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Congressional East Avenue, Burol Main

City of Dasmariñas, Cavite



4th QUARTER / 2018-2019

Name:________________________________ Teacher: MR. NELVIN C. EMPLEO
Section: G12 ___________________________ LESSON NUMBER 9


4 Ms OF OPERATION Manpower, personnel or laborer should be listed accordingly, from the
Manpower managerial position, supervisory position to the staff or workforce needed in the
Method operation of the business.
Machine Qualification Standards
Three kinds of Qualification standard of choosing newly hired employee:
1.Manpower This refers to the personality required to a worker’s traits manners,
It refers to the
personality required to a values, the way he talks, appearance and his overall physical attributes.
workers traits, manners, 2.Experience This refers to the length of working experience in relation to the job
values, the way he talks, criteria required as a worker, and also that a worker applied for.
appearance and his 3.Academics. This refers to the worker’s academic qualifications or the educational
overall physical attributes. attainment required to perform the job letter.


QUALIFICATION A resume is a one- to two-page formal document submitted to job recruiters as
STANDARDS means of showing a list of an applicant's work experience, education and skills.
1. Manpower
2. Experience
3. Academics A resume should be attached in the business plan that includes the following
(4) FOUR FUNCTIONAL  Name  Special skills
AREAS OF  Position (include brief position  Past track record
MANAGEMENT description along with primary duties)  Industry recognition and awards
1. Marketing  Primary responsibilities and authority  Community involvement/participation
2. Production  Education (highest attainment)  Number of years with the company
3. Finance  Unique experience and skills  Compensation basis and levels
4. Administration  Prior job employment  Quantify achievements or accomplishments

METHOD Steps in coming up with the criteria for selecting applicants

It represents the day-to- 1.List down all the different activities that have to be done in the business. Group this
day operations of a according to the four functional areas of management.
It is the process of
1. MARKETING This department is responsible for promoting the business to
converting raw materials
into finished product. generate sales and help the company to grow.
 Sale and Delivery of Products to buyers.
MACHINE  Delivery of products to buyers.
It is an apparatus using or
 Promotion and Advertising
applying mechanical
power. 2. PRODUCTION This department is concerned in manufacturing the products,
where the inputs (raw materials) are converted into finished product through a
SPECIFICATIONS series of production process.
OF MANUFACTURED  Product manufacture or service delivery
 Machine operation
1. General
2. Technical  Repair and Maintenance.
 Quality Control
MATERIALS  Raw materials and Finished Products
These are used in the 3. FINANCE They are responsible for accounting, auditing, planning, and
manufacture of raw- organizing the company’s finances.
materials into finished  Bookkeeping
goods.  Payroll preparation
 Settlement of payables and collection of receivables.
 Petty cash managements
4. ADMINISTRATION It is the backbone of the business. They are assigned to handle the business,
planning, decision-making and also financial review.
 Ordering of Supplies.
 Sales Contract preparation and Business permits renewals.
 Keeping and Maintenance of Personnel Records.
 Business Communication and Inquiries.
2. In the list of activities, it should exclude the list that will be taken by the owners. The tasks should be
translated into job designations or position titles.
3. List the entire qualification requirement for every position in terms of education, experience, training, etc.

2. METHOD represents the day-to-day operations of a business

Manufacturing is the process of converting raw materials into finished product.
 The sequence of operations should be clearly defined to ensure proper execution thus assuring
the consistency of the quality of the product.
 Production Schedule Timetable for the use of resources and process required by a business
to produce goods or services.
 The plant size production schedules are determined based on the projected demand.
 Forecasting A planning tool that helps management in its attempts to cope with the uncertainty
of the future.

3. MACHINE It is an apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having detailed specifications should
be prepared including its function and the number of units required.
 The origin of machine whether local or imported and the country of origin should be known.
 The specification of a manufactured product normally include the general and technical
General Description It states the basic description of the product and services.
Technical Description It includes the detailed information related to the design and
construction of products.

4. MATERIALS are used in the manufacture of raw-materials into finished goods.

The materials include both direct and Indirect or consumable materials. The specifications, quantity
needed, and schedule of delivery should be clearly stated.
Direct Materials are raw materials that are made into finished products
Indirect Materials (as tools, cleaning supplies, lubricating oil) used in manufacturing
processes which does not become an integral part of the product
 Utilities includes, power, water, and sometimes gases and steam depending on the type of
product or services.
 Waste disposal and waste treatment facilities are necessary to protect the environment.
 The production cost is the sum of direct cost, and overhead expenses.
 The product-mark up or profit is the amount to the total production cost.


Entrepreneurship, Unlimited Books Library Services and Publishing Inc.,Marife Agustin-Acierto.:pages 157-260

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