College of Industrial Technology: Chaptr Ii Review of Related Literature

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College of Industrial Technology



This chapter provides the conceptual and theoretical foundation in order to

have a better understanding of the development of an improvised high speed metal


Conceptual Literature

Cutting operation may be done by hand or machine. Special machine

‘pantographs’ for cutting shapes have been developing by which a pointer traces

the desired shape from a template. The cutting tools are actuated (manually or

electrically) by the motion of the traces heat.

Cutting devices have been around since the old times, with the primary cutting

instruments utilized by mankind being made out of stone. Metal got to be a

prevalent fabric of choice for fabricating cutting apparatuses amid the Bronze Age.

By definition, cutting instruments allude to any protest utilized to evacuate

undesirable or overabundance fabric from a work piece by implies of shear


There are a few distinctive sorts of cutting devices display within the world

nowadays, each serving distinctive purposes and application. All sorts of cutting

devices can be classified as either single-point or multi-point cutting instruments.

Single-point cutting instruments such as a scissors are utilized in turning, forming

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or comparable operations, while multi-points devices incorporate processing,

boring or crushing tools.

In arrange for a cutting apparatus to function appropriately, it must be able to

resist the warm that's produced amid the cutting prepare and be harder as

compared to the fabric being cut. As several different cutting tools cater to various

types of cutting needs, the tools should have specific geometry so that they offer

clearance angle to prevent the entire cutting tool from coming in contact with the

material to be cut, but instead only the cutting edge making contact with the

material. Leather cutting devices are fundamental apparatuses within the industry

nowadays, playing a colossal part within the make of calfskin items. As Leather is

a costly fabric, it is important that the devices utilized to cut calfskin don't harm

damage harm it and perform precise clean cuts. A few illustrations of calfskin

cutting apparatuses incorporate swivel and utility blades, rotating cutters and

shears. Utility knives often have disable blades which are able to perform deep

cuts making them very convenient; even though swivel knives are an ideal choice

for carving out the initial outline of a design in leather. This process is important

as it would affect the processes following after and therefore should be performed

with the care and the right cutting tools. These kind of decorative cuts are referred

to as dress cuts and require practice to master. Rotary cutters are used for cutting

soft leathers and leather shears are heavy-duty cutting tools use to cut lightweight
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and medium weight leather. (


In the beginning, metals were treated by a few hand-driven machines like

hacksaws, chisels and shears. In any case, separated from these manual

apparatuses and littler cutting gadgets that can be hand worked, there are a few

other created strategies that were designed and improved with time, in arrange to

deliver way better comes about in lesser time.

The following advanced metal cutting strategies have subsequently come into

being in arrange to bargain deal bargain with more vigorous and challenging

ventures. Turning: When a sharp point of a cutting apparatus is connected on the

metal surface and is quickly spun by other steady gadgets like a machine, it is

called turning. In this handle, the metal layers are expelled until the favorable and

pre-determined estimate is accomplished. Grinding: the grinding machine with a

grating wheel is connected on the metal that encompasses a smooth surface to

wear it down easily and with accuracy. A boring machine is utilized when a

impeccably measured gap is required to be made on the metal surface and the

same is done by applying a combination of constrain and turn over the metal

surface. Laser cutting innovation is utilized when extraordinary accuracy, correct

shape and tight control off the metal estimate is required. A laser is an heightening

concentrated pillar of light that's decreased to a minor point by an greatly tall

College of Industrial Technology
temperature utilized to cut metals with correct resistance. Burning/Welding: When

metal surfaces are warmed to a particular temperature in arrange to relax and

break the surfaces along a carefully designed line, it is called welding or burning.

Plasma technique may be a modern and innovative way to cut metal with a clean

wrap up. The method includes a plasma burn that launches oxygen or any dormant

gas together with at the same time sending an electrical bend through the gas. This

warm up the plasma sufficient to liquefy absent the metal surface in contact and at

the same time too blows absent any liquid metal. The innovation has certain

benefits that made it a favored way of metal cutting because it is speedier and less

exorbitant than laser cutting with clean, tight edge quality. Metal cutting has thus

evolved and developed over time keeping to timely requirements of customer

specific specifications in mind. Since, metal may be exceptionally difficult

material, cutting devices required to cut metal need to be exceptionally solid.

These instruments tend to require visit substitutions and honing due to wear and

tear amid the cutting forms. In mechanical forms, metal cutting devices such as

drills, reamers which make gaps with precise sizes are utilized, as well as embeds

that have two or more cutting edge. (


Nowadays, there is a lot of cutting process and ways that being discovered. In

this project developmental study, the researchers conceptualized a project that

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truly needed in the industry and competing in the world growing technology.

The advance technology, new ideas, new products, and special processes and

manufacturing techniques are creating new and more specialized jobs. To advance

in machine trade, it is necessary to keep up-to-date with modern technology. A

young person leaving school may be employed in an average of five jobs during

his or her lifetime, three of which do not even exist today. Industry is always on

the lookout for bright young people who are precise and not hesitate to assume

responsibility, to be successful, do the job in the best ability he or she can and

never be satisfied with inferior workmanship. (Krar, 2010)

Metalworking is the method of working with metals to form person parts,

gatherings, or large-scale structures. The term covers a wide range of work from

expansive ships and bridges to express motor parts and fragile jewellery. It

therefore incorporates a correspondingly wide extend of aptitudes, forms, and

apparatuses. Metalworking may be a science, craftsmanship, side interest, industry

and exchange. Its authentic roots span societies, civilizations, and millenema.

Metalworking has advanced from the revelation of purifying different metals,

creating pliable and pliable metal valuable for devices and embellishments.

Cutting edge metalworking forms, in spite of the fact that different and

specialized, can be categorized as shaping, cutting, or joining forms. Today's

machine shop incorporates a number of machine apparatuses competent of making

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an exact, valuable workpiece. (


Milling is the complex forming of metal or other materials by evacuating

fabric to create the ultimate shape. It is by and large done on a processing

machine, a power-driven machine that in its fundamental shape comprises of a

processing cutter that pivots around the shaft pivot. Processing machines may be

worked physically or beneath computer numerical control (CNC), and can perform

a tremendous number of complex operations, such as opening cutting, arranging,

penetrating and threading, rabbeting, directing, etc. Two common sorts of plants

are the level process and vertical process. The pieces delivered are ordinarily

complex 3D objects that are changed over into x, y, and z facilitates that are at that

point encouraged into the CNC machine and permit it to total the errands required.

Tolerance is come in assortment of guidelines, depending on the district. In

arrange to keep the bit and fabric cool, a tall temperature coolant is utilized. In

most cases the coolant is showered from a hose specifically onto the bit and fabric.

This coolant can either be machine or user controlled, depending on the machine.



Materials that can be processed run from aluminum to stainless steel and

nearly everything in between. Each fabric requires a diverse speed on the

College of Industrial Technology
processing instrument and changes within the sum of fabric that can be evacuated

in one pass of the instrument. Harder materials are as a rule processed at slower

speeds with little sums of fabric expelled. Milder materials shift, but as a rule are

processed with a tall bit speed. Turning is an operation of expelling

overabundance sum of fabric from the surface of a round and hollow work. The

workpiece is pivoted on an axle and the cutting apparatus is encouraged into it

radially, pivotally or both. Producing surfaces perpendicular to the workpiece axis

is called facing. Producing surfaces using both radial and axial feeds is called

profiling. (


A lathe is a machine apparatus which holds the workpiece between two

inflexible and solid bolsters called centers or in a chuck or confront plate which

spins. The cutting device is inflexibly held and upheld in a device post which is

nourished against the spinning work. The typical cutting operations are performed

with the cutting apparatus bolstered either parallel or at right points to the hub of

the work. A machine apparatus which turns a square or barrel of fabric so that

when grating, cutting, or distortion apparatuses are connected to the workpiece, it

can be molded to deliver an question which has rotational symmetry around an

hub of turn. A hardened cutting tool is held at the required stature (more often than

not the center of the workpiece) by the instrument post. Other operations that can
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be performed with a single point device on a machine are: Chamfering: Cutting a

point on the corner of a barrel. Separating: The instrument is encouraged radially

into the workpiece to cut off the conclusion of a portion. Threading, an instrument

is bolstered along and over the exterior or interior surface of pivoting parts to

create outside or inner strings. Boring: A single-point device is encouraged

directly and parallel to the hub of revolution to form a circular gap. Drilling:

feeding the drill into the workpiece pivotally. Knurling: Uses a tool to produce a

rough surface texture on the workpiece.



Grinding employments a rough prepare to evacuate fabric from the workpiece.

A grinding machine could be a machine instrument utilized for creating

exceptionally fine wraps up, making exceptionally light cuts, or tall exactness

shapes utilizing an grating wheel as the cutting gadget. This wheel can be made up

of different sizes and sorts of stones, diamonds or inorganic materials. Processors

have to be be exceptionally unbending machines to create the desired wrap up. A

few processors are indeed utilized to deliver glass scales for situating CNC

machine pivot. Present day innovation has progressed crushing operations to

incorporate CNC controls, tall fabric expulsion rates with tall accuracy, loaning

itself well to aviation. (

College of Industrial Technology
Broaching is one of the foremost precise and beneficial handle within the

metalworking zone and in spite of the high costs of tooling; it’s largely applied

within the automobiles industry. The broaching may be a machining operation

which employments a device called broach moving it over the workpiece to expel

fabric, cutting a foreordained shape. Broaches are moulded comparable to a saw,

but the tallness of the teeth increments over the length of the instrument.

Moreover, the broach contains three distinct sections: one for roughing, another

for semi-finishing, and the final one for finishing. Broaching is an unusual

machining process because it has the feed built into the tool. The profile of the

machined surface is always the inverse of the profile of the broach. A broach is

effectively a collection of single-point cutting tools arrayed in sequence, cutting

one after the other; its cut is analogous to multiple passes of a shaper. The broach

is a multi -edge tool, with a progressive and linear cutting. Most broaches are

made of uncoated HSS (High Speed Steel) and (less frequently) tungsten carbide.



Electron-beam machining (EBM) may be a non-traditional machining handle

in which no physical device is utilized. Electron bar machining is same as laser bar

machining handle in which but laser, tall speed electron bar encroaches on work

piece. This will generate high heat energy and melts and vaporize metal from work
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piece. EBM can be used for very accurate cutting or boring of a wide variety of

metals. (


Ultrasonic machining is non-traditional machining process which is utilized to

machine fragile and difficult fabric. The Ultrasonic vibration machining could be a

subtraction fabricating prepare that expels fabric from the surface of a portion

through tall recurrence, moo sufficiency vibrations of a instrument against the

fabric surface within the nearness of fine grating particles. This machining is

utilized to machine hard and delicate fabric like carbide, ceramic, glass etc. This

can be utilized in machining of kick the bucket and apparatus of bore, wire

drawing machine etc. It is utilized to cut precious stone in want shape.



Abrasive jet machining (AJM) may be a mechanical vitality based unusual

machining prepare utilized to remove unwanted fabric from a given workpiece.

The method makes utilize of an abrasive jet with tall speed, to expel fabric and

give smooth surface wrap up to difficult metallic workpieces. Common

employments incorporate cutting heat-sensitive, fragile, lean, or difficult materials.

Particularly, it is utilized to cut complicated shapes or shape particular edge

shapes. (
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A water jet cutter is an industrial tool capable of cutting a wide variety of

materials using a very high-pressure jet of water, or a mixture of water and

an abrasive substance. The term abrasive jet refers specifically to the use of a

mixture of water and abrasive to cut hard materials such as metal or granite. The

energy required for cutting materials is obtained by pressurizing water to ultra-

high pressures and forming an intense cutting stream by focusing this high-speed

water through a small, precious-stone orifice. Water jets work by shooting a

stream of highly pressurised water at the metal in order to cut it.


Electrochemical machining (ECM) is a progressed metal-working procedure

which can machine items that are troublesome or outlandish to plan through

routine machining. It is an amazingly precise procedure, able of machining any

electrically conductive work piece due to the reality that the innovation is based on

electrolysis. Among its wide fabric application capabilities are indeed moved

forward and extreme to machine metal combinations independent of their

hardness, quality or warm properties. ECM may be a strategy of evacuating metal

by an electrochemical prepare. It is regularly utilized for mass generation and is

utilized for working amazingly difficult materials or materials that are troublesome

to machine utilizing ordinary strategies. The ECM cutting instrument is guided

along the required way near to the work but without touching the piece. Within the
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ECM prepare, a cathode apparatus is progressed into an anode workpiece.


Laser beam machining (LBM) is a non-traditional subtractive manufacturing

process, a form of machining, in which a laser is directed towards the work piece

for machining. This process uses thermal energy to remove material from metallic

or non-metallic surfaces. The laser beam focuses optical energy on the surface of

the workpiece. A laser beam can be so powerful when used with a lens system that

it can melt and vaporize diamond. This principle is used laser beam cutting

because it can break the chemical bonding of the materials when amplified. The

high frequency of monochromatic light will fall on the surface then heating,

melting and vaporizing of the material. Laser beam machining is best suited for

brittle materials with low conductivity. This hot beam can cut metal precisely and

efficiently. (


Metals can be heat treated to alter the properties of strength, ductility,

toughness, hardness or resistance to corrosion. Common heat treatment processes

include annealing, precipitation hardening, quenching, and tempering.

The annealing process softens the metal by allowing recovery of cold work and

grain growth. Quenching can be used to harden alloy steels, or in precipitation

hardenable alloys, to trap dissolved solute atoms in solution. Tempering will cause
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the dissolved alloying elements to precipitate or in the case of quenched steels,

improve impact strength and ductile properties.



Research Literature

The research literature discusses the previous studies related to the study

conducted by the researchers. The following studies give the researchers ideas in

the conceptualization and development of the project.

Atienza, et al., (2016), in their study “Modified Flat bar Cutter” designed and

fabricated a machine for flat bar so it can be easily cut through high speed cutter.

The study mainly focused to cut the flat bars. This flat bar cutter used an abrasive

wheel mounted perpendicularly to the drive shaft and have light duty motors

around 1HP. In this, the cutter is suited for light metal cutting duties.

Cepillo, et al., (2016), in their study “Improvised Circular Gasket Cutter” is

suited for cutting smaller sized of solid round bars and pipes. The proponents used

chuck that serves as the gripping and holding of the workpiece but it is limited to

hold the workpiece because of the chuck’s dimension. The mechanism of cutting

metals was done through fixed portable grinder and the result was a rough surface


Dela Cerna, et al., (2015), in their study “Multi-Purpose Cutter” fabricated the
College of Industrial Technology
equipment that cuts various types of metals. The study was designed in terms of

technical specification and material contents which were very similar to the

present study. The cutting tool used is grinding wheel or abrasive wheel revolving

at a high rate of speed. This cutter is capable of maintaining the necessary high

standard finish. The multi- purpose cutter used localized materials on near areas,

with this the repair and maintenance is easy for operators.

Amargo, et al., (2015), in their study “Transferrable Pipe Cutting Apparatus”

focused only on the design and fabrication of the pipe cutting apparatus. The

apparatus is provided with a single support attachment that is limited to cut metals

in sound object like pipe. This device has an angle grinder attached to jigs as a tool

to attain a precise shape in cutting operation. This was also done by using oxy-

acetylene which is too expensive and it needs time to dismantle the apparatus.

Brucal, et al., (2013), in their study “Automated Pipe Cutting Machine”

focused on the design and fabrication of pipe cutting machine consisting of the

determination of the design requirements adaptable to a range of pipe diameters.

The study was done by cutting pipes through force of handled grinder. It was

designed to cut pipes only and used extensively in metalworking industries. The

study was mainly focused on different sizes of pipe and this cutting machine is

capable to cut pipes on continuous operation. The machine used wide frame to

support all that gives comfort to the operators when he performs of pipe cutting.
College of Industrial Technology
Delos Reyes et al., (2013), in their study “Modified Tile Cutter Set-Up” was

fabricated a power tools to easily cut tile ceramics. The study mainly focused to

the tile setter for effectiveness of work that widely used in construction industries.

The studies of the current researchers and Delos Reyes et al., were designed and

fabricated to cut an object or something that will be useful and beneficial for

machine works especially in cutting metals. The tile cutter set- up provides a

measuring instrument for the accurate measure of tiles to be cut. This tile cutter

was made to cut different forms and sizes of tile ceramics. The equipment is

lightweight and low cost to maintain or troubleshoot the problems if it will occur

during operation.


The studies cited serve as guiding principles of the researchers in developing a

new form of study through understanding on the existing forms. The previous

researches bear significant similarities and differences that helped the researchers

to conduct the study “Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter”.

The study of Atienza et al., (2016), the modified flat bar cutter was found

similar to the present study. Both studies were fabricated for cutting metals. The

previous study mainly focused to cutting flat bars and the present was assembled

to cut different metals. The difference was also found. The present study can cut

different metals that clamped to the jigs and it is powered by electric motor that
College of Industrial Technology
can provide long lasting life and durability. The present study also used timing belt

as the pulley to drive the whole mechanism through rotating shafts that was

connected to the abrasive wheel while the previous was mainly designed to easily

cut flat bars.

Cepillo et al.’s study (2016) is suited for cutting smaller sized of solid round

bars and pipes. The past study bears significance to the present project for both

used belt for driving the device. The only difference was that the previous study

used a chuck for gripping and holding workpiece while in the present study the

researchers provided adjustable jigs to have angle cut and to provide the desired

cut of workpiece. The present study used a heavy electric motor, efficient RPM

and timing belt and crankshaft that are only found on engine vehicles which prove

that the belt never splits and can be used for a long time.

The study of Dela Cerna et al., (2015) was found similar to the researchers’

project. Both were fabricated an equipment that can cut various types of metals for

any purposes. The only difference was the previous study used DC motor which

has limited use for metals and has no attachable guide for heavy and long diameter

of metals while on the present study, the researchers used the electric motor as

driving the mechanism and fabricated an attachable guide that supports the metals

to be cut.

Amargo, et al.’s project (2015), mainly focused on the design and fabrication
College of Industrial Technology
of the pipe cutting apparatus. The apparatus was provided with a single support

attachment that is limited to cut metals in sound object like pipe. The present study

used timing belt as the pulley to drive the whole mechanism through rotating

shafts that were connected to the abrasive wheel. Also, other difference was the

present study the high speed metal cutter can have the ability to cut different

metals with long life lasting and it is not an apparatus. This is also easy to

maintain and repair if malfunction occurs on performing of cutting metals.

The study of Brucal, et al., (2013), has significant relationship to the present

study. The previous proponents focused on the development of an automated pipe

cutting machine consisting of the determination of the design requirements

adaptable to a range of pipe diameters. The difference to the previous study is, the

high speed metal cutter is multipurpose cutting operation of different metals and

provide angle cutting through adjustable jigs. The present study also used a heavy

electric motor, efficient RPM, timing belt and crankshaft to operate the whole

mechanism of the project.

Delos Reyes et al.’s study (2013) has significant similarity and difference to

the present undertaking. Both were assembled and fabricated for cutting purposes.

The previous proponents fabricated the equipment modified tile cutter to easily cut

tile ceramics. The project was also made to cut different forms and sizes of tile

ceramics while the project of the present researchers, the high speed metal cutter
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was fabricated as a multipurpose cutting machine that cuts different sizes of

metals. The present study used a heavy electric motor, efficient revolution per

minute, timing belt, crankshaft and adjustable jigs. The project also has an

attachable guide that serves as the support for heavy and long diameter of metals

to be cut. The machine is also low cost in terms of repair and maintenance.

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