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As mandated by Republic Act 1425, this course covers the life and works of the country’s national hero, Jose Rizal.
Among the topics covered are Rizal’s biography and his writings, particularly the novels Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, some of his essays and various correspondences


• 1. Engage in self-reflection of their personal values and the extent to which their ethical values and
behaviors are congruent
• 2. Engage in self-appraisal voluntary for academic, personal, and professional advancement
• 3. Observe moral and ethical standards when responding to situations and demand ethical inquiry
• 4.Use appropriate technologies in various social, academic, and professional contexts
• 5. Develop skills in gathering, organizing, refining, analyzing, and evaluating information and ideas
necessary for solving a variety of issues
• 6. Develop new ideas, products, or solutions aligned to 21th century
• 7. Engage in academic, personal, and professional development necessary for the advancement of the
field and society as a whole.


• At the end of the course, the student must be able to:
• 1. Discuss Jose Rizal’s life within the context of 19 century Philippines
• 2. Analyze various works, particularly the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
• 3. Organize Rizal’s ideas into various themes
• 4. Demonstrate critical reading of primary sources
• 5. Interpret the values that can be derived from studying Rizal’s life and work
• 6. Relate the lessons learned in real-life situations
• 7. Identify certain issues in the 19th century Philippines which strengthened Rizal’s character
• 8. Reflect on the importance of the contribution of Rizal’s works and writings in modern society

• 1. Major Examinations
• 2. Quizzes
• 3. Seatworks
• 4. Assignments

• 5. Group presentations

• Outline Topics
• I- Rizal Law
• A. Historical background of Rizal bill
• B. Republic Act 1425
• C. Importance of Rizal Law as part of college curriculum
• D. Definition of patriotism and nationalism
• E. What makes a person a national hero

• II- Brief summary of Spanish colonization of the Philippines as a background
A. Magellan’s Expedition

• B. Legaspi expedition

• III- Rizal’s life: Family, childhood, and early education
• A. Rizal’s Genealogy
• B. Rizal’s early education
• C. Cavite mutiny
• D. Execution of GomBurZa
• E. Rizal in Ateneo
• F. Rizal in University of Santo Tomas
• 1. Journey to Madrid
• 2. The making of the Noli Me Tangere
• 3. Propaganda Movement
• A. Objectives of Propaganda Movement
• B. Greatest Propagandists
• C. La Solidaridad
• 4. Pennames of the Reformists
• V- Rizal in France and Germany
• 1. Travel to Paris
• 2. Journey to Germany
• 3. Completion of Noli Me Tangere
• 4. Effects of Noli Me Tangere to the Spaniards
• 5. Calamba tragedy
• 6. La Liga Filipina
• A. Objectives/Aims
• VI- Rizal’s Exile, Trial, and Death
• V- Film viewing
• - Jose Rizal by Marilou Diaz abaya
• - Rizal sa Dapitan by Tikoy Aguiluz
• VI- Noli Me Tangere
• VII- El Filibusterismo
• - “The Count of Monte Cristo”
• - Comparison between the novels of Rizal and the Count of Monte Cristo
• VIII- Indolence of the Filipinos

• 1. Attendance- 15 minutes grace period

• 2. 6 Absences- excused and unexcused
• 3. No special quiz
• 4. Assignment to be submitted on time. Late assignments will be given deduction (10% every meeting)
• 5. No cellphones during class hours.

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