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I. Multiple Choice: Answer the following questions; write the letter only on the space provided.

1. If you touch a food inside the freezer, what is the direction of heat transfer?
A. From the freezer to the food B. From hand to the food
B. From hand to the freezer D. From food to the hand
2. It is a form of energy that refers to the thermal energy that is in the process of being
A. Light Energy B. Thermal Energy C. Heat Energy D.Chemical Energy
3. What is the condition necessary for heat transfer to takes place?
A. Different temperature B. The same temperature
C. Low temperature D. High temperature
4-8. The illustration on the right shows a lady making a noodle soup using a pan made of metal. Use this illustration to
answer the questions (4-8) below:
4. How does heat travel through the pan?
A. by radiation B. by convection
C. by dispersion D. by conduction
5. How does heat travel through the soup?
A. by radiation B. by convection
C. by dispersion D. by conduction
6. In what direction does heat travel through the soup?
A. from top to bottom B. from bottom to top
C. both A and B D. neither A nor B
7. Which of the following explains why the lady is able to hold the handle of the pan with her bare hands?
I. The handle is made of good insulator of heat.
II. The handle has low thermal conductivity.
III. The handle has high thermal expansion.
A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D.I, II, and III
8. Which of the following methods of heat transfer is NOT taking place in the given situation?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. None of them
9. What will happen when two like charges are brought together?
A. They will repel each other. B. They will attract each other.
C. They will neutralize each other. D. They will have no effect on each other.
10. Which of the following describes the usual way by which a material can gain a positive charge?
A. By gaining protons B. By gaining electrons C. By losing protons D. By losing electrons
11. If you comb your hair and the comb becomes positively charged, what will happen to your hair?
A. It will remain uncharged. B. It will be repelled by the comb.
C. It will become positively charged. D. It will become negatively charged.
12. Which of the following can be attracted by a positively charged object?
A. Another positively charged object. B. Any other object.
C. A neutral object. D. No other object.
13. A negatively charged rod is brought near a metal can that rests on a wooden box. You touch the opposite
side of the can momentarily with your finger. If you remove your finger before removing the rod, what will happen to
the can?
A. It will be discharged. B. Its charge will remain as it was.
C. It will become positively charged. D. It will become negatively charged.
14. A charged object is brought near a metal ball that is mounted on a rubber sheet. If the metal ball acquired
a negative charge after it was grounded momentarily, what must be the charge of the object that was brought near it?
A. Neutral B. Positive
C. Negative D. Cannot be determined from the given information alone.
15. What is really meant when we say an appliance "uses up" electricity?
A. The current disappears.
B. The main power supply voltage is lowered.
C. Electrons are taken out of the circuit and put somewhere else.
D. The potential energy of electrons is changed into another form.
16. The figure shows three pairs of plates. The electrostatic force between the plates is shown for two of the
pairs. If B is negative, what is the charge of A? and what kind of force exists in the third pair?
A. negative, attractive B. negative,
C. positive, attractive D. positive,
17. In which set-up(s) will the bulb light up?
A. A only B. B only
C. C only D. A, B and C
18. In which body of water is 15°S, 75°E located?
a. Atlantic Ocean b. Pacific Ocean c. Indian Ocean d. Sulu Sea
19. In which part of the globe where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruption occurs?
a. Bermuda Triangle b. Pacific Ring of Fire c. Lord of the Ring d. Philippine
20. What is the most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere?
a. Argon b. Carbon dioxide c. Nitrogen d. Oxygen
21. What happens when air is heated?
a. It stays in place. b. It moves toward a warm air. c. It spreads in all directions. d. It rises.
22. What are natural resources? These are materials or elements from the environment that people ___.
a. did not create b. invented for themselves
c. use to meet their needs d. observe using a scientific equipment
23. What is the correct order of Earth's atmospheric layers from bottom to top?
a. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
b. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere
c. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
d. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
24. In what direction do winds blow?
a From low pressure areas to high pressure areas. b. From the southwest to the northeast
c. From high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas d. From the northeast to the southwest
25. In which month is the North Pole tilted toward the Sun?
a. December b. March c. June d. September
26. What type of eclipse is expected to happen when Sun-Moon-Earth are aligned straight?
a. Solar Eclipse b. Lunar Eclipse c. No eclipse will happen d. Both a & b
27. In which body of water is 30°N, 45°W located?
a. Indian Ocean b. Atlantic Ocean c. Pacific Ocean d. China Sea
28. In which layer of the atmosphere we can find the ozone layer?
a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Mesosphere d. Exosphere
29. It is an air that is moving horizontally.
a. Sea Breeze b. Monsoon c. Winds d. Air
30. Phase of the moon during lunar eclipse.
a. Full Moon b. 1st Quarter c. New Moon d. 3rdQuarter
31. Which of the following does NOT describe the habagat?
a. Brings lots of rain b. Brings cold weather
c. Comes around July to September d. Comes from the northeast and moves southward
32. It divides the globe vertically into two equal parts.
a. Equator b. Prime Meridian c. Imaginary Lines d. ITCZ
33. What is the basis for the division of the layers of the atmosphere surrounding Earth?
a. Changing temperature b. Changing amount of oxygen
c. Changing weather patterns d. Changing composition of gases
34. ITCZ stands for
a. International Time Connecting Zone b. Inter Tropical Converging Zone
c. International Tropical Converging Zone d. Inter Tropical Connecting Zone
35. It is the moving air we experience during day time.
a. Sea Breeze b. Monsoon c. Land Breeze d. Habagat
36. It is a darkening effect we observed when shadows are formed on astronomical objects.
a. Eclipse b. Solar Eclipse c. Lunar Eclipse d. Shadows
37. In June, which hemisphere receives direct rays from the Sun?
a. Northern Hemisphere b. Southern Hemisphere
c. Eastern Hemisphere d. Western Hemisphere
38. It is used to grow seedlings in the late winter It allow sunlight to enter but prevent heat from
a. Green house b. Nursery c. Atmosphere d. Incubator
39. In which month is day time the longest?
a. January b. June c. December d. September
40. Which large body of water is found on the east of the Philippines?
a. Atlantic Ocean b. Pacific Ocean c. Indian Ocean d. Sulu Sea
41. What type of eclipse is expected to happen when Moon-Sun -Earth are in a straight line?
a. Solar Eclipse b. Lunar Eclipse c. No eclipse will happen d. Both a & b
42. What do you call a resource that people can use again and again but its supply can be replaced?
a. renewable b. recyclable c. reliable d. unlimited
43. These are lines in the globe that are parallel to each other, form a circle and do not meet at the pole.
a. Prime Meridian b. Equator c. Latitude d. Longitude
44. Satellites are stationed in which of the atmospheric layer?
a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Mesosphere d. Exosphere
45. It refers to a wind system.
a. Habagat b. Amihan c. Monsoon d. ITCZ
46. It is formed when a source of light is blocked by an opaque object.
a. Image b. Reflection c. Shadow d. Eclipse
47. Countries in these zones go through four seasons – winter, spring summer, and autumn.
a. Tropical Zone b. Temperate Zone c. Polar Zone d. Ozone


48-49. Why the presence of ozone is important for the survival of living thing on Earth?
a. It warms Earth’s surface. b. It helps in cloud formation.
c. It offers protection from the Sun’s harmful UV rays. d. It makes jet flying more comfortable.
50-51. In which part of the atmosphere where meteors and rock fragments burn up? Why?
a. Exosphere, because it has the highest temperature.
b. Stratosphere, because it contains most of the water vapor.
c. Mesosphere, because it has the lowest temperature.
d. Thermosphere, because it is very stable there.
52-53. Is it possible for a city to be located at 120°S, 30°W? Why?
a. No. The maximum value for latitude is 90°N or 90°S. There is no latitude 120°S.
b. No. There is no city located in that country.
c. Yes. The maximum value for latitude is 180°N or 180°S. There is a latitude 120°S.
d. Yes. There is a city located in that country.
54-55. What is a relationship between the latitude of a place and the climate it experiences?
a. The closer the latitude is to the equator, the warmer the climate.
b. There is no relationship between the latitude of a place and the climate it experiences.
c. The closer the latitude is to the poles, the warmer the climate.
d. There is a relationship between the latitude of a place and the climate it experiences.
56-57. Why do hikers put on thicker clothes when climbing a high mountain?
a. For protection against insect bites
b. The air temperature decreases with altitude
c. So they can easily be located when they get lost
d. To add more weight so they will not be pushed by the wind
58-59. In which part of the atmosphere do all weather phenomena occur? Why?
a. Troposphere, because it contains most of the water vapour.
b. Mesosphere, because it is cold there.
c. Stratosphere, because it is the nearest layer to the ground.
d. Exosphere, because it almost merge with the outer space.
60-61. The following are the reasons why our country is considered as tropical country except.
a. Because the Philippines is located near the equator.
b. Because the Philippines is located the tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn.
c. Because the Philippines is located near the poles.
d. Because the Philippines only experiences two season: wet season and dry season.
62-63. Can you consider the Earth’s Atmosphere as Green House? Why?
a. Yes, because it contains greenhouse gases that retains heat.
b. Yes, because it is like a house surrounded by green trees.
c. No, because it let the heat to escape.
d. No, because it has no transparent covering that let the light to pass through it.
64-65. Why Philippine experiences certain weather phenomena like monsoon and thunderstorm?
a. Because Philippines is a Mega Diverse Country.
b. Because Philippines is located near the equator and surrounded by large bodies of water.
c. Because Philippines is an archipelago.
d. Because Philippines is composed of several islands.
66-67. Why we have day and night? Why do season changes?
a. Because of the Earths’ continuous revolution on its axis and rotation around the sun.
b. Because of the Moons’ rotation around the Earth and Earths’ revolution around the sun.
c. Because of the Suns’ revolution around the Earth and the Earths’ tilt.
d. Because of the Earths’ continuous rotation on its axis and revolution around the sun.
68-69. Is it possible for a city to be located at 30°N, 150°W? Why?
a. No. There is no landmass at location 30°N, 150°W.
b. No. The maximum value for longitude is 90°W or 90°E. There is no longitude 150°W.
c. Yes. There is a city located in that country.
d. Yes. The maximum value for longitude is 180°W or 180°E. There is a longitude 150°W.
70-71. In which part of the atmosphere do meteors and rock fragments burn? Why?
a. Troposphere, because it contains most of the water vapour.
b. Mesosphere, because it is cold there.
c. Stratosphere, because it is the nearest layer to the ground.
d. Exosphere, because it almost merge with the outer space.
72-73. How can we find Philippines in the world?
a. By simply looking at the map and point the Philippines.
b. By locating its coordinates and nearby land masses and bodies of water.
c. By locating it to the Northeaster part of the globe.
d. By tracing the Philippine area of responsibility.
74-75. The following factors causes the change in season except;
a. Earths’ tilt, when the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, it is summer.
b. Revolution of moon around the Earth, it causes change in the Moons’ appearance.
c. Length of daytime, when it is shorter, it is winter.
d. Earth revolution around the sun, it has different positions every month.
76-77. The following are the reasons why farmers and energy providers welcome and appreciate
monsoon, except;
a. Because it bring lots of rainfall that is used to grow plants.
b. Because more water means more electricity can be generated.
c. Because too much water can cause floods that can damage the plants.
d. Because in a moistly area plants grow healthier.

78. Below is an image of a partial solar eclipse as seen by an observer on Earth. Which part of the shadow do
you think is the observer watching?
a. Penumbra of the Moon
b. Penumbra of the Earth
c. Between the umbra and penumbra of the Moon
d. Between the umbra and penumbra of the Earth

79. Where on Earth can a lunar eclipse be observed?

a. Daytime of northern hemisphere
b. Nighttime of northern hemisphere
c. Daytime of northern and southern hemisphere
d. Nighttime of northern and southern hemisphere

80. The diagram below shows the Moon at four positions in its orbit around Earth. An observer on Earth could
see a lunar eclipse when the Moon is at position .

a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 4

81-82. A Science teacher gave her students data about Earth and an imaginary planet XYZ. The data are shown
below. Give at least TWO REASONS why human beings could not survive on planet XYZ




Use the back page of your paper for your answers of the following items.

83-85. Draw and label an atmosphere. Show the 86-88. Draw and label the important
changes in temperature and write the things that parts of a globe. Briefly discuss each part.
can be found in each layer.

89-91. Illustrate the two types of breeze. Briefly 92-94. Illustrate the two types of
discuss each type. monsoon. Briefly discuss each type.

95-97. Draw the two types of eclipse. Briefly 98-100. Draw and name the phases of the
Discuss each type. moon.

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