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Risk Factors Associated With Night Vision Disturbances

After Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation


 PURPOSE: To investigate the incidence and severity of lens for causing glare. (Am J Ophthalmol 2014;157:
night vision disturbances after implantable collamer lens 135–141. Ó 2014 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
surgery and to analyze the risk factors.
 DESIGN: Retrospective, noncomparative study.

 METHODS: Medical charts from 50 eyes of 25 patients HAKIC INTRAOCULAR LENS (IOL) IMPLANTATION IS
who underwent implantable collamer lens implantation a well-known refractive surgery, along with photore-
were retrospectively reviewed. The incidence and severity fractive keratectomy (PRK), laser-assisted subepi-
of night vision disturbances were evaluated using ques- thelial keratomileusis (LASEK), and laser in situ
tionnaires administered 6 months after surgery. Univar- keratomileusis (LASIK). Implantable collamer lenses
iate simple and multiple logistic regression analyses were (Visian ICLs; STAAR Surgical, Nidau, Switzerland) are
used to detect risk factors associated with postoperative sulcus-placed posterior chamber phakic intraocular lenses.
night vision disturbances. Potential risk factors included They are particularly important for patients with a thin
in the analysis were keratometric value, anterior chamber cornea or a high level of myopia. These patients are not
depth, postoperative residual refractive error, higher- ideal candidates for corneal refractive surgery. Implantable
order aberrations, preoperative and postoperative mesopic collamer lens implantation has been accepted as a safe and
pupil size, the difference between preoperative and postop- effective surgical procedure with low risk of chronic ante-
erative mesopic pupil size, the difference between mesopic rior chamber inflammation, iris atrophy, and endothelial
pupil size and implantable collamer lens optic zone diam- cell damage when compared with anterior chamber iris-
eter, white-to-white diameter, sulcus-to-sulcus diameter, fixed phakic intraocular lenses.1–4
and postoperative implantable collamer lens vaulting. Postoperative night vision disturbances are a major
The power, size, optic zone diameter, and toricity of the factor in causing decreased visual satisfaction after refrac-
implantable collamer lens were also included as variables. tive surgery. Halos are bright circles that appear to surround
 RESULTS: The incidence of night vision disturbances a light source, such as oncoming car headlights. Glare
was 34.0% for halos and 26.0% for glare. Halos were consists of difficulties seeing in the presence of bright light,
found to be significantly related to the difference between such as car headlights at night. Several studies have been
mesopic pupil size and implantable collamer lens optic conducted about night vision disturbances after corneal
zone diameter (P [ .013), white-to-white diameter of refractive surgery.5–10 A few studies reported that
the cornea (P [ .028), and implantable collamer lens implantable collamer lens implantation is superior to
optic zone diameter (P [ .030). For glare, toricity of LASIK in terms of visual outcomes, including visual
the implantable collamer lens was revealed as a significant quality.11–16 However, no prior reports have focused on
risk factor (P [ .047). postoperative night vision disturbances after implantable
 CONCLUSIONS: Although not severe, the incidence of collamer lens implantation.
night vision disturbances after implantable collamer lens Herein, we report the incidence and severity of night
implantation was not negligible. Possible risk factors for vision disturbances after implantable collamer lens implan-
night vision disturbances include implantable collamer tation and analyze the risk factors associated with night
lens optic zone diameter, the difference between mesopic vision disturbances.
pupil size and implantable collamer lens optic zone diam-
eter, and white-to-white diameter of the cornea for
causing halos, and the toricity of the implantable collamer
Accepted for publication Sept 5, 2013. THE MEDICAL CHARTS FOR 25 INDIVIDUALS (50 EYES) WHO
From the Department of Ophthalmology, Samsung Medical Center, underwent implantable collamer lens implantation (ICL
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
(D.H.L., I.J.L., S.H.C., E.S.C., T.Y.C.); and Happy Eye Clinic, V4 model) at Samsung Medical Center between October
Gwangju, South Korea (S.H.C.). 2010 and December 2011 were retrospectively reviewed.
Inquiries to Tae-Young Chung, Department of Ophthalmology, The exclusion criteria included history of previous ocular
Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of
Medicine, 50 Irwon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-710, South Korea; surgery, anterior segment abnormality, and additional
e-mail: corneal ablation surgeries to correct excessive astigmatism

0002-9394/$36.00 Ó 2014 BY ELSEVIER INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 135
or residual myopia, all of which could influence the pres-
ence of night vision disturbances. All patients included TABLE 1. Demographics of Patients Who Underwent
in the study were aged 18 years or older and in good general Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation
health. Institutional review board approval was obtained
Parameter Mean 6 SD Range
from the Samsung Medical Center Institutional Review
Board, and all procedures adhered to the Declaration of Age (y) 31.4 6 8.3 19-50
Helsinki. Sex (% female) 64.0 -
Comprehensive ocular examinations were performed Laterality (% right eye) 50.0 -
ICL power (diopters) 14.4 6 6.4 7.0 to 24.0
before and after surgery, including uncorrected visual
ICL size (mm) 12.1 6 0.4 11.5-13.0
acuity (UCVA) and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA)
ICL vault (mm) 619.0 6 215.4 252.5-1152.0
using a Snellen chart. Examinations also included manifest Toric ICL (%) 38 -
and cycloplegic refraction, slit-lamp biomicroscopy,
noncontract tonometry, fundus examination, noncontact ICL ¼ implantable collamer lens.
specular microscopy (SP-8000; Konan Medical, Inc, Nish-
inomiya, Hyogo, Japan), corneal topography (Orbscan IIz;
Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, New York, USA), WaveScan corneal incision in order to reduce astigmatism. Foot plates
imaging (Abbott Medical Optics, Santa Ana, California, were tucked under the iris and on the ciliary sulcus using
USA), and ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) 835 a modified intraocular spatula. Any remaining viscoelastic
(Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, California, USA). UBM was was irrigated out of the anterior chamber with a balanced
performed to measure the horizontal sulcus-to-sulcus salt solution. The corneal wound was self-sealed without
(STS) diameter preoperatively and to check implantable any suturing. All of the surgeries were uneventful. Postop-
collamer lens vaulting postoperatively. UBM with erative medication included topical antibiotics (Cravit;
a 50-MHz transducer and a fluid-filled eye cup was conduct- Santen, Japan) and steroids (Fluorometholone; Osaka,
ed under standard room lighting after instillation of propar- Santen) taken 4 times a day for up to 1 month.
acaine (Alcaine; Alcon, Fort Worth, Texas, USA). Pupil The incidence and severity of night vision disturbances
sizes were obtained preoperatively and postoperatively by were evaluated using a questionnaire administered
WaveScan imaging under mesopic conditions with an illu- 6 months after surgery. Implantable collamer lens recipi-
mination of 50 lux. Independent technicians performed the ents were asked to evaluate their current night vision
UBM, WaveScan, and Orbscan imaging. disturbances (glare and halo) using a 5-point scale
Implantable collamer lens power calculations were (0 ¼ no symptoms, 1 ¼ minimal, 2 ¼ mild, 3 ¼ moderate,
performed with formulas provided by STAAR Surgical 4 ¼ severe), which was adopted from a prior study.18 At the
Co, based on keratometry, corneal thickness, anterior time of questionnaire administration, patients underwent
chamber depth with Orbscan, and cycloplegic refraction. postoperative ophthalmologic examinations as described
We determined the implanted implantable collamer lens above.
size based on the horizontal STS diameter acquired by The possible risk factors for night vision disturbances
UBM, which was described in our previous study.17 that were evaluated included keratometric value, anterior
Two peripheral iridotomies were performed using an chamber depth, postoperative residual refractive error,
argon and neodymium–yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser higher-order aberrations, preoperative and postoperative
2 weeks before surgery to prevent postoperative pupillary mesopic pupil size, the difference between preoperative
block. The iridotomies were located superiorly approxi- and postoperative mesopic pupil size, the difference
mately 90 degrees apart. They were covered by the upper between mesopic pupil size and implantable collamer lens
eyelid to avoid transillumination defects and to prevent optic zone diameter, white-to-white (WTW) diameter,
light scattering. STS diameter, and postoperative implantable collamer
Operations were performed by 2 skilled surgeons (E.S.C. lens vaulting. The power, size, optic zone diameter, and
and T.Y.C.) at Samsung Medical Center. Under topical toricity of the implantable collamer lens were also assessed
anesthesia, a 3.0-mm temporal clear corneal incision was as possible risk factors.
made with a diamond knife. Sodium hyaluronate 1.0% Statistical analyses were performed using PASW 18.0
(Hyal 2000; LG Life Sciences, Seoul, South Korea) was software (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois, USA). A paired
injected into the anterior chamber, and the implantable t test was used for the statistical comparison of preoperative
collamer lens was inserted through the temporal incision and postoperative manifest refraction, aberrations, and
with an injector (MicroSTAAR injector; STAAR Surgical pupil size. Univariate simple logistic regression analysis
Co). Toric implantable collamer lenses were implanted in was used to examine the association between night vision
eyes with a preoperative cylindrical power greater than disturbances and the aforementioned variables. Factors
1.00 diopters (D) at the spectacle plane. If eyes had 0.50- with a P value less than .1 were considered to be associated
1.00 D of astigmatism superiorly, we implanted a spherical with night vision disturbances and included as candi-
implantable collamer lens and adopted a superior clear dates for multivariate analysis. Stepwise multiple logistic


TABLE 2. Preoperative and Postoperative Outcomes in Eyes That Underwent Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation

Mean 6 SD

Parameters Preoperative Postoperative P Value (Paired t Test)

Spherical equivalent (diopters) 11.05 6 4.56 0.25 6 0.66 <.01

Aberrations (mm)
Total RMS 9.63 6 4.70 1.42 6 0.71 <.01
Higher-order RMS 0.38 6 0.16 0.43 6 0.17 .11
Coma 0.23 6 0.16 0.26 6 0.23 .44
Trefoil 0.16 6 0.10 0.31 6 0.24 <.01
Spherical aberration 0.06 6 0.17 0.00 6 0.25 .15
Mesopic pupil size (mm) 5.97 6 0.93 5.69 6 0.68 .01

RMS ¼ root mean square.

regression analysis was performed to evaluate meaningful logistic regression. The possible determinants with a signif-
risk factors affecting postoperative night vision distur- icance value P < .1 in univariate analysis were entered in
bances. P values less than .05 were considered statistically the multiple logistic regression analysis. WTW and STS
significant. diameter, residual cylindrical power, postoperative spher-
ical aberrations, size and optic zone diameter of implant-
able collamer lens, the difference between mesopic pupil
size and implantable collamer lens optic zone diameter,
RESULTS and postoperative implantable collamer lens vaulting
PATIENT BASELINE CHARACTERISTICS ARE LISTED IN were summarized as potential risk factors for halos with P
Table 1. The mean patient age was 31.4 6 8.3 years (range: values less than .1 (Table 3). Multicollinearity was found
19-50 years). Nine patients (36.0%) were men and 16 among implantable collamer lens size and WTW and
(64.0%) were women. The mean implanted implantable STS diameter. Implantable collamer lens size and STS
collamer lens power and size was -14.4 6 6.4 D diameter were removed in the multivariable analysis.
(range: 7.0 to 24.0 D) and 12.1 6 0.4 mm (range: Table 4 shows the results of multiple logistic regression
11.5-13.0 mm), respectively. The mean implantable analysis. Halos were found to be significantly related to
collamer lens vaulting was 619.0 6 215.4 mm (range: the difference between mesopic pupil size and implantable
252.5-1152.0 mm). A spherical equivalent (SE) of collamer lens optic zone diameter (P ¼ .013), as well as
60.5 D was noted in 94% (47/50) of eyes and 74% (37/ WTW (P ¼ .028) and implantable collamer lens optic
50) of eyes achieved UCVA > _20/20. The mean SE zone diameter (P ¼ .030).
improved significantly from 11.05 6 4.56 D to 0.25 In the same way, postoperative mesopic pupil size, a toric
6 0.66 D postoperatively (P ¼ .00). Among higher-order implantable collamer lens, the amount of cylindrical power
aberrations, trefoil increased significantly after surgery of the toric implantable collamer lens, the difference
(P ¼ <.01) (Table 2). between mesopic pupil size and implantable collamer lens
Pupil size was evaluated under mesopic conditions optic zone diameter, and postoperative implantable
(50 lux) using WaveScan. The mean preoperative pupil collamer lens vaulting were selected as possible risk factors
size was 5.97 6 0.93 mm (range: 3.25-7.0 mm), and the associated with glare (Table 3). For glare, the toricity of the
mean postoperative pupil size was 5.69 6 0.68 mm (range: implantable collamer lens was revealed as a significant risk
3.0-6.75 mm). Pupil size decreased in 64% of eyes (32/50), factor (P ¼ .047) through multiple logistic regression
increased in 20% (10/50), and was unchanged in 16% (Table 5).
(8/50). Overall, mesopic pupil size was significantly
decreased after surgery (P ¼ .01) (Table 2).
Night vision disturbances were assessed by a question- DISCUSSION
naire for each eye. Of all subjects, 34% (17/50) reported
halos and 26% (13/50) reported glare. Of all questionnaire THE STUDIES ON PHAKIC IOLS WERE MOSTLY FOCUSED ON
responses (2 per patient), 6% (3/50) reported more than objective outcomes, including safety and refractive accu-
a moderate degree of halos that caused difficulties in their racy. Various studies have demonstrated the excellent
lives. refractive accuracy, preservation of accommodation, and
We analyzed multiple preoperative and postoperative reversibility of implantable collamer lenses without alter-
variables to determine if any were associated with postop- ation of the normal corneal aspheric contour.19–22 The
erative night vision disturbances using univariate simple current issue with regard to implantable collamer lenses

associates,23 WFG LASIK showed significantly better night
TABLE 3. Potential Risk Factors for Postoperative Night visual performance compared to conventional LASIK.
Vision Disturbances After Implantable Collamer Lens Night vision symptoms have been reported to be more
common with higher corrections after LASIK, because
Halos Glare
LASIK requires more laser ablation in highly myopic
eyes. Therefore, the shape of the cornea becomes more
Exp(B) Sig Exp(B) Sig
oblate, resulting in more surgically induced higher-order
Age 1.054 .156 0.985 .705 aberrations. WFG LASIK, which was developed to rectify
Keratometric value such disadvantages of conventional LASIK, has been
Flat K 0.906 .614 0.915 .673 reported to reduce the induction of higher-order aberra-
Steep K 0.855 .385 1.088 .670
tions. Implantable collamer lens implantation has an
Mean K 0.868 .470 1.004 .986
advantage over even current-day WFG LASIK in an aspect
Sim K 0.798 .500 1.658 .147
of visual quality, maintaining the prolate shape of the
Anterior chamber depth (mm) 2.680 .278 3.144 .232
Sulcus-to-sulcus diameter (mm) 3.373 .087 0.891 .871
cornea to induce fewer higher-order aberrations regardless
White-to-white diameter (mm) 6.613 .034 0.421 .342 of the amount of myopic correction.
Residual refractive errors (diopters) Ieong and associates24 evaluated patients’ satisfaction by
Spherical 0.819 .695 0.796 .668 using a quality-of-life impact of refractive correction
Cylindrical 0.282 .026 0.428 .113 (QIRC) score. Half of the patients reported worsening of
Spherical equivalent 0.512 .184 0.610 .278 nighttime driving even though their general quality of
Pupil size (mm) life had significantly improved after implantable collamer
Preoperative 1.424 .339 0.807 .518 lens implantation. However, research on visual quality
Postoperative 0.871 .751 0.411 .082
after implantable collamer lens implantation has not
Postoperative – preoperative 2.125 .124 1.609 .336
been carried out as actively as it has been for laser refractive
Preoperative aberrations (mm)
surgery. To our knowledge, this is the first report evaluating
Total RMS 0.957 .504 1.037 .618
Higher-order RMS 0.839 .635 0.876 .681
the incidence and multiple risk factors of night vision
Coma 0.711 .860 4.307 .450 disturbances after implantable collamer lens implantation.
Trefoil 25.873 .313 3.838 .699 In this study, around 30% of patients reported night
Spherical aberration 10.442 .317 0.242 .631 vision disturbances (34% for halos and 26% for glare) after
Postoperative aberrations (mm) implantable collamer lens implantation, including 6.0%
Total RMS 1.258 .587 1.309 .548 who had more than a moderate degree of discomfort.
Higher-order RMS 0.880 .942 0.102 .304 This is not low when compared to the incidence of night
Coma 0.497 .630 0.720 .829 vision disturbances reported from other procedures, which
Trefoil 0.087 .165 2.612 .451
are 11.8%-56.9% for LASIK and 44.1% for Artisan
Spherical aberration 0.003 .098 1.393 .834
lens implantation.6,7,25 This study determined factors
ICL power (diopters) 0.983 .729 0.973 .647
associated with night vision disturbances including halos
ICL size (mm) 13.795 .010 0.955 .958
ICL optic zone diameter (mm) 0.058 .008 0.906 .919
and glare after implantable collamer lens implantation.
Toric ICL 1.778 .346 0.214 .065 These factors included the difference between mesopic
Toricity of the ICL 1.089 .621 0.357 .072 pupil size and implantable collamer lens optic zone
Pupil – ICL optic zone 2.999 .053 0.311 .092 diameter (P ¼ .013), as well as WTW (P ¼ .028) and
diameter (mm) implantable collamer lens optic zone diameter (P ¼ .030)
Postoperative ICL vaulting (mm) 1.003 .043 0.997 .087 for halos, and the toricity of the implantable collamer
lens (P ¼ .047) for glare.
Exp(B) ¼ odds; ICL ¼ implantable collamer lens; K ¼ kerato-
Previous reports on laser refractive surgery revealed that
metric value; RMS ¼ root mean square; Sig ¼ significance
night vision disturbances were related to pupil size and
(P value).
Univariate simple logistic regression analysis.
scotopic and/or mesopic pupil–optical zone disparity.26–28
When light enters through the eye, it is interrupted by
the pupil– implantable collamer lens optic zone disparity.
has shifted to subjective outcomes such as visual quality This is similar to the ablation zone border in laser
after surgery. Igarashi and associates12 and Kamiya and refractive surgery. If pupil dilation induced by dark
associates13 reported that visual performance after implant- illumination exceeds the implantable collamer lens optic
able collamer lens implantation was superior to wavefront- zone diameter, central and peripheral light rays generate
guided (WFG) LASIK in terms of contrast sensitivity and 2 different images. This creates an out-of-focus image on
higher-order aberrations for high myopia, as well as for the retina, causing night vision disturbances. In our study,
low to moderate myopia. In the previous study comparing the difference between mesopic pupil size and implantable
night visual performance after WFG LASIK and conven- collamer lens optic zone diameter showed a significantly
tional LASIK for moderate myopia by Schallhorn and positive correlation with secondary visual alterations such


TABLE 4. Results of Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis for Halos After Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation

B SE Wald Df Sig Exp(B) 95% CI

Res cyl .820 .726 1.275 1 .259 .440 .106 1.828

ICL OZD 4.005 1.846 4.708 1 .030 .018 .000 .679
Post SA 6.853 6.017 1.297 1 .255 .001 .000 139.784
ICL vaulting .001 .002 .195 1 .658 .999 .995 1.003
Pupil_OZD 1.984 .797 6.204 1 .013 7.274 1.526 34.668
WTW 3.689 1.677 4.840 1 .028 40.014 1.496 1070.532
Constant 24.207 16.159 2.244 1 .134 .000

B ¼ log odds; CI ¼ confidence interval; Df ¼ degrees of freedom; Exp(B) ¼ odds; ICL ¼ implantable collamer lens; OZD ¼ optic zone
diameter; Post SA ¼ postoperative spherical aberration; Pupil_OZD ¼ the difference between mesopic pupil size and implantable collamer
lens optic zone diameter; Res cyl ¼ residual cylindrical power; SE ¼ standard error; Sig ¼ significance (P value); Wald ¼ Wald statistic;
WTW ¼ white-to-white diameter.

TABLE 5. Results of Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis for Glare After Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation

B SE Wald Df Sig Exp(B) 95% CI

ICL toricity 1.289 .648 3.954 1 .047 .276 .077 .982

ICL vaulting .005 .002 3.779 1 .052 .995 .991 1.000
Post pupil .032 1.253 .001 1 .980 1.033 .089 12.045
Pupil_OZD .833 1.527 .297 1 .586 .435 .022 8.678
Constant 2.267 1.431 2.512 1 .113 9.653

B ¼ log odds; CI ¼ confidence interval; Df ¼ degrees of freedom; Exp(B) ¼ odds; ICL ¼ implantable collamer lens; ICL toricity ¼ cylindrical
power of toric implantable collamer lens; Post pupil ¼ postoperative mesopic pupil size; Pupil_OZD ¼ the difference between mesopic pupil
size and implantable collamer lens optic zone diameter; SE ¼ standard error; Sig ¼ significance (P value); Wald ¼ Wald statistic.

as halos. As the disparity increased, the risk of halos signs of inflammation in the anterior chamber were
increased (odds ratio ¼ 7.274, P ¼ .013). observed.
Pupil size under mesopic conditions of 50 lux was 5.97 6 Secondary visual disturbances can also occur from a small
0.93 mm (range: 3.25-7.0 mm) preoperatively and 5.69 6 optic zone. In the field of phakic intraocular lenses, the
0.68 mm (range: 3.0-6.75 mm) postoperatively, which Food and Drug Administration cohort of implantable
was a significant decrease (P ¼ .01). According to previous collamer lenses showed a negative trend between optic
reports that examined the effects of implantable collamer zone diameter and subjective visual symptoms (available
lens implantation on pupil reaction, the mean postopera- at:;
tive pupil diameter was smaller than the preoperative diam- accessed February 11, 2010). Even though these data
eter.29 Kamiya and associates30 reported that the entrance were not analyzed statistically, they support our results. In
diameter of the pupil decreased transiently at 1 day after our study, implantable collamer lens optic zone diameter
implantable collamer lens implantation, which soon turned out to be a statistically significant risk factor associ-
increased to preoperative levels 1 week after implantation ated with halos (odds ratio ¼ 0.018, P ¼ .030). Optic zone
and stabilized thereafter. diameter is inversely related to night halos by increasing
The postoperative reduction in pupil size may be bene- the effective optic zone.
ficial in view of night vision disturbances, since halos While optic zone diameter of implantable collamer lens
produced by a pupil diameter exceeding the boundaries affects the development of halos, it is a favorable condition
of the optical zone are less frequent. On the other that the effective optical zone of the implantable collamer
hand, the contact and rubbing between the optic of the lens at the corneal plane is approximately 1.25 times its
implantable collamer lens and the posterior iris surface actual optic diameter. Because such visual disturbances
may cause mechanical irritation and play a role in postop- have been attributed to small treatment zones and post-
erative pupil reaction. In this study, postoperative surgical irregular astigmatism in corneal refractive
mesopic pupil size was significantly reduced after surgery. surgery,31–33 large optical zone and WFG LASIK was
However, implantable collamer lens vaulting was within developed. Therefore, with its position behind the cornea
a normal range (619.0 6 215.4 mm) and no abnormal and close to the nodal point, the effective optical zone of

the implantable collamer lens magnified at the corneal (P ¼ .052) in multiple logistic regression analysis. This
plane may cause less night halos. result supports Seo and associates34 by demonstrating
Lastly, WTW diameter showed a strong positive correla- that there was no statistically significant association
tion with halos (odds ratio ¼ 40.014, P ¼ .028). The WTW between implantable collamer lens vaulting and night
diameter mean value was 11.51 6 0.38 mm (range: 10.80- vision disturbances.
12.30 mm). Because the possibility exists that the STS There are several limitations to our study, including its
diameter or implantable collamer lens diameter, which is retrospective design and small sample size. The variables
affinitive to WTW, might affect the selection of candidates such as spherical aberrations, which were assumed as
for night vision disturbances, we performed a post hoc possible risk factors and revealed as potential candidates
comparison. WTW was confirmed as a determinant that with P values <.1 in univariate analysis, could be underval-
had the strongest correlation with the development of ued because of the small sample size, but in reality might
halos among the aforementioned variables. We assumed contribute to the development of night vision disturbances.
that a larger WTW diameter reflected a larger corneal We could not suggest a more plausible explanation
diameter. This could disturb the integrity of the refracting regarding the WTW diameter as a risk factor for halos.
surface of the cornea and make a variable angle of inci- This study was unable to compare the incidence or severity
dence more than a small cornea. However, keratometric of night disturbances preoperatively and postoperatively
values or spherical aberrations were not revealed as possible because we did not administer questionnaires preopera-
risk factors for halos by multivariable analysis. At present, tively and then administered them only 6 months after
we have no other clear explanations for this result. implantable collamer lens implantation surgery.
The potential risk factors for glare are quite different Despite these limitations, our results addressed impor-
from those of halos. The toricity of an implantable collamer tant issues concerning night vision disturbances after
lens significantly affects the development of glare (odds implantable collamer lens implantation. Halos after
ratio ¼ 0.276, P ¼ .047). Interestingly, the number of implantable collamer lens implantation are correlated
patients who were complaining of glare decreased as with the difference between mesopic pupil size and
implantable collamer lens toricity increased. The results implantable collamer lens optic zone diameter, as well as
suggested that patients with high-diopter eyeglasses or WTW and implantable collamer lens optic zone diameter,
contact lenses preoperatively, particularly those with and glare is related to the toricity of the implantable
high astigmatism, might have experienced significant collamer lens. These issues emphasize the importance of
visual distortions that could lead to image degradation asso- preoperative communication with the patient about the
ciated with night vision disturbance. The postoperative possibility of night vision disturbances. Moreover, the
correction of higher astigmatism contributed to the satis- preoperative assessment of predictive factors would make
faction of those patients more than patients with mild it possible to identify patients at high risk of experiencing
astigmatism who had been preoperatively less affected by night vision disturbances. Further prospective evaluations
secondary visual distortion. Meanwhile, implantable with larger sample sizes are required for clarification of defi-
collamer lens vaulting, which is considered a strong suspect nite risk factors for night vision disturbance after implant-
of night disturbances, did not show statistical significance able collamer lens implantation.

and none were reported. The authors indicate no funding support, and they have no financial or proprietary disclosures regarding any materials or methods
described herein. Involved in conception and design (E.C., T.C.) and conduct of the study (D.L., I.L., S.C.); collection, management and interpretation of
data (D.L., I.L. S.C., E.C, T.C.); data analysis (D.L. I.L., S.C.); writing the article (D.L., I.L.); and preparation, review, and approval of the manuscript
(D.L., I.L. S.C., E.C, T.C.).

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Dong Hui Lim, MD, is a clinical instructor of the Department of Ophthalmology at Samsung Medical Center,
Sungkyunkwan University School of medicine, Seoul, South Korea. She graduated from Sungkyunkwan University
School of medicine in 2007, where she completed her ophthalmology residency in 2012. Her special interests are visual
quality and refractive error, including keratoplasty, cataract and refractive surgery.


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