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C H A P T E R 3 - R E C O M M E N D E D SPARE P A R T S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1


© Copyright 1 9 9 6 by STAUBLI FAVERGES

& D . 2 8 0 . 0 1 7 . 3 4 . A - 07/97





1.2. H A N D L I N G OF PACKING 3.1.3


1.4. TEACH PENDANT INSTALLATION ;.................................................. 3.1.5

� J


1.5.1. CONNECTION OF ROBOT A R M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1. 7

1.5.2. CONNECTION TO ELECTRICAL N E TW O R K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.7


1.6. CONNECTION OF P R O G R A M M I N G C O N S O L E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.9


1.8. L I C E N S E S AND SOFTWARE 3.1.12


2.1. GENERAL D E S C R I P T I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3

2.2. CONTROLLER......................................................................................................... 3.2.7

2.2.1. 030 B O A R D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.9

2.2.2. SIO BOARD 3.2.11

2.2.3. Ml6 B O A R D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.13

2.2.4. ACS BOARD 3.2.15

2.2.5. POWER SUPPLY 3.2.17

2.2.6. BACKPLANE 3.2.18

028001734 - 0797 3.11



2.2.7. SECOND SOURCE B O A R D S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.19

2.3. POWER R A C K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.21

2.3.1. POWER SUPPLY 3.2.23

2.3.2. AMPLIFIERS............................................................................................................ 3.2.25

2.3.3. BACKPLANE . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . 3.2.27

2.4. POWER AND SAFETY _ ,................................................... 3.2.31


2.4.2. T E R M I N A L BLOCK 3.2.33

2.4.3. BASICIO BOARD 3.2.35

2.4.4. SAFETY B O A R D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.37



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028001734 • 0797 3.1.1

2 __.,

Figure 3 . 1 . 1

Figure 3 . 1 . 2

3.1.2 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 - 0797


1 . 1 . C O N T R O L L E R CS7 M P A C K A G I N G (figure 3 . 1 . 1 )

Case 900 x 1 0 0 2 x 790 mm (Length x Height x Depth)

Gross weight 1 7 0 kg

Net weight 80 kg

The controller is packed in the vertical position.


By pallet truck under base (2).


ill According to European Directive CEE 89-392, the hoisting rings' threaded holes

used for the CS7M controller hoisting are defined according to the ISO 262 standard.

- Move the packing case as near as possible to the installation site.

- Remove the box (1 ).

- U s i n g the hooks (8), place a sling (6) (200 kg fabric sling) between the hoisting rings (7) of the controller

(4) and the hoist hook (9) as shown on figure 3 . 1 . 2 .

- Slowly raise the controller using the hoist and place it beside the base (2).

The overall dimensions of the controller are as follows: Length x Height x Depth= 437 mm x 685 mm x 480 mm

ffi Before remove the protection, please check if the length of the interconnect cable

and the

connector (straight or elbow) are really suited to your application.

No cable will be taken back or exchanged if the protection is removed.


The installation plane must be horizontal and free from vibrations.

The working environment must meet the following characteristics :

. Operating temperature : 5 to 40°C (IEC 204 - 1 )

. Humidity : 90% maximum non- condensing ( IE C 204 - 1 )

. A mbiant clean a i r : class 1 0 0 0 0 (according to the Federal standard 209E)

. Cooling of controller : by fans.

- V ibrations : p lease consult us.

The controller must be located in an enclosed location guaranteein g the above

operating conditions (tem p erature and humidi ty) and a dustfree environment .

The a i r inlets and outlets of the CS7 M must be free in order to allow a

correct air flow circu l ation.

0 2 8 0 0 1 7 3 4 - 0797 3.1.3

Figure 3 . 1 . 3

3.1.4 0280017 · 0797


- 1 . 4 . INSTALLATION O F TEACH PENDANT (figure 3 . 1 . 3 )

The teach pendant ( 1 ) is attached on the receptacle (2) provided for this purpose. This receptacle has two


- to make the teach pendant easily accessible to the operator. The installation of receptacle (2) is u n d e r the

responsibility of the integrator.

- to hold the "dead man" button (3) in activated position to authorize power s u p p l y to the robot arm by closing

the emergency stop circuit (see chapter 2 ) .

The connecting cable (4) of the teach pendant is connected to the front panel (5) at (6).

When the teach pendant is not connected to (6), it must be replaced by the dummy plug (7) provided with the


The teach pendant is also equipped with a lockable emergency stop button (8).

& If the manual control pendant is not connected, it must be removed from its location

on the controller and stored, since the emergency stop button (8) cannot be used.

For use and description of this pendant, see chapter 3 of the "V+ 1 Instruction Manual".

028001734 - 0797 3.1.5

o ooo

Figure 3 . 1 . 4

3.1.6 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 - 0797

1 . 5 . C O N N E C T I O N O F C O N T R O L L E R CS7 M (figure 3 . 1 . 4 )

1 . 5 . 1 . C O N N E C T I O N TO ROBOT A R M

C o n n e c t the i n t e r c o n n e c t i n g cable ( 1 ) to the connector located on the base of the robot, on the one hand, and

to t h e h a rt i n g connector ( 2 ) , on the other h a n d . Latch the two locks (3) on the four studs (4).

ffi The i n t e r c o n n e c t i n g cable must be protected a g a i n s t accidental shocks between

the c o n t r o l l e r and the robot. If it is located in a passageway, provide a protective

c o n d u i t for this purpose.

See appendix to have the method to calculate these protections.


Connection to the electrical network is by a 5-wire + ground cable at (5).

There are two possible connection : ·

- use of 3 x 2 1 0 V : 3-wire i n 200 o r 2 1 0 or 220 V three-phase, 4000 VA

2-wire in 220 V mono-phase, 300 VA

- use of 3 x 440 V : 3-wire in 400 or 440 or 480 V three-phase, 4000 VA

2-wire in 2 1 0 V mono-phase, 300 VA

ffi Use a cable appropriately rated to the power required and protect the line to suit.

See appendix to have the method to calculate these protections.

ffi Check that the voltage supplied corresponds to the one shown on the

identification plate (6).

1 . 5 . 3 . C O N N E C T I O N OF INPUT/OUTPUT S I G N A L S

Must be achieved on connector (7) (refer to the Electrical Drawing Set manual for wiring).

0 2 8 0 0 1 7 3 4 - 0797 3.1.7
Figure 3 . 1 . 5

3.1.8 028001 7 - 0797


1 . 6 . C O N N E C T I O N OF P R O G R A M M I N G CONSOLE (figure 3 . 1 . 5 )

Connection is made via the 030 board.

Basic configuration: alphanumerical terminal

Connect the interconnecting cable@ with the terminal at (2) and connect the keyboard to the terrmnal ( 3 ) .

The On/Off button (4) is on the side of the terminal.

Graphics option see chapter 4 . 1 .

The configuration of the WYSE keyboard/screen assembly is given in the Electrical Drawing Set manual.

The working environment must meet the following requirements :

. Operating temperature : 0°C to 35°C

H u m i d i t y : 30% to 80% n o n - c o n d e n s i n g

. Storage temperature : -20°C to 60°C

Humidity : 1 0 % to 80% non-condensing

. Protection index : IP20

028001734 - 0797 3.1.9


•• 5

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Figure 3 . 1 . 6

3.1.10 028001 7 - 0797



Its main function is to activate the various running modes and to indicate the state of the system. The

various components of the front panel are shown on figure 3.1.6.

Indicator lights :

POWER ( 1 2 ) Indicates that power is supplied to the controller (when switch (14) of the

controller is in position "1 ").

ARM POWER (10) Indicates effective validation of power to arm.

ARM POWER ON ( 1 1 ) Arm power enable request signal (to validate power, press ARM POWER ON

while the light is flashing).lt is activated by the software "ENABLE POWER"

command or by pressing the COMP/POWER b u tt o n on the teach pendant.

FAULT (9) Indicates opening of the emergency stop circuit (see chapter 2.4.3) which may

be caused by the following :

- Front panel emergency stop {"local" and "remote")

- Teach pendant emergency stop

- Teach pendant dead man

- External emergency stop on safety board

- Arm limit switch

- Brake selection

- Door of the robotized cell open.

PROG RUN (4) Indicates the running of a program by the controller.

PROG ST A R T (5) Program run request signal in pendant mode or in "auto start" mode.

P u s h b u tt o n s :

ARM POWER ON (11) Validates e ffecti ve energization of the arm when the light is flashing * .

C uts o ff power to the arm when the light s

i active * .

* : from v•11.3 version

E MERGEN CY STOP ( 8) C uts off power to the arm and activates the b ra ke s .

AU T O I MANU (6 ) Sel ect s the running modes:

AU T O: robot control from the terminal. T he teach pendant is inacti v e.

MAN U : robot control from the teach pendant. The terminal s

i inactive.

LL B e fore s wi t ching o ff the Adept controlle r, y ou must cut o ff the power to the arm

b y the so ftw ar e "D ISABLE POWE R" command or b y p ressing an emergency


028001734 - 0797 3.1.11

LOCAUNElWORK (7) LOCAL: Command/control of robot from the alphanumeric or /and graphic

terminal. Use of main controller front panel or possibly of the

remote panel connected to the safety board.

NElWORK: Used for dialog. by network between controller and an external


PROG ST ART (5) Program start validation from manual control pendant or in automatic start


Connectors :

M C P connector (3) Connector for the teach pendant or MCP dummy p l u g . This connector

must be kept connected for the robot to be supplied with power.

S P E E D SELECT ( 1 3 ) In option, the switch allows to select the normal speed ("rabbit" position), or

a reduced speed ("turttle" position) for which the arm avaible power on is

limited to 25% of the nominal power.


- Adept Software License -

This license is a legal agreement between you, the system user, and Adept Technology, I nc . ( ' ADEPT"). II you do

not agree to the termes of this license, promptly return the license package and accompanying items to Adept

Technology for a full refund.

1 . GRANT OF LICENSE. This Adept Software License ('License') permits you to use the software option specified

below ('SOFTWARE') on the Adept controller with the serial number indicated below.

2. COPYRIGHT. The SOFTWARE is owned by ADEPT and is protected by United States copyright laws and

international treaty provisions. Therefore. you must treat SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material except

that you may (a) make as many backup copies of the distribution media as you like, and (b) transfer copies of the

files on the distribution media to the hard disk of any Adept controller.

3. DATA AND PRO PR I ETARY RIGHTS IN DATA. The data supplied are proprietary to ADEPT. ADEPT retains for

itself all proprietary rights in and to all designs, engineering details. and other data pertaining to any product sold

except where rights are assigned under written agreement by a corporate officer of ADEPT.

4. OTHER RESTRICTIONS. You may not copy the written materials accompanying the SOFTWARE. You may not

reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE;

5. LIMITED WARRANTY. The warranty for the SOFTWARE is described in the 'Terms and Conditions of Sale'

chapter of the Adept Price List


• If you have purchased this software option on the same purcharse order as an Adept controller, then the option

will already be installed on the controller. However, please save this software license so that, ii necessary, you can

use the password to re-install the option in the future.

* If you have purchased this software option as an upgrade, then you must tum on power to the controller, wait for

the Adept V+ message to appear. and then type "INSTALL XXXX·XXXXX·XXXX' at the monitor prompt, to enter

the password shown below. The option will be permanently installed in the controller. You must re-bootthecontroller

in order to use this option.

DATE: 23-Jul-93

SOFTWARE OPTION Kinematic modules

PART N U M B E R : 09961 • 00004



3.1.12 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 34 - 0797


The "Adept Software License" forms are delivered with each installation guaranteeing the o r i g i n of the software

and e n a b l i n g the use r to use specific options (see original text opposite for more details). These documents

a l s o give the passwords to validate the operation of the options mentioned.


Each password is specific to an option and to a controller serial number.

Passwords are indispensible to enable the operation of the functions concerned.

They must be conserved so that they can be reinstalled if the module on which

they are stored is replaced (SIO module).

The passwords are "installed" when the controller is configured in our workshops and are permanent: they are

saved on the SIO module.

Refer to the "INSTALL" command in the "V+ Language" manual for more information concerning option

e installation procedures.


The basic software packages are installed on the controller hard di s k and are also saved on at least two 3 1 /

2" diskettes :

- A system diskette containing the "Adept V+ Operating System and System Files" associated with the

delivered robot (type, calibration data, etc.). The hard disk is delivered in the same configuration.

· A utility diskette containing the copy, calibration, formatting and configuration software packages, etc . .

The software packages are also installed on the hard disk in directory C:\UTIL\.

ill These two "source" diskettes must never be modified. If the installation is

modified, transfer any changes onto a copy of these two diskettes and not

onto the original diskettes.

Other diskettes may be supplied, depending on the options ordered.


028001734 - 0797 3.1.13



028001734 • 0797 3.2.1


0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0


Figure 3.2.1

3.2.2 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 - 0797



The controller cabinet consists of a controller (1 ), the intelligent part of the installation, which controls the robot

through power amplifiers (2) dedicated to each arm joint. Interpolation used is a linear interpolation. The

electrical power is converted by a power block which supplies to each of the items above the voltages required

for correct operation from the three-phase voltage delivered by the electrical network. The f un ct i o n s

i n d i s p e n s i b l e for electrical safety are placed on the "safety board".

A ll of these items are placed in a controller intended to be integrated into an assembly ensuring IP54 protection

level and an ambient temperature of 40° C maximum. The integrator is responsible for e n s uri n g the operating

c o n d i t i o n s to avoid all risk of malfunctions due to temperatures which are too h i g h or presence of dust or

h u m id it y which c o u l d damage the electronic components.

Power must be switched off before any operations are performed on the

controller. These operations must only be performed by qualified persons.

To switch off the controller, place the main switch (3) on the O position. Before this is done, you must stop the

operation of the arm and cut off the power to the robot then to the controller (see chapter 2 - Section I ).

An hour meter (4) shows the number of hours during which power is supplied to the arm.

0 2 8 0 0 1 7 3 4 - 0797

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Figure 3.2.2

3.2.4 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 • 0797

The general architecture of the controller is as shown on figure 3 . 2 . 2 .

The controller is built on a V M E architecture with:

. a system processor board ( C P U 030) to control the assembly and provide the l i n k with the alphanumerical


. a peripheral management module (SIO) which controls the disk drive and the hard disk, the basic input/output

s i g n a l s , the general purpose serial links and the dialog with the teach pendant and the control p a n e l ,

. o n e j o i n t inteface board M l 6 with motor control amplifiers,

. an absolute calibration board (ACB) for the robot on power-up.

The SAFETY board includes all the signals and the components ensuring the r u n n i n g of the installation u n d e r

good safety conditions.

The A M P L I F I E R S supply power to the motors according to the commands received from the M l 6 boards and

return to the controller information concerning the position of the motors from a multi resolver system (a master

resolver and an I M A S ) or, according to the type of robot, from a resolver and from an RPT board which allows

to keep the resolver f u n c t i o n n i n g in case of power cut and post the number of revolutions done by the resolver.

Characteristics are :

. CS7 M type controller (Staubli 7 controller) controlled by a 68030 microprocessor (40 MHz) and a 68882

coprocessor (33 MHz) .

. V M E bus

. 4 Mbyte RAM (extendable to 8 Mbytes)

. Hard disk of 85 Mbytes minimum

. PC compatible 3 1 /2" disk drive ( 1 . 4 4 Mbytes)

. Inputs/Outputs Available for user 1 2 lnputs/6 Outputs including 3 high-speed

inputs (1 ms) with V+ extension option.

Possible extension by a 32 ln/32 Out module.

. Serial l i n k 4 RS232C links (including one for terminal port)

1 RS422/485 l i n k

. Standard video terminal (VT100NT200 compatible) on option.

. Teach pendant 2 x 40 character LCD screen

Dead man + emergency stop

Motion : joint/joint, world, tool

Numerical keyboard for data entry.

. Controller-arm interconnecting cable : 5 m (or 1 o m or 20 m on option) .

028001734 - 0797
4 -----

3 ------...


Figure 3.2.3

3.2.6 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 - 0797

2.2. C O N T R O L L E R

The Adept controller represents the heart of the installation. From commands given by the operator i n

co nj unction with a powerful software package, the V+, it .generates motion commands (movement, speed,

a c ce le rat ion ) for each of the arm joints. It is structured around a V M E bus and is composed of the following

components :

- 030 board ( 1 ) this is the system processor board with its Motorola 68030 microprocessor.

- S I O module (2) this is the indispensable inpuVoutput module associated with the 030 board

including a 3 1/2" disk drive and a hard di s k of 85 Mbytes m i n i m u m .

- Ml 6 board (3) for interfacing of 6 joints.

- A C S (4) to allow an "absolute calibration" to be performed on power-up of the installation,

that is to allow the absolute position of the arm to be known from information given

by various coders and the ones memorised by the RPT board according to the robot.

Optionally, other boards can be installed :

-VGB board allowing use of a graphic screen and a mouse in place of the alphanumeric


- 0 1 0 board board allowing the number of "on/off" inputs/outputs of the system to be increased

(32 in/32 out per board).

- A I O board Analog inpuVoutput board

( 1 6 differential inputs, 4 outputs per board).

- M l 3 board to control additional joints.

Each board is held in place by a m i n i m u m of 2 screws. To extract a board, unscrew its screws and pull on the

top and bottom extractors. To insert a board, place it in its slot, push on its extractors and tighten the attaching

screws. Take care not to damage the pitch of the screws by overtightening.

ill Before extracting o r inserting a Staubli certified Adept controller board, switch off

the arm then the controller following the procedure described in chapter 2.5 .

- -

028001734 - 0797 3.2.7




Figure 3.2.4

3.2.8 0280017 - 0797


2 . 2 . 1 . 030 BOARD

The controller system processor board is structured around a Motorola 68030 microprocessor operating at 40

MH z. The board is equipped with a Motorola 68882 arithmetic coprocessor operating at 32 M H z for making

ca lculati o ns and a 4 megabyte RAM for temporary storage of software and data.

This board is equipped with :

- indicator lights (1 ) .

The "OK" indicator light comes on to indicate that the V+ start-up procedure has been completed without

problems. The other 4 indicator lights have no specific m ean i n g. They flash du r i ng the start-up phase

until the "OK" indicator light comes on.

- microswitches (2)

For use, refer to the "Electrical drawing set" manual.

- an RS422/485 serial link (3)

For general purpose communication use use or reserved for the APT board if it is installed.

- an RS232 serial l i nk (4)

Used to connect the alphanumerical terminal.

- an Eprom dependent on the V+ operating system version used and a 4-Mbyte DRAM (dynamic RAM)

module in the basic version.

For configuration, refer to the "Electrical drawing set" manual.

0 28 0 0 1 7 34 - 0797 3.2.9






Figure 3.2.5

3.2.10 0280017 - 0797


2 . 2 . 2 . S I O BOARD

M o d u l e e n t e ri ng into the basic configuration of the controller providing it with m i n i m u m inputs/outputs to ensure

correct o p e ra ti o n .

The m o d u l e is e q u i p p e d :

· with indicator ligh t s ( 1 ) .

The "OK" l i g h t comes on to indicate that the V+ start-up procedure has been completed without problems.

The "E-STOP" lig h t comes on to indicate that the emergency stop circuit is o p e n .

The "ACC-VIOL" lig h t comes on to indicate a VME bus access problem.

The "SCSI/HD" light comes on to indicate that the controller is accessing the hard d i s k , in read or i n write


Lights "1 to 4" have no specific m e a n i n g s .

- microswitches (2)

For automatic start-up procedure, switch 1 must be in ON position (see chapter 1 1 of the "Operator manual"

for use).

e · a RESET pushbutton (3)

• an "FP/MCP" link (4)

This connector is used to connect the front panel and the teach pendant via the safety board.

- a d i s k drive (5)

This drive is designed to take 3 1 /2" diskettes, double side, high or single density, 1.44 Mbytes, PC


The diskettes are used to load and/or save:

. system software (V+, options)

. utilit y software (copy utili ty , forma tt ing, etc.)

. application so ftw are .

- 3 serial lin k s (6)

These are general use R S 232 ty pe serial links, the i r characteristics can be programmed ( t ransmiss i on

speed , parit y, stop b i t, etc.) with utili ty software CO N F I G _ C. V 2 .

- digital inputs/outputs (7)

1 2 inputs and 6 outputs for general p u rp ose use , transferred to the "B AS I C I O " board ( see chapter 2 . 4 . 2 ) .

2 outputs to contro l the robot's gr i p solenoid valves transferred to the "B AS I C I O " board.

- a hard dis k (8 )

H ard dis k of 85 megabytes m inimum to save system software, ut i lities and a p p l ications.

3 .2.11
0 2 8 0 0 1 7 34 - 0797

oO 1



Figure 3.2.6

3.2.12 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 - 0797

� 2 . 2 . 3 . M l 6 BOARD

I n t e rf a c e board between the system processor and the power a m p l i f i e r s allowing up to 6 joints to be controlled.

The board is equipped with :

- indicator lights (1 ).

The "ES" light comes on to indicate that an error signal has been transmitted by the Ml6 board or that an

external fault has occurred (for example: pressing of an emergency stop b u tt o n ) . This fault is cancelled in

2 s t e p s :

. correction of the origin of the fault

. e n t ry of the enable power command + return.

Lights " F 1 " to "F6" for joints 1 to 6 indicate respectively, when on, that a fault has occurred on the joint in

question. The o r i g i n of the f a u l t can be: an a m p l i f i e r fault or overheating of a motor (the motor t h e r m a l switches

are connected to the "positive overtravel" inputs).

Nota: For robots with a 4- or 5-axis configuration, indicators of the unused axes will be lighted. In this case,

do not take these indicators into account.

The "HPE" light comes on to indicate that supply of power to the arm is enabled.

Lights " D E 1 " to "DE6" for joints 1 to 6 indicate respectively, when they are on, that the command for the joint

in question is valid.

- i n p u t/ o u t p u t signals for controlling the joints :

. "ENCODER" signals (2) from the position encoders installed on each motor of the arm.

These signals travel via the power amplifiers .

. "MACHINE" signals (3) for brake control, for the motor thermal switches and to enable power to the arm .

. "SE RVO" signals (4). Analog signals for controlling the movements of each motor.


At least one 030 CP U board is re quired to control one MI G board.

For Ml bo ard c o n f i g u r a t i o n , ple a se refer to the "Electrical Drawing Set" manual.

0 2 80017 3 4 - 0797 3.2.13

Figure 3.2. 7

3.2.14 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 • 0797

2 . 2 . 4 . ACB B O A R D

T h i s board provides the interface between the Adept V+ operating system and the amplifiers in order to read

the absolute position of each joint of the RX robot

- i n t h e case of IMAS, the absolute position is obtained by reading the signals supplied by the "absolute"

encoders installed on each motor. Each absolute encoder is in fact composed of three resolvers. They include

a master o r f i n e resolver and two coarse resolvers. These resolvers are coupled by means of gears, the fine

resolver b e i n g installed directly on the motor shaft.

- in the case of APT baord, the absolute position is obtained by conversion into numerical of the analog s i g n a l

given by the resolvers. This conversion is done by the multiresolver board installed on amplifiers and

transmitted via a SSI serial l i n k (2 ) (between the A CS board and each amp l ifier ) each t i me t h e Ad ep t c ontr o ller

is s witched o n .

These e ig hteen resolvers ( three resolvers p er motor (x) si x joints ) are read via an SSI seri al l in k (2) (b e tw een

the ACS board and each am p lifier ) each time the Adept c o n tro ll e r is s w itche d o n .

I f the calibration p rocedure has not been correctly e x ecuted on one or more jo ints , the corre s pon d in g i n d i c a to r

l i g hts ( 1 ) are he l d in state 1 and it will be im p os s i ble to s upply power to the arm.

028001734 - 0797 3.2.15

- -

. -

Figure 3.2.8

- -

3.2.16 0280017 - 0797


Its configuration is given in the "Electrical drawing set" manual.

2 . 2 . 5 . POWER SUPPLY

It supplies the DC voltages required for the operation of the various controller boards, from a 220 VAC input


The various components of the power supply are accessible by removing the screws ( 1 ) located on the front

of the controller. The main components of the power supply are :

- the power supply itself (2) delivering SV and +/- 12VDC.

- a relay (3) to switch on the power supply (2).

- a VTB board (4) to control the relay (3) from the signal delivered by the main power-up switch and

the"Controller 0/1" commutator.

- protective fuses : F7 et F9 on the 22 0 VAC inp ut, 24V DC for the VTB board ( s e e § 2.4. 2 ).


0 2 80017 3 4 - 0797 3 .2.17

2 . 2 . 6 . BACKPLANE (8)

The backplane s u p p l i e s the various boards of the controller with power and conveys between them the various

s i g n a l s required for their dialog. Interconnection between the boards is made according to V M E standard.

I n s t a l l a t i o n and extraction of a board :

Each controller board must have a u n i q u e V M E address so that it can be recognized and differentiated from

the other boards. I n the original as-delivered configuration, these addresses are correct.

If a board is added, make sure that these addresses are configured according to the new configuration (refer

to the "Electrical drawing set" manual for information on each board).

ffi Before extracting or i n s e rt i n g a Staubli certified Adept controller board, switch off

the power to the arm then to the control bay according to the procedure described

i n chapter 2 . 5 , and place the switch located on the front face of the

Adept controller (item 1 3 - figure 3.2.3) in "OFF" position.

028001734 - 0797

2 . 2 . 7 . S E C O N D S O U R C E BOARDS

It is prohibited to use second source boards in the controller which are not valida­

ted by Staubli. The use of boards which have not been qualified by Staubli will

invalidate the guarantee of your controller.

The use of second source boards requires the use of the "V+ Extensions" software option which must be

purchased from Staubli.

Second source boards must be in compliance with the following specifications:

. boards to 6U VME bus format

. 24-bit address bus

. 18/16/32-bit data bus

. compliance with "VME bus specification REV C1 (October 1985)".

& Before i n s e rt i n g a board o t h e r than a Staubll c e rt i f i e d Adept board into the VME

bus, you must first of all disconnect the VME bus flat cable connector P2 for the

considered (item 9 figure 3.2.8). Connector P2 contains a 24 VDC line which

slot could damage the board if it is not disconnected.

028001734 - 0797

Figure 3.2.9

3.2.20 02 8 0017 - 0797


a 2.3. POWER R A C K

·� The amplifiers s u p p l y the power required to the motors according to the control s i g n a l s generated by the


The power rack m ainly consists of :

- a power supply ( 1 ).

- 6 amplifiers ( 2), each being dedicated to a joint on the arm. The amplifiers are installed in increasing order

number (ioint 1 to joint 6) from left to right.

- a backplane (3).

The power supply and the amplifiers are locked on the front face by screws (4).

To extract a board :

- unscrew the screws,

- p u ll on the extractor (5).

To insert a b o a r d :

- place it in its slot using the slides (6) as guides,

- at end of travel, push a little harder to make connection with the backplane,

- tighten the attaching screws (4) taking care not to damage the screw threads by overtightening.

Power supply ( 1 ) is attached according to the same principle and is accessible via the rear of the CS7 M o n c e

the rear plate has been removed.

ill Before extracting or inserting a board, switch off the installation following

the procedure described in chapter 2.5.

028001734 - 0797 3.2.21


,-- - - 1

Figure 3 . 2 . 1 0

3.2.22 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 - 0797

2 . 3 . 1 . POWER S U P P L Y

The power s u p p l y board generates the DC voltage required for the amplifiers from a three-phase AC voltage.

When the speed of the motors must be reduced, the power supply can absorb the excess power not required

by the motors in its energy d u m p resistor located (3) in the power supply.

The power s u p p l y reference is shown on the rear of printed circuit at (4).

There are 2 indicator l i g h t s on the front face of the power supply :

- the " M A I N S U P P L Y " indicator l i g h t ( 1 ) which comes on to show that the power supply is operating; this occurs

when power is s u p p l i e d to the arm.

- the " R E G . L O A D " indicator light (2) which comes on to show that the system is in energy dump mode

(deceleration of the robot u n d e r load).

0 2 8 0 0 1 7 3 4 - 0797 3.2.23



Figure 3 . 2. 1 1

3.2.24 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 - 0797


Each a m p l i f i e r is dedicated to a joint and depends on type of motor controlled and desired characteristics. Two

boards can therefore be identical and interchangeable.

ill The interchangeability of the amplifier boards does not depend only on their

geometrical d i m e n s i o n s but also on the references marked on these boards at (5).

Refer to the "Electrical drawing set" manual for more details on amplifier ratings and their possible


Note: Only axis 3 (multiresolver board) generates the resolvers "reference" s i g n a l . This signal is transmitted

to the APT board which s u p p l i e s it to all axes.

Test and control points are accessible via the front f a c e :

- the "PROTECTION ENABLE" indicator light ( 1 ) indicates green when operation is correct or red when a fault

has occurred.

- the "It LIMIT" indicator light (2) turns on when an overcurrent occurs.

If one of these two indicator lights comes on, more details concerning the origin of the fault can be obtained

by o b s e rvi n g the indicator lights on the amplifier backplane (see chapter 2 . 3 . 3 ) . Switch power off to the

controller, correct the fault and reapply power to remedy the problem indicated.

- The adjustment points (4) are configured correctly during installation at the factory and must in no case be

touched by unqualified personel.

- The measurement points (3) are associated with the adjustment points (4).

Refer to the "Electrical drawing set" manual for more details.

ffi Do not modify the amplifier potentiometer settings. Incorrect adjustment may

cause malfunctions which could damage the robot.

A daughter board called "multiresolver board" is connected onto each amplifier. It is used as an interface

between the amplifier and the position sensor. I n the case of APT calibration, only the axis 3 board generates

resolvers reference signal.

In case of exchange of this daughter board, please refer to the "Electrical Drawing Set" to get its configuration.

02 8 0 0 17 3 4 - 0797 3.2.25

Figure 3.2.12

3.2.26 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 - 0797

2 . 3 . 3 . B A C K P LA N E

The backplane distributes the s u p p l y voltage to the amplifiers and s u p p l i e s the measurement and control

s i g n a l s that they require.

The 6 connectors ( 1 ) are used to connect the power (UVW) of each motor via the interconnecting cable.

200 voe s u p p l i e d by the power supply board is connected to (2).

The a m p l i f i e r electronics is supplied with a 24 VDC external voltage at (3) to prevent loss of position value when

there is no input power supply 200 V (arm switched off).

A l l the control and check s i g n a l s , delivered by the M l 6 board to the motors, are located on connectors (4) and

conveyed via an electrical harness inside the CS? M .

0 2 8 0 0 1 7 3 4 • 0797 3.2.27

FO F1 F2 Error description

0 0 0 OK (BTS 1 0 operates normally)

0 0 1 Overtemperature

0 1 0 Undervoltage

0 1 1 Electronic f u s i n g

1 0 0 Overvoltage

1 0 1 Resolver fault

1 1 0 Overcurrent

1 1 It l i m i t ; cutoff (electronic fusing after 1 5 seconds)

When the s u p e rv i s i o n circuit detects one of these faults (except "It limit" error), the LED "enable protection"

is at red, the power stage is inhibiting and the origin of the error can be read. When the LED is at green, the

amplifier is ready to operate.

What to do i n c a s e of error?

ERROR 0 0 1 : When the motor load is heavy and the temperature of the electric cabinet too high, the

amplifier can not evacuate the heat accumulated in its radiator anymore. As soon as the

temperature of the radiator reaches 55° C, a bi metal contact opens and causes the defect.

Solution : Ventilate the cabinet and check the fans under the amplifier rack. If you are in

a warm country, install air conditioning.

ERROR 0 1 0 : This alarm appears when one of the control voltages - 1 5 V c c , +5Vcc (and 24 Vee for BTS

10P/20PA with option 24 V) is too low ( l i m i t s : +/-12 V, +4.75 et +20 Vee for option 24 V),

or when it appears too late (more than 300 ms) after the 200 Vee or 300 Vee bus voltage

increase. This defect can indicate a problem of CD/DC converter or of an integrated circuit.

Make sure that the control voltages are normal. If you do not detect any external apparent

reason for this defect, contact the supplier.

3.2.28 028001724 - 0397


ERROR 0 1 1 : Electronic fusing : When the current supplied to the motor exceeds the nominal value of

the current amplifier for too long, then error 1 1 1 appears ("I t" limit) and LED "Protection

e n ab le" is at yellow. If it lasts more than 1 5 seconds, the error 0 1 1 appears. It can due to:

- a too heavy motor load (i.e. brake pulled during the motor motion or gear locked),

- phases crossing at the level of the motor wiring or/and sine and cosine resolver s i gna l s ,

- missing phase (cut cable, bad contact, connector problem).

If the defect appears with an unloaded motor.check the wiring system and the motor/

resolver cable.

If it is not, make sure that no mechanical problem occured and that both the amplifier and

the motor, are correctly dimensioned for your application .

ERROR 1 0 0 : This alarm appears when the bus voltage exceeds 290 Vee. It usually happens at random

when starting u p , and is due to the voltage overshoot in the transformer output ( especially

when powering on a big transformer).

Po s s ible solutions : Reduce output voltage by wiring the transformer on input + 1 0 % ,

load the transformer output for a short time (500 ms) at the start-up with resistances, or

choose a weaker transformer if possible.

E RRO R 1 0 1 : The resolver cable is damaged or uncorrectly connected, or the resolver or the IMAS or

the multiresolver board is faulty. Check, with the help of an oscilloscope, the reference

signal between points R1 and R3 at motor level (signal 21 Vpp, 7,2 KHz), between points

51 and 53 (cosine) and between points 52 and 54 (sine) at motor and amplifier levels

(signals situated between O and 2 1 Vpp considering the motor shaft position, 7,2 KHz).

If the reference signal is not present, check lines R 1 and R3.

If the sine and cosine signals are present on the motor output but not present on the

amplifier inputs, check lines 5 1 , 52, 53 and 54. It means that the cable has been cut or that

there is a bad contact in the resolver connector or on the amplifier side of the backplane.

ERROR 1 1 0 : This defect indicates that a short-circuit occured at motor cable level or of the power stage.

In some cases, the power transistors can be damaged. Power off the machine, make sure

that the state of the wiring and of the motor cable is correct, inhibate the amplifier and

restart the machine. If the defect is still present while the amplifier is inhibated, send the

amplifier back to the supplier. If the defect appears as soon as the power stage is activated

(ST 3/3 connected to the control voltage), check your cables.

E RRO R 1 1 1 : "It" limit (see ERROR 0 1 1 )

0 2 8 0 0 173 4 - 0797

Figure 3 . 2 . 1 3

3.2.30 0280017 - 0797



This u n i t consists of:

- a three-phase transformer (6) accommodating the rectification diodes for generating the 24V.

- a safety board (7) which controls the 2 main contactors (4) A P 1 and AP2 for the amplifier backplane (3) 1 4 0

VAe power s u p p l y . These contactors are part of "safety" installation and their power switches are connected

in series : they can only be controlled if they are both at rest; they can only remain active if they are both in


Take care not to block the ventilation circuit inlets ( 1 ) and outlets ( 8 ) .

2 . 4 . 1 . T R A N S F O R M E R A N D POWER S U P P L I E S (3)

The main power input is on a three-phase transformer (220 or 400 V) which is connected in factory during

controller installation. ·

The voltages supplied are :

- three-phase 1 4 0 VAe for the amplifier rack.

- three-phase 35 VAe for the amplifier rack in "safety voltage" mode in order to limit the maximum possible

speed of the motors (optional).

- 24 voe for the amplifier electronics.

- 24 voe for the safety board, BAS1e10 and 1/0 rack.

- 24 voe for the brakes.

& The transformer and its power supplies are dimensioned for the power required

for the good operation of the controller and the robot. It is prohibited to connect

other equipment not supplied by Staubfl,

0 2 8 0 0 1 7 3 4 - 0797
1 4 5 6 7

Figure 3 .2 . 1 4

0280017 - 0797

2 . 4 . 2 . T E R M I N A L BLOCK

Th i s assembly is located at the rear of the controller on the transformer and c o n s i s ts of (refer to the "Electrical

drawing set" manual for more details) :

- g ro u n d terminals (7)

- a three-phase fuse-holder ( 1 ) wit h general transformer input winding protective fuses.

ffi These fuses do not protect the i n c o m i n g main power (i n p u t voltage) which must be

protected independently (see chapter 1 ) .

- a three-phase fuse-holder (2) with power rack 1 4 0 VAe power supply protective fuses, and a three-phase

fuse-holder (3) with power rack 35 VAe power supply protective fuses (for the safe teaching speed option).

ffi Never replace fuses by fuses with a h i g h e r rating or different characteristics.

Refer to the spare parts catalog.

- connection terminals and fuse-holder terminals for the power supplies :

. power rack 24 voe fuse-holder (4) .

. 24 voe fuse-holder (5) for the SAFETY board, the BAs1e10 board .

. 24 voe fuse-holder (8) for the robot brakes .

. 24 voe fuse-holder (9) for the VTB board .

. 220 VAe fuse-holder (6) for the power rack fans .

. 220 VAe fuse-holder ( 1 0 ) for the controler .

. 220 VAe terminals (8) for the fans .

. adjustment terminals ( 1 2 ) for the input voltage .

. 24 VAe fuse-holder ( 1 3 ) transformer output.

0 2 8 0 0 1 7 3 4 - 0797 3.2.33
a o
00000000000000000 @ I o o j o o I I o o o I

, 0000000000000000 0 . . · ·

00000000000000000 o:mim Im Q)�C)


1 ---e:::i---1+
� I �1 1

4 1 01
1 0
5 2 02
6 3 03

4 04

5 05
6 06
8 -K - - - - · - · - - .. - - ------------

=8 7 301
1 00 1 302
8 302
1 003

1006 �
� 1 00 1 11
1 0 . .

1008 . .

. .

. .
1009 . .

. .

1010 . .

112 . .

1012 112

Figure 3 .2 . 1 5

3.2.34 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 • 0797

2 . 4 . 3 . B A S I C I O BOARD

The B A S I C I O board consists of :

- two 24 V DC transistor outputs for s u p p l y i n g the robot gripper control solenoid valves. Each output includes

an indicator ligh t which comes on when the output is active.

Refer to the "Instruction for Adept Utility Programs" manual for the configuration and the addressing of these

outputs link e d with instructions OPEN, CLOSE. The command instructions of solenoid valves (OPEN,

CLOSE) are defined in the "V• Language Reference Guide" and "V• Language User's G u i d e " manuals.

- six relay outputs each with an available switch protected by a fuse. This switch is without potential and

protected by a fuse. An indicator light shows the status of the relay : light on when the relay is controlled.

- twelve inputs connected directly to the SIO module. Each input has an indicator light which comes on when

the input is active. The inputs have optocouplers (on the S I O module).

Refer to the "Electrical drawing set'' file for the electrical characteristics of the inputs/outputs.

ffi It is mandatory to use external rectified, filtered power supplies.

Inputs 1 0 0 1 , 1 0 0 2 and 1 0 0 3 can be configured (using utility software CONFIG_C) as "high-speed inputs" ( h i g h

interrupt speed - response time 1 ms).

This possibility requires use of the v• extension software option.

3.2 . 3 5
0 280 0 1 73 4 - 0797



Figure 3.2.16

3.2.36 0 2 8 0 0 1 7 - 0797

2 . 4 . 4 . SAFETY B O A R D

The SAFETY board i n c l u d e s all the components required to power-up the arm and for arm emergency

stop u n d e r good electrical safety conditions. It is equipped with redundant safety relays.

The SAFETY board is connected :

- to the controller via J3 (4) for the l i n k with the teach pendant and via J6 (6) for the thermal switch, brake

and enable power s i g n a l s .

- to the teach p en d an t via J4 (5).

- to the front panel via J 1 (2).

- to the remote front panel via J 1 B (3).

- to the robot arm via J2 (8) for the l i n k with the thermal switches, the limit switches, the brake release


- to the brakes via Jg ( 1 0 ) for brake control.

- to the power contactors via J7 ( 1 1 ) for contactor control.

- to the detection interface of the mains cutoffs J 1 0 (6).

The board is s u pplied via JS (9) with 24 VDC and supplies external information to J8 ( 1 2 ) .

The SAFETY board ensures the continuity of the emergency stop circuit by connecting the various emergency

stop switches together, which state is given by indicator lights ( 1 3 ) (see figure 3 . 2 . 1 7 ) :

- local front panel emergency off ( 02) ,

- external emergency off, if wired (03),

- robot limit switches ( 0 4) ,

- teach pendant emergency off (05),

- teach pendant dead man (06),

- running mode switch AUTO/MANU (07),

- c e l l door switch or MANU mode enabled and user input allowed (08),

- robot base brake release switch (09).

If one of these switches is open, the robot will not start or it will stop if it is in operation. This fault will be indicated

on the front panel by a red "FAUL T' indicator light.

If the emergency stop circuit continuity is ensured, power can be applied to the arm provided that there are no

controller internal faults ( D 1 0 ) , that power has been enabled by the controller ( 0 1 1 ) (ENABLE POWER switch

or COMP/PWR key on the teach pendant) and by the operator 0 1 2 - 0 1 3 - 0 1 4 .

� The L E D s row ( 1 3 } enables the visualization of the board state:

01 the board is supplied with power,

053 to 0 1 6 State of the brake release channel:

053 brakes released,

054 robot base brake release switched on,

015 controller brake release switched on,

016 brakes powered on .

0 1 7 to 020 State of the front panel:

017 program running switch enabled,

018 AUTO mode selected,

019 LOCAL mode selected,

020 arm power-up enabled.

0 2 8 0 0 1 7 3 4 - 0797 3 . 2 . 37

Operator/teach pendant

interface connector


Dead man rendant

Robot limit switch



JS: 1Extamal
r--- - , J3
, __
Estop V
I Safely

+24V I

A dept :
Emergency · L oca l ·

OV2 stop front panel

: ;;_ ��;� �ain- - - - :
Enable power

Emergency 1Remote

I l I
J11B I

slop �ront panel

I � I

I :

I ---------J

Safely board


Es top

Figure 3.2 . 1 7

3.2.38 028001734 - 0797


The SAFETY board controls the brake power supply via the redundant safety relays from the signal delivered

by the controller or from the signal delivered by the pushbutton located on the base of the robot.

The SAFETY board delivers external information to connector J 8 :

- " I NF O E XTAU TOMAN" indicating that the controller is in "MANU" mode when the contact is unused or in

"AUTO" mode when it is used ( 801 - 802),

- " I N F O E X T L O R E M " indicating that the controller is i n "LOCAL" mode when the contact is u n u s e d or in

" R E M O T E " mode when it is used (803-804),

- "AUE XTI NF O" indicating that the emergency stop channel is closed (809 - 8 1 0 ) ,

- " A R M P W R A C I " in dic at in g that power is supplied to the arm ( 8 1 1 - 8 1 2 ) .

On this connector, it is possible to connect an external emergency off switch "AUEXT" between 807 and 808

by removing the wire bridge installed in the factory, a "DOOR" cell contact between 8 1 3 and 8 1 4 , and a " U S E R "

in p u t between 805 and 806.

All this information is found on connector J 1 1 at the rear of the CS? M.

ffi The external emergency off must be a switch without potential.

The SAFETY board allows connection of a second front panel (J1 B) the operation of which is exclusive with

the controller front panel. Choice between the front panels is made by means of a switch ( 1 ) (figure 3 . 2 . 1 6 ) :

- "LOCAL" position to use the controller front panel,

- "REMOTE" position to use the remote front panel (for connections, refer to the "Electrical drawing set"


A switch connected to J 1 B informs the remote front panel of our position ("LOCAL" or "R E MOTE ").

The r u n n i n g modes, controller and arm power-up and the "PROG START" button operate only on the selected

front panel. The emergency stop buttons and the indicator lights operate on both panels.

028001734 - 0797 3.2.39



028001734 - 0797 3.3.1



LevelO Maintenance

Level 1 Recommended spare.

Client of a robot vital to production, or 1 0 robots or more.

Level2 Client with more than 1 0 robots who has internal service repair


Level O maintenance part • Lamp BA9S24V/30W

- Key number 458 A

- Key number 455

- Fuse 5 x 20 6,3A

- Fuse 5 x 20 1 A

- Fuse 5 x 20 O,SA commercially available

- Fuse 1 0 , 3 x 38 10AM

- Fuse 1 0 , 3 x 38 SAM

- Fuse 5 x 20 10AT

• Fuse 5 x 20 SAT

- Fuse 5 x 20 2AT

Pieces de rechange niveau 1 - M I S board

- Fuse 1 A 250V Microfuse

Pieces de rechange niveau 2 - Amplifier joints 1 et 2

- Amplifier joints 3 et 4

- Amplifier joints 5 et 6

- CS? sat ety board

- Teach pendant

- 010 board

- SIO board (check compatibility)

- CPU 68EC030 board (for vision option)(check compatibility)

3.3.2 028001734 • 0797



028001734 - 0797 3.A.1

P r o t e c t i o n of t h e C S 7 & C S 7 M

power s u p p l y l i n e


The CS? I CS? M transformer p r i m a ry is protected against the risk of s h o rt - c i r c u i t by fuses. type


The p r i m a ry current depends on both the type of arm installed and the supply voltage (current =
cabinet supply current when the arm is running).

RXGO RX90 RX130 RX170

3 x 200 V 11.5 A 11.5 A 17.3 A 21.6 A

3 x 208 V 11 A 11 A 16.6 A· 20.8 A

3 x 230 V 10 A 10 A 13.8 A 18.8 A

3 x 400 V 5.8 A 5.8 A 7.9A 10.8 A

3 x 440 V 5.3 A 5.3 A 7.2 A 9.8 A

3 x 480 V 4.8 A 4.8 A 6.1 A 9 A

At the cabinet power on sequence, a surge current is generated. The current reaches the level of

continuous duty a ft e r = 8 periods, i.e. = 160 ms for a 50 Hz power frequency. The first peak of

the surge current is = 20 x In.







In . . . . . 2

1er 2e 3e 4e Se 6e 7e Be

When the level of continuous duty is reached (In = 1 . 4 A), regardless of the type of arm: the

current corresponds to the current demand of the cabinet with the arm power off.


The upstream protection of the cabinet allows protection of the secondaries of the upstream

transformer against surges and s h o rt - c i r c u i t s .


, - · \ - - . , B i I

' .' , f- - f - - - - - · + - - - - - : cabinet

-· � ! I

I -------··--· '

Upstream transformer

3.A.2 028001734 - 0797


You need to i n s t a l l o n e of the f o l l o w i n g :

- the g l fuses

- a magneto t h e r m i c breaker. type U

- a m a g n e t o t h e r m i c b r e a k e r , type D

Choice of the protection: the NF C 15-100 standard provides the calculation method for the

protection a g a i n s t s u r g e s and short-circuits.

( Summary }

1) Protection a g a i n s t s u r g e s :

The degree of protection must be less or e q u a l to secondary surge current of the upstream

transformer. T h i s current d e p e n d s on the electrical i n s t a l l a t i o n of the customer.

2) Protection a g a i n s t s h o rt - c i r c u i t s :

Calculate minimum short-circuit current at the furthest point in the installation (in 8) and

choose the protection level so as to get a disconnection time < 5 s for this current.

Ice m i n i =
(Us x Ucc%) + gQ!

P 100 S

Us = secondary voltage of the upstream transformer. -� These characteristics are printed

= power of the upstream transformer. ; on the identification plate of the

Ucc% = short-circuit voltage of the upstream transformer i n % . : upstream transformer.

I = length of the l i n e (in meter). ___;

s = section of the l i n e (in mrrr'). The wires section must be chosen according to the current

d e m a n d . the temperature rise, the potential difference on the l i n e , . . .

p = 0.027 n mm /m for copper

Size of gl fuse: I n <= Ice mini/4

Breaker, type U : I n <= Ice mini/8

Breaker, type L: I n <= Ice mini/3.5

3) U s e the f u n c t i o n i n g curves of both the breakers a n d the fuses to c h e c k that the power

d i s c o n n e c t i o n h a p p e n s in less t h a n 5 s for the selected size:

: t ; l l :
Ex.: Us = 400V : ; ! : : j

p :-·t :· 7�
= 1 0 kVA I ' ' • t '

I : I . •

Ucc% = 4 % • � . • ! •
' I . ' . •

• ' ' I ' :

I = 20 m ' I ' : ' '

2 . ' ' .

s = 6 mm
p = 0.027 n mm /m

Ice m i n i = ·- _
(400 x _1_) + 2 x 0 . 0 2 7 x 20
10 100 6

For a breaker. type U : I n <= 488/8 = 6 1 A

The size i m m e d i a t e l y lower is 52 A.

At the short-circuit current. the disconnection 5

h a p p e n s in less than 5 s.

028001734 - 0797 3.A.3

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