing the form surface with C. M. 1: 3 of
suffic1ent minimum thickness to give
smootl1 and ('ven surface or roug11ening
them rf specia l frnrsh rs to be provided and
curing complete (Excluding
reinfo rcement). With fully automatic micro
processor based Programmable Logical
Cantroler ( PLC) with Su pervisory Cont rol I~
And Data Acquisition (SCADA) enabled
reversible drum type concrete mixer With
.... Spec. No.: Bd.F.6, Page No.300 / 1\·
Bd.F. S, Page No.302 and B. 7 Page No. 38 I)
- - I---·- - - -- -- -~-----,-- --r-- -- - - - -
SR .N<l & DLSCRif)IIO!'. :1 IH M l'l,l!l Ro i17: for ?.0 15- 16 ?rcp;)sed
C O D!: Lot>our
Natural sa nd. 85 00 .00 2400.00
Crushed sand Cum 1---- ---1-
8400. 00 2400.00
Providi ng and fixing in position Mild s teel
BD F 17 reinforcement of various
diamete rs for reinforced cement
co ncrete p i le caps, foo ting,
foundations, slabs, be a m s, c olumns,
can opies, stair case, n ewe ls, chajjas,
lintels, pardis, copings, fins, arch es M.T. 54700.00 4400.00
etc.as per detailed designs, drawings and
schedules Including cutting, bending,
hooking the bars, binding with wi res or
tack welding and supporting as required
complete. Spec. No. : Bd . F.1 7 Page No.
63 Provi·ding and fixing in position ............ .
BO F bar reinforcement of various diameters for
17A reinforced cement concrete pile caps,
footing, f o undation s, s labs, beams,
columns, ca n op ies, stair case, n ewe ls,
chajjas, lintel s, pardis, copings, fins,
arches etc.as per detailed des1gns,
drawings and sched ul es incl uding cutting,
bending, hooking the bars, binding with
' wires or tack wel di ng and supporting as 1..... -·
- --
0.00 required complete. Spec. No. : Bd.F.1 7
0.00 -- ;. ~ge No. 306
-- -~ -
TMT Ste el from INTEGRATED Plant 62700 .00 5300.00
TMT Steel from other P la nt
- -t.-_________________________________
~ -- - --·-
_,____ 58700.00 - 5_3_0_0~0.0
~-~--~~~-+--~--· ~·--

64 Providing and fixing in position after

BDF 1.9 hoisting, precast 1:2 cement mortar
,. reinforced jali - - - -
approved design cement
mm. thick of
morta r 1:3 and
~ curing etc . complete . (including 4 mm.
d~ameter G.I. wire reinforcement )
1 ...
~· -
S..Qec. No. : Bd.F.19 Page No. 307
A) 50mm. Sqm 690.00 160.00
-----1.-=B...t) ~omm ==-~-=--=-----~~~-=:~~==~~=~::=-'-s_;:q~
~\t: n-,_~-=_-=_-9_-o_-o:._o-=_o~
'- ~...........- _-_-1~7_o-_.-o_o=-._-

Dl SCRIPTION OF ITE:M UNIT Ro :c lor20 15- 16 Proppse d

CorT'~Ief ed LobOl)f
65 Providing & fixing Cast Iron Jali h av ing
opening not more than SOmm having
weight not less than 50 kg per square
metre, thick ness of cast iron m ember
not less than lOmm, fitting Jali with Sq m
square pipe anchoring w ith M S rod 5000.00 490.00
finishing with three coat of good qLIIity of
oi l paint , scaffolding, welding fini shing Etc
Complete S pec. No. As directed by
r in c ha
66 BDF Providing and laying so mm. th ick l a y e r
27 in cem e nt mortor 1:8 below plinth
beam including floa ting , water ing, curing
and levelli ng and ramming the bed if 190.00 85.00
necessary before laying the layer etc.
complete. S p ec. No. : As directed by
ineer in c h a e
67 Providing single under reamed piles 25
BDF 39 em. to 30 cm. diameter of cement concrete
M- 20 including boring, under ream ing in
all sorts of soils, filling the bulb and st em
Rgm 1350.00 160.00
w ith cement concrete M-15 mix and
reinforceme nt as per detailed draw ing and
specifications etc. complete. Spec. N o . :
As directed En ineer in cha
68 Providing double under reame d piles E
BDF 25 em. to 30 em. diameter of cem e nt
40A con c r ete M - 20 including boring, under
reaming in all sorts of soils, filling the bulb
and stem with cement concrete M- 20 mix Rgm 1850.00 260.00
and reinforcement as per detailed drawing
and specifications etc. complete. Spec.
No. : A s directed by Engineer in f
c ha
131J(j - 'B'RICX 'WORX.
~9 Provid mg second class Burnt Bnck
. ~-.----------r---------

BDG 1 masonry with conventional I Indian

Sta ndard type bricks in cement mortar
1:6 in f ou1 .dation and plinth of inner
w alls 1 in plinth o f external walls Cum 4500. 00 685.00
inclucJmg bad mg out wate r manually,
str1 k1ng joints on unexposed faces , ra km g
ou t JOints on exposed faces and w al c nng
com plete. Spec. No. Bd.G.1 Page No.

DESCR IPII O N U r ITI:Iv\ :J'.JW 2o -.-k- , -ro-,
c-1e- I :;. i6 rrorjpc;c-c~-

l _
Providing fly ash b r ick m ason r y with fly
- --+- c_.._c _rn_p_le_''_
r -I

BOG ash brick having charactrictic 75

confirming to IS 1 28 94 1990 in ce ment
mortar 1 :6 including strick ing joints Cum
racking out j oints watering and scaffolding 4 4 00.00 685.00
complete for foundation and plinth .
Spec : As directed by engineer incharge
and BOG - 2 &. 5 •
7.1 Providing second class Burnt Brick
BOG 3 mas onry with co nventional 1 Indian
Standard type bricks in cement mortar
1:6 in plinth as backing with composite
0 m asonry including bailing ou t water Cum 4 550.00 685.00
m anually, striki ng j oints, raking ou t joints
and watenng complete . Spec. No . : Bd.G.3
Page No. 314
72 Providing fly ash brick masonry with fly
BOG ash brick having charactrictic 75
Ad I. confirming to IS 12894 1990 in cement
mortar 1:6 in Plinth including stricking Cum 4450.0.0 685.00
.00 joints racking out joints watering and
scaffolding complete . Spec : As directe d
_____ by engineer incharge and BOG - 2 &. 5
73 Providing second class Burnt Brick
BOG 5 masonry with conventional 1 Indian
Standard type bricks in cement mortar
1:6 in superstructure including striking Cum 4750.00 700. 00
joints/ raking out joints, watering and
50 .00 scaffold ing complete. Spec. No. : Bd.G.S
Page No. 315
r-· ~:---r.::->L:..::-=-=--=--:~=--=---:--~------~--:-:-+----l ----~1-- - --·--
74 Providing fly a s h brick masonry with fly
BOG ash brick havmg charactrictic 75
confirming to IS 12894 : 1990 in cement
mortar 1 : 6 in Superstructure including
stricking joints racking out joints watering Cum 4600.00 7 0 0 .00
and scaffolding complete Spec : As
directed by engineer incharge and BDG
- 2 &. 5
685 .00

P T-10 _F___
--N-O __ -------r~U~N~IT~~R-
ITE_M a-te--fo_r_
l 5__
p \ed
CODE C o mpleted Labour
d-i n_g___s_e_c_o_n_d___c_l_
__t __B_r_i_
BDG 7 mas onry with conventional type
bricks in cement mortar 1:4 in half
brick thick wall including 75 mm t hick
band rn C. C.1 :2: 4 after every Eleventh
layer with mild steel longitudinal
remforcement of 2 bars of 6 mm. diameter Sqm 760.00 130.00
, scaffolding , ra king out joints, watering
etc.complete. ( The C.C.band to
provided a1ong with
M.S.reinforc eme nt.) Spec. No. : Bd.G.7
Page No. 31 6
76 Providing fly ash brick masonry with fly
BOG ash brick h aving cha ractrictic 75
confirming to IS 12894 : 1990 in cement I~

mortar 1:4 in half brick thick wall

including 7Smm thick band in c.c.1:2:4
Sqm 730.00 130 .00
after every Eleventh layer with mild steel
longitudinal 2 bars of 6 mm dia. racking
out joints watering and scaffo ldi ng
complete Spec : As directed by
engineer incharge and BOG- 2 & 5
~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-~~------+----------1----- - -----
77 Providing Burnt Brick - on -edge
BOG 8 masonry with second class brick of
conventional type in cement mortar
1:4 including mild steel longitudinal
reinforcement of 2 bars of 6 mm . diameter Sqm 730.00 1.65.00
at every th !rd course, properly be nt and
bounded at ends including scaffolding,
rakin g out joints, watering complete.
Spec. No. : Bd.G.S Page No. 317
78 Providing Fly ash Brick - on -edg e
BDG masonry with s econd class brick of
c onventional type in cement mortar ;

1:4 including mild steel longitudinal

reinforcement of 2 bars of 6 mm. diameter Sqm 730. 00 165.00
at every th trd co urse, properly bent an d
bounded at ends incl uding scaffoldi ng,
r akrng out joints, waterrng co mplete.
S~ec. No.: Bd.G.S Page No=..:...·~
3-=1:...:7_ _ _ __,__ _ ~ ~- _ -----

'::R. !'-10 - &
1 l f~Ct-:I PTI O N 0 '~ ITFM -Ji'-111-1 ,.r~ok-
- - - - · -· U ~ fo-r2-0I 5--i -6 Propp.\e' J

CODE Cornple tco

l abour
79 Providing seco nd class Burnt Br ick
BOG masonry with conventional I Indian
lOA stan dard type bricks in cement mortar
1:4 inclu ding mild steel longitudinal
reinforcement of 2 bars of 6 mm. diameter
at every third cou rse, properly bent and Cum 5300.00 1000.00
bounded at ends including scaffo lding,
raking out joints and watering in pilla rs of
curved I rectangular shapes, as shown on
the drawing. Spec. No. : Bd.G.lO Page
-------- ~~~--------~~--~~--~----~-r----~--------~--------- -;
80 Providing second class Fly ash Brick
BOG mason.r y with conventional I Indian
. Ad I. standard type bricks in cement mortar
1:4 Including mild steel longitudinal
reinforcement of 2 bars of 6 mm. diameter
oo \ =I= at every t hird cou rse, properly bent and Cum 5 040.00 1000.00
bounded at ends including scaffolding,
raking out joints and watering in pillars of
curved 1 rectangu lar shapes , as shown on
the drawing. Spec. No. : Bd.G.lO Page
·--- - ~ _
... No.318
~~~~---------------------------r-----i----------r--~--- ---
81 Providing Brick work of f1re bnck to the
BDG shape and s ize as shown on drawing in
20 fire clay 1:5 proporti o n including Cum
scaffolding, raking out joints, pointing and 5600.00 7 50.00
5 .00 curring complete. Spec. No. : Bd.G.20
!---:---;--P_age No. 323 , _
82 Providing Brick on edge in sing le row
BOG for garden and pavement Without r ~·
8.00 1.00
----- - Mortor includ ing excavation and arra ngi ng No.
1_ _____ .1!!....2rick ~nclin~x. _ _ _ .___ _ ___._ ______._li_ _ __ __~.·
_VJ - 'W~T , _Q:FI~-~
__1;_'.R P_'lW_ =.------.----1
· 83 Providing and laying damp proof course
.65.00 BDJ 2 50 mm. thick in M- 20 cement
concrete layer and bitumen using Sqm 255.00 53.00
cement with waterproofing compound.
Spe c. No. : Bd.J. 2 Pa ge No. 355
84 Finish ing t he t e rrace slab integrally
BDJ 4 ~ixed with water proofing compound r ~

m cement mortar 1:3 proportion with 20

mm. lh~c.k layer incl udi ng curi ng fi nishi ng
using wa l er proofi ng com pound at rate of Sqm 165.00 84.00
1 Kg . per bag of cement complete .
Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer in
cha rge

Rate for 20 15-16 Pro opsed
Cornp lele d 1o bour
1-~::---t-;:~-:-;---:-;---:-----:--:--:--:----;:--t---r----- --" ..- - . - .
85 Finishing the terrace slab i n tegrally
BDJ mixed with water proofing compound
4A in cement mortar 1:3 proportion w1th 20
mm. thick layer including curing finishing
using water proofing compound at rate
of 1 Kg. per bag of cement and Sqm 185.00 98.00
providing drip mould at the parapet and
giving proper curved shape to the surface
at the junction of slab and parapet etc. '
complete. Spec. No. : As directed by
~------t-E_ngineer in charge
86 Finishing cement based water proofing -
IBOJ 7 treatment to terrace ( Indian water
proofing ) with brick bats laid in required
slope to drain the water for any span after
cleaning the base surface applying a coat
of cement slurry and mixed with approved
water proofing compound and laying the
brick bats on boottom layer of cement
mortar (1:5) and mixed with approved
water profing compound, filling upto half
depth of brick bats, curing this layer for 3
days, applying cement slurry over this
layer, jointing of brick bats with cement
mortar 1:3 mixed with approved water
proofing comound and finally top finishing
with average 20 mm. thick layer of same Sqm 650.00 175.00
mortar added with jute fibre at 1 Kg. per
bag including finishing the surface smooth
with cement slurry and mixed with
approved water proofing comound,
marking the finished surface with false
squares of 300 mm. X 300 mm. making
the junctions at the parapets rounde and
1 tapered towards top for required height
with drip mould at the junction of plaster
and curin g etc. complete with a guaront eP
of seven years on court fee sta mp paper
of Rs. 100/- m cluding pond ir.g lest etc.
Spec. N o. : As directed by Engineer in
~----~- ~c_h~a_
rge____________________________,r ~ -- --------~------~~

s ~ .r~c) ~
--=---~-- ----------, -
U L: S C J~ I P !! ON O F !TEM
- -- --- -------
L'r--J'I RoiE> n : ?015- 16 Proo pse d

II'EM - - -r- - - -
COOE C o m piP.ted Labour
87 Providing and laying grit coba of
average SO mm thickness including
thorough ly cleaning the base, removing all
loose material, oil, grease etc. flushing
with water, mixing one litre of bonding
materi al ((5.5) L.) with 1.25 Kg. of
cement to form a homogeneous paste and
uniformly applying with brush ( within 20
minu tes), waiting for 15 min utes, laying
the grit concrete 1:1 1/2 :3 proportion (
Grit size 6-8 m m .)on the prepared surface Sqm 385.00 1 10.00
to required grades and levels (Keeping
m inimum thick ness of 25 mm.) sprinkling
water afte r 6 hour , finishing the formed
surface after 24 hours with 4 to 5 mm
thick 1 :3 cement finish mixed with fi bre a t
125 gms. per bag of cement and curing fo r
minimum 7 d ays etc. com plete as directed
by Engineer In charge. ( Item Should be
used with permission of
Superintending Engineer )
providin g water pfoof bedding to floors
of bath, W.C with average 15 em thick
including cleaning the su rface, applying
cement slurry, admix with water proofing
.00 compound at the rate of 1 Kg. per bag of
cement laying brick bats in one layer
sandwiched between two layers of 20 mm.
thick in cement mortar 1:4 proportion
including final smoo th ceme nt finishing
coat mixed with j u te a t the rate of 1 Kg. Cum 2850. 00 900 .00
:Per bag, water proofing compound as
per requirement with redoing etc.
complete including 30 em. height of wall in
cement mortar 1:4 w ith water proofing
treatment. 7 year guarant ee on court fee
stamp pa per of Rs. 100/- incl uding
pondi ng test et c. co m plet . Spec. No. As
directed b Engineer_in charge

Sf<.NO & lJE:SC !{!P110N Of 11 [ flll UN II R~ i ~ to1 2C: i .') 16 l'ro~'''<~
Comole led Lobour _,
89 Providing and applying one coat water
80- proofing chemical tretment of
ADL- approved make and quality like
60 Sanjivani lep and paste to concrete or
plastered surface including scaffolding if
necessary, cleaning the surface brushing Sqm 280.00 94.00
and du st removing filling the cracks and
making the surface leak proof and water
proofing test for five days etc. co mplete ' I
covering a guarantee for a period of seven
90 Providing and fixing 40 to 50 mm . thick -- ·- --- -- ··- .. --
rough shahabad stone box type
waterproofing for basemen t or
underground floor on a ba se of
c ement concrete 1:3:6 includin g sub I~

base of 2.5 em. thick cement mortar 1:3

with conseal, setcrete (RMW) Algiproof or I

other alike water proofing liquids, raking

of joints upto 35 mm . depth, filii ng the Sqm 880.00 385.00
joints with 6 mm. size crushed metal,
hand grouting with cement slurry, curing
and cleaning, Rs. 100/~ with pond i ng test
etc. complete (Excludi ng cement co ncrete
1 :3:6 bace concrete) (Prior perm iss ion of
S.E. shall be obtained before indu sion of 93
this item in the estimate). Spe c. :As I~ BD
directed b En ineer in cha~g~ - · lJl
91 Providing socket type water proofing
-·· ~.
- ----···- -
to r einforced cement co ncrete
columns in basement I underg round '
floors by pressure grouting the cement
slurry mixed with water proofing li quid in
12 mm. diameter P. V .C. pipe 30 em . long
and placed around base of colum n upto
dept h of base concrete below floor Sqm 1250.00 530.00
including hire charges of m achine ry a nd
labour, curt ng wtth 7 years gua ran tee on
court fee stamp of Rs . 100/- w ith p ending
l!:..;t etc. complete. ( prior perm iss ion of
S.E. shall be oblained before mclu sion of
l ht s ttem in the e stt rnat e). Spec . :As
directed by Ef!.gineer_ in char e

fsR.NO & DcSC Rif-l: ,UN Of- Il l tv'\ UNif R oi~ for 20 . S- 16 P!Op!:J~vd
C O DE Co'"llpleted. I obo ur
92 Providi ng and fixing 20 to 25 mm. thick
rough shahabad stone box type w ater
proofing treatment to vertical outside
faces of reinforced cement co ncrete
wall of basements/ underground
floors including filling the gap of 25 mm.
between rough shahabad and reinforced
cement concrete wall with cemwnt grout
mixed with water proofing liquid Algiproof
or alike with one tile lift method, brus hing
the joints horizontally with cement slurry Sqm .
mixed with water proofing liquid for width 840 0 0 315.00
30 to 35 mm. and sloping coping over
topmost t ile w ith cement mortar 1: 3
butting the bottom most with cement
concrete 1:2:4 mixed with water proofing
liquid, cu ring with 7 years guarantee on
court fee stamp of Rs. 100/- with pending
.00 test etc. complete.(pnor permiss ion of
S. E. shall be obtained before inclusion of
this item in the estimate). Spec. :As
directed by Engine~!. in ..::c;..:h~a:. :. r.oz..:::e:......._~--..1---.L....-----'----
93 _P_r_o_v-id-in_g_ e_x_p_a_n_s-=-ion joints in reinforced ·- - -,- -....::.:.....,.- ::-:_.:....-r---'--- -
SDK cement concrete fram e d structure
lA {Interior column) with pl ain premoulded
filler 25 mm. thick including fi xing teak
wood batteans of size 125 mm. X 10 mm. Sqm 1700.00 420.00
on both faces and finish ing as directed etc.
comp'l ete.
S ec. :Bd.K.l Pa e No. 359
Providing expansion joints in r einforced
cement concrete framed structure
(Exterior column) with pl ain premoulded
30.00 filler 25 mm. th ick and 3 mm. thick Sqm 2000. 00 300.00
Aluminium plate, hold fast, mm . on side
face, finishing etc. complete as directed.
S ec. :Bd.K.l Pa ge No. 359
Providing expansion joints in reinforced -
cement concrete framed structure (at
floo1· level) w1th Pre m o uldecf fi ller 25 mm.
t hick and 3 mrn . thick Alumm1um pl ate, as Sqrn 2500.00 425. 00
requ ried, bit u rnen of SiLe 125 rnrn . x 1 0
m. on rea r faces etc. com plete as
- - rected . Spec. :Bd.K. l Page No. 359

..---~-- -
S~.NO & 1
.)LSCRIP .ION 01- Hi i'A lJNIT Role for 2() 1~- l6 Propp:,t::d I
- - - -- -----
Comole!ed l abour
96 Providing expansion joints in
BDK l C reinforced cement concrete frame d
s tru cture ( at terrace level) w ith
Premou lded fi ller confirming to Indian
standerd 18 38 1 9 61 , 2 5 mm. th ick and 3
mm. t hick Alu m in1um plate, as per
detailed drawing between beams and Sqm 4 20 0 .00 1 750.00
reinforced cem ent concreate ca pp ing
including country cut teak wood bat tens of
size 125 mm. x 10 m m . under side of
beams as direct ed by engineer incharge
etc complete. Spec. :Bdk. Page No.
97 Providing and fixing b ituminous pad 25
mm thick for expansion joints in
retaining wall, com pound wall etc. Sqm 1100.00 110.00
complete . as directed by Engineer
incha_rge. _ __ - - · ______.___ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _

_V__'.l_- 'PL~T1::1U:N(j & PQI_'NTI

l----·r-----1J __,._:.M
=----.-·--- ·-
98 Providing Internal cement plaste r 6 mm.
BDL thick in a single coat in cement morter
1 1:4 ........... finish to concrete surface in all
positions inculding scffolding and curing
= Ie:..;:t=
. ..::
7__-+-- -1--- _ _ __ - t - - -- - - - --1
~ )_W _ it_h_o _u _t__ n_e_e_r_u_ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _+- S qm 105.00 50 .00 , _
,- ----·
) _W
t----1- 8- =- --:-
n_e_e_ru m -· 12 0 .00
_ --:-:----------- ---:-:--t-:5=-q-'-" 50.00
99 Providin g and applying water proof wall Sqm 110.00 11.00
putty i n two coats laying average thickness
of 2 mm o f approved make over prepaired '
plaster surface of I nte rnal ceiling, I nterna l
wa ll m oulding labour, rubbing , making
surface smooth m at erial etc com plete as
directed by Enginee r in cha r qe
100 Providi ng interna l cemen t plaster 6 mm.
BOL thick in a single coat in ceme nt morte r
lA 1·3 . ... . .... ... fi nish to concrete su rface in
posit ions incu lding scffolding and curing
1plcte. Spec. : Bd .L . Page_No . 367 _ -1-- - ; - -
Without neeru Sqm 117.00 57.00
- - - -- -----·-
B) With neeru _ __
- - -
S.9.n . __130.00 ~ 0 . ('0

- -- - -- D-c S U-<- IP ~- -
I ON 01 IT Gv~.
- - - - -
SfU'~O & Uf\11T 1<nte lor 2015· 16 Propn::ed
ITEM - -·
COOE C o rnplei ed Lo b o ur
101 b )Prov id ing int erna l cement plaste r 12
BDL 2 mm. thick in s ingle co at in cement
morte r 1:5 with ... ----... -- finishing to
concrete or brick su rfaces , In all positions
inculding scffoldi ng and curing com plete.
Sp_ec. :Bd.l . 2 Page No . 368
· A ) without N e eru Sqm 160 .0 0 82 .00
B} with Ne e ru Sqm 1 7 5 .00 . 90 .0 0
102 Provid ing internal cem ent plaster 12 mm.
BDL 2A thic k in s ingle c o at in cement morter
1:4 without nee ru finish to to conc rete 1

Sqm 165.00 82 .0 0
~ ··
or brick surfaces , in all positions inculdlng
sdfolding and curi ng com plete. Spec.
:Bd.l .2 Page No. 368 ' i''
~0 103 Provid ing Interna l cement plaster 12 mm.
BDL 2 B thic k in s ingle coat in cement morter
1:3 without neeru finish to to co ncrete
or brick su rfaces, in all posit ions inculding Sqm 17 5.00 82.00
scffotding and curing com plete . Spec. -
:Bd.L .2 Page No. 368
104 Provid ing interna l cement plaster 2 0 mm. - - ··-
BDL 3 thick in single coat i n ce ment morte r

1:3 without neeru fi nish t o t o stone
~- m asonry surfaces, in all positi ons Sqm 20 2.00 90.00
.00 inculdlng scffolding a nd curin g complete.

.0 0
Spe~. :Bd.l .3 Page No. 368
Prov.id ing in ternal cement plas ter 20
mm. thick in two co asts in c e ment
1.morter 1:5 ................ fi nish to Sqm ~

concrete , b rick surface, in all posit ions

inculding scffolding and cu ring com plete . I'
~pee. :Bd.L .4 Page No. 368
· -- ·- ·-
- --
A) without Neeru
B) with Neeru
_ Sqm 1 90. 0 0
--- --- ·-
Sqm 2 10 .00 r---!--0 0.00
10 6 Providing internal cement plaste r 20 mm.
BDL thick i n two coas ts in cement morter l'
4A 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete,
bnck surface, in all position s inculding Sqm 20 0 .00 100.00
scffoldtng and cu ring comp lete. Spec.
:Bd. L .4 Page No. 368____
--- - -

-UNIT- .-
Ro te ~or 201 5-16 Proppse d
CODE Comp'efed Labour
- !-
107 Providing internal ce ment plaster 20
BDL mm . thick in two coats in cement
4B morter 1:3 without neeru finish to
Sqm 220 .00 100.00
concrete, brick surface, in all positions
inculding scffold ing and curing complete.
Spec. :Bd.L .4 Pag e No. 368 - l- ·---+- - - -- - 1 - -----1
108 Providing internal cement plaster 25 mm.
BDL 5 thick in two coats in cement morter
1:4 without neeru finish to concrete,
Sqm 219.00 100.00
brick our stone surface, in all positions
inculding scffolding and curing complete.
Spec. :Bd.l .5 Page No. 368
109 Providing sand faced plaster externally
BDL 7 in cement motar using khasalia/ -
kasaba or similer type of 15 mm. thick
in cement mortar 1:4 using waterproofing
compound at 1 Kg. per cement bag, curing
the same for not less than 2 days and
keeping the surface of the base coat rough Sqm
265.00 165.00
to recive the sand faced tretment 10 mm.
thick in cement mortar 1 :4 finishing the
surface by taking out grains and curing for
foureen days scaffolding etc. complete.for
compound Wall. ( Only for Building
works not for compound wall ) Spec.
:Bd.l .7 Page No. 367
110 Providing rough cast cement plaster in
BDL 8 externally in two coats to concrete,
brick or stone masonry surface in all
position w1th base coat of 1 :4 and of 12 I
15 mm. thick in cemenl morter 1:4 and Sqm 280.00 170.00
rough cast treatment 12 mm. thick in ·~··
proportion 1:1112:3 including scaffolding
and fourteen days curing co mplete. Spec.
1--- --+..:.::B:..;d
:;.;.-=L....:..-=.8.. .:P.....:a::.,;ag~,e:. . N...:::o
:. .: .•:. ..:::..3..:..7..::.0_ _ _ _ _ _ - -- - t - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - l ~f,
ll J Providing rough cast cement plaster in :,w;
BDL 9 externally in two coats with coloured
cement fini s h to concrete/ brick I or
stone masonry surfaces m all positiOn
with base coat 12 1 15 mm. th1ck m
cement morter 1:4 using g ray cement and Sq m 315.00 18 0.00
rough cast treatment 12 mm. thick in
proportion 1:11/2 :3 using colour pigment
Including scaffolding and fourteen days
curing etc. complete. Spec. :Bd.L .9
~ -----L~P~a~ •g~e__ N~o~·-3 7_0____________________ --------~----------·L---------~~ }! -

~( ·~ i - - -- -
SR .NO & O[SCRIPliON 0! 'H.:M U!';IT Rotc for 20 15- 16 Prop psecj
Jr Complete d Labour

r-----ri2- ~vidi ng neeru finis h to p l asteered

BDL surfaces in all position includi ng
Sqm 23. 00 12.00
)0 sca ffold ing and cu ring etc. com plete.
spec. : a d . L .10 Paqe No. 370
113 Providi ng flush grooved pointing with
BDL cement mortar 1:3 for stone
15B tuck/weathered I vee brick masonry Sqm 59.00 32 .on
work inclu di ng scaffold ing and curing etc. I·'
.00 9)mplete . Spec. :Bd.L . 15 Page No. 372
114 Providing fine cement finish 1.5 mm.
BDL thick over green plaster surface
.. 20 including scaffolding and cu ring etc. Sqm 42.00 22.00
complete . Spec. :As directed by

Engineer in cha rge
Providi ng cement p ointing to rough
shahabad stone flooring cement
-- --·-1
~~ BDL
mortar proportion including brushing Sqm "

47.00 24.00
' ~
marking lining and curing etc.
5.00 complete. Spec. :As directed by
Engineer in charge
116 Labour Charges for providing groove in
ADBDL external plaster having width of 2.5
em. and spaced at a distance of 45 em. Rgm 38 .00 38.00
complete. Spec. :As directed by
Engineer in charge
__.._-- -- 117 Provid ing patti ...... wide on plastered

ADBOL surface 12mm to 15mm thick in CM 1:3

line and lev el including neet finishing

:-scaffold ing cu ri ng etc. com plete. Spec.
:=As directed by Engineer in charqe
·!~ ·A) 75 mm. Rgm 52 .00 41.00
p!l_.!~!> .m m Rgm 57.00 46.00
C) 150 mm Rgm 63.00 51. 00'
---- --
~V:M - 1'.7t.YI:N(j, :fLOO'RI:N(j & 'D.:Jt'DO ' __
ll8 Yrpviding and lay ing Rough shah abad
BDM 1 ston e floori ng 2 5 mm. to 30 m m . th ick
1;1} and of req u1red wid th in p la in j diamond
I ··L
pattern on a bed of 1 :6 cement mortar
, includi ng cement float , strik ing j oints, Sqm 340.00 9 0.00
18 0 .00 I• ,.1 pointing in cement mortar 1 : 3 cu ring and
cleaning etc . co mplete. Spec. No . Bd.M.
1 Pa ge No. 3 79
- - - -- - -
. . . - --.--- -- - - - -- ~-::-::--:-:------,~:-:-=-"7"::"""------· ·- --
SR.NO & Dr-SCRIPTI()N O F nEM UNIT Rate ior ?.015·16 Propp~ed
C o mpl~ te: d I ot)our
119 Providing and laying Rough shahab ad
BDM A stone flooring 40 mm. to 50 mm. thick
and of required width In p lain I diamond
pattern on a bed of bed 1 :6 cement
m ortar incl uding ce m e nt float, striking Sqm 400.00 95.00
j o ints, point ing in cement mortar 1:3
curing and cleaning etc. complete. Spec.
1----l...:N..:.o . =B:..::d:..:.·:...:M:..:..·...:l:._:_
.::..:..._ P:..::a~gL.:::e:......:..::N:..::o:..:.. ....::3:...:7:....:9
:::__ _ _ _ _ _1----'-''--~·---·l-------1
120 Providing and laying Rough shahabad
BOM stone flooring 50 mm . to 60 mrn. thick
18 and of requi red width in plain I diamond
pattern on a bed of bed 1:6 cement
Sq m 44Q_OQ 1.00.00
mortar including cem e nt float , striking
joints, pointing in cement mortar 1:3
curing and cleaning etc. complete. Spec. E
l9!..:'e~N:..::o:..:.• ....::3:...:7:....:9:__~--:----+---t--- ···- _ _ _ _
121 Providing and laying polished shah abad
BDM 3 stone flooring 25 mm. to 30 mm. thick
In plain I diamond patt ern on a bed o f bed
1:6 ce ment mortar including cement float,
Sq m 550.00 120.00
filling joints, with neat cement slurry,
curing , polishing and cleaning etc.
complete . Spec. No.
Bd.M. 3 Page No. 380 _._

122 Providing and laying polished Tandur

BDM stone flooring 2 5 mm. to 30 mm. thick
3A in plain I diamond pattern on a bed of bed
1 :6 cement mortar inclu d ing cement float,
Sqm 560.00 120.00
filling joints, with neat cement sl urry,
curing, polishing and cleaning etc.
~ d~.M
~ ·~3...:P~a~tg~e
~----~r----+----- -----~---- ---­
123 Providing and laying polished Tandur
BDM stone flooring 25 mm. to 30 mm. thick
3B and 45 em. wide in plain I diamond
pattern on a bed of bed 1:6 cement
Sqm 630.00 160.00
mortar including r.ement float, fi lli ng
JOints, with neat cemen t slurry, curing ,
pol ishing a nd cl ea ning complete . Spec.
N?. Bd.M. 3 P~9e No. 380 _

SR.N O &
- DCSCRIF'1101-I or I rGV: U~ ll I.~ a! c tar ?0 I~ 16 Propp~.cd
11 E:M -
CODE Compleled La bour

124 Providing and laying Ha nd Cut kota h

BDM st o ne fl ooring 25 mm . t o 30 mm. t hic k
and 30 em . wide in plain I diamond
pattern on a bed of bed 1:6 cement
morta r includ1ng cement float, filhng
joints, with neat cement slurry, curing, lr

.t and clean 1ng ..... . .. .. ..... .. .. .....

etc.co m plete. Spec. No . Bd.M. 3 Page
A) With out Polishing Sqm 940.0 0 160 .00
r-B) With H i gh Polish i ng Sqm 1100.00 2 HLOO
.00 ----
L 125
Providing and laying pol ished k ot a h
stone flooring 25 mm . to 30 mm. thick
3C and 45 em. to 55 em . wide in plai n I
.-- -
m ~~--
diamond pattern o n a bed of bed 1: 6
cement mortar including cement float, Sqm 1050.00 260.00

filling }oints, with neat cement slurry,
curi ng, mirror po lishing and cleaning

· com plete. Spec. No. Bd.M. 3 Pag e No.
380 0

126 Mirror polishing with mec h a nical

BO M machine including grandmg polishing
- -- ;~· :c ~-'
ADL grou ting filling exposed joi nts for ... . .......
Spec. :As directed by Enginee r in
I:H charge
4M A) Kotah stone Sqm 260 .00 175.00
B) Marble stone Sqm 210.00 155.00
2.0. 00
127 · Providi ng and layi ng polished shah a bad
BDM 4 s~o'n.e flooring 25 mm. to 30 mm. thick
and 30 em . wide in pla in I di amond
- --- pattern with black pol ished kadappa ston e
··slab for borde r or any other des ig n on a
Sqm 570.00 115.00
bed of 1:6 ce me nt morta r includ ing
cement float, filling joints, wi th neat
~·-~ cement slurry, curing, polishing and
'-~- cleaning complete. Sp ec. No. B d .M. 4
. Page No. 380
S ~.NO & OI=SC RIP110 N 0 1 111:M UNIT Rol e lo r 20 \ 5-1 6 Pro p pse< I
ITEM 1-- - - --r--- - - - -
CODE Completed Labour
128 Providing and fixing in requ ired position
BDM 5 sk irting or dado of p olished shaha b a d
stone s l ab 25 mm. t o 30 mm. thick
a nd 3 0 em. wide on 1:4 cement plaster
includ ing neat cement float , filhng joints Sqm 670.00 140.00
w ith neat cement slurry, curing, rubbing,
po lis hing and clean ing complete. Spec.
I--- - - - t -
No. Bd.M. 5 Paqe No. 38 1
129 Providing and laying 1n requ ired position
BDM s kirting or dado of polished Tandur
SA stone s lab 25 mm. to 30 mm. thi ck
a nd 30 e m . wide on 1:4 cement plaster
including neat cement float, filling joints Sqm 650.00 140.00
w ith neat cement slu rry, curing, rubbing,
polishing and cleaning complete. Spec.
No. Bd. M . 5 Page No. 381
130 Providing and fixing in required position
BDM s kirting or dado of kotah stone slab
56 12 mm. to 15 mm. thick and 3 0 em.
wide on 1:4 cement plaster including
cement float, filling joints with neat Sqm 1150.00 210 .00
cement slu rry, curing, rubbing , polish ing
and cleaning comp lete.
Spec. No. Bd. H . 5 Page No. 381
131 Providing and laying cement concrete .
BDM 6 ffooring 40 mm. thick w i th H - 20
cement concrete laid to proper level and
stope in alternate bays, including
compaction, filling joints, marking lines to
give appearance of tiles of 30 em. X 30 Sqm 230.00 86.00
cm.or otl1er size laid diagonally I square
etc. finishing smoot h (with extra cement)
in any colour as directed and curing
complete . Spec. No. Bd.H. 6 Page No.
132 Provid1ng and laying cement concrete
BOM flooring 50 mm. thick with M - 20
6A cement concrete la id to prope r level and
slope In alternate bays, including
com paction, ftlllng JOinls, m a1king lines Lo
givC' appe<-1 rance of tile!:> of 30 c.m. X 30 Sq m 77~. 0 0 102.00
cm .or othet size laid diagonally 1 square
elc. finishing smooth (wilh extra cement)
in any colour as directed and curing
complete. Spec. No. 8 d Bd.M. 6 Page
No. 381

D FSC Rli'T\ON O r I! Etv".
SR NO 0- UNIJ l<o te ior 20 15- 16 F'< u f-l ~J ~, l;- d
~C:_::O:-:D::. : :L __.-t-;-:=-:-:::;;--:;:::-:::::lii~~:n-;=:::--------r---·
Co mpieted I Lobour i
33 Providing and fixing 60 mm thick factory
BDM made hydraulically pres sed and
mechanically vibrated and compacted
pre cast interlocking cement concrete
paving blocks in . .. . .. . . .. . grade and
approved size and shape as specif1ed 50
m m in gray cement and top surface 10
mm in white cement with colou red
pigments includi ng cost of all meterials,
manufacturi ng, curing,transportion of
block to work site includ ing loading
0 unloading and stacking as directed ,layi ng
paving blocks in position over prepaired
bed of sand of SO mm thickness Including
necessary excavation in all strata
spreading ,bli ndage of fine sand over the
prepaired bed ,compacting blocks by plate
vibrator etc complete as directed by
engineer In charge. Spec no:as directed by
00 eng inee r in charge (This item is used by
prior permissio n qf_S"-'E=..L-_ _ __ __ _ _,__ --1·--- -- t- -- - -- 1

A) M-30 Sqm 6 30.00 55.00

B) M-35 Sqm 680.00 55.00
...134 I
Providing and laying cement concrete
BDM 7 flooring 40 mm . thick with 1:2:4
· cement concrete laid to proper level and
slope in al ternate bays, including
compaction, filling joints, marking lines to
Sqm 2 25.00 102.00
i.OO give appearance of tiles of 30 em . X 30
cm.or other size laid diagonally I square
etc. finishing smooth (with extra ce m ent)
in any colour as di rected and curing
r-;:coo:..:m~~le::.:.t.::.e:......: : .S.t:pe
~c::.:·~N~o~.B~d~·:..:.M~·:_;7~P~a~g~e-.:.N..!..:o~.:...:3:!.:8~3~-l---l-----l---- _
135 Providing and laying cement concrete
BDM flooring 50 mm. thick with 1:1.5:3
7A -::ement concrete laid to proper level and
~lope in alternate bays, including
compact ion, fi lli ng joints w it h 3 mm glass,
marking li nes to give appeara nce of tiles Sqm 265.00 102.00
.02.00 of 30 em . X 30 cm .or othe r size laid
diagonally I square e tc . finishi ng sm ooth
(~i th extra cement) in any colo ur as
d trected and curi ng co m plete. Spe c . No.
Bd.M. 7 Page No. 383

ITfM r---------~ --- - _____,
C O DE Cornpleled I obour
1 --~~~~~~----~~~--~~:~----~-r---~--------~--
136 Providing and laying Trimix cement
concrete flooring ........... thick with M-
20 cement concrete laid i n proper level
and slope in alternate bay s, including
required channel fixing compaction,
cutti ng groove of 6 mm x 12 mm with
filling reberised adhes1ve sea lent filling
(tikitor) including curing, all taxes, I~
requ ir ed mac hi nery mixer v i brator
plast icize r vaccu me dewat erin g system
Masson for finishmg required electrricity
water charges etcetera complete as
directed by Engineer in charge.
100 mm. 610.00 8 5.00
Sqm 1-- - -- ----1·--- - - - --
150 mm. 850.00 llO.bO
137 Providing and laying coloured glazed
BDM tiles of first quality of approved
12A various size and 5.5 mm. to 6.0 mm.
thick for flooring in required position on
bed of 1:6 cement mortar including neat
cement float, (Excluding all special
Sqm 770.00 105.00
required like roun d edge tiles corner cups)
filling joints with neat white cement slurry,
curing and cleaning complete. (Prior
approval of sample and brand by
Executive Engineer is necessary before
use l Spec. No. Bd.M. 12 Page No. 385
138 Providing and fixing white glazed tiles of
BDM first quality of approved various size
13 and about 5 mm. to 6.0 mm. thick for
flooring and skirting dado in required ~ •.


position on plaster of 1:4 cement mortar

(Excluding all spedal required like round Sqm 750 . 00 lOS.OO ---'!
corner tiles, ang les, cups etc.) fitting joints
with white cement slurry, curing and 1;
cleaning complete. (Prior approval of ~~
sample and brand by Executive Engineer 1
' ~1 i
is necessary before use ) Spec. No. Bd.M. ' Etl
13 Page No. 3'-8.;;;.....:_
6 __.___ _ ~-- _ _ _ ___,..___ .________j__ _ _ _ _ __;;j.l!

SI~.N~O& DeSCRIPTION OF lTCM UNi f R o t~ tor 20 1> 16 Pro ppsed
ITEM r--------.---------
CODE CompiC'led Labour
L-----~~---~~~~~~~~~~~-.-- ------r-----1-------·--- ---------­
139 Providing and fixing coloured glazed
BDM tiles of first quality o f approved
13A v ariou s size a nd about 5 .5 mm. to 6.0
mm. thick for dado and sk irtin g in I
required position on plaster of 1:4 cement
mortar (Excluding all special required like Sqm 800.00 130.0b
round corner t il es, angles, cups etc.)
filling joints with white cement slurry.
(Prior approval of samp le and brand by
Executive Engineer is necessary before
1-- --+-=u=-se=-J---:-: ) s ;:;c;~
pe..;:.c' N...;;:o....:. ...;::B=;-;:d:. .."':-
. -.:;... : M'-._1.:....:3~P...;::a__9<~e7-=
. ...:::3...;::8.....::6~---t ------r--· _. ____ _
140 Providing and laying machine cut

- -
BDM polished Kotah stone slabs 20 t o 25
22B mm. thick for tread s and risers of
steps and stair cases, in one piece
upto 1.35 m . width with rounded nosing
Sqm 1250.00 4 20.00
for the treads on a bed of 1:4 cement
mortar including cement float, filling join t
with neat cement slurry, cu ring,high
polishing and cleaning complete . Spec.
s.oo I-------+~ N...;::o..:...'..:oB...;::d~-~M~·...;::2~2~ P~ ag ~e~N ~ o~·~3~9~0~---------+----4---~----,_______ ___
141 Providing sills of polished Kotah sto ne
BDM 25 mm. to 30 mm . thick,on a bed of 1:4
29B cement mortar including cement float,
filling jonts with slurry, Sqm 1360.00 525.00
curing,MOULDING,NOSING high polishing
and cleaning complete. Spec. No. Bd.M.
9-!P...:a:.,:, g~ 1e No. 3 91
14 2 Providing sills of polished Kadappa
-----1---- ----
BDM stone 25 mm . to 30 mm. thick,oh a
29C bed of 1:4 cement mortar including
Sqm 630.00 II 350.00
cement float, filling jonts with slurry,
~os.oo curing, polishing and cleaning complete. .
Spec. No. Bd.M. 29 Page No. 391
143 Provid ing 25 to 3 0 mm. thick partition
BDM of Machin e cut polished black
3SB Kadappa stone slabs of approved
shapes, qualrty and colour for urinals,
Including cu tting holes of required size in Sqm 680.00 155.00
the appropriate places to receive pipes
etc. fix rng m cement mortar 1: 3 c.uring
and cleanmg co mplete. Spec. No. Bd.M .
.....___ _~3~5 Pa e No. .....;...::.....;:;_ ____ 393

.-------r----------------------------------~ -------.--------------------~
SR.NO & DLSCRIPliON OF II EM UNIT Ro le for 20 15- 16 Proppsed
CODE Compleled Labour
144 Renewing the Existing Murum
Flooring with adding 70mm thick murum
wash ing with cowd ung wash etc. Sqm 53. 00 3 1..00
complete . Spec. :As directed by
145Providing and f ixing black Kadappa
BDM stone sill steps 25 mm. thick machine
43 polished, cutting rounding corners, laying
rn position jornting with near cement slurry
Sqm 880.00 350.00
on cement mortar bedding in cement
mortar 1:4 proportion, curing etc.
complete.Spec. No. :As di rected by
Enqineer in charqe
146 r=~~~~~~~~------------------~------~--------~------~-
Providing and fixing ceramic tiles of
BDM approved quality and size 7 mm. thick
44 for flooring in smooth gloosy/ matt
finish/antiskid in required position laid on
a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including Sqm 860.00 155·.00
cement float, filling joint with white/
coloured cement slurry, cleaning, cu ring
complete.Spec. No. :As directed by
Enq ineer in charge
147 Providing and fixing ceramic tiles of
BDM approved quality and size 7 mm. thick
45 for dado and skirting in required
position with ready made adhesive mortar
of approved quality on plaster of 1: 2
cement mortar including joint filling with Sqm 880.00 170.00
white/ colour cement slurry, cleaning,
curing complete. (Prior approval of sample
and brand by Executive Engineer is 'b
necessary before use ) Spec. No. :As
directed by Engi neer in c harqe
~------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------4-----~--------~---------- -
148 Providing and laying vitirified Mirror •
/glossy of premium quality finish
decorative type tiles of size 590 mm to
605mm X 5 90mm to 605mm of 8 to
10 mm thickness and confirming to IS
156 22 - 2 006 ( Group Bla ) ol approved
make shade and pattern for flooring rn Sqrn
required position laid on a bed of 1:4
cement mortar including neat cement float

' ~f= i l ~ l i~n~g ~~j~o~i n ~ t ~ s~ ~c~
u~n ~ · n
~ g ~~a~n
~ d
~ ~cl~e~
a~r -
i n-g~------L----------J_j~ ~
etc.complete. Note ( Water absorption
shoul d not be more than 0 .05%)
Specificati on No.Bd .M . 12 Page No - 385

SI~ .N O &
----------- -------
-- --------------~
Ro ie for 201 5- 16 Pr oppse d

CODE Cornp fe :eo labour

A) Flooring Sqm 105 0 .00 170.0 0
s ) skirting --1-~S...::.!q__
12_ 0.:.....0.:.....·.0.: . ._0 - +- 2_ 3=--0=·-..::...
oo _ ---1
149 Providing and laying vitirifi e d Matt
pre mi um qua lity finish decorative type
tries of size 5 9 0 mm to 605mm X 590mm
t o 605mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and
confirm in g to lS 156 22 - 2006 ( Group Bla )
of approved make shade and pattern f or
00 flooring in required posi t ion laid on a bed of
1:4 cem ent mortar includ ing neat cement
float 1 filling j oints curing and clearing
etc.comp lete . Note ( Wat er absorpt ion
shou ld not be mo r~ t han 0. 05%)
- -=3-=8'-"5'-+--·--J------~---- _ _.
Specification No.Bd .M . l.-'-2----'-P--=a'-'g,_e::......;;...N--=o'--
A) Flooring Sqm 1350.0 0 190 .00 ~

B)Skirting S m 15 00 .00 230 .00 I

). 00 15 0 Providing and laying vitidfied rustic matt
stone premium quality finish deco ra tive
type t iles of size 590 mm t o 605mm X
590mm to 605mm of 8 to 10 mm
thickness and confirm ing to I S 15622 -
2006 ( Grou p Bla ) of approved make shade
and pattern for flooring in requrred posrtion
laid on a bed of 1 :4 cem ent m ortar including
neal ceme nt float 1 filling join ts curing and
clearing etc.complete. Note ( Water
absorption shou ld not be m ore than 0.0 5%)
70 .00 _§)ecific ation No.Bd.M.12 Pa e No ~ 385
A) Flooring Sqm 1575.00
b) Skirting Sqm 1725.00
151 Provid ing and fixing Granite stone of
BDM approved qua lity colour and size of 20
mm t hick for flooring in required position
,pattern/design laid on cement mortor ( 1:4)
including fixing w rth ad hestve and cutt ing Sqm 2 8 00 .00 12 50.00
moulding mirror pol ishi ngs as per dra w in gs
as directed by Engineer incharge . (Prior
approval of sample and brand by Execut ive
.._.._.......__o.........~....:E::!.n!!:l!.!.in.!.::e:!:.er is n ecess~ ry before use l,_,____ ---~--~--------'------

-SR.NO & DESCRIPfiON OF llEM UNil~ te for 201.) 16 PropiJSed
~ ·-1-5--

Provi ing and ixing Grantte stone 20
mm thick for Dado & s ki r ting of
approved quality colou r sh ade and size in
Comple:ed labour

colou red cement jointing and bed of CM

1:4 cement fl oti ng slurry cutting of
3300.0 0 1300.00
required size polishing moulding ,finishing Sqm
etc complete as directed by Engineer
incharg e . (Prior approval of sa mple and
brand by Executive Engineer is necessary
before use)
-- -~~~-~~~~~--~~~~~----~-----+----1---------~------~
153 Providing and f txing Granite 20 mm
BDM thick for tread and riser of approved
I" -
quality colour shade and of required size
,polishing Including cutting moulding to I'
noising polishing fixing and bedding o f Sqm
3700.00 1700.00
cement mortar 1:4 and coloured cement
floating finishing etc.complete as directed
by Engineer incharge. ( Prior approval of
sample and brand by Executive Engineer
is necessary before use)
l----t----'--~'--...._~...;__--...J---------+---t-----=----1-· - - · - - - - -·
154 Providing and fixing Flamed Granite 20
BDM mm thick for tread and riser, ramp
etc. of approved quality colou r shade and
of required size ,including cutting
moulding to noising fixing and bedding of Sqm
2600.00 625.00
cement mortar 1:4 and coloured cement
floating finishing etc.complete as directed
by Engineer lncha rge. (Prior approval of
sample and brand by Executive Engineer
is necessary before use) -----1---+--- c---~r - -·· _____
155 Providing and fixing Granite stone 20
BDM mm thic k for Slab for Kitchen of
approved qual ity colour shade and or
requi red size polishing includ ing cutting
moulding to noising polishing fixing and
beddtng of cement mortar 1 :4 and Sqm 3300.00 1500.00
co lou red cem ent floating fi nishtng et c

co mplete as dt rected by E'ngtneer
rncharge . (Pnor approval of sample and
bt and by Executive Enghl<>er '· rwct :s~ nry
L _ ~>efor~~.~U _ _ L j

OESC !~I P TI O N OF 1"1 EM UNn Ro te fo r 7015-1 6 Prop pse d I
CODE Completed Lab our ·

156 Providing and Fixing Granite S tone

BDM cl adding v e rticals j a m bs, sill o f d o o r &
win dows with machine cut a pproved
quality granite stone 20 to 2 5mm t hick
0 with 1 :4 wh ite cement m ortar incl ud ing
cement floa t filling j oint with neat cement
slurry racking groove moulding cutting
mirror polishing curing cleaning using the
Sqm 3900.00 1750.00
carpet for hold ing t he g ra nite st o ne in
proper position a nd coveri ng w ith plaster
o f paris to a void damages clea ning the
same on completio n of work etc compl ete
including all leads and lift d irected by
Engineer in charg es (P ri or a pproval o f
.0 0 sample and bra nd by Executive Engineer
is neccssa r before use
Providing and fixing ... ........... type
Granite stone o f a pprov ed q uality colou r
and size of a ny size 20 mm thick for
flo oring in requ ired position
,pattern/design laid on cement morto r
(1 :4 ) Includ ing fixing with ad hesive and
cutting mould ing polishings as per
drawings as directed by Eng ineer
5. 0 0 incharge. (Prior approval of sample and
brand by Executive Eng ineer is necessa ry
before use
TELEPHONIC BLACK/ RBI Re d 3400.00 1225.00
1 -- - - - - !-··-
LAKHA RED ( D a rk coloure d and fine Sqm
r ained) 4500.00 1225.00
Providing and fixi ng ................. type
158 Granite ston e 20 mm thick for Dado &
BDM skirting of approved qua lity colour shade
and size 1n coloured cement jointing and
500.00 bed of CM 1:4 ceme nt floti ng slu rry
cutting of req uired size: polishing moulding
,finishing etc co mplete as d irect ed by
Engineer 1ncha rge. (Prior ap proval of
~a n1 p l e and brand by Executi ve En g in ee r
IS n ~ces':>CJ 1y_ before use }
TELEPHONIC BLACK/RBI Red 3600 .00 1325.00
lAkHA RED (Dark coloured and fin e Sqm
rained) 4 500.00 1325.0 0

RNO & DESC RIPTION OF ITEM UNIT Rote for 2015 16 Proppsed
CODE Cornp lc;cd labour
Providing and fi xing .. ... .. ... . . .. type
159 Granite 2 0 mm thick f o r t r ea d a nd
BOM riser of approved quality co lou r shade and
o f required size ,polishing including cutting
moulding to noising polishing fixi ng a nd
bedding of cement mortar 1:4 and
co loured cement floting finishing
etc.comptete as directed by Engineer
incharge . (Prior approval of sample and
brand by Executive Engineer is n ecessary

LAKHA RED (D a rk Sq m
rained 5200 .0 0
Providing and fixing •. •. .... .•...... type
160 Gran ite ston e 20 mm thic k for Slab for
BOM Kitchen of approved quality colour shade
and or requir ed size polishing including
cutting moulding to noising polishing fixing
and bedding of cement mortar 1:4 and
coloured cement float ing fi nishing etc
complete as directed by Engineer
incharge. ( Prior approv al of sample and
brand by Executive Engineer is necessa ry

LAKHA RED (Dark Sq m

r ained
Providing and Fixing ................. type
161 granite Stone c ladding verticals
BDM jambs, s ill of d o or & windows with
machine cut approved quality granite
stone 20 to 25mm thick with 1:4 white
cemen t mortar including cemint float filling
joint with neat cement slurry racki ng
groove moulding cutting mirror poi1shing
curirg cleaning usrng the carpet for
holdmg th e gra n1t<? c;tone in proper
position and covering with plast er of paris
to avoid damages cleaning the same on
completion of work etc complete including
all leads an d units directed by Engineer in
charges (Prior approval of sample and
bra nd by Execu tive Engineer is necessary
before use

$1\.NO & UNIT Ro le fo1 20 15- 16 Proppsed
C O DE Comp:eteo l abour
o -t·-------~
1725. 0 0
LAKHA RED (Dark coloured and fine Sqm _ .
5400 00 1725 00
- Providing and fixing Granite TILES 9
162 mmto 12 mm thick for Dado & skirting
BDM of app roved quality colour shade and si ze
in coloured cement jointing and bed of CM
1:4 cement floling slurry cutting of
required size polishing moulding ,finishing
Sqm 2300.00 1325.00
etc complete as directed by Engineer
incharge. (Prior approval of sam ple and
brand by Executive Engineer is necessary
)0 .00 before use )
- --.-~...:::~~-=-::;.=.....t..-----;---:::-:--------:---·t--- 1 ------:---t--:-------j
Providing and fixing .................. type
163 Granite TILES of 9 mm to 12 mm thick
BDM for Dado & skirting of approved quality
colour shade and size in colou r ed cem ent
jointing and bed of CM 1: 4 cem ent floting
slurry cutting of requ ired size polishing
mo uldi ng ,finishing etc complete as
directed by Engineer incharge. (Prior
approval of sample and brand by
Executive Engineer is necessary before
TELEPHONIC BLACK/ RBI Red 2800.00 1325.00
LAKHA RED (Dark coloured and fine Sqm &(-...
t --------t-:sM.r.. .:a_.;.i'n-=-
.;;;.,} 3800e_~
_ _ '-1325. 00
Provid ing·- -a n -d G_r_e_e_n_ _m
-:----- fi-=-1x-:i_n_g---= __a_rb
le--1- -- -+-- -----""" -.......__.--- ...___
-=-n ooririg 25mm 30mm thick of
required size in plain 1 dia m ond pattern on
...a· .bed of 1:6 cement mortar including Sqm
cement float ,filling s ,joints with neat 1250.00 205.00
_¢ement slurry ,curing,polishing and
.,cleaning complete. Spec.No.As directed
165 Provid ing and fixing m required positions
f3DM skirting or dado green marble Gmm
thick and 10 em wide on l :4 cement
p_la_ster incl uding ccmenL float , fi ll ing:,
,)ot~ts wi lh neal cem ent slurry Sqm 1 350.00 23 5 .0 0
,curmg,polishtng and ci E.:u ning com plete .
Spec.No.As directed by Engineer
l n charg e.

SR.NO & DESC RIPTION or ITEM UNIT Ro1e for 20 15-16 Proppsed
ITEM 1--------~-- ----- --
CODC Completed l obour
166 Providing sills of polis hed green marble
BDM Sills of 25mm to 30mm thick on a bed
of 1:4 cement mortar including cement
float ,fillings ,joints with neat cement Sqm 1500.00 255.00
slurry ,curing,po\ishing and cleaning
complete. Spec.No.As directed by
En g ineer Incharge.
'BV:N - 'W001J J-7:NIS:Jl
167 Providing and applying boiled linseed oil
BON in one coat including Knotting, preparing
llA the surface, scaffolding etc. complete as Sqm 18.00 6.00
directed. Spec. No. : Bd. N . 11 Page No.
l-------l-'3::...;9::..:9= ---------- - ----- - - - - - - - - - i - - - l - - - - --- - ·- ·-
168 Providing and applying boiled linseed oil
BON in two coats to the new woodwork,
118 including Knotting, preparing the surface, Sqm 26.00 7.00
scaffolding etc. complete as directed.
S_gec. No. :Bd. N. 11 Page No. 399
1------4~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~----+---~------- ---~--- --~
169 Providing and applying wax polishing to
BON the new woodwork, including Knotting,
12A preparing the surface, scaffolding etc. Sqm 42.00 15.00
complete as directed . Spec. No. :Bd. N.
12 Page No. 399
l- - - - --l-=::......::.-=:..;;z..:::_..:..::..;::..:......:=-=..=--- - - - - - - - - - -1- - --+---- - -· ... - - -
170 Providing and applying wax polishing to
BON the old woodwork, including Knotting,
128 preparing the surface, scaffold ing etc. Sqm 26 .00 l2.00 I
complete as directed . Spec. No. :Bd. N .
I------~-1~ _2 __P_a~ag~'e__N~o~._3_9 ~ 9____________________+---~r----- · ---- -- ---- -- · ~
171 Providing and applying French polishing , ~::
BON for required finish on previously
13A polished wood Including Knotting,
Sqm 78.00 27.00
preparing t he surface, scaffolding etc.
complete as directed . Spec. No. :Bd. N .
13 P age No. 399
172 Providing and applying French polishing
BON to new woodwork, includ mg Knottmg,
1 38 r repanng t he surface, scaffolding etc. Sqm 1 25.00 43.00
complete as directed. Spec. No. :Bd. N.
_ _ _ 13 Page No. 39L . ____ _

- -R-.N-O
__&_,----·-----o~rs~·c~R~~~rr=,~o-N~or--1-Tr_M__________·~u-N-Ii!~l-?o-l-e-f-o-r-20-l-5---~6--~;r-o pps e--
rr EM
C OD~ Co·np leted
! Labour
r----17- 3~--~~---~~:~~--~~~~-r---T-------+---··---
Providing and polishing to pre polished
'BON _ old or new wood work 3 coats of
00 12 polyurethane clear wood finish
material of approved quality includi ng
Sqm I 1 35.00 28.00
Knotting, sea ling cracks with filler
compound, sand papering etc. complete as
directed. Spec. :As directed by
t' I-------+~E~n~lg~i~n~e~e~r~i~n~c~h~a~r~]l~e~~~~~~~~~~-----~----------~-~
" --~---!
174 Providing and applying Varnish in one
BON coat on previously varnish e d wood
14A work, including Knotting, preparin g the
surface, scrapping, scaffolding etc.
Sqm 23.00 7.00
complete. Spec. No. :Bd. N. 14 Page
No. 400 _ _- - - - - - ---!---+-- - --- 1 - - - -
175 Providing and applying Varnish in two
1 .00 ~ BON coats on new wood work, including
148 Knotting, preparing the surface , Sqm 28.00 12.00
scaffolding etc. com plete . Spec. No. :Bd . i-'
.!!!_14 Page No. 400
Provid ing and applying Coal Tar in one ·- ----
15.00 BON coat on previously pain ted wood ,
·: 16A including preparing the surface, Sqm 11.00 3.00
---- ·:-
t --- -
scaffold ing etc. complete. Spec. No. :Bd.
N. 16 Pa_g_e No. 400
I~ 177 Providing and applying Coal Tar in two
coats on new woodwork incl uding
preparing the surface, scaffold ing etc. Sqm 18.00 4.00
-----=-- _ complete . Spec. No. :Bd. N. 16 Page
No. ~00
_r -
1--1-'l-81---1 Provldin_ g _a_n_d_ a_p_p-ly-i-n g
_ m _a_l a
_ _m_i_n_e__
p_o_l i=-s-h-+-- --1-- - - - - _ ____ _ ,
1~. ~. BON of required shade and fini sh to the
work including preparing even and ..
smooth sur face by rubbing, preparing for
the necessary shade applying finishing Sqm 630.00 360.00
materia l ma nually as well as final coat
w it h spray machine etc. complet e. Spec.
4 3 .00 ~~· 1_ , ~· No. :As directe d by 'En_g ineer in charg_e
, \ t: 13'DO - OIL P .7ti:NT!N(j
----~ r 179 Removing oil paint from steel and ·--.--
oth~r surface with flame , cleanmg and
,t ·; makmg t he surface ev en, and scarfoldmg Sqm 23 .00 1 5 .00
~ etc. _compl ete. Spec. No. :As directed by
Ef!.9•neer in charge .
--------------~--~---------~--~· ----

SR .NO & DESCRI PTION OF ITEM UNif Ro te tor 20 15-16 Proppsed
CO DE Comple ted I obour
180 Removing old p aint from steel and
BDO other metal surface with flame,
86-1 cleaning and making the surface even, Sqm 23.00 15.00
and scaffolding etc. complete. Spec. No.
:As directed b En ineer in char e
181 Removi ng oil paint from steel and
BOO other metal surface and making the
86-2 surface even w ith hand scrapping, Sqm 10.00 9.00
scaffolding etc. complete. Spec. No. :As
directed b En ineer in char e
182 Provinding and applying two coats of
BOO 1 lead/ zinc base oil paint/ of approved
colour and shade to new wood work
and fibre boards includ ing prepar ing the Sqm 72.00 17.0~
surface, knotting, scaffolding if necessary,
(including primer coat)complete. Spec.
No. :Bd.O. 1 Pa e No. 403
183 Provinding and applying three coats of
BOO lead/ zinc base oil paint/ bituminous
lA paint of approved colour and shade to
new wood work and fibre boards
Sqm 88 .00 21.00
including preparing the surface, knotting,
scaffolding if necessary, (including primer
S ec. No. :Bd.O. 1 Pa e No. 403 _ _...:.._-1--- - l -
l----._:::..r....==.:....:....:..=...::......:..=...:::::..:...c=:....::...-=-.:......:::c.o~....:::......:...c:...:::..:.__:_:::..= ..__ - -
184 Provinding and applying one coat of
BOO 2 lead/ zinc base oil paint/ bituminous
paint of approved colour and shade to old
wood work previously painted and
Sqm 57.00 18.00
fibre boards including preparing the
surface, knotting, scaffolding if necessary,
(including primer coat) complete. Spec.
No. :Bd.O. 2 Pa e No. 404
185 Provinding and applying two coats of
BDO lead/ zinc base oil paint/ bituminous
2A paint of approved colour and shade to old
wood work and fibre boards previouly
Sqm 68.00 20.00
pai nted includ ing preparin g the surface,
k notting, scaffo ld ing if necessary,
(includ ing primer coat ) complete . Spec.
No. :Bd.O. 2 P a e No. 404

DLSC RI Pl ,OI'·i O F !1 EM
&I UN II Rare tur /U 1S·i 6 F'rO[..)JY,e d

C O D[ l obour
l86 Provinding an d applying two coats of
BOO 3 l ea d / zinc base oil pa int/ bituminous
paint of ap proved colour to new
__..\ I
structural steel work and iro n work in
building including preparing scaffold ing if
Sqm 19.00
necessary cleaning and preparing the
su rface (including primer coat) com plete.
~~ec. No. :Bd.O. 3 Page No. 404
1----1-8-7 --;-:Provinding and applying three coats of
BC>O lead/ zinc base oil p aint/ bituminous
3A paint of approved colour to new
structural steel work and iron work in
Sq m 66.00 2.0.00
building including preparing scaffolding if
necessary cleaning and preparing th e
surface (~includi n g primer coat)complete.
i-----l~pec~_No_. :Bd.O. 3 Page No. 404
Provinding and applying one coat of
aluminium paint of app roved make to
new structural ste el work ln building
and workshop including scaffolding if Sqm
1..00 necessary cleaning and preparing the
s u rfac~ (including primer coa t)comp lete.
s ec. No. :'Bd.O. 4 Pa e No. 405
189 Provinding and applying two c oats of
BOO aluminium paint of approved make to
4A new structural ste el work in building
and workshop Including scaffold ing if Sqm 75.00 16.00
necessary, clean ing and preparing the
18.00 surface (including primer coat) complete.
S ec. No. :Bd.O. 4 Page No. 405
.Pr~vinding and applying two coats of
synthetic enamal paint of appoved
colour to n e w stuctral steel work in
building, including scaffolding if necessary, Sqm 72.00 16.00
cleaning and preparing the surface
·(including p rimer coat) comp lete. Spec.
20.00 No. :Bd.O. OS Pa e No. 405
Provinding and appl ying thre e coats of
synthetic enamel paint of approved
colour to n e w and old structura l steel
work and wood work m buil ding
lncludrng sca ffold rng rf necessary, clea n rng Sqrn 84 .00 19.00
a~d prepanng lhe su rface (includrng
pruner coat) complete. Spec. No. :Bd.O.
5 Pa ge No. 405

& DESC RIPTION 01 ITCM UNIT f-?o le fo r 20 1S- I 6 Prop psed

800 6
Provindlng and a pplying one coat of flat oil
paint of approved col our to old structural
Completed Lo bour
steel work and iron work p reviously
painted in buildings including scaffolding if Sqm 52.00 11.00
necessary, cleaning and preparing the
surface (in cluding primer coat)complete.
No. : d.O. 6 Pa No. 406
193 Provlnding and applying two coat of flat
BOO oil paint of a pproved colour to old
6A structu ral steel work and iron work
previously painted in buildings, including
Sqm 63.00 "15.00
scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and
preparing the surface (including primer
coat) complete. Spec. No. :Bd.O. 6
Pa e No. 406
194 Provinding and applying one coat of flat
BOO 7 oil paint of approved colour an d shade to
interna.l and external plastered
surfaces including scaffolding If Sqm 47.0(:) 1.1.00
necessary, cleaning and preparing the
surface (including primer coat)complete.
:Bd.O. 7 Pa No. 406
195 Provinding and applying two coats of flat
BOO oil paint of approved colour and shade to
7A internal and external plastered
surfaces including scaffolding if Sqm 60.00 15.00
necessary, cleaning and preparing the
surface (indudlng primer coat)complete.
ec. No. :Bd.O. 7 P o. 406
196 Provinding and a pplying three coats of
BOO flat oil paint of approved colour and
7B shade to internal and external
plaste.-ed surfaces including sca ffolding Sqm 68.00 19.00
if necessary, cleaning and preparing th e
surface (i ncl uding primer coat)complete.
ec. No. : Bd.O. 7 Pa No. 406
197 Provinding a nd applying two coats of
BDO 8 wate.- proof cement paint of app roved
m anufactu re and a pproved colour t o t hl
plastered surfaces Including scaffo lding if
necessary 1 cleaning and preparing the
surface wate ri ng for two days co mplete .
. No. : Bd.O. 8 Pa e No. 406


:;e d
SR.NO C.'<
DFSCRIPfiON OF ifE.M UNIT Role for 201 5· 16 Proppsed
CODE Completed Labour
198 Provlnding and applying three coats of

w ater proof cement paint of app roved

0 SA
manufacture and approved colour to tl1 e
plastered surfaces lncl udlng sca ffolding if Sqm
necessa ry, cleaning and preparin g the
63.00 21.00
·- surface watering for two days comp lete. I'
(including primer coat )
spec. No. :Bd.O. 8 Page No. 406
~9 9___ P.rovinding and applying priming coat
BOO over new wood and wood based
ac surfaces including prepa ring the surface
by thoroughly clean ing orl, grease, dirt Sqm
and other fo rign material, sand papering
26.00 6.00
and knotting, scaffolding etc.compl ete.
:;-: Spec. No. :As directed by Engineer in
_________ _charg~e~------------------~------~-----~---------~~------~
200 Provinding and applying priming coat
.00 .: BDO over new steel and other metal
~ ~' so surfaG:es includ ing pre paring the surface
~~ by tho rou ghly cleaning oi l, grease, dirt
.i and other forign material and scou red with Sqm 21.00 7.00
i:: wire brushes, fine steel wool 1 · scrappers
.J and sa nd paper, scaffolding etc.complete.
tJ• Spec. No. :As directed by Engineer in I""
5.00 +~~ charg_~ ---~~..,------------------+-----i---------t-· -- _ __ _
:_ 201 Provinding and applying priming coat on
. ;, BOO concrete/ masonry1 asbestos
·8E cement/ plastered surfaces Including
scaffolding if necessary, preparing the
surface by thoroughly cleanin g oil, grea se, Sqm 26.00 6.00
dirt and other forign material and sand
1.9.00 papering as required. Spec. No. :As
t-· ~, __ - ~irected l?.:t En_g ineer _in charge . -~---'--·--:-----'----------!
•• r---=- '!-'DY -COL011~ I 'W:JfiTT. 'W.JJS:J{JN(j I 'DIST'E:M.P'E'RI:N(j
;• 2@2 Provinding and applying white-wash in
!=c..---- • BOP 1 one coat o n old/ new plastered o r
I~ · masonry surfaces and asbestos cement
:9 sheets including scaffold ing and preparing Sqm 14.00 8.00 -

~ t he surface by brush1ng and b rooming down

~ complete . Spe..:. No. :Bd.P.l Page


16.0 °--cf.
SR.NO & Of:SCRIPitON o r ITCM l UNil Rote ior 2015- 16 Proppsed
CODE Curnpleled Labour
203 Provmding and applying white-wash in
BOP lA Two coat on old/ new plastered or
masonry surfaces and asbestos
cement sheets Including scaffolding and Sqm 17.00 9.00
pr epari ng the surface by brushing and
br oomin g down complete. Spec. No.
:Bd.P.l Pa e No.411
204 Provinding and applying colour-wash of
BOP 2 approved co lour and shade in one coat to
new surface including scaffolding
Sqm l 9 .00 10.00
brushing and brooming down (excluding
base coats of white wash ) etc. complete.
S ec. No. :Bd.P.2 Pa e No. 412
205 Provinding and applying colour- wash of
BOP 2A approved colour and shad e in two coats
to new s urface including scaffolding
brushing and brooming down (excluding Sqm 21.00 10.00
base coats of white wash ) etc.complete.
S ec. No. :Bd.P.2 Pa e No. 412
206 Provlnding and applying colour- wash of
BOP 28 approved colour and shade in three coats
to new s urface including scaffolding
Sqm 24.00 12.00
brushing and brooming down (including
base coats of white wash ) etc.complete.
1 - - - - :..§..pec. No. :8d.P.2 Pa e No. 412
207 Provinding and applying colour-wash of
BOP 3 approved colour and shade in one coat
to old surface which are to be
recoloured including scaffoldin g brushing Sqm 16.00 6.00
and brooming down (excluding base coats
of white wash ) etc. complete. Spec. No.
:Bd.P.3 Pa e No. 412
208 Provindlng and applying colour-wash of
BOP 3A approved colour and shade ln two coats
to old surface . which are to b e
recoloured including scaffolding brushing Sqm 21.00 8.00
and brooming down (excluding base coats
of wh ite wash ) etc.com plcte . Spec. No.
,_ _ _-+_:_B_d_.P _._3_PC!_g ~ N o. 11~ _
2 09 Provinding and applying powder·
BDP 4 distemper of approved colour and sllad e
to old and new surface in one c oat
ind udtng scaffolding preparing the Sqm 22.00 5.00
su rfaces (including the primercoat)
etc. comptete. Spec. No. :Bd.P.4 Page

SP 1--lO &
- --~-----
------ UN'!- --for
OcSC RIPliOl\1 0- :', ._ rv~ 1 ~ole ?~;! ~- 16 P10pp'),....,,_1
Jr ITCM 1-- --
(~")Or: Corn:)leled l abour
r--21 0 Provi ndmg an d applying Dry powder
BOP 4A diste mpe r of approved colour and shade
0 to old and new surfa ce in two coats
including scaffo lding preparing the Sq m 25.00 7.00
su r faces (including the primercoat }
etc.complete. Spec. No. : Bd.P .4 Page
'2~r-Provind 1 ng and applying washable oil-
BOP 5 bound distemper of approved colour a nd
.00 shade to old and new surface in one
coat including scaffold ing pre paring the Sqm 55.00 19.00
surfaces (including the pnmercoat)
etc.complete. Spec. No. : Bd .P.S Page
No. 413
1-m- Provindmg and apply ing washable oil-
BOP SA bound distemper of approved colour and
shade to old and new surface in two
coats including scaffoldi ng preparing the Sqm 60.00 20.00
surfaces (including the pri mercoat)
etc.complete. Spec. No. :Bd.P.S Page
No. 413
.2.00 213 Provinding and applying washable oil-
BOP SB bound distemper of approved colour and
shade to old and new surface in three
coats including scaffolding preparing the Sq m 66.00 23.00
surfaces (including the primercoat)
etc.complete. Spec. No. :Bd.P.S Pag e
214 Provi nding and applying plastic emulsion
BDP6 -paint of approved quality, colour and
·shade to old and new surface in two
.coats including scaffoldi ng preparing the Sqm 90.00 18.00
surfaces (including the primercoat)
complete . Spec. No. :Bd.P.6 Page No.
8.00 2 15 P~ovinding and applying plastic emuls ion
paint of approved quali ty, colour and
shade to new surface in three c o ats
including scaffoldmg p repanng the Sqm 110 .00 22. 00
surfaces (mcluding t he pri mercoat)
complete Spec. No. : Bd. P.6 Pa o e No.
·- - 414 -

.NO & DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT Ra te for 20 15- 16 Proppsed

Comple1ed Labour
216 Prov idi ng and apply ing Apex Paint to
exterior side of approved qua lity colour
and shade to old and new sur faces in two
coats inclu ding scaffol ding preparing the
surface by cleani ng broom ing etcet era Sqm 130.00 42.00
compl ete as directed by Enginee r in
charge.( Including primer coat ) ( This
item is to be executed prior permission of
217 Provid ing and applying apex Paint to
BOP exterior side of approved quality colou r
and shad e to old and New surfaces in 3
coats including scaffolding preparing the
surface by cleaning brooming etc.complete Sqm 155.00 46.00
as directed by Engineer incharge.
(including primer coat) (Item is to be
executed prior permission of
Su rintendin En ineer
218 Removing white wash or colour wash
BDP7A by steel wire brushing and/ or scrapping
sand papering and preparing the wall
surface smooth including necessary Sqm 7.00 7.00
repairs to scratches etc.complete.
Spec. No. :As directed by Engineer in
1------~--------------------= -----
219 Providing and constructing superior
BDQ 8 Indian teak wood hand rail of 60 X70
mm. as per detailed drawing or as Rgm 1150.00 3JS.OO
directed by the Engineer, including french
polishing complete. Spec. No. :Bd.Q.S
Pa e No. 425
220 Providing and fixing in position P.V.C.
BDQ hand of SOmm size rail of approved
8A quality, m ake and shade ( excluding M. S . Rgm 84.00 31.00
plate) as directed etc. complete . Spec.
No. :As directed b~ineer in charge
221 Providing and fixing pelmet box 150 to
BDQ 200 mm. wide and 20 mm. thick
11 finished with veneer to door or
windows/ openings including 20 mm.
diameter Alu mini um curta in rod with
sockets and finis hi ng with f rench pol ishing
( without top ) complete.
Spec. No. :As directed by Engineer in

---.-----~;:::;:::;~~~;;:-;:-:------,---.;---::-;-; -- - -
SR .NO & DCSC RIP !lO N OF ITEM LNIT Role lor :tOl ~-1 6 Proposed
C ODE Comple'ed Labour
With Conceal Braket 570.00 132.00
si m p le Brakret Rgm 690.00 160.00
~~~~~~------------------1 ~----'-·-----l--·----·
~ .00 Design Braket 960.00 2 4 0.00
222 Providing and fix ing wooden shelf 25
BDQ mm. thick particle board phenol
13 bonded 30 em. wide with country teak
wood brackets of 45 X 35 mm. at 1. 2 m. Sqm 1400.00 380.00
ce ntre to centre without fil let including
primer coat complet. Spec. No. : Bd.Q.13
Pa e No. 428
223 Providing and fixing decorative teak
~ 6.0 0 BOQ plywpod veneer lining 4mm. thick with
18 backing of country teak wood frame work
of battens 12 mm X 25 mm. @ 30
centimeter centre to cent re fixed to walls
Sqm 1 360.00 525.00
and p.illars withou t skirti ng an d corn ice as
per drawings including necessa ry iron
work and finsishing the ex posed wood
work with f rench po lish comp lete. Spec.
i.oo ·- --1
No. :Bd • . 18 Pa e No . 431
224 Providing and fixing jungle wood ballies
BDQ of approved species 85 mm. averag e
-22 diameter for common rafters, purlins,
ridge, hip and vall ey rafters, jack rafter,
Rgm 180.00 21.00
wall plate, post plate, posts etc. including
all iron work , scaffolding if necessary and
-W_p od primer in one coat complete . Spec.
fifo. :Bd. .22 Pa e No. 434
P-roviqing and fixi ng kadappa stone 25 to
30 mm. thick and 30 em. wide both
.,side polished With front s ide full
mould i ng for shelf including making Sqm 890.00 185 .00
groove in B.S. masonry and redoing etc .
complete. Spec. :As directed by
E !!.9 in e e r in c h a rg e
Providing and Axing kadappa stone 2 5
to 30 rum. thi ck and 30 e m . w id e one
side po l ished With front side f ull
mouldingfor shelf rncl udrn g m aking Sqm 81 0 .00 165.00
g roove il' R B. ma so my and redoin g etc.
com?lete. Spec. : As directed by
Eng_ m eer in charge

SR.NO & DESCR!f'TION OF IH.M UNIT Rotc for 2015- 16 Propp::;ecJ
CODE Completed I abour
227 Provid ing and fixing shutter to wall
BDQ cupboard made from 12 mm. thi ck
26 particle boa rd cement bonded particle
board both face bond ed with phenol
formaldehyde synthetic resin B.W.P.
grade includi ng li pping, bedding Sqm 2400.00 570.00
Aluminium / Stai nless steel f ixtu res and
fast ening and oi l primer coat etc.
com plete.
Spec. No. :As directed by Engineer in
char e
228 Prov iding and fi xing shutter to wall
BDQ cupboard (Size up to 60 em X 100 em
26B ) made from 12 mm. thick Water
proof/Termite proof best quality
bra nded ply wood confirming to lSI
lami nated both sid e formica of 1 mm
t hick a frame of good qu ality ply wood of
Sqm. 3600.00 820 .00
36 m m thick including t ea k w ood lipping,
beading malemine polish to lipping ,
bedding,wit h Aluminiu m I Stainless Steel
fi xtures and fasteni ng ( Such as Hinges ,
tower bolt, handle, magnet ,Chain ,cuboard
lock ETC ) etc. complete. Spec. No. :As
directed b En ineer in char e

~1J1t- 'ROOjiJ't[(j & C'llLIN(j

_ -:-T_ _-,=;__--- - - , -
l- -- - -r- - -- · · -- - --:----::----=:........=...::._-=.._
2 29 Providing and fixing corrugated
SDR 5 galvanished iron sheet of 0.80 mm.
thickness (22 B.W.G) for roofing
without wind tiles including fatening with
Sqm 840.00 73.0 0
ga lvanised iron screw and bolts and lead
and bitume n washers as per drawing
complet e.
S ec. No. : Bd.R.5 Pa e No.452
230 Providing and fi xing 6.00 mm thick l SI
BDR 7 ma rk Asbestos Cement Corrugated
(Big Size ) sheet roofi ng includ ing
galvanised iron 'J' or 'L' hoo k bolts
ga lvanised iron band bituminous Sqm 470 00 72.00
ga lvanised iron washers, ga lvanised iron
cla mps and bolts and nuts and scaffolding
complete. Spec. No. :Bd.R.7 Page
No.4 53

DI-SCRIPT! ON OF ITE.rv, Ut~l r Rate for 20 15-16 Pro ppsed
'sR.NO &
CODE C omplete d Lobour
- -- - Providing and fi xing 6.00 thick l SI mark
thick Asbestos Cement Corrugated
sh eet roofing including galvanised iro n 'J'
or 'L' hoo k bolts galvanised iron clamps Sqm 525.00 84.00
.00 and bo lts and nuts and including
scaffolding complete. Spec. No. : Bd.R.S
p~ e No~.4~5~4~~~--~----~~~---+----4---------~~----~
'Proviciing and fixing 6 mm. thick ISI
mark Asbestos Cement r idge capping
tor roofing including g alvani sed iron
hook, bolts , galvanised iron and
Rgm 310.00 52.00
bituminous washers, galvanised iron
clarnps and bol ts and nuts and inclu di ng
scaffolding complete.
_ _ __,_ Spec. No. : Bd. R. 9 Pa g>....:e:._:_:
Provid ing and fi xing cor rugated galva nised
iron sheet 0 .63 mm. thick (24 B.W .G.)
w.oo for f'oofing w ithout wind tiles including
fastening with galvanised iron screw and Sqm 680.00 52.00
·-b,olts and lead a nd bjtumen washers as pe r
drawing complete. Spec. No. :Bd. R.S
'1-----t~~g~e No.445
Providing a nd fixing flat or Big size
crorrugate.d galva nised iron sheet 0.63
mm. thick thickness (24 B.W.G.) TCT
coated on both sides for roofing with
approved profile & colour including fixing Sqm 840.00 105.00
to purlin with approved screws and EPDM
WC~Shers includ ing fixing with wind tiles
73.00 and scaffolding etc. complete.
-- ~ Spec. No. :Bd.R. Pa ge No.
235 Providing and fixing valley gutter of 22
BOR 10 B.W.G. (0.80 mm.) plain galvanised iron
sheet 120 em. wide with cou ntry teak
wood planking 20 mm.thick including two
coats of coal-taring the upper su rface of Rgm 1680.00 125.00
plil nk (excluding pai nting to u nder si de of
72.00 S ec. No. :Bd.R.lO Pa e No.455
Providing an d fixmg asbestos cement
cowl ventilators in asbestos cement
~heet r oofing at requ ired pl aces,
lnduding all fixing accessories a nd No . 1 35 .00 30 .00
scaffoldi ng necessary . Spec. No.
_:.!.l..<1&_1_~~e No. 459

SR.NO & DESCRIPTIO N OF ITl:M UNIT Ro le tor 201 5-1 6 Proppse d
il EM
C O DE C omple.1ed Labour
237 Providing and fix ing false ceiling of plain
BDR 16 asbestos cement sheets 4 mm. thick
wi th country teak wood beadin g 45 X 12
mm. w ith fra m e work of cou ntry teak
w ood battens of size 70 X 60 mm. at 1.00
m. cent re t o centre including scaffolding, if Sq m 890.00 135.00
necessary, all iron work an d painting
(visible su r faces) to A.C. sheet and
beading in two coats complete (excluding
tea k wood runner to be paid separately ).
o. : Bd. 16 e No.460
238 Providing and fixing false ceiling of 15/
BDR 18 20 mm. thick decorative boards of
fibrous plaster of paris including
scaffolding, if necessary, frame work of
teak wood battens of size 70 X 4 5 mm .
and 35 X 35 mm. at 45 em . centre to
cen tre without beading, a ll architectural Sqm 1150.00 210.00
work like mouldings, cornices caves,
domes, cups etc. as per d etailed drawi ngs
and three coats of painting to boards and
one coat to wood work (excluding ru nner
and mild steel suspender). Spec. No.
:Bd.R.18 P e No 1
2.39 Providing and fixing false ceiling of 12
BDR 19 mm. thick acoustic boards of approved
make, with shape and size as per
drawings including scaffolding if any frame
work of teak wood battens of size 70 X 45
Sqm 1300.00 2 10.00
mm. and 35 X 35 mm. at 60 em. centre to
centre all screw a nd fastening and
finishing complete. (excluding runner and
m ild steel suspender}. Spec. No.
:Bd.R.19 Pa e No.462
240 Providin,g and fixing su spended fal se
BD-1 8 ceiling of 11. 5 mm. thick gypsum
board with galva nised Iron perimeter
channel , intermediate chan ne l, g alvanised
iro n hanger ceiling section, necessary clips
dry wa ll screw required Including framing
Sq m 940. 00 2 611.00
board ing, jointi ng f1111sh 1ng fi lling j oints,
drilling holes including two coat s of primer
a nd all transportatio n, sca ffo ld ing and all
necessary labour materi al and m achinery
etc. com pl ete. Spec. :As directe d by
En i n cha

.ed -- --- --- - - - - - - - -- ---.
Sf< .NO &
Ill EM
CODE Corlrteted Labour
Providing and fixing 8 mm. thick panel
cem ent b onded wood particle board
for false ceiling (panelling flush type) on
frame work of G.L profi les of 0.6 t h ick Po
)0 804 ceiling stud profile and Po 804 and
runner, hat prof1le with a grid of 2' 4' (I. e.
0. 6 m. X 1.2 m.)a gap of 3~4 mm . to be
maintain ed between all joints of Bison
Sq m 940.00 /.60.00
panel and to be filled by any jointing
materiul so as to have a flush look
including screwing, finishing with t wo
coats of oil paint to visible surface and on e
coal of primer to hidden surface etc.
complete. (excluding lig ht a rra ngement).
Spec. :As directed by Engineer in
char e
•.00 • - - - -•-Providing and fixing 8 mm. thick pane l
cement a bonded wood particle board
for false ceiling using newly developed
Lay-in-g nd system including C.R.C. pre
painted and backed 'T' sections, wall
angles, soft clits hold on clips, G .I. hanger Sqm 890.00 230.00
wire w ith two coats of oil pa int from v isible
surface and primer coat to hidden surface
etc. complete.( excluding light
t arrangement). Spec. :As directed by
1----+-= E~ngineer in char e
Prov.i_9ing and fixing fiberous plaster of
tO.OO parris false ceilling is supported with 18
gauge L angle ( 25mm x 25 mm )with
fastener tiles hanging section ( 50 x 12
r~m) chappet section ( 75 mm x 12 mm ) Sqm 780 .00 180.00
With screw , finish ing with POP and
~oulding groove etc complete Spec. :As
•r~-~ ineer in cha r e
}>roviding and fixing asbestos c ement
(60 em. X 15 em. X 23 em.) valley
~utters of approved size. and ma ke
mcfuding M.S. drop onds stop ends
ne . ' , l<gm 320.00
260.00 cessary f1xtu res and fasteni ng the same
as Per code of stand ard prac~1ce complete.
Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in
c;...--~.L ch a.rge

r-- - -
SR.NO & DESCRIPT:ON OF ITEM UNI1 Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
ITEM r-- ------~---------1
CODE Cornple1ed Labour
245 Provid ing and fixing valley gutters of 24
BDR 37 B. W.G. g al vanis ed iron s heet 120 em.
with 20 mm . thick country cut teak wood _
planking underneath coal tarring etc. Rgm 1260 00 155.00
complete. Spec. No.: As directed by
En~ineer in charge . .____ .-~._ ___:..____~~---~
131JT- 1J001t5 & WI:NVO'WS
246 Providing and fixi ng country teak wood
BOT 2 frame of required size as per draw ing for
second class doors and windows,
ventilators, fan light, cup boards and clear
storey wi ndows including chamfering/
rounding, rebating and mild steel hold fast
Cum 135000.00 13000.00
of size 300 X 40 X 5 mm. fixed with screw
by drilling holes to wooden frames
including cutting recesses into frame to
accommodate outside strip of frame grill
and finishing with oil paintiong complete.
Spec. No. : Bd.T.2 Page No. 478
247 Providing and fixing country Non teak
wood ( Holak Malysial s al ) frame of
required size as per drawing for second
class doors and windows, ventilators, fan
li ght, cup boa rd s and dear storey windows
including chamfering/ rounding, rebating
and mild steel hold fast of size 300 X 40 X Cum 88000.00 10500.00
S mm. fixed with screw by drilling holes to
wooden frames including cutti ng recesses
into frame to accommodate outside strip
of frame grill and finishing with oil
palntiong complete. Sp ec. No. : Bd.T.2
:-a~ge No. 4 7 8
·- -+----+--- --- --'--l- - -- ---1
248 Providing and fixing jungle wood fram e
BD-37 60 mm. X 100 mm . for second class
doors, windows, ventilators, fanlight and II
clear storey window incl uding chamfenng/ Cum 40000.00 5700.00 I <
rounding, rebatrng hold fast an d fin ishing
w1th one coat of primer complete. ;
~ec. ~o .: Bd .T . 2~~ No. 478 '-

D ESC I~ IP T IO N OF IT[M UN II Rol e tor /.015- 16 honpsc cJ
l OUr liTEM
com= Complc 'ed labour

249 Providing and f ixing in position cold

BDT 2A rolled pressed steel sheet door I
3.00 window frame of size 100 X 60 X 1. 25
mm. (18 B.W.G.thickness)including
holdfast, no member at bottom of Frame
10 mm. thick rebate and depth of rebate
Rgm 420.00 99.00
after shutter thickness, hinges, holdfast
etc. fitted after shutter requ irement,
powder coating to the frame and fil ling t he
frame with concrete or mortar etc.
complete. Spec. No.: As directed by
1 - -- - t Engineer in c ha r e
)00.00 250 Providing and fixing precast R.C.C. M - 30
frames for door I windows I !overed
windows/ ventilators of cross setion
I25 mm X 50 mm with two bars of 8 mm.
for steel as reinforcemen t and
compressive strength of 300 Kg/ Sq m.
with wood like finish having 3 Nos./ of 6
Nos. of 12 gauge G.I. pipes, embedd ed on
vertical members for single/ double lea r
door shutter respectively for fixi ng hinges
with 4 Nos. of threaded holes on ea ch Rgm 399.00 52.00
plate, 1 No./ 2 No. of 12 mm. dia .. hole/
holes on horizontal top member for fixing
tower bolt 16 mm dia soi ls for aldrop and
sliding door bolt of the shutter is singl e
leaf, 3 Nos, of splinted tailed M.S. hold
fast on each of the vertical members fixed
in concrete block of 10 X 10 X 2 0 em. in
half bric~ wall and 23 X 10 X 20 em in one
brick thick wall etc. complete. Spec. :As
r------1-d ~ ire~ted by Engineer in charge
Pmviding and fixing in position mild steel
angle iron door/ window frame of
setion 40 mm X 40 mm x 6 mm . thick
including prov1ston for fixing aldrops,
tower bolts and hinges wi t h one coat of Rgm 31 5.00 16.00
anti~orrosive red oxide primer as per
detatled drawings and as dJ rected
complete. Spec. No. : As directed by
-~~Engineer in charge

St< .NO & D ESCRII-'TION OF llEM UNll Ro lP. tor /..Ol :, 16 Proppsed
CODE Comple tod l.Ol')OlJr

2~2 Provid ing and fixing Sintex or equivalent

BOT 2 0 door frame made from extruded P.V.C.
Section of overall dimension, required
section having multi-chamber cross
section with maximum wall thickness of
2.Smm + 0.30mm duly reinforced with
steel to be metre cut at tie rod at bottom
including making all the arrangement to
receive all fixtures etc. complete. Door
frame of overall dimension Spec. :As
directed by Engineer in charge
A) Frame size 53mm x 60 mm 410.00 42.00
r-~--------------------------------1 Rgm
B) Frame size 40mm X 58 mm 330.00 42.00
253 Providing and fixing country teak wood
BDT4B 2nd class fully glazed ventilator
rectangular in shape as per detailed ·'"""
drawing with shutter scantlings of size 70
mm. X 30 mm. thick and glass panels of 3
mm. thick plain/ frosted including Sqm 3 000.00 690.00
aluminium OR Stainless Steel fixtures and
fastening and finishing the wood work with
one coat of p ri mer ( without mild steel
bar and frame) complete. Spec. No. :
Bd.T. 4 Page No. 479
254 Providing and fixing country teak wood
BOT 4A 2nd class fully glazed ventilator
rectangular in shape as per detailed I~
drawing with shutter scantlings of size 70 ll~~
mm. X 30 mm. thick and glass panels of 3 I~

mm. thick plain/ frosted including Sqm 4400.00 900.00

aluminium OR Stainless Steel fixtures and
fastening and finishing the wood work with
one coat of primer ( with mild steel bar
necessary flat ) complete. Spec. No. :
Bd.T. 4 Page No. 479
-----· ti!-'1

p :.i.:r !
SR.t-JO &
C ODE l n bour
J- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - --r-- -
- ss-- Providing and fixing country teak wood
- - · -- - ·----~
BOT double leaf 2nd class fully panelled
4 A-A door s hutte rs without ventilator I
fanlight as per detailed drawing including
size of style, top rail, frieze rail 95 mm. X
40 mm. thick wit h lock and bot tom rail
195 mm. X 40 mm . thick with p a nel of
Sqm 7900.00 2200 .00
35 mm. thickness including al uminium OR
stainless Steel fixtures fixtures and
fastenings, finishing the wood work w ith
one coat of primer (excluding door fra me )
complete. ( for span of 1400mm X 2800
2.00 mm ) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 4 Page No.
479,480 --:-----1~-- - -
2-5-6 --l- Providing and fixing country teak wood
BOT 7 double leaf 2nd class fully panelled
door shutters Without ventilator I
fanlight as per detailed drawing including
)90.00 size of style, top rail, frieze rail 95 mm. X
35 mm. thick with lock and bottom rail
195 mm. X 3 5 mm. thick with panel of Sqm 7600.00 2100.00
30 mm. thickness including aluminium Or
1Stainless Stee fixtures and fasten ings,
finishing the wood work wit h one coat of
primer (excluding door frame ) (For span
t if 1200 X 2100 mm.) comple te. Spec.
__!to.: Bd.T. 7 Pa e No. 481
Providing and fixing country teak wood
dou.~Je leaf 2nd class fully p a nelled
900.00 door shutters without ventilator I
fanlight as per detailed drawing including
si:ze of style, t op rail, frieze rail 95 mm. X
30 mm. thick with lock and bottom rail
ll95 mm. X 30 mm. thlck with panel of Sqm 7200.0 0 2100.00
25 _mm. thickness including aluminium OR
Stamless St eel fi xtures fixtures and
fasteninas, f inishing the wood work with
-.O~c coa t of primer (excluding door fra me )
(l-or span upto of 9 00 X 2100 mm.) Sp e c .
No. : Bd.T. 7 Pag e N o.481 ~
,-..-.;..--=-......~_G=.:h:.:.:a~n a Teak Wood Sq m ~..5_
:. . 8 0-'-0-'-.-'-o_o~'--2_1..;_0;_0_.-'-

SR .NO & Dt:SCRIPTION O f- ITE.M UNIT Role fo r 2015- 16 Proppsed
CODE Completed Lo b o ur
2 58 Providing and fixing country teak wood
BDT 7 2nd class fully panelled double leaf
with ventilator I fanlight as per detailed
drawing including size of style, top rail,
frieze rail 95 mm. X 40 mm. thick with
lock and bottom rail 195 mm. X 40 mm.
thick w1th panel of 35 mm. thickness Sqm 7700.00 2200.00
includ ing aluminium Or Stainless Stee
fixtures and fastenings, fin1shing the wood
work with one coat of primer (excluding
door frame ) (For span of 1400 X 2800
mm.) complete. Spec. No. : Bd.T. 8
Page No. 482
259 Providing and fixing country teak wood
BOT 8 2nd class fully panelled single leaf
with ventilator I fanlight as per detailed
drawing including size of style, top rail ,
frieze rail 95 mm. X 35 mm. thick with
lock and bottom rail 195 mm. X 35 mm.
thick with panel of 30 mm. thickness Sqm 7300.00 2100.00
including aluminium OR Stainless Steel
fixtures and fastenings, finishing the wood
work with one coat of primer (excluding
door frame ) complete. (For upto span of
1200 X 2100 mm.) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 8
Page No. 482
260 Providing and fixing country teak wood 1

BDT8 2nd class fully panelled single leaf

with ventilator I fanlight as per detailed
drawing including size of style, top rail,
frieze rail 95 mm. X 30 mm. thick with
lock and bottom rail 195 mm. X 30 mm.
thick with panel of 25 mm. thickness Sqm 7000.00 2000.00
including aluminium OR Stainless Steel
fixtures and fastenings, f1nishing the wood
work with one coat of primer (excluding
door frame ) complete. (For span of 900
X 2 100 mm.) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 8 Page

- --- - ULSCRIPTION O F l1f M --r--- - - -
UNIT Ro i t-~ fo r 201 5- \ (, P ro p p~ e ci
CODE C ornpleled Labour
Providing and fixing country teak wood
double lea f s e cond class partly
panelled partly glazed door without
ventilator I fanlight as per d etailed
drawing Including size of style, top rail,
:::>.Ob frieze rail 95 mm. X 40 mm. thick with
lock and bottom rail 195 mm. X 40 mm.
thick with panel of 25 mm. thickness and
Sqm 6100.00 1350.00
glass panel 3 mm . thick plain/ frosted
glass including aluminium Or Stainless
s t eel fixtures and fastenings, finis hing the
wood work with one coat of primer
{excluding door frame ) com pl ete. (For
spa n 1400 X 2000 mm. to 1400 X 2800
mm.) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 11 Page No.
Providing and fixing country teak wood
double leaf second class partly
lOO.OO panelled partly glazed door without
ventilator I fanlight as per d etailed
drawing including size of style, top rail,
frieze rail 95 mm. X 35 mm. thick w ith
lock and bottom rail 195 mm. X 35 mm.
thick with panel of 25 mm. thickness and Sqm 5800.00 1350.00
glass Panel 3 mm. thick plain/ frosted
glass including aluminium fixtures and
fastenings, fin ishing the wood work with
dne i:oat of primer (excluding door frame )
<::Gmplete. (For span 1200 X 2000 mm. t o
1000 X 2100 mm.) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 11
Pa e No. 482
Providing and fixing country teak wood
double leaf second class partly
paneUed partly glazed door without
ventilator I fanlight as per detailed
e~~lng including size of style, top rail,
fneze rail 95 mm. X 30 mm. thick with
fo~k a nd botton• rail 19 5 m m. X 30 mm.
t htck with panel of 2 5 mm. thickness and Sqm 5500.00 1350.00
glass ~anel 3 m m. thtck plain/ frosted
~lass mdudlng ah1min1um Or Stainless
Steel fixtures and fastenings f inishing the
wood work .th ' .
( WI one coat of pnmer
se~cluding door frame ) complete. (For
·P n 900 X 2500 mm. to 900 X 2 100
,·----,.~..~m:.!.!m.!l.:...<.L..J~oec. No. : Bd.T. 11 Pa e No. 482

DESCRIPTION o r ITEM UNIT Rote tor ?.0 15~ 16 Proppsed

Comp!e led Labour

264 Providing and ft x ing c ountry t e ak wood
8DT 12 s econd class partly p a nelle d p a rtly
glazed door wi th 3 mm. gl ass single lea f
with ventilator I fanlight shut ters as per
detail ed drawing including si ze of style,
top ra i l, fneze rail 95 mm. X 40 mm.
thick wi th lo ck and botto m ra il 19 5 mm . X
40 mm. thick wit h pane l of 25 mm. Sq m 6000.00 130 0.00
thi ckness incl ud mg aluminium Or Stainless
Steel fixt ures and fastenings, finishing the
wood wo rk with one coat of prime·r
(excl uding door frame ) complete. (For
span 1400 X 2800 m m . t o 1000 X 2100
m m. ) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 12 Page No.
265 Providing a nd fi xing country teak wood
BOT 12 s econd class partly panelle d partly
glazed door with 3 m m. g lass sing le leaf
with ventilator I fanlight shutters as per
deta iled draw ing i nclu d ing size of style,
top rail, frieze r ail 95 mm. X 35 mm.
thick with lock and bottom r ail 195 mm. X
3 5 mm. t hick with pane l of ·25 mm . Sqm 5700.00 . 1350.00
thickness including aluminiu m Or Stainless
S teel fixtures and fastenings, fi nishi ng the
wood work with one coat of pri mer
(excluding door fra me ) com plete. (Fo r
span 1400 X 280 0 m m . to 1000 X 2100
m m . ) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 12 Pag e No.
266 Providing and fixing country tea k w o od
BDT 12 second class partly panelled partly
glazed door with 3 mm. glass single leaf
w ith ventilator I fanlig ht shutters i ncluding
stze of style, top r a il, frieze ra1l 95 mm. X
30 mm. thick w ith lock and bottom rai l
195 m m . X 30 mm. thick with panel of
Sq m 5400.00
25 mm. t hickness in cl uding a lumi nium Or
Stainless St eel f1 xtures and fasteni ng s,
fin1sl1ing the wood work with one coat of
pn m er (exclud ing door fra me ) co mp lete.
(For span 1400 X 2800 mm. to 1000 X
2100 mm. ) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 12 Page

~~~~0 -&

CODE Compte led 1 al1our

·- 267 Provi d in g and fix ing country teak wood ·--------~
BOT 12 se cond cl ass p a rtly pan e lled part ly
glazed door with 3 mm. glass sing le leaf
with venti la t or I fanligh t shutters incl uding
size of style, t op rail , fr ieze rail 95 m m . X
25 mm. thick with lock and bottom rail
.00 195 mm . X 25 mm. thick with panel of
20 mm. thickness including aluminium Or Sqm 5000.00 1 120.00
Stainless Steel fixtures and fastenings,
finishing the wood work with one coat o f
prim er (excluding door frame ) complete .
(For spa n 1400 X 2800 mm. to 1000 X
2100 mm. ) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 12 Page
1-----i-!-N~o~.-::4~8:.::3~-.~-:-:--=--:-:-:-::--::-::-:-:--:-:-;:--:-::-=-:Tt---j------ --- - ·· _
Providing and fixing count ry t e ak w ood
double leaf door with shutters as per
det ailed drawing shu tters including size of
style, top rail, 95 mm. X 40 mm. thick
with lock and bottom rail 195 mm. X 40
mm. thick with panel of 12 mm. thick
commercial ply faced teak wood particle
Sqm 5000.00 1)60.00
resin (generally conforming to I. S . :3097)
including alu minium Or Stainless Steel
fi xtures and fastenings, finishing the wood
work with on e coat of primer (exclud i ng
door frame ) complete. (For span 1400 X
2800 mm. to 1000 X 2 200 mm. ) Spec.
No. : Bd.T. 30 Pa e No. 496
Providi ng and fixing country teak wood
double l:eaf door shutters as per
detai led drawing shutters includi ng size of
style, top rail, 95 mm. X 35 mm. thick
with lock and bottom rail 195 mm. X 35
mm. thick with panel of 12 mm. thick
comme rcial ply faced t eak wood particle
~esin ( generally conforming to I. S . : 3097 ) Sq m 4 700.00 990.00
1 2. 50.00 ·Inclu ding aluminium Or Stai nless Steel
fixtures and fastenings and t eak wood
~e~d ing a t j unction of pa nel inse rts,
fm1shi ng th e wood work with one coa t of
Primer com plete. ( For span 1200 X 2600
mm. lo 1000 X 21 0 0 111m. ) Spec. No. :
Bd.T. 30 Page No. 496

SR .NO & DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT Rote for 201 5-1 6 Proppsed
CO DE Complete d Labour
270 Providin g and fi xing country teak wood
BDT double leaf door shutters as per
30-8 detailed drawing including si ze of style,
t o p rail, 95 mm. X 30 mm. thick with
lock and bottom rail 195 mm. X 30 mm.
thick with insert panel of 12 mm. thick
comme rcial ply faced teak wood particle
resin (generally co nforming to I.S. :3097) 4300.00 980.00
includrng aluminium Or Sta inless Steel
fixtures and fastenings and teak wood
beading at junction of pan e l inserts,
finishing the wood work with one coat of
primer complete. (For span 900 X 2500
mm. to 900 X 2100 mm. ) Spec. No. :
Bd.T. 30 Pa e No. 496
271 Providing and fixing country teak wood
BOT 31 single leaf door shutters as per det ailed
drawing including size of style, top rail,
95 mm. X 40 mm. thick with lock and
bottom rail 195 mm. X 40 mm. thick with
insert panel of 12 mm. thick
commercial ply faced teak wood particle
resin (generally conforming to LS. :3097) Sqm 4700.00 1125.00
including alluminium Or Sta inless Steel
fixtures and fastenings and teak wood
beading at junction of panel inserts,
finishing the wood work with one coa t of
primer complete. (For span 1400 X 2800
mm. to 1400 X 2200 mm.) Spec . No. :
Bd.T. 30 Pa e No. 496
272 Providing and fixing country t eak wood
BOT single leaf door shutters as per detailed
31 -A drawi ng incl uding size of style , top r ai l,
95 mm. X 35 mm. thick with lock and
bottom rail 19 5 mm. X 35 mm. thick with
insert panel of 12 mm. thick
commercial ply f aced teak wood pa rticle
resi n (gene rally conforming to I.S . : 309 7) Sqm 4450.00 9RO.OO
incl ud ing alum inru m Or Sta inless Stee l
fixtures and fastenings and teak wood
beading at juncti on of panel inserts ,
fi nishi ng the w ood w ork w ith o ne coat of
primer compl ete. ( For span 1200 X 2600
mm. to 1000 X 2100 mm.) Spec . No. :
' - - - - - L.=B:.:d:.:..T
.:..,· 3 0 Page No. 496

I -------------------------------.
DESC RIPllON O f llEM UNIT Rote to r 20 1.)- I 6 Proppse d I

Completed Labour
Z73 Providing and ftxrng country teak wood
so'T single leaf door shutters as per detailed
31 -B drawing including si ze of style, top rai l,
95 mm. X 30 mm. thick with lock and
bottom rail 19 5 mm. X 30 mm. thick with
1 insert panel of 10 mm. thick
00 commercial ply faced teak wood particle
resin (generally conforming to I.S . : 3097) Sqm 4100.00 960.00
including aluminium Or Stainless Steel
., fixtures and fastenings and teak wood
beadi ng at j unction of panel Inserts,
finishing the wood work with one coat of

primer complete. (For spa n 900 X 2500
rnm. to 9 00 X 2 100 mm.) Spec. No. :
Bd.T. 30 Pa e No. 496
1----:-::::-:--1-:P:-r;;;;..ov~.;:-';dlng and fixing solid core flush door
in ·single leaf 35 mm. thick, decorative
types, of ext erior grade, as per detailed
drawing approved face 1.00 mm thick
laminnte on both face w1t h/ without glazing
and yenetians in the positions shown on the
~5.0 0
drawin9s or as d irected, all necessary beads,
mouldings and lipping, alluminium Or Sqm I
3600 00 760 00
Stainless Steel fixtures and fastening with
brass mortise lock chromium plated handles
on both sides and finishing with french
_pollsfi/ waxing complete. (without door
frame) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 34 Page No.
t---;::;:;-;:--j!-7~=--::-----:----::--------------1f-- - - -1--·- =-----11---·- - - - · -
Pr0vtdlng and fi xing Single /double leaf
panelled door shutter with teak wood
styles, top rail and intermediate ralls (if
re(<juired ) of size 100 mm . X 40 mm. lock
~no bottom rail of size 200 mm. X 40 mm.
With Insert panels of 19 mm . thick both
sides prelaminated phenol bonded particle
board commerslaf ply wood exterior grade
with J .5 mm th ick laminated on botl"l side of
~80. 0 0 81DProveo m ake covered eith T.W. decorative
Sqm 5200.00 1250.00
beading of size 25 mm. x l S mm . at
junctions of panels w1Lh styl~s and ralls
lMCIUdlng AlUminium Ot~ Stainless Steel
fixtures and fasten1ngs and one coat of
Primer for T .W. surface if oil Palnt1ng is to be
done or preparin g surfa ce french polishing is
l:'o be done etc. complete.
Spec. No
• : As directed by Engineer
DESCRIPTION 01~ ll l M UNIT Role for 2015- 16 Propp sed

Comp:etecJ Labour
276 Providing and fixing country teak wood
BOT42 double l e af 2nd class fully g l azed
windows with plain I obscured glazed
shutters with style 70mm X 30mm, ra il
95mm X 30 mm. thick sash bars 30mm X
30 mm. thick without ventilator/ fanlight
as per d eta iled drawing inclu ding Sqm 3 600.00 770.00
aluminium Or Stain less Steel fixtures and
fastenings and fini shing th e wood work
with one coat of primer (excluding window
frame) complete.(For span 1400 X 1800
mm . to 1200 X 1200 mm) Spec. No. :
Bd.T. 42 Pa No. 503
277 Providi ng and fixing country teak wood
BOT double leaf 2nd class fully gJazed
42A windows with plain/ obscured glazed
shutters with style 70mm X 25mm , rail
95mm X 2 5 mm. th ick sash bars 30mm X
2 5 mm. thick without ventilator/ fanlight
as per detailed drawing induding Sqm 350 0.00 750.00
aluminium Or Stainless Steel fixtures and
fastenings and finishing the wood work
with one coat of primer (exduding window
frame) complete.(For span 1000 X 1700
mm. to 9 00 X 1100 mm) Spec. No. :
T. No. S
278 Providing and fixing country tea k wood
BOT double leaf 2nd class fully glazed
428 windows with pla in/ obscured glazed
shutters with style 70 X 2Smm. thick,
rail 95 X 25 m m. thick sash bars 30 X 25
mm. thick without ventilator/ fa nli ght as
Sqm 3300.00 730.00
per detailed drawing including aluminium
Or Stainless Steel f1xtures and fastenings
and fmlshing the wood work with one coat
of pnmer (excl uding window frame)
complete. (For span 500 X 800 mm. )
Sp ec~o. : Bd.T. 42 Page No. SC!_3

& DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT Rote tor 20 15- 16 Prop psed

Completed Labo ur

279 Providing and fixing country teak wood

BOT double leaf 2nd class fully glazed with
42C frosted or plain 3 mm. thick glass
windows shutters with style 70 X 30
mm. thick, ra il 95 X 30 mm. thick sash
0 bars 30 X 30 mm. thick ventilator/
fanlight as per detailed drawing including Sqm 3600.00 760.00
alluminium Or Stainless Steel fixtures and·
fa stenings and finishing the wood work
with1 primer coat of painting (ex cluding
window frame) complete.(For span 1400
X 1800 m m. to 1200 X 1200 mm.) Spec.
: Bd.T. 42 Pa o. 503
Providing an d fixing country teak wood
double leaf 2nd class fully glazed with
frosted or plain 3 mm. thick glass
windows shutters with style 70 X 25
mm. thick, rail 95 X 25 mm. thick sash
gars 30 X 25 mm. t hick ventilator/
fanlight as per detai led drawing Including Sqm 3 500.'00 730.00
aluminium Or Stainless Stee l fixtures and
fastenings and finishing the wood work
with primer coat of painting (excluding
window frame) complete.(For span 1000
X 1700 mm. to 900 X 1100 mm.) Spec.
42 Pa No. 3
ding and fixing country teak wood
double leaf 2nd class fully glazed with
frost-ed or plain 3 mm. thick glass
windows shutters with style 70 X 20
mm. thick, rail 95 X 20 mm. th ick sash
bars 30 X 20 mm. thick ventilator/
fan li_ght as per detailed drawing includi ng Sqm 3400.00 730.00
aluminium Or Stainless Steel fi xtures and
fa~tenings and finishlng the wood work
wtth primer coat of pamting (excluding
wi ndow frame) complete.(Fo r cl ear span
.upto 500 X 80 0 rnm.) Spec. No. : Bd. T.
42 No. 503

SR .NO & DESCR IPTION 01- ITEM UNIT Ro lo (or 20 1~ -l 6 l' roppsed
CODE Compieteo Labour
282 Providing and fixing country cut teak
BOT wood second class fully panelled
42F single/ double leaf window shutters
with style 70 X 30 mm. thick, rail 95 X
30 m m. th ick and panels 25 mm. thick
without ventilator/ fanlight as per detailed
drawing inclu ding all uminium Or Stainless Sq m 4900.00 124,0 .00
Steel fixtures and fastenings and finishing
the wood work with primer coat of
painting (excluding window frame)
complete.(For span 1400 X 1800 mm. to
1200 X 1200 mm.) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 42
_ _ _ _,__P_age N o . 503
283 ·~--+- · - - -·
Providing and fixing country cut teak
BOT wood second class fully panelled
42G single/ double leaf window shutters
with style 70 X 25 mm. thick, rail 95 X
25 mm. thick and panels 25 mm. thick
without ventilator/ fanlight as per detailed
drawing including aluminium Or Stainless Sqm 4700.00 1200.00
Steel fixtures and fastenings and finishing
the wood work with primer coat of
painting (excluding window frame)
complete.(For span 1000 X 1700 mm. t o
900 X 1100 mm .) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 42
Pa e No. 503
284 Providing and fixing country cut teak
BOT wood second class fully panelled
42H single/ double leaf window shutters
with style 70 X 20 mm. thick, rail 95 X
20 mm. thick and panels 20 mm. thick
without ven t ilator/ fanlight as per detailed
drawing includ ing aluminium Or Stainless
Sqm 4200.00 1020.00
Steel f1xtures and fastenings and finishing
the wood work with primer coat of
painting (excluding window fra me)
com plete. ( For spa n 500 X 800 mm. )
, ____._,
Spec. No. : Bd.T. 42 Page N o . 503

-- - DESCRIPTlOI--1 OF ITFM Ro le for ?0 1~> · 16 f'rop mE?d

C<C)DE- Completed l.obour

2S·S -
Providing and fixing country cut teak
BDT 42wood second class fully panelled
J single/ double leaf window shutters
with style 70 X 30 mm. thick, rail 95 X
30 mm. thick and panels 25 mm. thick
~0 with ventilator/ fanlight as per d eta il ed
draw ing including alum in ium Or Stai nless Sqm 5400.00 1020.00
Steel fixtures and fastenings and finishin g
the wood work with primer coat of
painting (excluding window frame)
complete.(For span 1400 X 1800 mm. to
1'200 X 1200 mm.) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 42
Pa e No. 503
_Providing and fixing country cut teak
wood second class fully panelled
~ingle/ double leaf window shutters
"With ·style 70 X 25 mm. thick, rail 95 X
25 mm. thick and panels 20 mm. thick
.on 'With ·ventilator/ fanlight as per detail ed
dr'a wing including aluminium Or Stainless Sqm 5300.00 1120.00
·Steel fixtures and faste nin gs and fi nish ing
·. ~~e wood work with p rimer coat of
)?,Cllnting (excluding window fram e)
SO!llplete.(For span 1000 X 1700 mm. to
~ ·.O....X .1100 mm.) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 42
··~ ~ ..
Prov,ding and fixing country cut teak
wood second class fully panelled
single/ double leaf window shutters
with style 70 X 20 mm. thick, rall 95 X
20 rnm. thick and panels 20 mm. thick
).00 wi'th ventilator I fanlight as per detailed
drawing including aluminium Or Stain less Sqm 4700.00 1020.00
Steel fixtures and fastenings and
ftni.s hlng the wood work with primer coat
of painting (excluding window frame)
complete.( F'or span 500 X 800 mm.)
=-~--~...:::SP-ec. No. : Bd. T. 42 Page No. 503

SR.NO & DESCRIPTION O f- ITEM UNIT Rotc for 2015-16 Proppsed
Completed labour
288 Providing and fixing country cut teak
BDT42 wood second class partly panelled and
L partly glazed with 3 mm. thick glass
single 1 double leaf window shutters
with style 70 X 30 mm. thick, rail 95 X 30
mm. tt11ck and panels 25 mm. thick
without ventilator as per detailed drawing
Sq m 4090.00 820.0G
including aluminium Or Stain less Steel
fixtures and fa stenmg s and fin ish in g the
wood work with primer coat of painting
(excluding window frame) complete-(For
span 1400 X 1800 mm. to 1200 X 1200
mm) Spec. No. : Bd. T. 42 Page No.
289 Providing and fixin g country cut teak
8DT42 wood second class partly panelled and
M partly glazed with 3 mm. thick glass E
single I double leaf window shutters
with style 70 X 25 mm. thick, rail 95 X
25. mm_ thick and panels 20 mm. thick
without ventilator as per detailed drawing Sqm 3800.00 82:0.00
including aluminium Or Stainless Steel
fixtures and fastenings and finishing the
wood work w ith primer coat of painting
(excluding window frame) complete.(For
span 1000 X 1700 mm. to 900 X 1100
1---- - ---+-m m S ec. No. : Bd.T. 42 Pa e No. 503
- '-'.
290 Providing and fixing country cut teak
8DT42 wood second class partly panelled and
N partly glazed with 3 mm. thick glass
single 1 double leaf window shutters
with style 70 X 20 mm. thick, rail 95 X
20 mm _ thick and panels 20 mm. thick
without ventilator as per detailed drawing Sq m 3600.00 820.00
incl uding alumin ium Or Stain less Steel
fi xtures and fastenings and finishing the
wood work wi th prime r coat of painting
(excludmg window frame) com plete .(For
spa n 500 X 8 00) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 42
Pa No. 503


DESC RIPTIO N 01- III:M UNIT Ro lt: lor 201 ~- 16 Prop psed
COD!: C ompleled Labour
Providing a nd fixing country cut teak
wood second class partly panelled and
partly glazed with 3 mm. thick glass
single 1 double leaf window shutters
with style 70 X 20 mm. thick, rail 95 X
ro 20 mm. thick and panels 20 mm. thick
w fth ventilator/ fa nlight as per detailed
Sqm 4200 .00 970.00
drawing including aluminium Or Stainless
Steel fixtures and fa stenings and fin ishing
the wood work with primer coat of
pa inting (excluding window fra me)
complete. ( For span1400mm x1800mm to
1200mm x 1200 mm ) Spec. No. : Bd.T.
1----+- 4 2 Page No. 503
292 Providing and fixin g country cut teak
BDT 42 wood second class partly panelled and
p partly glazed with 3 mm. thick glass
single I double leaf window shutters
with style 70 X 25 mm. thick, rail 95 X
.ob 25 mm. th ick and C.T . panels 20 mm.
thick with ventilator/ fanlight as per
Sqm 4400 .00 920.00
detailed drawing including alluminium Or
Stainless Steel fixtures an d fastenings
and finishing the wood work with primer
-coat of painting (excluding window frame)
complete.(For span 1000 X 1700 mm. to
50 0 X 800 mm.) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 42
Pa e No. 503
P.roviding ----~---------------------+----~----------
and fixing country cut teak
wood second class partly panelled and
partly glazed with 3 mm. thick glass
single I double leaf window shutters
:0.00 without ventilator 1 fanlight as per d etailed
drawing includmg aluminium Or Stainless Sqm 3600.00 820.00
Steel fixtures and fasten ings and finishing
t he wood wo rk w ith primer coat of
painting comp lete.( exc lud ing window
frame) Spec. No. : Bd.T. 42 Page No.

SR.NO & DESCRIPTION OF IT EM UNIT Rate for 20 15-16 Proppsed
CO DE Completed Labour
294 Providing and fixing country cut teak I•
BOT 42 wood second c lass partly panelled and
R partly glazed with 3 mm. thi c k glass
single I double leaf window shutters
with ventilator as per detailed drawing
Sqm 4200.00 1020.00
i ncl uding alu miniu m Or Stainless Steel
fixtures and fastenings and fin ishing the
wood work w ith primer coat of painting
complete. ( excluding window frame)
Spec. No. : Bd.T. 42 Page No. 503 - 1---=~'--------"1
295 Providi ng a nd fixing country c ut teak
80- 21 wood second class teak wook louvers
of 60 mm. x 10 mm. size and partly
glazed with 3 mm. thick glass single I
double leaf window shutters without
ventil ator as per detailed drawing
Sqm 3800.00 730 .00
including aluminium Or Stainless Steel
fixtures and fastenings and finishing the
wood work w ith primer coat of painting
complete . ( excluding window frame)
Spec. :As directed by Engineer in
296 Providing and fixing jungle wood Single
80-38 leaf second class fully panelled door
without ventilator/ fanlight as per
detailed drawing including aluminium Or
Sqm 1900.00 470. 00
Sta inless Steel fixture and fastening,
finishing the wood work with one coat of H
primer (excluding door frame) complete. I
Spec. No. : Bd.T.7 Page No. 469
29 7 Providing a nd fixing jungle wood second
80 -39 class fully panelled double leaf
wind ow shutter door without
ventilator as per detailed d rawing
includ ing alum inium Or Stainless Steel Sq m 2 100.00 520.00
fixture and fastening, finishtng the wood
work w1th prime r coat of oil painting
complet e . (excludtng Wtndow frame)
S pec. No. : Bd.T. 7 Page No. 503'------ - J- - - t- -----11-------j
298 Providing and fixing country cut teak
BD- 40 wood shutters with expanded metal jali
for window as detailed drawing and
design including one coat of primer Sqm 1360.00 I• 310.00
complete. (excludmg window frame)
Spec. :As directed by Engineer in

01 · \U~ I Pl iON O f llf:M lJ" Ji l l<oit: r·o120 15· 16 Pro r p scd

C o mp ll.lerl Labour

299 Providing and fixing In position fibre

reinfo rce d p lastic door s hutter 30
mm. thick of approved size and colour
wit h g el coa t and pigment on bot h side
with 1.50 to 3.00 mm. thick F.R.P. coating
over face of door shutter and 1.50 t o 2 .00
mm th ick F.R.P . co atin g around t op and
side surface at edges as additional
reinforcement, the foam material used for Sqm 26 00 .00 220.00
shutter, ra ils and styl es shall be resisted
t o mild acid and alkali with density of 35
Kg/Cum of rig1d polyureth ane In situ foa m
includin g~ w ood at appropriate pl aces to
take up fix tu res and fastenings conforming
to I.S. 4020-1998 with necessary fi x tures
1.00 and fastenings etc . complete. Spec. :As
rected b ineer in c ha e
Providing a nd fixing 30mm thick fa ctory
made PVC rigid foam panelled door
shutters manufactu r ed by M/s Rajshri
or equivalent made from MS tube of 19
ga~ge thickness size 19 mmx1 9 mm for
st yles and 15 mm x 15 mm for top and
bottom ralls, covered with heat moulded
PVC "C" channel of 5m m thick shee t and
0 .00 30mm x SOmm wide to form styles and
Smm thick and 75mm wid e PVC sheet for
top rail lock rail and bottom rail on either
s ide anq Smm thick 20mm wide cross PVC
sheet as gap insert for top rail and bottom
rail panelling of Smm thick PVC sheet fited
in the M.S. frame welded 1 sea led to th e Sqm 3150. 00 220.00
styles and rails with Smm x 30mm PVC
io.oo Sheet bead ing on either side and j oined
together with solvent cem e nt adhesive
complete as per manufacture 's
specification and direction of Engi neer in
charge f1xed to th e frames with sta 1nle ss
steel hinges of 75mm size, alluminium
tower boll I OOmm size, allu mi n1urn
Mandtes 100 s•ze in( IL!d111g all m u tertdl,
lab?ur, machiner y etc. co m plete (for we,
bath sh ullers) (The item Is exc lu sive of
frarn_e ) . Spec. :A s dire ct e d by
•n cha

SI-<.NO & DESC RIPTION OF ITEM UNIT Ra te for 201 5- 16 Propp~e d
CODE Completed labour
301 Providi ng and fixing 34mm thick factory
made PVC moulded panelled door
shutters m anufactured by M/s Rajshri
or equivalent consist of Solid core
single leaf door shutter consisting of
solid core single leaf flush door of 30mm
thickness lipped with lSmm (SmmX3 )
thick X30mm width on one style and top
rail an d lOmm ( 5mmX2)th ick X30mm
width on other style and bottom ralls .The
in ner pannels laminated with 2mm thick
Sqm 3800.00 320.00
t ermite proof water proof and fire resistsnt
m oulded P. V.C.sheet with 2,4,6 raised
pannels design in different plain and /or
prelam colours on one side after routing
the moulded design on flush doors and
2m m plain and I or prelam PVC on flush
door and solvent cement adhesive on the
PVC lipping etc.as per direction of
Engineer incharge and manufactures
specification and drawing etc.complete
S c. As directed b En ineer In-Char e.
302 Providing and fixing steel window of
BOT 53 various sizes as per detailed drawings
A fabricated from I.S . standard sections
without hot dip zinc coating without/ with
ventilator inclauding fabrication, glazing
w ith non-acetinic I plain/ obscured glass Sqm 2400.00 255.00
panels of approved type and quality, all
fixtures and fastening w ithout teak wood
boxing, and architraves and finishing with
one coat of primer compl ete. Spec. No. :
Bd.T. 53 Pa e No. 509
303 Providing and fixing stee l window of
BOT 53 various s izes as per deta iled drawings
B fabricated from I.S. standard sections
without hot dip zinc coating without/ with
ventilator inclauding fabrication, glazing
with non-acetmic 1 plaml obscured glass
panels of approved type and quality, all Sq rn 2900.00 25!:>.00
fixtures and fastening without teak wood
boxing, and architraves and finishing w1th
one coat of primer com plete. with guard
b ars 12 mm. square bar 10 em. centre
to centre. Spec. No. : Bd.T. 53 Page
No. S09
~- -.L!.!:~~~-----------..l..--_...L...----l. _ _ _-:f

82 .
·-- -,.-- --
- SR:NO & DESCI<iPTION OF ITEM UN IT r<~ o t e for 20 15-1 6 Propose d

CODE Completed l ob our
--~ ..-·-- Prov id ing and fixing in position factory
BD-36 m ade box type steel window with
glazed fanlight including steel windows of
cold rolled secti on of 105 mm. X 60 mm. X
1.25 mm. thick frame sectio n filled with
cement concrete (1: 2 :4) and met al
pressed steel shutte rs of 20 gauge (1
mm. ) as per detailed drawing and design
or as directed including prov iding
horizontal mild steel 12 mm. square Sqm 3400.00 2 5 5.00
b ars at 10 em. centre to centre, requird
F-7B section, T -6 sect ion 20 X 5 mm . mild
steel flat for shu tter and F4B section for
frame, 3 mm. th ick glass of approved
quality for fanlight necessary fixtures and
fastening etc. com plete fin ishing w it h one
coat of anticorrosi v e paint etc. comp lete
Spec. :As directed by Engineer in
305 Providing and fixing in position factory
BD- made box type fully glazed Window
3 6A consisti ng of co ld rol led secti on of 105
mm. X 60 mm. X 1. 25 m m . t h ick frame
section filled wit h cem ent concrete (1:2:4)
and steel section F4 B as per detailed
drawing and design includi ng mild steel
55.00 _ 12 mm. square bars at 10 em. centre
to centre, required F- 7B section, T - 6 Sqm 3150.00
section for shutte r frame, (Louvered clips
in case of louvered window portion ) and 3
mm. thick glass of approved quality of
necessary fixtures and fastening finishin g
with one coat of anticorrosive paint etc.
complete Spec. :As directed by
En ineer in charge
Providing and fixing in position mild steel
door I win dow shutters i ncl ud i ng mild
stee l ang le frame of size 2 5 X 25 X 5 m m.
/ 55.0 0 :or fixing mild steel sheet 24 gauge

nec~ssa ry weldi
ft x tung
res fixing to fr<:eiE>clrostatl
includtng J mc a nd allc ,__
) --~.--_1_8_0_0_.0_0__...._ 2:5.00J
~?wder coati ng etc. complete. Spec. :As
erect ed b En g ineer i n cha rge

R.NO & DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT Role for 201 5- 16 Proppsed
CODE Completed Labour
307 Providing and fi xing rolling steel
BOT 55 shutters fabricated from 20 gauge
steel laths with side guides, bottom rail,
brackets, door susp ension sha ft including
Sqm 2350.00 220.00
rolling spring s, locki ng arrang emen t and
housing box at the t op including one coat
of red lead p ri m er. Spec. No. Bd. T. 55
308 Providmg and fixing rolling steel
BOT 56 shutters fabricated from 18 gauge
steel laths with side guides, bottom rail,
brackets, door suspension shaft including
rolling springs, locking arrangement and Sqm 2700.00 22.0.00
housing box at the top includi ng
mechanical gear operation arrangement
and one coat of red lead primer.
ec. No. Bd. T. 56 Pa e No. 511
309 Providing and fixing collapsible steel
BOT 57 gates in two leaves, with channel
pickets, pivoted flat bars, including top
and bottom guides, roll er, stoppers,
Sqm 2600.00 22.0.00
handles, all fitting accessories, locking
arrangement and one coat of red lead
primer complete.
l -- ---1-=.lc...=.c. No. Bd. T. 57 Pa e No. 511
310 Providing and fi xing partition of 12 mm.
8DT thick teak wood Particle board bonded
66A with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin
both sides laminated such as FORMICA
w ith lamination of approved colour
including country teak wood verticle of 70
Sqm 2600 .00 605 .QO
X 70 mm. and top central and bottom rails
of 70 X 35 mm. and covering battens of
20 X 10 mm. at 1.00 m. centre to centre
on both ways includ ing finishing with one
coat of primer comp lete. Spec. No. Bd.
T. 66 Pa No. 515
311 Providing and fi xing partition of 4 mm.
13DT 6ts thick superior Indian t eak veneers on
both side rncluding country teak wood
frame work 80 mm . X 40 mm. at 60 em . Sqm 3600 .00 805.00
centre to centre both ways and fre nch
polishing ( without sk irtin)complete. Spec.
No. Bd. T. Pa No~ 515


1 I
---- UNIT l<o1e fo r ?0 !5-1 6 Proppsed I
CODE C ompleted l abour
Providing and fixi ng partitio n using 1.84
m. height and 12 mm. th ick teak w ood
particle board one face particl e and
other teak veneer including country teak
wood verticle of 70 mm. X 70 mm. and
top and bottom rail of 70 mm. X 35 mm. Sqm 3100.00 555.00
and cove ring battens of 50 mm. X 10 mm.
at 120 em. apart on both ways as directed
including finishing with one coa t o f pri mer
cornplete. (as per detailed drawing) Spec.
No. :As directed b y Engineer in charge
.00 1 ---,-- -- J Providing and fixing partition using 1.84
m . height and 12 m m. thick teak wood
particle board b oth faces teak veneer
including count ry teak wood verticle of 70
mm. X 70 mm . and top and bottom ra il of
70 mm. X 35 mm. and covering battens of Sqm 3300.00 605.00
50 mm. X 10 mm. at 122 em . apart on
both ways as directed including finishing
with one coat of primer complete. (as per
1.00 detailed drawing) Spec. No. :As directed
1-- ----1-..::;bL-..::.E n gin ee r in c ha r_ge
Providing and fixing partition of 4 mm.
thick C. C. teak veneer on both sides
including country teak wood frame of 70
. X ·35 mm. at 60 em. centre to centre Sqm 2600.00 505.00
ding finishing with french polishing
per detailed drawing) Spec. No. :As 'J

r":::-:-:::---1-~~ cted by Engineer In charge -,

Providing and fix ing-"p-a.:..;;rt-:-;::
thick Indian teak veneer on one side
and 4 mm. commercial type plywood
on 'the other side includin g country teak
'd frame of 70 rnm. X 35 mm . at 60
centre to centre including finishi ng
french polishing with french pol ishing Sqm 28'00.00 SfiS.OO
fo ve '.1eer f ace and oil pai nting 1 french
polisl~mg other face etc. (as per deta iled
drawrng) complete. (without ski rting)
Spec. No. :As directed by Engineer in
)5 .00 ~h_arge
- ---

SR .NO & D ESCRI PTI O N OF liEM UNII Rote for 201 5- 16 Proppsed
CODE Completed Labour
316 Providing and fixing contry teak wood
BOT 84 partly veneered and partly glazed
pa rtit ion with 70 mm. X 35 m m. frame at
60 em. centre to cent re decorative veneer Sqm 2900.00 580.00
of 4 mm. thick including french poli shing
etc. (as per detail ed drawing) Spec. No.
:As directed b En ineer in cha e
317 Providing and fixing welded mesh of 75
BOT 88 mm. X 25 mm. & 2.54 mm. thick (12
guage) to teak wood frame work as per
detailed drawing or as directed iron
fastening with one coat of primer,
Sqm 940.00 205.00
scaffolding etc. complete including frame
work of 70 mm. X 75 mm. and covering
battens of 45 mm. X 10 mm. complete.
Spec. :As directed by Engineer in
318 Providing and fixing welded mesh of 75
mm . X 25 mm. & 2.54 mm. thick (12
guage) to teak wood frame work as per
detailed drawing or as directed iron
fastening with one coat of primer,
Sqm 890.00 205.00
scaffolding etc. complete including frame
work of SO mm. X 25 mm. and cover ing
battens of 45 mm. X 10 mm. complete.
Spec. No. :As directed by Engineer in
cha e
319 Prov iding and fixing "XPM" of 2.00 mm.
BOT 91 (guage ) thick to teak wood frame work
as per detailed drawing or as directed,
iron fastening, one coat of primer,
Sqm 1000.00
scaffolding etc. including frame work of 70
mm. X 45 mm. and covering battens of 45
mm. X 10 mm. etc. complete. Spec. No.
:As directed En ineer in cha e
320 Providing and fixing 22 B.W.G. plain
BDT 93 Galvanised iron sheets on top of
weather shed incl uding scaffoldi ng fi x mg
by mea ns of nut and bolts or as d irect ed
Sqm 600.00 100.00
or as per detailed drawing
co mplete.(Brackets of 70 mm. X 45 m m .
to be paid separately) Spec. No. :As
directed b En i ne in cha
UNn I~ < 11 c: for 20 ! .~l-1 6 P r o p p~ <:: u

Providing and fixing 24 gauge plain

Aluminium Sheet on the face of ol d
1.00 door shutter including cutting to req ui red
size and fixing by screws in cluding
replacement of d am aged bottom rail
Sqm 700.00 300.00
C.C.T.W.rail of required size making good
the damages If any to existing door
shutter a nd frame etc.co m ple te as
directed or as per d etailed drawing. Spec.
No. :As d i En ineer in cha e.
Providin g and fixing 24 gauge plain
aluminium sheet on the fac e of new
door shutter Including cutting to required
size and fixing by screws including making
Sqm 500.00 200.00
good the damages if any to existing door
shutter and frame etc .complete as
directed or as per detailed drawing . Spec.
No :As directed b En inee r in cha e ...
323 Providing and fixing in position Double
BOT anodised aluminum windows/
97A ventilator of varios size with
openable/slid ing aluminium with side
frame size of 61.85 X 3 1.75 mm. w ith
weight of 0.695 kg/m. including 4 mm.
thick plain glass shutter, glaz ing cl ipS1
Sqm 2300 .00 360.00
rubber I PVC gasket, of approved quality
croming platted brass wings other
aluminium fixture & fastening handle,
........_~-J stopper etc . complete, including making
«!tar.naged stu cture to its orignaf condition
( for all floors ) Spec. :As directed by
r in cha
Providing and fixing in position Powder
Coated with approved shade
alu minum windows/ ventilator of
varios si ze with openable/sliding
alumin ium witl1 side frame si ?e of 61 .8 5 X
~1. 75 . rnm . wit h weight of 0 .695 kg/m .
100.00 likludrng 4 rn rn. th ick plai n gla ss sh utter
g}a:zing clr ps, r11bbe r 1 PV C gasket , of Sq rn 2500 .00 410 .00
:;.proved Quo trt y cromr11g pla tted brass
mgs other a!um• n•u m f rxtu re & fa ~te11111y
~a ndlc, stopper e lc . com pl ete includmg
1nak·1 '
~~ d<:~maged stucture t o rts ong nal
cond•L•on ( for all floors ) Spec. :As
ineer in cha e

.NO & DESCRIPTION O f ITEM UNI f Rate for 2015- I 6 Proppsed
CODE Completed Labour
325 Providing and fi xing in positio n double
anodised shade aluminum sliding
windows of two tracks mitred and
m echanically assembled at corners with
fr ame size of 61.8 5 x 45.50 mm. (Bottom
frame with gutter section , bott om frame
0.882 kg/m. and top and side frames
size of 61.85 x 31 .7 7 mm . (0.659 kg/m.)
shutters with sections of 18 mm. x 40 Sq m 2600.00 410.00
mm. (wt.0.456 kg/m .) and interlocking
sections 18 mm. x 40 mm. (wt.O.S47
kg/m.) including 5 mm. thick plain sheet,
glazing clips, rubber I PVC gasket, roller
bearing en cased Jn nylon casing and self
locking catch fitted In vertical section with
all other accessori es etc. complete. Spec.
:As directed
1--- - - t....:..:....=-=..:..:..
ineer in c ha e
326 Providing and fixing in position powder
coated to the approve d shade
aluminum sliding windows of two
tracks mitred and mechanically
assembled at corners wit h frame size of
61.85 x 4 5.50 mm. (Bottom frame wi th
gutter section, bottom frame 0.882 kg/m.
and top and side frames size of 61.85 x
31.77 m m. (0.659 kg/m.) shutters with
Sqm 2900.00 460 .00
sections of 18 mm. x 40 mm. (wt.0.456
kg/m.) and interlocking sections 18 mm. x
40 mm. (wt.O. S47 kg/m.) including 5 mm .
t hick plain sheet, glaz ing cli ps, rubber I
PVC gaske t, roller bearing encased In
nylon casing and sel f locking catch fitted in
vertical section with all other accessories
etc. complete. Spec . :As directed by
in cha e

UNIT Role for 20 i 5- ! 6 Pro ppsed
_)! I II EM
CODE Lab o ur
Providing and fixing In position double
anodised a luminum sliding windows of
three tracks mitred and mechanically
assembled at corners with frame size of 92
X.45. SO mm . (Bottom frame with gutter
se_ctlon, bottom frame 1.44 1 kglm. and top
and side frames size of 92. 3 1.75 mm. 0.933
kgl m .) shutters with sections of 18 mm . x
.00 40 mm. (wt.0.456 kglm.) and interlocking
Sqm 2800. 00 4:w.oo·
sections 18 mm. x 40 mm. (wt.0.547 kglm.)
includin g 5 mm. thick pla in sheet, glazing
clips, rubber I PVC gasket, roller bearing I'
encasc~d in nylon casing and self locking
GatCh fi tted in vertical section with all other
accessories etc. complete. Spec. :As I~

directed by Engineer in c harge ··-_ _ __...;;__ ---!

v:-id;-:-ing and fixing In posit ion powder
coated to the approved shade alum'i num
sljding windows of three tracks mitred
and mechanically assembled at corners with
frame size of 92 X.45.50 mm. (Bottom
frame with gutter section, bottom frame
1.441 kglm. and top and side frames size
of 92.31.75 mm. 0.933 kglm.) shutters with
sections of 18 mm. x 40 mm. (wt.0.456 Sqm 3100.00 460.00
k~lm.) and interlocking sections 18 mm. x
>O.OG 40 mm. (wt.0.547 kglm.) including 5 mm.
thick plain sheet, glazing clips, rubber 1 PVC
gasket, roller bearing encased in nylon
casin,g and self tocklng catch fitted in vertical
section with all other accessories etc.
€Gr.r;plete. Spec. :As directed by Engineer
in charge
32.9' "'Pre1Jl€1in"<.g-'-a-r-·ld:-::fl-x· in_g_a:-
:- l u-m
" "7in- u-m--:
- !- - -! -
BL>I size of 63.50 X 38 mm. 1.28 mm. thick jr

976 0.759 kglm. vertical post 47.62 x 44.45

(1.52 mn1. th ick) 0.881 kg/m. top post
47.62 x 44.45 thickness 1.40 mm. (0 .7 19
kg/rn.) m iddle 49.91 x 44.45 (2. 15 mm.
thick) Weight 1.072 kglm . bottom 114 .3 0 x Sqm 5200.00 550.00
44.45 (2 mm. thick) weight 1.836 kg/m.
inclUding all fixture wit h 6 mm. thick plai n
sheet, glass and floor spring etc. complete. 5
to 5.$0 mm . thick fra m e mctuding pawder
ooated to t he approved shade. Spe c. :As
direct~-~ by Engine er in c harge
With d~or closer, without floor spring 33 00. 0 0 410.00

R.NO & DESCRIP IION O F ITEM UNIT Rule for 2015- 16 Proppsed
ODE Complefed l abour
330 Provid ing and fixing aluminum door
BOT frame size of 63.50 X 38 mm. 1.28 mm.
97C thick 0. 759 kg/m. vertical post 4 7. 62 x
44.45 (1.52 mm. thick) 0. 881 kg/m. to p
post 47 .62 x 44.45 thickness 1.40 mm.
(0 .7 19 kg/m.) mi ddl e 49.91 x 44.45 (2.15
mm. thick) weight 1.072 kg/m . bottom Sqm 5000.00 420 .0Q
114.30 x 44.4 5 (2 mm. thick) weight
1.836 kg/m. including all fixture wi th 6
mm. th ick plain sheet, glass and floor
spring etc. complete. 5 to 5 .50 mm. thick
frame including double anodised. Spec.
:As directed

331 in posit ion

Aluminium windows I
ventilators of various sizes with powder
coating as per detailed drawings and
specifications including aluminium frames
80 x 38 mm box type, 5 mm thick sheet Sqm 3100.00 540.00
glass louvers, clips 1 rubber pla in P.V.C.
gaskets of approved quality etc. complete.
(Sample to be got approved from Exe.
Engineer before use) Spec. :As directed
~----~-~bY. Enginee r in ·~~.~e=---------------4-----~-----------l-------~
332 Providing, supplying and fixing in position
BOT anodised extruded aluminium
partitions, partly glazed and partly
laminated having frame made out of
ext rud ed tu bular section of size 38mm x
63.5mm weight 0.759 kg /m with 1 2 mm
thick three layered flat pre sse d teak wood
particle board bond ed wi t h BWP type
exterror grad e phenolformaldehyde
synthetic resin conforming to IS 12823 -
Sqm 2100.00 360.00
19890, laminated on both sides, Novateak
or equ ivalen t and Srnm thick selected
quality float glass pannels fixed with
al u mir11 um g lass cl1ps 12m m x 12mm an d
rubber cushioning beadtng to glass
partition as per approved drawing etc.
complete .(Sample to be got approved
from Executive Engineer before use)
Spec. :As directed by Engineer in
cha e

DLSC~IIJT ' O N 0~ 111-M UNIT Rote for 20 I ~) - 16 Propp secj
Cornplelc d Labo ur
Providing, supplying and fixing in position
anodised extruded aluminium
partitions with both sides lam i nated
panels having frame made out of
aluminium ex truded tubular section of size
0.00 38mm x 63.5mm weight 0 .759 kg /m 12
mm thick three layered flat pressed teak
wood particle board bondedwith BWP type
exterior grade phenolformaldehyde Sq m 2300.~"" 420.00
synthetic resin conforming to IS 12823-
·1990, laminated on both sid es, Novateak
or equivalent fixed with aluminium glazing
20.00 clips of size 12mm x 12mm as per
approved drawing etc. complete. (Sample
to be got approved from Executive
Engineer befor use) Spec. :As directed
in cha
Providing, supplying and fi xi ng in position
)40.00 Powder coated aluminium partitions,
partly glazed and partly laminated
having frame made out of extruded
tubular section of size 38mm x 63. 5mm
weight €l.759 kg /m with 12 mm thick
three layered flat pressed teak wood
pa1ticle board bonded with BWP type
exterior grade phen offormaldehyde
synthetic resin conforming to IS 12823-
19890, laminated on both sides, Novateak Sqm 2300.00 360.00
or equivalent and 5mm thick selected
quality float glass pannets fixed with
a l t,~ minium glass cli ps 12mm x 12mm and
rubber cushioning beading to glass
~~ltion as per approved drawing etc.
complete .(Sample to be got approved
from Executive Engineer before use)
Spec. :As directed by Engineer in

.NO & D I:~C R i i-'IION OF ITEM UNIT Rol e f0 1 20 15- 16 Proppsed
ll EM
CODE Completed Labour
335 Provid ing, su pplying and fixing in posillon
BDT Po wder coate d aluminium partitions
w ith both s ides laminated panels
havi ng frame made out of a luminium
extru ded tubular section of size 38mm x
6 3.5m m wei ght 0 . 759 kg / m 12 m m thick
three laye red flat pressed t eak wood
part1cle board bondedwith BWP type
exterio r grade phenolformaldehyde Sqm 2500.00 4 20 .0 0
syn t hetic. resin conformi ng to IS 12823-
1990, lam inated on both sides, Novateak
or eq uivalent fixed with aluminium glazing
clips of size 12mm x 12mm as per
approved drawing etc. com plete . (Sampl e
to be got approved from Executive
Engineer befor use} Spec . :As directed
neer in c ha
336 Providing and fixin g solid core flush
BOT door commercial in single leaf 35 mm.
107 thick without ventilator commercia l type
of exterior grade as per detailed draw ing
ALUMIN I UM or STAI NLESS STEEL fixt ures Sqm 2200.00 320 .00
and fasten ings and handles on both sid es
and finishing with oil pa int three coats
complete. Spec. No. :As directe d by
337 Providing a nd fi xing solid core flush
BOT door comme r cial in single leaf 35 mm.
108 thick without ventilator commercial type
of exterior grad e as per detailed d r awing
including non teak seasoned wood door
fr ame 60 mm. X 100 mm. with wrought Sqm 2 600 .00 340.00
iro n hold fast, Aluminium fixtu res Or
Stainless Steel and fastenings and handles
on both sides and finishing with oil
painting three coats complete. Spec. No.
irected b En i nee r in charg =----t---!------1---·--·~
338 Providing and fi xi ng in posit ion
1:3D- 14 P.V.C.door shutters of standard size w ilh
P.V.C. shutters fra m e 59 mm. X 29 mm.
f'anelled wit h 150 m rn . X 25 mm. m ulti
ch ambered hollow pl ast tc seclion w1 th Sqm 2400.00 150.00
tong ue and groove j01nt inclu ding al l
alum iniu m fixtures and faste n ings as per
d etailed drawing as di rected .
. No. :As d i rected b
Dl-SC R1Pl iOI'J 0 1 11EM UNIT Ra 1e to r 20 1~; 16 Propp sed
Comple ted lab our

3 39 Providing and fixing Aluminium door

with powder coated section of size
63.50 X 38 mm. 1.28 mm. thick 0.759
k9'/ m and to p panels with 5.50 mm. thick
float glass and bottom panels with 12 mm. Sqm 500 0.00 520. 0 0
both side prelamin ate pa rticle board wit h
necessary floor spring 1 handle, rubber
.00 packing etc. complete. Spec. :As
En ineer in cha

Providing and fixing Aluminium door

with double anodised section of size
63.50 X 38 mm. 1.28 mm. th ick 0.759
kg/m. and top panels with 5 to 5.50 mm.
thick float glass and bottom panels with Sqm '1 700.00 560.00
12 mm. both side prelaminate particle
board with necessary fl oo r spring , handle,
rubber packing etc. complete . Spec. :As
l--~~~~-~J~~~~~in~c~h~a~e~----~---+------1------------1 - -·- -
900.00 560,00

Sqm 2100.00 3 20.00

Sqm 580.00 160.00

Sqm 520.00 135.00

Sqm 180 0. 00 300.00

D ESCRIPTION O F ITEM UN IT Role tor 2015-16 Proppsed

Completed Labour
345 Providing and fixing obsc ured glass 3
mm. thick incl uding pu t ty etc . complete
of various approved size f or d oor and
Sqm 440.00 1 25.00
windows as directed by Engineer in
charge. Spec. :As directed by Engineer
in cha e
346 Provid i ng and fixing plain glass 3 mm.
thick incl uding putt y etc. com plete of
various approved si ze for door and Sqm 500.00 120.00
windows Spec. :As directed by
En · r in c ha
347 Providing and fixing steel ventilator fully
BOT glazed partly top hung and partly
123 fixed as per detailed drawing without hot
dip zi nc coating including fabricating
glazing with plain obscured glass panel
Sqm 200.00 160.0.0
and of approved type and quality and
fastening wit hout tea k wood boxing and
architraves a nd oil painting two coats etc.
complete. Spec. No. : As directed by
· eer in cha
348 Providing and fixing country cut teak
BOT wood beading of size 40 mm. X 20
124 mm. to the door frame of required size as
per detailed drawing chamfering, finishing Rgm 80.00 16.00
with t hree coats of oil painting complete.
Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer in
cha e
359 Provid i ng and fixing country cut teak
BOT wood beading of size 32 mm. X 12
125 mm. to the door frame of any size as per
detailed drawing including chamfering, Rgm 65.00
finish ing with three coa ts of oil painting
complete. Spec. No. : As directed by
En in eer in
3 50 Provid ing and fixing country cut t eak
BOT wood windows half fixed glazed with
130 translucent glass at bottom and
glazed s hutters at top with 16 mm.
d iame ter gua rd bars at 10 em . centre to
centre including t ea k w ood frame of stze Sq m 4 7 00 .00 77 5.00
60 mm. X 100 m m. wrought iron ho ld
fast, i ron oxidised fixtures and fastening,
three coats of oil painting complete.
Spec. No. : A s directed by Engineer in

DtSC RII ' l iO N OF iff-M LH--Jil Role for ~U I ~ -16 f' ropp~ e d
>Uf HEM- -
CODE C ornp leieo Lo bOJL
Providing and fixing Indian teak wood
25 mm. thick partly fixed, partly
glaze d windows single/ double leaf
shutters with insert p a nel o f 12 mm.
thick T.W. particle board (with external
BWG Type with phenyl formaldehyde) both
sides decorattve, teak faced veneered and
).00 with 3 mm. thick plain glass without Sqm 3100.00 SlO.OO
ventilators/ fanlights, as per detailed
drawings with alfumlnlum Or Stainless
Steel fixtures and fastenings and finishing
the wood work with one coat of primer
complete.(without frame and M.S. ba rs)
Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer in
;o.oo _!:~arg_e=----------------+-- -+- - -- - 1- ---·-- -·-- -
Providing and fixing Godrej make door
for strong room. Class II defender with
·grill,gate with necessary filling as per std. Sqm 174000.00 5000.00
Complete. Spec. No. : As directed by
, ine~ in c ha rg e
Providing and fixing country teak wood
Four Shutter With mala mine Polish
ventilators I fanlight s hutters as per
detailed drawings including size of
tyle,top rail ,frieze rail 95 millimetre x 40
millimetre thick with and bottom rail 195
-millimetre x 40 millimetre thick with panel
ofi 35 millimetre thickness including Sqm 9000.00 2000.00
allumlnium Or Stainless Steel fixtures and
faste~1ing and finishing the wood work with
one coat of primer ( excluding door frame
) complete.( For span of 1400 m illimetre
to 2800 millimetre ) Spec. No. : As
d.i rected b En ine er in charge

SR.NO & DESCRIP110N O F l fEM UN/1 Rate for 201 5-16 Proppse d
DE Cornp le\e d Labour
354 Providing and fi xmg in position 2 shuttered
aluminium extruded anodised or powder
coated door of overall size 1.50 m x 2.40 m
with aluminium door frame of anodised or
powder coated section 101.60 x 44. 7 5
millimetre,3.18 millimetre thick and shutter
comprising of powder coated section having
bottom and lock rail of size 150 millimetre x
44.45 millimetre,2.90 millimetre thlck,top ralls
47.62 x 44.45 millimetre ,3.18 millrmetre
thlck,vertical styles 47.62 x 44.45
millimetre,3.00 millimetre thick and glass panel Sqm 6200.00 1600.00
5 millimetre thick for the fanlight portion and
12 millimetre U1lcl< both side laminated phenol
bonded partical board panels for shutter ,floor
spring type two way door closer of heavy duty
having I.S.l. mark,heavy duty concealed
lock,necessary bedding glazing clips,PVC
gasket,tower bolts etc.as per detailed design
and drawing or as directed by Engineer in
charge including all material,labour and
equipment etc.complete. Spec. No. : As
355 Providing and fixing in position 4 shuttered
aluminium extruded anodised or powder
coated door of overall size 4.2 m x 2.40 m or
as specified with aluminium door frame of
anodised or powder coated section 101.60 x
44.75 millimetre,3.18 millimetre thick and
shutter comprising of powder coated section
having bottom and lock rail of size 150
millimetre x 44.45 millimetre,2 .90 millimetre
thicl<,top rails 47.62 x 44.45 millimetre ,3.18
millimetre thick,vertical styles 47.62 x 44.45 Sqm 7300.00 1800.00
mil11metre,3.00 millimetre thick and tinted
glass panel 10 millimetre thick Without defects
like wave etc, floor spring type, two way door
closer of heavy duty having IS! Mark,heavy
(luty concealed lock, necessary glazing clips,
PVC gasket,tower bolts etc.as per detallecJ
de.stgn and drawing or as drrected b y Engineer
111 charge mcludrng .:~ 11 mat erial,lallotJ r :1nd
equr pmenl elc..complete. Spec. No. : As
,_ __ _ .I....:::d;.:.ir:...;e:o~c=
= ~~neer in c harge

DESCR IPTION OF ITEM UNII ~ole for 2015- 16 Prop p se d

Compleled Lob out

356 o~ vidlng and fixing waterproof and
termite proof flush door single leaf 35
mili metre thickness decorative types of
exterior grade finished with 3.00
milimetre thick veenear on both side
with or without glazing or exposed
faces of flush doors covered wi th
seasoned T.W. batten fi nished with
melamine polish, flush door should be
).00 reputed brands as alike green ply/Royal
with decorative look of lSI mark and
specification. Fl ush door must be recoat
Sqm 6000.00 1500.00
both side by wood gu ard/ATT in presence
of site engineer before use all necessary
l)eads m olding and lipping of teak wood,
with stainless steel hinges 5" x 12" of
heavy premium quality and with all
fixtures of stainless steel including screw
door closer mortise look of best quality
etcetera complete as directed by Engineer
inchare. Prior approva l of sample and
brand by executive engineer is necessary
before use Spec. No. : As directed by
ineer in char
i.ng and fixing waterproof and
t!!l"mite_proof flush door single leaf 35
mili metre thickness decorative types
of exterior grade finished with 1.00
milimetre thick Formica on both side
100.00 with or without glazing or exposed faces of
flush doors covered with seasoned T. W.
batten finished with melamine polish, flush
r should be reputed brands as alike
gre.en ply/Royal with decorative look of ISI
mark and specification. Flush door must
Sqm 4800.00 Jl.SO.OO
be recoat both side by wood guard/ATT in
presence of site engineer before use all
necess;:uy beads mold ing and lipping of
t~.k wood, with stainless st ee l hinges 5" x
12 of heavy premium qual ity and with all
fixtur~s of stainless steel including screw
rnoruse look of best quality etcete ra
co.mplete as directed by Engineer mchare .
Pnor approval of sa mple and brand by
ex~c r . ·
u tve engmeer is necessary before use
& Dt.SCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT Role for 20 1~- 16 Pro ppse c

C ompleted
131J1.1 - I'RO.W 'WORXS.
358 Provid ing and fi xing mild steel grill work
BDU 1 for w indows, ventilators etc. as per
drawing including fixtu res, necessa ry
weldi ng and pa int ing with one coat of
anticorrosive paint and two coats of oi l
painting complete . Spec. No. :Bd.U. 1
o. 5

359 Providing and fixing mild steel grill

BDU 2 railing - - with t eak wood hand rail of
size 75 mm. X 60 mm. and sil l of 75 mm.
X 25 mm. and newe l posts for stai r cases,
includi ng fabricating , fixtures, erecting
pai nting the grill work with one coat of
anti corrosive paint and two coats of oil
painting wit h approved colou r and
polishing the si ll, ha nd rail and th e newel
post with french polish. Spec. No. :Bd.U.
2 Pa e No. 537

360 Providing and fixing mild steel grill door

BOU 22 to 24 Kg. per sqm. of various size as
122 per detailed drawing without hot dip
coating with iron oxidlsed fixture and Sqm 2100.00
fastening and three coats of oil paints etc.
complete. Spec. No. :As directed by
En eer in cha
361 Providing and fixing mild steel grill
BDU railing w e ighing with PVC
122 handrail cover and newel post for
sta ir cases, mclud rng fabricat ing, fixtures,
drilling holes in concrete I other su rfaces,
erecti ng the grill work, necessary w e lding,
fixing by nuts and bol ts, f1xing PVC
handrail cover witl1 one coa t of
a nt1corros1ve pai r:t and t wo coast o f oil
pa in t1ng w1th approved co lour and
shade ,remak1ng t he damaged surface,
clean1ng , etc . complete. Spec. No. : As
directed b En e

Sq m

-~----- -- - - - - - -,·- - - -.---- - - - - - -
I)L~CI<IPliOI-J Of II EM UN IT Ro 1 ~:; iC•I 20 I.J-1 6 i '; v p u sed

Cornp lcle d Labour

362 providing a nd fixing mild steel grill

BDU railing weighing of rectangular
l.22 hollow sections with PVC h andrail
covering as per d rawing including newel
post for staircases, including fabricating,
fixtures, drilling holes in concrete I oth er
surface, erecting the grill work, necessary
welding, fixing by nuts and bolts, fixing
pvc handrail cover with one coat of
anticorrosive paint and two coast of oil
painting with approved colour and
shade, remarking the damaged surface,
-cleaning, etc. com plete . Sp ec . No . : A s
di ineer in cha

363 Provibing and fixi ng 900 milimeter clear

600 1
height sta inless ste e l railing in 1.50
1 22 milimeter thick 304 grade stainless steel ,
including 50 milimeter dia m eter top rail
and 32 milim eter diameter vertical
balustrade ,4 numbers of 12 m ili meter
solid stainless steel bars passi ng through Rgm 4200.00 225.00
ustrade with S.S.base plate ( 25 X 125
X· Smm } at bottom and vertica l post
induding buffering of S.S. pi pe
~ transportat i on and taxes etc.complete as
per detai led drawing Spec. No. : As
En ineer in cha
.. ing and fixing on walls/ ceiling 1
floo•·s, - - mm . diameter medium grade
Gtype) 11aving embossed as ISI Mark
galvanised Iron pipes with screwed sockets
joints and necessary galvanised ir~n fitting~
Slll~ as sockets, back nuts, elbows, bends,
~ees. _reducers, eni<Jrgers, plugs, clamps etc.
mcludmg necessary drilling holes in walls, slabs
etc. and rema king good the demoli Shed portio n
to restore the same In original conditiOn neatly
and applymo a nti r orrosive primer oil pa int and
~~ 0 coats of on l)amt1ng , t e<;ting co mplete.
E rror approval of sample and brand by
xecqtlve Engineer is necessary [)etorc use )
5 P No. 1

DESCRIPTiON OF ITEM UNIT Ro l e for 20 15-16 Pro ppsed

Compleleci LO~JOUf

365 Providing
BDV mm.diameter medium grade (type)
SAl having embossed as lSI Mark galvanised
iron pipes with screwed, sockets, joints
and necessary galvanised iron fittings such
as sockets, back nu ts, elbows, bends,
tees, reducers, enlargers, plugs, clamps
etc. including necessary drilling holes in
walls, slabs etc. and remaking good the
demolished portion to restore the same in
original condition neatly and applying anti
corrosive pri mer oil pain t and two coats of
oil painting testing complete. (Prior
approval of sample and brand by
Executive Engineer is necessary before

366 Prov id ing and f1xing - - mm. diameter

BDV 6 water Meter with n on- return valve
incl uding sta 1ner socke ts u nion nut and
construct ion of brick masonry chamber
with lock ing arrangement and lock etc.
(Prior approval of sam p le and brand by
Executive Engineer is necessary before
No. : Bd.V.6 Pa No. 553

IJ CSCR IPTION 01· ::t..M UNI1 l<o ·e tor 20 ! 5- 16 Propp!>e<.i
:;,our ITEM
COD!: C om ple led Labour
).00 L----::-....,...-:2-S_m
_ m- . - -- -- -- -- - ·- - - - -I- N-o.- 4-00-0-.0- 0- __
1_7 _5 _0_0_ _,

40 m~----------------j1_N_o_.-;-_4_So _o_._o_
50 mm:.:.· -- - - - - -- - - - - - t-_N _o_.-;-_ 5_10_0_._0_
0 _,__2_
.6_0_._ 00
5 .00 100 mm. No. 7500.00 500.00
- --
__ ___
(5 .00
-_,..... --<"'36l Providing and fixing - -. diameter screw
BD\1 8 down bib/ stop tap of brass including
necessary sockets union nut complete.
55.06 (conforming I.S: 781) (Prior approval of
sample and brand by Executive Engineer
is necessary before use ) Spec. No.
:B.d.V.8 Page No. 554
No. 425.00 80.00
20 mm. No. 550.00 80.00
25 mm. No. 660.00 80.00
Previding and fixing diameter
wheeled stop tap of brass including
necessary sockets union nut
complete.(conforming I.S: 781) {Prior
approval of sample and brand by
Executive Engineer is necessary before
use) Spec. No. :Bd.V.9 Pa_g,-"e_N o...:. . -=-5-=-5-=-5--l-~--1------l--------1
15 mm. No. 40o.oo 9o.oo
No. 500.00 90.00
No. 550.00 90.00
95.00 No. 6St:f.oo too.oo
No. 800.00 100.00
No. 900.00 120.00

Providing and fixing - - diameter gun

metal/ brass stop tap with crutch 1
Wheel including sockets /union nut and
brick masonry chamber with locking
arran~ement and lock. (Prior approval of
~n.!._Ple -and brand by Executive Engineer is
necessary before use) Spec. No.
~d. V. lO Pa e No. 55
15 mm. - -- i- - - - -1 - - - -
20 mm·.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 No. 1400.00 200.00
~s n;m:-- - -- - -- - - -- No. 1500.00 200.00
32 n·un.
- - _ __
N~o:.:_.-J- -
- - .00
_.__ No. ...__1700.00
·- + --200 .00

R.NO & DESCRIPTION OF ITeM UNIT Rote for 2015-16 Proppsed
COD E: Co n1plo ted I o b o ur
370 Providing a nd fixing -- ·· ·· ··· · .. diameter
BDV gun metal/ brass stop tap with crutch I
11 wheel Including sockets /unio n nut and
box chamber w ith lock com plet e. (Prior No.
approval of sample and brand by
Executive Eng ineer is necessary before
c. No. :Bd.V.ll P e No. 555

371 Providi ng and fixing lOOmm. diameter

SDV chromium plated brass showers rose
12 to 15 mm. diameter supply pipe including
necessary bend and socket complete. No. 600 .00 200 .00
(Prior approval of sample and brand by
Executive Engineer is necessary before
use ec. No. :Bd. V.12 Pa e No. 556
372 Providing and fixing half turn valve 25
mm. diameter etc. complete. (Prior
approval of sample and brand by
No. 750.00 150.00
Executive Engineer is necessary before
use ) Spec. No. : As directed by
t---- ;---"L-~_in
_ charge
373 Providing and fixing diameter
BDV concussion push button type brass/
14 gun metal self- closing tap including
necessary socket complete. (Prior
approval of sample and brand by
Executive Engineer is necessary before
No.; IBd.V. 14 P.a No.S57

374 Providing and fi xing chromium plated

long body arm cock incl uding necessary
socket complete .
(Prior ap proval of sa mple and brand by No. 1000.00
Execulive Engineer IS necessary befo re
u s~ ) S p e c. N o. : A s directed by
r in ch a

UNI r Ro I e lor 20 15-16 Proppsed
Co mpte led Lobour
v i dlng and fixin g c hrom i um plated swan
tap cock includrng necessary socket, nuts etc.
complete. (Prior approva l of sample and brand N
0 1650.00 200.00
by Executive Engineer is necessary b~fore u~e ·
) Spec. No. : As directed by Engmeer m
chat~~ - - - - - -- - - --::----:-:::---+- - --1-- -- -- -t---"
1- - -- --t-::- _...:___
Pr--o-vrding & fixing Non Return Valve of Best
qulitv ISI Mark with necessary accessories
require to fit in Pipe line etc com plete Wtth
·testing Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer

00.00 Prov ing and rnstafling high density

polyethylene water storage tanks moulded
to seamless perfection from FDA approved
grades of polyethylene in approved shape and
si~e wltll specified capacrty in specified position
complete. (Prior approval of sample and brand
by Executive Engineer is necessary before use
) Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer In
charge ( SINTEX OR Equivalant brand in two
layer .having weight not less than 21 Gms per

Prov)dlng and erecting and fixing the Ferro

Cre.t~ water storage Tank of any capacity all
necessa-ry in bl!lilt fitting with it viz. i11let,
outlel, overflow, interconnection, washout 45
em. diameter and manhole with cover of same
r.tlaterlal 25 mm. diameter polyethylene ball
ee'Ck, mosquito proof coupling (pvc) at overflow
and m~~olithic cast body of bottom wit h 2 5
mm. thtck and othe r side 25 mm. in 1: 1. 5 Litre 7.00 1.00
c~ment mortar and using SO X SO X 10 grams
-;:<:Ide~ mesh and 2 X 18 gauge square nettrng
d ~fo1 cement etc. as per manufactures

estgn~. Patntrng with two coats of bla ck Japan

~~ft from inside, shutter ing vrbrating hmsting
S n9 t~st to water trghtness e-tc. com plele
pee:. No. : As directed by Engineer in
"::::----_,.___ --~·

NO & DESCR IPTION Or IH-M UNIT Ro le for 20 l .S-1 6 Pro ppsed
lf( M
C O DE Cornpleled Labour
379 Provi ding and fi xing European type
BDV white glazed earthenware water
22 closet Pan with polished T.W .
Mahogany/ PVC seat and lid with
chromium plated bra ss highes and rubber
buffer Including cast iron soil and v ent
pipes upto the outside face of the wall,
100 mm.diameter C.I.plug bend, including
paper holder, 10 litres PVC low level
flushing cistern with fitting, mlet pipes
with stop tap/ brackets for fixing the No. 7200.00 1500.00
cistern, 40 mm. diameter enamelled
porcelain bends and rubber 20 mm.
diameter P.V.C. overflow pipe with special
mosquito proof coupling chromium plated
worki ng handle, painting of exposed p ipes
and cutting and making good walls and
floors. (Prior approval of sample and brand
by Executive Engineer is necessary before
use ) Spec. No. : Bd.V.21 Page No.
380 Providing and fixing Anglo indian type
BOV white glazed earthenware water
23 closet Pan 510 mm. X 460 mm. and 300
mm . height with polished T .W. Mahogany/
PVC seat and lid with chromium plated
brass hlghes and rubber buffer including
cast iron soil and vent pipes upto the
outside face of the w all, 100 mm.dlameter
C.I.plug bend, inlet pipes with stop tap/
brackets for fixing the cistern, with low
level 10 litres capacity, 40 mm. diameter No. 4000.00
enamelled porcelain bends and rubber 20
mm. d ia meter P.V.C . overflow pipe with
special and m osquito proof coupling
chromium plated workmg handle, painting
of exposed pipes and cutting and m ak ing
good walls and floors . (Prior approval of
sample and brand alik e parryware/Jagwar/
Nitco/ Crabtree by Executive Engineer 1s
necessary before use
S ec. No. : Bd.V .21 Pa e No. 562

- - DfSCRIPf!ON 01- II LM UNI I l~ole for 20 15- ', () Pro ppwcJ

Completed lob o ur
Providing and fixing 1s t class coloured
glazed ea rthenware "Orissa type "
w.c. Pan 580 mm. X 440 mm. s ize
including "P" or "S" trap cast iron soil and
vent pipe upto th e outside face of the wa ll
(1:5:10) cement concrete beddi ng 50 mm.
thick with fitting , inlet pipe with half turn No. 4000-00 1200.00
valve 2 5 mm. diamete r With 2 5 mm.
diameter G.I. flu sh plpe, with fittin g and
>.0 .00 clamps, pain ti ng of the exposed pipes and
making good walls and floor etc. com plete.
Spec . No.:As directed by Engineer in
chaJ~~ - ----------------------------r----~----~·---+- --- --
1--=,..,-t--=p-~t·o-viding and fixing 1st class coloured
No .00 1000.00
glazed ea rthenware orissa type
waster closet pan 580 millimetre x 440
millimetre size including P OR s trap cast
iron soil and vent pipe upto the ou tside
face of the wall 1:5:10 cement concrete
.bedding 50 millimetre t hick with fitting
and damps painting of the exposed pipes
and cutting and m aking good walls and
floors. (For malntaince works i.e. Pan
Providing and fixing white glazed
_sarthenware lipped flat back/ corner (
type Urinal with inlet pipe with stop t ap
slit ca pacity PVC high level flushing
~ls~ern , brackets for fixing the cistern/ 32
mm. diamet er lead/ brass oxidised/ brass
chromium plated flush plpe with fitti ng No. 2500.00 500.00
Including 'lead soil pi pe, lead trap and soil
~i pe connecti on upto the outside face of
w~ll. (Prior approval of sample and brand
ahke parrywa re/Jagwar/ Nitco/Crabtree by
Executive Engineer is necessa ry before
=~.:.~..~-..!::.:~ • No.:Bd.V.26 Pa . 564

R.NO & DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT Rote for 20 15- 16 Proppse d
CODE Completeo Labour
384 Providing and fixing a group of two
BDV 28 white glaze d earthenware lipped flat
back type Urinal with inl et pipe and stop
tap,bracket for fi xing the cistern, lead/
brass oxidised/ brass ch romi um plated
flush pi pe with fittings including lead soil
pipe, lead trap and soil pipe connection No. 3200.00 500.00
u pto t he outs ide face of w al l. (unit of two
numbers ) (Prior approval of sample and
brand alike parryware/Jagwar/
Nitco/Crabtree by Executive Engineer is
necessary before use ) Spec.
No.:Bd.V.28 P e No. 565
385 Providing and fixing white glazed
BDV earthenware half stall type group of
llOA three urinals with cistern including
P.V.C. soi l pipe, C.I. trap and soil pipe
connection upto face o f wall. com plete.
No. 6200.00
{Prior approval of sample and brand alike
parryware/]agwar/ Nitco/Crabtree by
Executive Engi neer is necessary before
use ) Spec. No.:As directed by
En eer in cha
386 Providing and fixing white grazed
BDV earthenware half stall type urinals
1108 without cistern induding lead soil pipe,
lead trap and soil pipe co nnection upto
face of wall. complete.(Prior approval of No. 2000.00
sample and brand al ike parryware/
Jagwar/ Nitco/Crabtree by Executive
Engineer is necessa ry before use } Spec.
No.:As d cted En ineer cha
387 Providin g and fixing white glazed
BDV procelain ware lipped flat back or
11 1 corner type urinals without flushing
cistern in cluding lead soil pipe, lead trap
connection upto the ou te r face of wall.
No. 1250.00
com plete. ( Prior approval of sam ple and
brand alike parrywa re/Jagwar/
Nitco/Crabtree by Executive Engineer is
necessary before use ) Spec. No.:As
di En r inc e
388 Providi ng and fixing white gl azed
80·56 squatting type urinals of size 45 em. X
No. 1000.00
35 em. etc. complete . Spec. No. :As
di En eer in cha

-Dr S< .RIP lit 11'4 O F d [ ;'v\ UNJl k<1le for 20 !:) -1 6 PrC>pP.:> EX :f
.obour 1----------~ ---- --
C om p leted labour
Providing and fixing white glazed
squatti ng type urinals of size 60 em. X
No. 1250.00 200.00
35 em. etc. complete. Spec. No.:As
di En eer i char e
1~--·-+::P.;.:ro~vc.;-:iding and fixing 10 litres fibre h i gh
500.00 level flushing cistern with fitting Inlet
pipe with stop tap/ bracket for flushing the
cistern, 32 mm. diameter PVC flush pipe
with fitting and clamps, 20 mm. diameter
galvaniscd iron over flow with mosqui to
proof capping, gatvanised iron chain pull , No . 1300.00 200..00
painting of exposed pipe and making good
walls and floors etc. complete.(As directed
by Engin eer In charge.) (Prior approval of
sample and brand by Executive Engineer
is necessary before use ) Spec . No. :A s
En inee r in cha
Providing and fixing 10 litres fibre low
level flush;ng cistern with fitting inlet
pipe with stop t ap/ bracket for flushing the
Cistern, 3 2 mm . diameter PVC flush pipe
with fitti ng and cl amps, 20 mm. diam eter
galvanised iron over flow with mosquito
proof cappin g, galvanised iron chain pull, No. 1600.00 200.00
painting of exposed pipe and making good
walls and floors etc. complete. (Prior
approval of sampl e and brand by
ExeCl,l tive Engineer is necessa ry before
use ) Spec. No.:As directed by
ineer in cha e

Rgm 22.0.00 200.00

R.NO & D ESCR\Pl iON OF ITEM UNIT Role for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE Completed Labour
A) Reputed Standerd Bran d like

394 Providing and fixi ng white glazed

earthenware Wash Hand Bas in of 55
em. X 40 em. size including single cold
water pillar ta p/ brackets, rubb er plugs
and brass chain, stop tap and necessary
P.V.C. pipe connections including P.V.C.
waste pipe and without bottled trap
upto the outside face of the wall. (Prior
approval of sample and brand by
Execu tive Engineer is necessary before
No. Bd.V. 30 No. 5

395 Providing and fixing coloured glazed

BDV earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 55
30A em. X 40 em. size includi ng single cold
water pillar tap/ brackets, rubber plugs
and brass chain , st op tap and necessary
P.V.C. pipe connections including P.V.C.
waste pipe and bottled trap upto the
outside face of the wall. (Prior approval
of sample and brand by Executive
Engineer is necessary before use ) Spec .
. V. 30 e No. 565

396 Provrding and fixing coloured glazed

earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 55
em. X 40 em. size includ ing sing le cold
water p rllar tap/ brackets, rubber plugs
and brass chai n, stoo tap and necessary
r.v.c. pipe connections includ ing P.V.C.
waste pipe and without bottled trap
upto t he outside face of the wall. (Prior
approval of sample and brand by
Executive Engineer is necessa ry before
. Bd.V. 30 P No. 565
c rabtree

_ _..::::..--:--r-.----rD;J:E~
)ifrlillFfMM_ _ _ _Tiiuii\NmiTrl-F<<J
, 1
-o-r 20 1) 16 Proppsed

Compleled Lobout
Providing and fixing white glazed
ea rthen ware Wash Hand Basin of 45
ern. X 30 em. size Including sing le cold
water pillar tap/ brackets., rubber plugs
and brass chain, stop tap and necessary
P.V.C. pipe co nnections includi ng P.V.C.
waste p ipe and bottled trap u pto th e
outside face of the wall. (Prior approval of
sample and brand by Ex ecutive Enginee r
is necessary before use )
.~.J?~_e . No. Bd.V. 30 Pa e No. 5 65
A) Reputed Standerd Bra nd like No. _
3000 00
ar ware ·a w ar I niteo I crabtree
B) Other Brand No. 2300.00
e -~g~la~z~e~d~·---t-----
earth enware Wash Hand Basin of 45
em. X 30 em. size Including single cold
water pillar tap/ bracke ts, rubber plugs
and brass chain, stop tap and necessary
P.V.C . pipe connections including P.V.C.
wasle pipe and without bottled trap
~pto the outside face of t he wall. (Prior
approval of sample and b rand by
Executive Engineer Is necessary before
·use S ec. No. Bd.V. 30 Pa e No. 565
A) Reputed Standerd Brand like No. . J50.00
~yware I jagwar I nitco I crabtree 2800 00
B1 1lther Brand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l___:_:~+--=.:::~~-~---·
t=-:;:;:v~t-;:-!.._,7-7---=:..:......:::..:...=..:..::::_ No. 1800.00 350.00
00.00 Providing and fixing white glazed
earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 63
~m. X 45 em. size inclu di ng smgle cold
water pillar tap/ brackets, rubber plu gs
and brass chaih, stop tap and necessa ry
P.V.c . pipe connections lncludlng P.V.C.
W<:1 ste pfpe and bottled tra p upto the
outside face of lhe wall , ( Prior a pprova l o f
sample and brand by Executive Engineer
IS necessa r y before u se )
l_Spec. No. Bd .V_. 3~ P~~ No. 565 _ _ _ _
A ) Reputed Standerd Brand like
~ro a rry~are I jagwar I niteo 1 crabtree No. 38 00.00 400.00
th~er Brand
No. 2600 .00 350.00

SR.NO & DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT Ra1e tor 201 ~ 16 Proppsed
ODt: Completed Labour
400 Providing an d fixing white glazed
earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 63
em. X 45 em. size including single cold
water pil lar tap/ brackets, rubber plu gs
and brass chain, stop tap and necessary
P.V.C. pipe connections including P.V.C.
waste pipe and without bottled t.-ap
upto the outside face of the wall. (Prior
approval of sample and brand by
Executive Engineer is necessary before
u~ )
e No. 565
No. 3600.00 350.00

401 Providi ng and fixing coloured glazed

BDV earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 63
30E em. X 45 em. size including single cold
water pillar tap/ brackets, rubber plugs
and brass chain, stop tap and necessary
P.V.C. pipe con nections including P.V.C.
waste pipe and bottled trap upto the
outside face of the waiL
No. Bd.V. 30 Pa No. 565

402 Providing and fixing coloured glazed

earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 63
em. X 45 em. size including single cold
water pillar ta p/ brackets, rubber plugs
and brass chain, stop tap and necessary
P.V.C. pipe connections including P.V.C.
waste pipe and without bottled trap
upto the outside face of the wall. (Prior
ap proval o f sample and brand by
Fxecutive Engineer is necessary before
use Spec. No. Bd.V. 30 Page No. 565
A) Reputed Standerd Brand like
~e_ar ware I jagwa r I nitco I crabtree
8 Other Brand

, r

11 0
------------------------------- --.~~-~~~~--~~---------.
DCSCRIPTION Oi- ITEM UNI T Role for 2015- I 6 Proposed

Complcied Lob our

Providing and fixing stainless steel s ink
of size 45 em. X 60 em. X 20 em.
including atf connections of the G. I. supply
and P.V.C. waste pipe upto the outside
face of the wall, cold water chromium
plated screw down bib tap, rolled steel or No. 3500 .00 600. 00
C.l. brackets, stop tap etc. cmoplete.
(Prior approva l of sample and brand by
Executive Engineer Is necessary before
use ) Spec. No. As directed by
neer in cha
Providing and fixing white glazed
earthenware s ink size 20 em. X 30 em.
X 15 em. including all connections of the
G.I. supply and lead waste pipe upto t he
outside face of the wall, cold water
chromium plated screw down bib tap,
No. 2600.00 500.00
grilled steel or C .I. brackets, rubber plug
with chain adn stop tap cmoplete. (Prior
approval of sample and brand by
Executive Eng i neer is necessary before
use ) Spec. No .: As directed by
r in ch a
Providing and fixing 110 UPVC Nahani
Trap Including grating, bend and piece of
UPV pipe upto the outside face of the wall No. 225.0Q 50.00
co_rnplete.(with 45 em. arm) Spec. No.
V.BPage No. 567
Providing and fixing floor trap
connection 75 mm. diameter
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride
(UPVC) ultra violet stabilised deep seal
N~hani Trap including P.V.C. grating
c~nfirming to I.S. 4985 rubber plug and
prece of P.V.C. pipes of suitable diamet er
and length upto outsrae face of wa ll and No. 365.00 100.00
makmg all joint water tight with providing
1 rubber socketed packing and sea ling wrth
1suitable and dura ble water t ight , esin , and
makmg hole rn masonry/ concrete redorng
lh~ I
. same with cement m ortar 1:4 and
~~~ 9 etc . complete.
Spec. No.: As
~~d by Engineer in charge

- -r---- - -- - ---.
Rate fo r 2015-l6 Proppsed
CODE Completed Labour
4 07 Prov iding and f ixing in position plasticized
I BD-4 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ultra violet
stabilised 110 mm . o uter diamet er r a in
w a t e r d o wn take pipe confirming to I.S.
13592 including necessary fitting such as
P.V.C. grating bend with door P.V.C.
clamps horse shoes at bottom rubber ring Rgm 270.00 60.00
and mak ing connection water tight with
solvent cement testing , boring holes i n
masonry /concrete and redoing the sa m e
in cem ent mortar 1 :3 cur ing etc.
complete . Spec. No. :As directed by
En inee r in c ha e
408 Providing and laying in position
BD-5 unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC)
ullra violet stabilised 1 10 mm. oute r
d iameter for soi l I was t e p ip e
confirming to LS. 4985 to withstand
pressure of 2 .5 Kg/cm2 including
necessary fitting such as P.V.C. bends with
door tee with door single j unction, with
Rgm 3 15 .00 60.00
door double junction with door P.V.C.
clamps, nails rubber ring and making all
connections w ater tight with solvent
element and testing, boring holes In
masonry I concrete and redoing the same
in cement m ortar 1:4 cu ring etc.
complete. Spec. No.:As dire cte d by
r in c ha
409 Providing and laying In positio n
BD-7 unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC)
ultra violet sta bilised 160 mm. out er
diam e t e r SWR pipe confirming t o I.S.
4985 to w ithstand pressure of 2 .5 Kg/cm 2
f for w ast water 1 soil in required grad1ent
Rgm 490. 00 60.00
as directed by Engineer in charge including
all junctions, making all j oints water ti ght
with rubber ring and solvent cement etc.
complete . (excluding excavation and bad·
filli ng) etc. Spec. No-:As directed by
En ineer in char e

11 2
DESCRIPTION 01" 1-;-f M UNII ku ' e lor 20 , ,)-1 6 PropiJ:>t..,v
La b o ur
C' om ple 1 ~d LolJour
Providing and fi xing 15 em. X 1 0 em. sa lt
glazed stone ware gully tra p in cem ent
concrete 1:4:8 outside the building
including cast iro n grating in the sink,
~onnecting gla zed stoneware pipe, brick No. 950.00 200.00
60.00 mason1y ch amber wi th ca st iron grating
for the gully t rap, and shahabad stone
coveri ng fixed with cement morta r . Spec.
Bd.V. 38 Pa e No. 572
Provid ing, and laying - - diameter s alt
glazed sto ne ware pipe includ ing fitting
such as bends, tees, single junction,
doubl e junct1oons laying , jointing
( excl uding excavation and refilling the
t renches) complete. Spec. No. Bd.V. 39
Pa No. 573

Providing and laying concrete pipes of

I .S. N.P. cla,ss of-- diameter in proper
line, level and slope Including necessary
collars, excavation, laying, fixing with
collars in cement mortar 1: 1 e tc.
complete. (excluding excavation and
refilling the trenches) Spec. No. Bd.V . 41
No. 73

~rovidin g and constru cting Brick Masonry

In cement mortar 1:6 for Inspection
Chambe r Size - - including 1: 4: 8
cement concrete foundation, 1: 2:4 cement
60.00 €oncrete channels half round S.W.G.
pipes, with plastering bri ck masonry 1nsi de
~nd outside with cement mortar 1:4 and
Inside neat cem ent fin ish incl ud ing 7 5
tnm. th1ck R.C. C. cover etc . com plete
depth upto 1.20m. Sp ec. No. Bd.V. 4 3
~eNo. 574
GO em ~ X 4::-::S
::--c-n-1- - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - J - -- --+---

SR.NO & DESCRI PTION O f ITI:M UNIT Rote for 20 l 5- 16 Proppsec
C O DE Completed l o b our

414 Provid ing and constructing Brick Masonry

6DV 44 in ceme nt m ortar 1:6 for intercepting
Chamber 90 em. X 45 em. including
1:4:8 cement co ncrete foundation, 1:2:4
cement concrete cha nnels half round
S.W.G. pipes, channels/ half round glazed
sto ne ware in te rcepting trap with rod in g
No. 4200.00 ltOO.OO
p ipe set in 1:4:8 C.C. block, with
plastering brick masonry insid e and
outside with cement mortar 1:4 and inside
neat cement finish including 75 mm. thic k
R.C.C. cover etc. com plete depth upto
1.20 m . Spec. No. Bd.V. 44 Page No.
415 Providing and fixing reinforced cement
BDV concrete M 25 cover of 75 mm. thick
112A over man hole and inspection chamber
having si ze 1.15 X 0.60 m . inclu ding mild No. 650.00 170.00
steel reinforcement etc. complete.
Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer in
416 Providing and fixing reinforced cement
BDV concrete M 25 cover of 75 mm. thick
1120 over man hole and inspection chamber
having size 1.25 m. diameter including No. 750.00
mild steel reinforcement etc. complete.
Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer in
cha e
417 Providing and fixing hume pipe septic
BDV 45 tank 900 mm. diameter with vent pipe
and cap incl uding necessary fittings No. 9000.00 625.00
(exclu di ng excavation a nd laying) . Spec.
1 - - - --1 No. : Bd.V.4 5 Pa e No. 575
418 Providing, and fi xi ng in position
BD- 2 unplasticized polyvinyl chloride
(UPVC) ultra violet stabilised 'P' trap
of minimum water s eal of 60 mm.
including P.V.C. pipe of suitable diameter
conf1rm 1ng to l.S . 13592 upto outs1de face
of wall for tra p outlet and ai r vent and No. 500. 00 8 0.00
making all JOmts water tig ht wi th rubbe r
socketed pack 1ng and sea li ng with solve nt
ce men t mak1n g holes in m asonry/
concrete redo ing the sa me w1 th ceme nt
mortar 1:4 and curing etc. comp lete. Spec .
. :As directed b
p ~ e c1
~-~ -&----------~O~t~S~(7.'R~I~P~ii(~J~N·~O
' -/~0

Provid ing, and fixing in position
unplasticized po lyvinyl chloride l
{UPVC) ultra violet stabilise d .......... .
,,..;;. outer diameter plumbing pipe 3 mm.
I'- thick, Confirming to l.S. 4985 - 2000 & IS
78 34 - 198 7 including necessary fitting such
as PVC bent, tee, reduce r s, clamps, plug
etc. including necessary excavation,
trench filling or necessary drilling holes in
walls, slabs et c. and making good etc .
· complete . (Prior .approva l of sam ple and
brand by Executive Engineer is necessa ry
before u se ) Spec. No.:As direct ed by
I . ~ngin ee r in charge I
15 mm. Rgm - - ~Q_Q-- 50.00 ·-
120 mr_n. Rgm ·[~Q._2.9 ____ 5Q:QQ__
._· - - - - - - - - -- ---+-R_.g._m
m _ ~0.00 - r---~.00_
~----------------------------r~R~g'~- 24s.oo ·r---s_o_.o_q___
40 mm Rgm 30 5.00 _ _ SO.QO ___
420 Providing, and fixing chromium plated
BOV 67 towel rod 16 mm. diameter and 75
em. in length including all accessories No. 400 .00 80.00
complete . Spe c. No. : As directed by
t - - - - +.=.:E'!9.inee r in charge - -·- ---1-- --+- --- - - -- ··-
4 21 Ereviding, and fixing w a ll peg 45 em.
~DV 68 long with 4 Nos. hooks fixed on a wall etc.
=- No.
complete. Spec. No. : As directed by
Engineer in charge _ _ __
~~~:.:..:.....:;:.:.:.=.:,.;:t.::_ __ .j..-__~- - -
I --

,_M . -:S-:-c_h_r~o._m
: ::- ..::_...:..iu~m~p.:..:la:..:t:..:e:...:d~-------1---I,---S::.::
· o .oo . 10.00
Providing, and fixing in position plasti cized
_ BD-~
polyv inyl chloride (PVC) ultra v iolet
~ s ta bilis ed 11 0 mm. outer diameter
ll - - ·- ~owl dome confirming t o l. S. 13 59 2 No . 60.00 10.0 0
Including m aking j ornt with solvent cement
etc. _com pletE·. Spe c . N o.:As directed by
1-E!l910eer in c-har_ge
a6~ 69
: ;o-'ich ilg, and fixlngCJ;·es~ecl
bat h in g
One 4~ c tn. .X 4 5 em . X 50 e rn . ~-'' • ·
~ernen_L morta r 1 : (. propo rt1on. Spec. N o. Nv . 3 00.00 :>rrn.no
Provicling , and fi xing half turn fl ushin g
c~ck of 25 mm diame ter of good q ualit y
;, - · ~_
Wtth flushi ng pipe upto W.C. pa n etc .
No. 800.00 10 0 .0 0 I
·~ -...._ · s p ee. No .:As directe d by Engineer
-'--- - - - -'---- ·- - ----1
11 5
DeSCRI PTI O N OF ITEM UNIT Rote for 201 5- 16 Proppsed

Completed Labour
425 Providing and fixing chromium plated
napkin ring of good quality having
weight not less than 150 gram diametres
No. 200.00 80.00
150 millimetre t hick et cetera complete.
Spec.No. As directed by Engineer lncharg e

'.BV - 'W - J'vUSCTL£~0115

426 Guniting by dry mix process as per I.S.
BDW 2 9012-1978 to ceiling soffit etc. in
cement marta r 1:3 and - - - thick under
pressure of 2 .1 Kg. to 2.8 Kg. pe r squ a re
em . including form s, scaffolding , floating
the surface, curing for 14 days etc .
complete. (excluding reinforcement).
ec. No. ; Bd.W.2 Pa e No. 582

4 27 Guniting by dry m ix process as pe r I .S.

BDW 9012-1978 to beams in cement mortar
20 1 :3 and .... . ......... thick under pressure of
2.1 Kg. to 2.8 Kg. per square em.
Including forms, scaffolding , floating the
surface, curing for 14 days etc. comple te.
(excluding re inforcement). Spec. No. :
Bd.W. 2 P No. 582

428 Guniting by dry mix process as per I.S.

BDW 9012- 1978 to columns in cement m ortar
2H 1 : 3 and 25 mm. thick under pressure of
2 .1 Kg. to 2.8 Kg. per square em.

including forms, scaffolding, floating the Sqm
surface, curing for 14 days etc. complet-e .
( excl uding rei nfo rcement) . Spec. No. :
.W.2 Pa No. 582
------ --

- &~ DESCR IPTION OF I~ [M Ul'-lll Rate for 20 I !J- 16 r roppsed
SR.NO · 1
I C orn pleled Labour
~,.......,......---r.P:::-roviding and e recting 1.8 m. high wire
fencing with seven rows of barbed wire
1.• 00
su pported on mild steel angles (50 mm.
x so mm. X 6 mm.) at 2.5 m. centre to
centre incl uding excavating pits for j-1

fou ndation, fixing post in cement concrete Rgm 490.00 305.00

of size 45 X 45 X 4 5 em. fastening the
wire and painting t he mild steel a ngles
wit h one coat of red lead prim er and two
coats of painting etc . complete. Spec. No.
: Bd. W.3 Pa 9c.::e~N~o..:....-=
5. .8...:::3:...._.
:::: _ _ _ __ _ -1- .
- Prov.iding and fi xing 30 em. X 15 em.
Marble Year Plate engraving 10 em.
he~ight letter, figures includ ing pai nting
No. 400. 00 120.00
letters/ fig ures with ap proved colour
)5.00 shade complete . Spec. No. : Bd.W. 7
1--'-- - - a_g e No. 586
431 roviding and fixing welded mesh fabric
BOW :for .guniting of mesh size 75 X 75 mm.
10. and 10 gauge thick including sca ffold ing,
etc complete as directed. Sqm 300.0 0 70.00
Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer in
432 Providing and fixi ng welded mesh fabric
BOW for guniting of mesh size 150 X 150 I·
1i mm. and 10 gauge i.e. 3.25 mm. thick
includjng scaffolding, etc. complete as Sqm 260.00 50.00
- - --
d irected. Spec. No. : As directed by
I --:----1-::;:.En
:..:..:g in ee r in charge
Pro~fiding pre-con stru ctional Anti-termite
treatment by treating the bottom
surface and the sides of excavation at
the rate of 5 litres of emulsion concen trate
of 0,.5 percent of Chloropyriphox per sqm .
of ~u~ace area wit h ten y ear s g uarant ee Sqm 35.00 25.00
1d as per l.S. 63 13 (pa rt- 11) ~19 73 (As
· Item No. 22.4 1 of sclledule of rate of
ional Buildi ng O rga nisa tion .) Spec.
· : As directed by Engineer in
-----------~- - .....J..---------l..-------'

ll 7
R.NO & UNil Rote fo1 20 i .)- 16 Proppsed
CODE C ompleted Lobour
434 Providing pre-constructional Anti- termite
BOW treatment by treating the backfill in
81 immediate contact wi th foundation at
the rate of 5 litres of emu lsion
concen trate of 0. 5 percent of
Chloropyriphox per sqm. of verticle
Sqm 63.00 25.00
surface area with ten years guaran tee
bond. As per I. S. 6313 (part-ll)-1971
(Quanttty as per Item No. 22.42 of
schedule o f rate of Nati ona l Bui lding
Organisation.) Spec. No. : A s directed
En r in cha e
435 Pr ovid ing pre-const ructional Anti-termite
BOW treatment by treating the top surface
82 of plinth filling at the rate of 5 litres of
emulsion concentrate of 0.5 percent of
Chloropyriphox per sqm. of surface area
Sqm 34.00 20.00
with ten years guarantee bond . As per I. S.
6313 (part-II) - 1971 (Quantity as per Item
No. 22.43 of schedule of rate of Na tiona l
Building Orga n isation.) Spec . No. : As
directed ineer in cha
436 Providing exhaustive Anti-termite
BOW treatment to the wooden f r ames by
84 drilling 6 mm. holes at four corners of one
side and fou r corner of ot h er side at
downward angle of 45 degree at j u nction
of wood work a nd masonry at the rate of 3 0 .00 10.00
75 mm. of chlorod ane or Ch loropyriphox
0.5 % E.C. an d filling putty etc. with two
years guarantee bond. As per I .5. 6313
(part-III)-1971 Spec. No. : As directe d
Engineer in charge
437 Providing exhaustive Anti-t ermite
BOW treatment to the side of flooring by
86 injecting 1 percent of chlorodane or
Chloropynphox emu lsion concentrate at
the rate of 50 per hole of 6 mm. diameter Per
10.00 5.00
drilled at a distance of 30 em. centre to liole
centre and sealing the same with proper
f1lling w ith two years guarantee bond as
per I.S. 6 3 13 (part-IIJ)- 1971. Spec. No.
: As directed En ineer in
DESCR II-' liO N 0 1 II clv1 UN IT l<o 10 for 20 15 16 Pror >psed
Completecl Labour
4]8 Providing general pest control services
BDW to the buildi ng to controal the nuisance of
Sq m 20. 00 4.00
Cockroaches, Lizards etc. Spec. No.:As
directed b En i neer in c ha e
439 Providing and fixing 9.5 mm. thick
BD-16 Gypsum plaster board lln1ng to brick or
.concrete surface w1th the help of bonding
compound applying dabes of 75 mm. X 20
mm. at 3 00 mm . centre with wall, jointing
board, filling and finish ing edg es of board Sq m 61 0.00 1?.5.00
with joint finishing properly, including
primer coat necessa ry hardware etc.
complete confrirmi ng to I.S. SP -2095.
Spec. No.:As d i rected by Engineer in
ding and fixing 30 em. wide 22
.0. 00 gauge chicken mesh over joints of
concrete member and brick/
·sto ne masonry of approved quality Rgm 55. 0 0 35.00
ncluding necessary naili ng, drilling and
lapping etc. comp lete. Spec. No.:As
neer in cha
Providing groove 6 mm. deep and 12
mm. wide on junction of R.C.C. member
and brick, stone mason ry including
Rgm 40.00 35.00
finishing in line and level in horizontal and
vertical di rection as directed by
inee.- in
P-m viding and fixing plain Flbreglass
.Reinforced Plastic Sheets, made up of
G. P. Resins, glass Fi bres, resin etc. of 1.0
mm, thick for all size including putty etc . Sqm 800.00 80.00
ctO'tnplete. Spec. No. :As directed by
Pro_vi~ing and fixi ng plain Fibreglass
Remforced Plastic Sheets, made up of
G.P. Resins, glass Fibres, resi n etc. of 2.0
mm . thick for all s1ze includ ing putty etc. Sq m 1400.00 80.00
com~lete. Spec. No. :As directed by
Enym~er in charge
Pro.v•d•ng and fi.....xi"'-
ng - RAM Fibreglass
Remforced Plastic Sheets, made up of
;~ Resin s, Glass fibres, resins etc. 1.0
• ~hick for a ll size including putty etc. Sqm 1200.00 80.00
!T\Qiete. Spec. No. :As directed by
eer in c h

DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNil Role ior 201 5- 16 !'10ppsed

Con1p leled I O b C>Uf

445 Providing and fi xing RAM Fibreglass

BD-64 Reinforced Plastic Sheets, made up of
G.P. Resins, Glass fibres, resins etc . 2.0 Sqm .
2000 00 100.00
mm. thick for all size including putty etc.
complete. Spec. No. :As directed by
ineer in cha e
446 Providing and fixing mosquito proof and
fly proof mesh to windowc:;, ventilators
w ith malaysian wood f rame and nuwud
wood size 0 .05 X 0.05 inclu ding fixing of
mesh of single 0 .025 X 0.025 including Sqm 650.00 80. 00
fixed for windows, ventilators including
painting, labour charges, materials etc.
complete. Spec. No.:As directed by
L E_!!gi~er in cha_!g~ ·- - --
1_ _ __
'RTMO'VIN(j .:A:ND 1JIS:M.54.:Nril:N(j
·- - - - - . =--- --, -
447 Removing Manglore tiled roof and ridge
BOW tiles with battens, ridge and barge
8-1 boards, eaves boards etc. and stacking the
materials as directed with all lifts and Sqm 40.00 40.00
leads beyond SO metre complete including
removing wood work below. Spec. No•
. W. 8 Pa No 587
448 Removing double country tiled roof
BOW with ridge and battens and stacking the
8-2 materials as directed with all lifts and
Sqm 40.00
leads beyond 50 metre complete including
removing wood work below. Spec. No.
Bd.W. 8 Pa e No 587
449 Removing A.C. or G.C.I. sheets from roof
BOW or walling and stacking them properly with
Sqm 30.00
8- 3 all lifts and leads beyond 50 metre
com leted. s No. Bd.W. 8 e N o 587
450 Removing planking fro m roof or ceiling
BDW and stacki ng them as directed wilh all lifts
Sqm 30_00
8 -4 and leads beyond 50 met re com pleted.
No. Bd. W. 8 Page No 5 87
45 1 Remov1ng steel trusses from roof and
BOW stacking the materials as d•rected with all
8- 6 lifts and leads beyond 50 m etre
completed. Spec. No. Bd.W. 8 Page No

Compleled Lobour
Dismantling flat wooden or Asbestos
cement sheet ceiling with f rame work
including stacking the materials as
Sqm 23.00 22.00
directed with all lifts and leads beyond SO
metre compl ete. Spec. No. Bd.W. 8
e No 587
Dismantling brick masonry in mud and
stacking the materials as directed with all
lifts and leads beyond SO met re complete . Cum 100.00 75.00
Spec. No.;As directed by Engineer in
Dismantling brick masonry in lime or
cement and stacking t he m ateria ls as
directed with all lifts and leads beyond SO Cum 160.00 110.00
m etre complete. Spec. No.:As directed
En ineer in cha e
Disma nt'!ing stone masonry in mud
including and stacking the materials as
directed with all lifts and leads beyond 50 Cum 100.00 75.00
metre complete. Spec. No.:As directed
neer in cha

Cum 220 .00 200.00

Cum 220.00 200.00

Cum 700.00 400.00

Cum 180. 00 150.00

No. 6 0 .00 6 0 .00

R.NO & D!::SCRIPTIO N Or II EM UNl f Ro te for 20 15- 1 6 ?t nppsed
CODE Con' plc·tcd l obout
461 Removing ventilators and small
BOW windows with frame and stacking the
8-18 m aterials as directed with all lifts and No. 60.00 60.00
lead s beyond SO metre complete. Spec.
No. : A s d En inee r in c ha e
462 Removing wooden o r Asbestos Cement
BOW partition including frame work and
8-19 stacking the materials as directed with all
Sqm 17.00
lifts and lead s beyond SO metre comp lete.
Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in
463 Removing teak wood trellies work
BDW Including stacking the materials as
8-20 directed with all lifts and leads beyond SO Sqm
metre complete. Spec. No.:As directed
En ineer in c ha e
464 Removing trap stone from floor
BOW with o ut bed concrete Including stacking
8-22 the mate rials as directed with all llfts and Sqm 3 5. 00 35.00
leads beyond SO metre complete. Spec.
No.: As directed b En neer in c ha e
46S Removing Shahabad or Tandur stones/
BDW ceme nt tiles f marble ~osaic t iles
8-23 from floor without bed concrete including
stacking the materials as directed with all Sqm 40 .00 40.00
li fts and leads beyond SO metre complete .
Spec. No.:As directed by Engineer in
cha e
466 Dismantling wooden floor Including
BDW beams and joists, stacking the materials
8-24 as directed with all lifts and leads beyond Sqm 1.8.00
50 m etre complete . Spec. No.: As
directed En ineer in c ha e
467 Removing c ement or lime plaster
BOW including raking out of joints disposing off
8- 2 5 the spoils as directed with all lifts and Sqm 20.00
lea ds beyond 50 metre complete. Spec .
o. :A s directed b En ·neer i n c ha
468 Removi ng mud plaster including
BOW disposing o ff the spoils as d trected w1l h all
8-/. 6 ltfts and IQads beyond 50 m etre co m plete . Sqm 5 .00
Spec. No. : As directed by Engineer in

p sed
~-&-r ------ --------------------------~--

Con pletod
---4-69- 'Removing wire fencing with wooden
oo BDW post and stacking the material with all
8-27 lifts and lead s beyond SO metre co mp lete. Rgm 2S.OO 25.00
Spec. No.:As directed by Engineer in
Removing wire fencing with iron I
cement concrete fencing post and
stacking the material as directed with all
Rgm 3S.OO 35.00
lifts and leads beyond SO metre complete.
Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in
char e
471 Removing iron pipe railing having
BDW wooden reinforced cement concrete
8-29 or cement co ncrete or iron posts and Rgm 30.00 30.00
stacking the material as directed. Spec.
1-----t-_:..No.: As directed by Engi neer in charge
472 Removing earthen, stoneware or hume
BDW pipes (upto 30 em. diameter) and
8-30 stacking them as directed with all lift s and No. 12.00 12.00
leads beyond SO met re complete. Spec.
~-=~'-=--1~o.:.: As directed by Engineer in charge
Removing cast iron or wrought iron or
Asbestos Cement pipe and stacking
them as directed with all lift s and leads Rgm 12.00 12.00
beyond SO metre complete . Spec. No.:
As directed b En ineer in char e
Dismantling the reinforced cement
concrete work and sorttng out the
materials such as steel etc. as direct ed
and stacking t hem w ithin the specified Cum 900.00 900.00
lead as di rected. Spec. No.:As directed
___ _ky Engineer in charge
475 Removing s ingle country tiled roof with
BOW battens and stacki ng the mat erials as
8-35 directed wtth all lifts a nd leads beyond 50 Sqm 17.00 17.00
~etre etc . com plete . Spec. No. : As
~rected ~V En~eer in char e
Removing battens from _ii/Lr..::.
o_o_f --a -nd---1--
stackmg them as d •rected wtth all lifts dnd
leads beyond SO metre e tc. complete_ Kgm 3.00 3.00
Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in
c~_g e
~en~v.Tn·g- matting from roof and
--- --~1
b nc tng as directed wit h all lifts and leads
NCZ.~~s 5?
metre etc. c~mplete. Spec.
Sqm 6 .00 6_ : _ j
___darected by Engmeer in charge

R.NO & DESCRIPTION OF llEM UNIT Ra1e for 2015-16 Proppsed
COD E Completed Labour
478 Removing purlins from roof and stacking
BOW as di rected wi th all lifts and leads beyond
Sqm 5.00 5.00
8-38 SO metre etc. complete. Spec. No.: As
ineer inc
489 Removing raftes from roof and stacking
BDW as directed w ith all lifts and leads beyond
Rgm 7.00 7.00
8-39 50 metre etc. complete. Spec. No.:As
directed b En ineer in cha e
480 Removing and resting Manglors tiles
BDR 22 from roof including refixing loose battens.
Sqm 20.00 20.00
Spec. No.:As directed by Engineer in
481 Removing Ga,vanised Iron or Asbestos
BDR 25 Cement sheet roof covering and stacking
the same and where directed in the
Sqm 30.00 30.00
compound including scaffolding etc.
complete. Spec. No.: As directed by
En ineer in cha e
48 2 Removing Galvanised Iron or Asbestos
BDR 26 Cement sheet covering including purlins,
principal rafters etc. including sorting
servicable and unservicable materials,
stacking the sa me and where directed in Sq m 30.00 30.00
the compou n d including scaffolding etc.
complete .
Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in
cha e
483 Removing Rolled steel girders of any
BDR 28 size and span loering the same and
stacking the same neatly wherever
M.T. 850.00 850.00
directed in the compound including
scaffo lding etc. complete. Spec. No.: As
directed b En ineer i e
484 Re m ov ing Urinal Pans or Wash hand
BDW basins with frame including
15 d1scon nectm g the sanrtary and water
supply disconnection s, remov1ng the same
carefully and stacking the se rv iceable
No. 60.00 60.00
ma terial as and whe re d 1rected including
throwtng the unserv rceable materials
outside a rea etc. complete .
Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in
cha e

O ESC~I PT ION or lfEM UNII ka1e ior 20 15-1 6 f'r opp se d

COD£ Comp lcled Ldb our

d in~g~----i----------r----------1
disconnecting th e sanitary and water
supply disconnections, rem ovi ng and
breaking flooring and bed concrete around No. 17 0.00 170.00
pan etc. complete .
Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in
486-~ -oi.sposing of dismantling material s of
R.C.C. stone/ brick masonry I derbi e s I
,excavated material etc from work site Cum 200. 00 200.00
beyond the 5 km Spec. No.!AS directe d
1 - - - - - -~-~_'!gineer in charge
Removing Vegitation , grass, shurb
,Gagar Gavat etc, and disposing it from Sqm
6.00 6.00
build ln9 area Spec. No. :As directed by
t-----l~ineer in charge
Provfding and Fixing Polyethetene
Alumilrlium-Po,l yethetene ( PE-AL- PE)
Composite pressure pipes as per IS
15450-2004 U.V.stability with carbon
black having the ram al stabi lity for Hot and
00 Cold water supply w ith all compression
Itype composite internal seal fitting (
e.g.elbows, tees, reducers,
couplers,connectors etc all type of
specials) with clamps at 1.00
, rntr.spacing,cutting through walls and
making g ood the same etc. ( Internal
exposed work) Spec~ No . As directed by
0.0.0 engineer in charge.
12- 16mm 1 90.00 60.00
_ m...:..__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _:._:_R¥..:m~f--.::.
20- 25mm
1 230. 00
3 3-0- .0 - 0-
.3:_5- 32mm .J._..:....:R~g-
35 . 00 ·--+~...:..6...:..0....:...0~0~--l
32- 40mm Rgm 575 .00 8-0
. 00- -


& Ot=SCRIPTIO N DF IJrM UNll Ro1e lor 20 15-16 r roppse d

Completed I abour

489 Providin g and Fixing Polye thetene

Aluminium- Polyethetene ( PE ~ AL­
PE) Composite pressure pipes as
per IS 15450-2004 U.V .stability with
ca rbon black having t heram al stability
for Hot and Cold wa ter su pply with all
compres sion type co mposite internal
seal fitting ( e.g .elbows,tees, reducers,
couplers,connectors etc all type of
specials) with clamps at 1.00
mtr.spacing,cutting through walls and
making good the same etc. (
Inte rn al conceal ed work) Spec.No. As
directed ineer in cha

490 Providing and Fixing Polyethetene

Aluminium-Polyethetene ( PE-Al-
PE) Composite pressure pipes as
per IS 15450-2004 U.V.stability with
carbon black having theramal stability
for Hot and Cold water supply with all
compression type composite internal
seal fitting (
connectors etc all type of specials)
includi ng trench ing and refilling the
same etc.( ext ernal work) Spec.No.
As directed en ineer in cha

25 - 32mm
32 - 40mm

DESC RIP TION Of ITFM UNIT Ro l e tor 20 15- 16 Pro p p sed
$R .N0 &
coDF Compleled Labour
491 Providing uncoursed ru bble
masonry of trap/granite/ quartzite/
gneiss stones in cement mortar 1:6 in
foundation and plinth of inner walls/in
plinth of external walls including Cum 1950.00 210.00
sailing out water manually, striking
joints on unexposed fa ces and
watering complete. Spec. No. Bd.H.
1 Pag_e No 32 9
Pr·oviding and erecting chain link
fencin g 1.6 M. height with G.I. chain
link of size 50 x 50 mm 8 gauge thick
and fixed 75 mm above Ground level
vertltcall M.S Angle of 40 x 40 x 6 mm
size embedded in C.C. block of 1:4:8
mix of size 450 x 450 x 670 mm. at
1.75 M cjc with iron bar 16 mm dia as
hotld fast including weldin g link with
angle frame at 30 em cjc nuts and
bolts and horizontal M. S . Angles at top Rgm 1100.00 275.00
and bottom of 25 x 25 x 5 mm size
amd vertical M.S. flat 35 x 5 mm and
25 x 5 mm horizontal including cross
su pport of 40 x 40 x 6 mm Angles
both sides at every corner or bends
embedded in concrete blocks of 1:4:8
of size 450 x 450 x 670 mm including
3 coats of oil painting etc. complete.
Spec. No.:As directed by Engineer
in char e
Providing and laying 25 mm thick Sqm 110.00 -u.oo
broken glass, an gular pi eces at the
rate of 20 kg per square metre in layer
of including tranceportation loading,
unloading, spreading as per th e
~ected El_En£,inccr in ch arge.
·-- - - --'--- - '·

.NO & OI:.SCRIPIION O f iTEM UNI f Role ~o r 20 l .)-1 6 Proppsed
Compleled Labour
494 Providing and fixing in position Sqm 3300.00 100.00
aluminium composite pannaling of
approv ed quality colour and shade of 4
mm thick on aluminium frame of
aluminium square pipe of size 25 mm
x 25 mm having thickness 2 mm at
an interval of 50 ce ntimetre center to
center including fixture of SS Screws,
Nuts, Bolts, ond sca folding, MS angle
cleat support to frame work. and
necessary precaution for safety and
,fiilling1 joints with approved quality
silicon as directed by engineer
incha for all floors
495 Providing and fixing in position Sqm sooo.oo 780.00
structural glazing faces of building
made out of colour anodized
aluminium frame curtain wall of
63mm x 57mm x 2 .20 mm thick
including toughened reflective glass 5
mm thick of anel 600 x 900 or 900 x
1200 mm size. The item shall include
toughened coloured reflective glass 5
mm thick water proofing silicon
sealant.G.E.winsll 10/20 G.E Ultra
glaze Including aluminium fixtures S3
screws and nut bolts, scaffolding, M.S.
angle cleats and frame work of 65mm
x 65 mm x 6 mm and scaffolding etc .
complete m1n1mum 20% area of
structural glazing shall be openable
for openable panels aluminum hings.
Wind stays and locking arrangements
and aluminum angles or tee section of
required si ze as directed by Engineer
in cha ~s.


~;imsc:::~:: ::~TEs yo:N:=.~=~:_-1:~,:::::d
CODE Cornpleled l a bour
- T .7t'R /1 - II - r.R1J- 'R0.7tV W01tXS.
-----•cutting down tree s inclu ding trunks and ..---~---r---......._-----

branches and stackm g the materials neatly

with a lead of SO m. as directed wit h g irths
above - - - - etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge .
~ee. No. : R0.1 Page No 179
30 em. to 6 0 em. No. 220.00 195.00
60 em. to 90 em. _ N...;.o_. --l--3_3_o_.o_o_-t-_2_4_0_.o_o_~
90 em. to 180 em. No. 660.00 325.00
180 em. to 270 em. No . 2100.00 670.00
.00 270 em . to 450 em. No. 4300.00 3000.00
above 450 em. No. 7000 .00 4500.00
2 Cutting Down the road s ide thorny
ADL bushes ( wali babule etc) having girth
from 5 em to 20 em Including remov ing
their roots , st acki ng and conveying the
meteria ls upto 1. DO km , removing Sqm . 7.00 7.00
'!egitation including leve lling the ground as
directed for both sides of road etc I
com plete. Spec. No.:As directe d by
. Engin~~r~~~h.~a~r~g~e~------------·~--4----------f----­
Excavation for road way in earth so il of
all sort sand, gravel, soft murum
Including d ressing sectio n t o the req u ired
.9 rade, camber a nd side slopes and
conveying t he excavated materials with all Cum 65 .00 15 .00
lifts and upto a lead of 50 m. and
spreading for embankment or stacking
elc. complete as di rected by Engineer in
charge. Spe c. No.: RD . 2 Page N o 180
Excavation for road w ay in hard
muru m includmg dressing seet1on to the
requi red grade, camber and side slopes
and convey rng t he excavated matenals
With all ltfts and upto a lead of 50 m. and Cum I 75.00 20 .00
spreading for embankment or stacking
etc . com plete as d irected by Engmeer m
_char~_pec. No. : RD.3 P a e No 183 _ __ _J._ _ _ _ j

SR. NO Rate for 201 5-16 Proppsed
Complete d Labour
5 Excavation for road way in hard
RD 4 murum and boulders Including dressing
section to the required grade, camber and
side slopes and conveying the excavated 1
materials with all lifts and upto a lead of Cum 80.00 25.00
SO m. and spreading for embankment or
stacking etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge. Spec. No.: R0.4
Pa e No 1
6 Excavation for road way in soft rock,
RD 5 including dressing section to the required
grade, cambe r and side slopes and
conveying the excavated materials with all
Cum 160.00 30.00
lifts and leads upto a lead of 50 m. and
spreadtng for embankment or stacking
etc. complete as direct€Q by Engineer in
. No .: RD.S e No 184
7 Excavation for road way in hard rock
RD 6 by blasting including dressing section to
the required grade, camber and side
slopes and conveying the excavated
materials with all lifts and lead upto a lead Cum 3 20.00 80.00
of 50 m. and spreading for embankment
or stacking etc. complete as directed by
Eng ineer in charge.
c. No. : RD.6 Pa No 185
8 Excavation for road way in hard rock
RD 7 by controlled blasting wedging
chiselling or line drilling including
dressing section to the required grade,
camber and side slopes and conveying the
Cum 430.00
excavated materials with all llfts, upto a
lead of 50 m. and spreading for
embankment or stacking etc. complete as
directed by Engi neer in charge . Spec.
No.: 7 P e No 186
9 Excavc.tion for road way in laterite
ROB rock includ ing dressing section to Lhe
required grade, camber and sid e slopes
and conveying the ex cavated m aterials
Cum 340.00
with all lifts, upto a lead of SO m. and
spreading for embankment or stacking as
directed by Engmeer in charge. Spec.
' - - - ---J
No.: RD.8 e No 186

SR. NO Rate for 201 b- 16 P roppsed
DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT _ _ _ __ _ , _ __
& ITEM 1
cODE ComDielea Labour
10 ex cavation for catch/ road side water
-. RD 9 gutter I jungle gutter in all sorts of - - -
- strata to the Specified section including
:JO stacking the excavated stuff in a regular
bund and disposing off unsuitable or
excess stuff beyond 50 m. from place of
excavation as directed by Eng ineer in
cha . No.: RD.9 Pa e No 7


Cum 40.00 10.00

wateri,n g and compacting

embankment to 95°/o of standard j
Proctor density after laying them in layer Cum 50.00 15.00
of 20 em . to 30 em. wrth vibratory roller
er MORTH fications. etc.
Providing earth work in embankment
with approved materials obtained by
excavation Including all lifts and leads
-upto so m., laying in layers of 20 em. to
30 em. thickness breaking clods , dressing
90.00 to t he required lines, curves, grade and
section, watering and Com paction to 95
% of standard Proctor density etc.
complete as directed by Engineer in
e. S ec. No.: RD .12 P e No 189

Providing hard murum of CBR not less

~h_an 10°/o in embankment including all
hfts -and leads upto 50 M., laying in layers
[ 20 em. to 30 em. t hickness brea k ing
c Ods, dressi ng to the requ ired lines Cum 130.00 20.00
~ur:ves, grade and section watering and
\;,.otnpa · '
c ton with vibratory roller el c
COfl:'lplete s ·
.. pee. No.: RD.12 Page No

SR. NO Rate for 2015-1 6 Proppsed
CODE Completed Labour
15 Conveying material, obtained from
RD 188 road cutting, including all lifts, laying
in layers, breaking clods, drereding to the
required lines, curves, grades and section
for a lead of over 300 m. to 500 m. Cum 50.00 40.00
inclusive from the site of excavat1on to the
site of deposition etc. comoplete as
directed by Engineer in charge. Spec.
No. :Rd . 18 Pa e No. 197
16 Supplying 15 em. to 23 em . trap/
RD19 granite/ quartzite/ gneiss s tone rubble at
the road side for soling including
conveying and stacki ng etc. complete as Cum 300.00 220.00
directed by Eng ineer in charge (by
Blasting). Spec. No.:Rd. 19 Page No.
17 Supplying 60 mm. t rap/ granite/
RD 20A quartzite/ gneiss stone oversize metal at
the road side including conveying and
Cum 350.00 250.00
stacking etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge. (including blasting) .
18 Supplying 40 mm. trap/ granite/
RD 22 quartzite/ gneiss stone size metal at the
road side including conveying and
Cum 380.00 380.00
stacking etc. complete as directed by
Engineer i n charge. ( including blasting)
ec. No. :Rd. 22 Pa No. 201
19 Supplying hard murum/ kankar at the
RD 23 road side, incl uding convey ing and
st acki ng etc. complete as d irected by Cum 95.00 70.00
Eng ineer in charge. Spec. No.: Rd . 23
Pa No. 2 0 2
20 Supplying soft murum at the road
RO 24 side, inclu ding conveying and stack1ng
Cum 85.00 65.00
etc. complete a directed by Enginee r in
cha c. No. :Rd. 2~ P a~~ ~o~
21 Supplying sand/ Gravel at the road
RD 25 sid e, Including conveying and stacking
etc. complete as directed by Engineer in Cum 220.00
charge. Spec. No. :Rd. 15 Page No. 203
Prior a I of S. E.
22 Spreading gravel/ sand/ soft murum/
RD 28 hard murum etc. complet e as directed
Cum 30.00
by Engineer In charg e. Spec. No.:Rd. 28
29 30 & 31 P No. 205

- - --- - - -- -
---· , --
- - -
Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
1bour 1
--------------1--- ~- Cornole~
Spreading 40 mm. to 60 mm . metal - l -- Labour
including sectioning etc. comp lete as c . 1 35 .00
40 00
directed by Engineer in charge. Spec. I um
No. ; Rd. 298c.Rd.34 Pag e No. 205& 208
'-----r--7--- truction of granular sub ba se by
ing close graded t rap crushed metal
ia l mixing in mac hanical m ix
at OMC ,carriage of mixed m aterial
rk site,spreadlng in unifrom layers
motor grader on prepaired surface
ompacting with vibratory power roller
ive the desired density,complete as
I nt mix

Providing , laying Water Bound

250.00 Macadam including spreading In uniform
thickness, hand packing and compacting
stone aggregates of specific sizes , rolling 1
with three wheel 80-100 kN static roller in



Providing, laying Water Bound

Macadam includ ing spreading in uniform
thickness, hand packing and compacting
65.00 st~me aggregates of specific sizes , rolling 1
Wtl:h three wheel 80-100 kN static roller in
~tage~ to proper gr ade and cambe r,
applytng and brooming, crushable
screening lo fill-u p the in terstices of
c:.oarse c. ggregatc., watering and
compa(..ltng to the requtred density
_ a d ~~g
' 2 as per Techni ca l
~ec•fecation Clause 404
A By ManuaiMeans- - · - -- - - - -1--c-u- m -i--- 900.00
B)_!!y Mechcmical Means Cum 675.00 -+-~~~-I

SR.NO Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE ~--------~--------~
LabourComplete d
Providing, laying W ater Bo und
Macad am Including spreading in uniform
thickness, hand packing and compacting
stone agg regates of specific sizes , rolling
with three wheel 80-100 kN static roller in
stages to proper grade and camber,
applying and brooming, crus h abl e
sc r e ening to fill-up the interstices of
coarse aggregate, watering and
compacting to the required density
Grading 3 Technical

28 Provid i ng, laying Water Bound

Macadam Including spreading In uniform
thickness, hand packing and compacting
stone aggregates of specific sizes , rolling
with three wheel 80~100 kN static roller in
stages to proper grade and camber,
applying and brooming, stone
screening/binding materials to fill-up the
interstices of coarse aggregate, watering
and compacting to the required density
Grading 1 Technical

Providing, la y i ng W ate r Bound
M acadam including spreading in uniform
thickness, hand packing and compacting
stone aggregates of specifrc sizes , rolling
w ith three wheel 8 0 - 100 kN statrc roller in
stages to proper grade and ca mber,
applyi ng and broommg , stone
screening/bmding material·., to frll up the
int erstices of coarse ag greg ate, watering
and compacting to the required densrty
gradinq- 2 as per Tech n ica l
tion Claus e 404.

Rate for 2015-1 6 Proppsed
)OUr t---- - -
Co mpfefe d l ab our

Providing, laying Water Bound

Macadam including spreading in uniform
thickness, hand packing and compacting
stone agg regates of specific sizes , rolling
with three wheel 80-100 kN static roller In
stages to proper grade and camber,
applying and brooming, stone
screening/binding materials to fill-up t he
Interstices of coarse aggrega te, wateri ng
and compacting to t he required density
GradiJ!..9::~ per Technical I
cifi 04.

31 spreading and
MORT graded stone aggregates to
&H wet mix macadam specif ication
CJ.NO including premixing the material with
406 water to OMC in mechanical mix
carriage of mixed material by t1pper
Cum 1200.00 110.00
to site laying in uniform layers
With paver in sub - base/ base course
on a well prepared surface and
co·mpacting with vlbratary roller to
achieve the desired density Spec.
r------1-No.:M RT & H CI.NO 406
3.2 Provlding , laying , spreading and
compacting graded stone aggregate to
wet mix macadam specification including
p•·emixing the material with water at
OMC In mechanical mixer (Pug Mill) ,
carriage of mixed material by tipper to
site, laying in uniform layers in sub-
base/base course on a well prepared sub-
base and compacti ng with smooth wheel
roller of 80 to 1 OOkN weight to achieve the
desired density tncluding lighting,
barricad ing and m ai ntenance of diversion,
etc as per Tables 400 .10 & 400.11 and
r-::---'-"'"'"i;:.::c:.:::al Spedfication Cla use 406. j
~~l~e~a~d_ls~~'- 900~0-
0 -- 75.00

SR. NO Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
COD E Completed Labour
33 Picking the water bound macadam
RD 33 road surface including sectioning etc.
Sqm. 7.00 6.00
complete as directed by Engineer In
cha . No.:Rd. 33 Pa e No. 208
34 Compacting the sub grade 60 mm.
RD 35 oversize metal (200 mm. loose) I 40 mm.
size metal (100 mm. loose) layers
including compaction necessary, labour,
materials and artificial watering etc.
as directed by Engineer in
No.· 5 P No. 209

B) with Vibratory
35 Compacting the hard murum kankar
RO 38 in layers of th ickness upto 20 em. with
power roller including necessary, labour,
Sqm. 4.50 1.50
materials and artificial watering etc.
complete as directed by Engineer in
. S ec. No.:Rd. 38 Pa e No. 211
36 Supplying crusher broken - - - of trap/
R04 1A g ranite/ quartzite/ gneiss stone metal at
the road side including conveying and
stacking for use in bituminous road
surface work etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge. Spec. No.7 :Rd. 41
Pa No. 215

37 Breaking and Removing the existing

M O RTH bitumen pavement to full width and
depth and disposal of meterial to 2 km
o . 202.3 Page 45.
Cum l 450 00

~---.-- - ·- - -- - - - - -- --- - --,-
SR. NO Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
lbOUf & ITEM
CODE Compleled labour

Providing 50 mm. thick semi grout
RD oroB
bituminous road surface Including
supplying all materials, preparing the
existing road surface, laying the required
thickness of metal layer, heating and S
spraying bitumen, spreading chips, laying I qm. 2 00 ·00 30.00
seal coat and compacting com plete as
directed by Eng ineer in cha rge. Spec.
No.:Rd. 60 Page No. 232 (using Buick
As haft VG-30 rade ~
2.50 Providing and laying 75 mm. thick
2.50 compacted bituminous bound
macadam on the existing WBM
surface including picking the existing
WBM surface and thoroughly cleaning to
1.50 receive the bituminious bound macadam
by approved equipments as directed by
Engineer in charge, Immediately spreading
40 mm size hand broken metal at the rate
of 9 cum/ 100 sqm. by making panels
compacting it suitably t ill it forms t he
stable surface, spreading bitumen at the
ra te of 200 Kg/ 100 sqm. using sprayers
attached to the bouzer, sprading 12 mm
metal at the rate of 1 .80 cum/ 100 Sqm.
and final compaction wit h power roller etc.
comp~ete, finishing in accordance with the
requirement In close confi rmity with
195.00 grade, lines, cross section and t hickness
- 195.00
as per approved drawing etc. complete.
As directed by Engineer in charge ( By
usin Buick As halt VG-30 rade
a) For pot hole filling & profile
correction Cum 2400.00 530.00
b) 75 mm BBM on existing WBM
Surface. Sqm . 173.00 45.00

& ITEM Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
Completed Labour
40 Providing and laying 75 mm. thick
compacted bituminous macadam on
the existing B.T. s urface including
cleaning to su rf ace by using mechanical
broom or approved equipment, as directed
by Engineer in charge, providing and
applying tack coat at the rat e of 30 Kg/
100 Sqm. as per MORTH clause No. 503
and immediately spreading spreading 40
mm size hand broken metal at the rate of
9 cum/ 100 sqm. by making panels
compacting it suitably till it forms the
stable surface, sp reading bitumen at the
rate of 200 Kg/ 100 sqm. using sprayers·
attached to the bouzer, sprading 12 mm
m etal at the rate of 1.80 cum/ 100 Sqm.
and fi nal compaction with power roller etc.
complete, finishing in accordance with t he
requ irement in close confirmity with
grade, lines, cross section and th ickness
as per approved drawing etc. complete.
(Excluding diversion of road ) as directed
by Engineer in charge (By u sing Buick
VG -30
8c. profile

laying so mm. thick

compacted bituminous bound
macadam on the existing B.T. surface
including thoroughly cleaning to surface by
using m echanical broom o r a pproved
equipment, as directed by Engineer in
charge, providi ng and applying tack coa t
at the rat e of 30 Kg/ 100 Sqm . as pe r
41 MORTH cl ause No. 503 a nd i m m ed iately Sqm. 158.00 29.00
spreading 40 mm size hand broken m etal
at t he rate of 6 cum/ 100 sqm. by making
panels compacting it su itably t rll it forms
the stable surface, spreading bitumen at
t he rat e of 175 Kg/ 100 sqm. using
sprayers attached to the bouzer, spradi09
12 mm metal at the rate of 1.80 cum/ ioo
m . and final wer
r;;, NO -r-- -.-Ra\e tor 5-16 ProppsecJ
I &_!!EM
1 -" - - -


I coDE
il -----4-~~--~-------~~----~~~~~--~-~----t---
·- Co~pteted Labo ur I
roller etc. complet e and finishing in
accordance with t he requireme nt in close
confirmity with gra de, lines, cross section
and thickn ess as per approved drawing 1
etc. complet e . as d irect ed by Engin eer in 1
charge.(Excluding diversion and tack coa t 1
I ) ( By using Buick Asphalt VG -30 g rad e ).
Spec. No.:As directed by Engineer in
~2 Providing and laying 7Smm thick Modified
Penetrat ion Macadam for pot hole filling
/ cambe r correction /profile corr ection by
providin g a layer of compacted crushed
coa rse aggregate using chips spreader
with alter nate applications of bituminous
binder and key aggregates a nd rolling with 2408.00 600.00
a three wh eel 80-100 kN static ro ller to
achieve the desired degree o f compaction
as per Technical Speci fication Clause
506 .(IRC- SP- 20- 2002-Apen.d ix- 8.4

-13 Constructio n of Modified Penetration

Ma cadam over WBM surface by providing
00 a layer o f compacted cru shed coarse
JO aggregate using chips spreader with
alternate appl1cations of bituminous binder
and key aggregates and ro lling wi t h a
t hree wheel 80- 100 kN static roller to
achieve the desired degree of compaction
as per Technical Specification Clause

--;-;-- ( B=-L.:..
J---;:= 7-=5-=m
G:._-::::.3.::0L--+~L:.Cm~--=1...:..7~2.:.::·0:.::0_ + - 38.00
'.00 Construction of Modified Penetration
Macada m over B .T . surface by providing
and app lyi ng tack coat at t h e rat e of 30
Kg/ 100 Sqm . as per MORTH clause No.
· 503 and providing a layer of compact ed
crushed coarse aggregate using ch ips
spreader wit h 3lte rnate app lica tions of
bitun unous binder and kPy agg r egate s and
rolling wit h a three wheel 80- 100 kN static
roller to ach ieve the desired degree of
compaction as pe r Tech nical
SP-ecification Clause 5 06 .

- - -- - - - --.
SR. NO Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE Labour

45 Providing and
MORTH open graded premix bituminous
511 carpet including supplying all materials as
directed preparing and cleaning the base,
heating bitumen and chips in hot mix
plant, applying tack coat, 30 Kg./ 100
Sqm. 141.00 20.00
sqm. laying carpet layer and compacting
without seal coat on black top surface
with paver finisher (Hot Mix Hot Laid)
etc complete. as directed by Engineer in
charge. (using Bulk Asphalt VG-30 grade
No . MORTH. 2001 CI.No 511 No.192
46 Providing and Laying Open Graded
Premix Surfacing - 20 mm thickness
composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm
aggregates premixed with bituminous
binder transported to site with Vehicle
Tracking System (VTS) , laid over a
previously prepared surface, finished to
the required grade, level, alignment, and
Sqm. 150.00 12.00
rolling to achieve the desired compaction,
specified level and cross fall but including
prime I tack coat. For Bitumen VG-30
bulk--USING average 45 TPH drum mix
type hot mix plant with Supervisory
Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA),
Spec. No.: As per MORTH specification
Fifth Edition Clause No.SlO
47 Providing and Laying Open Graded
Premix Surfacing - 20 mm thickness
composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm
aggregates premixed with bituminous
binder transported to site with Vehicle
Tracking System (VTS) , laid over a
prev iously prepared surface, finished to
the required grade, level, al1gnment, and
Sqm. 155.00 13.00
rolling to achieve the desired compaction
but excluding prime I tack coat. For
B1tumen VG-30 bu l k--USING 80 TPH Batch
mix type hot m ix plant with Supervisory
Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Ordinary Pa ver, w ith Static roller Spec.
No.": · As per MORTH specification Fifth
Edition Clause No.SlO

SR. NO UNIT I Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE r---------r-----
Cornpfeled Labour
48 Providing 20 mm. thick premix
RD 63 bituminous carpet includin g spplying all
I materials, preparing and cleaning the
base, heating b1tumen, applyi ng tack coat,
at 50 Kg./ 100 sqm. rate mixing hot
bitumen and chips, laying carpet layer and Sqm. 137.00 24.00
compacting complete. over Existing Bla ck
Top surface etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge. Spec. No. Rd. 63
Page No.233 (By using Bulk Asphalt VG-
30 rade
49 Providing and laying single coat
surface dressing including spp lyin g all
materials, cleaning the road su rface,
heating and applying bitumen by self
propelled pressure sprayers at the rate of
18 Kg./ 10 sqm. to the water bound
macadam road surface, spreading chips Sqm. 103.00 1 9.00
at th e ra te of 0.15 cum./ 10 sqm. , by
using necessary tools, plant and
equipment and rolling et c. complete as
directed by Engineer ln charge. ( By usi ng
Bulk Asphalt VG-30 grade ). Spec.
No.:Rd.64 Pa e No. 233
.50 Providing and laying single coat
surface dressing Including spplylng all
materials, cleaning the road surface,
heating and applying bitumen by sel f
propelled pressure sprayers at the rate of
12. 5 Kg./ 10 sqm. to the black top road
surface, spreading chips at the rate of Sqm. 82.00 17.00
0.105 cum./ 10 sqm., by using necessary
tools and plant equipment and rolling etc.
complete as directed by Engineer in
charge. (By using Bulk Asphalt VG-30
grade ). Spec. No.:Rd .64 Page No.

Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
C ompleted Labour
Sl Providing and laying two coat
bituminous surface dressing, including
spplying all materials, cleaning the road 1
surface, heating and applying bitumen at 1
the rate of 29 Kg./ 10 sqm. to the road
surface, spreading chips at the rate of
13.20 mm. size, 0.15 cum. and 11.2 mm. 5qm. 150.00 24.00
size 0 .10 cum./ 10 sqm. and rolling etc.
complete (using bulk asphalt) as directed j
by Engineer in charge. (By using Bulk
Asphalt VG-30 grade ). Spec. No.
:Rd.65 Page No. 233 I
52 Providing and laying bituminous liquid
seal coat to black topped surface,
induding spplying all materials, preparing
existing road surface, heating and
applying bitumen, by self propelled/
Towed bitumen pressu re sprayer for
uniform spraying at speci fied temperature Sqm. 53.00 7.00
at 9.8 Kg./ 10 sqm. spreading chips a t
0.09 cum./ 10 sqm. and rolling etc.
complete as directed by Engineer In
charge. (By using Bulk ~pha lt VG-30
grade ) . Spec. No. :Rd. 66 Pag~_!«~··....:2=-3=3-l---+-------t------l
53 Providing and laying bituminous liquid
seal coat (Type A) to black topped
surface induding supplying all materials
,preparing existing road surface ,heating
and applying bitumen, by self propelled 1
towed bitumen pressure sprayer for
uniform spraying at specified temperature
at 9.8 kilogram per 10 squaremetre
,spreading chips at 0.09 cubicmetre 10 Sqm. 54.00 7.00
squaremetre and rolling
complete with Supervisory Control And
Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Vehicle r
Tracktng System (VTS) as directed by I

By Using Bulk Bitumen VG-30 grade )

Spec. No.: As per MORTH specification
Fifth Edition Clause No .5 11
En. gin eer incharge.( Usi ng Bulk asphalt ) ~

___ ,


- - - - -- - - -- - - - -
Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE r--------.----~
Comple1ed Lab our
54 Providin g and laying b ituminous
MORTH Premix seal coat to bla ck topped
2001 surfa ce , as per speci fication of MORTH
C L 51 3 2001 No.513 Type-S etc. comp lete l s
(using bulk asphalt) as directed by qm. 52.00 6.50
Engineer in charg e.(By using Bulk Asphalt

h- 5~
VG -30 grade ). Spec. No.:MORTH 2001
Cl.513 Ty e- B
seal coat to black topped surface, mix
- -in_o

transported to site with Veh icle Tracking

__ __i_x~----+---------4---~----~

System (VfS) (Type-B) etc. compl ete

I(using bulk asphalt VG- 30) as directed by 1
Engin eer in charge. USI NG dru m mix type Sqm . 53.00 6.00
hot m ix plant with Superv isory Control
And Dat a Acq ui sition (SCAOA) Ordinary
Paver, w ith Static roller, Spec. No .: As per
MORTH specificatio n Fifth Edition 20 13
Clause No.Sl l
56 labour for filling pot holes with
RD 77 grouting method/ premix material
(bitum en and chips), cleaning the road
surface with wl re brushes and gunny bags,
applying tack coat, spreading premix
material, applying bitumen including
heat ing and spreading metal, hand
ramming or light compaction with powe r Sqm. 60.00 55.00
roller, conveying material to the site o f
work (Including cost of fuel fo r heating
asphalt ) (excluding cost of asp halt and
metal) etc. complete as directed by
Egineer In charge. Spec. No.: A s
directed b En ineer in charg...=e=------l---lf------~---------1
57 Providing dry rubble stone pitch i ng
RD 73 incl uding all material hand packing etc.
complete - - - . thick includmg packi ng
with quarry spaffs and ha rd muru m etc.
complete as directed by Engineer inj
charge. Spec. No. : Rd. 73 Pa ge No. t-
24~6~-------- ----- - ------
23 em. ( about 9" ) _ _ _ Sqm .:_ _ 180 .00 43.00
A bove 2 3 em . _ Cu_!!! l 688::..:·.0..:..
.:.0 _-L---....:-
134.0_0 _

SR. NO Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE Completed Labo ur
58 Providing dry I trap I granite/ gneiss
RO 74 rubble stone masonry etc. comple te as
Cum 510.00 134.00
directed by Engineer in charge . Spec.
No.: Rd. 74 P e No. 247
59 Picking up loose metal including
RD82 stacking at the road side neatly etc.
2.50 2.50
complete. Spec. No.: As directed by Sqm.
ineer in cha e.
60 Brooming the water b ound macadam
RD 84 surface by wire Brushes, coir brushes,
dusting, cleaning etc. for receiving the
bituminous treatment complete as Sqm. 4.50 4.50
directed by Engineer in charge . Spec.
No.: As directed by Engineer in
61 Providing and laying Hot mix hot laid
bituminous macadam 50/75 mm thick
(avarage) with 3.00°/o bitumen by
weight of total mix for levelling to remove
irregularities induding diversion of traffic,
supply of all mateials, heating bitumen
and chips, m ixing bitumen and chips in hot
Cum 4420.00 570.00
mix plant, laying bituminous m acad am by
paver finisher including compacting with
power roller (excluding tack coat). etc.
complete as directed by Eng ineer in
charge. Spec. No. MORTH 2001 CI. No.
504 Page No. 160 (By using Bulk Asphalt
60 70 rade .
62 Providing and laying Hot mix hot laid
bituminous macadam 50 /75 mm.
(avarage) thickness with 3 .00°/o bitumen
by weight of total mix including diversion
of traffic, supply of I mateia fs, hea ting
bitumen and chips, mixing bitumen and
chips,ln batch type or continuous t ype or
drum mix type hot mix plant, laying Cum 4520.00
bituminous macadam by self propelled
paver finisher including compacting with
V i bratory Roller. (excluding tack coat).
etc. complete as directed by Engineer in
charge. Spec. No. MORTH 2001 CI. No.
504 Page No. 160 (By using Bulk Asphalt

'. '

--------~ -----·r----------------- -
Rate tor 201 f.: ·· 16 Proppsed
Completed l <Jb our
63 Providing and laying Hot mix hot Ia i d
bituminous maca dam 50/75 mm thi ck
(ava rage) with 3 .30°/o bitumen by I
weight of total mix for levelling to remove
irregularities incl uding divers1on of traf fie,
t supply of all mateials, heating bitum en
and chips, mixing bitumen and chips In hot
mix plant, laying bituminous macadam b Y I Cum 4820.00 570.00
paver finisher Including compacting w
power roller (excluding tack coat) . etc.
ith l

complete as directed by Engineer tn l

charge. Spec. No. MORTH 2001 CI. N o. I I
504 Page No. 160 (By using Bulk
As halt VG-30 rade .
64 Providing and laying Hot mix hot Ia i d
bituminous macadam 50 /75 m m.
(avarage) thickness with 3.300/o bitum en
by weight of total mix Including divers ion
of traffic, supply of I mateials, heating
bitumen and chips, mixing bitumen a nd
chips,in batch type or continuous type or
drum mix type hot mix plant, laying
I Cum 4920.00 575.00
bituminous macad am by self propel led
paver finisher including compacting w ith
Vibratory Roller. (excluding tack coa t).
etc. complete as directed by Engineer in
charge. Spec. No. MORTH 2001 CI.
No. 504 Page No. 160 (By using B ulk
As halt VG- 30 rade .
65 Provi ng and laying Bitumino us
macadam using crushed ag gregates of
specified g rading premixed w ith
bituminous binder, transported t o site w ith
Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) , laid o ver
a previously prepared surface, finished to
the required grade, level, alignment, a nd
rolling to achieve th e desired compact ion
Cum 5000.00 680.00
to achive required dendity for 50/75 m m
compacted thickn ess with 3.30 % VG ·30 I
Bilurnen. -- USING drum mix type hot mix j
with Supervisory Control And 0 ata
Acq utsition (SCADA), (excluding tack co at)
Spec. No.: Spec. No. : A<:t pe r MORT H
specification Fifth Edilion Clause No. 504
-----~a~n~d~ IR~C~-~SP- 9 7~-2~0~1~3~~------------

r--- - -,--------------------------- ------1----~------------------.
& ITEM Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE Completed Lab our &ITE
r-~~-t~--~------~--~~----~~~~---r----~--~----·~------------ COD
66 Provi ng and laying Bituminous
macadam using crushed aggregates of 69
specified grading prem ixed w ith
bituminous b inder, t ransported to site with 1
Vehicle Track ing System ( VTS) , laid over
a previously prepared surface 1 fin ished to
t he required grade, level, alignm ent, and
rolling to achie ve the desired com paction
to achive required dendity for 50/75 m m
compacted thickness with 3 .3 % VG -30 Cum 5900.00 700.00
Bitumen . -- USING 80 TPH Batch m ix type
hot mix p lant with Supervisory Control
And Data Acquisition (SCADA) , Sensor 70
Paver, I n telligent Com pactor wit h
compaction analyzer and V ~S a t
attachment. Spec. No. : Spec. No . : As per
MORTH sped fication Fifth Edit ion Clau se
No .504 and IRC-SP-97-2013
1----~-+~~~~~--~~~~~~--------~-+----~---------~-------- -
67 Providing and laying 75 mm. thick
MORTH built up spray grout includ ing supplying
all m at erials, including all lifts and leads,
preparing and cleaning the base, laying
t he required t hickness of m etal in two
lay er s, h ea ting and spreading, bitumen
sp reading chi ps, compacting both layers
Sqm . 197.00 29.00 71
w ith vibratory roller (excluding tack
coat ). e tc. com plete as directed by
Enginee r In charge. Spec. No. MORTH
2001 CI. No. 508 Page No. 179 (By
}---- : - -- 1 usi ng Su lk AsQhalt VG- 30 grad e) .
68 Providing, laying 75 mm thick built-
up- spray grout layer over prepared base
consist ing o f a two lay er composite
construct ion of compacted cru shed coarse
aggregat es using motor grader f or
a ggre gates. key stone chips sprea d e r
may be used w it h ap plication of
bitu m inou s b inder afte r each lay er, and Sqm. 296.00 87.00
with key agg regates p laced on top of l he
second layer to serve as a Base
conforming to the line , grades and cross·
section specified , t he com pa cted layer
with vibrato ry r oller t h ickness being 75
mm Spec. No.: As dire cted by Engine er
in charge. ,

-.-- ---- - - - --
SR~NO. - -
Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
69 Providing and laying hot m ix hot laid
semidense bituminous concrete 25
mm. thick bitumen 5.25 °/o by weight r
of total mix including supplying
materials, heating bitumen and chips in
batch type or continuous or drum type hot Sqm. 190.00 17.00
m ix plant, laying semi dense concrete with

self p ropelled paver finisher Including
compaction etc. com plete . (excluding
tack coat at 3 Kg./ 10 Sqm .) Spec. No.
MORTH 2001 CI. No. 508 Pag_e No . 157
70 Providing and laying hot mix hot laid
semidense bituminous concrete 25
mm. thick bitumen 5.25 °/o by weight
of total mix Including supplying all
materials, heating bitumen and chips in
batch type or continuous or drum type hot
Sqm. 205.00 19.00
mix plant, laying semi dense concrete with 1

self propelled paver fmisher including

compaction etc. complete. (Including
tack coat at 3 Kg./ 10 Sqm. ) Spec.
No. MORTH 2001 CI. No. 508 Page No.
71 ---------------r----;------- ~r--------4
Providing and applying primer coat with
bitumen emulsion (SS-1) on prepared
surface of granular base including
cleaning of road surface and spraying Sqm 57.00 2.70
primer at the rate of 0.70 tol.O kg/sqm
using mechanical means as per Technical
S]!ecification Clause 502
- - - - ' -=--
72 Providing and applying tack coat with
Bitumen emulsion (RS- 1) using
emulsion distributor at the rate of 0.25 to
0.30 kg per sqm on the prepared dry and Sqm 12.00 1.00
hungry bituminous surface cleaned with
Hydraulic broom as per Technical
i,l- ---J-~ecification Clause 503 .
13 Providing and app lyin'g tack coat on
existing b la ck top surface by se lf
pro pelled or towed bit umen pressure
sp ray~~r for untform spraying a t ~pecified
tem pera ture at the spectfied rale of 3 Sqm. 15.00 2.00
Kg./ 10 sqm . etc. complete a s directed by
Engineer in charge . (By using Bul k
Asphalt VG- 30 grade). Spec. No. M ORTH
2001 CI. No. 503 Pa_ge No. 157

Comple ted Lob our
74 Providing and laying tack coat on
existing water bound macadam
surface by self propelled or towed
bitumen pressure sprayer for uniform
spray ing at specified temperature at the
Sqm. 20.00 2.00
rate of 4 Kg./ 10 sqm . etc. complete as
directed by Engineer in charge. (By using
Bulk Asphalt VG-40 grade).Spec. No.
MORTH 2001 CI. No. 503 Page No.
75 Providing and laying Hot mix hot laid
bituminous macadam 50 I 75 mm.
average thickness with 3.30 Ofo
bitumen by weight of tota l mix for
levelling course including diversion of
traffic, supply of materials, heating
bitumen and chips, mixing bi tumen and
chips in drum mix type hot mix plant,
laying bituminous macadam by self
Cum 5300.00 310.00
propelled paver finisher with
hydrostatic controls and automatic
sensor device including compacting
with vibratory roller (excluding tack
coat at 3 Kg ./ 10 sqm.) etc. complete as
directed by Engineer in charge. (By u sing
Bulk Asphalt VG-30 grade) . Spec. No.
MORTH 2001 CI. No. 504 Page No.
16 0
1- -- - - -4
76 ~~----------------------------~----i----------~--------1
Prov ing and laying Dense bituminous
macadam using cru shed aggregates of
speci fied gradi ng premixed with
bituminous binder VG- 30 Bitumen @
4.00 to 4.50 percent by weight of tota l
mix and filler, transported to site with
Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) , laid over
a previously prepared su rface, finished to
the required grade, level, alignment, and Cum 6700.00 300.00
rolling to achieve the desired compact1on
to achive requ1red dendity -- USING
average 45 TPH drum mix type hot mix
plant With Superv1sory Control And Da ta
Acquisition (SCADA), (excluding tack coat)
with Ston e Dust filler. Spec. No.: As per
MORTH specification Fifth Edition Clause
No.507 and IRC-SP-97-20 13

,-- --
Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE 1----------r-------~
Comp leted La b our
Proving and laying Dense bituminou s
m a cadam using crushed aggregates of
specified grading premixed with
bituminous binder VG - 30
Bit umen.@4 .00 t o 4 .50 percent by
weight of total mix and filler, t ransported
to site with Vehicle Tracki ng System (VTS)
, laid o ver a p revious ly prepared surface,
finished to the required grade, level,
alignment, and rolling to achieve t he
Cum 8000.00 750.00
desired com paction to achive required
dend ity -- USI NG 80 TPH Batch m ix type
hot m i x plant with Supervisory Control
And Data Acquisition (SCADA), Sensor
Paver, Intell igent Compactor wi th
com paction analyzer and V-Sat
attachment with Stone Dust fi ller. Spec .
No .: As per MORTH specification Fifth
Edition Clause No.S07 and lRC-SP-97-
78 Providing and laying Hot mix hot laid
dense bituminous macadam 50 1 75
mm. thick average with 4.5 °/o
bitumen by weight of total m ix for
overlay course for levelling course to
remove irregula rities, inclu ding diversion
of traffic, su pply of m aterials, heatin g
b itum en and chips, m ixing bitumen and
ch ips In drum mix type hot mix plant,
laying bituminous m acadam by self cum 6590.00 262.00
propelled paver finis h er with
hydrostatic controls and automatic
sensor device including compacting
with vibrato ry rolle r (excluding tack
coat at 3 Kg ./ 10 sqm.) etc. com plete as
directed by Engin eer in charge . Sp e c.
No. MORTH 2001 CI. No. 5 04 Page N o.
160 (By us ing Bulk Asphalt VG - 30
------~grade)_ . ___ _ _________
Rate for 2015-1 6 Proppsed
Compleled labour
··- - ---+- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- -l-- ---r--- -- --l--- - --1
79 Providing and laying 25mm thck
mastic asphalt wearing course
including Supplying all materi als with all
leads ,with 30/40 grade bitumen meeting
the req ui re ment of table 50.29 of MORT &
H specifica tion including cleaning the road
surface by mechanica l broom as
compound air laying the mastic asphalt
layer or required pro file C<l mbe r includin g
providing antiskid surface with bitumen
precised fine grai ned hard stone chippin g
of 13. 20m m nominal size at the r ate of
Sqm. 1200.00 72.00
0.005 cum per 10 sqm.and at an
approximate spacing of 10cm C/C in both
directions and prerssed into surface when
the temperature of surface is not less than
100 degree centigrate , protrud ing lmm
to 4mm as directed by Engineer
incharge.(Excludi ng lead Charges for
bituminous & Metal )over m astic su rface
etc.complete including t ransporting
necessary mach inery form Mumba i to site
of Work. Spec. No.: As d i rected by
Engineer in charge.
80 Providing and laying .Bituminous
concrete using crushed agg regates of
sped fied grading premi xed wi th
bituminous binder VG- 30 Bitumen @
5.00 per cent by weigh t of tota l mix and
filler, transported to site with Vehicle
Tra cki ng Syste m (VTS) , laid over a
previously pr epared surface, finished to
the required grade, level, alignment, and
rolling to achi eve the desired compactio n Cu m 7900.00 450.00
I ~ .•
to achive req uired dend ity, Excludmg p ri me
I tack coa t. For Bitumen VG- 30 bulk · - 1- •
average USING 45 TPH dru m m ix type hot "::

mi x plant with Supervi sory Contro l f-nd

1 Data Acq uisition (SCADA} , (excl uding tack
coa t) with Stone Dust filler. Spec. No.: I•
•· I-:
Spec. No.: As per MORTH speci ficati on
Fifth Edit ion Clause No. 507 and IRC-SP-
97- 2013

---- --~---------------------------------~----~----- -----------~
& ITEM Rate for 2015-16 Proppscd
CODE 1----------~-------
Cornpleled labour
81 Providing and laying Bitumino u s
concrete using crushed aggreg ates of
specified grading premixed wit h
bituminous binder VG - 30 Bitumen @
5.00 percent by w eight of total mix and
filler, transported to site with Vehicle
Tracking System (VTS) , laid over a
previously prepared surface, finished to
the requ ired grade, level, alignment, and
rolling to achieve the desired compaction , Cum
t o achive required dendity Exclud ing prime 9100.00 800. 00
I tack coat. - USING 8 0 TPH Batch mix
type hot mix plant with Su pervisory
Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA),
Sensor Paver, Intelligent Compactor with
compaction analyzer a nd V-Sat
attachment with Stone Dust filler Spec .
No. : Spec. No.: As per MORTH
specification Fifth Edition Cla use No.507j
~-----L-a=n~d~IR~C~-SP- 97-201~3~---- -----L--------~-----
~RQ./\1) S:A:f'.ETy ITX:M..S
82 Providing and fixing R.C.C. 1:2:4
- - - -- -
RD 78 boundary stones as per type design
including painting, numbering, fixing in No. 600.00 110.00
standard size C. C. 1:4 :8 block complete.
S ec. No. :Rd.69 Pa e No. 243
83 Providing and fixing 200 m. stone as per
RD I RC design including painting, numbering,
78A fi xing In standard size C.C. 1:4:8 block No. 600.00 110.00
comp lete. Spec. No.:Rd.69 Page No. 243
84 Providing and R.C.C . 5th Kilometre
RD stones on N.H., S.H ., and M.D.R. et c.
79A includmg painting, numbering, etc.
comp lete as per IRC design for highway
No. 2400.00 270.00
5t h Kilometre stones and fixing in
standa r d size C.C. 1 :4:8 b lock
etc.complete. Spec. No.:Rd.69 Page
No. 243
85 Prov iding R.C.C . 1:2:4 ordinary Km.

J RD 80 ston es inc:l udlng painting, num bering, etc.

complete for N.H . and S.H. and M.D.R. as
per IRC design for hig hway Kilometre
stones and fixmg in st and ard size C.C.
No. 2200.00 250.00

1:4: 8 block etc.comp lete . Spec.

No.:Rd.69 Pa e No. 243

J 51
r ------r-----------------------------------~-----~------------------~
SR. NO Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE Completed Labour
86 Providing and fixing inform at o ry s ign
RSC-3 board in square or rectangular s h a pe o f
any s ize m a de out of 16 gauge (1.6
mm) thick mild steel sheet painted with
one coat of zinc chromate stoving primer
and two coats green stove enamel paint on
front side and grey stove enamel on back
side and border 1 m assages I symbols etc
with cutout of white retroreflective sheeting
of engineering grade, including M.S.angle
frame of size 35 mm x 35 mm x 3 mm and
two angle iron post of size 65 mm x 65 mm Sqm 6800.00 1250.00
x 6 mm, 3.65 m long properly cross braced
with angle iron of size SO mm x 50 mm x 5
mm d uly painted with one coat of epoxy
pr imer and two coats epoxy finish paint,
having alternative black and w hite bands of
25 em width Including G.Lfixtures etc and
fixing the board in 1:4: 8 conuete block of
size 60 em x 60 em x 75 em Including
transportation etc complete. Spec. No.IRC -
67 1977 8r. MOST Circ ular no RW/ NH -
33023/31 / 88 D.O. III Dt.2/11- 5 - 94
87 Providing and fixing Cautionary 1 Warning
RSB-1 sing board having shape of a n
equilateral triangle of 90 em . sides 11{
m a de out of 14 gauge (2 mm. ) thick
alum inium sheet bonded with white retro
reflective sheeting of engineering grade
having pressure sensitive/ heat activated
adhesive fetror ef tective or screen printed
transparent red coloured border, black
coloured cutout symbols of non reflective
sheeting having pressure sensitive adhesive
or screen printed symQols in black opaque No. 4250.00 8 50.00
colour including one M.S. ang le iron post of
size 65 mm. X 65 mm. X 6 mm, 3.65 m.
long painted With one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of epoxy finish pa int, having
black and white bands of 25 em width
including G.l. fixtures etc. and fixing the
board in 1: 4:8 concrete block of size 60 em.
X 60 em . X 75 em. Including transportation
etc. complete. Spec . No.:IRC-67 1977 &
MOST Circular No. RW /NH -33023 / 31/
88 0.0.111 Dated 2 1 11·5-94. - - ·---- ·---------.L-______ ___

Rate for 201-5-16 Proppsed
CODE ---- -
Comp1cted Lo b our
88 Providing and fixing Cautionary I
RSC- 1 W a rning sing board having shape of
an equilateral triangle of 90 em. sides
m a de out of 16 gauge (1 .6 mm.) t hick
galva nised iron sheet pain ted wrth one
coat of zinc chromat stoving prime and
two coats of white stov e enamel pai nt and
red border on front side a nd gray stove
enamel o n back side, symbols with cutout
of red retroreflective sheeting of
engineering grade, Including o ne M.S . I No. 2280.00 425.00
angle post of size 6 5 mm . X 65 mm. X 6
mm, 3 .65 rn.long dully painted wi th
synthetic enamel pai nt alt ernate black and
white bands of 25 em of width including
G .l. fi xtures etc . and fixing t he board in
1 :4:8 co ncrete block of si ze 6 0 em. X 60
em . X 75 em. including transportation et c.
Spec. No.:IRC- 67 1977 & MOST
Circular No. RW/NH - 33023 I 31/ 88
D .O.III Dated 2 /11-5-94.
89 Providi ng and fixing Cautionary I
RSC- 1 Warning s ing board having shape of
an equilateral triangle of 60 em. sides
made out of 16 gauge (1.6 mm.) thick
g alva nised iron s heet painted w ith one
coat of zinc chrom ate stoving prim e and
two coa t s of white stove enamel paint and
red bord e r o n front Side an d gra y st ove
ename l on back sid e, symbols w rth cutout
of red ret ro reflective sheetrng of
engineering g rade, Including one M.S.
No. 2080.00 320.00
angle post of size 65 mm. X 65 mm. X 6
mm, 3 .65 m. long dully painted w ith
synthetic enamel paint alternate black and
I wh ite bands of 25 em of width includ ing
G.I. f1xtures etc. and fix ing th e board in
1: 4: 8 co ncrete block of size 60 em . X 60
em . X 7 5 em . rn cluding t r ansportatron et c .
compl ele.
Spec . No.:IRC - 67 1977 & MOST
Circular No. RW/NH -33 0 2 3 I 31/ 88
D.O.IU Dated 2 11- 5 -94 .

RSB -2

No. 4100.00 800.00

Sqm. 2 100.00 375.00

& ITEM DESCR IPTI ON OF ITEM Rate for 2015-1 6 Proppsed
CODE ~--------,--------~
Completed Labour
92 Provid ing and fi xing Mandatory 1
RSC- 2 Regulatory Sign Board of 40 em.
diamete r mad e out of 16 gauge (1.6
mm.) thick glavanised iron sheets
pa inted with one coat of zinc ch romate
staving pri me r and two coats of white
stove enamel paint and red border on
front sid e and gray stove enamel on back
srde, symbols with cutout of red
retroreflect ive sh eeting of engineering
grade, including one M.S. angle iron post Sqm. 1850.00 350.00
of size 65 mm. X 6 5 mm. X 6 mm, 3.65
m. long du ly painted with synt hetic
enamel pa int altern ate black and white
bands of 25 em of width including G.I.
fixtures etc. and fixin g the boards in 1:4:8
concrete block of size 60 em. X 60 em . X
75 em . including transportation etc.
complete. Spec. No.:IRC-67 1977 &
MOST Circular No. RWINH -33023 I
31/ 88 D.O.III Dated 2 1 11-5 ~ 94.
93 Painting letters upto 20 em . height
RD 83 rncluding cost of b rushes, coir brushes,
dusti ng, cleaning etc. complete. Spec. No. 12.00 4.00
No.: As directed by Engineer in
char e.
94 Painting and numbering trees with
RD 85 white back ground and black lettering
complete (23 X 23 em). Spec. No.: As
No. 18.00 4.o·o
directed b En ineer in charge
95 Painting with approved enamel paint
RD in two coat includ i ng clea ning surface
93A and letteri ng for cautionary/ ma ndatory No. 170.00 50.00
)0 sign boards complete. Spec. No.: As
directed b ~ Engineer in charge
96 Pa inting 5th t<m stone with approved
RD en a mel paint in two coa ts and lettering
930 including cleaning, surface etc . complete. No. 225.00 50.00
Spec. No.: As directed by Enginee r in
char e
97 Painting ordinary Km . stone with
RD approved enamel paint in two coats and
93E lettering rncl udlng cleaning, su rface etc. No. 170.00 50.00
com p lete. Spec. No.: As directed by
En ineer in cha r e

SR. NO Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE Compte ted Labour
98 Painting two hundred metre stone
RD 93F with approved enamel paint in two
coats and lettering mcluding cleaning, No. 60.00 21.00
surface etc. complete . Spec. No.: As
directed b En ineer in char e
99 Painting Boundary stone with
RO approved enamel paint in two coats and
93G lettering Including cleaning, surface etc. No. 10.00 4.00
complete. Spec. No.: As directed by
En ineer in char e
100 Providing white and colour washing to
RD 94 road side trees in two coats in two bands
of white and one red band at centre of 30
em. height, each including preparing the No. 25.00 10.00
surface, cost of material, conveying etc.
complete. Spec. No.: As directed by
Engineer in charge
101 Providing RCC circular indicator guard
MOST stone to serve as road side delinator
etc. w ith 15 em. diameter of 1:11/2 :3
proportion RCC wi~h 75 em. height above
G.L. and embedded 30 em. in ground in
cement concrete 1:3: 6 proportion with
block of size 45 em. X 45 em. X 30 em.
curing, compacting etc. including red/ No. 560.00 85.00
white retro reflective tape/ paint of 10 em.
width around the R.C.C.stone and painting
remaining portion with alternative black
and white of approved oil paint of width 15
em. etc. complete as approved and
directed by Engineer in charge. Spec.
No.: As directed b En ineer in char e
102 Providing and painting white/ black/
MOST yellow i·n alternative bands as per
MORTH - 2001 with approved oil paint,
Sqm. 55.00 16.00
la bour, m ateria l, tran sportation etc.
com plete . Spec. No. : As directed by
-------~~E~n~i"~ e~
erincharge ____ ________
}03 Providing and laying 100 mm thick cast
in situ cement concrete M 10 w1 lh t rap
m eta l of C.C.pavement bedding
including necessary co m pacting and curing Cum
2810.00 610.00
etc complete as directed by engineer in
charge (Base levelling course cast in situ
concrete) Spec. No.: As directed by
En ineer in char e.

&ITEM DESCRI PTION OF ITEM Rate for 2015-16 ?roppsed
CODE 1-- - - - . - -
Comple le d La bour
~-0- o- id7.i~n-g__a_n_d~la-y~i~n-g~in--s~i7
v~ tu__c_o_n~t~r-o~le~d~----+---~~~~~~~~~
cement concrate of - - - Grade of trap
metal for ce ment concrete pavement
includi ng necessa ry j oints,with bitumen
pad and bitumen,dowel bars and tie bars
as pe r design and including m ixing in a
m ixer compaction by vibrati ng,steel
formwork finish ing,cu ring etc complete
and including covering of newly laid
concrete by gunny bags, plastic
sheets,tarpul in etc as directed by Engineer
in charge (Excluding cost of
reinforcement) for Light Traffic. Spec.
No.: As directed by Engineer in
M- 20 Cum 5200.00 900.00
M- 30 Cum 5530.00 950.00
105 Providing traffic lane, line strips 10 em
in width with approved road making in
two coats as per detailed specification with
ordinary road marking paint etc Rgm 12.00 2.00
Comp lete.( rate is for actual p9i'nted
length.) Spec No. MORTH 2001 Clause
no .803.3 Pa e 320.
106 Pro vidin g & applying thermoplastic
reflective paint of approved colour or
compound for tra ffi c Iaine strips of 3 mm
thick of pigments 10% ,on clean,dry and
good road surface w ith 30 t o 40 perce nt
glass beads,20 percent binder and 40
percent of filler meterial etc.complete.(
No te rate is fo r actual painted length.)
Spec No. MORTH 2001 Clause no
. 803.4 Pa e 321.
A 10 em width R m 58.00 3.00
th~------------------~R~~m~1 --~
0 --~___3_._o o_ _ _
107 Providing and parnting of pedestrian
crossing on the carriage w ay w ith
approved road m arkin g pam! rn t wo coa b Sqm. 67.00 3.50
Spec No. MORTH 2001 Cl ause no 1
.803 . 1 Pa e 320. _ . J _ __ _ j_ _____ L_ _ __ _J

SR. NO Rate for 20 15-16 Proppsed
&ITEM DESCRIPTION O F ITEM UNIT 1-- - - -.--- - - -
CODE Comp!e ted
\ La b o ur
I toa Provid ing and laying a Woven

I Polypropyle ne Geo t e xtile of Techfab

India & alike I ndigenously manu factured
from Black UV stabilized polypropylene
tape ya m on the prepared su bgrade as a
separator cum reinforcement w ith
necessary overlaps as per draw ing . ( As
Per IRC SP - 59 - 2002
TFI-5300- ~T~p~e_-_I~--------------~~~--~1~ 20~·~
TFI - 5200 - Type - II 110.00 0.00
TFI- 5100- Type - III Sqm. 98.00 0.00
109 Provid ing and laying Tech fab I ndia Or
Alike CE Mark ed knitted and PVC coated
Polyster Biaxial Geogridtechgrid for
basel einforcem ent indegeniously
manufactured f rom selected high tenacity
polyster yam w ith high molecular weight
(> 250 00 g / mol ) and low carboxyat end
grou p ( < 3 0 m m ol /Kg ) ( extruded PP
geogrids and polyster strips and geostrips
, Steel stri ps not allowed and not accepted
) requ irement o f geogrid strengeth in both
d irectuon and granular fill. ( Coating of
geogrid I reinforcing geosynth etic m ateria l
wit h LOPE Latex Bitumen and any other
coa ting will not be allowed and w ill not be
accepted ) for soli reinforced appl ication
for stab ilization . Spec. No. : A s directed
b En ineer in c har e.
TFI - TechGrid TGB - 40 S m. 170.00 0.00
TFI - TechGrid TGB - 60 21 5.00 0.00

Rate for20 15- 16 P roppsed
CODE ~-------.---------
C omple ted La b our
- 110 Providing and laying TFI - TechGrid TGB
- 40 of CE Marked knitted and PVC
coated Polyster Uniaxial Geogrid
techgrid indegeniously ma nufactured
from selected hi gh t enacity po lyster yam
with hig h molecular weig ht ( > 25000 g
/mol) and low carboxyal end group ( < 30
mm of /Kg ) ( extr uded PP geogrids and
polyster strips and geostrips , S teel strips
not all owed an d not accept ed ) with I
granulla r fill as per designe prepared by
technical provider of r einforced ea rth wa ll
and slope . The reinforced ea rth wall and
slopes should have 100 % Coverage of 5
m. width knitted and PVC Coated Polyster
geogrid ( Cuttin g of geog rid I reinforcing
geosynthetic material with LOPE , Latex
,Bitumen and any oth er costing will not be
allowed and wi ll not be accepted ) for
reinforced soil wall and reinforced slope
application. Spec. No. : As directed by
En ineer in char e.
TFI - TechGrid TGU - 40 . _.-+-__1_1_
2 .9 m 6._o_o_ +-_ _o_.o_o_ -;
TFI- TechGrid TGU- 60 Sqm. 132.00 0.00
111 Prov iding and laying Techfab I ndia or alike
reinforced Non Woven composite
indigeniously manufa ctured needle
punched polypropylene ( continious
filament will not be accepted )
reinforced with high tenasity polyster yam
on the prepared sub grade for Seperat or
cum filtration cum reinforcement application
with necessary overlaps as per drawing. ( As
Per IRC - SP - 59 - 2002 ) for subgrade
stablization & guter applicat.ron . Spec. No.:
As directed b En ineer in cha 1· e.
A) TFI - TGE - 60 Sqm. 180.00 0 .00
B) TFI- TGE- 90 Sm. 230.00 0.00
1t2 Providing and I nserting TFI - TECH Drain
- - - - - - 1---
100 mm X 4 mm indrSJ enously
rna nufacLu red prefabr icated vertrcal drarn
with polypropyle ne core and wrapped with
non - woven geotextlie in the very soft ely
for qu rck consolidation. Spec. No . : As
directed b En ineer in charg e.

SR. NO Rate for 2015-1 6 Proppsed
-- -
CODE Comple1ed Labour
TFI- Tech Drain TD - 352 of 100 mm
Sqm. 62.00 0.00
TFI - T ech Drain TO - 502 o f 100 mm X Smm Sqm. 80.00 0.00
113 Pro vid ing and Layi ng TFI - copper and
p o lypropylene rope gabions of techfab
I nd ia or alike rope of 9 m m dia aperature
100 mm X 10 0mm m anufactured from
h ig h strength rope for slope protectio n and
e r osio n control for river bank and sea
shore protect ion as per MORTH sec tion -
700 ( Excluding rubble )
1M X 1M X 1M Nos 1435.00 0.00
1M X 1M X 2M Nos 2575.00 0.00 -
1M X 1M X 3M Nos 3800.00 -
1 14 Providing and fi xing Techfab or alike
metal Gabions of required section
including Boxes mad e of mechanically
w oven hexagonal shaped wire m esh of
type 1 10 X 12 Cm as per EL 10223 I

edges m echnically se lvedged made of

heavily ( Zinc + PVC ) coated G.I. wires
as per BS 44 3 mesh wire 2.70 mm
d ia .edg e wire 34 0 mm dia .of Techfab type
and fiHed with 20 to SO kg.weight t rap
stones includi ng conveying wit h all leads
and lifts and placing at required places in
required line,level,slope,section as
directed etc. complete u nder tid al
condit ions for slope protect ion and erosion
contr ol for river bank & sea shore
proteCtiOn as p er MORTH S ection - 700 ( EICciUdlng
r ubb le)
a ) 1M X 1M X 1M No. 1635.00 0.00
b) 1M X 1M X 2M No. 2930.00 0.00
c ) 1M X 1M X 3M No. 4240.00 0.00
11 5 Providing and layi ng a fibreglass geogrid
of Techfab I nd ia or al ike m an ufactu red
from h igh Qua lity glass fibre strands and
coated w ith a polimer mod ified bitu m en as
reinfor cement t o asphalt ove rlay flex ible
pavements and asphalt over dtstressed
___ill'd PCC pavements ( As Per IRC - SP -
9- 2002 and MORTH Section- 700 )
) Tech glass- 50 Sgm . 123.00 0.00
) Tech g lass- 100 s_gm. 205.00 0.00
Rate for 201 5-1 6 Proppsed
>O Ur

ii CODE 1-----~

Comple led La bour

116 Providing and laying TFI - CE marked
I knitted and PVC Coated polyster
Uniaxial geogrid - Tec hgrid
mdegenously manufactured from sel ected
hig h tenac1 ty pol y ster yarn with high
mo lecula r weight ( > 25 000 g /mol ) and
low carboxy l end group ( < 30 mm ol /Kg
) for reinforced soil wall ( extruded PP
geog rids and polyster stri ps and geostrlps
,steel strips not allowed and not accepted
).00 wit h granular fill of PHI 32 degree ( design
:J .OO Is to be carried out in accordance with BS
-8 006 I FHWA ) with concrete block (M -
35) asfacia casting & erection of blocks
wi th Techg rid prov iding and laying of
levelling pad of M-35 providing and laying
coping beam (M -35) providing and laying
300 mm thick filtemed ia etc. Completed as
per the necessa ry d rawing and instruction

l of engineer incharge . Excluding provid tng

layi ng and compacting selected backfill
and retained fill behind t he wall ,
I excavatio n and ground im provement if any

I the reinforced earth wall and slope should

have 100% Coverage of Sm. width kni ted
and PVC Coated polyster Geogrid . (
Cutting of Geograde I Reinforcing
geosynthetic material with LDPE , latex,
Bitumen and any other coating will not
be allowed and will not be accepted
Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in
Al RE Wall height 1 to 4 meter 3450.00 0.00
Bl RE Wall height 4 to 6 m eter Per 3760.00 0.00
I-=C ) ~R~E~
W~a~l~l~h~e~ig~h~t~6~t=o~S~m~e~t~e~r------~ S~7t ~~3~95~0~.0~0~4---~0.~0~
0 ___
D) RE Wall height 8 to 10 meter wall 4630.00 0.00
f .:..:
m..:....e~t::...:e~r----l facia ,__-=-5~5o~o...:.·..:...oo;:;..._4 _ __-=.o.:. .:.o.o_
:::. --i
F) RE Wall he ight 12 to 14 meter 6020.00 0.00
SR. NO Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE C ompleted Labour
117 Providing and laying ready mix concrete
for pavement or else ----- grade of trap
metal includ ing mixing in ready m ix plant
of approved make including transportation
of concrete mix for wearing course or as
directed ,including transportation
concrete mix ,including plywood I Steel 1
from work ,Steel centering and
compaction by vibratmg using ,plate
,needle and screed vibrator as required
grooming the concrete surface to get
serration levelling to surface as directed
and curing etc. complete. Including use of
plastisizer and retrader as directed by
,engineer incharge, ( Excluding cost of
reinforcement ) newly laid concrete shall
be covered by gunny bag, plastic tarpolin
etc .. { Wooden centering I Farm work will
not be allowed ) as specification given and
directed by engineer in charge. Item
Include cement VATA in em 1:8 at 0.60m
X 0 .60m center to center admeasuring
80mm at bottam and 40 mm at top and
depth 75 mm and maintaining the same
through out 28 days curing period &
removing the same thereafter by using
light tool without damaging pavement with
pumping placing etc.complete. ( Including
transportation of concrete mix by transit
mixer from plant to work site up to
20Km.and including intail lead for coarse
ag gregate is 10 Km and Sand 100 Km. up
to Plant site .) Spec. No.: As directed by
En inee r in cha r e.
A) M- 25 gra d e. Com 5400.00 800.00
B ) M - 30 grade.
c M - 35_ grad e .
Cum ·
D) M - 4 0 grade.
__:::___~-- - - 5810.00 800.00

-- - -~ UNIT } ;ate for 2015-16 Proppsed
Completed Labour
- -- - - - ------ - --
C1J - CROSS V1U1.I:N.7tJj1: 'WORXS / 13R- 'B'IU'D(j'E )VQ1LXS
1 Providing and laying in situ cement
CD 3A con c r ete ( M - 10) with trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal in foundation 1
including necessary compacting and curing Cum I 2900.00
including formwork for work If required l 7oo.oo I
etc. complete as directed by Eng ineer In 1
1------+-c_h_a_rg<....;;e:;....._~J~~c. No. : CD.3 Page No . 160
2 Providing and laying in situ ce ment
CD 38 co n c rete 1 :4 :8 proportion w ith trap/ I
granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal in
foundation including necessary Cum
2500.00 600.00
compacting and curing including formwork
if required etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge.( 3.40 Bags/Cum).
Spec. No. : CD.3 Pag e No. 160 _
3 Providing unco ursed rubble trap/
CD 6 granite/ quartzite/ gneiss stone m aso nry
in cem ent mortar 1:5 f or p iers,
abutm e nts, w i ngs, returns, h eadwa ll s,
p a r a pet etc. including stri king joints of
the non exposed faces and pointing the Cum 2100.00 750.00
exposed faces with cement mortar ( 1:3)
including scaffolding and curing masonry
complete (including bailing out of water)
as directed by Engineer In charge. Spec.
No. : CD.6 Page No. 162 ·- - - - t - - -- - - l - -- - - -1
4 Providing and laying cement concrete
for ca u seway headwalls, parap et
including formwork, compacting, curing
and finishi ng with C.M. 1:3 If required etc.
complete as directed by Engineer In
charge. Sp ec. No.: As directed by
Engineer in c harge
a ) Ce m e n t concrete M -10 Cum 2950.00 750.00
I h \ Cement concrete M -15 Cum 3400.00 800.00
~---- -- 1~ ~- ---~~~-------~
5 Laying in positio n, jointing in line, level as
directed reinforced cement concrete

i __ _
pipes of class and diameter (Excluding

cost of p ipe). Sp ec. No.: As directed by
..!!!9.!."~ in cha rge. _ _ ~ --
l-NP-2 P~e _ __ _ _ _ - r - -- ----1
3 oo m m g~m
3.:;.. 00
oo ~-L..-3
_o_o_ _ _.
SR. NO Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE -- .,- - - -
C omp le ted La bour
450mm Rgm 325.00 325.00
600mm Rgm 375.00 375.00
800m m Rgm 435.00 435.00
900 mm Rm -520.00 520.00
lOOOmm Rgm 610.00 610.00
1200mm Rm 670.00 670.00
NP-3 Pipe
800m m Rgm 560.00 560.00
900mm Rgm 610.00 610.00

_ __m__________________________-+_R~m
_ o_m
_ _l_O_.o_o__~___7_1_0_.o_o__~
___ 7
1 1
1200mm Rgm 810.00 810.00
6 Providing selected hard murum filling
CD Including laying in layers of 15 em. to 20
14A em. thick layers including watering and
Cum 250.00 60.00
conpacting etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge. Spec. No.: C0.14
Pa e No. 167
7 Provid ing and laying in situ cement
CD concrete of M - 10 proportion of trap/
granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for
Cum 3000.00 400.00
cradle including necessary formwork,
compacti ng and curing etc. complete as
directed b En ineer in char e.
8 Providing and fixing 1:2 marble plate 30
CD 19 em X 20 em. in cement mortar 1:2
proportion including painting the Number
of cross drainag e work and the direction of
Sqm. 5000.00 700.00
flow by arrow including cutting border line,
figures, letters, signs and painting etc.
complete as directed by Engineer in
char e. S ec. No._f:D.19 Page No. 169
9 Providing and fixing stream lined
CD 27 reinforced cement concrete 1:2:4
guard stone Including mild steel bar No. 500.00 80.00
reinforcem ent complete as per drawing .
_ _ _ .§?.ec. No. CD. 20 Pag e No. 169
10 Providing and fixing rei nforced cement
concrete M - 15 square/ Circular guard
stone including m ild steel rei nforce ment
fi xing in cement concrete M-8 block
No. 550.00 80.00
including whi te washing etc. complet e as
directed by Engineer in charge. Spec.
No.: As per directed by Engineer in
char e

~ SR. N~-,---~----------------, ---- ~ate fo-r-20_1_5 - 1--6- P_r_o-pp_s_e_d_,
CODE 1--- - - --.--- - -
Comple ted Labour
11 Providing and layi ng cement concrete M-
15 of trap/ granite/ quartz ite I gneiss
metal con c rete block o f size 45 em . X
45 em . X 4 5 em. including painting the
numbe r of cross drainage works, direction No. 600.00 80 .00
of flow by arrow and d etails of ven ts
opening complete as directed by Engineer
in charge. Spec. No.:As p e r directed by
En_gineer in cha rg,_e_ _ _ _-:---- - ---J-- - - r- -- -- r --··- - - - j
12 Provid ing and casting in s1tu cement
con c rete co n crete M - 15 of trap/
gran ite/ quartzite I gneiss m etal for
coping to C.D. work I Bridge parapets
- moulded a nd chamfered as per drawing
or as directed incl udi ng cen tering, form
work, compacting, fi nishing t he exposed Cum 3600.00 850.00
faces with sufficient m in1mum t hickness of
1 :3 cement plaster to give a smooth and
even surface or roughening the m if special
finish is to be provided and curing etc.
complete. Spec. No.:A s per directed by
Engineer in c har_g_e
13 Dismantling carefully the old cement
concre te of reinforced cement
c onc r ete structure by chiselling or
breaker includi ng cutting rei nforcement,
steel ba rs, sorting out serviceable Cum 700.00 410.00
materials and stacking and disposi ng off
unserviceable material upto lead of SO m.
etc. complete as directed by Engineer
in c harge.
14 Dismantling carefully the old plain
cement concrete s tructure by_
chiselling or breaker, hammering,
digging including sortin g out serviceable
materials and stacki ng and dis pos1ng off Cum 600.00 350.00
unserviceabl e material upto a lead of 50
m. etc. comp lete as directed by
Engineer in cha r ge .
.~ r------4~~~~~~~~~~----------------4-----+----------f---------~
15 Dismantring carefully the stone
masonry in lime or cement mortar
rnclud mg sorting oul serviceable materia ls

J and stacking and disposi ng

unserviceable m aterial u pto a lead of 50
m. etc. co mplete as directed by
Engineer in chal]l_e .
t he C um 500.00 350.00

Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE r---------~--------:
Comple1ed l obour
16 Excavation for foundation in earth,
soils of all types, sand, gravel, soft
murum including shoring and strutting as
necessary and disposing off excavated
stuff as directed etc. complete as directed Cum 140.00 80.00
by Engineer in ct1arge. for depth of 1.5 m.
(excluding dewatering if separately
provided etc. complete) Spec. No. BR. 3
Pa e No. 102
17 Excavation for foundation in marsh y
BR 3A land, soils including shoring and
strutting as necessary and disposing off
excavated stuff as directed upto depth of
1.50 m. etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge. for depth of 1.5 m.
(excluding dewatering if separately
provided ) Spec. No. :As directed by
Cum 165.00 90.00
Engineer in charge. Note: Add 5% for
depth 1.50 mtr. to 3.00 mtr. Add 10o/o for
depth 3.00 mtr. to 6.00 mtr. · Add 15% for
depth above mtr. to 6.00 mtr. With
referen ce to average Ground level for that
particular structural omponent. Spec.
No.: A s directed by Engineer in
charge. __ ----~----4---------~--------~
18 Excavation for foundation in hard
BR 38 murum Including shoring and strutting as
necessary and disposing off excavated
stuff as directed excluding dewatering if Cum 155.00 30. 00
separately provided etc. complete as
directed by Engineer in charge. Spec.
No.:BR.3 Pa e No. 102
19 Excavation for foundation in hard
BR 3C murum and boulders mclud1ng shoring
an d strutting as necessary and disposing
off excavated stuff as directed excluding Cum 175.00 20.00
dewatering 1f separatel y provided etc.
complet e as directed by Engineer in
charg~ . Spec. No.:8R.3 Page No. 102 _
20 Excavation for foundation in soft rock
BR 30 including shoring and strutting as
necessary and disposi ng off excavated
stuff as directed excluding dewatering if Cum 290.00 60.00
separately provid ed etc. comp lete as
directed by Engineer in charge. Spec.
No.:BR. 3 Pa e No. 102

} '
Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed

21 Excavation for foundation in hard rock

~>P·eled I Loboc•
BR 3E including control blasting if necessary
i ncluding shoring and strutting as
necessary and disposin g off excavated
Cum 520.00 100.00
stuff as directed excluding dewatering if
separately pro vided etc. co m plete as
directed by Engi neer i n charge. Spec.
No.:BR.3 Pa e No. 102
22 Excavation for foundation in har d rock
BR 3F by chiselling, wedged or line drilled
incl uding control blasting if necessary,
shoring and strutting as necessary and
disposing off excavated stuff as directed or Cum 600.00 120.00
stacked etc. complete (excluding
dewatering if separately provided) as
directed by Engineer in charge.
S ec. No.:BR.3 Pa e No. 102
23 Excavation for foundation in laterite
BR 3G rock including control blasting if
necessary, shonng and strutting as
necessary and disposing off excavated
stuff as directed or stacking properly etc. Cum 415.00 80.00
complete (excluding dewatering if
separately provided) as di rected by
Enginee r in charge. Spec. No.:BR.3 Page
No. 102
24 Providing a nd filling with approved
)0 Sand, shingle below raft including
Cum 400.00 180.00
watering, compaction etc. complete as
directed b En ineer in char e.
·- - ·-- -- - - - - r -- - - --j
25 Providing and fixing pressure relief
pipe s of 100 mm. diame ter of AC/PVC
as per drawing for R.C.C. raft, ga lleries Rgm 75.00 15.00
etc. complete as directed by Engineer
00 in char e.
26 Providing and laying in position
rubble stone of appro ved size for
apron etc. complete a s directed by
Engineer in charg e.
A) Size of rubble upt o 25 Kg Cum 400.00 170.00
8) Size of rubble above 25Kg and upto
.00 Cum 360.00 160.00
50 K

I Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
UNIT I- - - -- . - -- - -I
i n-g----
i v--e-rs_i_o_
Completed La bour
f- ----~----------~--------~

stream, Providing cofferdam, bunds etc.

as may be necessary for foundation and
other parts of work and bailing ou t and
pu mping out water below the actual initial
natural water level for start of that
J particular component till completion of
bridge etc. complete as directed by
Engi neer in charge. Note 70 %
payment wi ll be released after completion
of foundation & 30 % after completion of
work Spec. No.: As directed by
Engineer in charge. . ..
A) Abutment I Returns Cum 400.00 120.00
B)Piers I bandhara Pier 1 Weir Cum 630.00 250.00
C) Raft , Cut off walls Cum 735.00 210.00
OJ V.C. & Toe wall, Apron Cum 345.00 90.00
28 Providing and laying in situ controlled
reinforced cement concret e of M-2 0 for
raft including form work, scaffolding ,
Cum 4700.00 800.00
compaction, by vibrat ing, finishing , curing
etc. com plete as directed by Engineer
in charge . (7.60 bags/ Cum.)
29 Providing and laying in situ controlled
relnfor.ced cement concrete of M-20 for
cut off walls inclu ding form work,
scaffolding , compaction , by vibrat ing, Cum 5300.00 915.00
finishing , cu rin g etc. complete as
directed by Engineer in charge . (7 .60
bagsL Cum.) -
30 Providing and layi ng weep holes of 100
mm. diameter AC/ PVC pi pes as per
drawing for abutment, returns, retu rn Rgm
walls etc. complete as directed by
I 20.00 ..

En ginee~ in charge. I

- - -- - - -- - - -- -- - - -
&ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT Rate for 201 5-16 Proppsed
Completed Labour
31 Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete M - 10 Proportion of t rap/ granite/
q ua rt zite/ gne iss metal for annular
filling around abutment, piers for
foundation including necessary Cum 2800.00 830.00
formwork, scaffolding, balling out water,
compacting, cu ring etc. complete as
directed by Engineer in charge. (4.4 2
baqs/ Cum .)
32 Providing and laying - - - cement
concrete of trap/ gran ite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for cast i n situ p iers,
abutm ents, returns, wings, etc.
including with necessary centering,
shuttering, scaffolding, compacting by
vibrating, finishing with cement plaster
and formwork, cu ri ng, dewatering, ba lling
out water upto 4.00 m. height etc .
complete as directed by Engineer In
ch arqe. Spec.No.: BR.27 Page No. 127
M-15 { 6.27 bags I cum )
1----~---'---=<----!...----..£..---- -
Cum 4100.00 950.00
-4-_::_:-'---4---_..:._ _ _ + - -- ' - -- -1
M-20 ( 7.60 bags I cum) Cum 4500.00 975.00
33 Providing and laying M 20 cement
concrete o f trap/ granite/ quartzite/
.. gneiss metal for Jacketting to piers,
abutments, returns, wings , etc.
Including with necessary centering,
s huttering, scaffo lding, compacting by Cum 5620.00 1900.00
vibra ti ng , finishing with cem ent plaster
and formwork, curi ng, dewatering, bailing
out water upto 4.00 m. height etc.
complete as directed by Engineer in
charge. Spec.No.: BR.27 Page No. 127
34 Providing and laying - - - cement concrete
of trap/ gr anite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for
cast in situ R.C.C. solid p iers, column
etc. Including with necessary centering , j
shutter ing, scaffo lding, compacting by
vibr<Jt lllg, finishing w1th cem ent plast er an(j
fo1mwork, curinq, dewatering, ballin g out
water upto 4 .00 m . height. etc.(Excludlng
steel reintorcernf? r\ , ) com plete as cl ll ec.lt>d
by Engineer in charge . Spec.No. : B R.27
Page No. 1 27
r------+~=-~~~~~-------------------------I·------1 -----------~--------· -
M-15 ( 6 . 27 b ags 1 cu m ) Cum 4300.00 875.00
' M-20 ( 7.60 bags I cum) Cum 4600.00 980.00

Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
Completed l abour
35 Providing and laying M - 20 cement
BR 29B concrete of t rap/ g ran ite/ qu artzite/
gneiss meta l for reinforced cement
concrete caps over piers and
abutments return, dirt wall including
necessary scaffolding, form work,
com pacting by vibrating, finishing and
curing, etc. complete. (Excluding
reinforcement ) as directed by Engineer in
charge.(7.60 Bags/ Cum.) Spec.No.:
BR.29 Pa e No. 129
Cum 4900.00 850.00
with projection Cum 5100.00 950.00
36 Providing and laying cement
BR 30 concrete of trap/ granite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for reinforced cement
concrete block below the bearing
including necessary scaffolding, form
work, compaction by vibrating, finishing
and curing, etc. complete: (Excluding
reinforcement ) as directed by Engineer in
char e. s ec.No.: BR.30 Pa e No. 130
M- 25 (9.00 Bags/ Cum. Cum 5210.00 750.00
M -30 9.00 Bags/ Cum. Cum 5600.00 800.00 E
M-3 5 ( 9. 00 Bags I Cum:.> C_;.u_
0~ .0..;.0_
M-40 9.00 Bags/ Cum.) Cum 6000.00 920.00
37 Providing and cutting, bending, hooking,
BR 35 laying in position and tying mild steel
bars for reinforcement as per detailed
drawing for all R.C.C. work etc. complete M.T. 55000.00 4500.00
as directed by Engineer in charge. (Upto
6.0 m. Height) Spec.No.: BR.35 Page
No. 134

Rate for 201o-16 Proppsed
CODE - -- -
Comple1ed Labour
- 38 Providing and cutting, bending, hooking,
BR 3 5A layi ng in position and tying - - - - bars for
reinforcement as per detail ed d r awi ng
for all R.C .C. work etc. com plete as I
directed by Engineer in charge. (Upto 6. 0
m. Heigh t) Spec.No.: BR.35 Pa ge No.
From INTEGRATED plant M.T. 55000.00 4500.00
0 From OTHER plant M.T. 52000.00 4500.00
0 39 Pro viding welded joints for mild/
BR 36A H.Y.S.D. steel rei nfo rcement ba rs of 25
mm. diamete r an d under etc . complete as No. 250.00 75.00
directed by Engineer in charge.
Spec. No.: BR.36 Page No. 134
40 Providing welded joints for mild/
BR 368 H.Y.S.D. steel reinforcement bars of
above 25 mm. diameter etc. co mplete No. 400.00 105.00
as directed by Engi neer in cha rg e.
Spec.No.: BR.36 Pa_g_e No. 134
.00 41 Providing and laying in situ controlled
.00 BR 38 cement concrete of tra p/ gra nite/
.00 quartzite/ gneiss metal for reinfo rced
.00 . cement concrete solid deck slab
including cen tering, formwork, scaffo lding,
rammi ng, vibrating, fi nishing,with cement
morta r if requ ired, curing comp lete In
0.00 excluding reinforcement etc . co mplete as
directed by Engineer in charge. Spec. No.:
BR.38 Pa_g_e No. 135
M15 Cum 5040.00 1710.00
M20 Cum 5500.00 2025.00
M25 Cum 5750.00 2200.00
M30 Cum 6700.00 2200. 00

) 71
SR. NO Rate for 2015-1 6 Proppsed
CODE Completed Labour
42 Providing and laying in situ controlled
cement con crete of t rap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss m etal for reinforced
cement concrete in deck slab and main
girder, cross girder including centering ,
formwork, scaffolding, ramming, finishing
by cement mortar, centering, cu ring etc.
complete Spec. No.: As directed by
Engineer in charge.
A) M - 20 Cum 5700.00 1825.00
B) M - 25 Cum 6000.00 2000.00
C) M - 30 Cum 6300.00 2150.00
D) M-35 Cum 6600.00 2200.00
43 Providing and fixing in position expansion
BR 436 joints with (25 I 37 mm. ) thick
bituminous pad as per detailed drawing
etc. complete as directed by Engineer in
charge. Spec. No. BR.43 Pag_e No. 138
Sqm. 1200.00 170.00
Sqm. 1400.00 180.00
44 Providing and fixing in position tar
paper bearing as per detailed drawing
Sqm. 75.00 5.00
etc. complete as directed by Engineer
in charg_~-·..
45 Providing and fixing Neoprene bearing
as per standard specifications etc. Cum 2.00 0.50
complete (As per IRC- 83 Part-11}
46 Providing and laying in situ M - 20 cement
BR 47A concrete of trap/ g ranite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for w earing course 75 t
mm. thick. .{Average) incl udin g
Cum 4500.00 810.00
compacting, finishing, curing and filling in
joints with brtumen complete ( Excluding k~
reinforcement ). ( 7.60 Bags I Cum ) . \

l S_P-ec. No. BR.47 eage No. 140 _ '- - - -~,'

.ed r - - --- - - - -.
SR. NO Rate tor 2015-16 Proppsed
Comolekd labour
47 Providing and laying in situ - - - ceme nt
BR 47B c oncret e of trap/ granite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for appro ach s l ab including
compacti ng by vibrat ing, finishing, curing
and f illi ng ln j oints w ith bitumen etc.
complete. (excluding re in forcement) as
directed by Engineer in charge. Spec. No.
BR.47 Pa e No . 140
M- 15 ( 6. 2 7 bag s I cum Cum 4000.00 735.00
M - 20 ( 7 . 60 bags I cum ) Cum 4400.00 830.00
48 Providing and fixing in position vent
holes, water spout 100 mm. diameter
in the slab and wea ring course with
iron g rill at the top and galvanised iron No. 430.00 55.00
pipe at bottom as per drawing etc.
complete as directed by Engineer in
char e. s ec. No. BR.48 Pa e No. 142
49 Provid ing and laying in situ - - - cement
BR SO concrete of tra p/ granite /quartzite/
gneiss metal for reinforced cement
concrete work of ballast wall, k erbs
etc.including scaffo lding, centering,
formwork, compaction, fin ishing and
curing etc. complete (Excludi ng
reinforcement). as directed by Engineer in
char e. S ec. No. BR. 50 Pag..._..;:;. e-.:.N-'-o
M- 15 { 6 .27 bags I cum Cum 4500.00 900.00
M-20 7.60 bags I cum Cum 4850.00 900.00
SO Providing and laying in situ - - - cement
concrete of tra p/ granite /quartzite/
gneiss metal for reinforced · cement
concrete work for box re turn Including
)0 scaffolding, centering, formwork,
compaction, finishing and curing etc.
com plete ( Excluding reinforcement ).
c. No. B R.50 Pa e No. _! 4 ~ - _ _ - ---- --1-----~
~ ( 6.27 b ags I cum )_ _ Cum 5300.00 1100 .00
...__ _ _0_ ( 7 _._
60 _b_ag_s_/_cu~) --L_C_u_m
.__._ 570_0_.00 ___.._1_2_2_5._0 0

Rate for 2015~16 Proppsed

Providing and applying one bond coat of
epoxy formulation to the slab ceiling
before guniting using Hindustan Ciba
Geigy's formulation including sca ffolding, Sqm. 550.00 75.00
scrubbing, cleani ng etc. wit h all material
labour etc. complete as directed by
t-------~~ineer in charge.
52 Providing 40mm trap/gran lte/quartzite/
gneiss metal single filling fo.- hunch
filling in arches in layers 15 em to
Cum 400.00 185.00
20cm thick lnluding watering and
compacti ng etc compl ete. Spec. No.: As
directed by Engineer in charge.
53 Providing and laying in situ M-20 cement
concrete of trap/ granite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for reinforced cement
concrete in semi-circular arch slab for
all lifts including ramming, vibrating ,
finishing and cu ring complete etc. Cum 6300.00 2400.00
including form wo rk, centering, and
fin ishing (excluding reinforcement) etc.
complete as directed by Engineer in
charge. (7 .60 Bags/ Cum). Spec. No.:
I- - -+-=BR.38 P~_ge No. 135
54 Providing railing with R.C.C. post of
size 230 mm. X 230 mm. X 1100 mm.
of M-20 cement concrete and 3 rows
of galvanised iron pipe of diameter 40
mm 'B' class including punch holes at 1.0
Rgm 1900.00 500.00
m . centre to centre as per detailed
drawing including reinfon;ement, I ~·

centering, formwork, compacti ng, curing,

finish ing etc. complete as directed by
Eng ineer in cha rge.

Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE r---------.-----------1
Comp10!ed Labour
55 Providing raiJing of mild steel angle
pos t 2 metres centre to centre of
section 75 mm. X 75 mm. X 10 mm. Or
equivalent channel s ection of height
1.05 m. above bridge surface with
m1nrmum anchor len gth of 30 em .
including hold f ast of 25 mm. diameter
mild steel bars weld ed at the bottom and
concreting of 1: 3: 6 of si ze 30 mm. X 30
Rgm 2300.00 350.00
mm. X 30 em. with three rows of 40
mm. 'B' class G.I. pipe provided at 30
em. centre to centre and includ ing
scaffolding and with one coat of anti
corrosive paint and over It two coats o f oil
painting, welding pipes to vertical angales
of channel , curing of concrete etc.
complete. Spec. No.:As directed by
En ineer in char e.
56 Providing collapsible railing with mild
steel channel posts and removable
galvanlsed Iron pipes as per the
detailed drawings Including scaffolding a nd Rgm 1900.00 350.00
painting etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge. Spec. No. :As
directed b Er:agjneer inc ::.;:.:.
h.::a~r.ozg-=e..:.....- ----- 1-- - -+----- -1------ - -l
57 Providing and fixing marble tablet of
size and description as per the detailed
draw1ngs Including moulded marble with
1:2 cement mo rta r border lettering by Sqm. 5000.00 1600.00
ca rving etc. complete as directed by
Eng ineer in charge. Spec. No.: BR.56
Pa e No. 150
58 Providtng tra p/ granite/ quartzi te/ g neiss
rubble stone filling behind the
abutment, returns or wings includi n g
all rnaten a ls an d ha nd packi ng and fill mg Cu m 450.00 80.00
voids with spa!ls etc. complete as di r ected
by Engineer in charge. Spec. No.:BR.57
Pa e No. 151
59 Providing and filling sand in box
r e turns includtng wa teri ng , compa ction
Cum 500.00 65.00
etc. complete as directed by Engineer
in char e.

SR. NO Rate for 201 5-16 Proppsed
CODE 1----------~--------~
Comore ted Labour
60 Providing and laying in position 90 em.
thick flexible stone mat as per detailed
drawing including laying and compaction,
consolldatton 15 em. to 23 em. soling,
consolidation of 60 mm. size metal In two
550.00 55.00
layers and compaction of 40 mm. layers in Sqm.
single layer with watering etc. complete as
directed by Engineer In charge. Spec.
No.: As directed by Engineer in
I - 61----~c~h~a~r~g~·e~·----------------------------·l----_,----------·~------~
Sand blasting to the surface including
all materials, machinery and labour for l
removing loose particles in concrete
girders, mild steel girders, deck slab, Sqm. 275.00 45.00
cantilever slab, coursed rubble masonry
etc. complete as directed by Engin eer
in charge.
62 Drilling holes in the concrete surface
including all machinery, material, labour
etc. complete suitable for cement grouting
under pressure and fixing of mild steel No. 135.00 45.00
bars of 1 6 mm diameter pipes etc.
complete a s directed by Engineer in
63 Providing grouting with cement slurry
under pressure of 5 to 6 Kg. per sqm. Per
with high alumna powder InCluding all 35.00 8.00
material, machinery, labour etc. complete Kg
as directed by Engineer in charge.
64 Guniting of 50 to 60 mm. thickness in
two coats over the s urface of
rei nforce d cement concrete s lab,
beam, girder, p i l e caps, blocks of jetty
or wharf with cement mortar 1 :3 mix,
including ch ippi ng of the surfaces ,
1000.00 310.00
providing and fixing I.R.C. fabric of 50 X Sqm.
50 mm si7e and gauge binding w1th I
existi ng m ain reinforcement including
mix tng Pte. co m plete as dtrected by
Enginee r in charge. Spec. No.: A s
_ _ _,_directed by En gineer i n cha r::9.e .~ _ _ _ _ _,_______


Providing and erecting steel centering

Rate for 201 5-16 Proppsed
Comple ted l abour

and staging to support s uperstructure

like three girders, solid sla b, span more
than 10.0 m. with all necessary structural
steel work for trusses, main, girder over
trusses, trussles erecting on foundation in Sqm. 425.00 380.00
R.C.C. 1:2:4 Including curing, finishing
etc. complete as directed by Engineer In
charge. Spec.No.:As directed by I
1_ _ _ _1__E.. n
neer in c ha rg...!:__ _ - - - - - - - 1 - - - - l - - - - - ,
66 Provid ing, fabricating, launching , floating
and grounding in posttion steel curbs for
wells with necessary steel braci ngs and
steel cutti ng edges as shown in the M.T. 72500.00 12000.00
detailed drawings etc. complete as
directed by Engineer in charge. Spec.No.:
BR.8 Pa e No. 108
67 Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete M-10 Proportion of trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal in the hollow of
the steel curbs including compaction by Cum
2600.00 470.00
vibrat ing and curing etc. complete as
directed by Engineer in charge. (4.42
bags/ Cu m.) Spec.No.: BR.9 Page No. I
1- - --l 109
68 ·-Providing , fabricati ng and setting out mild
steel cutting edges for reinforced cement
concrete well curbs as shown on the
detailed drawings etc. complet e as M.T. 62000.00 10500.00
directed by En gineer incharge. Spec.No.:
BR.10 Pa e No . 110
69 Providing and laying in sit u - - cement
concrete of trap/ granite I q uartzite/
gneiss metal for reinforced cement
)0 concrete well curbs including necessary
shuttering , compacting by vibrating,
finishing and curing etc. complete .
(excluding rei nforcement ) as directed by
Engineer in charge . Spec. N o. : BR.12
Pa eNo.112 _ _ _ _ ---~----t---r -----1---
M-15 ( 6.27 bags I cum ) Cum 3650.00 1100.00
M- 20 7.60 ba g s I cum ) C um 5400.00 1250.00

SR.NO Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE Compleled Labour
70 Providing and laying in situ - - cement concrete -
of trap/ granite 1 quartz1te/ gneiss metal in
wall staining including compacting by
vibrating, rodding, finishing and curing et c.
complete. (excluding remforcement ) as
directed by Engineer In charge. Spec. No.:
BR.13 Page No. 112
M-15 ( 6.27 bags I cum ) Cvm 4200.00 1000.00
M-20 { 7.60 bags I cum ) Cvm 4500.00 1100.00
M-25 ( 8 .50 bag,s I cum )
-- Cvm 4700.00 1150.00
71 Sinking of well for foundation in hard
I strata which can be removed by grabing and I
chiselling soft disitegrated rock which requires I
special efforts, includmg blasting, large scale
dewatering, heavy chiselling, cutting by
pneumatic tools and all materials available to
sink through such strata including removal of
obstacles and use of necessary plant and
machinery, driver etc. and proper setting of
wells including aft methods except pneumatic
sinking (depth 0 to 5 Metres) Notes: - A) Depth
upto 10 M. add 30 %extra foe cate. B) Depth
upto 1 5 M. add 40% extra for rate. C) Depth
1 upto 20M. add 60% extra for rate. 0) Depth
upto 30 M. and above add 100 o/o extra for
rate. E) For change In d1ameter of well add
difference on prorata basis. Spec.No.: BR.14
Page No. 113
A) 4 m. diameter wells R_g_m 138545.00
8) 6 m. diameter wells Rgm 151976.00
C) 8 m. diameter wells Rgm 179564.00
D) 10m. diameter wells Rgm 207273.00
72 Sinking of well for foundation in soil
and murum etc. which can be removed
by grabbing and chiselling, with large i ·~
scale dewa tering or In and proper setting i~
of welts including all methods except I ·~
pneu m atic sinking ( depth 0 to 5 m.)
Notes : - A) Depth up to 10 M. add 30 %
~ xtra for rate . B) Depth u pto 20 M. add 60
% extra f o r rate . C) Depth upto 30 M. and
above add 100 % ext ra for rate . D) For
change in dia m eter of well add difference
on prorata basis . spoc.No.: sR..1 4 A Pag e No. 113
- - -
SR. NO Rate for 2015-16 Proppsed
CODE - ·
Cornpletec:! Labour
A) 4 m. diameter wells Rgm 36300.00
B) 6 m. diameter wells 43560.00
C) 8 m. diameter wells
Rs m
Rgm 65340.00 l
D) 10 m. diameter wells Rgm 101640.00
73 Providing sacrificial well of adequate
depth and diameter safely designed
and constructed RCC well (C.C. minium

M- 15 grade) and sinking t he sacrificia l w el l
in soil/ murum I sand etc. and such
material which can be removed by
grab bing and chiselling including
necessary d ewa teri ng required for Sin king f
the well including all materia l except
pneumati c sinking upto the depth of 5.0
m. etc. incl uding dismantling of R. C.C.
well upto t he bed level after completion of
main work (The dewatering is con sidered
o nly for sacrificial well. Dewatering for
fou ndation of sub structure below the
bottom of sacr ificial w ell shall be
separately cons1d ered). Spec. No.: As
directed by Engineer in charge.
for Non Per e nial river
A) For 5.00 m. Dia. Of we ll Rgm 26983.00
B) Add Rs . 3000/- per meter increse in
dia. Of well upto 9 m. dia.
B) Add Rs. 4000/- per meter increse in
dia. Of well above 9 m. dia. upto 15m.
for Perenial river
A) For 5.00 m. Dia. Of well Rgm 35442.00
B) Add Rs. 4000/- per meter increse in
dia. Of w ell upto 9 m. dia.
- -
B) Add Rs. 6000/- per meter increse i n
dia. Of we ll above 9 m . d ia.upto 15m.
74 Prov idi ng steel anchor dowels at the
base of the w e ll including drilling holes
up to 2.5 m . depth 1n rock, pla cing th0.
dowe ls 111 pos1t1on and effecti v ely grout1ng
No. 4500.00 1500.00
the hol e (32 mm. diameter steel rod of 4.0
m. le ngth grouted upto 2.5 m. de pth).etc.
I complete as d irect ed by Eng ineer m
ch arqe . S pec.No.: BR.16 Page No. 120

Rate for 2015-16 ProppseJ
CODE Completed Lobour
75 Providing s teel anchor dowels through
staining of the well, at the base of the I
well in position and including drilling holes
upto 2.5 m. depth in rock, effectively
grouting the hole (32 mm. dia meter steel No. 6200.00 1100.00
bar 4 m. length grout ed up to 2 .SO m
depth) etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge. Spec. No.: BR.16
Page No. 120
76 Providin g and laying in situ cement
concrete M - 15 of trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal for the bottom
plugs of wells in the dry or under
water including compaction by vibrating Cum 3400.00 725.00
and curing wherever necessa ry etc.
complete as direct ed by Engineer in
charg e. (6.27 Bags/ Cum). Spec. No.:
BR. l7 Page No. 120
77 Providing and filling in well with
- -
sa nd/ rubble and sand/ shingle
including compact ion between the top and
Cum 37&.00 175.00
bottom plugs etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in charge. Spec. No.: BR.18
P~ge No. 122
78 Providing and laying in situ - - - cement
concrete of t rap/ granite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for top plug of wells
including compactio n by vibration and
curing etc.complete as directed by
Engineer in charge. Spec.No.: BR. 19
Page N.o. 123
M - 15 ( 6. 27 ba gs 1 cum ) Cum 3600.00 725.00
M - 20 ( 7.60 bag s I cum ) Cum 4100.00 760.00
79 Prov iding and laymg in situ - - - cement
concrete of t rap/ granite/ quartzite/ ,_
gneiss metal for reinforce d cement
concrete well/ pite c ap includ mg
necessary form work, co mpaclion by
vib ra t ing, finishing and curing
etc. compl ete (Excluding reinforce ment )
as directed by Engineer in charge.
SReC.No.: BR.24 Page No. 124
M-15 ( 6.27 b ags I c um ) Cum 4000.00 750.00 I<

M-20 ( ? . 60 bags I c um 2 Cum 4400.00 750.00

sed 'R0.7t'D 5111fV'EY ( 2 015 - 16 J
REQUIRED 2015-16

1 Carrying Out Survey of alignment in

plain I hilly country including ta king
three dimensions of apexes asce rtaining
type of land and fi xing wooden pegs
etc. co mplete.
a) In Plain Country 4 Nos 2 .00
0 .00
b) In hilly Count ry 4 Nos 1.50
KM Y 1035.00
2 Carrying Out chain and Compass
).00 survey of new alignment for road
direction, river flow di rection etc.
complete or cross staff survey
a) I n Plain Country 4 Nos 1.00
O ~O~.O~O
b) In hilly Country 4 Nos 0.50 2500.00
' 5.00 c) Along exi sting earth Work. 3 Nos 1.00 550.00
3 Taking longitudinal section and
Cross section on alignment including
fly levels at closer o f day work.
a) In Plain Country 4 Nos 0.7 5 1500.00
b) In hilly untry 4 Nos 0.50 3040 .00
c) Along existing ea rth Work . 5 Nos 1.00 900.00

Fixing change apex ,Stones and 5 Nos 5. 00 200.00

bench m a rk stones of trap of cement KM/DAY
concrete 1:3: 6 of si ze 0.15 m X 0.15m
X 0 .60m a long the al ign ment (average
4 to 5 ) Cha inage stones and 5 to 6
a_pex stones.
Taking tria -,-~-i-
ts_l_n_n_X_l mX 1. SOm tn 8 Nos 1.00 1600. 00
soft strat a up t o hard mu rum a nd KM/DAY
boulders at 2 00 m mterval at 5 per Km.
Taki n g trial pits l m XlmXl.SOm 1n 5 Nos 1.00 1000.00
soft strata up to hard muru m and KM/DAY
boulders at 200m inte rva l at 5 per


Providing and fixing wooden pegs

2015 -16


including pai nting by chunum including

carting them on site.
8 Carrying Out fly leveling if required . 300.00
to carryout bench ma rk.
9 Taking trial bore 8 to 10 em.( 4 ") in RG.M. 3341.00
all strata with hard core by double tube
method with attending special care for
collecting bore data,maintaining
accurate results with the low speed
operating bore machinery using
diamond drill core platform calculating
water logging by presenting results in
core boxes etc. complete.

10 Taking trial bore 8 to 10 em.( 4 .. ) in

all strata with hard core by double tube
method with attending spedal care for
collecting bore data,maintaining
accurate results with the low speed
operating bore machinery using
diamond drill core platform calculating .
water losses and preparing core logging '

by preserving results In core boxes etc.


a) Quartizite with diamond drilling RG.M. 3140.00

machine with A X bit.
b) Quartizite with diamond drilling RG.M. 6143.00
machine with N X bit.
c) Quartizite with diamond drifting RG.M. 4183.00
machine with 8 X bit.
11 A) Providing samples of soils SAMPLE 373.00
10cm.dia.40.56 em. Long including
lowering , pressuring and sample - '.:"'
with mechanical jack etc. arra ng ing
plalform turning the somple, seo hng ..
from both ends letlerl ng ,pai nlmg ,::

etc. complete.
B) Providing 10 em. dia and 40 em . TUBE 120.00
Long M.S.tube for sa mple tube.
I -·
REQUI RED 2015 -16

C) Providing samples of soils 8 em SAMPLE 372.50

dia.40 cm.long including lowering
,pressing the sample with mechan ical
j ack etc . arrang in g platfo rm turning the
sam ple ,sealing from b oth ends lettering
aintin etc. com lete.
12 Providing and Supplying Jungle wood BOX 906. 25
co re box in clud ing labou r, shu t ter
fixtu res , locking arrangement of
lOOcm.X 4 5cm.X lOcm .inside wit h 1/2
t hick planks with painting etc .
com lete .
13 Fixing Bench mark ston e in soil by BOX 393.75
excavation 45 cm.X 6cm. in depth and
concrete cc. 1 :4 :8 including pa int ing
and lettering etc.com fete.
ST'R'E.7LM S'U1(Y'E}J ( 2015 ~ 16)
14 Catchment area survey of stream u p to 2 Nos 6.0KM I 160.00
100 acres on v illa ge map by visual DAY
inspection ( Av. 3 streams per
Km. ~--------------------------~--------+---------4-------~
Cat chment area su rvey of stream up to 8 Nos 2. 0KM I 8 00.0 0
100 acres to l Sq .milesw ith cha n and DAY
com pass .
16 Carryi ng out Longitudinal and cross 9 Nos 0.80 KiM I 225 0. 00
section of stream with leveling ,chaining DAY
I including closing survey at the end o f
days work (
C.A.lSqm.to 5 Sqm)
Reconnaissance Survey for fixing Maj or 6 Nos 1.0 KM I 2000. 0 0
Bridg e sit e including chain and co m pass DAY
survey fixi ng apexes with three
dimensions etc.
18 Complete Survey of major stream ONE 9000. 0 0
beyond cat<'h m cnl area above 5 STREAM
Sq.mil es in cl u di ng t aki ng necessa ry L- IN 5 DAYS
secl lon . X · sect1on conta ining chainagc
el c. closing survey al the end of days
work for the b rid ge.

NO. REQUIRED 2015 -16
19 For additional side. ONE 8000.00
20 Contou r Survey of stream U/S - ONE - --aooo.oo
21 Det ailed Survey of approaches to , 1.00 KM I 1800.00
medium or major bridge including chain DAY
compass survey levelling etc.complete.
22 Providing and Constructing t heo dolite Per No. 5500.00
pillar of B.B.masonry in c.m. 1:6 per
1 drawings or as directed including situ
C.C.1:2:4 column of size 23cm X 23 em
fixing thedolite ring as directed
plastering in cm.l:S outside.

:M'E1JI11:M 57''R'E.7t:M. ( 2015 - 16)

23 Complete Survey of stream having Per No 1600.00
catchment area between 0 to 1.00 up to
6m culvert and approaches.
1 - -- -1- - -
24 Complete Survey of stream having Per No 8500.00
catchment area between 1.0 to 5.00 up
to 30 Sq.mile including catchment area
survey, taking trial pits longitudinal and
cross section for bridge and approaches.
25 Complete survey of major stream Per No 9000.00
having catchment area from 5.00 up to
50 sqm. sq.mlle including catchment
area survey ,taking trial pits longitudinal
and cross section for bridge and
a roaches.
26 Invest igation of new qua rries ( other Per No 1800.00
than ex isting)including t aking necessary
trial pits cutting rock for finding
su itability of metal etc. (Exd uding
testing o_! material ) _ _
27 Bringing the soil sample from trial pits Per No.
to the Divisional Labo ratory including loading
and unloading stacking Including cost of
empty cement bags. etc. complete.

28 S ~rvey of Material
a) Oil Paint ( White ) one tin of 100 mi. perml. 45.00
b) White lime Powder 7.00

Rf:Q UIRED 20 15 -1 6
c) Supp ly of Flag readymade size of any Per No. 3 5.00
colour and size 36 em X 50 em .
Providing reconnaissance survey of Per Km . 7000.00
alignment in plain 1 hilly country,
including taking t hree dimensions of
apexes ascertaining type of land and
fixing wooden pegs etc.item includes
the chain and compass or cross staff
survey for longitudinal I cr oss section of
road and cr oss section at 30m. Interval
it includes fixing chainages ,apex,stone
and B.M.stone of tr ap or C.C.1::3:6 of
size 0.15x0. 15x0.60m.along the
alignment average 4 to 5 chainages
stone and 5 to 6 apex stones per
Kilomet re item also includes preparing
drawing ,tacing and submission of
chaingage book,field book original
tracin drawin sheets etc.com lete.
30 Providing Chain and compass of Per Km. 8600.00
cross staff survey in Plain I hilly
country including taking longitudinal
section of existing road alignment and
cross section @ 10 m. interval fixing
chainages, apex stones and bench m ark
stone of trap of C.C.l : 3 :6 of size 0.1 5 X
0 0.1 5X 0 .60m.along the alignment
averag e 4 to 5 chainage stone and 5 to
6 apex stones per kilometer. Ite m alsio
includ es preparing drawing , tracing and
submission of chainage book, field
book,origina1 tracing,d rawing sheet
)0 etc. complete.
31 Carrying out detailed survey for the Per Minor 19000.0
construction of minor bridge Including Bridge. 0
carrying fly levelling for connecting
G.T.S.B.M. and its perm anent marking at
)0 availa b le place.Taktng " L " section of
ex isling raocl up t o sufftclent length on
ertl ll-' r '>Ide or ( rosstng t aktng neressary
• ro":-. or 211 !>l oposcd bn d ge site ,m()
preparing Hydra ulics cJala required for
minor bridges proposal ,item also Includ es
preparing of all necessory m aps and
drawings required for Survey dat a .
Submits it with all original traclngs.field
books and level books.

~ · -r~--~----~~~~------~~~T-R_E~U.~I~R~E~ D~-~-------~2~0~1~5 ~-1~6:~
32 CC~rrying out detailed survey for the Per Minor 1 J ooo.oo
construction of Culvert including Cu lvert
carrying fly levelling for connecting
G.T.S.B .M.and its permanent marking at
available place.Taking " L " section of
existing raod up to sufficient length on
either side of crossing taking necessary
cross or at proposed culvert site and
preparing Hydraulics data required for
culvert proposal Aem also includes
preparing of all necessary maps and
drawings required forSurvey data .
Submits it with all original t racings.field
books and level books.
. -- ---t-:::---::-::-:-1
33 Carrying out detailed survey for the Per 5000.00
construction of C.D.Work including C. D. Work
carrying fly levelling for connecting
G.T.S.B.M.and its permanent marking at
available place.Taking " L " section of
existing raod up to sufficient length on
either side of crossing taking necessary
cross or at proposed C.D.Work site and
preparing Hydraulics data required for
C .D .Work proposal ,item also includes
preparing of all necessary maps and
drawings required forSurvey data.
Submits it with all original tracings.field
books and level books.

34 Procurement of village map I forest KM. 250.00

map I Land plan from forest I
revenue authority for preparation of
land plan record etc.complete
Including necessary payment for the
pl ans and other documents as
necessary for this survey and ploting
and dema rcation work etc. complete.
Spec. No. : As d irected by Engineer
1 - - - -1-l.ocha rge_.-----------:------, --f-----+-----i---~ -
35 Carr ying out the plotting works of the KM . 1350.00
area surveyed by the surveyours.
Spec. No .: As directed by Engineer in

NO. REQUIRED 20 15 - 16

r-: -- 4-~--------~--------------~-----r--------r-~~----~-------~
36 Preparation of Land Plans tracing on KM. 350.00
polyester traceing film of approved
I make 60/65 ircron one side matt and
taking out prints and binding the same (
Road wise) Spec. No.: As directed by
Engineer in charge.

37 Prov iding 10 Ammonia copies of each KM. 250.00

sheet of land plan of size 60 em x 40 em
including preparing road wise sets in
plastic cover with printing the required
information on the cover etc.complete.
0 Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in
. . - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - .. ___ - .. - - _ _ _.......
38 Preparing and Providing detailed KM. 3200.00
estimates of H.P.drain in fine typed
copies in proper file Including taking L-
Section of road.preparirlg catchment
area plan by traverse method and
taking one trial pits of siz.e 1.50 m x
l.SOm and all types of compliance. If
required from department.
Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer In
39 Preparing and Providing detailed KM 3800.00
estimates of VPD I VHP in fine typed
copies In proper file Including taking L-
.00 Section of road .preparlrlg catchment
area plan by traverse method and
taking one trial pits of size 1.50 m ·x
l.SOm and all types of compliance. 1f
required from department.
Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in

----------------------------~REQUIRED 2015 - 16
T'R.Ji.J':JIC C'E:NStLS ( 2015-16)
40 Providing and Carrying out " Traffic
Census " for 7 days on N H 's I S H W I
M.D.R. by employing a team of skilled
person for counting each type of
vehicles plying on the highways
1 recording their numbers as per method

suggested by Engineer in
charge.Calculating traffic intensity
I.P.C.U. including labours,
materlals,stationery and rental charges
of tables chairs,red flag etc. Including
etc.complete and giving final report.of
A) Count post having traffic intensity up NO 8100.00
to 25,000 M .T.I Day.
8) Count post having traffic intensity NO 11300.00
more than 25,000 M.T.I Day.

... 188
2015 · 16

41 Preparing and carrying out Video CAS I HR 2500.00

Cassette 1 Hr. shooting of
roads,bridges,oth er structures and
programme ,including prelimlnarys
survey,still shots moving shooting ,
necessary board for video shooting
hiring of vehicle , equipment for video
shooting , transportation of all
equipment,persons,required for
shooting, lighting arrangement as may
be necessary ,editing mixing, titling,
fettering, sounding including cost of
coloured cassette of approved quality
etc.complete. Spec. No.: As directed by
En ineer in charge .
1------~~~~~--~~-~------------~---r--------- -------+
42 Providing and carrying out video
shooting of roads,bridges buildings
, other Pro§Jrammes including hiring of
vehicle equipment for video shooting
,titling ,lightening m1X1ng
,lettering,editing,including cost of two
colour cassettes of approved make and
quality etc.complete.

i) Within SO Kms.per day PER DAY 4500.00

ii) Beyond 50 Kms. Per day PER DAY 5800.00
iii) Work up to 5 hours per day only. PER 6 3300.00
Spec. No.: As di rected by Engineer in
43 Shooting of still photographs
outdoor and indoor of constructio} -
and ot l1er works of building
,bridges,roads,etc. in District and outs1de
d ist.at any distances. ·-t"~-=-=----t-----1
r) Still photos P.C.size 3 COPIES 70. 00
---r-- -------+-- ------1
ii) 4 " X 6 " Si ze 3 COPI ES 9 S.OO
i1i) 5 " X 7 " Size '3 CO PIES 1 200.00
---- - - -- - -
Extra Copres - P.C.S rze 1 EACH 30 .00
Extra Copies - 4 " X 6" Srze 1 EACH 50.00
E-xt_r_a-:c=-o- p-:i-e-s ----=s-:,-,:-:- " -5
x-=7--=- ::-:-i-ze- - - - --t-- - - - - - ·-1- E
_H__,._ 6_
0 .-00-·

Spec. No.: As directed by Engin eer in


NO. REQUIRED 2015 - 16
44 Printing of drawing on Autocad in
followin g size wit h t racing on
reproducting paper from available
so urce per number.
AO ( 1165 X 8 17 mm) NO 57 5.00
I Al ( 817 X 570 mm ) NO 500.00
A2 ( 5 70 X 396 mm ) NO 430.00
A3 ( 396 X 27 5 mm } NO 450.00
I A4 ( 285 X 198 mm ) NO 250.00
45 Preparing drawing on Autocad with one
proof print for following size on plain
white paper with black colour print
providing tracing with saving on disk of
following size per number.
AO NO 2000.00
- ~--
Al NO 1500.00
A2 NO 1200.00
A3 NO 1000.00
- - -·
A4 NO 600.00
46 Editing and correction on drawing and
giving the prints on tracing paper with
tracing per number.
AO NO 715 .00
Al NO 560.00
A2 NO 500.00
A3 NO 400.00
A4 NO 300.00
- -··
- NO.
47 Providing and carryi ng out t raffic census
8 100 .00

wit h ori gin and destination survey on SH

I NH by supplyi ng skilled persons for
counting each t ype of veh icle plyi ng on
5.00 t he highway recording t heir numbers
wit h origin and its last destination as
0.00 per method su ggested by the Engineer
.o. oo in- charge ,cleari ng traffic using po li ce
inclu ding labou r ,material stati on ary and
rental charg es of m ateria ls such as
)0.00 table, chair,tent,flags,pet rom ax
etc.including typing,binding and
submittin g the fin al re port of t raffic
etc. compl ete as directed by Eng ineer in
ch arge.
- -- -~ 48 Counter survey of land ( Grid Survey ) Hector 9 300.0 0
)00. 00 at proposed building site i ncluding
- ·~
500 .00 cleaning of site cutting bushes fixing
200.00 bou nd ary ston es , pain t ing fixing etc. (
prepared by R. P. Dn . Jalna ) as
000.00 directed b En inee r.
500.0 0 49 Preparing and providing detailed plans 3 300 .0 0
and est imates of road including typing
in 5 copies in proper file inclu ding
colouring ammonia prints of plans,
indexing and paging etc. com plete and
715.00 all types of com pliance if requ ired from
SGO.OO departme nt.

500 .00 Spec No. : As directed by Engineer in

- - - --:--- cha r e
400 .00 SO Carrying out roughness index 1 road
--300.- 00--- ·
unevenness t est with Carmounted I
Jeep towed ARUR machine ( Automatic
Road Unevenness Recorder ) caliberated
from C.R.R.I. New Delhi ( Central Road
Research I nstitute ) or any other
equivalen t au thority incl udin g tak ing
observation s, feed ing data and giving
computerised test results including hire
charges of al l m achinery and labou r etc.

NO. REQUIRED 2015 -16
A) i) Road surface single lane ( B.T. I Km. 300.00
W.B.M.) 3 .75 m. width
ii) Road surface 1.5 I 2 .00 lane 5.50 Km. 600.00
meter I 7.00 meter width
iii) Each additional lane Km . 300.00
B) Dead journey charges for Km. 15.00
transportat ion of machinery I vehicle
etc. complete.


(a I

:NOT_X O:NT1U\:NSP01~T.:4'IiO:N. O.T- :M.J\T'E'IU.A£5

The rates for transpo rtation of m aterial upto the lead of 500 K. M. a re

out and applicable to the Public Works Region, Au rangabad. These rates are
worked out consid ering t he tren d of the ten ders received increase in fuel
component, recent concessions given to t he Transport industr y by the
Government, improved road cond ition, improved management of transport,
specially in respect of lon ger leads etc.

The rates now worked out a re for one trip on ly.

Th e rates for different mate ria ls for a pa r ticu lar unit can be worked ou t by

dividing the cost of t rip by given pay load . The pay load factor to be made
applicable is as per the enclosed stat em ent . A solv ed exa mple is a lso enclosed
herewith t o serve as a reference a nd guidance .

For t ransportation of bu lk bitu men, a rate of Rs. 5 .00 Km / MT is

considered ·
(at flat rate)

The load ing, unloadi ng and stacking charg es for cement and steel ar e as

mentioned below.

Cement Steel

Loading including stacking Rs . ,!)0 per M.T.

·2 Unloading Including stacking Rs. so per M.T. Rs. 200 per M .T.

3 Slackrng Rs . 10 per M.T. Rs. 50 per M.T .

These rates will come into effect from - 1st July 201 5

..---- ST.JI. T'E:M 'ENI' S:t.{OVVIJV(j 'JJ{'£ £:F.:AV CJ{7t1Ug'ES P'ER T'IUP r
Lead in Kms Rate per trip Add lead char•ges for intermediate kilometres per trip
- 480.44
------·-- -
Petrol- Rs 73.00/Ut
1.00 527 ..9~
-:_..,._5:-'Y_4_.8_l___ Diesel - Rs.56.77/Ut
2.00 620.24
2.50 666.13
Oil - Rs.210.00/Lit
3.00 711.35
Grease- Rs.220.00/Kg

LDO - Rs.70.00/Lit
886 . 10 •
5.50 931.76
6.00 973.72 ..
6.50 1017.-51
7 .00 1060.23
l102,64 ·- -f-------
- --------- --- ----- - - -- -i
800 1M~~
8.50 1166.53
6 c
7 c
8 c
9 c
---- -- - -· -


Sr. Item Unit Requ1rement Cement Sand Aggregate

i'JO. in bags 1n Cum Cum. Cum.
p:;: - 1 Cement concrete (1:2:4) Cum. 6. 27 0. 22 0.44 0.88
without finishing

- -
Cement concrete ( 1:2:4) Cum. 6.72 0.24

0.47 0.94
with finishing_
Cement concrete ( 1:3:6)
Cem ent concrete ( 1:4:8 )
0. 1 2
. 0.93
5 Cement concrete ( 1:5:10 ) Cum. 2.65 0.09 0.46 0.93
1(/EJ:N:fO'RC'E'D C'E:M.'ENT CO:NC'R'E'l'E
6 Cement Concrete M-15 ( Cum. 6.27 0 .22 0.44 0 .88
L' 1:2:4)
7 Cement Concrete M-20 ( Cum. 7.60 0.27 0.40 0.80
1:1-1/2 :3 )
8 Cement Concrete M- 2 5 Cum. 8.50 0.30 0.30 0 .60
9 Cement Concrete M-30 Cum. 9.00 0.32 0 .30 0.60
10 Cement Concrete M-35 Cum. 9 .00 0.32 0.30 0 .60
11 Cement Concrete M-40 Cum. 9.00 0.32 0.30 0.60

B.B. masonry in C.M. 1:4 Cum. 1.65 0.06 0.23
13 B. B. masonry in c.M·. 1 :5 Cum. 1.52 0.05 0.27
__ .. ~4 oroportion
B.B. masonry in C. M. 1:6 Cum. 1.44 0.05 0.30
15 B.B. ma sonry in C.M. 1: 8 Cum. 1.13 0 .04 0.32
~ 1--:-'-- _eroportion
f"'· t 16 Half brick masonry in C.M . Cum. 0.22 0.01 0.03
~J- :4 eroeortion
.m t.- l _ Jvi.:ASO:N".RY
.oo Km L~R. S. mason ry inC. ~ Cum. J. 7 7 0.06 0. 3 7 1.20
~m J ; 6 eroporg_~-- - -
500 Km

Item Unit Requ
18 U.C.R.S. masonry in C. M. Cum. 0.34
1:5 rtion
19 C.R. S. mason ry i n C.M. 1.5 Cum . 1.80 0.06 0.32 1.20
20 C.R. S. ·masonry in C.M. 1.6 Cum. 1.50 0 .05 0.32 1.30

21 Dry rubble pitching 23cm Sqm. 0.028

thick (Rubble)

22 Dry Rubble stone masonary Cum. 1.16



23 Providing and laying damp Sqm. 0.01 0.025 0.049
proof course 50 mm. thick in
24 Sqm. 0.20 0.01 0.021

25 Providing water proofing to Cum. 4.00 0.14 0.56

W.C. thick single coat in
C.M. 1 :4
26 India water proofing to Sqm. 0.50 0.018 0.095 0 .17
terrace with brick bats (bricks)

27 Providing internal cement Sqm. 0.002 0.006

plaster 6 mm. thick single
coat in C.M . 1:4 ion
28 Providing internal cement Sqm. 0.07 0.002 0.007
plaster 6 mm. thick single
coat in C.M 1:3
29 Providing internal cement Sqm. 0.09 0.003 0.016
plaster 12 mm. thick single
coat in C.M . 1:5 proportion

30 Prov iding internal ceme nt Sqm . 0.11 0.004 0.015

plaster 12 m m . thi c ~ single
coat in C.M . 1:4 proportion

- ------
Provid ing internal cement Sq m. 0.14
- -5 -
0. 015
p laster 12 mm. t hi ck single
coat in C. M. 1:3 proportion
Sr. lle m Unrt Requrrer11ent Cement rn Sand
- Aggregate
NO. in bags Cun; Cum . Curn .

32 Provid ing cement plaster 20 Sqm. 0.19 0. 01 0.02 5

mm. thick in two coat in
C. M. 1:3 proportion
33 Providing cement plaste r 20 Sqm. 0.15 0.01 0.021
mm. thick in two coat in
C. M. 1:4 proportion -
34 Providing cem ent plaster 20 Sqm. 0.14 0 .005 0.025
6 mm. thick in single coat in
Jle) I C.M. 1:5 proportion
35 Providing cement plaster 25 Sqm. 0.22 0.01 0.031
mm. thick in two coat in
49 C. M. 1:4 proportion
36 Sand faced plaster i n two Sqm. 0.22 0.0 1 0.031
coats in C.M. 1:4 proportion
-37 Rough cast plaster in t wo Sqm. 0.22 0.01 0.031
coats in C.M. 1:4
38 Providing flush grooving Sqm. 0. 03 0.001 0.003
pointing in C.M. 1:3 for brick
17 Providing flush grooving Sqm. 0.025 0.001 0.004
pointing in C.M. 1:4 for
stone masonry .
40 Providing tuck pointing with Sqm. 0.05 0.002 0.005
C.M. 1:3 proportion
41 Providing weathered Sqm. 0.04 0.00 1 0.004
pointing in C. M. 1:3 for
stone masonry . -
42 Providing vee poi nting for Sqm. 0 .03 0.001 0.003
stone masonry in C. M. 1:3

43 Providing fine finish 1:5 Sqm. 0.044 0.002

mm. thic k over green
P .AYIN(j, J "'LOO'IUN(j, :FINISJ-{IJ\f(j :A:N1J JJ.A'DO
44 Providing and la yi ng R.S. H. Sqm. 0 . 13 ~ 0.005 0 .028
flooring upto 30 mm. on bed
of 1: 6 C.M . and pomt1ng
·-45- C. M. 1:3
Providing and laying R. S.H. Sqm . 0. 14 0 .005
- 0.0 29
flooring upto 40 mm. to 50
mm on bed of 1 :6 C.M. and .
l:_ pointing C.M. 1:3 '•

So. lt~ m Unit Reqlllre•nE>nt CE>men t m $ (111(1 Agg•egate
No. in bags Cum C11m . Cum.

46 Provid ing and laying R.S.H. Sqm. 0.15 0.0 1 0.032

flooring upto SO mm. to 60
mm on bed of 1:6 C.M . and
nti C.M. 1: 3
47 Providi ng and laying Sqm. 0.13 0.005 0.027
polished shahabad stone
floo ring 25 mm. to 30 mm.
thick on bed 1: 6 ortion
48 Providing and laying Sqm. 0.13 0.005 0.027
polished tandur stone
flooring 25 to 30 mm. thick
on bed 1:6 rti on
49 Providing and laying Sqm. 0.13 0.005 0.027
polished kotah stone flooring
25 to 30 mm. thick on bed
1:6 ortion
50 Providing and laying skirting Sqm. 0. 18 0.01 0.025
and dado of poli shed
shahabad stone 25 to 30
mm . .with 1:4 C.M.
51 Providing and laying skirting Sqm. 0.18 0.01 0.025
and dado of Tandu r stone 25
to 30 mm. with C.C. 1:4
52 Providing and laying C.C. Sqm. 0.36 0.01 0.02 0.05
flooring 40 mm. thick with
c. 1:1-1 :4
53 Providing and laying C.C. Sqm. 0.44 0.02 0.02 0 .06
flooring SO mm. thick with
c.c. 1:1- :4
54 Providing and layi ng flooring Sqm. 0 .15 0.01 0.032
of plain cement tiles of 15 x
25 mm on bed 1:6 for
55 Providing and laying flooring Sqm. 0.18 0.01 0 .025
of plain cement ti les for
dado and skirting of 25 x 25
mm on on po lished su rface
1:4 for floorin g
56 Providing a nd laying Sqm . 0.22 0 .0 1 0 .046
coloured glazed tiles CM 1:6
57 Providing and layi ng Sqm. 0 .21 0.0 1 0 .044
coloured Glazed tiles CM 1 :6
m size of da
. ~- _- - . - - ~ "' ......... ~-~ .-. · - ~ •-t" • •

urn. Sr I tem Unit r~equ lremenl Ce11 1~~n t 1n Sand AgweoOLc
NO in ll<Jgs Cum Cu m . Cllm .

58 Providing and laying white Sq m . 0.22 0.01 0.046

glazed tiles 150 x 150 mm.
r flo CM1·6
59 Providi ng a nd laying white Sqm. 0.21 0.01 0.035
glazed tiles 150 x 150 mm.
for da nd skirtin
60 Providing and laying gray 1 Sqm. 0.15 0 .01 0.021
white cement base mosaic
tile for flooring 25 x 25 em .
CM 1:4
61 Providing and laying gray I Sqm. 0.18 0.01 0.025
white cement base mosaic
tiles for dado 25 x 25 em.
CM 1:4
Providing and laying in Sqm. 0.30 0.01 0.053
required position flooring of
broken ch ina
63 Providing and laying Sqm. 0.18 0. 01 0.03 2
polished shahabad ston e 25
to 30 mm. thick for tread
and riser
64 Cerami c tiles Flooring 7mm. Sq m. 0.22 0.01 0.031
thick CM 1:4

65 Ceramic tiles Dado Skirting Sqm. 0.21 0.01 0.029

0.05 CM 1:4
66 Polished Kotah stone Sqm. 0.13 0.00 0.027
flooring 25 to 30 mm. thick
0.06 CM 1 :6
67 Polished Kota h stone dado/ Sqm. 0.18 0.01 0.025
Skirting CM 1:4

68 Granite Cladding CM 1 :3 Sqm. 0.20 0 .01 0.021

69 Gra nite stone slab 20 mm Sq m. 0.18 0.01 0.025
thick CM 1:4
Polished Kada ppa stone Sq m. 0.20 0.01 0.021
slab CM 1:3
Vitri fi ed L d(~S flooring CM 1:4 Sq m . 0. 18. 0.01 0.02 5
72 V 1lri flcd tiles dado/ skirting Sqm. 0.22 0.01 o.o::n
CM J :4
lj Provid ing Ea1 thwork in Cum.
emba nl
:M.ateria[ Re
Qly.of Metal .0f Asphalt
Size required per required per
Sq rn. Sqm.

1) Liquid Seal Coat. 10 & 6

0.009 Cum 0.98 Kg.
2) Prem ix Seal Coat. 0.68 Kg.
6 mm 0.006 Cum
3) 20mm thick premix carpet ( cold ) 12mm 0.018 Cum 1.51 Kg.

10mm 0.009 Cum

4) Single coat surface dressing 20mm 0.015 Cum .80 Kg .

5) Two coat Surface dressing. 20mm 0.025 Cum 2.90 Kg.

6) 25mm th ick premix ( cold ) 20mm 0.0185 Cum 2.90 Kg.

12mm 0.012 Cum 2.05 Kg.
6mm 0.006 Cum
0.036 Cum
0.50 Kg.
Tack coat on BT
7) 20 mm open graded carpet on BT. 13.2mm 0.018 Cum 0.94 Kg.
13 .2mm 0.0090 Cum 0.50 Kg.
0.027 Cum 1.44 Kg.

m Tack coat on BT.

on BT
on WBM
Say 2.00

2 5m m open grad ed ca rpet 20m m 0 .0185 Cum

1 1.2mm 0 .01 2 Cu m
6mrn 0.006 Cu m
0.0365 Cum
on WBM
Sr. Qty.of Metal Qty .of Asphalt
No. required per required per
Sm. Sm.
2.47 Kg I
Sm. 1 -- -

9) 75 mm B.B.M.
Tack coat
40mm 0.090Cum
0.30 Kg

13. 2mm 0.018 Cum
2.00 Kg.

I Kg. 50 mm B.B.M. Tack coat

40mm 0.060 Cum
0.30 Kg
) Kg.
20mm 0.018Cum
1. 75 Kg.
) Kg .
5 Kg. 0.78Cum

11) 75 mm MPM Tack coat

40mm 0.090Cum
- '· 0.30 Kg
iO Kg.
13.2mm 0.018 Cum
14 Kg. 2.00 Kg.

12) SO mm MPM Tack coat

40mm 0.060 Cum
0.30 Kg

20mm 0.012Cum
1. 75 Kg.

SOmm thick full grout (crushed) 1 coat

40mm 0.060 Cum

2 No.1.25 Kg
12mm O.OlSCum
I Sqm.
- lOmm
-- 0.012Cum

- - - ---
6.25 Kg I
1.97 Kg. ' SOmrn tf11ck scm1 groul(Crushed) 40mm 0.060 Curn 2.75 Kg 1 No.
-- - - ---
12mm O.OlSCu m 1.25Kg.2N~
0.50;;. 1

~ lOmm 0.012Cum

...---..,.----~-----------r-----~r.Q~t-:;y.:;o-;fIVMi-:::e;:ta::t'ITrQty .of Asphalt
Sr. Metal · d
No. Size
required per
requtre per
4.00 Kg I
15) 20 mm Mix Seal Surfacing. 2.2 Kg I
Sqm.Type A
~--~---------------------------r-------l----------r---- ------
1.9 Kg /Sqm.

16) 25mm Semi Dense Bitumen Carpet

i Type_ B.

5.25 %(density 2.6 MT/Cum) As per 3.80 Kg I

Mix design ( gradation) Sqm.
0.0376 Cum
( including
Tack coat)
~~~----~~~--~--~~~~1- - -
17) 40 mm Semi Dense Bitumen Carpet
5.5 %(density 2.6 MT/Cum) As per 140 Kg I Cum
Mix design ( gradation) 1.50
Tack coat)

18) SO mm Bituminous Macadam

50 Kg I Cum
(Oen~ity2.0 MT/ Cum) 2.50% 1.36
Bitumen As per gradation of MOT. Cum/Cum
Tack coat)
( Density 2.0 MT/ Cum) 3.00%
60 Kg I Cum
Bitumen As per gradation of MOT. 1.36
Tack coat)
( Density 2.0 MT/ Cum) 3.30 %
66 Kg I Cum
Bitumen As per gradation of MOT. 1.36
( Excluding
Tack coat)
(Density 2.20 MT/ Cum) 4.00%
88 Kg I Cum
Bitumen As per gradation of MOT. 1.36
Tack coat)
16) 40 mm A.C.6.2 5 % & 3 %filler Coarse

density 2.40 Mt I Cum

- - ---- --------~- -
1.0 1
Cum/Cum I
-·-- - ~-- --- ---
r 1ne I o.s7
aggregate Cum/Cum ..... j;,
-- -- I - - - -- - -- - - -- - --I--C
- e_m_e_n_t --+--
72_ K_g_/_C_u_m- + -- - - - 1_L


The transporta tion tabl es have been prepared as per guidelines received from
Government. The data has been adopted as per mode specrfled in the All India
standard Schedule of Ra tes by National Bu ilding Organization ( N.B.O.).

1. The rates are derived Inclu ding loading and unloading charges ancl $Ome other
minutes considerations for extra kilometres covered for obtuining diece! etc.
The rate Is worked out and prescribed on trip basis in the lead sta tement
B. taking into consideration the pay load for lorry of 9.00 tones as prescribed In
the accompanying table.

A notab le change that has to be exercised is to ad opt various pay load factors
depending upon the types of commodity to be transported either on
volumetric basis or weight basis. The details on the basis of pay loas of 9 .00
M. T. ca pacity lorry for v arious materials is given be low as prescribed ln the
All India Standard Schedule of ra te by N.B.O . and Amy be adopted for
:um computing tra te on Cum. 1 M.T. 1 Number basis I RMT .
Jat) Sr.
--· Material Pay lo ap Unit of
No. - - -- · factor
-·-- -- - -ra-·-tes
·"'---- -
1. a) Lime, murum, building ru bbi sh, earth manure of
sludge and excavated rock and fly as
i) Lime, murum, bldg, rubbish 5.75 Cum_ Cum.
'·' ii) Earth
iii) Manure or sludge
5. 75 Cum.
5.45 Cum.
Cum .
Cum - .M Excavated rock 4 .70 Cum. Cum.
uding 1. I b) Sand, stone, aggregate and soling stone
: oat) i) Sand, stone, aggregate, below 40 mm normal
size brick I cllnd er aggregate. 5.75 Cum . Cum.
1 cum OJ.
ii} Stone aggregate 40 mm size and above 5.50 Cum . Cum.
luding \ iii) So ling 5.50 Cum. Cum.
- 2.
iv} Concrete blocks ( fo rm ) 6.00 Cum. Cum.

i) Modular bri cks 3500 Nos. 1000 Nos.

1--- ii) Tradi tional bricks tile s
i) Half round ti les
ii) RooflnCJ tt les ( flat )
3500 Nos.
5000 Nos.
5 00 Q....!'J~
1000 Nos.
1000 Nos.
1000 Nos.
't - iii) Cement 9.00 M.T. 9 To nnes I
1 Ton nes
~ J}0 Steel 9.00 M.T.
--l -
vJ_ Bt turnen 7. SO M. I.
--- - - -
Glass blocks (H allow ) 200 mm x 200 mm x 100

9 To n nes
~.2..-.QO ~'1 .1.
.t -Ton nes
1 ~1. T. -

=:j '?-· rnm

·~ Emp~y cement bags
1000 1000 No s.
Sr. - Materia l I Pay load Unit of
No. fact o r rates
6. Cement, stone blocks, G.I. C. I. c. c. and A.C . 9 Tonnes 1 Tonnes
pipes be low 100 mm dla. and other heavy
materia ls
7. St eel 9 Tonnes 1 Tonnes
8. Timber 5.75 Cum. 1 Cum.
9. Tar bitumen roofing felt and flooring, asphalt etc. 4.5 Ton'nes 1 Tonnes
9.A Bitumen bulk 9 .0 M.T. 1 M.T.
10 Stearn coal 9 Tonnes 1 Tonnes
11 Matting thatching bamboos and ballies of sizes,
ceiling boards rubber P.V .C. pipes and fittings,
3 .30 M.T. 1 M.T.
12. S.W. pipes
a) 100 mm dia 520 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
b) 150 mm dia 276 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
c) 200 mm dia 150 Mtrs. 1 Mt r.
d) 230 mm d ia 115 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
e) 250 mm dia 96 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
f) 300 mm dia 75 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
g) 350 mm d ia 46 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
h) 400 mm dia 30 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
13. R.C.C. pipes, steel cylinder R.C. pipes, C. I. pipe
unreinforced cement pi pes and prestressed
concrete pipes
a) 100 mm dia 292.80 1 Mtr.
b) 1 25 mm dia Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
c) 150 mm dia 219.60 1 Mtr.
d) 200 mm dia Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
e) 250 mm d ia 183 .00 1 Mtr.
f) 300 mm dia Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
g) 350 & 400 mm dia 109 .80 1 Mtr.
h ) 450 & SOD mm dia Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
i) 600 mm dia 80.52 Mtrs . 1 Mtr.
j ) 800 mm dia 6 2 .22 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
k) 900 m m dia 54.92 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
I) 1000 mm di a 29. 28 Mtrs . 1 Mtr. i:lt
m) 1200 mm d ia 3 0 .00 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
15.00 Mtrs. , ~\
15. 00 Mtrs. ::

1 5.00 Mtrs .
5.00 Mtrs.
it of Sr. Material

Pay load Unit Gf

1nes -
- -
Asbestos cement pipes
i) 50 mm dia

658.80 Mtrs.

1 Mtr.
ii) 80 mm dia 402.60 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
iii) 100 mm dia 292.80 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
iv) 150 mm dia 183.00 Mtrs. 1 Mtr.
15. Sheet and plate glass in packs paints and 7.00 M.T. 1 MT.
Distemper, A.C. sheet and fittings iron sheets
- lmoleum etc.
16. Asehalt in drum 45 Nos.
17. Shahabad Tandur Kotah stone 110 So m. 1 Som.

t r.
tr .

-1tr .
v'\ tr.
Mtr .

5'15\T'E:M'E:NT' NO."V 1¥.5\G'ES O:J L .Jt'B011'R
1 -·
S11M:M.7t'RY O:J L .7t.'B011n 'RJ\T'ES O:J 2015 - 16

Sr. Rate in Rs.

Code Description Unit
No. 2015-2016
1 2 3 4

Black smi th with tools II class Day 37 5.00


2 Da_y 37 5.00
Stone cutt er with tools semi skilled

3 Maso n 1st class, ski lled Day 482.00

4 Mason 2nd class skilled Oa_y 37 5.00

5 Ca rpenter 1st cl ass ski lled 48 2. 00

6 Ca rpenter 2nd class, skilled Day 375.00

7 Plumber with tools, skilled Da_y 53 5.00

Glazier wit h tools, skilled Day 375.00


9 Tin smith with tools semi skilled Day 375.00

10 Painter 1st class skilled Day 375.00

11 Painter 2nd class skilled Day 268.00

12 Head fitter with tools skilled Day 375.00

13 Mechanic Da~
37 5.00
14 Lo rr~ drive/ mixer OQerator Da_y

15 Welder/ driller, skilled Day 4 28. 00

16 Polishman semi skilled Day 353.00

17 Assistant plumber skilled Day 268 .00

18 Mist_ry, skilled/ Su eervisor 375.00


19 Vibrator operator (skilled ) Day 342.00


20 Skilled labou_r_ 321 .00

- - - _Qay- -
2 14.00
-21-.. Bore man skilled Oat_

22 Asehalt serayer, skilled Day 375. 00

23 Miner o r blaster semi skill ed Day_ 268.00

Rate in Rs.
Code Descri tion Uni 15-20 16

3 4

man semi skill 32 1.00

26 8.00

Labour exc. rn H. rock u blast

2 68.00

Ti Da 26 8.00

Mazdoor for D
2 68.00



2 14.00
Mukadam semi skilled

Tar handler semi skilled

He I unski lled D 214.00

3 21.00

Da 257.00

Ma zdoor unskilled II female


Fitter 2nd class with tools skilled

Bori Rm. 353.00

Gunman for Gunitin oa 353.00


- Lab assist nt Da 353.00

Lahour ti le tu rni.!l9_ ________ , DaY-_ r-__3_S_3_.o_o___
0 268.00

----------•- ay_

semi skilled
ler semi skill ed

Da 353.00

Sr. Rate in Rs.
No. Code Descri Qtion Unit 2015-2016

1 2 3 4

49 Bandhani semi ski lled Day 294.00

50 Engraver for letterinq skilled Day 428.00

51 Frabi , weld drillina steps step 353.00

52 Spot welding No. 35.00

53 Labour for Gunitinq Sa.M . 214.00

54 Jack hammer operator Day 353.00

55 Electrician Day 375.00

56 Welder, skilled Day 375.00

57 Labour for tranffic requlation Day 214.00

58 Watchman Day 235.00

59 Compressor operator/ driver Oa~

60 Supervisor Day 294.00

S'.L.J\'lf:MX:NT:NO.'VI S-IU PPL}j O:f :M.JtT~'JU.J\L
sru_M:J.1. 0 :M..:AT'E1U:AL RJt'lTS O:J 2015-16

Descri ption Unit Rate

2015 - 16

1 534 Brushes for lettering No 80 .00

2 706 Brush for road marking No 150.00

3 028 Boundary stone No 300.00

4 029 Boundary stones 75 x 20 x 15 em No 300.00

5 530 Fir wood/ heating bit umen Kg. 7.50

6 01 9 Fire wood Quintal 750.00

7 0 18 Gravel at nalla bed Cu.M. 200.00
8 684 eati ng/ spray b itumen (bou zer) M.T. 300.00
9 707 No 1500.00
Cu.M. 150 .00
169 Trap rubble at quarry 15 em to 23 em size
Cu.M. 200.00
708 power/ geeru Kg. 15.00
045 Cu.M. 55.00
004 nd (screened) Cu.M. 400.00
058 p metal 40 mm (crushed) Cu.M. 495.00
Empty Asphalt drum No 400.00
Empty Oil drum No 600.00

1J'R.11) W ®1t'K
495 Allu . Sheet s 1.5 mm thick for e xp. Join t Sq.M. 1900.00
Kg. 45. 00
lum1nuu!:> pad 25 mm lh1ck Sq.M 900.00
Kg. 250.00
2 (calcium chloride) Kg. 75 .00
No. 35.00
D.d.v.p. 100% e mulsion concentrate Ltr. 125. 0 0

Sr. Code Description Unit Rate
No. No. 2015- 16
8 050 Fuse N0. 20.00
9 679 Grease Kg. 200.00
10 578 G.I.chain for ra iling (lKg./Rg.M.) R.M. 250.00
11 577 G.I.socket 40 mm I rivet 12 mm No. 80.00
12 682 Handling from yard lo place M.T. 1600.00
13 Curshed Metal 20MM CUM 650.00
14 Curshed Metal l0/12MM 600.00
15 Curshed Metal 6MM 400.00
16 861 Melamine polish Ltr. 300.00
17 013 Nipple for fastening deto nator No. 50.00
18 011 Nobly dynamite Kg . 125.00
19 14 Red tape safety fuse R.M. 20.00
20 577 Restrai ned neoprene bearings Cu.cm. 1.20
21 576 Tar paper 3 mm thick Sq.M. 45.00
22 579 Washer for railing No. 300.00

1 813 12 mm flexible inlet pipe No. 90. 00
2 340 Ball cock 15 mm dia P.V.C. float No. 350.00
3 341 Ball cock 25 mm dia P.V.C. flaot No. 4 50.00
4 29 6 Bell mouth cover·(llO mm) dia No. 125.00
5 29 5 Bend cast iron 100 mm dia No. 300.00
6 31 9 Bib stop tap brass heavy 15 mm (300 gm) No. 225.00
7 320 Bi b stop tap brass heavy 20 mm No. 300.00
8 321 Bib stop tap b rass heavy 2 5 m m No. 375.00
9 36 8 Bib lap 12 mm ca st iron No . 150.00
10 36 7 Bib tn p 12 mm brass med1um No. 200.00
11 4 45 Brass NoZ71e p illar ta p 1 2 m m Nu mber
12 Laboratory cock 15 m m one way No.
13 Laboratory cock 15 mm two way No .
14 226 Laboratory cock 15 mm three way No.

Sr . Code Descri ption Unil i
o. No.
15 422 Brass wheel stop tap 32 mm dia Number 450.00
16 424 Brass wheel stop ta p 40 mm d ia Number 550.00
17 426 Brass wheel stop tap 50 mm dia Number 650.00

18 428 ss wheel stop tap 65 mm dia Number 1000.00

430 NumbeJ 1400.00
20 304 No. 6.50

21 337 push but gu n mental tap 15.00 mm No. 130.00

22 294 piing cast iron 100 mm No. 25 0.00

-23 293 oupling cast iron 80 mm No. 160.00

394 No . 2 00.00
393 !.grating 750 mm No. 180.00

26 310 .I. cover 45 x 30 em with frame No. 1000.00

292 Ferru l for C.l. pipe 100 mm No. 150.00
450 Fixing in cement concrete block 45 em X 45 em No. 75. 00
).00 X 45 em
r~ Gun m etal stop tap & cr. Wh. 20 mm No. 500.00
.1. clamp 12 mm to 32 mm No. 15.00
449 G.l. bend/ plug (18g) 75-100 mm dia No. 175.00
343 .I. pipe 100 mm dia heavy type R.M. 1100.00
383 . 1. pipe 100 mm d ia medium type R.M . 800.00
.I. pipe 15 mm d ia heavy type R.M. 180.00
G.I. pipe 15 mm dia medi um type R.M. 130.00

G.l. pipe 20 mm dia heavy type R.M. 200.00

.I. pipe 20 mm dia medium type R.M. 160.00
R. M. 200.00
so .oo
.I. ptpe 25 mm dia med ium type R. M. 180 .00

.I. pi pe 32 mm dL..1 heav y Lype R-.M . 2~ 0.00
. I. 32 mm dia m ed ium type R.M. 240. 0 0
700 .00
.I. pi pe 40 m m dia heavy type R.M. 325.00
, 10 0.00
G.I. pi pe 40 mm d ia med ium type R.M. 300.00
30 2 G.I. pipe SO mm dia heavy type R.M . 400.00

21 I
Sr. Code Description Unit Rate
No. No.
- 2015-1-6
45 380 G. I. pi pe 50 m m d ia medi um type R.M . 340.00
46 3 03 G.I. pipe 65 m m dia heavy type R.M. 620.00
47 381 G.I. pipe 65 m m dia med ium type R.M. 450.00
- 48 342 G.I. pipe 80 mm dia heavy type R.M . 560.00
49 382 G.l. pi pe 80 m m dia m ediu m type R.M. 500.00
50 309 Non return valve 15 mm No . 420.00
51 314 Non return valve 25 mm No. 780.00
52 312 Non return v alve for 20 mm dia No. 570.00
53 822 P.V .C. socket 32 mm dia No. 30.00
54 401 R.C.C. pipe 100 mm dia R.M. 165.00
55 402 R.C.C. pipe 150 mm dia R.M. 185.00
56 403 R.C.C. pipe 225 mm dia NP-111 (NON GOVT.) R.M. 300.00
57 404 R.C.C. pipe 300 mm dia NP- III (NON GOVT.) R.M. 350.00
58 437 Self project tap brass chromium pl. 15 mm No. 1500.00
59 434 Shower rose chorimium plated brass 10 em No . 350.00
60 607 Socket brass for 32 mm tap No. 180.00
61 608 Socket brass for 40 mm tap No. 230.00
62 609 Socket brass for SO mm tap No. ·-
63 610 Socket brass for 65 mm tap No. 350.00
64 511 Socket for 100 mm tap No. 400.00
65 322 Socket for 15 mm tap No. 30.00
66 323 Socket for 20 mm tap No. 50.00
--6 7 324 Socket for 25 mm tap No. 55.00
- -·
68 ~2 3 Socket for 32 mm tap No. 75.0 0
-69- 425
Socket for 40 mm tap
- - -
No . 8 5 .00
-70- 4 27 Socket for 50 mm t ap No.
- - -·-
71 429 Socket for 65 mm tap
No. 125.00
72 508 Socket for 80 mm tap No. 160.00
73 606 Socket for G.I. pipe 150 mm dia medium No. 600.00
74 675 Steel pipe for roof 20 mm dia R.M. 110.00

i-16 Code
Descnpt1 on Unit Rate
.00 201 6
~ 674 tee! pipe for roof 25 mm dia R.M. 140.00
-l.OO 76 673 t eel pipe for roo f 40 mm dla R.M. 200.00
77 67 2 Steel pipe for roof 50 mm dia R.M. 250.00
) . 00
78 671 Steel pipe for roof 65 m m di a R.M.
79 329 top tap brass wi th cr. Wheel 15 mm 210.00
80 316 Water meter box with lock 15 mm No. 1200.00
81 317 Water m eter box with lock 20 mm No. 1550.00
82 305 Water m ete r 15 mm (Non return valve) No. 2000 .00
83 510 ater meter 100 mm (Non return va lve) No. 5500.00
84 311 Water meter 20 mm (Non return valve) No. 2300.00
35. 00
. 85 313 ter meter 25 mm (Non return valve) No. 3200.00
:)0. 00
501 ater meter 50 mm (Non return valve) No. 4300.00
507 ater meter 80 mm (Non return valve) No . 5100.00
ater meter box lock above 25 mm No. 500.00
heel stop tap o f brass 1 5 mm No . 180.00
heel stop tap of brass 20 mm No. 280.00
No. 290 .00
310 .00
Number 175.00
Number 41 0.00
3 0.00
841 II cock 4 0 mm dia & PVC float Number 600.00
836 II cock 50 mm dia & PVC float Number 830.00
82 3 Sqm. 500.00
75.00 435 Brass ch rom ium plated basi n a nd foundatio n Nurn ber 700.00
85 .00 I• 7 443 Grass th1 m bl e sockE'l 32 mm Pa ir 1253.00
- -- - 400.
- 00-
9 5. 00
- 125.00
8 360 Cl1mn IILII'II p l<:ltl:'d b1b cock 12 mm d .r.J
---- - - -
Nu mlx~ r
·- C.L m anhole cover (6~ Kg) Number 47 00 .00
600.00 --- C. l. m anhole cover 75 kg
C.l. manhole ( 8 5 Kg ) cover
Num ber
- anhole cover C.l. 180 kg. Heavy Number 12500.00

Sr. Code Description Unit Rate
No. No. 201 5-16

13 460 C.I. plug bend 150 mm dia bend Number 900.00
14 414 Colour European type W .C. pan Number 1800.00

415 Colour wash hand basin 55 x 40 em Number 1600.00
16 447 Colour glazed wash basin 63 x 45 em Number 2100.00
l7 436 Chromium plated brass fountain jet Numbt?r 450.00
18 433 C.C. sept. tank 0.9 m. dia (2.5 m) Number 5000.00
19 6 32 C.I. bend 100 mm Number 450.00
20 440 C.l. brackets Pair 100.00
21 373 C.I. collar t'OO mm dia Number 360.00
22 374 C.I. colla r 150 mm dia Number 800.00
23 372 C.!. collar 75 mm dia Number 300.00
24 371 C.I. cowl/vent 100 mm dia Number 350.00
25 369 C.I. cowl/vent 75 mm dia Number 300.00
26 832 C.I. grating 150 mm dia Number 500.00
27 612 C.I. low level flush tank Number 3000.00
28 364 C.I. Nahani trap 100 mm dia (45 mm long) Number 1000.00
29 363 C. I. Nahani trap 75 to 80 mm dia Number 700.00
30 604 C.I. pipe 100 mm dia (Plain) R.M. 950.00
31 605 C.I. pipe 150 mm dia .R.M. 1450.00
32 603 - C.I. pipe 75-80 mrn dia R.M. 750.00
33 Centrifugally (Spun ) C.I. Pipe 150 mm dia. R.M. deleted
34 Centrifugally (Spun) C.I. Pipe 100 mm dia. R.M. deleted
35 -
Centrifugally (Spun) C.I. Pipe 75 mm dia. R.M. deleted
36 831 C.I. plug bend 150 mm dia Num ber 5 20.00
37 833 C. I. shoe 150 mm dia Number -
640 .00
- - C. L shoe 7 5-100 mm dia ( 18g)
62S Nu mber 350.00
--- C.L tee ( 100 m m)- - -
Number 700 .00
40 927 C.I. trap grating 15 x 15 em. Number 40 0.00
41 457 C.I. 'Y' j u nction 100 mm dia
- Number 820.00
42 458 C.I. 'Y' junction 150 mm dia Number 1700.00
-- '
1,6 _ Code Description Unit Rate
00 No. 2015-16
456 C.I. 'Y' junction 75 mm dia Number 670.00
15 mm di a G.l. lbow Number 22.00
15 mm dia G.I. bend Nu mber 27. 00
15 mm dia G. l. union Number 50.00
15 mm dia G.l. coupling Number 22.00
15 mm dia G.I. reducer 3/4 x 1/2 Num ber 37.00
15 mm d ia G.I. reducer 1 x 1/2 Number 47.00
so 15 mm d ia G.I. tee Number 30.00
15 mm dia G.I. 1/2 gate valve Number 325.00
20 mm dia G.I. lbow Number 27.00
- -· 20 mm dia G.I. union Number 65.00
20 mm dia G.I. coupling Number 43.00
20 mm dia G.I. reduce r Number 45.00
20 mm dia G.I. bend Number 42.00
20 mm dia G.I. tee Number 42.00
20 mm dia G.l. 3/4" gate valve Number 380.00
25 mm dia G.I. lbow Number 37.00
5 mm dia G.I. union Number 85.00
25 mm d ia G.I. coupling Number 45.00
25 mm dia G.I. reducer Number 48.00
25 mm dia G.I. bend Number 68.00
25 mm dia G.I. tee Number 57.00
25 mm dia G.I. 1" gate va lve Number 800.00
40 mm d1a G.I. lbow Number 80. 00
4 0 m m di a G.l. union Number 15 0. 0 0
40 rn m d ia G. f. coupli ng Number 75.00
0 mm dia G.l. redu cer Number 8 5. 00
Number 110 .00
Number 110.00
m m dia G.l. 1 l/2" gate va lve Number 1125.00

Sr. Code Description l)nil
- No.
40 mm dia G.I. 2" gate valve Number
74 40 mm dia G.l. 2 1/2" gate valve
-Number 2300.00
75 819 Cleaning flushing tank for W .C. Number 2500.00
76 828 European white glazed earthenware coupled Number 2500.00
closet Reputed company
77 613 European type glazed W .C. pan Number 1500.00
78 384 European type glazed W.C. pan 68 em Number 2500.00
79 349 Flushing tank with accessories 10 lit Number 1200.00
80 400 Enamelled bend 40 mm dia Number 150.00
81 820 Fibre Oushing tank for W .C. Number 500.00
82 842 Flat back urinal Number 1800.00
83 418 Flushing tank automatic urinal 10 lit. (PVC) Number 3000.00
84 355 Flushing tank ordinary 5 ltr. Capacity Number 900.00
85 417 Flushing tank automatic 5 ltr. (urinal) Number 2000.00
86 Flushing tank of PVC 10 ltrs. capacity Number 1000.00
87 351 Foot rest chequered 25 x 10 em Number 175.00
88 453 G.I. bend/ vent 150 to 225 mm dia (B) Number 300.00
110 448 G.I. plain rain pipe (18g) 75 mm dia Number 200.00
111 451 G.I. plain rain pipe (18g) 100 mm dia R.M. 270.00
112 454 G.I. plain rain pipe (22g) 225 mm dia R.M. 450.00
113 452 G.I. plain rain pipe (18g) 150 mm dia R.M. 325.00
114 623 G.l. shoe 75 to 100 mm dia (18g) Number 115.00
115 455 G.I. shoe (22g) 2 25 mm dia Number 21 5.00
116 62 2 Gully trap cover with frame Number 300.00
1 17 357 Half round earthen wa re pipe 100 mm R. M. 150~ t
1 18 618
Half round china ware pipe l OOmm R.M 300.00
119 473 Hu me pipe septic tank 0 .9 m dra (2.5m)
-- --·-
120 843 Lead pipe 12 mm dia R.M. 325.00
121 614 Lead p1pe 25 mm dia R.M. 550.00
122 617 Lead p i pe 32 mm dia R.M. 750.00
Cod e Description Unit Rate
No. 2.0 -1'6
615 Lead pipe 40 mm dia R.M. 1050.00
356 Li pped type urinal Number 1000.00
616 Low level glazed flush tank Number 1500.00
634 Mirror 40 x 50 em Num ber 350.00
361 Number 510.00
438 osquito proof coupling Number 60.00
Sqm. 250.00
Number 275.00
) tal (urina l pan) coloured gl azed Number 800.00
10 839 Number 650.00
407 P.V.C. pipe 15 mm dla (1 mm wall thickness) R.M. 2.7.00
408 P.V.C. pipe 2.0 mm dia (1 mm wall thickness) R.M. 33.00
409 P.V.C. p ipe 25 mm dia (1.5 mm wall thickness) R.M. 40.00
410 P.V.C. pipe 32 mm dia (2 mm wall thickness) R.M. 60.00
41 1 P.V.C. pipe 40 mm dia (2 mm wall thickness) R.M. 70.00
R.M. 78.00
.V.C. pipe 63 mm dia (2 mm wall thickness) R.M. 90.00
V. C flushing tank Number 750. 00
00 P' trap & lead pipe upto 40 mm dia Number 450.00
.00 c.c. water tank 1.2 m dia (2.5 m) Number 9000.00
alt glazed stone ware gully trap Number 250.00
472 Number 350.00
6 21 Sin k white glazed 4 5 x 20 x 3 0 em Number 1800.00
Kg . 90.00
Half stall type unnal syslem Nu mber 1200. 0 0
R.M . 100.00
one ware pipe 150 m m d la R.M. 170. 00
tone ware pipe 225 m m dia R.M. 2.50.00
arat (gunny cloth) Sqm . 30.00
owel rod with cl amps 16 mm dia Number 160.00

- -
Description Unit Rat.e
No. No. 2015-16
151 639 T.W./C.I. peg with T. W . plate Number 40. 0 0
152 61 9
Wash hand basin whit e glazed
55 x 40 em Number 1300.00
153 358 Wash ha nd basin (63 x 45 White Glazed) Number 1800.00
154 442 White glazed full stall urinal Number 2500.00
155 353 W.C. pan 64 em 1st class with trap Number 1000.00
156 352 W.C. pan 68 em 1st class (Orissa) Number 1400.00
157 830 W.C. pan coloured glazed 25" (Orissa) Number 1650.00
158 826 W.C. pan white glazed 23 " (Indian) Number 800.00
159 827 W.C. pan white glazed 25" (Orissa) Number 1500.00
160 825 W .C. pan White glazed 23" (Orissa) Number 1300.00
161 441 W.C. pan with •p• trap 685 mm Number 1300.00
162 348 W.C. pan 63 em 1st class with trap Number 1200.00
163 359 White glazed earthenware sink 0.6x0.2x0.45 m Number 2500.00
164 Squatting type urinal Number 550 .00

1 182 One face veneer 20 mm thick partlcal board Sq.M. 850.00
2 270 35 mm thick door with 12 mm thick panel Sq.M. 2500.00
3 644 Aldrop 300 x 16 mm chromium plated Number 125.00
4 249 Aldrop aluminium 300 x 16 mm Number 200.00
5 253 Aldrop iron oxidised 300 X 16 mm dia Number 100.00
6 136 Aluminium powder Gram 6.00
7 597 Aluminium rod 25 mm dla R.M. 75.00
8 752 Aluminium section Kg. 240.00
9 133 Al um iniu m st rips Kg. 240.00
10 134 Alum inium st rips 20 x 3 mm R.M. 50. 00
- 135
- Aluminium hold fast Number 27.00
12 878 Assam wood/Malesiya wood Cu.M .
13 2 22 A.C. sheet 4 mm th ick Sq.M.
14 140 Bees wax Kg.
15 725 Bitumen primer Ltr.



Description - Uni t

96 Bit umen (compound) Kg. 60.00
17 258 Black hinges 5 " Number 30.00

18 188 Black board 25 mm thick Sq.M . 75.00
19 146 Bolted li nseed o il Ltr. 100.00
- . 20 220 Brass screws Gross 675.0 0
00 .00
Ply wood 19mm Water proof Sq .M. 950.00
Ply wood 12mm Water proof Sq.M. 750 .00
::>0.0 0
Ply wood 8mm Wate r pr oof Sq.M. 620.00
iOO.OO -
'" ,_
Ply wood 6mm Water proof Sq.M. 550.00
Ply wood 4m m Water proof Sq.M. 275.00
300.00 -
21 273 Brass double acti ng sp ring hing es Number 30 0. 00
22 266 Brass ornamental hand le- 6" Number 150.00
23 651 Brass oxide tower bolts 300 mm Number 250.00
55 0.00
32 264 Brass oxide tower bolt 2 50 mm Number 160.00
.: .33 652 Brass oxide tower bol t 2 00 mm Number 140.00
31 254 Brass oxide t ower bolt 150 m m Number 120 .0 0

~4 649 Brass oxide a ldro p 300 x 16 mm Number 4 00. 00

125.00 -=-
200.00 ~ 648 Brass oxide butt h inges 125 mm Number 160.00
21 650 Brass oxide ha ndles 125 m m Number 120. 00
100.00 - 27 665 Brass oxide hinges 100 mm Number 110.00
6 .00
- '
28 653 Brass oxide hooks and eyes 200 mm Number 60.00
: z9 7 53 Brass oxide sliding d oor bolt Number 150.00
240.00 ~
'30 654 Brass ox ide sliding door bolts 300 mm Numbe r 170.00
240.00 -
34 7 64 Butt hinges Sta inless steel 80 mm 12 g Number 55.00
35 230 Butt hinges Sta inless steel 100 mm 12 g Number 65 .00
;;. - 36- - - -
--38 Butt hinges Stam less stee l 125 mm 12 g Number 75.00

Butt htnges 1ron oxide 100 mm
Butt hing es iron oxide 12 5 m m
Num ber
:--4a - 252 Bu tt hinges iron oxi de 90 mm Number 20.00
:< 41 27 5 Cellulacore flush door 35 mm Sq.M. 1200.00
Ra te
-- _____
_,__ 2Qt5- 16
42 722 Centering oil Ltr. 1000.00
- 43- r---
263 Chain and staple i ron Number 40.00
44 Chain and stopper Number 70.00
f - -·
45 733 Chapara 100 mm Number 170.00
46 143 Coal tar Kg. 50.00
47 280 Collapsible gate comt. With acce. Sq.M. 2200.00
49 144 Common spirit Ltr. 70.00
so 757 Cripped wire Sq.M. 50.00
51 747 Country Cut teak ( Pure Indian ) Cu.M . 118000.0
I-- · - 0
52 Country Cut teak ( Other than Indian ) Cu.M. 63000.00
53 723 Expanded pofythylene sheet Sq.M. 525.00
55 279 Fly proof g.i. wire mesh Sq.M. 225.00
56 141 French polish Ltr. 250.00
57 740 Gypsum board Sq.M. 350.00
58 237 Glass 3 mm thick plain Sq.M. 400.00
59 Glass 3 mm thick obscured Sq.M. 350 .00
60 2.38 Glass 4 mm thick Sq.M . 500.00
61 239- Glass S mm thick Sq.M. 600.00
62 816 G.L clamp 40 mm to 80 mm Number 12.00
63 817 G.I. clamp 100 mm to 150 mm Number 18.00
67 760 G.I. screw (25 mm) Number 0.50
64 768 G.l. screw 30 mm Number 0.60
65 769 G.l. screw 40 mm Number 0.70
, . - -·
66 190 G.I. screw bolts Number 3.00
·--- -
761 'G.I. wire bu lt 30 x 1. 6 em
- -- ·- - Nu mbe r 10 .00
69 645
- - -- - ----
Handle 125 mm cr. plated
--- Number --
70 235 Handle aluminium 125 m m Number 6 0.00
71 269 Handle for steel windows 4" Number 25.00
72 245 Handle iron oxide 125 mm Number 30.00
73 241 Handle iron oxide 100 mm Number 25.00
. . ,.,,.._
. -·-·--- -

Code Description Unit Rate

0. 201 5- 16
27 7 Hand le Iron oxide 150 mm Number 40.00
75 223 ard board 6 mm thick Sq.M . 225.00
76 64 1 Hinges 125 mm (Ch romi um plated) Number 50.00
77 656 Hinges iron cr. plated 100 mm Number 30.00

78 762 Hinges iron oxidised (125 mm) Number 30.00

79 243 Hook & eye iron ox idised 17 5 mm Number 10.00
246 Hooks and eye 225 mm iron oxidised Number 25.00
236 Hooks and eyes aluminium 225 mm Number 35.00
7 54 Hooks and eyes brass oxidised Number 30.00
00.00 637 Hooks and eyes cr. plated Number 20.00
5.00 Housing box to rolling shutter Sq. M. 1500.00
.5.00 ndian superior T.W. f rame Cu.M. 115000.0
iO.OO 0
734 Number 17.00
228 ron hold fast 300 x 40 x 5 mm Number 40.00
759 ron hold fast for steel gate Number 40.00
Number 40.00
ngle wood planks and in general Cu.M. 27000.00
,oo.oo mi. Board 20 mm thick (10-15 cmw) Sq.M. 900.00
Lami. Board 20 mm thick (10 - 15 cmw) both Sq. M. 350.00
tch 250 mm long Stailess Steel Number 150. 00
Ltr. 250.00
289 Mech. Gea r box to rolling shutter Number 8000.00
247 Mortise lock superior Number 1000.00
244 M.S. ba rs with flats Sq.M. 1400.00
Kg. 70.00
Kg. 70. 00
n leak wood (hard) CuM . 28000.00
on teak j ungle wood Cu.M . 30000.00
Nut bolt 16 mm dia/ nails Number 20. 00
Sr. Code Description Unll R(;!te
No. No. 20 15-16
103 2.91 Nuts and bolts 16 m m di a Kg. 85.00
104 766 Obscured glass 4 mm Sq .M. 330. 00
105 226 Particle boa rd (1 2 m m t hick) comm ercial Sq.M. 750.00
106 771 Phenol fora! synthetic resin Fevicol Kg. 175. 00
109 721 Ply wood 19 mm t hick Water Proof Branded Sq: M. 1100.00
107 224 Ply wood 12 mm thi ck Water Proof Branded Sq .M. 9 25.00
119 Plywood 8 mm water proof . Bra nded Ga rjan Sq .M. 750 .00
108 225 Ply wood 6 mm thick Water Proof Branded Sq.M. 700.00
118 Plywood 4 mm wat er proof Ga rjan Sq.M. 350.00
110 755 Putty Kg. 35.00
111 181 P.V .C. hand rail calipplast R.M. 16 0 .00
112 732 P.V.C. hand rail R.M . 80.00
113 731 Ready made adhesive Kg . 175.00
114 267 Rolling shutter 20 g auge Sq .M. 2000.00
115 7 51 Rubber gasket R.M. 150.00
-I ~
116 290 Rubber insertion Kg. 180.00
117 724 Rubberised adhesive Ltr. 300.00
120 758 Sheet glass 5 .00 Kg/Sqm Sq.M . 500.00
121 756 Sheet glass (7.50 kg/sqm) Sq. M. 62 5.00 [1

122 248 Sl iding door bolt (tad i) Num ber 75.00

123 660 Sli ding door bolt (al) Number 1 75.00
124 646 Sliding door bol ts cr. p lated Number 200.00
125 821 Solder joint Number 10.00
- -
126 272 Solid core fl ush doo r 35 mrn w ith t. w . v eneer Sq.M. 2500.00
on on e side
- --
2~ Solid core (comme) shutter 35 mm
Sq.M. 1000.00
1 28 149 Steel pn mer Ltr. 200.00
132 259 Str. Butt hinge brass oxide 100 mm Number 100.00
133 260 Strstra p hi nge iron oxide 200 mm Number 35.00
5-16 f
I Code
Description Unil' Rate
134 261 Slr. Butt hing iron oxide 100 mm Number 25 .00
135 263 Tower bolt iron cr. pl ated (250 mm) Number 60.00
- · 136 242 Tower bolt 150 mm iron Number 40.00
137 232 Tower bolt aluminium 150 mm Number 50.00
- 138 233 Tower bolt aluminium 200 mm Number 80.00
5.00 139 234 Tower bolt aluminium 250 mm Number 110.00

;o.oo 140 761 Tower bolt aluminium 300 mm Number 140.00

JO.OO 141 256 Tower bolt iron oxide 200 mm Number 40.00
142 255 Tower bolt iron oxid e 250 mm Number 50.00
143 262 Tower bolt iron oxide 300 mm Number 60.00
144 643 Tower bolt 200 mm cr. plated Number 60.00
14 5 642 Tower bolt 300 mm cr. plated Number 100.00
146 657 Transparent glass (Smm t hick) Sq.M. 750.00
147 657 Transparent glass (6 mm thick) Sq.M. 850.00
148 657 Transparent glass (8 mm thick) Sq.M. 1100.00
149 657 Transparent glass (10 mm thick) Sq.M. 1200.00
150 139 Turpentine Ltr. 90.00
300 .00
151 748 T.W. glass bidding (10 x 10 mm) R.M. 50.00
152 175 T.W. (2.50 m & more ) cu.M. 125000.00
153 737 T.W. batten 50 x 25 mm R.M. 130 .00
158 :,-.w. batten 50 X 12 mm Rgm. 90.00
159 T.W.batten 2 5 X 12 mm Rgm. 35.00
T.W.batten 20 X 12 mm
T. W.batten 12 X 12 mm
162 T.W.batten 12 X 6 m m Rgm. 8.00
1000.00 -
154 183 T. W. bullies 100 mm dta R.M. ~60.00
f-- -
155 184
T.W . bulltcs 125 mm dl a
- -- - - - - ----
R.M. 750.00

100.00 156 185 T .W. bullies 150 rnm dia

- R. M. 1000.00
35.00 157- 178 LT. W. girder (joist) Cu.M. 125000 .00
163 173 I.T . W. glass bidding ( 15 rnm x 15 mm & Cu.M. 125 000.00
Descri ptlon Unit l l<ote
2015 16
164 177 I .T.W. plank 25 to SO mm th ick 10-1 5 em wide Cu.~25000.00
165 164 T.T.W. planks 1-2 m length Cu .M . 125000.00
166 180 I. T.W. planks 20mm th. (10-15 em wide) Cu. M. 125000.00
167 803 I.T.W . planks 50 x 12 mm Cu.M. 125000.00
168 801 T.W. particle board face laminated Sq.M. 1200.00
169 174 T.W . purlins/planks in general Cu.M. 95000.00
170 165 T.W. sash bar Cu.M . 100000.00
171 765 T .W. vent ilator shutter 25 mm thick & above Sq.M.
- 22 25.00
173 142 Varnish Ltr. 2.00.00
174 598 Teak Veneer 4 mm thick Sq.M. 1200.00
175 659 Welded mesh SO x 25 x 5 mm Sq.M . 300.00
f - -·
176 496 Welded mesh 75 x 75 x 10 mm Sq.M. 250.00
177 145 White Zinc paint Kg . 225.00
178 148 Wood primer Ltr. 150.00
179 276 X.P.M. M.D.F. 12 mm x 18 gauge Sq.M. 400.00

STO!J.f.E !J-4:J\SO:N~ y l_
1 92 Corner size 38 x 20 x 30 em Number
2 94 Corner size 30 x 20 x 30 em Number
3 85 Face stone/trap rubble Cu.M.
4 86 Khandkies Number
5 84 Through stones Khandki Number
6 83 Through stones ordinary Number
7 2 Trap header Number
8 1 Trap header ( 17 x 22 x 60 to 75 em) Number

· "'-
1 49 Bncks agg regate 20 to 40 mm Cu .M . 1000.00
2 30 Brick s 1 sl class Number
- 5 .00
-- - - Bricks
- -- --

79 2nd class
·- •
3 Number 4 .50
·- -
4 61 brick bats Cu .M . 800.00
5 82 Fire bricks
- Number 9.00
Sr. Code Description Unit Rate

S80 Hollow block cemen t concrete 0.2x0.2x0.4 m Number
2015-1 6
8 581 Hollow block cement con e. O.lx0. 2x0.4 m Number 20.00
0 -
56 Kg .
10 Lime slaked (fine lime) 9.00
12 285 M.S. grill railing Kg. 65.00
13 283 R.C.C. jali SO mm tl1ick 6 bar Sq.M. 500.00
14 R.c.C. jali SO mm t hick 4 bar Sq.M. 47 5.00
16 582 Wh ite cement in 1 kg pack Kg. 30.00
16 582 White cement in 50 kg pack
- - Bag
- - 900.00
'P.:A.I5NT!:W(§ --
l 150 Aluminium paint Ltr. 300.00
2 163 Cem ent paint Kg. 30. 00
3 158 Colour powder (yellow earth) Kg . 10.00
4 152 Enamel paint/flat paint Ltr. 250.00
5 158 Lime (un slaked) per bag 225.00
6 160 Oil bound distempe r Kg. 100.00
7 155 Plastic emulsion pamt Kg. 300.00
8 16 1 Primer for plaster surface Ltr. 150.00
154 Red oxide paint Kg. 12.0.00
157 Saras Kg. 70.00
151 Synthetic paint Ltr. 22.5 .00
12 159 Dry distemper Kg . 35.00
13 153 White lead paint Kg. 250.00
162 Sine based oil paint Ltr. 275.00

12.2 Biack kada ppa (ma ch i ne cul ) ZS mm th1ck Sq .M. 350.00
l? J Blnc k k<ldoppa (han d cul) 2C. mm th1ck Sq.i"i. 3 75 .00
73(.1 Cera m1c til es 30 em x 30 ern x 7 m m
Sq.M. soo .oo
).00 99 Cheq . Cement ti les Sq .M. 50 0. 00
.00 728 Colour glazed tiles (20 x 10 em) Num ber 10.00
Unit Rate --]
2015 ~1.~-
5 727 Colour glazed tiles (10 x 10 em) Number 7.00
7 118 Coloured cement Kg. 35.00
8 591 Colour glazed tiles ( 15 x 15 em) No. 12.00
9 590 Cow dung Kg._ 7.00
10 657 Kadappa stone 25 mm th ick rough Sq.M. 350.00
11 668 Kadappa stone 50 mm thick rough Sq.M. 400.00
12 387 Kadappa stone 25-30 mm (hand cut) Sq.M. 350.00
13 103 Kadappa stone 25 mm thick (machine cut) Sq.M. 325.00
14 120 Kadappa stone 25 mm thick (hand cut) Sq.M. 350.00
15 127 Kadappa stone step (Polished) Sq.M. 450.00
16 119 Marble mosaic cheq. Tiles Sq.M. 350.00
17 113 Marble chips Kg. 25.00
- -· 60.00
18 114 Marble colour power Kg.
19 583 Marble powder Kg. 25.00
20 98 Polished shahabad for steps (25mm) Sq.M. 375.00
21 107 Polished shahabad 25- 30 mm thick Sq.M. 350.00
22 137 Polished Tandur 25 mm thick Sq.M. 375.00
23 128
Polished shahabad for steps 40-50 mm thick Sq.M. 400.00

24 93 Polished shahabad m. cut (25 mm thick) Sq.M. 350.00

25 95 Rough shahabad 12-20 mm thick Sq.M. 165.00
26 106 Rough shahabad 40-50 mm thick Sq.M. 205.00
27 lOS Rough shahabad 50-60 mm thick Sq.M. 225.00
28 104
I S95
Rough shahabad 25-30 mm thick
275.00 ~·
- 30- - 108 - Tandur ( h and cut) 2 5 mm thick Sq .M . 375 .00
31 100 Tandur polish
for steps
-- -Sq.M.
--- 400.00
32 131 Trade chequered Doz. 300.00
34 726
-- - - --·-
-- 350.00
White/Coloured glazed tiles (of various Sq.M.
approved size and q_uallty)
35 101 Kg. 12.00 __
36 Kotah stone polished machine cut (25 mm) Sq.M. soo.og_
] Sr.

201 5- 16

38 Sq.M. 900.00

39 Sq.M. 1100.00
ndard Company primeam quality rustic Matt

Sq.M. 800.00

Sq.M . 1150.00
pany RAK, Nitco al ike premium quality
)0 matt fin ish.
fied tiles 600 x 600 x 10 mm size of Sq.M. 1350 .00
Company RAK,Nitco a like premium quality
rustic matt finish.

1 8 Binding wires Kg. 70.00

2 665 Kg . 60.00
3 515 work for parapet/panels Cu.M. 800.00
4 522 work for coping to plinth Cu .M. 600.00
5 526 rm work for R.C. beams Cu .M. 700.00
6 525 rm work for R.C. columns Cu.M. 600.00
7 524 rm work for R.C. footing Cu.M. 200.00
5 .00
Form work for R.C. pardi
Form work for R.C. slabs and landings
1200 .00
529 Form work for R.C. waist slab Cu .M. 1000.00
~o .oo
10 Interated plant Tonne 53000.00
Other plant Tonn e 49000.00
Fine Sand Cu .t-1 . 400.00
ss Sa nd ordrnary
-- --
C..J .f\1 . 25 0.00

Kg. 225.00
C. valley gutter R.M . 250.00
.C. carr. sheet 6 mm thick Sq .M. 275.00

Code Description Unit Rate
No. No. 2015-16
·-·----- ·-
4 2 16 A.C. cowl ventilator 100 mm Number deleted
,...--- -
5 215 A.C. plain sheet 6 mm t hick Sq.M . 2 2 5.00
6 749 A.C . sheet 4 mm thick Sq.M. 0.00
. --
7 211 A.C. sheet ri dge Rgm . 175.00
8 742 Bed washer Kg. 110.00
9 210 Bituminous washer Kg. 90.00
10 207 Cha rcoal Kg. 27.00
11 287 Cl. spiral stair 2 m dia step with railing No.
12 54 Gusset plates Kg. 65.00
13 199 G.C.I. sheets (corrugated) 22 B.W.G. M.T. 60000.00
14 203 G.l. screws 75 mm Gross 75 .00
15 201 G.l. nut and bolts Kg. 75.00
16 204 G.I. screws 100 mm Gross 275.00
17 205 G.l. screws 125 mm Gross 450.00
18 202 G.I. scr ews (couch) SO mm Gross 220.00
19 212 G.I. sheet plain 22 g (1. 2 x 1.8 m) Kg. 65.00
21 200 G.I. washers Kg . 80.00
22 191 G.l. 'J' hooks 6 mm dia Number 8.00
23 288 Hemp r ope Kg . 60.00
24 804 Iron washer 12 to 16 mm Number 3.00
25 196 J.W. ballies 3" to 4" R.M. 60 .00
26 186 Lead pipe/plate Kg . 85 .00
27 197 Mang lore ridge/hip tiles Number 20.00
28 21 3 Manglore glass tiles Number 300.00
f- - 1 -· - ~-·-
29 214 Manglore pattern cowl vent Number deleted
- -- --- -
30 193 Manglore tiles class 'aa' r Jum ber deleted
31 812 M.S. flat
. - - - - Kg.
-- r-
50 .00
32 743 Plain G .l. sheet 24 B.W .G. Sq.M. 35 0.00
33 219 Plaster of paris board 45 x 4 5 em Number 60 .00
34 596 Polymerised water p roof comp. Ltr. 150.00
Sr. Code Descripti on Unit
No. No.
35 208 Ridge cap (plain G.I.) M.T.

36 196 eal cement paint Kg. 9.00

37 53 Steel for structural work M.T. 46000.00

38 809 Steel nut 12 mm dia Number 17.00
39 810 Steel nut 16 mm dia Number 22.00
40 206 Strong iron bo lts 100 mm dia Kg . 80. 00
41 282 Tar felt Sq.M. 55.00
97 r proofing compound Kg. 45.00
icro concrete roofing sheet 10 mm thick with No. 20.00
.I. wire s1ze SOx 25 em

1 666 R. M. 30.00
2 664 Bamboo 50 mm dia R.M. 60.00
3 663 Barbed wire Kg . 70.00
4 848 Big grass Bundle 35.00
5 670 Bituminous fillers Kg. 37.00
6 735 Ch i ken proof jali Sq.M. 50.00
7 574 Copper plate 30 em wire (1.63 mm) thick R.M. 350.00
8 601 Copper plate Kg. 500.00
9 863 pper tape width 25 x 3 mm thick Kg. 600.00
864 p per upper termina l (litning on) Kg. 600.00
497 ustic soda Kg. 85.00
59 9 u. Top lightening conductor Sq. M. 550.00
600 . Top with terminal for l/C Kg. 770.00
0. 00
339 R.M. 200.00
50 0 Ltr . 200.00
7J 7 CuM . 4 00 .0 0
0 .0 0
H47 Bundle 50 .0 0
71 0 Gum Kg. 330 .00
694 G.I. chai n 12 mm dia R.M. 35 .00

Sr. Code !Descript ion Unit 1 Rate !
No.:._ No. 20 1S-:16 j
20 693 G. I. chain 28 mm dia R.M . 120.00
21 702 G. I. Fixture Kg . 120.00
·- 848
- ·- G. I. mesh 16 gauge x 3 feet w. R.M. 45.00
23 711 Hemp (wakh) Kg . 55.00
24 691 BRC fabricS mm th ick Sq.M. 25.00
25 81 5 Mosquito proof nylon net Sq.M. 250.00

26 739 M.S. angle SOx 50 x 6 mm Kg.

-- 46.00
27 338 M.S. plate Kg . 52.00
28 713 Nut bolt washer 12 mm d, 45 mm Number 27.00
- 698 Nut bolt washer 12 mm d, 75 mm Number 45 .00
30 703 Royalty for loose material
Cu.M . 70.68
31 704 1Stone dust cu.M. 350.00
32 572 Structural steel in required section Kg. 46.00
33 712 !Thermoplastic paint Kg. 300.00
34 689 Welding Cm. 4.00
35 573 Welding electrodes No. 20.00
36 602 Wired g.lass 6 mm thick Sq.M. 900.00
37 P.v .C. water storage tank upto 500 litres Ltr. 5.50
--- · -
38 P.V.C. water storage tank above 500 litres Ltr. 5.00
39 Form ica sheet ( Laminat) Sq.M. 500.00
40 Fibre glass reinforced polyester door shutter Sq.M. 2050.00
conforming IS : 4020 (1 to 17) ~ 1994
41 Fibre glass reinforced polyester door frame Rg.M. 500.00
conforming to IS : 4020 (1 to 17)- 1994
42 Aluminium gri ll 6 .00 mm to 7.0 mm thick with Sq.M . 1700.00
opening not more t han 40 mm
43 Aluminiu m grill 6. 00 mm to 7 .00 mm thick Sq.M. 1l 00.00
with opening 10 0 mm
---- -
Powder coating to alu m tr11um section
--1--300 .00
Sq .M.
Note - The suppl~ rate are inclusive of 10% profit and overhead charges, so while
preparing the rate ana!ysis based on these above rates 10% profit and
overhead char9es may not be considered. 1 J
Sr. Item
Machinery Unit POL M.Oil
No. used H.S.D. Ltrs. Kg.
Ltrs. -- -·
7 LBM @ 2.00 M.T./Cum Hot Mix Plant 120 M.T. 86.00 8 .00 4.00
BM @ 2.00 M.T./Cum +
1170 LDO
DBM @ 2.42 M.T. 1 Cum Pay Loader 1.00 1.00
BC@ 2.60 M.T./Cum Paver 36.00 2.00 1.00
Finisher 42.00 1.60 1.60
Road Roller 50.00 0.80 4.00
Tandom 120 M.T. 24.00 8.00 4.00
Roller 200.00
Tipping +
Trucks G.Oil 0.20 --
4 Ltrs.
3.00 +
Bitumen LDO
Storage 2.00
Tanks 441.00 21.00 12.40
4 Ltrs.
8 20 mm PMC Asphalt Mixer 100 Sqm 16.00 -- --
Roller 54.00 1.70 1.70
70.00 1.70 1.70
9 Ordinary Concrete Concrete 100 Cum 35.00 -- --
Mixer 15.00 -- --
. Vibrator rsa.·oo -- --
10 High Grade Concrete Concrete 100 Cum 43.00 -- --
Mixer 18.00 -- --
Vibrator 61.00 -- --
11 Transportation
The material to be Truck I HSO 1.00 Ltr./3 Km.
transported by a truck of Highway E. Oil 1 Ltr. I 400 Km.
9.00 M. T. capacity is Dumper Gear Oil 1 Ltr. I 500 Km.
sand I stone 5. 7 5 cum
earth I murum 6 Cum !
Cement 9.00 M. T.
Steel 9.00 M. T.
Bitumen 7.50 M.T.
H. P. 900-1000 mm 15 Rmt .
H. P. 600-750 mm 30 Rmt.
Normally for steel I cement 1 H. P. to and fro journey be considered for lead up to 30
kms. For asphalt to and fro journey considered for all leads.


---- -

Fo1· sand/ meta ljmurum/ earlh to an d fro journey IS \.0 be co nsid ered upto J lead 5
km S.

Miscellaneous Data
Where nothing is prescribed.
consider fue l consumption of HSD 0.3 15 Ltr ./BHP/Hr.
In case of v i brator consider f uel consu mption of HSD 5. 00 Ltrs./Day.

Mixing Time of Th ree Type of Concrete Mix er

, Quality of Type of Minimum time required in seconds

~~ete_'_ _ Mi).<er
Char in Mixin Dischar in Total
rdi nary Tilting 40 50-55 20 110-115
Non t ilti ng 25-35 3 5-65 40 100- 140
l Open pa n
Non t il ting
50-7 5
6 5-85
Lill~ll 30 30-45 20 50-95

Concrete mixers .
.. 70 21 3 and 5 T are ha nds loaded .
.. 70
7 and 10 Tare skip loaded.
{)rdinary concrete for 7 Mixer per hour is 5 cum or 35 cum I day. Hi gh concrete for 7
T mixer per hour is 4 cum or 28 cum I day. The fuel consumption is
H. S.D. 12.00 Ltrs .
E. Oil 0.60 Ltrs.
-- Grease 0.60 Kg .

1t0 30



Sr. Equipment and category

Lift of Equ ipment
No. Ye£!:_HOI}r~--
1 Excavator Upto 1.1 25 Cum 10 12000
2 Excavator 1.125 to 2.25 Cum 12 15000
3 J:!!.ghwa~ Dumper 8 10000
4 ScraQer Motorised Above 7.6 Cum 10 10000
5 Scraper Push Loaded Upto 7.3 Cum 8 90000
6 Scraper elevating & self loading 10 10000
7 Tractor crawled Upto 100 H. P. 8 9000
8 Tract or crawled 100 to 300 H. P. 10 12000
9 Tractor crawled Above 300 H. P. 12 16000
10 Tract or wheeled Upt o 75 H ..P. 8 12000
Above 75 H. P, 10 __15000_
11 Graders -- 10 12000
12 Loaders Crawlers -- 10 12000
13 Loaders Wheeled -- 10 15000
14 Compactors --
Self Propelled -- 10 12000
Sheep Foot Roller --
Drawn Sheep Foot Roller -- 8 10000
Vibrator Roller -- 8 8000
Smooth Drum Roller -- 8 10000
Smooth Drum Vibratory Roller -- 8 8000
Pneumatic Tyred Roller -- 8 10000
t:ligh Speed ComQaC!or -- 10 160,Q.9_
15 Water SE_rinker -- 10 16000
16 Diesel Compressor Upto 300 Cm. 8 10000
Diesel Compressor Above 300 Cm . 10 12000
17 Batchinq and mixing plant -- 18 30000
18 Portable Concret e Mixer A 5 6500
Diesel Engine Above 10 H. P. 10 10000
Diesel Electrical -- 12 20000
19 Trucks & highway dumber 5 Ton and 10 180000
I Km
Hot mix Qla nt m ajorLm inor _
Paver Finishers --
----- --- -- - I 15
22 Paver finishers -- _ __1 _ 15 SOO_Q__

STAT'E.'M'E:N'I' - lX
0 11T-P11T O:f :M..:ACWN'LS
---.----- --~ ·- - --- --------.---------,- - - - , ,- - - - - - - -

Name of Machinery

Scraper (Motorised) size 9-11 cum

Average out
p ut per Hr.

23 Cum
out put
-1~~ Hr.:_
1 Rerrmt·k-s

a·utput per hour in

earth work Cum Cum Haul Towed
motorised distance
one way in Mt .
300 46 so
2 Scrappers towed size (7-8.50 cum) 120 Cum 1 20 450 34 40
eart h work

(1 Pusher with 4 scrappers)
(2 water tanker with 4 scrappers)
Road roller 8. 10 ton capacity
- - -- ---1---
Cum 600 25 34
900 20 24
120 0 16 20
1500 13 17
com action of
a. Earth work 425 Cum 8 Passes 20 cu m
b. Murum gravel 320 Cum thickness
8 Passes 20 cum
c. Soling 42 Cum t hickness
d. Metalling 30 Cum
e. Surface dressubg
1st coat 650 Sqm
2°0 coat 930 Sqm
f. Rolling of 20 mm thlck carpet 465 Sqm
g. Seal coat over 20 mm thick 9 30 Sqm
ca rpet 27 9 Sqm
h. Rolling o f BM/BUSG/AC (consider
upto with 1 2 Roller
G, N, okabt
35 cum
4 Sheep foot roller (Double drum) 595 cum Rolli ng width 2. 75
earth work compaction m . compacted
thickness 0. 50 m
speed of rolling 2.0
KMPH No. o f passes
8 Nos.
Si ng le pass soil stabilizers 113 sqm
. ( St a bil1za ti o~
Wa ter Tanke r _4_5-0 0L l r . Capaci ty - 1 9000 Ltrs . 63000 2 trips/hr . for a one
I t rs. way houl distance gf
4 kms. 1 water

Hot Mix Plant (2 0 -3 0 ton/hrs)_ _ l20 T. - - - 120 T. I

tanker wi th 2 ro ll ers.

Sr. Name of Machinery Avera ~~ ou~ Ave rag~ Rern()rks
No. put per Hr. out put
8 Paver finisher 75-1 00 ton/hr. 7 5 T. 4 50 T. At a distance of 4
km from H. M. plant
and usi ng 5 trucks
of 5 ton. capacity
(for long distance
t he No. of t rucks will
have to be
9 Bitumen Bo iler 2270 T.
10 Stone crushers ( 400 mm x 225 12 T.
mm opening) (7 Cum)

11 Air Compressors (210-250 Cum) 20 Cum

12 Granulator 4 Cum 24 Cum
13 Trucks/Tipper for carriage of
materials on good roads
One way lead 8 Km. 6 trips
One way lead 16 Km . s trips
One way lead 3 2 Km . 4 trips
14 Vibratory roller scimipactor 2250
earthwork Cum
15 Asphalt mixer 30 Cum
s S'l.J\TX:M'ENT- X

of 4 Y\YJ:R.J\(11: ]''UTL CONS'U:M.'PTION 1LS'EV Jvl.JJ..CJ{JN'£

t. plant
:=t cl ty Machine Engine Fuel Fuel
a nee Horse consumptio n consumption per
J CkS w ill r hour
1 Road Roller 8-10 Ton 4 Lt rs. HSO 25 .00 Ltrs.
M. Oil 0.80 Ltrs.

2 Hot mix plant 20-30 TPH M. Oi l 0.80 Ltrs.

a. For all engin es Grease 4.00 Kg.
b. For dryer 14 Ltrs. HSD 86.00 Ltrs.
c. For bitumen bo iler 180 Lt rs. HSD 990.00
35 Ltrs. Ltrs .
HSD 180.00

Paver Finisher 75- 100 TPH 4 8 HP 6 Ltrs.

4 Dozers
a) Michigan 165 16 Ltrs.
b) Russian HP 11 Ltrs.
Scraper 165 15 Ltrs.

Tipper 5 Ton 60 HP Ltr/3 Km HSD 25.00 Ltrs.

M. Oil 1 .00 Ltrs.
Hi. Oil 0.50 Ltrs.
Gear Oil 0.58

40 HP 5 Ltrs.
165 1 5 Lt rs.
34 HP 4 Ltrs.

60 HP 1 Llrs/4 Km .
40 l iP 4 Ltrs.
- 6 .50
---Ltrs .


Machine Engine Fuel
Horse consumption
consumption per
Power__ p~ hour da
12 Bitumen storage tanks (sent hetic HSD 6.00 Ltrs.
tank) 15000-18000 Ltrs. LDO 200.00
Ltrs. Sr.
M. Oi l 2.00 Ltrs. No.
Petrol 2.00 Ltrs. 1..
13 Pusher HSD 105.00
M. Oil 2.00 Ltrs.
Gre~se 1.00 Kg.
14 Vibratory roller seismopactor HSD 110.00
15 As halt Mixer 4 Ltrs. HSD 24.00 Ltrs.
Material Test

Ma sonry Stone i) Compressive Strength

ii Cru shi n Valu e
2. Metal i) Crushin g Value
ii) Impact valu e
lii) Abras1on valu e
iv Water Absor tion
3. Bricks i) Crush ing strength
ii Wa ter Abso r tion
4. Mangalore Tiles i) Brea king load
ii Water Absor t ion
5. Flooring Tiles i) Flexural Strength.
ii ii Water A bso r ti.o n
Glazed Ti les Water Absorption
Cem ent i) Co m p ressiv e Str engt h
ii) Initi al Set ting tune.
iii) Final setting time
iv) Speci fic g ravity
v) Soundness
v i) fi neness
v ii St d. Consiste n
8. Steel i) Weight per metre
ii) Ultimate Tensile stress
iii) Yie ld - stress
~--~----~------------------~iv~EioQg~a~ ti~
9. Granula r i) Density of com pacted layer
_ il~f?..:...· - -- - -- - - - - ----1
R :.:.....

Lime I Cement stabili zed soil i) Quality of Li me I Cem ent

sub base. II) Degree of pulve rization
iii) Lime 1 Ceme nt conte nt
iv) CDR or lmconfined compressive strength
test on a set of 3 specimens.
v Densl t of com acted Ia er.
Water bound macadam i) Aggregate impact value.
il) Fla ki ness index & El onga tion in dex
Wet Mix Macadam i) Impact value
ii) Fla kiness and El ongation I ndex
lll) DensitX of compacted layer
-u- Prlme coat- - / lack coat / Fog i) Qua lity of Bi nder
s ra
Seal coat I surface dres~mg 1) Quality of Binder
ii) I mpact valu ed / Los Angle's Ab ra sion v alue.
iii ) Flakiness & Elongation Index
iv Water Abso rptio n

15 . Open graded prem ix su rfacing I
Close graded premix surfacing

16. Bituminous Macadam p

r VI

17. Bituminous Penetration p

Macadam, Built up spay Grout c;

18. Dense Bituminous Macadam I

Semi dense Bituminous
concrete Bitum inous concrete

19. Mastic Asphalt

21. Modified Binder i) Softening point

ii) Penetration at 2SoC 4oC
iii) Elastic Recovery
iv) Ductility
v) Flash point
vi) Viscosity
vii) Thin film oven test, penetration,
point, Elastic Recovery of Residue,
22 Thermoplastic paint i) Glass beed content and grading analysis
ii) Ref lectance & Yellowness index
iii) Flow ability
iv Time
23 Int erlocki ng concrete pav ing i) Compressive Stre ngth
b lock ii) Flexural Test
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jill Resistance to wear
Wood work (shutters ) i) End 1mmersion tests
ii) Knife t est
iii Glue d hesi
CinC1L£.J\.R :JO'R 'B.LOCX F_£STl:M.JlT T.S 'RAT'ES :JO'R 2015-1 6

The Rates to be adopted for different t ypes of roads and brid ges work in b lock
plans and estim ates for the Year 201 5 - 2016 ( w.e.f. 1s t July 2015-16) are shown
in the statement below herewi th guidance. These rates may be considered for normal
provisions of the items menti oned against each rate. In special circumstances I extra
ordinary site conditions, detailed rate analysis may be furnished in the block estimate
where the difference is less than I more t han 10%. These rates basically cover work
portion only an d other usual Lumpsum provisions i. e. cont ingencies, W. C. establishment,
Q.C. charges, Tu rnove r tax etc . may be considered se parately as usual.

Item Rate Unit


Improvements to existing road as per standards

( Excl uding W.B.M.)

a) Vii e roads

Rs. 402500/- One


t, Note : -Add 4 .05 M I 3.30 M. wide and 15.00 em 382950/-

'/ thick murum cushioning in B.C. soil areas

Rs. 253000/- One

Rs. 322000/- One

. Wide Km .

Strengthening by WBM GR- III (15.00 em. Rs . 900000/- One

compacted) for 4.05 m. width Km.
--- -
Strengthening by WBM GR- lJ for 3. 75 m . widlh Rs . 500000/- One
(7.50 em compacted) Km.

Black topping treatment for 3. 75 m. road width

a) Providing & laying 75 mm th ick MPM

b) Single coat surface dressing over WBM a~ 1 over Rs . 379500/- One

B.T. Km.

c) 20 mm thick open graded carpet w ith liquid seal Rs. 948750/- One
coat Km.

2 Providing & laying 22 .50 em thick WBM Gr III & Gr~

II layer 75 mm thick MPM layer , 20mm thick

open graded carpet wi th seal coat for 3.75 mtr

carriageway including Supply, spread ing and
compacting Hard murum for side shoulder
gutter,i nformation board etc Complete

a) Non S.C. Rs . · 3 2000001-

a) B.C. Rs. 3565000/~

3 Only Widening of carriageway

a) Widening of carriageway 3.75 to 5.50 mtr
including Providing & laying 22.50 em thick WSM
layer , 75 mm thick MPM layer 20mm thick open I

graded carpet with seal coat including Supply,

spreading and compacting Hard murum for side
shoulder gutter,lnformation board etc Complete

a) Non B.C. Rs. 1667500/-

a) B.C. Rs . 2127500/ -

b) Widening of carriageway 5.50 to7.00 mtr

including Providing & laying 22.50 em thick WSM Gr
Ill & Gr ~ II layer , 75 mm thick MPM layer , 20mm
t hick open graded carpet with seal coat including
Supply spreading and compacting Hard murum for

side shoulder gutter,information board etc

- -!----'-"-- - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - --1 - - -+-----:---:
a) Non B.C. Rs 1437500/-

a) B.C. Rs. 1897500/-

- - -
Item Rate Unit
One -~_r_
. _No_. l- :------:---:----:--- - - - -- - - - - -- - - --1--- l - -- - _ _ _
Km. c) Widening of carriageway 3 .75 to7.00 mtr
includ ing Providing & laying 22 .50 em thick WBM Gr
III & Gr.-II layer , 75 mm thick MPM layer , 20mm
thick ope n graded carpet w1th seal coat including
Supply, spreadi ng and compacti ng Hard murum for
side sho ulder gutte r, information boa rd etc
,_ One Com lete
Km. a) Non B .C. Rs. 3018750/- One
a) B.C. Rs. · 3881250/ - One
4 BT strengthening to existing Surface
a) Providing & laying 75 mm thick layer MPM on Rs. 506/- One
BTsurface , 20mm thick open graded carpet Sqm
with seal coat for ----- mtr carriageway
1- One i ncluding Supply, spreading and compacting Hard
Km. mu rum for side shoulder gutter,information board
1- One etc Com lete
Km. b) Providing & laying 75 mm thick layer BUSG Rs . 541/- One
on BTsurface, 20mm thick open graded carpet Sqm
with seal coat for ---- mtr carriageway
mclu d lng Supply, spreading a nd compacting Hard
murum for side shoulder gutter,in formation board
etc Com lete
c) Providi ng & laying 75 mm thick layer BM 3.00 Rs. 681/- One
0 /o Bitumen on BTsurface , 20mm thick open Sqm
graded carpet with seal coat for ----- mtr
carriageway including Supply, spreading and
J- compacting Hard murum for side shoulder,
__ _ _gutter1 information board etc Com let e
J- d) Providing & laying 75 mm thick layer MPM on Rs. 516/- One
BTsurface , 25 mm SDBC 5.25 Ofo bitumen for Sqm
----- mtr carriageway Inclu ding Supply, spreading
and compacting Hard murum for side shoulder
utter,lnformation board etc Com lete
e) Prov iding & laying 75 mm thick layer BUSG Rs. 551/- One
on BTsurface , 25 mm SDBC 5 .2 5 °/o bitumen Sqm
for ---- mtr carriageway in cl uding Supply,
sp readmg and compacting Hard mu rum for side
sho ulder c utter information board etc Com fete
f) Provid ing & laying 75 mm thick layer BM 3.00 Rs. 691/- One
0/o Bitumen on BTsurface , 25 mm SDBC 5.25 Sq
0/o bitumen for ---- - mtr carriageway mclud mg m
Supply , spreading a nd compacting Ha rd muru m for
s1d e shoulder, g u tter, information board etc
Com Jete

Item Rate Unit
5 BT Renewal to existing Surface
a) Providing & laying 75 mm thick layer MPM for Rs. 272/- One
profile and ca mber correction , 20mm thick Sqm
open graded c arpet with seal coat for ----- mtr
carriageway including Supply, spreading and
compacting Hard murum for side shoulder
gutter,lnformation board etc Complete
b) Providing & laying 75 mm thick Jayer BUSG on Rs. 277/-
BTsurface for profile and camber correction,
20mm thick open graded carpet with seal coat
for ------mtr carriageway including Supply,
spreading and compacting Hard murum for side
shou lder gutter,information board etc Complete
- ---- ---
c) Providing & laying 75 mm thick
. - ---- .. - - -
laye r BM Rs. 297/ -
3.00°/o bitumen on BT s urface for profile and
camber correction , 20mm thick open graded
carpet with seal coat for ---- mtr carriageway
including Supply, spread ing and compacting Hard
murum for side shoulder, gutter,informatlon board
Providing & laying 75 mm thick tayer MPM for Rs. 282/- One
profile and camber correction , 25 mm SOBC Sqm
5 .25 °/o bitumen for ----- mtr carriageway
Including Supply, spreading and compacting Hard
mu rum for side shoulder gutter,informatiott board
r---- - - 1-·-etc·---'--J- C.. .;...._ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -----. - - - -+- ---+-- - ------!
e) Providing & laying 75 mm thick layer 8USG on Rs. 287/ -
BTsurface for profile and camber conection,
25 mm SDBC 5.25 °/o bitument for ------mtr
carriageway including Supply, spreading and
compacting Hard murum for side shoulder
gutter,information board etc Complete
f) Providing & laying 75 mm thick layer BM Rs. 307/-
3.00°/o bitume n on BT surfa ce for profile and
camber correction , 25 mm SDBC 5.25 °/o
bitumen for - - - - mtr carriageway includ ing
Supply, spreadtng and compacting Ha rd murum for
side shou lder, gutter,mformation boar<l etc
_ _, _
C~J?.Ie te _ _ _ __

Sr. No. Deta il s of Cu lvert For 7.5 m. For 10.00
Width / No. M.
Width/No .
1 800 mm dia . Sin le row 139150/- 189750/-
2 800 mm dia. Two rows 189750/- 253000/ -
3 800 mm dia. Three rows 227700/- 303600/-
One 4 900 mm dia. Single row 151800/- 196075/-
5 900 mm dia. Two rows 1897.50/- 253000/-
6 900 mm dia. Three rows 240350/- 316250/-
7 1000 mm dia. Single row 164450/- 208725/-
8 1000 mm dia. Two rows 196075/- 2 65650/ -
9 1000 mm dia . Three rows 246675/- 3 28900/-
10 1200 mm dia. Singl e row 170775/- 215 0 5 0/-
11 1200 mm dia. Two rows 208725/- 271975/-
12 1200 mm dia. Three rows 265650/- 3 35225/-
Sr. No. Item Rate Unit
3 Causeways, with vent (VHP) width (Length to be
calculated by considering all vents In Nalla bed)


Sr. No. Type of Bridge Su bmersibl e
1 With open foundation 285000/-
2 With Raft foundation 315000/-
3 With well foundation 380000/-
r-----1--- - -- - - - - - ----=-A:.::
S:._:U NDE:..:.R.::..__ _.--- - . . - - - - -- , - -----l
2 285000/-
3 7400/-
4 14000/-
1 285000/-
2 320000/-


1 320000/-
2 355000/-
3 850 0/-
4 1 5 500/-
With Submersible a roaches

Add 10% for Tribal and Hilly area


~ICf>fH rrzm: CfiO?:t1<41Jl &it\1\ilq?t<f; ISHICifl HI ~f!?IMI 3Ht0lHiJ ~ @ C"f\f! ~ q

~«iifckt Cfi{U~k1 <t=f ~. t \Tflm ~ ~ ~o~~-Z't ~ 3i<;t"'1451Cf>kl ~ fl4tlC\te <:fi'lctHI

. RMT. 31) 3/1~lP1Ch ~ th:w / ~~(lftq:)rh<l $~1~ctl/ ~ $~1~ctl

Stilt Floor <>. \9ooo.oo >1.~.-rft.
('103' 1::f\S'fffi Q. ~~000 .00 ~.~.111.
~~ Q. ~t:'-\oo .oo >1'."~.111.
~ ~ ( ~~ ~f~lllftE>lct) (). ~~\9'-\0.00 }:1'.~.-rft.
~) a<HRPJ6 $Gihi I ctffi¥4 $41'H"\l
Stilt Floor <>. \9000.00 >f.~.m.
('105' 1::f\S'fffi Q. ~~~00. 00 >f.qT."GT.
~~ Q. ~~000.00 "Q'.-:q1.tft.
TfCcit~(~~~lst>ll\B~lct) Q. ~~\9~0.00 "Q'.~.'tft.
en) w4'tot <(11011<14 / m $qHJl
Stilt Floor Q. \9000. 00 >f.~.m.
me~ <>. ~~"'00.00 >r.:m.m.
~) f"""ctm1 ~ ';ftRT m- ~~~
Stilt Floor Q. \9000 .00 11'.~.111.
<f<Xi~ Q. ~0000. 00 11'.~.111.


~ l:f\1lffi q fumr ~
Tfuft ~ ( ~ Jr~-TCfi >lfu~lfl f,lct )

. 247
Stilt Floor <i. ~000 .00 -q.-ift".liT.

~- ~ 0000.00 ~-~-liT.

~~ ~- ~~~00.00 ~-~--B't.

~~crfumr~ <i. ~~~oo-.oo ~.-:ql.l:IT.

rruft B\li MI ( ~~ ~fst>ll!B~lct) ~- ~0~00 . 00 ~.-:q1.1=[f.

~) ~ tt~FPRqlfMCflt q- ~ll{"{'""llil Fl~f.<tct ~<'1<11 -3l1KC4m1 'qfTT, ~

CfiftlT u:ffi:rr ~ d{Jfq(fl l#Cit{l~ cUdCIICld.

~) cRfR ~ ~ <;t~<;R ~ ( iHI <flitm 3Rff '41 {C~ h$Cil 41ll1Ct)<ldt ~

~<fls:p•no1 Q«ltfCict ~ ~~~o ~Cfilftfc.flcrr\if®~.

qfu;r ~ oqfoRCf\1 anCflMCfl ~, Cf1t~df41 3lt~N'it, a~t41~ Cflt,

llolf.:tli';( ul, ~ q(ui)l_!{C(dl, fqfJ>d)q;{ul t!llCfiUdl cxfCJ<1~l l#cm.l ~

~ W, ~ ~ fcfiqr cfiqJJi$ No q \1ff4'1');:) ~q(i)cp'(OJ, ~ ~

qJ<:f>Un l 3HC(~ll<h~ i~R ~ ~ <:f>{Otff(i <w-ft.


The Schedule of Rate is Sanctioned For

the Year 2015 - 2016.

Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

Public Works Division, Beed Publjc Works Division, Ambajogaji

Countersigned in Token of approval

for the Year 2015 -2016.

Superintending Engineer,
Public Works Circle, Osmanabad.
---------------- ----------~

,, ttl


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