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In the words taken from the Psalms (Ch. CXVIII, v.

22), "The stone

which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone," we find,
by use of the same method, the two first persons of the Trinity (‫אבן‬--
Aven, ‫בן‬--Ben, ,‫אב‬--Av). It is again the Christian Trinity that Orpheus
wished to designate in his "Hymn to the Night" by the words νύξ,
οὐρανός, because Night, the engender of all things, can be αἰθήρ,
nothing less than the Father. The Heavens, this Olympus, which
embraces all beings in its immensity, and which is born of the Night,
means the Son; and finally, Ether, called by the ancient poet "the breath
of fire," is the Holy Ghost. Translated into Hebrew the name Jesus
‫ )י״ה״ש״ו״ה‬is the name of God plus the letter ‫( ש‬Shin) which in the
language of the Kabbalists is the symbol of fire or light of which St.
Jerome spoke in his mystical interpretation of the alphabet as the sign.
of the Word (λόγος). This mysterious name is, therefore, a complete
revelation which shows us that Jesus is God Himself, conceived as Light
and Word (λόγος), or the Divine Word.

Even the symbol of Christianity, the cross, is plainly indicated in the Old
Testament, either by the tree of life which God placed in the earthly
paradise, or by the supplicating attitude of Moses when he spread his
arms towards heaven to implore for victory of Israel over Amalek; or,
finally, by the miraculous rod which changed the bitter waters into
sweet in the desert Morah.

According to Reuchlin, God manifested Himself to man under three

different aspects during the three great religious periods ordinarily
distinguished since the creation, and to each of these aspects there
corresponds a name which characterizes Him perfectly. During the
reign of Nature He is called the "Almighty" (‫שדי‬--Shaddai) or, rather,
the "Fructifier," the "Maintainer of Man." Such is the God of Abraham
and of all the patriarchs. During the reign of Law, or from the time of
the revelation of Moses to the beginning of Christianity, Ile is called the
"Lord" (‫אדני‬--Adonai). because He is King and Lord of the chosen
people. During the reign of Grace, He is called "Jesus," the "Deliverer,"
(‫יהשוה‬--Y’hoshu-ah) a point of view that does not lack truth and
‫)‪ (Shin‬ש‬


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