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 is love that is uniquely serve

1. SOCRATES only Him and no other reason,
o Know Thyself and
o Questions Everything o Prudence
o Only in the pursuit of goodness brings  is love that can make the right
happiness decision on what prevents and
SOCRATIC METHOD what helps. "
o Question and answer, leads to o “Pray where supposedly everything
students thinking for themselves depends on God.”
SOCRATES 470 BC-399 BC o “Work which seems all depends on
o “An examined life is not worth living.” you.”
o “I cannot teach anybody anything, I 4. RENÉ DESCARTES
can only make them think.” o I think, therefore, I am.
o “To know is to know that you know o The mind exists.
nothing. That is the meaning of true o Not far from the mind of man, so man
knowledge.” exists.
2. PLATO o When in doubt someone has doubts
o Greek philosopher who founded the for him.
Academy in Athens. o The work itself will doubt the fact that
o The Academy is the first institution of he exists.
learning in the West. 5. JOHN LOCKE
o “Never discourage anyone… Who o No man’s knowledge here can go
continually makes progress, no matter beyond his experience.
how slow.” o According to Locke, even if a man has
o “Be kind, because all the people we the ability to think, it does not mean
met may have battle to surpass.” that he is using it.
o “Scholars and wise men speak because o Others have chosen to live in
they have to say; fools speak because ignorance, others think very weak, or
they have to speak.” others are slaves to their emotions
o “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to which they use their brains to
the world, wings to the mind, flight to understand the laws of nature.
the imagination, and charm to life and o Others chose to simply be bad
to everything.” because they are accustomed to it.
o According to Plato, the soul is in the 6. DAVID HUME
human body. o A wise man, therefore, proportions
o The rational part is the head, the spirit his belief to the evidence.
is in the upper part of the body, and o Empiricism
the appetite is in the central part of the  is the theory that says all
body to the heart. knowledge comes from the
o Church Doctor o The mind is not separated from
o Mother- a Christian perception.
Father – remains a pagan. o The entire contents of the mind are
o He takes a different philosophy before transmitted daily to the human
he became a Christian at the age of 35. condition.
o “Temperance o Bundle Theory
 is a love of giving up entirely  The man is a collection of
himself to Him and that’s the different successive
only reason; perceptions, always changing
o Courage and moving
 is a love that can go beyond  The qualities that we feel is
everything with pleasure for only part of something.
the sake of Himself and that’s 7. IMMANUEL KANT
the only reason; o Morality is not properly the doctrine
of how we may make ourselves
happy, but how we may make  Wrong bases and problems
ourselves worthy of happiness. arise on how we give meaning
o The consciousness is divided into: and how we deliver or how
 Internal Self - composed of we paraphrase the words
psychological states and 10. PATRICIA S. CHURCHLAND
informed decisions; o To understand the mind, we must
remembering our own state, understand the brain.
how can we combine the new o There isn’t a special thing called mind.
and old ideas with our mind. The mind just is the brain.
 External Self - made up of o In all probability, mental states are
ourselves and the physical processes and activities of the brain.
world where the Exactly what activities, and exactly at
representation of objects what level of description, remains to
8. SIGMUND FREUD be seen.
o The child is the Father of a man. PAUL CHURCHLAND
o A famous neurologist o Modern philosopher who studied the
o Create psychoanalysis brain.
o Threefold yourself: o "The Self as a brain."
 Id o The physical brain allows us to say we
 Early stage self- are so different.
 The center of all o French Phenomenological
human wants and Philosopher
desires that You must o Philosophical movement called
satisfy Existentialism
 Indifferent to the o Rejects Edmund Husserl’s
moral laws of society philosophical movement
 Collection of o Analyzed experiences, perceptions
preferences that must and difficulties of human existences
be met o Because we are in the world, we are
 Ego condemned to meaning, and we
 Act according to cannot do or say anything without it
reality acquiring a name in history.
 Balances the desires o The body is our general medium for
of the people and having a world.
how to present it
 To know what is right
or wrong based on
 Superego
 to achieve the super
ego, It Can be cruel
and punishable
 Looking at the
perfection of things
 We felt
embarrassment and
guilt when we have
fallen short of the
high expectations.
o In searching for the self, one cannot
simultaneously be the hunter and the
o Self and Behavior
 "I made it, and so I am “
BASIC ELECTRONICS Ohms Law Relationship
Electron is the smallest amount of electric charge
having the characteristic called negative polarity. To find the Voltage, (V)
Proton is a basic particle with positive polarity.
Conductor allows electric current to flow with [ V = I x R] V (volts) = I (amps) x R (Ω)
minimum opposition. In general, all metals are good
conductors, with silver the best and copper second.
To find the Current, (I)
Have little resistance.
Insulator can hold or store electricity better than [ I = V ÷ R] I (amps) = V (volts) ÷ R (Ω)
conductors. An insulating material, such as glass,
plastic, rubber, paper, air, or mica, is also called a
dielectric, meaning it can store electric charge. Have To find the Resistance, (R)
large amount of resistance.
[ R = V ÷ I] R (Ω) = V (volts) ÷ I (amps)
Semiconductor a material that is neither a good
conductor nor a good insulator.
Potential refers to the possibility of doing work. To find the Power (P)
Current (I) is the movement of electric charges around
a closed path or circuit. [ P = V x I] P (watts) = V (volts) x I (amps)
Ampere (A) is the base unit of electric current. Also:
Resistors limit the amount of current or to produce a
desired drop in voltage. [ P = V2 ÷ R] P (watts) = V2 (volts) ÷ R (Ω)
Resistance (R) the opposition to the flow of current in
an electric circuit.
Ohm the practical unit of resistance. [ P = I2 x R] P (watts) = I2 (amps) x R (Ω)
Volt (V) the unit of potential difference or voltage.
Power (P) can be defined as the time rate of doing
Watt basic unit of power.
Circuit can be defined as a path for current flow.
DC Voltage fixed polarity, can be steady or vary in
magnitude, steady value cannot be stepped up or
down by a transformer, terminal voltages for transistor
amplifiers, easier to measure.
AC Voltage reverses in polarity, varies between
reversals in polarity, can be stepped up or down for
electric power, distribution, signal input and output for
amplifiers, easier to amplify.
Thermistor is a thermally sensitive resistor whose
resistance value changes with changes in operating
Tolerance the maximum allowable percent difference
between the measured and coded values of resistance.
Ohm’s law states that the amount of current I is
directly proportional to the voltage V, and inversely
proportional to the resistance R.
Analog multimeter measure volts, ohms and amps.
Breadboard is a solderless device for temporary
prototype with electronics and test circuit designs.
Connecting wires allows an electrical current to travel
from one point on a circuit to another because
electricity needs a medium through which it can move.
Power supply is a component that supplies power to at
least one electric load.
 The higher the voltage, the higher the current.
 The higher the resistance, the lower the
 In a circuit the higher the current, the lower
the resistance with higher voltage.
 If the voltage is increased, the current will
increase provided the resistance of the circuit
does not change.
 Increasing the resistance of the circuit will
lower the current flow if the voltage is not
 The lower the resistance, the higher the
 Voltage can exist without current, but current
cannot exist without voltage.
 There is no direct correlation between the
physical size of a resistor and its resistance
 Resistors with higher R values usually have
lower wattage ratings because they have less
 The lower the power rating, the smaller the
actual size of the resistor.


RESISTANCE (R) I/RT=1/R1+1/R2+1/R3+…


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