Name: Rizki Alfarikaini Class: Profesi Ners Reflection of Practices

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Name : Rizki Alfarikaini

Class : Profesi Ners


The following is a practical experience of several stase that I have taken while I was studying
during my study in the nursing department of Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang Semarang.

First, clinical practice starts with KDM (basic human needs) stase. At this stase I got a place of
practice at Boyolali Hospital, where we rent a color house around the place to live. This stase
lasted for 3 weeks, in this phase I was still not familiar with all the actions taken in the hospital,
the only thing that was done was trailing senior nurses to observe the nursing actions taken.
During the first week, I only observed and helped or became a senior nurse assistant, if I was told
to take action there was a little fear but it felt great. For weeks, it had been able to act
independently but still under the supervision of senior nurses. Because there are quite a lot of
students who are placed in a hospital where there is a lot of pain, in doing our assignments we
did not feel troubled because we can help each other. In this stase too, many mistakes or
carelessness that I did, such as when I had been helping nurses in mixing drugs I had a chance to
solve one of the client's drugs. At that time I felt very scared, but fortunately it was understood
by senior officers. From this incident I learned to be more careful when taking action to patients.
In this first practice I got a lot of experience that I could use to do clinical practice at the next

The next class is the KMB stase (medical surgical nursing). This stase lasted for 6 weeks. At this
stase I was placed in the hospital city of Semarang and Kariadi Hospital. In this phase I learned
about diseases related to various systems in the body such as the digestive system, breathing,
integument and others. The practice was also divided into different groups. Kariadi Hospital
itself is the largest hospital in Central Java. Because it is the main referral hospital, we can find
cases that are diverse and sometimes complex. In the Kariadi hospital I got a lot of new
knowledge such as how to change dressing with the latest techniques, how to bandage wounds in
various areas of the body not only in the legs and arms like we often encounter in other hospital
cases. When I was practicing at the Kariadi Hospital, I found many cases of how to replace the
dressing in a post craniotomy patient, at this hospital also the nurses were very good at changing
dressing. when I replaced the post craniotomy patient, the nurse also shared his knowledge about
pathology and the reasons why the patient received craniotomy, what things were needed by the
patient and many other sciences. Practicing in the Kariadi hospital is a practice where I got the
most knowledge.

The next stase was pedriatic's stase and maternity. pedriatic's stase lasted 2 weeks in each stase. I
got a pandan arang boyolali hospital as a practice land. I learned how to screen children's growth
and development, gastroinstestinal diseases, congenital diseases and many others. in there we
learned a lot about the cases that exist and the factors that cause them, so that later can make the
experience when we educate our children. Whereas in the maternity stase, I learned about
nursing care for pregnant women, mothers of childbirth and diseases related to obesity and
gynecology. In this stase, it was divided into 3 wards, namely in the postpartum ward, delivery
room and poly. In pregnant poly, I learned about maternal examinations and leopold
examinations. Besides that we also learned to screen cervical cancer by doing pap smears. While
in the delivery room, I learned how to help mothers in the process of giving birth, did nursing
care for mothers who were about to give birth, did apgar score calculations for newborns and
many others.

Next was the critical nursing stase. This stase lasted for 2 weeks. At this stase, speed and
accuracy are needed to take action. The service in icu wards was the first experience in entering
the room. One of the competencies that must be achieved is the installation of a syiring pump
that aims to provide fluids or drugs into the patient's body within a certain period of time on a
regular basis. One patient who received the installation procedure for the syringe pump was a
patient diagnosed with Conik Kidney Disease. The drug included was intended to reduce the
swelling of the client's extremities and reduce the feeling of tightness suffered by the client.

The next stase was community and family nursing. This stase was carried out for 7 weeks. At
this stase I learned to jump into the community to participate directly in the environmental health
of the community. Here our activities included plunging into toddlers posyandu, elderly
posyandu, community activities and others. We also have to visited the homes of people who
have health problems to conduct an assessment of the problem so that it were able be used as a
reference for what appropriate interventions are given to improve the health status of these
residents. This distortion is found by many people who have health problems so we jointly carry
out programs such as conducting updates for toddlers and elderly posyandu, conducting health
education, restructuring the environment so that the programs are expected to reduce health
problems. The residents also welcomed us warmly and were cooperative so that we could do the
program smoothly. Teenagers in the area also collaborated with us to organize and carry out
voluntary work to clean the environment so as to create a clean and beautiful environment. Not
only with the community, we also collaborated with local health center staff on matters of
renewing posyandu, conducting posyandu cadre training such as teaching how to measure blood
pressure and many others so that they could gain knowledge so that they could carry out these
actions independently.

As for the family nursing status, we were assigned to manage one family in groups. We got
families with problems that exist in the elderly. We almost every day made home visits, so we
was able monitor the health progress of the family. Thankful The programs that we provided for
4 weeks can improve the degree of life of the family.

Of the several stases of nursing practice is a learning process that is very valuable for provision
in taking the professional program on this occasion. Hopefully I can improve my competence
and become a professional nurse for the future.

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