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Transfer Goal:

Students on their own and in the long run will be able to use their awareness on the relationships among heat, work and efficiency in making an informed
decision in choosing an energy efficient device to become an earth saver.

GRASPS (Paragraph form):

You are applying for a job in a multinational company that is conducting experimental research to other possible applications of fusion in the
world today. As part of the application process, you are requested to present your ideas on the said topic before they could consider your
application. Difficult as may seem, but the HR manager, hinted that if such output passes the review committee, then you are good as hired.
You are to take on the role of a fresh graduate who majored in Nuclear Physics and in search for a job. Your challenge is to discuss how the world
would be different if we could efficiently harness the energy of fusion. For your way in, you are tasked to either:
1. write a research paper evaluating the role of nuclear fusion in today’s world situation; or
2. create a PowerPoint presentation on “Our World with Fusion”.
Your paper presentation will be submitted for evaluation and facts validation by the review committee of the Human Resources Department in
a multinational company.
Your output will be assessed in terms of organization, idea development, content accuracy and grammar.

Criteria Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning

(4) (3) (2) (1)
The ideas are arranged The ideas are arranged In general, the writing is The writing is not
Organization logically to support the logically to support the arranged logically, although logically organized.
purpose. They flow central purpose. They are occasionally ideas fail to Frequently, ideas fail to
smoothly from one to usually clearly linked to each make sense together. The make sense together. The
another and are clearly other. For the most part, the reader is fairly clear about reader cannot identify a
linked to each other. The reader can follow the line of what writer intends line of reasoning
reader can follow the line of reasoning.
Uses appropriate, relevant Uses appropriate, relevant Uses appropriate and Uses appropriate and
Idea development and compelling content to and compelling content to relevant contents to develop relevant content to
illustrate mastery of the explore ideas within the and explore ideas through develop simple ideas in
subject, conveying the most of the work. some parts of the work.
writer’s understanding and context of the discipline and
shaping the whole work. shape the whole work.
Balanced presentation of Information provides Information supports a Central purpose is not
Content Accuracy relevant and legitimate reasonable support for a central purpose at times. clearly identified.
information that clearly central purpose and displays Analysis is basic or general. Analysis is vague or not
supports a central purpose evidence of a basic analysis Reader gains few insights. evident. Reader is
or argument and shows a of a significant topic. Reader confused or may be
thoughtful, in-depth analysis gains just enough insights. misinformed.
of a significant topic.
Reader gains important
The writing is free or almost There are occasional errors, The writing has many There are so many errors
Grammar free of errors. but they don't represent a errors, and the reader is that meaning is obscured.
major distraction or obscure distracted by them. The reader is confused.

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