CpE Orientation (Research)

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Cebu City



Family Name First Name Middle Initial Date Submitted

BSCpE – 1 H2 Mr. Roel Bravo Lauron

Program & Year Section Instructor
History: Sophia’s Hanson Mechanical technology's most recent human-like robot, made by
joining our developments in science, designing and imaginativeness. Sophia is a humanoid. Behind
her brilliant green eyes and delicate, shining skin—produced using something many refer to as
"frubber"— lies an armature of microchips, sensors, and other gadgetry that enable her to squint,
grin, and posture for di Sturco's camera. Sophia is a practical human-like robot that was enacted
on April 19, 2015 utilizing Google Chrome voice acknowledgment innovation, which enables her
to "process discourse, hold a discussion, recollect associations, and get more intelligent after some
time" (Mascarenhas, 2016). Sophia expected intention is basically considerate in nature: "she could
be the subsequent stage towards administration robots that care for the old, help individuals with
incapacities to perform every day capacities, help kids with exceptional needs learn, and even do
tasks regarded unreasonably risky for people" (2016).
Inventor(individual/company): The robot was made by David Hanson, the originator of Hong
Kong-based Hanson Mechanical autonomy, who is known for making robots that look and act like
people. Sophia was made to look like Audrey Hepburn. Sophia, a canny humanoid robot, has been
conceded citizenship in Saudi Arabia. It's the main nation on the planet to give a bot a similar
status held for people. Sophia was granted the citizenship while in front of an audience at the
Future Speculation Activity in Riyadh.
Description: Sophia is thoughtfully like the PC program ELIZA, which was one of the main
endeavors at mimicking a human discussion. The product has been modified to give pre-composed
reactions to explicit inquiries or expressions, similar to a chatbot. These reactions are utilized to
make the dream that the robot can get discussion, including stock responses to questions like "Is
the entryway open or closed?" The data is partaken in a cloud arrange which enables info and
reactions to be investigated with blockchain innovation. As indicated by Hanson Mechanical
technology, Sophia exemplifies Hepburn's exemplary magnificence: porcelain skin, a slim nose,
high cheekbones, an interesting grin, and profoundly expressive eyes that appear to change shading
with the light. They depict her as having 'straightforward style,' and expectation that this
congeniality will go some path to her acknowledgment in the open circle.
Purpose: The AI program analyses conversations and extracts data that allows it to improve
responses in the future. To help the people in need, they designed to support the people in the near
Reaction: Robots are now more convenient in the future because it can help to support our needs.
There are many types of robots out there but this type of robot impressed me because it’s so
intelligent. For me robots are important in the future because robotized machines have assumed
control over the obligations of perilous and unremarkable occupations from people, permitting
more noteworthy profitability. Since robots never tire, additional movements have been added to
industrial facilities. Ranchers have exploited new innovation with mechanized collectors, the waste
transfer industry has actualized robots in a portion of its dirtier employments, and the therapeutic
business profits by headways in helped careful mechanical technology.
History: In February 2010 they began selling their PALMI Scholastic Arrangement, intended for
use in innovative work by colleges and other research offices. They made it open source to support
improvement, and a wide range of uses were created. The advancement group additionally kept on
improving item quality by over and over maturing and testing it. At that point they began showing
tests for consideration offices together with colleges and other research offices. Here, PALRO met
ordinary individuals just because. On the main day, PALMI said "Hello" to an old woman
remaining before it. The senior natives adjacent all of a sudden assembled around, discussing how
adorable it was. The individuals from the improvement group can recollect being profoundly
Inventor(individual/company): The company establish on May 15, 1970 name FUJI
SOFTWARE LABORATORY,Ltd. The head office is Yokohama,Kanagawa and the capital is 3
million JPY. On April 1984 company name changed to FUJI SOFTWATE Incorporated. Fujisoft
is one of the largest Independent IT solution vendors in Japan with strong experience in mobile
technology, digital information equipment's, consumer electronics etc. Fujisoft continues to
remain unique, aggressively helping build the future of ubiquitous and cloud computing
everywhere, from homes to business and society as a whole. FUJISOFT would like to lead the age
of ubiquitous and cloud computing by expanding its operations worldwide and delivering unique
technologies from each base. Fujisoft services are further divided in the following two
categories:1. Ubiquitous Computing - Mobile phones, Smart phones, Digital appliances, Digital
OA equipment, Car navigation systems, Automobiles, Robots, Industrial equipment2. Cloud
Computing - Distribution/retail, BFSI, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Education, Government,
Energy, Transportation
Description: Development of robot innovation amazingly, bipedal strolling is typical, numerous
robots which can converse with human are likewise showing up now, among them a
correspondence robot "Palmi is a humanoid robot that can converse with people while learning by
securing Internet data. Additionally, it's anything but a repetitive discussion, it has an enchanting
answer, and besides it is described as having a humorous touch that can sing and move. I really
raised and attempted different approaches to grow up to what degree the correspondence, for
example, discussion can be figured it out.
Purpose: The purpose is to communicate to the people and also to predict. Palmi also has an
outstanding voice recognition function to listen to people's words. People unexpectedly predict
what the other party will talk next in the conversation. For example, when you talk to "Today's
weather is good," you unconsciously get out of the climate other than going out and words such as
feeling (refreshing, pleasant) I predicted to come. Like Palmi, Palmi also has the ability to predict
and wait for words that you will return next. This advanced predictive ability improves the
accuracy of speech recognition and achieves a conversation that connects. I remember you well.
Palmi 's memory ability. Palmi is very unique. Depending on the environment, people in contact
with, and the content of communication, changes will appear little by little.
Reaction: Our lives are now full of AI devices. There are too many to count, from air conditioners
to rice cookers, TVs, and cars. The intelligent technology used to create this AI is continuously
evolving to make our lives easier and more convenient. Robots are now more convenient in our
daily lives because they made or create to do something that can help us in our daily lives like
helping to do the household chores and other things. It will also assist our comfortable and
convenient life based on its unified control over home electronic appliances and facilities such as
a bathroom as well as our eco-friendly life with energy visualization. Understanding the flow of
people on how the people treat the robot. Palmi is a great robot because it can communicate to the
people and because Palmi is a robot, it is not a robot of a mechanical system such as moving surely
when doing this. Because you can learn and grow your actions and words, behavior will change
more and more at that time. That is why it is possible to become a member of the family, the best
partner. Leave news and weather information constantly connected to the network. For example,
even when you are busy or when your hands are busy, if you ask Palmi to read "read the news" or
"tell us weather" you will be able to tell us the latest information you got from the internet. Or you
may pick up and introduce you if you find news you are interested in.

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