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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Senior High School

Chapter Test on Physical Science


1. The two most common substances in the universe are

A. carbon and oxygen. B. hydrogen and helium C. hydrogen and nitrogen.


2. The early universe appears to have contained only light elements, mostly hydrogen and helium, and
yet, at the present time, there are significant amounts of heavier elements, those from which the
Earth (and ourselves) are made. From where have these heavy elements come?

A. Repeated energetic collisions of light-element nuclei (cosmic rays) in space that produced heavier
elements by nuclear fusion

B. Minor amounts of heavier elements that formed in the initial Big Bang and became concentrated in
certain parts of galaxies to form solar systems such as our own

C. Nuclear fusion and element synthesis in the deep interiors of stars

3. Where did the hydrogen come from that is so abundant in the universe today?

A. All of it was formed during the Big Bang at the very start of the universe.

B. Essentially all of it has been formed inside stars and thrown out into the universe by supernova

C. Most of it was formed during the Big Bang at the very start of the universe. Since that time, stars
have gradually added more hydrogen to the original amount.

4. Where did the planets come from?

A. They formed from material thrown out of the Sun when another small star collided with the Sun.

B. They formed from a nebula of gas and dust, the same nebula from which the Sun itself formed.

C. They formed from a nebula in interstellar space and were captured by the Sun as it orbited around
the Galaxy.

5. What process heated the early solar nebula as it slowly condensed toward a central protosun?

A. Atoms collided with increasing speed as they fell toward the center of the nebula, creating heat.

B. Heat was released by the formation of molecules such as CO2 and NH3 from atoms and the
condensation of ices from gases such as H2O.

C. Thermonuclear fusion in the protosun was followed by radiative heating of the material in the

6. What is the fundamental law of physics that allowed the planets to form, rather than having all of
the material simply fall into the Sun?
A. Conservation of angular momentum

B. Conservation of kinetic energy

C.. The law of action and reaction (Newton's third law)

7. The reason the inner planets are mostly rock and iron and the outer planets are mostly lighter
material like hydrogen and ices is that

A. the inner solar system was warm enough that the lighter material vaporized (or never solidified),
leaving rock and iron to form the inner planets.

B. rock and iron are heavy and sank toward the center of the solar system.

C. rotation in the solar nebula flung the lighter materials into the outer solar system, leaving the heavier
rock and iron to form the inner planets.

8. Which components of the present solar system have probably remained essentially unchanged
since the solar system was formed and can therefore provide valuable clues to the manner of its

A. Comets, asteroids, and meteoritic material

B. The terrestrial planets

C. The giant planets

9. In the early solar system, how did the formation of the inner planets, such as the Earth, compare to
that of the outer planets, such as Jupiter?

A. Both were the same initially, accretion through collisions of larger and larger planetesimals, but the
inner planets stopped there, whereas the outer planets went on to pull ices and gas directly from the
solar nebula.

B. Both were very different from the start, the inner planets forming by accretion through collisions of
larger and larger planetesimals and the outer planets by condensation of ices and gas directly from the
solar nebula.

C. Both formed by the same process, accretion through collisions of larger and larger planetesimals, but
the planetesimals forming the inner planets were rocky, whereas those forming the outer planets were
composed mostly of ices.

10. At what time and from what source did the majority of the craters on the Moon form?

A. During less than the first billion years of the Moon's life, from debris left over from the formation of
the solar system

B. Increasing to a maximum impact rate 2.5 billion years ago as collisions between asteroids produced
more and more debris fragments, then dropping off as large asteroids became rare

C. More-or-less uniformly over the life of the Moon due to a roughly constant supply of rocky and icy
debris from the outer solar system

11. The age of the Moon, as determined by radioactive measurements of rocks brought back by
astronauts, appears to be

A. similar to that of the Earth, about 4.6 billion years.

B. very much younger than the Earth, indicating that it was probably broken from the Earth by a collision
about 1 billion years ago.
C. very much older than the Earth, suggesting that it formed elsewhere in the universe and was
subsequently captured by the gravitational field of the Earth.

12. The planets of our solar system, excluding Pluto, move in orbits that

A. all lie precisely in one plane, the ecliptic plane, because they were formed in this configuration.

B. are inclined to one another and to the plane of the Earth's orbit by up to 30E, hence their erratic
motions in our sky.

C. all lie within a few degrees of one plane.

13. An object less than 1000 km across, composed of rock and iron and orbiting closer to the Sun than
the planet Jupiter, would be called

A. a comet. B. a terrestrial planet. C. an asteroid.

14. What does the long, flowing tail of a comet tell us about the solid body of the comet?

A. The heat of the Sun produces combustion (burning) on its surface.

B. It is composed of ice.

C. It is ejecting lava (molten rock) and gas from volcanic eruptions.

15. On the basis of their properties and orbits, the planets of our solar system, apart from Pluto,

A. are all very much alike, having common characteristics.

B. are all completely different and individual in character.

C. can be classified into two main groups.

16. Suppose a small object is discovered in orbit around the Sun, with a mass of 1 million kg and a
volume of 1000 cubic m. This object is most likely made almost entirely of

A. ice. B. rock. C. iron (which is much denser than rock).

17. What major fact leads to the conclusion that the giant planets are composed mainly of light
elements such as hydrogen and helium?

A. Their low average density

B. Their very low gravitational force

C. Their emitted spectra, which are dominated by lines of hydrogen and helium

18. The planet that, in its overall composition and density, is least like any other planet in our solar
system is ?


19. How have the majority of extrasolar planets (planets orbiting stars outside our solar system) been

A. By observations of spectral lines of molecular oxygen, which is highly reactive and therefore exists in
abundance only if produced continuously by life

B. By direct photography with the new 8- and 10-m diameter telescopes in Hawaii and other locations

C. By observing their gravitational effect on the star as the planets move around their orbits

20. How do the majority of the planetary systems that have been found around other stars compare
to our solar system?
A. They are very different, containing primarily terrestrial-type planets in both the inner and the outer

B. They are very similar, with Jovian-type planets orbiting in the colder outer regions and terrestrial-type
planets orbiting in the warmer inner regions.

C. They are very different, with Jovian-type planets orbiting close to the star.



Mrs. Marisol I. Bantog

SHS Teacher II

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