Notice Orientation Programme Revised PDF

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upta senha dears arftege aatege (f8.9.)-177005 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HAMIRPUR HAMIRPUR (H.P.)-177005 (an institute of National importance under Minsry of HRO) Office of Dean (Student Welfare) NOTICE ‘As per guidelines of MHRD, subsequent approval accorded by competent authority and in supersession of our earier Notice No NITIHMRUDSWW-33/2019/3146-76 ated 18/07/2019, the Orientationinducton Programme for the new UG entrants forthe ‘Session 2019-20 wil be organised wef, 25" July to 2 August, 2019 inthe campus as per schedule enclosed herewith. All Deans, Heads of Teaching DeparimentsiCentres and Committee members are requested to cooperate in organising the actviies as per schedtle “an Dean (tient Wettare) Nonrtmuruosw-ssreot9/ 3) 8) — 3a/0 Dated: Ap 7/2019 Copy tothe flowing for information and necessary action. + AlDeans, HODsHOCs + Al faclty& staff members + hie! Warden (Hostels) ~ with the request to arrange the reteshment on the inaugural day at 11:30 am. behind the Insitute Auditorium, + Ur (ts) larun Cauanary, E&CED ~ wn ne request to range he stage ‘+ Executive Engineer, Const, Cell with the request to make necessary arrangements in Augtorum & Ceriral Block ‘+ Faculty Incharge (Security) ~ with the request to make the proper securty arrangements for movement oft" year students as per schedule + Sto Decor fork information ofthe Drector lease + PAto Regier forkndifomatonefihe Regstarnease 7 23)-7) 48 ‘Dea (Student Welfare) apts sen att sear aegT aatege (f8.5.)-177005 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HAMIRPUR HAMIRPUR (H.P.)-177005 (An nstitute of National importance under Minisy of HRD) (Office of Dean (Student Welfare) ‘ORIENTATION / INDUCTION PROGRAMME Director Dr. Ravindra Nath Sharma ‘Associate Dean (Examination and Evaluation) Dr. Vijay Kumar Bansal Associate Dean (Chul Infrastructure and Maintenance) Dr. Bharat Bhushan Sharma Associate Dean (Electrical Infrastructure and Maintenance) Dr. TP. Sharma ‘Associate Dean (Consultancy Project and Testing) Dr. RK. Vats: Associate Dean (Research Projects and Collaborations) Dr. Pardeep Kumar ‘Associate Dean (Student Activities) Dr. Suri Singh Katoch ‘Associate Dean (Student Discipline and Counselling) Dr. Rajesh Sharma Associate Dean (FDP & COPA) FOR NEW UG ENTRANTS-2019 [Prof Vinod VadavaSsS~S~S~S ~ | Chairman” | Convenor Co-Convenors Prof. AS. Singha Convenor | Dean (Student Wetfare) Prof. Ram Naresh Sharma Dean (Academics) | ‘Dr. Narottam Chand ‘Associate Dean (Admissions and Registration) Deanl(Studont Welfare) upta senha dears eae aaitege (f8.9.)-177005 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HAMIRPUR_ ‘TECHNOLOGY HAMIRPUR (H.P.)-177005 (an institute of National Importance under Misr of) ‘Office of Dean (Student Welfare) | Campus visit Organizing and Local ‘Area Visit ‘Name of the Committee | Members / Department Responsibility Expert Lecture Prof Bhanu Marwaha, Arc. Organizing Dr. V.S. Dogra, CED 1. Kamlesh Dutta, CSED Dr. Bharti Gaur, Chemisty Prof. Anoop Kumar, CHED_ Dr. (rs) Veena Sharma, EED 1. Surinder Kumar Soni, EACE Prof, N.S, Thakur, CEEE Prof, Sunang Kumar, MED Dr. Vishal Singh, DNSE Prof... Sharma, Maths Dr. Saroj Thakur, H&SSD Prof. N.S. Thakur, Mgmt Studies Dr. Subhash Chand, Physics 1. Varun, MED. [Fl (institute Transport Services) De. Siddharth, MED 1D. Tara Chand Kumawat, CHED | br. Sunder Kala Negi, H&SSD Dr. Basant Subba, CSED Dr. Amit Bage, EBCED Dr. Ani Kumar Yadav, EED ‘Az Nesta Kapoor, Arch Dr. Rita Maurya, DMS Dr. Subhadip Biswas, CED Me. Nit Paliwal 8] Assistant Me. Vimlesh Patel” Librarian To organize expert tak, related to respective dscipines on 25” 8 26" July. | “To organise the vst of 1 year students inthe campus in consultation with the Concerned Headof Department ‘Aetvities Organizing Committee [Associate Dean (Admission) ‘Associate Dean (Examinations) and concemed Fis & AFIs. To avvangeldeiner expert lecture a3 per schedule onthe topics given below ‘Academe rules & regulations and fexamination & evaluation system F Somesh Shama, FITEP) | Trang & Placement avenues, and AFls (T8P) ‘opportunities & challenges ‘Dr. Rajeevan Chandel Encouragement of stucents Tor research Dean (REC) | projects ‘Dr Subhajt Majumdar ‘Swachch Bharat ABRiyan (SBA) ‘Nodal Ofer ‘Dr. Alok Garg, CHED, Fl (Scholarships & Mediclaim) & [AFI (Scholarships) ‘Scholarship opportnies. 1. Amrt Kumar Roy, FI (Naval) |r. Aniket Sharma, #1 (Acry) NOC ‘tivities Organizing ‘Committee | Time Table Commitioo | [Dr Manoranjan Rai Bhar, FL Dr. (Mrs) Gargi Khanna FI (Cultural Actvties & Clubs) & concerned AFIS. NSS. ] Cultural Activities & Cubs Dr. Prashant Kumar Fl (Technical Activities & Chi) Technical Activites & Chibs ‘Dr. TP.Sharma, AD (R&C) Me RK dame ‘Agso. Prot (Sports) and | AFL (Sports) Dr. Ashwani Rana | FI (Yoga) & AFL (Yoga) | Yooa practices, Indoor & Outdoor Spars Relves. Dr. Vijay Shankar Dogra Nodal Officer (UBA) ‘Unnat Bharat Abiyan (UBA) Dr. Pardeep Singh FI (Digital Indi) Digital India (O}) ‘Dr. Monit Pant FI (Student Counseling) & 1D, Sunder Kala Negi {AFI (Student Counseling) 1. Saurabh Kumar ‘AFI (Studert Counseling Dr Varun Fl (Time Table) Dr_ Joy Pal, AFI (Time Table) Human Values [Time Tabie Hostel Committee Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Warden, KBF Dr. S.K Gogulthu, AW, KBH Dr. dai Prakash AW, KH Dr. Bhart Gaur Warden, AGH Dr. Sunder Kata Negi AW, AGH De. Rashmi Kuman, AW, AGH. Hostel Aioiment & Caretaking of Hostels Discipline Committee | Dr. Aniket Sharma, FI (Student Discipine) ‘De Anil Kumar Yadav, AFI (SD) Dr. Prakash Chouahay, AFi(SU) Discipline Dr Ashwani Chandel Prot. (Mrs.) Rajeevan Chandel Dr. Puneet Sharma r.7.P. Sharma. Dr. Parnta Awasthi Dr. Rta Maurya Dr. Sunder Kala Negi Finance Commitee | Prot Suni “To erganise the Orientation 7 induction Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha programme alorgwith approval of funds Dr. Dharmendra Prasad Mahato_| from the competent author. Medical Committee [Dr Bharti Gaur To provide medcal facies as & when Dr, Mani Verma. required, Media Commitioo 1. Rajesh Kumar ‘To handle the media related asus De Manoj Kumar Yada De Rajan Kumar Wantoring Committee | Prof. Anoop Kumar ‘Regular mentoring of re tudes Dr Monit Pant Dr Vay Shankar De Dharmendra Prasad Manto 4 1)217 (studbt Weta upta stent der atic wtege (f2.5.)-177005 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HAMIRPUR HAMIRPUR (H.P.)-177005 Office of Dean (Student Welfare) (Go Institute of National inportance under Mtr of HRO) ORIENTATION / INDUCTION PROGRAMME FOR NEW UG ENTRANTS-2019 SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES Mae Purpose Venue and Details ee Deas al Hea of he Deparment, Chit Warden Hosts) 228 Tame rao a Aaa t2a0tous_| 14000 | View Repecve Depicts an | Rep Depa ooh | aces Tobe coord byCapar 1000 apo | cams vist Visiting Somme in etutaton sith emcee HoDs, 2asor2019 Visto Cal Lay Cena Lay Cito) | sgqgy | (Group A. B.C, Danae) oo bars | Tengen Pocener ems [Andon (Group .G, HI Jand Ana)” | (obe crrdnted by Ting & Pacem Cal) Nec ‘Ground Foor f Cem BERT tooo | (Rp,8.c, Dante) Playrour (ob corde by a0 Ts ‘Sle’ Pak AER RE asora019 (Group 6,11, Jand Arh) _| oot by NSS Wing) (ond) Visite Cena Libary Cental Lay 1400. [Gp F.6,H. 1 Jandacny | ze Tree ges | Ting and Pent Aves | Radovan (Grup A'8,C,Danit) (ote coatnated by Tring Pucenen Cel) | Ss Sen Pak ATOR TORE tooo [SGrp, B.C, Dante coordina ty NSS Wing) Beata toe cS ‘Ground Fo Cental BIST ea (Growp FG, 1,1, Jand Arch) | Playground be conte by Nee Wig) ‘Aor 1400 | sunscreens | fb cae by Ser Wee ie and Ha Waren (Ho) Tow Exper Leeman Vales | Aura {00 ous juz | Bott oe HOD | Expt Lasre Human Vas | (Stdent Couseling) 000w- | Bachar Onancer ‘Auda oroe2o9 | 1300hous {tobe coined ty Dean (Aca) | (husdey) [0016 | Inner Owdoar Spon Fs Pgng | Pay oun 17.00 fous (ode corned by cones Fs) | rol a Eiger _Lastre on Grievances | Adioron | Resressl and Drug Menace __| tooo | Seacbeh Bharat Abhiyan. Unna | Avdoron 4000 | Bhat Abtian and Dipl nda ad | (be coon by cnered 2082019 Scholarship eppounes oly charges) co) Research schemes, Startup Schenes & [Aucitorion Inovston Cnre/ Enrereneuip_| [0 Be covnate by Dean R&C), TE] Indoor Oudoor Spor Fire Fgting | Playground 17.0 hous (tobe cootinate by cocered Fcly charg) + Yor Session wll be held fom 6.000 7.00 hours dil behind the Autor staring from 2907209. GEA [GW [GrC [GrD [eb [Ger [eG [Gen [Gt [Get [arch 2907 [2007 [3107 [ors [0208 [oss [oss ov [onios [ove | 1208 + Calta activites wil beheld fom 18.000 2030 hours dil inthe Austrian starting from 29072019. GB [GLC [GED [Gre [GaP [GeO [orn [Get [Get [awk [oe A zan7 [3007 | 31107 [ois [0208 [0808 [osios | ovis [oxios_[ ove | 1208 members for smooth organization qa 4h Dash (Student Welfare) [Note:The Main Coordinators ofthe activities may co-opt for ada activities,

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