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Winter Internship Assessment - January 2019

Internship at High Court

Submitted by

Name of the Candidate: Jayant Sharma

Division: D Roll No: 17010223090 Class: BALLB Semester: IV Batch: 2017-2022

Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA

Symbiosis International (Deemed University)

January, 2019

The Internship entitled “Internship at High Court” submitted to the Symbiosis

Law School, NOIDA for the Course on ‘Projects and Presentation’ in
Semester X as part of assessment is based on my work carried out under the
guidance of Mr. L.L Gupta from

November 14, 2018 to December 12, 2018

at High court of Jaipur. The written submission displays work carried

out by myself by following the policies, rules and regulation applicable at the
place of internship. Further it has not been submitted elsewhere for any
purpose academic or non-academic.

The material borrowed from other sources and incorporated in the

written submission has been duly acknowledged.

I understand that I myself could be held responsible and accountable for

submission of information otherwise, if any, detected later on.

Signature of the candidate Date:

Internship Write-up-

I had done my internship under advocate of high court, Mr. L.L Gupta. He has been practicing from 30 years in high court also has
a office under his residential house. My internship tenure is from November 14, 2018 to December 12, 2018. On my first day of
internship, first I went to Jaipur high court at 10 am and meet the lawyer advocate L.L Gupta and then he familiarizes me with
court timings which is 10 am to 4 pm, then he takes me to the mediation centre in high court that is also called Lok Adalat in
which there is settlement outside the court. It is for speedy trial of the case and speedy justice. Then he takes me to his chamber
and makes me read the file of a case that I was about to witness, it was about land acquisition and then I attended the court
proceedings and I was surprised how systematic the high court works as compared to district court and in high court I attended the
court proceeding of civil nature, criminal nature and also family cases. I also attend the court proceedings under 2 judge bench out
of which one was Mr. Pradeep Nandrajog, chief justice of Rajasthan high court. Apart from attending High court proceedings I
also had to go to my lawyer’s office at 6 pm.

Main Tasks-

The clients also come in evening so one can learn about dealing with clients by observing sir. The drafting work also happens in
office. For learning purpose it is necessary that one must go to the office as the major work like the way case is made happens in
office. There he makes me read the bare act first and then the case file relating to it. He also gives me the case file of certain cases
and ask me to find the cases that helps him in the case through AIR and SC books like once he gave me a case and ask me to find a
case in which pleading cannot be amended at stage of proceedings under Order 6 Rule 17 of code of civil procedure 1908. There
were also cases of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 which I mainly dealt with and I also understand the importance of lodging FIR in
time in case of motor vehicle act. In case of motor vehicle accident there are always 2 possibilities, one is injury and another is
death. In case of injury compensation is calculated according to the disability suffered by injured, age of injured, family members
of injured, Loss of income during medical treatment, loss of future prospects, Medical Expenses and transportation expenses. In
case of death all things are same except disability, in it multiplier system is used, it is according to the age of expired one. I also
understand the term A.W and N.A.W that is Applicant witness and non applicant witness. I also learn how to draft an appeal in
high court and also able to write the synopsis of the case and grounds on which it is being rejected or dismissed. I draft about 10
appeals in high court, all related to cases of motor vehicle; all are of death or injury. I had to attend office on Saturday and Sunday
also, there is main drafting of appeals and study of cases happens on these days. There were multiple tasks like researching on
various legal issues, finding the most suitable case laws, and filing of the cases, drafting various appeals, vetting and making notes
of the cases. There was never a time one could be free because the work was regularly allotted. I learn about how court
proceedings happen, if you haven’t read about the case before proceeding, you will not be able to understand what happens in
case. In single court room a judge, deals with approximately 150 cases a day, so everything happens very fast, I also learns about
how to research through books and also learns how to draft an appeal in high court and my lawyer taught me how to read case file
and also taught me some terms both in English and Hindi. Hindi because, I had to also read the district case file before drafting an

My Overall Experience-

My lawyer also made me work beside him and treated me like associate and tells me or explain me everything about a case and i
can approach him directly without meeting an associate and my lawyer was very friendly to me. He never said me to go and see
court proceedings by my own and takes me with him in every court proceeding where he goes and make me read about the cases
before proceedings in office a day before. He also sometimes sends me to mediation centre by my own and said me to deal with
them as I goes and ask about the any development in case. In my opinion Mediation centre is very good thing as it saves time and
provide speedy justice. But in case of motor vehicle claims there is too much difference that the mediation centre and amount
received through court but in mediation centre it is necessary to receive the compensation but in court it is not. But lawyers prefer
to settle cases in mediation centre as they received their fees early in mediation centre not in court. My overall experience was
very great as I am able to learned many things and in my opinion in first few years of law schools, students should do internship
not at big names and also not at small names, as big names has many associates working under it, so you can’t get to learn
anything from them. In my opinion attending high court as well as office is very helpful to me, as i read about the case in office
and see proceedings in court.

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