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ZOOT 1105


• Metabolic liveweight = W0.75

• Fasting metabolism constant= 70 kcal/kgW0.73 or 0.75

Fasting Metabolism:

• Young calf= 0.39 MJ/kgW0.75

• Cow= 0.32 MJ//kgW0.75
• Bull= 15% percent of the cow or 0.32 MJ//kgW0.75 (1.15)

Energy Balance and Feeding Trials

• Energy intake (ME)= (DM x M/D) – (MJ/day / kg of DM)

• I (intake)= aW0.75 + bG
o W- liveweight
o G- liveweight gain
o a & b- estimates

Fasting metabolism as basis…

• NE= (Cost per kg liveweight X Duration of activity X weight)/total c cost per day

Feeding standards for ruminants

• Fasting metabolism: 0.53(W/1.08)0.67 or 0.75

• NEm= F + (Production x weight)
• MEm = NEm/0.714
• EBW (empty body weight) = W x ).85
• NEm for dairy cattle= 0.335W0.75

Feeding standards for Pigs and Poultry

• Sows= 0.44W0.75
• Boars=(0.44W0.75)(1.15)
• Laying hens= 0.55W0.75

Feeding standards for maintenance (protein)


• BEN (basal endogenous nitrogen) (g N/day) = 0.35W0.7

• Loses in hair- 0.018W0.75
• MPm= 4.1 W0.50 + 0.3W0.60 + 30 DMI – 0.5 [(DMTP 10.8)-DMTP] + 2.34 DMI
• DM- dry matter
• DMTP- digestible microbial true protein

• Bos Taurus= 16.1 ln W- 42.2

• Sheep= 0.147W + 3.325
• MFP= 0.11W0.75 (0.0180.75 x 6.25)
• MCP= (MPm)(MCD x DTP)

Pigs and poultry

• MPm= 0.9W0.75

CP in Horse

• CP= (MG x W) + [(SL x 7.8 x W)/0.633)

Muscle Gain (MG) Sweat Loss ( SL)

Light 0.089 g/kg W 0.25%
Moderate 0.177 g/kg W 0.50%
Heavy 0.266 g/kg W 1.00%
Very Heavy 0.354 g/kg W 2.00%

Nutrient requirement for growth

• Log y = log b + a logx or y=bxa

Feeding standards for growth (energy)

Large ruminant:

• EWg = (4.1 +0.0332 W - ).000009W2)/(1-0.1475 LWG)

Small ruminant:

• Male= 2.5 + 0.35W

• Castrate= 4.4 + 0.32 W
• Female= 2.1 + 0.45W


• NE= energy for maintenance & activity + protein retention + lipid retention

Protein retention Fat Retention

Lean fasting and fast growing 0.230
Intermediate 0.170
commercial 0.120


• DEm= ( DE intake – DE maintenance)/ daily gain

Feeding standards for growth


• NPg = LWG x (168.07 – 0.16869W + 0.0001633W2) x (1.12 – 0.1223 LWG)

• Large breed and bulls = increased by 10%
• Small breed and heifers= reduced by 10%
• Male and castrates: MPg = LWG x (160.4 – 1.22W + 0.0185W2)
• Females: MPg= LWG x (156.1 – 1.94W + 0.0173W2)

Nutrient requirement for wool production

• Net Protein Requirement= 3 + 0.1 MPg

• Clean wool growth = (SFW/SRW) x AF x DLF) x ( 1.16 x MPw or 14 x MEw)
o AF= 0.25 + 0.75(1-exp(-0.025A), where A is age in days
o DLF= 1 + 0.003
o MPw= 100g/day
o MEw= 10 MJ/day

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