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ChE 5105

Group Members:
3 Experiment No.
Temperature Control

I. Objective
 To be familiar with Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller.
 Noting how changing Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller parameter effect
on system response.

II. Theory
Temperature Controls in manufacturing is a essential part of proper product formation.
If the temperature slips above or below the ideal range needed for a particular stage in a
manufacturing process, the results can be harmful—improperly adhered coatings, a weakened
base material, or an overall compromised component—so it becomes increasingly important
that the manufacturer not only determine the proper temperature for each stage, but also
monitor the temperature inside the machine and receive appropriate feedback.

A temperature controller is an instrument used to control temperatures, mainly without

extensive operator involvement. A controller in a temperature control system will accept a
temperature sensor such as a thermocouple or RTD as input and compare the actual
temperature to the desired control temperature, or set point. It will then provide an output to a
control element.

A good example would be an application where the controller takes an input from a
temperature sensor and has an output that is connected to a control element such as a heater or
fan. The controller is usually just one part of a temperature control system, and the whole
system, and the whole system should be analyzed and considered in selecting the proper
controller. Another example, consider a heating tank in which some liquid is heated to a
desired temperature by burning fuel gas. The process variable is the temperature of the liquid,
and the manipulated variable is the flow of fuel gas. The mission of controller is to control the
flow of fuel and PID controller control how the gas will flow, that will appear as an output

There are three basic types of controllers: on-off, proportional and PID. Depending
upon the system to be controlled, the operator will be able to use one type or another to control
the process.

On/Off Control

An on-off controller is the simplest form of temperature control device. The output
from the device is either on or off, with no middle state. An on-off controller will switch the
output only when the temperature crosses the setpoint. For heating control, the output is on
when the temperature is below the setpoint, and off above setpoint. Since the temperature

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crosses the setpoint to change the output state, the process temperature will be cycling
continually, going from below setpoint to above, and back below. In cases where this cycling
occurs rapidly, and to prevent damage to contactors and valves, an on-off differential, or
"hysteresis," is added to the controller operations. This differential requires that the
temperature exceed setpoint by a certain amount before the output will turn off or on again.
On-off differential prevents the output from "chattering" or making fast, continual switches if
the cycling above and below the setpoint occurs very rapidly. On-off control is usually used
where a precise control is not necessary, in systems which cannot handle having the energy
turned on and off frequently, where the mass of the system is so great that temperatures change
extremely slowly, or for a temperature alarm. One special type of on-off control used for alarm
is a limit controller. This controller uses a latching relay, which must be manually reset, and is
used to shut down a process when a certain temperature is reached.

Proportional Control

Proportional controls are designed to eliminate the cycling associated with on-off
control. A proportional controller decreases the average power supplied to the heater as the
temperature approaches setpoint. This has the effect of slowing down the heater so that it will
not overshoot the setpoint, but will approach the setpoint and maintain a stable temperature.
This proportioning action can be accomplished by turning the output on and off for short time
intervals. This "time proportioning" varies the ratio of "on" time to "off" time to control the
temperature. The proportioning action occurs within a "proportional band" around the setpoint
temperature. Outside this band, the controller functions as an on-off unit, with the output either
fully on (below the band) or fully off (above the band). However, within the band, the output is
turned on and off in the ratio of the measurement difference from the setpoint. At the setpoint
(the midpoint of the proportional band), the output on: off ratio is 1:1; that is, the on-time and
off-time are equal. if the temperature is further from the setpoint, the on- and off-times vary in
proportion to the temperature difference. If the temperature is below setpoint, the output will
be on longer; if the temperature is too high, the output will be off longer.

PID Control

The third controller type provides proportional with integral and derivative control, or
PID. This controller combines proportional control with two additional adjustments, which
helps the unit automatically compensate for changes in the system. These adjustments, integral
and derivative, are expressed in time-based units; they are also referred to by their reciprocals,
RESET and RATE, respectively. The proportional, integral and derivative terms must be
individually adjusted or "tuned" to a particular system using trial and error. It provides the
most accurate and stable control of the three controller types, and is best used in systems which
have a relatively small mass, those which react quickly to changes in the energy added to the
process. It is recommended in systems where the load changes often and the controller is
expected to compensate automatically due to frequent changes in setpoint, the amount of

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energy available, or the mass to be controlled.

PID Control Flowchart

P- Controller

Proportional or P- controller gives output which is proportional to current error e (t). It

compares desired or set point with actual value or feedback process value. The resulting error
is multiplied with proportional constant to get the output.

Pout: Proportional term of output

Kp: Proportional gain, a tuning parameter

SP: Setpoint, the desired value

PV: Process value (or process variable), the measured value

e: Error = SP − PV

t: Time or instantaneous time (the present)

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I- Controller

Due to limitation of p-controller where there always exists an offset between the
process variable and set point, I-controller is needed, which provides necessary action to
eliminate the steady state error. It integrates the error over a period of time until error value
reaches to zero. It holds the value to final control device at which error becomes zero.

Integral control decreases its output when negative error takes place. It limits the speed of
response and affects stability of the system. Speed of the response is increased by decreasing
integral gain Ki.

Iout: Integral term of output

Ki: Integral gain, a tuning parameter
SP: Setpoint, the desired value
PV: Process value (or process variable), the measured value
e: Error = SP − PV
t: Time or instantaneous time (the present)

D- Controller

D-controller doesn’t have the capability to predict the future behavior of error. So it
reacts normally once the set point is changed. D-controller overcomes this problem by
anticipating future behavior of the error. Its output depends on rate of change of error with
respect to time, multiplied by derivative constant. It gives the kick start for the output thereby
increasing system response.

Dout: Derivative term of output

Kd: Derivative gain, a tuning parameter
SP: Setpoint, the desired value
PV: Process value (or process variable), the measured value
e: Error = SP − PV
t: Time or instantaneous time (the present)

Standard Sizes

Since temperature controllers are generally mounted inside an instrument panel, the
panel must be cut to accommodate the temperature controller. In order to provide
interchangeability between temperature controllers, most temperature controllers are designed

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to standard DIN sizes. The
most common

III. Materials
 PID Controller
 12 volt DC fan

IV. Procedure
A PID temperature controller was not available in the laboratory so we watched a video
for this experiment and their procedure was as follows:

In order to accomplish the task, a heat sink was mounted on a stand, with a 12 volt DC
fan under there to cool it. A resistor which dissipates heat was attached to the heat sink and was
to act as the heater. A thermocouple was then inserted into a hole in the heat sink and would
read off the temperature of the heater. A circuit was set up to convert the temperature readings
to digital voltage values which can be used by the PLC. To achieve this an AD5945
“Monolithic Thermocouple Amplifiers with Cold Junction Compensation” IC chip was used.
According to the manufacture’s data sheet, the AD5945 “is a complete instrumentation
amplifier and thermocouple cold junction compensator on a monolithic chip”. The chip
combines an ice point reference with a pre-calibrated amplifier to produce a high level (10
mV/°C) output directly from a thermocouple. Since the output voltage of the chip is way too
small to be read in by the controller PLC, the voltage had to be amplified, and thus an
amplifier circuit was made using the LM324N transistor chip. The amplifier circuit uses then
gives out voltage in the 0-10 volts range, and it is this voltage that would be used by the PLC
as an error value for attenuation in the PID controller.

The transistor used to switch the fan on and off was an NPN transistor and would
switch the fan on and off when a signal is sent from the amplifier. A high temperature from the
amplifier would result in a larger amplified signal, thus sending a high voltage to the transistor
circuit. As a result, the speed of the fan could be controlled as the output from the amplifier
was varied. High temperature means high voltage which then implies high speed for cooling

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The attached diagram shows a PID controller setup. The controller controls the speed
of the motor fan, based on the desired set point, SP and the value of the feedback from the
motor. The set-point is the value that we want the process to be. The feedback mechanism
(process variable), via the sensor, will be a voltage but the PLC program would be used to
convert this value to a temperature.

The loop of the controller takes the difference between the set-point and the process
variable, and applies the necessary tuning using the proportional, differential and integral
components of the controller, and adding up the result. The PID controller looks at the set point
and compares it with the actual value of the Process Variable (PV). If the SP and the PV are the
same – then the controller takes no actions, and it will set its output to zero. However, if there
is a disparity between the SP and the PV we have an error and corrective action is needed, and
this is attenuation. The controller gains had to be determined so as to tune the controller to the
right setting. For this, the Ziegler Nichols method was used.

V. Data and Results

Temperature Thermo-Couple Amplified Amplifie PLC
(deg.C) reading (mV) (theoretical x10, (V)) d (V) Counts
21 257 2.57 3.21 9000
576 5.76 4.6 12600
416 4.61 4.8 13200
456 4.56 5.2 14300
736 7.36 8 21500
Critical 1096 10.96 11.6 30000
means 5.97 6.31

Temperature ( deg C) PLC Counts (int)

21 9000
53 12600
37 13200
41 14300
68 21500
84 30000

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f(x) == 0.01x
0.01x ++ 0.31
8 Amplifier Relation
Amplifier readings (V) 6 Linear (Themocouple-
Amplifier Relation)
4 Theoratical
2 Linear (Theoratical)

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Thermo-couple readings (mV)

PLC Count Vs Temperature

25000 f(x)==0.88
R² 316.77x + 716.76
20000 PLC Count Vs
PLC Count (Int) 15000 Temperature
10000 Linear (PLC Count Vs
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Temp (deg C)

VI. Computations

The approximation fit was obtained as follows:

Yi = 316.77x +716.76
= 316.77 (68) + 716.76
Yi= 22257.12

Linear Regression:

PLC Reading in Approximation fit yi - yci (yi - yci)2

Count (int) yi yci
9000 7368.93 -1631.07 2660389
12600 17505.57 4905.57 24064617
13200 12437.25 -762.75 581787.6

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14300 13704.33 -595.67 354822.7
21500 22257.12 757.12 573230.7
30000 27325.44 -2674.56 7153271

Thus neglecting the data in second row as it seemed to be out of line with the rest of the
data, the standard deviations can be obtained as follows:-

With number of samples, N =5, and assuming a first order system, m=1, it follows

With ∑ {( y i− y ci)2 } = 11323501.51

v = N-(m+1) = 3.0

Therefore Syx =
√ 11323501.54

Syx= 1942.8, the standard error of fit

Thus from the t-estimator table, tv,95 = t4,95 = 3.182. Therefore random scatter about the fit is
given by:-

3.182∗S yx
= ±
= ±1121.6

∑ ( yi− y )2
Sy2 = 1

Sy2 =273.18

Thus sensor calibration equation can be stated as y = y = 316.77x + 716.76 ±1121.68 ,

with a confidence interval of 95%.

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VII. Observations and Discussion of Results

This report outlined the procedures followed in controlling the speed of a fan as it cools
a heated surface. The student working the experiment built the necessary circuitry from the
provided material and equipment, and where no equipment was provided, the student had to
but the necessary components. The practical was carried out to assess the student’s capabilities
solve problems in a control system. Having solved the problem, the student then had to do
statistical analysis on the data obtained from the experiment. The overall purpose was to apply
a statistical procedure in the calibration of the thermocouple sensor in the system. Thus the
system can be monitored and controlled, with the help of the calibrated sensor.

The system is such that it will only regulate the temperature within a certain range
because the rate at which the heater heats up is much higher than the fan cool down. A zener
diode was also put across the fan connection so as to protect the transistor as the transistor
tends to heat up. This diode acts as an antiparallel diode or free willing diode.

Generally, the experimental objective was attained, with expected results being
obtained. A challenge however still exists in the tuning of the PID controller as this takes a lot
of trial and error in order to obtain a steady system.

VIII. Conclusions and Recommendations

The system will always be controlled 4.5 degrees above the standard temperature, due
to off-set error in the amplifier circuit, which was introduced during this particular setup. This
however does not take into consideration the error introduced when amplifying the signal, thus
the amplification error (since the gain will not be exactly ten), should also be taken into

Standard error of fit for the amplification phase of the setup shows that the error due to
amplification is high, but however if no standard measuring device for temperature is used in
the system, the error will be insignificant as it will not affect the process, but will just give a
zero error to the system.

To find the temperature curve linear approximation, a ratio was used to obtain the range
of values of temperature which would correspond to values of the PLC Count. Linear
approximation could then be obtained from excel spread sheets, and the correlation factor
could also be displayed from the excel plots. A challenge that also needs attention is the rate at
which the heat sink was heated. The heat sink heat up much faster than the fan can cool it, thus
a chosen set point must be one that can controlled easily, which cannot be definite as one
always has to offset the amplifier circuit. Thus in as much as the main objective was achieved,
which is data analysis and sensor calibration, the system can still be improved for better results

IX. Reference

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