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Name: Rhea Sinangote Date: July 22, 2019

Grade & Section: 11-Yen Score:

Poor time management


Students who don’t have control over their time end up letting tasks sit until the last minute – and then
they feel a lot of stress when they try to play catch up. If you’ve let too many tasks sit, you might miss
deadlines entirely.


1.From observation, poor time planners seem to be faced with low productivity, inefficiency,
ineffectiveness and low morale, stress and frustration with themselves.

2.being unable to deal with distraction, deadline pressure, and procrastination, and self-discipline
ambiguity of personal goals, not being able to say “no”, excessive social relations, indetermination,
perfectionism and messy task.


1.when the students do not manage their time properly.

2.They may be facing interruptions during the lectures hours like receiving lengthy calls, pinging, social
networks and mingle with friends.


1..Plan your day in advance

2.Limit the time you spend on e-mails to the minimum to keep those 10 hours for school

3.trying to ignore such distractions as strong cooking smells or loud colleagues, get away from the


1. Daily, weekly or monthly make a plan on your tasks, the rest comes easily

*.to-do-lists,post-it-notes, and notepads.

2.. check it every morning, reply only to those most important, which need an immediate answer. Leave
the rest for breaks between tasks or go through them at the end of the day. Also, make sure to mark
those unimportant messages.
3.Set yourself up in an empty meeting room to regain your focus. Wear noise-canceling headphones, or
play "white noise," to blank out anything that would otherwise grab your attention.

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