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Article  in  Current opinion in urology · September 2012

DOI: 10.1097/MOU.0b013e328357bc62 · Source: PubMed


16 434

3 authors:

Antonio Macedo Atila Rondon

Universidade Federal de São Paulo Rio de Janeiro State University


Valdemar Ortiz
Universidade Federal de São Paulo


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OPINION Hypospadias
Antonio Macedo Jr, Atila Rondon, and Valdemar Ortiz

Purpose of review
Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital anomalies in men. We searched the recent literature
(since 1 January 2011) using the following keywords in the title or abstract: hypospadia or hypospadias,
in order to provide the reader with an updated view of the subject.
Recent findings
Early repair is recommended; distal forms are mainly treated by the tubularized incised plate technique;
however, meatal stricture concerns are still noticed, limiting its use on proximal forms. The debate of
proximal primary repair in either one or two stages is still ongoing. Minor modifications for preparing the
distal bed for the urethroplasty in two stages are presented. One-stage repairs, either with reconstruction of
the urethral plate (three-in-one concept) or simply with the onlay to tunica albuginea (Rigamonti), is a viable
option with over 70% success in one surgery. The importance of barriers, such as tunica vaginalis and
dartos flap, was reassessed and flow rates may indicate obstructive voiding patterns after 1-year follow-up.
Further experience and comparative studies for distal and proximal hypospadias are required. Long-term
data may indicate the appropriate procedure selected for primary repair.
hypospadias, urethra, surgery, penile reconstruction


Hypospadias is one of the most common congen- The cause of hypospadias is probably a mix of mono-
ital anomalies in men. The incidence of hypo- genic and multifactorial forms, implicating both
spadias in Western countries has been increasing genes and environmental factors. van der Zanden
and is estimated in 150–300 of male births [1]. et al. [2] performed a systematic review to define the
Numerous surgical techniques have been pre- current knowledge about the cause of hypospadias.
sented to treat hypospadias, including 200 differ- The literature had been reviewed since 1995 and the
ent subvariants of surgical repair. No consensus is authors concluded that single mutations do not
yet defined in this area. Despite numerous advan- cause the majority of isolated hypospadias cases.
ces in tissue transfer and refinements in operative Indeed, associations were found with polymor-
techniques, there is seldom a consensus among phisms. In addition, gene-expression studies ident-
pediatric urologists when discussing their prefera- ified CTGF, CYR61 and EGF as candidate genes.
ble approaches. Preferences may vary in topics Environmental factors consistently implicated in
such as using grafts versus flaps, types of stents, hypospadias were low birth weight, maternal hyper-
urinary diversion and the polemic issue of treating tension and preeclampsia, suggesting that placental
in one or two steps. insufficiency may play an important role in hypo-
We searched the recent literature (since 1 spadias cause. Exogenous endocrine-disrupting
January 2011) that presented in the title or
abstract the keywords hypospadia or hypospadias Department of Urology, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo,
in order to provide the reader with an updated São Paulo, Brazil
view of the subject. We identified 159 articles from Correspondence to Antonio Macedo Jr, Rua Maestro Cardim, 560 cj
which we selected 35, which were then classified 215, 01323-000, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Tel: +55 11 32870639;
in topics and organized for discussion. We focused fax: +55 11 32873954; e-mail:
our review on the clinical aspects of hypospadias Curr Opin Urol 2012, 22:447–452
in humans. DOI:10.1097/MOU.0b013e328357bc62

0963-0643 ß 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Urethral reconstruction

between the hypospadias group and the control

KEY POINTS group regardless of degree of hypospadias. This
 Preoperative use of 1% testosterone propionate study provided useful information to educate
ointment before hypospadias surgery produce parents when discussing results and goals of surgical
neovascularization in absolute numbers and in volume treatment.
density, but negative implications on wound healing
are still to be defined.
 Distal hypospadias repair is currently treated mostly by
the tubularized incised plate (TIP) technique and age at The clinical description of a patient with hypospa-
surgery does not increase odds of urethroplasty dias is currently based on the anatomical location
complication, being recommended at 4–6 months. of the external meatus relative to either the penis
or to nonpenile structures such as the scrotum or
 Proximal hypospadias can be treated in two stages,
which is a more simple procedure, although data from perineum. We are aware, however, that we can only
one-stage repair (three-in-one technique and onlay to define the severity of hypospadias after penile
albuginea) show success in 70% of cases in one degloving and repair of chordee. Although the
setting. position of the external meatus within the distal
penis (i.e. glanular, subcoronal or distal penile)
 Bracka repair is considered the gold standard for
salvage hypospadias repair; however, complications seems to be reliable and may be consistently
after second stage occur in approximately a third of described, this measure is less reliable in patients
patients, mainly those with fibrotic and indurated grafts; with penoscrotal, scrotal or perineal hypospadias, as
therefore, regrafting should be considered whenever the scrotum may be translocated as far as the distal
the aspect of the graft is not flat and mobile. penis in these patients. Orkiszewski [5] examined
the position of the corpus spongiosum division
relative to pelvic bone structures as an indicator
of the true level of hypospadias, basically consider-
chemicals have the potential to induce hypospadias, ing a horizontal line at the upper pubis level and
but it is unclear whether human exposure is high categorizing hypospadias as penile (above) or proxi-
enough to exert this effect. mal (below). As a critique comment, we believe that
Animal models of endocrine dysfunction have this classification still does not consider curvature
associated male genital defects with reduced ano- and only after assessing this issue is it possible to
genital distance (AGD). Human studies have corre- decide for a surgical procedure in proximal forms.
lated shorter AGD with exposure to putative Two studies provided trends on hypospadias
endocrine disruptors in the environment but have repair either based on experts’ opinion or on a
not examined AGD in hypospadiac boys. Hsieh et al. questionnaire survey [6 ,7]. In the survey study,
[3] from the University of California in San Francisco 377 participants from 68 countries returned com-
group measured AGD in boys with hypospadias and pleted questionnaires. In distal hypospadias (sub-
those with normal genitals, and concluded that coronal to midshaft), the tubularized incised plate
hypospadias may indeed be associated with reduced (TIP) repair was preferred by 52.9–71.0% of the
AGD. The authors acknowledge, however, the lim- participants. In the repair of proximal hypospadias,
ited size of their series and suggest that additional the two-stage repair was preferred by 43.3–76.6%.
studies are needed to corroborate these preliminary TIP repair in proximal hypospadias was used by
findings and to determine their cause. 0.9–16.7%. Onlay flaps and tubes were used by
Penile size in hypospadias is subjectively 11.3–29.5% of the study group. Simple plication
assumed by the parents to be inferior to normal and Nesbit’s procedure were the techniques of
children because of ventral chordee. Fievet et al. choice in curvature up to 308; urethral division
[4] measured penile length in two groups of children and ventral incision of the tunica albuginea with
aged up to 5 years. The first group comprised all boys grafting were performed by approximately 20% of
admitted for hypospadias (40 patients; 25 distal and the participants in severe chordee. The frequency of
15 proximal hypospadias). The control group com- hypospadias repairs did not influence the choice
prised 100 boys seen for other surgical procedures of technique [7].
excluding those with endocrine disorders. Mean The assessment and management of hypo-
penile length in the control group was 4.07– spadias, considering questions, such as evaluation
0.92 cm; mean penile length in the hypospadias of hypospadias severity, preoperative biological
group was 4.36–0.9 cm (4.48–0.89 cm for distal assessment, preoperative hormonal stimulation
hypospadias and 4.21–0.79 cm for proximal hypo- and choice of urethroplasty to the postoperative
spadias). There was no difference in penile length evaluation were debated by Snodgrass, Macedo

448 Volume 22  Number 6  November 2012

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Hypospadias Macedo Jr et al.

and Mouriquand as a written dialogue following testosterone propionate ointment twice daily for
their panel discussion at the World Congress of 30 days before surgery. The authors found that
Pediatric Urology. Piet Hoebeke was asked to referee the use of 1% testosterone propionate ointment
their comments to highlight the areas of agreement before hypospadias surgery produced neovasculari-
and dispute. This study is quite different and pro- zation in absolute numbers and in volume density.
vocative as the reader can observe different views to This finding suggests a beneficial role of preopera-
the same questions and make his own conclusions tive use of testosterone, although only a randomized
[6 ]. clinical trial could confirm it.
The discussion of hypospadias repair is high- Gorduza et al. [12] from the Lyon’s group in
lighted by the challenging need to reduce compli- France designed a prospective study to compare
cation rate. Prat et al. [8 ] from Jerusalem revised the outcomes of onlay urethroplasty with and with-
their date over the last three decades and provided a out preoperative androgen stimulation in patients
frank reporting of a 58% immediate complication with severe hypospadias. The authors identified 126
rate in the proximal group and a 31% rate in the patients and 30 of these received preoperative
second midshaft to distal group, which is refresh- androgen treatment (human chorionic gonado-
ingly honest. A way to improve these results could trophin and systemic testosterone) 1–24 months
be the use of tissue engineering techniques. During before surgery. Thirty-five patients presented a com-
the period of 2000–2002, six patients with severe plication (27.7%) of whom 26 (20.6%) had a fistula
hypospadias were treated surgically with autologous or dehiscence. Among patients on androgen stimu-
urothelial cells that had been isolated, expanded lation, there was a 30% healing complication rate (9
and stored in vitro, according to Fossum et al. [9]. of 30), whereas those without androgen stimulation
Patients have been followed for a median follow-up presented a healing complication rate of 17.7% (17
time of 7.25 years and present good cosmetic of 96). The authors concluded that the numbers
appearance. The authors acknowledge, however, a were, however, too small to reach statistical signifi-
limited series and lack of controls. cance and further experience is still necessary for a
definitive conclusion.


Three studies were found on this subject. Estrogenic Distal hypospadias repair today is mostly treated by
endocrine disruptors acting via estrogen receptors the TIP technique. Snodgrass presented three papers
alpha and beta have been implicated in the cause of on this theme. Reviewing his series of 669 consecu-
hypospadias. Qiao et al. [10] from Larry Baskin’s tive prepubertal patients aged 3–144 months (mean
group in San Francisco searched for the expression 17.1, standard deviation 22.5), he concluded that
of estrogen receptor alpha and beta comparing fore- age at surgery does not increase odds of urethro-
skin in hypospadias patients and controls and plasty complication and that surgery can be per-
showed that expression is indeed decreased in hypo- formed any time after 3 months (in full-term
spadias. As the authors themselves state, their results healthy boys) without raising the rate of compli-
need to be interpreted with caution, as they did not cations [13]. In another study, the same group
directly study normal or hypospadiac urethral tissue showed that glans dehiscence occurred in 32 of
in patients undergoing surgery. It is possible that 641 patients (5%). Age at surgery, preoperative tes-
events occurring in the foreskin, whose epithelium tosterone use and glansplasty suture did not impact
is ectodermal in origin, may not be occurring in the the risk of glans dehiscence. Glans dehiscence
urethra, whose epithelium is endodermal in origin. occurred in 20 of 520 distal (4%), 1 of 47 midshaft
Furthermore, they did not study the events at the (2%) and 11 of 74 proximal (15%) TIP repairs, with
critical time of external genitalia development and the odds of glans dehiscence being 3.6 times higher
urethral malformation. in patients with proximal versus distal meatal
Androgen stimulation before hypospadias location [14].
surgery has resulted in increased penile size, fewer The use of the TIP concept for proximal hypo-
complications and improved cosmesis, and suggests spadias is, however, controversial. The severity of
increased neovascularization. Anyway, the real chordee and the need for urethral plate division
effect on neovascularization remained to be proved. limits its use. Snodgrass and Bush [15 ] believe that
Bastos et al. [11 ] studied a total of 26 boys with mobilizing the urethral plate to correct the curva-
hypospadias, who were randomly allocated to two ture may allow use of his principle also in proximal
groups before surgical correction. Group 1 did not forms. The authors reported 24 patients operated
receive any treatment and group 2 received 1% with a mean follow-up of 12 months. Complications

0963-0643 ß 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 449

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Urethral reconstruction

occurred in three (13%), glans dehiscence (2) and flap urethroplasty became difficult in many patients
neourethral stricture (1). Hafez and Helmy [16] also and most surgeons agree that corporoplasty requires
believe that TIP is a valid procedure for repair of two-stage hypospadias repair.
penoscrotal hypospadias with chordee 308. The Also considering two-stage repair, Springer and
overall success (86%) was satisfactory on 90 patients Subramaniam [22] described a modification of the
treated, but they state that surgeon’s experience is two-stage repair using a dorsal split dartos fascia
the pillar for better success. flap, as well as a vascularized bed for the graft in
One concern about TIP repair is that it often can the first stage with the advantage of providing excel-
result in obstructed flow at uroflowmetry, owing to lent blood supply for graft take. A comparison of
meatal stenosis or as a result of a noncompliant these data with regular uptake of the graft into the
neourethra. Andersson et al. [17] designed a pro- corpora is still necessary. Different strategy for ante-
spective study to evaluate whether urinary flow grade dissection of the preputial vascular pedicle
improves with time after TIP repair. The authors during hypospadias repair was reported and also a
found spontaneous improvement 7 years after TIP variant of how to transpose tubularized flap into
repair, although 32% of the boys without symptoms ventral surface of the penis by a glandular incision in
still had obstructive flows at this point. The authors the midline [23,24].
conclude that long-term follow-up is important as The three-in-one concept was reviewed with
there does not seem to be any way to predict which long-term results. This one-stage strategy is based
boys will deteriorate and develop obstructions, on reconstruction of the urethral plate with buccal
demanding intervention. They also believe that mucosa graft and onlay transverse preputial flap
the use of TIP repair in more severe cases of hypo- anastomosis protected by a tunica vaginalis flap.
spadias should be limited, considering that proxi- Macedo et al. [25 ] reported 68.5% success in a single
mal hypospadias in this study presented worse operation, whereas 31.5% required a second repair
flows. for a complex population of 35 patients that
required division of the urethral plate to correct
ventral curvature.
Rigamonti and Castagnetti [26 ] presented
The Mathieu technique was revisited by two studies. results on the onlay on albuginea technique, which
Elganainy et al. suggested that preputial preser- follow the same principles of the three-in-one tech-
vation during Mathieu repair is a timesaving pro- nique, except for the reconstruction of the urethral
cedure with similar complication rate to traditional plate after its division to get the penis straight. The
repair and Hadidi presented satisfactory results in preputial flap was anastomosed onlay directly to the
848 of 872 patients (97%) [18,19]. tunica albuginea. The authors reported 14 patients
Elsayed et al. [20] presented the concept of dis- and 21% complications at a mean follow-up of
tally folded onlay flap in the repair of distal penile 7 months. This procedure is indeed an advance
hypospadias, mainly for patients with a shallow and can reduce time of surgery, although further
urethral plate, a small glans or those who had under- experience is awaited.
gone a previous operation but still had available
preputial skin. This prospective study involved
36 patients with a mean age of 3.2 years. There were REDOS
no cases of meatal stenosis or requirement for ure- A study and a video discussed the staged buccal
thral dilatation. Two patients had an urethrocuta- mucosa Bracka repair, the gold-standard procedure
neous fistula: one closed spontaneously while the today for salvage hypospadias repair [27]. Leslie
other needed surgical repair 6 months later. Regard- et al. [28] found complications after second stage
ing esthetic appearance, 32 were scored good and in approximately a third of patients, mainly those
four satisfactory. with fibrotic and indurated grafts. A regrafting
should be considered whenever the aspect of the
graft is not flat and mobile, before considering
PROXIMAL HYPOSPADIAS tubularization at the second stage. Mir et al. [29]
The main discussion here is conceptual: treating in reviewed the medical records of six hypospadias
two stages or one stage. Castellan et al. [21 ] reported male patients who underwent tissue expansion
ventral corporal body grafting for correcting severe for phallic skin resurfacing, which may be a useful
penile curvature associated with small intestine sub- approach for patients who have undergone
stance. The authors obtained a straight phallus with multiple attempted hypospadias repairs and lack
good cosmesis in 57 of 58 patients. As a result of a sufficient amount of healthy, unscarred penile
penile elongation with a graft, simultaneous island skin for a successful outcome.

450 Volume 22  Number 6  November 2012

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Hypospadias Macedo Jr et al.

FINAL COMMENTS Conflicts of interest

Three studies discussed the importance of barriers There are no conflicts of interest.
and sealants in hypospadias surgery. Dhua et al. did
not find a difference comparing dartos flap and
tunica vaginalis to cover the neourethra, Bertozzi REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
et al. recommended the double dartos flap and READING
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
Kajbafzadeh et al. evaluated the efficacy of fibrin been highlighted as:
sealant for repair of urethrocutaneous fistula after & of special interest
&& of outstanding interest

multiple failed hypospadias and epispadias surgeries Additional references related to this topic can also be found in the Current
[30–32]. The study population comprised 11 boys World Literature section in this issue (pp. 521–522).

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fistula. The authors concluded that single-donor 3. Hsieh MH, Eisenberg ML, Hittelman AB, et al. Caucasian male infants and
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This is a interesting study based on answer and questions of each author to the
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surgery. The importance of barriers like tunica 107.
21. Castellan M, Gosalbez R, Devendra J, et al. Ventral corporal body grafting for
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0963-0643 ß 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 451

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Urethral reconstruction

24. Su C, Yang T, Zhang Z, et al. Para-meatus skin incision with long channel 30. Dhua AK, Aggarwal SK, Sinha S, Ratan SK. Soft tissue covers in hypospadias
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452 Volume 22  Number 6  November 2012

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