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oy Page 2 Gp EIPET, Thane ane CHAPTER 1 The Basics of Plant Layout Design Plant Isyaul design plays an important part in the design and engineering phases of any ndustfial facility, This chapter discusses the role and responsibilities of the plant -ayout dasigner. provides advice on pow ject data, describes tie timing of serious activities, afferS an ay a design iayout, 4nd lists abbravianiens and comme tefminiclogy,. Subseqt jpters caver plant layout spaciicstions, major ab ae Jayours aera} 7 me facilities, pipe rack tix aud storage tanta THE PLANT LA OUT DESIGNER The plant lag xd ageigner is syed pamarity in the, deve eit ef equipment ae cenerentgaand piping lavaule ior “eat industries!” vr ‘position offers ar Cppartunity t@.glemonstrate techniéal ability along.with a éreatve talent and common sense avproach [a problem 9. Pidtess. facilities .qust be designed and incerta = in extremely shi edulés. while “@chering to maihtepasice, satoty, ened qualily BiGhdards; moreover, design mug! EKe constructibiity, econgmics ancl operators mil U. Although the tools to,dthieve [hesé goals ave changing from purell sed paper Ber Ip computer wD ‘ermal, Whe tespacsibliigs: of tha piant in Gut design tenths same, "> ol uF Vie cla crate must dayelop layouf dcdiments duro. sh fo fonceplual end stuy phases of a “The skilg needed ingot 2 = Commen sensathdg abluy i reasdacpee” Knowledge of what’. Qeiticdiar plantis dasignaad f + A general understanding of how re conaneg de is maintained and aaragee oderstengte sade + The dbility to generale a Sle, Bp ofan aspeutied time and alla consideration chord eae iuity conn nee amen + Suibcien! exparience te avoid reinventing the wheel. +

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