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Flow through a straight pipe by a real fluid has pressure differences due to the velocity

profile of the fluid. The group made use of the fluid flow apparatus specifically the straight pipe,

it is also noted that all other valves are closed in order to not interfere with the results in the

experiment. The group was assigned the volumetric velocity of 550 gal/min and 600 gal/min. It

was found out that the Pressure difference is directly proportional to the volumetric velocity and

thus have greater fanning friction factor. The volumetric velocity also is directly proportional to

the Reynolds number which means that the fanning friction factor is proportional to the Reynolds

number. The group recommends, being precise when adjusting the valves and measuring the height

in the manometer as it will affect the answer when computing for the various properties.


Bernoulli Equation. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://hyperphysics.


Bernoulli's Equation. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Holecek, O. & Schreiberova, L. (n.d.) Pressure Losses during Fluid Flow Through Straight

Pipes and Local Resistances. Retrieved from


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