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As Freemasons we go to the Great Light of Freemasons for instruction, and

there we find the record of the Elohim placing in the midst of the Garden

of Eden a tree, the symbol of that which was forbidden, and after our first

parents had fallen, setting forth their punishment in allegorical language.

Sacred history is full of promises, teachings and prophecies veiled in

allegory and illustrated by symbols - the Bow in the Clouds, the Twin Pillars

of Fire and Cloud - so important to a Fellow Craft - the prophecies of Isaiah

foretelling the destruction of Jerusalem and allegorically the Gospel Prophet

proclaims the coming of the Saviour.

The use of Masonic Allegory and symbolism is to excite the imagination

and to express more clearly than can be done by any other means the

important truths of morality.

In our day we have symbols - our National Flag - the symbol of the Union

of the Race, the Unknown Warrior's Grave - the symbol of our National

Sorrow, the engagement ring - a pledge of faithfulness and the wedding

ring of constancy, the figure surmounting the Dome of the Central Criminal

Court of justice, the Symbol found over the President's Seat in the

Admiralty Court - to mention only a very few.

So on his Initiation our newly made Brother was invested with a pure and

spotless Lambskin apron indicative of the purity of life and action towards

which he is all his life to strive.

The 1st Degree representing the entry of all men into mortal existence by
preparation and discipline - the special objective of the 2nd Degree

becomes possible - namely contemplation and enlightenment. The striving

by work and development of his faculties until he realises that he will

connect with and ultimately terminate in the Divine.

Looked at in this light the 2nd Degree is by no means so uninteresting as

a superficial examination of it has often lead Brethren to suppose. It

symbolises a long course of personal development, requiring deep study

and an ever-growing knowledge of the mental and physical sides of his

natures. He has been instructed to build by his own efforts an edifice which

is himself - to lead a new life - in this Degree he adopts the golden counsel

of a quest followed in the hidden mysteries of Nature and Science.

Having received "Light" around him he is now to illumine the darkness

within - it is for this purpose he was taught how to calm his mind, to free

it from all vain and unbecoming thoughts - to knock off all superfluous

knobs and excrescences - to concentrate and to contemplate.

In one of the old schools of thought it is called the "Focus Degree."

In Strength - only - will he establish.

You remember, Brethren, how we left our Brother on the lower steps of the

Temple having the Badge of an E.A. Freemason upon him, knowing of the

L.H. pillar - symbol of Space and Creation - now he will progress to the

Lodge of the Fellowcrafts.

Having come through the Ceremony of Initiation he is ready to be tested

as a Candidate for Passing - a ceremony less dramatic which sacramentally

signifies advancement in the Tri-gradal orders of the Craft.

The 1st Degree having to do with his material and active life the 2nd

directed to his intellectual awakening so that the understanding may be

ultimately crowned with wisdom. This is the "Silent Degree" to be in marked

contrast to the other two.

In the olden times three Temples were used, one for each Ceremony - over

the door of the 2nd Temple were five stars, inside the Sq. L. and P.r.

Passing means a Midway or Transitional phase of Life - the first phase in

the olden times being "Darkness of natural reason" and the second

- "Illumination of the Mind"

and the third

-"Light of the Spirit."


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