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        Leadership Development Centre  

Room No 10, Quaid Block, Bahria University, Shangrilla Road, Sector E‐8 Islamabad
Direct Line +92-51-9260811 or +92-9260002 Ext: 627 | Email:


Campus/CU Islamabad Campus Department

Name of Course

Tagline for Promotion

Proposed Date Expected Participants Registration Fee

Duration Day Hours/Day Total Contact Hours

Resource Person Details

Name of the Resource Person

Designation Email

Landline No Extension (If any) Mobile No

CNIC NTN # Filer Non-Filer
Account # Bank
Branch Branch Code City
Approved Hourly Rate
Please attach a brief profile of the trainer with this form for promotional purposes.

Course Contact Person

Name Contact No

Course Details

Brief Introduction of the Course

Who Should Attend? Identify target participants

Expected Benefits for The Participants

Resources Required
Flipchart Easel Microphones Wireless Presenter

Chart Paper Speakers

Permanent Marker VGA to HDMI Converter

Whiteboard Marker Internet Connectivity

Photocopies Projector

Any Other Requirement

Remuneration Model 1.5 X Hourly Rate Profit Sharing

Income Expense
1. Expected Income from Fee 1. Resource Person Remunaration
2. Funding 2. Food
3. Other Sources 3. Facility Rentals
4. Other Expense

Total Income 0 Total Expense 0

For Office Use Only



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