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A Thesis

Presented to

The Graduate Faculty of The University of Akron

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Science

Srikanth Bajaj

December, 2012


Srikanth Bajaj


Approved: Accepted:

_________________________________ ______________________________
Advisor Department Chair
Dr. Anil Patnaik Dr. Wieslaw K. Binienda

_________________________________ ______________________________
Faculty Reader Dean of the College
Dr. Joe Payer Dr. George K. Haritos

_________________________________ ______________________________
Faculty Reader Dean of the Graduate School
Dr. Kallol Sett Dr. George R. Newkome

_________________________________ ______________________________
Faculty Reader Date
Dr. William H. Schneider


Corrosion of reinforced concrete (RC) is a major factor contributing to

deterioration of structures, and billions of dollars are spent every year on the repairs of

structures due to corrosion of reinforcement. While the main causes of reinforcement

corrosion are carbonation and chloride attack, the deterioration of the reinforced concrete

does not occur due to direct effects of these corrosive agents. Rather, the deterioration

results from the pressure exerted on the concrete by the expansive corrosion products,

creating stress in the concrete cover that result in surface cracking. The surface cracks

allow an easy passage for the corrosive agent to reach the reinforcement, further

accelerating the corrosion process.

The bond between reinforcement and concrete is very important, as it enables the

reinforced concrete member to carry compressive and tensile loads. However, corrosion

weakens this bond and thus results in a weakening of the RC member. In the present

study, the amount of reduction in the bond strength due to corrosion, the thickness of

corrosion products for different levels of corrosion, and the width of cracks at steel-

concrete interface and concrete surface were studied.

The main objective of the research is to identify the effects of corrosion on

mechanical properties (bond strength) of reinforced concrete members. Pullout tests were

used for the determination of bond strength between reinforcement and concrete. A study

was also conducted on the use of polypropylene fibers or basalt fibers as additives in the

concrete mix, as an attempt to improve the performance of reinforced concrete members.

It was found that uniform corrosion occurs only until the surface of the concrete

cracks; thereafter, the corrosion is non-uniform. Also, the bond strength of reinforced

concrete member increases with the increase in corrosion level up to critical percentage;

above this percentage, the bond strength decreases with any further increase in corrosion

level. This critical percentage was found to be 2%, 3.5%, and 4.5% for normal concrete,

polypropylene fiber induced concrete, and basalt fiber induced concrete, respectively.

This result demonstrates that the addition of fibers in concrete helps in improving the

bond between reinforcement and concrete. Moreover, concrete cover was found to play

an important role in protecting reinforcing steel against corrosion. The width of cracks in

the cover was shown to increase with an increase in corrosion level, and thicker concrete

cover results in reducing cracks for given corrosion level.


It is with immense gratitude that I acknowledge the support and help of my

advisor, Dr. Anil Patnaik for his guidance throughout my graduate studies. He has been

inspirational to me as an individual and student, and his direction, assistance, and

patience during my research process has been invaluable.

I am also very thankful to Dr. Joe Payer, for helping me throughout my Master's

program with his invaluable suggestions. I am also very thankful to my committee

members, Dr. Kallol Sett and Dr. William H. Schneider, for their corrections.

This work is associated with the Corrosion and Reliability Engineering program

at The University of Akron. I acknowledge the support of the U.S. Department of

Defense Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight and the research sponsor, the US Air

Force Academy under agreement number FA7000-10-2-0013

My sincere appreciation is also extended to the following individuals who made it

possible for me to complete my graduate research:

 Dr. Yousif Hanaa for her help and guidance throughout my thesis. She was

always there for me in the lab and helped me in corroding and testing the


 Dr. Xi Shan for his early support, particularly in helping me to understand the

corrosion process;

 Jeremy Lewis, co-partner in corrosion of reinforcement concrete member team;

 Sai K. Ganapuram and Sudeep Adhikari for helping me in making concrete


 Mr. David McVaney, for helping me with materials, molds and testing corroded


 Sheila Pearson for helping me in editing my thesis.

 My family and friends for their support and encouragement as I pursued my

graduate studies.



LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ xii

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... xiv


I INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................1

1.1 Research Significance .....................................................................................2

1.2 Research Objectives ........................................................................................2

1.3 Research Methodology ...................................................................................3

1.4 Thesis Outline .................................................................................................3

II INTRODUCTION TO CORROSION ..........................................................................5

2.1 Corrosion Process ...........................................................................................6

2.1.1 Carbonation .........................................................................................9

2.1.2 Chloride Attack ...................................................................................9

2.2 Forms of Corrosion .......................................................................................10

2.2.1 General (Uniform) Corrosion ...........................................................10

2.2.2 Pitting Corrosion ...............................................................................11

2.2.3 Crevice Corrosion .............................................................................11

2.3 Corrosion Prevention Techniques .................................................................12

2.3.1 Design and Construction Techniques ...............................................12

2.3.2 Monitoring of Structure ....................................................................13

2.3.3 Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation (MRR) of structures .........14

III LITERATURE REVIEW .........................................................................................15

3.1 Literature Review for the Bond Characteristics of RC Members .................15

3.1.1 Basic Introduction .............................................................................15

3.1.2 Bond Mechanism ..............................................................................18

3.1.3 Failure Mode .....................................................................................19

3.1.4 General Equations .............................................................................22 Average Bond Strength ..................................................24 True Bond Strength ........................................................26

3.1.5 Development Length .........................................................................26 Development Length of Deformed Bars in Tension ......28 Development Length of Deformed Bars in Compression


3.1.6 Bond Strength Equations ..................................................................30

3.1.7 Epoxy – Coating on Reinforcement ..................................................31

3.1.8 Factors Influencing Bond Mechanisms, Failure, and Development

Length ...............................................................................................34

3.2 Literature Review on Influence of Reinforcement Corrosion on RC

Members .......................................................................................................37

3.2.1 General Introduction .........................................................................37

3.2.2 Losses in the Structural Performance of RC Members .....................37

3.2.3 Bond Mechanism ..............................................................................38 Low Level Corrosion........................................................38 Mid level Corrosion..........................................................40 High level Corrosion ........................................................41

3.2.4 Cracking Stage ..................................................................................42 Pre-Cracking .....................................................................42 Primary Cracking .............................................................43 Final Concrete Cover Cracking ........................................43

3.2.5 Accelerated Corrosion ......................................................................45

3.2.6 Test Methods for Bond Strength .......................................................47

3.2.7 Cracking Model ................................................................................48

3.2.8 Method to Improve the Corrosion and its Effects .............................51

3.2.9 Empirical Formula Based on Literature Review ..............................52

IV EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES ..........................................................................55

4.1 Experimental Series ......................................................................................55

4.2 Casting of Specimens ....................................................................................57

4.2.1 Materials and Mix Design .................................................................57

4.2.2 Specimen Dimensions.......................................................................58

4.2.3 Casting Procedure .............................................................................58

4.3 Corrosion of Specimens ................................................................................60

4.3.1 Series 1 ..............................................................................................63

4.3.2 Series 2 ..............................................................................................64

4.3.3 Series 3 ..............................................................................................65

4.3.4 Series 4 ..............................................................................................66

4.3.5 Series 5 ..............................................................................................67

4.3.6 Series 6 ..............................................................................................67

4.3.7 Series 7 ..............................................................................................68

4.3.8 Series 8 ..............................................................................................69

4.4 Testing Corrosion Effects .............................................................................70

4.4.1 Corrosion Study ................................................................................71

4.4.2 Pullout Test .......................................................................................76

V RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................79

5.1 Series 1 ..........................................................................................................80

5.2 Series 2 ..........................................................................................................88

5.3 Series 3 ..........................................................................................................96

5.4 Series 4 ........................................................................................................106

5.5 Series 5 ........................................................................................................108

5.6 Series 6 ........................................................................................................109

5.7 Series 7 ........................................................................................................115

5.8 Series 8 ........................................................................................................118

5.9 Crack Width Comparison ...........................................................................122

5.9.1 Comparison between Series 2 and Series 3 ....................................122

5.9.2 Comparison between Series 6, Series 7 and Series 8......................125

5.10 Bond Strength Result Comparison.............................................................127

5.10.1 Comparison between Series 2 and Series 3 ..................................127

5.10.2 Comparison between Series 6, Series 7 and Series 8....................129

5.11 Load-Slip Relation .....................................................................................131

5.11.1 Comparison between Series 6, Series 7 and Series 8....................131

5.12 Comparison of Bond Strength determined by Other Authors ..................135

VI CONCLUSIONS .....................................................................................................141

6.1 Conclusions .................................................................................................141

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................143

APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................150


Table Page

3.1 Details of Literature ..............................................................................................31

3.2 Merits and Demerits of Different Bond Tests.......................................................47

3.3 Details of Different Factors used in Research ......................................................52

4.1 Mix Design Proportion .........................................................................................57

4.2 Specimen Dimensions for Series 1-4 – Cylindrical Specimens............................58

4.3 Specimen Dimensions for Series 5-8 – Cubical Specimens .................................58

4.4 Series 1 – Test Schedule .......................................................................................63

4.5 Series 2 – Test Schedule .......................................................................................65

4.6 Series 3 – Test Schedule .......................................................................................66

4.7 Series 4 – Test Schedule .......................................................................................67

4.8 Series 5 – Test Schedule .......................................................................................67

4.9 Series 6 – Test Schedule .......................................................................................68

4.10 Series 7 – Test Schedule .......................................................................................68

4.11 Series 8 – Test Schedule .......................................................................................69

5.1a Series 1 Specimen 1 – Corrosion Study .................................................................80

5.1b Series 1 Specimen 3 – Corrosion Study.................................................................81

5.1c Series 1 Specimen 4 – Corrosion Study .................................................................83

5.1d Series 1 Specimen 5 – Corrosion Study.................................................................83

5.1e Series 1 Specimen 6 – Corrosion Study .................................................................85

5.1f Series 1 Specimen 7 – Corrosion Study .................................................................86

5.1g Series 1 Specimen 8 – Corrosion Study.................................................................86

5.1h Series 1 Specimen 9 – Corrosion Study.................................................................87

5.2a Series 2 – Corrosion Studies ..................................................................................90

5.2b Series 2 – Crack Width Measurements ..................................................................94

5.2c Series 2 – Degree of Corrosion Vs Bond Strength ................................................95

5.3a Series 3 – Corrosion Studies ..................................................................................97

5.3b Crack Width Measurements .................................................................................101

5.3c Series 3 – Degree of Corrosion Vs Bond Strength ..............................................102

5.3d Series 3 – Pullout Test Results.............................................................................105

5.4a Series 4 – Degree of Corrosion Vs Bond Strength ..............................................107

5.5a Pullout test Result ................................................................................................109

5.6a Crack Width Measurements .................................................................................110

5.6b Pullout Test Results .............................................................................................112

5.7a Crack Width Measurements .................................................................................115

5.7b Pullout Test Result ...............................................................................................116

5.8a Crack Width Measurements .................................................................................119

5.8b Pullout Test Result ...............................................................................................120


Figure Page

2.1 Corrosion as an Electrochemical Process ...............................................................7

2.2 Relative Volume of Iron and its Corrosion Reaction Products...............................8

2.3 Maintenance Cycle of a Structure .........................................................................13

3.1 Flexural Load on Reinforced Concrete Member ..................................................16

3.2 Geometry of Deformed Bar ..................................................................................19

3.3 Force Distribution in RC Members during Pullout Test.......................................19

3.4 Resultant force Components .................................................................................20

3.5 Tepfers Theory Cylinders .....................................................................................21

3.6 Moment and Force Distribution at Cracks in RC Beam .......................................23

3.7 Force Distribution in RC Members during Pullout Test – Epoxy Coated Bars....32

3.8 Splitting Failure Pattern ........................................................................................35

3.9 Time Line for RC Member Deterioration .............................................................49

3.10 Degree of Corrosion Vs Normalized bond Strength .............................................54

4.1 Concrete Mixer .....................................................................................................59

4.2 Molds with caps (Before and After Casting) ........................................................60

4.3 PVC pipe in #3 bar to reduce bond length ............................................................60

4.4 Wooden Molds for cubes ......................................................................................60

4.5 Corrosion Initiation Test Setup .............................................................................62

4.6 Bars for Series 2 (Non-Threaded and Threaded) ..................................................64

4.7 Polypropylene Fiber ..............................................................................................69

4.8 Basalt Fiber (MiniBar) ..........................................................................................70

4.9 Corrosion Cell Setup .............................................................................................71

4.10 Corrosion Products on Concrete Surface ..............................................................71

4.11 Specimen before Spicing (C-3-004, 2%) ..............................................................72

4.12 Specimen after Spicing (C-3-004, 2%) .................................................................72

4.13 Diamond cut-off Blade used for Slicing Specimens .............................................73

4.14 Typical Sliced Specimen for Series 3 (C-3-004, 2%) ...........................................73

4.15 Grinding Machine ................................................................................................74

4.16 Crack Pattern around the Reinforcement ..............................................................74

4.17 Examined Slice using microscope ........................................................................75

4.18 Microscope used for Corrosion Product Measure ................................................75

4.19 Specimen before and after Pullout Test (P-3-004, 2%) ........................................76

4.20 Setup for Pullout Test ...........................................................................................77

4.21 Specimen before and after Splitting Failure (Series 6, 1% Corrosion Level) ......77

4.22 Compressive Strength Testing Machine ...............................................................78

4.23 Compression Test Cylinder Failure Mode ............................................................78

5.1a Thickness of Corrosion Products (Series 1 Specimen 1) ......................................81

5.1b Thickness of Corrosion Products (Series 1 Specimen 3) ......................................82

5.1c Thickness of Corrosion Products (Series 1 Specimen 4) ......................................84

5.1d Thickness of Corrosion Products (Series 1 Specimen 5) ......................................84

5.1e Thickness of Corrosion Products (Series 1 Specimen 9) ......................................87

5.2a Thickness of Corrosion Products for Different Corrosion Level (Series 2) ........93

5.2b Degree of Corrosion versus Maximum Crack Widths (Series 2) ........................94

5.2c Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength (Series 2) .........................................95

5.3a Thickness of Corrosion Products for Different Corrosion Level (Series 3) ......100

5.3b Degree of Corrosion versus Maximum Crack Widths (Series 3) ......................101

5.3c Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength (Series 3) ......................................102

5.3d Types of Splitting failure ....................................................................................103

5.3e Specimens after Pullout Test (Series 3) .............................................................104

5.4a Basalt Wrap for Series 4 ....................................................................................106

5.4b Specimen after Pullout Test (Series 4)...............................................................107

5.4c Yielding of Threaded Portion (Series 4) ............................................................108

5.5a Specimen after Pullout Test (Series 5) ...............................................................109

5.6b Degree of Corrosion versus Crack Width (Series 6) .........................................110

5.6b Gripper for Reinforcement .................................................................................111

5.6c Typical Crack Width Measurement ...................................................................111

5.6d Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength (Series 6) .......................................112

5.6e Specimens before Pullout Test (Series 6) ..........................................................114

5.6f Reinforcing Bars after Pullout Test (Series 6)....................................................114

5.7a Degree of Corrosion versus Max. Crack Widths (Series 7) ...............................115

5.7b Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength (Series 7) .......................................117

5.7c Specimens before Pullout Test (Series 7) ..........................................................118

5.7d Specimens after Pullout Test (Series 7) .............................................................118

5.8a Degree of Corrosion versus Crack Widths (Series 8) ........................................119

5.6b Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength (Series 8) .......................................121

5.8c Specimens before Pullout Test (Series 8) ..........................................................122

5.8d Specimens after Pullout Test (Series 8) .............................................................122

5.9a Series 2 – Crack Width versus Degree of Corrosion .........................................123

5.9b Series 3 – Crack Width versus Degree of Corrosion .........................................123

5.9c Crack Width at Steel-Concrete Interface ..........................................................124

5.9d Crack Widths at Concrete Surface .....................................................................124

5.9e Crack Widths – Series 6, 7 and 8 ......................................................................126

5.10a Series 2 and Series 3 – Bond Strength Results .................................................127

5.10b Series 6, Series 7 and Series 8 – Bond Strength Results ..................................130

5.11a Load-Slip Curve for Series 6.............................................................................131

5.11b Load-Slip Curve for Series 7 ............................................................................132

5.11c Load-Slip Curve for Series 8.............................................................................132

5.11d Comparison of Load-Slip Curve for Series 6, 7 and 8 ......................................135

5.12a Comparison of Series 6 Result and Combined Other Author Result ................136

5.12b Comparison of Series 6 Result and Individual Author's Result ........................140



Civil structures are a part of every civilization, affecting social, cultural and

economic aspects of societies regardless of religion, geographical location or level of

economic development [1.1]. Reinforced concrete is the most successful construction

material as it is versatile and considered inexpensive compared to any other building

material [1.2]. It leads to an achievement of new heights in the construction field. Its

ability to take any shape allows engineers to use it for mega projects such as high-rise

buildings, bridges, tunnels, and airports, as well as for smaller projects such as one-story

buildings, pavements, parks decks, etc. [1.3]. In most cases, reinforced concrete

structures are durable and strong and perform their purpose for their entire service life.

However, in some cases, members do not perform as needed due to improper design or

construction or lack of quality control on construction material, or severe environment

conditions [1.4, 1.11].

Deterioration of reinforced concrete (RC) structures causes many problems. One

of the major deterioration mechanisms in RC members is reinforcement corrosion [1.5,

1.10]. The cause of reinforcement corrosion can be one or the combination of carbonation

or chlorine ingress, chemical attack, physical damage due to the freeze-thaw cycle, salt

scaling, abrasion, etc. [1.6]. Thus, corrosion of reinforcement is the main challenge that

civil engineers are facing in the construction industry today.

1.1 Research Significance

Reinforced concrete structures in the United States, as well in other parts of the

world, are suffering from deterioration due to corrosion. It was estimated in 1997 that the

costs associated with corrosion damage to bridges in the United States exceeded $150

billion [1.7]. Recent studies show that the yearly direct cost of corrosion on US bridges is

about $100 billion. Similar statistics were observed in Europe, Asia and Australia [1.8].

Another key issue is the negligence of corrosion, poor inspection and lack of knowledge

on-site leading to collapse of structures, which can lead to loss of life and property [1.9].

Therefore, structural damage and economic loss caused by corrosion is a very serious

problem and is being addressed by many researchers. Engineers should have an in-depth

knowledge of the corrosion process, its occurrence, and its effects on structural integrity

i.e. both physical properties such as distribution of corrosion product, cracking, and

spalling of concrete and mechanical properties such as bond strength.

1.2 Research Objectives

The main objective of this research effort is to identify the effects of corrosion on

mechanical properties of reinforced concrete member. This study provides a better

understanding about the levels of corrosion and their effects on bond strength between

reinforcement and concrete. The bond between concrete and reinforcement is of utmost

important for functionality of an RC member. Any reduction in the bond strength can

lead to reduction in the load carrying capacity of the structure and also can lead to failure

of the structure.

Another objective of the study is to develop understanding of the relationship of

corrosion levels with cracks and also the relationship between cracking and bond

strength. This insight will help us to identify the factors that have detrimental effects on

bond strength. Furthermore developments of ways to minimize cracking due to corrosion

and to improve bond strength are also needed. A secondary objective is to study the

change in the physical and mechanical properties of reinforced concrete members after

the addition of fibers like polypropylene or basalt fibers (known as Minibar).

1.3 Research Methodology

The mechanical properties of reinforced concrete members with different levels of

corrosion are determined in this study. Prior to the study on mechanical properties, an

extensive literature review was done to understand the process of corrosion, corrosion

rate, distribution of corrosion products at the steel-concrete interface, and crack depths at

steel-concrete interface and concrete surface to understand the basics of corrosion.

Standard pullout testing was used for the determination of bond strength between

reinforcement and concrete. A literature review on the relationship between corrosion and

bond strength was carried out. An empirical formula was developed for bond strength.

The use of polypropylene fibers and basalt fiber in concrete was also studied in an

attempt to improve the performance of reinforced concrete members.

1.4 Thesis Outline

This thesis is divided into 6 Chapters. The research significance and objectives for

this effort are discussed in chapter I. An overview of the methods used to accomplish are

also outlined. Chapter II explains the basics of corrosion: the corrosion process, the

causes of corrosion, the different forms of corrosion in reinforced concrete, and corrosion

mitigation. Literature review, which is included in chapter III is divided into two parts

with explanations of bond mechanisms and failure modes for (i) non-corroded RC

members and (ii) corroded RC members. The experimental setup and methodologies are

described in Chapter IV, while Chapter V covers the results and discussion and includes a

statistical analysis. Finally, Chapter VI summarizes the entire thesis and presents various

conclusions and recommendations that were based on the findings of this study.



The following sections provide information on the process of steel corrosion in

reinforced concrete members and the factors influencing the process. Furthermore, the

mechanisms of carbonation and chloride attacks are briefly explained. Corrosion

prevention and protection measures are also described.

In order to protect the steel bars from corrosion, the corrosion process and its

occurrence needs to be understood. An example for simple corrosion process is the

observation that a steel bar that is kept in the air or is immersed in water corrodes at a

very slow rate when compared to a steel bar that is subjected to wetting and drying

cycles. Therefore, a steel bar corrodes faster in the presence of air and water. As concrete

contains moisture due to its porous nature, why doesn’t the steel embedded in concrete

corrode? This is the first question that needs to be answered in order to understand the

corrosion process for steel embedded in concrete.

The answer to the above question is that concrete is alkaline is nature. Metals

(steel) corrode in an acidic environment, and alkalinity is opposite of acidity, so metals

are protected from corrosion by the alkalis in the concrete. The next question is Why is

concrete alkaline? The micro-voids of the concrete contain high concentration of the

oxides calcium, sodium and magnesium. In the presence of water (in the pores) these

oxides produce hydroxides that are highly alkaline in nature, with a pH in the range of

12.5 to 13.5 [2.1, 2.8, 2.12]. pH is defined as a negative logarithm of the hydrogen ions

concentration in the solution. A general description of pH is that it’s a measure of acidity

or alkalinity of the solution (based on the concentration of hydrogen ions). When pH = 1,

the solution is very acidic; and when pH = 14, it is highly basic (or alkaline) [2.2].

The high alkalinity of the concrete pore water leads to the formation of a passive

layer on the steel surface [2.3]. This passive layer, which is the combination of oxides

and hydrogen of iron and the minerals from the cement, will protect the steel from

corrosion. However, over a period of time, this layer is destroyed by carbonation [2.4] of

concrete and/or chloride attack [2.5], which will result in active corrosion of the steel

embedded in concrete [2.8, 2.9, 2.12].

2.1 Corrosion Process

The general chemical reaction during the corrosion process is explained in this

section. The chemical reactions are the same for both carbonation of concrete and for

chloride attack. When corrosion of reinforcement occurs, the steel dissolves in the void

that contains water and gives up electrons; this is called anodic reaction [2.1, 2.2, 2.6].


For the electrical neutrality, the above two electrons need to be consumed

elsewhere on the steel surface. However, we cannot accumulate large amount of electrons

in same position, thus there must be another reaction to consume electrons with water and

oxygen, this is called cathodic reaction [2.1, 2.2, 2.6].


For the above reaction to occur, the following condition needs to be satisfied [2.7, 2.9],

which is shown in Fig. 2.1.

 Anode

 Cathode

 Ionic Current Path

 Electronic Current Path

Figure 2.1: Corrosion as an Electrochemical Process

It is clear that cathodic reaction results in formation of hydroxide ions (OH-),

which increases alkalinity. But hydroxide ions (OH-) react with ferrous iron (Fe2+) to

produce ferrous hydroxide [2.1, 2.6, 2.8, 2.12].


The ferrous hydroxide again reacts with oxygen and water to produce ferric

hydroxide. And ferric hydroxide turns into hydrated ferric oxide, which is chemically

represented as Fe2O3.H2O and is commonly known as rust [2.1, 2.6, 2.8, 2.12]. The

chemical reaction is as follows:



Ferric oxide has a volume twice that of the original steel (as shown in Fig 2.2

[2.8]); when hydrated its volume is increased nearly 6 to 10 times and it become porous,

resulting in cracking and spalling of the concrete cover. Rust on the bar can be clearly

seen after spalling of concrete and before that rust stains can be seen near concrete










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 2.2: Relative Volume of Iron and its Corrosion Reaction Products [2.8, 2.9]

2.1.1 Carbonation

The process of interaction of atmospheric carbon dioxide with the alkaline

hydroxide in concrete is called carbonation, which results in the formation of carbonic

acid [2.1, 2.6]. This acid does not attack the cement paste but neutralizes the alkalis in the

pore water, forming a calcium carbonate. Even though the carbonation reaction occurs,

the pH level of 12 to 13 is maintained in the concrete pore because the amount of calcium

hydroxide in the concrete pores is much higher than the amount that can dissolve in pore

water. However, as carbonation is proceeding, carbon dioxide reacts with all the available

calcium hydroxide thereby dropping the pH of concrete pore to a level which will initiate

corrosion in the embedded steel.



2.1.2 Chloride Attack

Chloride ions act as a catalyst to the destruction of the protective passive layer

that resists corrosion, a process that is called depassivation [2.10]. Unlike carbonation,

there is no overall drop in pH due to chloride attack. The chloride ions can be induced

during casting from chloride containing admixtures (used to accelerate curing), usage of

sea water in the concrete mix, or use of contaminated aggregates. Moreover, chloride ions

can also diffuse in the concrete by sea salt spray, direct sea water wetting, and use of

deicing salts. The recycling property of chloride ions makes it difficult to eliminate them

from the concrete [2.8]. The term “chloride threshold” defines the minimum quantity of

chloride ions required for depassivation.


The above Fe2+ will react to water and oxygen to form Fe2O3 and 2Cl- and is recyclable,

which reacts with steel to form FeCl2 and the process continues.

2.2 Forms of Corrosion

In the study of corrosion of reinforced concrete, it is important to know the

different forms of corrosion. A better understanding of the forms of corrosion helps in

devising better methods for its prevention. In RC members, common corrosion forms are

discussed in the following subsections.

2.2.1 General (Uniform) Corrosion

General or uniform corrosion is the type of corrosion that proceeds at the same

rate over the entire surface of a material. This type of corrosion occurs due to carbonation

or due to the presence of large amount of chlorides. During this form or process of

corrosion, anodic and cathodic processes occur all along the surface and their respective

pH shifts cancel each other. The final product of this corrosion is solid rust, and this rust

on the reinforcing steel causes tensile forces on the concrete cover, which results in

cracking and spalling of concrete cover.

2.2.2 Pitting Corrosion

Pitting is a form of localized corrosion that is confined to a small area and takes

the form of cavities called “pits.” This corrosion is one of the dangerous forms of

corrosion, as it causes a small amount of loss of material on the surface, while it damages

the deep structure of the surface. Pitting corrosion of the steel bar in concrete is an

oxidation process that results in the breakdown of passive film due to the ingress of

chloride and carbon dioxide. Pitting corrosion is related with the formation of macro

cells, which consists of small anodic area and a large cathodic area. In this corrosion

form, the presence of oxygen is the important factor in determining the total amount of


2.2.3 Crevice Corrosion

Crevice corrosion is another form of localized corrosion of a metal or alloy

surface at or immediately adjacent to the gap between the two surfaces. This type of

corrosion can be formed between two metals or between a metal and a non-metallic

material. This corrosion can result from the deposition of dirt, dust, mud and deposits on

a metallic surface or result from the existence of voids, gaps and cavities between

adjoining surfaces. Crevice corrosion is initiated by a difference in concentration of some

chemical constituents, usually oxygen, which sets up an electrochemical concentration


2.3 Corrosion Prevention Techniques

As discussed in introduction, corrosion is the major factor that deteriorates concrete

members in a structure and affects its structural integrity, leading to structural failure and

financial losses. Thus, there is a great need to take preventive measures against corrosion.

These methods can be categorized into three groups:

 Design and construction techniques

 Monitoring of structures

 Maintenance, repair and rehabilitation (MRR) of structures

2.3.1 Design and Construction Techniques

The selection of materials plays a very important role in the design and construction

techniques. Care should be taken that all raw materials used in the construction of a

structure are not contaminated. The following measures can be taken to reduce corrosion

and its underlying effects [2.8, 2.10]:

 Low water-to-cement ratio – helps in reducing chlorine ingression

 Large concrete cover – provides a large barrier against aggressive environment

 Corrosion inhibitors as admixtures – helps to resist corrosion against corrosion

inducing sources

 Use of stainless steel as reinforcement – stainless steel is more difficult to

corrode, but much more expensive than carbon steel

 Epoxy coated rebar – provides a thicker passive layer

2.3.2 Monitoring of Structure:

Monitoring of structures involves the recording of time-dependent parameters

during a structure’s lifetime [2.11]. Monitoring of construction materials during

construction provides information about the types of materials used like concrete

(cement, water, fine and coarse aggregate), steel, admixtures, etc. and the various

parameters associated with them. It gives a complete overview of corrosion initiation,

corrosion rate during the propagation period (as shown in Fig 2.3), and the causes of

corrosion. Monitoring plays a major role in scheduling maintenance and repair of the


Figure 2.3: Maintenance Cycle of a Structure

Some of the monitoring techniques are [2.3]

 Visual inspection – gives details about the form of corrosion [2.8, 2.12]

 Sensors for concrete – provides information regarding the aggressiveness of the

electrolyte on micro-cracking of the concrete due to corrosion

 Corrosion current measurement – gives details on corrosion rate and level [2.8]

2.3.3 Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation (MRR) of Structures:

Maintenance, repair and rehabilitation activities are the important mechanism that

helps in reducing deterioration, and increases environmental resistance, strength, and

durability, of a structure [2.1, 2.3, 2.6, 2.8]. The maintenance and repair of the structure

is based on the analysis of the data obtained from monitoring as shown in Figure 2.3. Any

sign of deterioration of the structure needs to be remedied immediately, thereby

improving the lifespan of the structure. Repair techniques [2.8, 2.10] include the


 Filling the cracks and cavities in concrete – resists further ingression of chemicals

 Painting the concrete surface – provides a layer to fight against corrosion agents

 Cathodic protection – reduces the corrosion current to a negligible value by

reducing the potential of reinforcing steel to more negative value; this is achieved

by attaching an anode to steel surface.

 Re-alkalization – this process reverses the carbonation and restores the passivity

of reinforcement, thus resisting further corrosion due to carbonation.

 Electrochemical chloride extraction – this process stops reinforcement corrosion

due to chloride attack and returns the internal reinforcing steel to its normal

passive state.



3.1 Literature Review for the Bond Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Member

This section comprises the literature review done in regard to the study of bond

behavior of reinforcement within concrete. Since the actual research is on corrosion of

reinforcement and its influence on mechanical properties of a RC member, first the

concept of mechanical behavior of non-corroded reinforced concrete member needs to be

understood. This section provides information on bond mechanism, failure mode,

development length and epoxy coating of reinforcement. Also, factors affecting the above

properties are explained.

3.1.1 Basic Introduction

In a reinforced concrete member, the flexural compressive force is resisted by

concrete whereas the flexural tensile force is resisted by reinforcement (usually steel).

For the reinforced concrete member to act as intended, it is required to exhibit force

transfer, referred as a “bond” between the reinforcement and the concrete [3.1].

The following assumptions are required for the flexural analysis of reinforced concrete

members [3.2]:

1. Bernoulli’s hypothesis: Plane sections before bending remain plane after bending. The

assumption assures the absence of shear distortion and the consequent linear strain

distribution across the cross section of the beam.

2. Strain-compatibility: The strain in concrete at a particular point on the cross section

should be congruent to the strain in reinforcement at the same point.

3. The respective strain-strain curves of concrete and reinforcement are used

to calculate the internal stresses developed.

Figure 3.1: Flexural Load on Reinforced Concrete Member

Fig. 3.1 shows the general bond development (load carrying) mechanism of

reinforced concrete flexural members [3.3]. When the load is applied, the member tends

to deform such that tensile strain will be carried by the steel reinforcement. From Fig.

3.1, we can see that the mobilization of bond-stress is required between concrete and steel

bar. For the complete composite action, which requires congruency of strains in concrete

and reinforcement at the same point, a perfect bond is the foremost requirement. This

bond allows the force to transfer from concrete to steel and vice-versa. Figures 3.1c and

3.1d show the force acting on steel and concrete, and it is clear that the forces are in

equilibrium because the forces acting on concrete are equal and opposite of the forces

acting on steel. These forces will be analyzed in detail in section 3.4.

A bond is defined as an interacting force that prevents the slip of the longitudinal

bars relative to the surrounding concrete [3.4]. The bond is comprised of three

components [3.5]:

1. Chemical Adhesion

2. Friction

3. Mechanical Interaction

Based on the type of bar used, these components play their roles. For a plain bar

(without surface deformations), the bond depends on chemical adhesion and friction.

However, for a deformed bar, mechanical interaction between the reinforcement and

concrete is the primary component of bond, whereas chemical adhesion and friction are

secondary components [3.4, 3.6].

For plain bar, small magnitude of force can break the adhesion between the

concrete and the bar and friction resists the remaining load. In case of deformed bar, the

main resistance to the load is bearing of bar ribs on the concrete between them (also

referred as mechanical interlocking), and friction and adhesion also help in resisting the

total load.

Apart from adhesion, friction and mechanical interlocking, the bond strength also

depends on gripping effect (the result of drying shrinkage of concrete), concrete strength

(in tension and compression), and anchoring effects of the bars through development

length, splicing, and hooks of reinforcement. The most important factors are physical

properties such as the diameter, shape and also spacing of reinforcement [3.7]. These

factors are discussed in detail in section 3.8.

3.1.2 Bond Mechanism

The deformed bar in the RC member attempts to move or slip when a load is applied. The

slip is prevented by the mechanical interlock and adhesion between the bar and the

concrete. However, adhesion breaks after a certain load and the slip is now resisted by the

bearing of the ribs against the concrete between the ribs. This concrete between the ribs is

called a concrete key [3.8] and is shown in Fig. 3.2.

When the ribs apply the bearing force on the concrete, the concrete key slides up

the face of the ribs, resulting in the splitting of the concrete cover. But the frictional

component between the concrete and bar counter this sliding of the concrete key against

the ribs. Thus, the frictional forces lower the bearing action and the resultant tensile force

on concrete is reduced [3.9]. Figure 3.3 shows the forces acting on the bar during a

standard pullout test and the direction of these forces.

bar diameter

Figure 3.2: Geometry of Deformed Bar

Figure 3.3: Force Distribution in RC Members during Pullout Test

3.1.3 Failure Mode

For RC members with deformed bars, the failure mode in most cases is the

splitting of concrete. Thus, the amount of tensile force the concrete resists before splitting

will define the bond strength of the RC member. This tensile force, also referred as radial

pressure, on concrete cover is the vertical component of the resultant R, denoted as RV in

Figure 3.4 and the effective bond strength is the horizontal component of resultant R,

denoted as RH [3.10].

Figure 3.4: Resultant Force Components

The resultant from Figure 3.3 is resolved into RV and RH, as shown in Fig. 3.4.

The total force in the bar before failure is given by T, f is the frictional force, and α is the

angle of force. So the force RV is given by [3.10]:


One of the first predictions on bond force was made by Tepfers in 1979 [3.11]. In

his studies, Tepfers proposed that a concrete surrounded by reinforcement is illustrated as

a thick-walled cylinder subjected to internal shear and pressure. The internal shear and

pressure represent bond and radial pressure at the steel-concrete interface, respectively.

Therefore, the tensile hoop stress in the concrete surrounding the bar is determined by the

radial force transfer at the steel-concrete interface. This tensile hoop stress in turn helps

to determine the critical load, also referred to as bond strength and denoted by RV as
shown in Fig. 3.4. Tepfers proposed three modes of system failures: elastic, partially

cracked-elastic, and plastic. Out of the three modes of failure, partially cracked-elastic is

the most commonly occurring type of failure and is illustrated below.

The Tepfers theory of partially cracked-elastic assumes that the uncracked

concrete ring confines cracked concrete and reinforcement [3.12, 3.13] as shown in Fig.

3.5 in which the outer uncracked concrete confines the inner cracked concrete and the

reinforcement bar (at the center of the cylinder). Moreover, the bursting stresses radiating

outwards from the bar are resisted by this uncracked concrete ring.

Figure 3.5: Tepfers Theory Cylinder

In an RC member with transverse reinforcement, the transverse reinforcement

along with an uncracked concrete helps in resisting the radial pressure. Also, a large

uncracked concrete cover does the same [3.11]. Both the above cases represent well-

confined concrete. Thus, a well-confined concrete will be better able to resist the larger

forces as compared to unconfined concrete [3.4, 3.5]. Also, in a well-confined RC

member, the mode of failure can be changed from splitting to pullout [3.6, 3.8].

Therefore, when the main (longitudinal) steel is well confined (either by transverse

reinforcement and/or by a large concrete cover), pullout failure will occur. In this case,

friction does not play an important role as the bar is well confined and hence, the bearing

of the ribs results in shearing the concrete key from the concrete. In this case, the capacity

of concrete in direct shear governs the bond strength of the RC members.

For RC members with plain bars (relatively smooth bars without lug

deformations), the resistance to slip was due to adhesion between the concrete and the bar

[3.6]. Even with a low tensile force, there is sufficient slip just adjacent to a flexure crack

in the concrete to break the adhesion [3.4], after which only friction is left to resist further

movement of the bar.

3.1.4 General Equations

Whereas the forces acting on the bar and the concrete and the resulting failure

mode are explained in the previous section, the whole process is explained through

equations and will aid in developing a better understanding of the interaction between

reinforcement and concrete in a reinforced concrete member.

Fig. 3.6a shows the general loaded beam with two cracks at 1 and 2; Fig. 3.6b

depicts the moment diagram with the moments M1 and M2 at cracks 1 and 2, respectively;

and Fig 3.6c illustrates the forces on the rebar T1 and T2 at the crack points 1 and 2,

respectively. Here, M2 is greater than M1 and also T2 is greater than T1 [3.1]. For

equilibrium, a bond stress µ must act on the reinforcement surface. Thus, the sum of all

the horizontal forces from Fig 3.6c is equal to zero and we can find µavg based on

Equation 3.1.

Figure 3.6: Moment and Force Distribution at Cracks in RC Beam


From the figure, , where dT is the net pulling force [3.3].



where = stress in the reinforcement due to direct pull or bending stresses in a beam




Finally, the average bond stress [3.1, 3.7] is given as follows:


For the short length of embedment, the bond stress can be determined by the above

equation, as the distribution of bond stress is almost uniform [3.17]. Average bond Strength

Consider the beam shown in Fig 3.1a. According to Wight [3.1] and Wang [3.4], the

force in the steel at any crack is given by:


where, jd is the internal lever arm and, M is the moment at the section.

As mentioned in Equation 3.1, the sum of horizontal force is equal to zero – i.e.,

the difference in the tensile force is equal to the product of the average bond stress, the

bar perimeter, and the embedded length. Thus, Equation 3.2 can be re-written as:


where, , db is the diameter of the bar and l is the bond length.

However, in this case l is the length between cracks and is equal to dx. Hence, the above

equation becomes:


Also, [3.3], the incremental tensile force in terms of the moment difference

between cracked sections 1 and 2. Now, equating Equation 3.6 and Equation 3.8 results

in the following:



But, ,

where, V is the shear force.



The above equation is for a single bar with perimeter πdb. In case of more than one bar,

the sum of the perimeter is [3.7], giving,


The above equation represents the average bond stress between two cracks of the beam. True Bond Strength

If we consider a small distance dx and equating, , then Equation 3.5

can be written as Equation 3.13 where µ represents the true bond stress acting through

length dx [3.1].


3.1.5 Development Length

Development length is the minimum length of embedment, through which the

force in the bar may increase from zero at its end to a point where its full strength is

available (i.e., the yield strength). In other words, the length of embedment equal to

development length is necessary to develop the full tensile strength of the bar. If an

adequate length is not provided, then the bar will either pull out or split the surrounding

concrete. However, the development length requirement is primarily governed by the

splitting resistance of the surrounding concrete rather than friction or adhesion pullout

resistance. Also, development lengths are different for tension and compression, as

tension-loaded bars require comparably longer development length because the

reinforcement is subjected to in-and-out bond stresses [3.1], whereas for compression-

loaded bars, the bearing stresses at the end of the bar will transfer part of the compression

force into the concrete.

The development length is expressed by re-writing Equation 3.1 in terms of the

ultimate value of average bond strength µavg [3.1] and fs, where fs is the difference of fB -

fA and is the average bond strength at the bond failure on a beam test.



The development length depends on splitting resistance and pullout resistance.

Development length for pullout resistance is proportional to the bar diameter, whereas for

splitting resistance it is proportional to the bar area [3.5]. However, in both the cases

listed above, the development length depends on yield strength of the reinforcement.

Accordingly, it can be said that development length depends on both geometry and

material properties of reinforcement, such as bar size and yield strength. The test results

show a positive relationship between bond strength µ and compressive strength of

concrete, which is [3.7]:


If the bond strength equals or exceeds the yield strength of reinforcement with area Ab,

then the equation becomes:


Where, is the yield strength of the bar.

Now considering the above three equations (i.e. Equation 3.14, 3.15 and 3.16) [3.7], the

following can be obtained:


where K is the function of geometrical property of the reinforcement and the relationship

between bond strength and compressive strength of concrete. Development Length of Deformed Bars in Tension:

According to ACI 318-08, section 12.2.3 [3.15], the development length of deformed

bars in tension is given as:


where the confinement term shall not exceed 2.5, but is not less than 1.5 and

shall not exceed 100 psi [3.7]. When is less than 2.5, splitting failure is

likely to occur; values above 2.5 will likely result in pullout failure. Also, any increase in

cover or transverse reinforcement is unlikely to increase the anchorage capacity. The

factors used in above equation of development length of deformed bars in tension are as

follows [3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.7, 3.15]:

t= reinforcement location factor

 For horizontal reinforcement so placed that more than 12in. of fresh concrete is

below the development length or splice:……………………………………….1.3

 Other situation:………………………………………………………………….1.0

e= coating factor

 Epoxy-coated bars or wires with cover less than 3db or clear spacing less than


 All other coated bars:……………………………………………………………1.2

 Uncoated reinforcement:………………………………………………………..1.0

s= reinforcement size factor

 No. 6 and smaller bars and deformed wires:……………………………….……0.8

 No. 7 and larger bars:……………………………………………………………1.0

For light weight concrete, ≤ 0.75 whereas for normal weight concrete, = 1. Development Length of Deformed Bar in Compression

Reinforcement in compression requires shorter development length than

reinforcement in tension. This is due to the absence of the weakening effect of the tensile

cracks. Therefore, the development length is expressed as [3.4, 3.7, 3.15]:

, should be greater than (0.0003fy) db

Where, 0.0003 carries a unit of in.2/lb.

3.1.6 Bond Strength Equations

In this project, the bond length is a known parameter. Also, the bond stress

distribution is uniform for a short length of embedment [3.6, 3.22]. The bond strength

between the concrete and the reinforcement depends on concrete cover, bar diameter, and

concrete strength. Many current researchers use the equation for bond strength (small

embedment length) devised by Orangun [3.16], Esfahani [3.18] and Zuo and Darwin


Studies done by Orangun et al. [3.16] in 1977, indicate that µ varies linearly with

db/ld. This relation was also verified by Mathey and Watstein [3.21]. The following

equation was developed after regression analysis on the experimental results. All

dimensions are in American units.


Based on studies by Esfahani and Rangan [3.18, 3.19] in 1998, an equation was

developed to calculate the bond strength between concrete and reinforcement. All

dimensions are in SI units.


, for normal strength concrete and

The ratio is also mentioned in ACI 318-08 [3.15] for calculation of development

length and is referred to as the confinement term.

Zuo and Darwin [3.19, 3.20] calculated the bond strength based on the following

equation. They found that the ¼ power of compressive strength gives a better bond

strength between concrete and reinforcement. All dimensions are in American Units.


In all the above equations, µ is the bond strength; T is the force at failure; db is the bar

diameter; C is the cover; ld is the embedment length; Ab is the area of reinforcement; and

is the compressive strength of concrete. In this research, the value of was

always considered as 1. Table 3.1 gives the mean and standard deviation for the test data

used by researchers for their respective equations.

Table 3.1: Details of Literature

Research Mean Standard Deviation

Orangun, Jirsa, Breen (1977) 1.07 0.150

Esfahani and Rangan (1998) 0.97 0.139

Zuo and Darwin (2000) 1.02 0.128

3.1.7 Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement

Epoxy-coated reinforcing bars are being widely used in aggressive environments

and in structures used for highways, marine environments, and chemical plants. The

epoxy coating is a positive way to protect the bar from salt-induced corrosion [3.10]. The

corrosion of reinforcement is a major problem in reinforced concrete structures and has

received high priority in recent years due to both its widespread occurrence and the high

cost of repair and maintenance. The process of corrosion and the factors affecting the

corrosion rate have been explained in detail in Sections 2.1 and 2.2.

The epoxy coating helps in protecting the reinforcement against aggressive

environment that result in corrosion, but it reduces the mechanical properties [3.9, 3.10]

and requires an increase in anchorage length (ACI-318-08). The following section

explains the forces acting on coated bar and compares them to the force in Sections 3.2

and 3.3 on uncoated reinforcing bar. Also, the bond ratio of coated to uncoated bar for

same bond length is mentioned based on literature review.

Various studies [3.9, 3.10, 3.23] have shown a reduction in bond strength due to

epoxy coating. It has been observed that an epoxy-coated bar will develop about 65% -

90% bond strength as compared to an uncoated bar with similar variables. Also, the type

of failure is very important in deciding the bond reduction factors; for instance, in

splitting failure, the reduction is higher as compared to pullout failure [3.9]. This

reduction in bond strength with the use of a coated bar is shown in Fig 3.7.

Figure 3.7: Force Distribution in RC Members during Pullout Test – Epoxy Coated Bars
Since mechanical interlocking is a primary component of a bond, whereas

chemical adhesion and friction are secondary in a RC member with deformed bar, when

bars are coated, the adhesion between the concrete and coated bar is lost, resulting in the

loss of frictional force between reinforcement and surrounding concrete. As mentioned in

Section 3.2, when the ribs of the reinforcing bar bear the surrounding concrete, the

concrete key (the concrete in between the lugs) slides up the face of the rib, causing the

concrete cover to split. But the frictional component between the concrete and uncoated

bar will counter this sliding of concrete key against the ribs. Thus, the frictional forces

will lower the bearing action, and the resultant tensile force on the concrete is reduced

(refer to Figures 3.3 and 3.4 in the section on failure mode). However, this frictional

force is lost between the bar and concrete due to coating, and thus, the bearing force is

not reduced and the only component of the bond strength is the force perpendicular to the

rib face of the reinforcing bar as shown above in Fig. 3.7.

The angle of the rib face is also a very important factor in determining the bond

strength between the bar and concrete. A bar with a larger rib face angle has lesser effect

of epoxy coating (which reduces the frictional force) as compared to bar with a lower rib

face angle [3.8]. For a plain bar, where adhesion and friction are the primary components

of the bond between the bar and concrete, the reduction or loss of this adhesion due to

coating will nearly destroy the bond in the RC member.

Researchers also found that the deflection due to the coated bar does not

significantly differ from those of uncoated bar members [3.9]. But the epoxy coated RC

member has wider cracks. These wide cracks have a greater impact on durability and

serviceability of the RC member/structure with coated bars. Wide cracks will increase

freeze-thaw and scaling problems in cold regions and will allow the corrosive agents in

an aggressive environment to have a free passage to attack the reinforcement. This causes

an impact on the coating and may damage it, which can result in localized corrosion in

the area where the epoxy coating was damaged.

Based on literature review on epoxy-coated bars, the following points can be drawn

[3.9, 3.10, 3.23]:

1. Epoxy coating reduces the bond strength, and the amount of reduction depends on

type of failure.

2. The epoxy-coated bar can result in wider cracks.

3. In ACI Building code [3.15] for anchorage of epoxy-coated reinforcement, a

cover-to-diameter ratio of 3 is considered as the transition point from pullout

failure to splitting failure.

3.1.8 Factors Influencing Bond Mechanism, Failure, and Development Length

This section provides an understanding of some of the factors that affect bond

mechanism, failure, development length, and splitting patterns.

In a deformed bar, the ribs exert a tensile pressure on concrete, resulting in the

splitting of concrete parallel to the bar. These cracks will follow along the bottom or side

surface of the reinforcement depending on concrete cover and bar spacing in all direction.

The splitting failure mode depends on: a) concrete cover or bar spacing; b) tensile

strength of concrete; c) the average bond stress – an increase in the average bond stress

increases the wedging force resulting in splitting failure [3.24].

Figure 3.8: Splitting Failure Pattern

a) Side cover and half the bar space both less than bottom cover – [Side Split


b) Bottom cover less than side cover and half the bar space – [Face and Side Split


c) Bottom cover less than side cover and side cover less than half the bar space – [V-

Notch Failure]

The factors that influence the development length are studied in many studies. Based

on these studies, an empirical equation is derived for development length of

reinforcement, which already has been given in Section 3.4. The tensile strength of

concrete is important, as the type of failure depends on it. Also, in the equation for

development length, is in the denominator and this reflects its influence on concrete

tensile strength [3.3].

Cover distance, a measure of concrete cover from the center of bar to the nearest

concrete face, is also important as it has an influence on failure mode. As concrete cover

is increased, the resistance to wedging action increases, resulting in an improvement to

the splitting resistance. Therefore, a larger cover will result in reducing the development

length of reinforcement [3.1]. Also, as shown in Fig. 3.8, as bar spacing is increased more

concrete is available for the bar to resist horizontal splitting, which directly results in

reducing the development length.

The transverse reinforcement plays an important role in reducing development length,

as it provides a good resistance to tensile force by resisting the opening of concrete

cracks. Epoxy coating increases the development length of the reinforcement [3.9, 3.10],

as the frictional force that reduces the wedging action is lost. Thus, a longer bond length

is required to prevent splitting or pullout failure. Finally, bar size also determines the

development length: a smaller bar (No. 6 and smaller) will require a smaller development

length as compared to a bigger bar (No. 7 and larger) [3.4].

3.2 Literature Review on Influence of Reinforcement Corrosion on RC Members

In the previous section, the bond behavior between reinforcement (non-corroded)

and concrete were explained. This section elaborates the changes in the mechanical

behavior of reinforced concrete members due to corrosion of reinforcement. In addition,

this section provides information on bond mechanism, failure mode, cracking stages,

accelerated corrosion, and test methods for determining bond strength of corroded RC

members. Also, an empirical equation is derived based on experimental data from

literature studies.

3.2.1 General Introduction

Corrosion of reinforcement directly influences the mechanical behavior of a

reinforced concrete member [3.25]. The main mechanical property affected by bar

corrosion is the bond between reinforcement and concrete [3.28]. Loss of bond strength

would affect the serviceability and ultimate strength of RC member [3.26, 3.33, 3.35,

3.36, 3.37]. Hence, there is a need to determine a relationship between corrosion and

bond strength in order to find the residual strength of members, thereby predicting the

remaining service life of the structure.

3.2.2 Losses in the Structural Performance of RC Members

The losses in the structural performance are caused due to the following reasons

[3.27, 3.29, 3.32, 3.33, 3.34]:

 Reduction in effective cross-sectional area of reinforcement

 Concrete cover cracking, and

 Steel-concrete interface modifications

As explained in Section 2.1, the corrosion of metal results in formation of their

respective oxides, thereby reducing their effective cross-sectional area. These oxides have

a higher volume (as was shown in Fig. 2.2). This increase in volume exerts radial

pressure at steel-concrete interface, developing hoop tensile stress on concrete [3.36].

Once the hoop tensile stress exceeds the concrete tensile strength, the concrete cover will

crack [3.25, 3.30, 3.35, 3.39, 3.48]. The cracks in the concrete allow an easy access for

the aggressive corrosion agents to reach the reinforcing steel, leading to further corrosion

[3.39]. Furthermore, the rib height of the deformed bar is degraded [3.36], reducing the

interactive forces between concrete and reinforcement. However, corrosion at low levels

increases the bond between reinforcement and concrete due to the increase in friction and

confinement effect [3.26, 3.45].

3.2.3 Bond Mechanism

This section provides the information on bond between reinforcement and

concrete for different levels of corrosion. This corrosion level are divided into low,

medium, and high based on the literature review. Low-Level Corrosion

The corrosion process begins once the passive layer of reinforcement is destroyed

in an RC member. The initial stage of corrosion is defined as low-level corrosion, and it

ranges from 0 – 4% [3.29, 3.31, 3.33]. The range depends on the diameter of longitudinal

reinforcement, concrete cover, transverse reinforcement, compressive strength of

concrete, and many other factors.

The deformed bar is resisted against slip due to adhesion, friction and mechanical

interlocking [3.4]. However, occurrence of corrosion changes these characteristics of the

reinforcement. During the initial stage of corrosion, the expansive corrosion products

exert the mechanical pressure on the surrounding concrete, which increases mechanical

interlocking and confinement of concrete around the reinforcement [3.31, 3.45].

Moreover, the bar roughness increases due to low-level corrosion, thereby increasing the

friction [3.31, 3.36]. Thus, low-level corrosion increases the resistance to the force and

prevents the slip of reinforcement in the RC member. The failure mode for low-level

corrosion is the same as the failure mode for non-corroded RC specimens.

The diameter of longitudinal reinforcement (other factors being constant) is

inversely proportional to the range of low-level corrosion: i.e., low-level corrosion for #6

bar ranges from 0 – 2% while for #3 it ranges 0 – 4% [3.32]. When transverse

reinforcement is not provided, then low-level corrosion range is minimized i.e. 0 – 2%

[3.34]. Fang et al., [3.34] observed that the ultimate load decreases from 110kN to 60kN

as corrosion percentage increases from 0 to 4% for a specimen without confinement;

whereas for a specimen with confinement (transverse reinforcement), 4% corrosion had

no substantial degradation in bond strength as compared to a control specimen (0%

corrosion) [3.37]. In this case, the transverse reinforcement provides sufficient

confinement despite the presence of fine cracks in the concrete [3.40]. Also, the tensile

hoop stress is resisted by the transverse reinforcement, thereby minimizing the crack

width [3.27].

39 Mid-Level Corrosion

Mid-level corrosion is defined as the corrosion stage when the RC member shows

visible cracks on the concrete surface. Loss in the structural performance and reduction in

bond strength is associated with this stage. The range of mid-level corrosion is defined as

2 – 6%, and this range depends on bar diameter, transverse reinforcement, concrete

cover, and compressive strength [3.31, 3.33, 3.34].

At mid-level corrosion, the expansive corrosion products exert high tensile

pressure on concrete, resulting in fine cracks [3.42]. RC specimens with mid-level

corrosion are weaker than non-corroded specimens. When load is applied, the resultant

force (RV, as shown in Fig 3.3 and 3.4) further widens the crack, thereby reducing the

confinement of the surrounding concrete on the bar [3.27]. In most cases, the failure

mode for mid-level corrosion follows the same trend as failure for non-corroded RC


Mid-level corrosion is very critical, as most of the bond strength is changed in this

level. Data from many studies suggests the range of changes is from 20% – 50% [3.34],

but it will depend on many factors. Rebar size is one important factor: for #6 bar, the

range is 2 – 4% with a reduction in bond strength of 30 – 50% [3.32, 3.34]; for #4 bar, the

range is 2.5% – 5% with a bond strength reduction of 20 – 35% [3.31, 3.35]; and for #3

bar, it is in the range of 4 – 6% with a bond strength reduction of 20% to 30% [3.32].

However, the above ranges will vary based on the concrete cover or transverse

reinforcement; for example, a well confined concrete will show a reduction in bond

strength of 10 – 15% for mid-level corrosion.

40 High-Level Corrosion

The high-level corrosion is the final stage of corrosion where the structural

performance of the RC members is significantly degraded and the concrete surface is

cracked severely, with cracks visible throughout the concrete member. High-level

corrosion depends on bar size, confinement, and other factors, and it can be 4% and

above for large diameter bar (# 6 bar and above) and 6% and above for smaller diameter

(#3 bar to #5 bar) diameter bar [3.31, 3.32].

The RC members with high-level corrosion show wider cracks due to maximum

hoop tensile stresses caused by corrosion products. Also, the ribs of the reinforcement are

degraded significantly, reducing the mechanical interlocking between the bar and

concrete. In addition, the corrosion products will act as a lubricant around the bar,

making it easy to slip and thereby reducing the friction until it is almost lost [3.27].

Finally, the wide cracks reduce the confinement of surrounding concrete. Therefore, the

load capacity of the RC member with high-level corrosion is reduced significantly

compared to non-corroded RC members. The reinforcement with high-level corrosion

slips easily due to the above-mentioned phenomenon, resulting in the failure of the


High-level corrosion of the structure is the worst stage of deterioration,where the

structure has almost lost its capacity. The range is defined from 4% and above for larger

diameter bars and from 6% and above for smaller diameter bars [3.27, 3.31, 3.34]. When

the RC member is at this level of corrosion, the complete rehabilitation of member is

immediately needed in order for the structure to remain intact. The strength reduction for

#3 bars is 50% for a 6% corrosion level and 75% for an 8% corrosion level, whereas for

#6 bars it is about 40 – 50% for a 4% corrosion level [3.32].

3.2.4 Cracking Stages

In this section, the process of bond mechanics is explained in terms of cracking

stages. This gives a better understanding about the relationship between cracking and

bond strength. Pre-Cracking:

The pre-cracking stage is the stage of crack initiation at the steel-concrete

interface due to the pressure exerted by corrosion products. In this stage, the tensile

strength of concrete is more than the hoop tensile pressure from the corrosion products,

and the cracks are not visible on the concrete surface. From previous studies, it has been

found that a 0 – 4% corrosion level is the range for the pre-cracking stage. The pre-

cracking stage follows the same trend as low-level corrosion; however, factors such as

bar size, concrete cover, and transverse reinforcement will change the range of this stage

[3.27, 3.31, 3.33].

The pre-cracking stage occurs at low-level corrosion. The bond strength of the

specimen increases despite losses in the rib profile because of an increase in pressure

around the bar before the development of primary cracks. Moreover, the corrosion

product at low-level corrosion increases the friction between the steel-concrete interfaces

[3.32]. Specimens that are well confined (lateral reinforcement or huge concrete cover)

[3.4, 3.43] will show cracks at a corrosion level of 2 to 4%, whereas the corrosion level

for the pre-cracking stage for unconfined specimen is lower (1 – 2%). Also, bar diameter

changes the above percentage: for instance, a well confined specimen with #6 bar cracks

at 1 – 3% whereas the same specimen with #4 bar will crack at 2 – 4% and with #3 bar

will crack at 3 – 4%. Primary Cracking

The development of the first crack due to corrosion at the concrete surface is

called primary cracking. This stage occurs at mid-level corrosion and the range is 2 – 6%

[3.32, 3.33]. This crack does not imply that the structure is severely damaged and is not

able to carry load. The confinement effect at the position of the crack is lost, but the

confinement around the bar still exists due to uncracked concrete [3.11]. This primary

crack acts as an easy passage for aggressive corrosive agents, which results in further

corrosion of reinforcement [3.39].

The cover-to-diameter ratio (C/d) plays an important role in deciding the

corrosion percentage required to produce a primary crack. According to a study by Al-

Sulaimani et al. [3.32], for C/d ratios of 3.75, 5.36, and 7.5, the corrosion percentage

required to crack the specimen is 1.5 – 2.5%, 2.5 – 3.5% and 4 – 5%, respectively. Also,

the cracking percentage for 10mm, 14mm and 20mm bar with the same variables were

4.75%, 2.75%, and 2%, respectively. Final Concrete Cover Cracking

When the concrete crack pattern reaches a point where concrete no longer

provides any confinement to the bar, this stage is called final cracking stage. This stage

occurs at high-level corrosion and the corresponding range is 4% and above, depending

on compressive strength, bar size, and concrete cover [3.27, 3.31, 3.34]. The resistance to

the load is provided by the remaining concrete surrounding the bar. However, the

degradation in the rib profile caused by corrosion decreases the load capacity of the RC

members. The loss in confinement results in the slippage of reinforcement and this action

is aided by the frictional loss between reinforcement and concrete due corrosion product

at the steel-concrete interface.

At the primary cracking stage, the C/d ratio also defined by the range of final

cracking or post-cracking stage. For a C/d ratio of 3.75, the corrosion level to cause post-

cracking is 3 – 6% compared to a C/d ratio of 7, which requires 4.5 – 8%. The larger

diameter bar reaches the post-cracking stage at low-level corrosion; for instance, for a

C/d ratio of 3.75, #6 bar reaches post-cracking at 3% corrosion, whereas #4 bar reaches

this stage at 4% corrosion, and #3 bar reaches this stage at 6% corrosion.

From Section 3.2.3 and 3.2.4, the process of cracking caused by the bursting force

due to corrosion products is well understood. However, the bursting force causing cracks

is directly related to the bar size (i.e., the bursting force increases by an increase in bar

diameter). The concrete cover is the main parameter that resists the bursting force, and

for the better resistance to bursting force, the cover-to-bar diameter ratio (C/d) plays an

important role. Moreover, the transverse reinforcement resists the bursting force, thereby

increasing the corrosion percentage required to produce same amount of crack or

minimizing the crack width for same corrosion level compared to specimen without

transverse reinforcement.

3.2.5 Accelerated Corrosion

Initiation and propagation of corrosion in RC members (which was explained in

Fig. 2.6) depends on many factors. These factors include but are not limited to the

permeability of concrete, confinement of specimens, the electric current applied, time of

current applied, density of solution, and environmental temperature [3.34, 3.39]. For this

study, the corrosion in the laboratory to the desired degree of corrosion was achieved

using accelerated corrosion method using Faraday’s law.

In Faraday’s law, the amount of corrosion is a function current and time [3.29,

3.32, 3.38]. The derivation of the degree of accelerated corrosion based on Faraday’s law

is elaborated as follows [3.47]:


where, Δw is the metal weight loss due to corrosion; A is the atomic weight of iron (56g);

I is the corrosion current (amp); t is the time elapsed (sec); Z is the valency of the reacting

electrode (value is 2 for iron); and F is the Faraday’s constant (96500 amp sec).

The weight of metal lost due to corrosion can also be expressed as follows:


where a is the rebar surface area before corrosion (cm2); δ is the material loss (cm); and γ

is the density of material (7.86 g/cm3).

The corrosion current can be expressed as:


where i is the corrosion current density (amp/cm2).

Substituting 3.23 and 3.24 into 3.22, we obtain the following equation:


If R is defined as the material loss per year (R = δ/t), then its value can be determined by

substituting t = 1 year in above equation:


Thus, the degree of corrosion % (C0) is given by:


where T is time (years) and D is the diameter of the bar (mm).

Substituting R value in above equation, we obtain the following:


3.2.6 Test Methods for Bond Strength

The test method for the bond strength determination is based on the earlier

research because various bond strength tests have their advantages and disadvantages.

There are many tests available, but the selection of any particular test depends on the

outcome, its accuracy, and its cost-effectiveness. Table 3.2 lists the various bond tests

and presents the advantages and disadvantages for each.

Table 3.2: Merits and Demerits of Different Bond Tests [3.31]

Name Advantages Disadvantages

1) Simple to perform 1) The specimens in this test

2) It is used to compare the are not subjected to bending,
ASTM C234 bond strengths of different an external shear presents in
(Concentric Pullout types of concrete the actual structures
Test) 2) The concrete in the test is in
compression where as
concrete in real structure
surround the steel is in
tensile, thus this test shows
higher bond strength
1) Compression of concrete 1) Introduced problem with
in the specimen is splice spacing and the crack
Tension Pullout Test eliminated pattern was influenced by
this interaction
1) Used on beam specimens 1) Reaction restraints increase
larger in size compared to the splitting resistance
Bond Beam Test pullout test specimen because of the confining of
2) It represents the bond the concrete over the bar at
stresses conditions the supports
encountered in the actual
flexural member
Bureau of Standards 1) To overcome disadvantage 1) Difficult to Handle
Beam Test - of bond beam test i.e., 2) Expensive
The University of reaction restraints
Texas Beam Test

Merits and Demerits of Different Bond Tests (cont.)

1) This test produces a bond 1) Extra shield or soft cover is

stress situation similar to that required to prevent the
existing in the actual flexural confinement affect
Cantilever Bond Test members
2) Concrete and steel
experience similar tensile
strains, and strain gradients
produced in this specimen are
similar to those occurring in
actual structures

3.2.7 Crack Model

The time to crack due to corrosion plays an important role in evaluating the

service life of RC members. Primary crack act as a reference point for repair and

rehabilitation of structural member. According to Tuutti’s Model, the deterioration of a

concrete structure due to corrosion is divided into two phases [3.35, 3.41, 3.42, 3.44].

Phase one is the initiation of corrosion (T0), which is the time required for CO2 and Cl-

ions to diffuse and activate corrosion. The second phase is corrosion propagation (Tcr),

the duration between corrosion initiation and primary crack [3.42]. The corrosion

products occupy the higher volume than the original steel and will cause tensile pressure

on concrete at the steel-concrete interface, which is the primary cause of corrosion

cracking [3.36]. However, not all corrosion products will cause tensile pressure [3.41];

some corrosion products are used to fill the void in the concrete. This filling of void

increases the confinement; hence, the bond strength increases. Thus, the propagation

phase is divided into two different phases: the free expansion phase (Tfree), which is the

time required to fill the void of concrete by corrosion products, and the time required for

corrosion product to build up the tensile pressure to the point where it will cause cracking

(TStress). The conceptual model for modified deterioration process is shown in Fig 3.9


Figure 3.9: Time Line for RC Member Deterioration

An empirical equation based on field and laboratory data was proposed by Morinaga to

predict the time from corrosion initiation to corrosion cracking [3.46].


where Tcr is the time from corrosion initiation to corrosion cracking (days); D is the steel

bar diameter (mm); C is the clear concrete cover (mm); and icor is the corrosion rate (10-4


According to above equation, the time from corrosion initiation to corrosion

cracking depends on corrosion rate, concrete clear cover, and steel bar diameter.

However, this equation does not account for the mechanical properties of concrete, which

would significantly affect the time to corrosion cracking. So, Maaddawy et al. [3.42]

developed a modified empirical equation for time from corrosion initiation to corrosion

cracking (Tcr) that takes concrete mechanical properties into consideration. The

Maaddaway et al. equation is as follows:



δ0 is thickness of porous zone and is equal to 10 for lower bound and 20 for upper bound;

ν is Poisson’s ratio (0.18 for concrete);

is concrete creep coefficient (2.35 for concrete);

is the compressive strength of concrete (MPa);

Ec is elastic modulus of concrete and is equal to (MPa);

Eef is effective elastic modulus of concrete and is equal to (MPa); and

fct is tensile strength of concrete and is equal to (MPa).

3.2.8 Methods to Improve the Corrosion and its Effects

Reinforcement corrosion has severe effects on bond strength of RC members.

Also, cracking of RC members due to reinforcement corrosion results in confinement

loss, thereby reducing the capacity of the structures [3.39]. The addition of external

materials to improve the permeability of concrete matrix, confinement effect, and other

properties can reduce the corrosion effects on structures. The addition of fly ash or silica

fume or fibers (polypropylene) in the concrete reduces the permeability of concrete and

decreasing the permeability of concrete increases its resistance to corrosion [3.32, 3.35,

3.48, 3.50]. While the use of these materials is well known to designers, a limited amount

of literature is available on the influence of these materials on the mechanical properties

of corroded RC members. Also, a low water/cement ratio will reduce permeability, and

hence will reduce the chloride penetration [3.48, 3.49].

According to Cabrera, the addition of fly ash (30% replacement of cement) in

concrete decreases the permeability of concrete, thus increasing the corrosion resistance

[3.35]. In addition, the corrosion current for normal concrete is more than that of concrete

with fly ash. The bond strength of the RC members increases with addition of fly ash in

concrete. Results show that for higher corrosion levels, the fly ash concrete specimen

resists 20 to 30% more load as compared to plain concrete specimens.

According to Al-Sulamanmi [3.32], the addition of polypropylene fibers (0.2% by

volume) in concrete increases the bond strength of the RC members. The improvement in

strength depends on the degree of corrosion. In pre-cracking and cracking stages, the

addition of fiber increase the bond strength about 10% as compared to plain concrete

specimens, whereas in the post-cracking stage, the increase is about 100%. Moreover, for

corrosion of 7.5% and above, the plain concrete resists negligible load whereas concrete
with polypropylene fiber retains bond strength of about 38% of non-corroded specimen

bond strength.

3.2.9 Empirical Formula Based on Literature Review

The tests mentioned above are widely used by different researchers in their

studies; each of the tests has its own advantages and disadvantages, but to date, no test is

proven to represent a realistic bond mechanism of RC members. This section compiles

the work of different researchers to evaluate a new empirical equation. For the sake of

simplicity, all the test data used to evaluate bond strength for different levels of corrosion

are gathered into a single table. Table 3.3 details the different factors used in the studies

by various researchers; these include corrosion percentage, bar size, concrete cover, and

transverse reinforcement.

Table 3.3: Details of Different Factors used in Research

Bar Size (d) Cover to Compressive Stirrups Corrosion Type of

Name mm – (in) bar dia. Strength (fc’) Percentage Test
Ratio (C/d) MPa – (psi) (%)
Al-Sulaimani 10 – (0.39) 3.75
et al. 1990 14 – (0.55) 5.36 30 – (4350) None 0 – 7.80 Pullout Test
20 – (0.79) 7.50
Rodriguez et 16 –(0.63) 1.5 40 – (5800) Yes* - Pullout test
al. 1994
Cabrera 1996 12 – (0.47) 6.75 - None 0 – 12.6 Pullout test
Almusallam et 12 – (0.47) 5.80 30 – (4350) Yes 0 – 80 Cantilever
al. 1996 Bond Test
Amleh et al. 19.5 – 2.56 25 – (3625) None 0 – 17.5 Tension
1999 (0.76) Pullout Test
Auyeung et al. 19 – (0.74) 4.60 28 – (4060) None 0 – 5.91 Pullout test
Lee et al. 1.5 24.7 – 42.1 0 – 30 Pullout Test
2002 13 – (0.51) 2.5 (3580 – 6100) Yes*

Details of Different Factors used in Research (cont.)

Fang et al. 20 – (0.79) - 52.1 – (7550) Yes* 0–9 Pullout test

*Few Specimens in the test were provided with stirrups

In a set of total 180 experimental data sets from the above table pertaining to pull-

out tests, 28 data sets are with stirrups. Therefore, majority of experimental data of pull-

out tests pertain to specimens without stirrups. The above table gives the details of

parameter used in the studies by different authors, and the data from all these studies are

combined to develop an empirical equation for normalized bond strength. Normalized

bond strength is the strength at any given percentage compared to the strength of non-

corroded specimen. According to Kapilesh et al., the bond strength increases with the

increase in corrosion up to 1.5% (also called critical percentage); thereafter, the bond

strength decreases with a further increase in corrosion as shown in Fig. 3.10 [3.25].

Figure 3.10: Degree of Corrosion versus Normalized bond Strength

The increase in strength is not considered in design, so any increase is normalized

as 1 or 100% to that of non-corroded specimen. Based on his study, normalized bond

strength for corrosion percentage greater than 1.5 (i.e. XP >1.5%) is given by


From literature review, many results support that the critical percentage for corrosion

level is 2. Thus, the new empirical equation is derived with R = 1.0 up to 2%.



The experimental work done in relation to the effects of reinforcement corrosion on

RC members is presented in this chapter. Eight series of experiments were conducted.

The section is divided into three parts:

1) Casting of Specimens: includes materials and mix design, specimen dimensions

and casting procedure.

2) Corrosion of Specimens: includes soaking of specimens in NaCl solution,

impressing current to the specimens to achieve the desired degree of corrosion.

3) Testing Corroded Specimens: includes measuring corrosion products distribution

(series 1-3), bond strength (series 2 -8), crack width measurements (series 1-8).

4.1 Experimental Series

The overview of each of the experimental series are summarized as follows: series

1 through 4 used cylindrical RC specimens with bar #3, while series 5 used cubical RC

specimens with bar #3, and series 6 through 8 used cubical RC specimens with bar #6.

 Series 1: This was the preliminary series to understand corrosion initiation,

propagation and distribution of corrosion products along with crack patterns.

 Series 2: Identical specimens for each degree of corrosion were used in this

series. One specimen gives details on width of corrosion products, cracks at

steel-concrete interface and concrete surface, while the other specimen was

used to determine the bond strength of RC member.

 Series 3: This series was similar to series 2, where identical specimens were

used for each corrosion level and relation between degree of corrosion,

cracking width, corrosion product widths and bond strength was determined.

The difference between series 2 and 3 was the bond length: its value was 12

inches in series 2, whereas in series 3, it was 5 inches.

 Series 4: This series was identical with series 3 in terms of specimen

dimensions. However, corrosion products studies were not carried for this

series. The test series was carried out to determine the effects of confinement

on the corroded specimens; thus, the specimen was confined with Basalt fiber

wrap after achieving the desired degree of corrosion.

 Series 5: This was the first series of cube specimen. This series was carried

out to determine the bond strength of the RC members. The bar size was #3.

 Series 6: This was the first series with #6 bars. It was also carried out to

determine the bond strength of the RC members.

 Series 7: This series contains polypropylene fibers as an additive to the

concrete mix, as an attempt to improve the bond strength of RC members.

 Series 8: This series contains Minibar (basalt fibers) as an additive to the

concrete mix, as an attempt to improve the bond strength of RC members.

4.2 Casting of Specimens

Casting of specimens was the first step in studying the effect of reinforcement

corrosion on RC members. This section provides details on materials and mix design,

specimen dimensions and casting procedure (batching, mixing, and curing) for the

various series.

4.2.1 Materials and Mix Design

The materials used for concrete mix were ordinary (ASTM C150 Type I) Portland

cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water, and admixtures. The rebar used were

standard #3 bars for series 1 through 5 and #6 for series 6 through 8. Also, polypropylene

fiber was used in series 7 and MiniBar was used in series 8. The standard mix design was

used for all series as shown in Table 4.1, with a water-cement (w/c) ratio of 0.41 and 0.45

for series 1 through 5 and 6 through 8, respectively.

Table 4.1: Mix Design Proportion

Mix Proportion of Concrete (per 1 cubic-ft)

Series Cement Coarse Fine Water Admixtures w/c Compressive
No (OPC) Aggregate Aggregate (lb) Ratio Strength
(lb) (lb) (lb) (psi)
1-5 25 52.7 52.7 10.2 As needed 0.41 7500-8500
6-8 25 52.7 52.7 11.3 As needed 0.45 7000-8000

The bars used in pullout test specimens for series 2 through 5 were #3 bar size

with threading at one end (non-embedded end), and the diameter of the threads was 5/16-

18" as shown in Fig. 4.6.

4.2.2 Specimen Dimensions

The dimensions of the specimens were different for each series. This was because

different variables (such as bar size, embedded length and concrete cover) were needed to

obtain a better understanding of corrosion effects on RC members. The series

descriptions are is already given in section 4.1. The specimen dimensions for series 1

through 4 (cylindrical specimens) and series 5 through 8 (cubical specimens) are given

Table 4.2 and Table 4.3, respectively.

Table 4.2: Specimen Dimensions for Series 1-4 – Cylindrical Specimens

Series No of Length Diameter Bar Size Embedded Concrete

No Specimens (in) (in) (in) Length (in) Cover (in)
1 10 12 2 0.375 11 0.8125
2 20 12 2 0.375 12 0.8125
3 16 9 2 0.375 5 0.8125
4 8 9 2 0.375 5 0.8125

Table 4.3: Specimen Dimensions for Series 5-8 – Cubical Specimens

Series No of Length Breadth Height Bar Size Embedded Concrete

No Specimens (in) (in) (in) (in) Length (in) Cover (in)
5 8 6 6 6 0.375 6 2.8125
6 8 6 6 6 0.75 4 2.625
7 8 6 6 6 0.75 4 2.625
8 8 6 6 6 0.75 4 2.625

4.2.3 Casting Procedure

The specimens for series 1 through 4 were casted using PVC pipe of 2" internal

diameter as a mold. The specimens for series 1 were 12" in length with # 3 reinforcement

bar at the center and 1" above from the bottom of the concrete, thus the net embedded

length was 11". This was achieved through eye balling, which has potential to induce

some manual error such as eccentricity or the bar embedded length may not be exactly

11". To overcome these errors, series 2 was cast with PVC pipe covered at both ends with

caps. These caps contained a hole at the center which eliminated error in placement as

shown in Fig. 4.2. Series 3 and 4 have the same casting procedure. The specimens were

9" in length with 5" embedded length. The bond length of 5" was achieved by covering

the bar with PVC pipe of 0.4" internal diameter as shown in Fig. 4.3.

The casting procedure for series 5 through 8 was the same as above, (i.e., wooden

molds of 6"×6"×6" internal dimensions were used for casting as shown in Fig. 4.4.

Wooden molds were used rather than PVC, as they were easy to prepare for cubical

specimens. Bar #3 and #6 were used for series 5 and for series 6 through 8, respectively.

The concrete was mixed according to ASTM standards in a mixer shown in Fig. 4.1.

After mixing, the concrete was placed into respective molds for each series and

compaction was achieved by means of external vibration. Also, concrete cylinders of

4"×8" were cast for determining the compressive strength of concrete for each series. The

specimens were removed from the molds after one day and were cured for 7 days in the

humid room.

Figure 4.1: Concrete Mixer

Figure 4.2: Molds with caps (Before and After Casting)

Figure 4.3: PVC pipe in #3 Bar to reduce Bond Length

Figure 4.4: Wooden Molds for Cubes

4.3 Corrosion of Specimens

Prior to corrosion testing, the specimens were removed from the humid room and

kept in the air for 24 hours. Any rust and remaining concrete stacked on the surface of the

exposed bars were removed using SiC sandpaper, and a steel brush. A power supply with

an output voltage of 0-36 V DC and current of 0-3 A was used to induce direct current for

corroding the specimens. The current flow was kept constant and the voltage was

adjusted accordingly and power supply was attached to computer to record current flow

for every 30 min (Series 5-8). The electric connection of the reinforcement was secured

by fixing isolated copper wire to the reinforcing steel. The exposed portion of the

reinforcement was covered by heat-shrink tube. Stainless steel 316L was used as counter

electrode. The positive terminal of power supply was connected to the wire attached to

reinforcing steel and negative terminal to the wire of 316L counter electrode as shown in

Fig 4.5. The specimen was immersed partially (horizontal or vertical) in 3.5% NaCl

solution by weight (i.e. 35g of NaCl powder in 1 liter of water) for 72 hours before the

test. After this, accelerated corrosion test as mentioned in Section 3.2.5, was conducted

on each specimen to achieve the desired degree of corrosion.

Figure 4.5: Corrosion Initiation Test Setup

Series 1 was conducted as a preliminary series to understand the corrosion process

and to study corrosion product widths for different types of exposed conditions. Series 2

and 3 were conducted to study both the corrosion measurements and mechanical behavior

of RC specimen with corroded bar, so half of the specimens were cast with non-threaded

bars (the corrosion study set) and half with threaded bars (the pullout set) as shown in

Fig. 4.6. Moreover, Series 4 and 5 were conducted to study mechanical behavior of the

specimen, thus all the bars were threaded. This threading was performed in order to

attach the specimen to the existing pullout test setup available in the laboratory. The

following tables give details on corrosion current, total current, and time period of current

applied (Table 4.4).

Table 4.4: Series 1 – Test Schedule

Specimen Specimen Type of Current Total Time

Designation Direction Corrosion Density Current (hrs)
(mA/cm2) (mA)
Specimen 01 Horizontal Uniform 1 92 96
Specimen 02 Vertical Uniform 1 92 96
Specimen 03 Vertical Uniform 1 92 96
Specimen 04 Horizontal Non-Uniform 1 15.2 96
Specimen 05 Horizontal Non-Uniform 1 15.2 96
Specimen 06 Horizontal Uniform 0.1 8.4 24
Specimen 07 Horizontal Uniform 0.1 8.4 48
Specimen 08 Horizontal Uniform 0.1 8.4 72
Specimen 09 Horizontal Uniform 0.1 8.4 96

4.3.1 Series 1

Series 1 was the preliminary series conducted to understand the corrosion process,

distribution of corrosion products, crack patterns, and crack effects on corrosion process.

Tests on Specimens 1 and 2 were conducted in horizontal and vertical direction,

respectively, in order to obtain uniform corrosion. However, specimen 2 shows end

effects due to corrosion (i.e., the bar was corroded heavily at the top), so specimen 3 was

repeated to overcome the error of specimen 2. This was accomplished by partially

immersing specimen 3 in NaCl solution.

Specimens 4 and 5 were corroded to achieve non-uniform corrosion along the

length of the reinforcement. The counter electrode in specimen 4 was changed to titanium

mesh of 1" length and was wrapped around the specimen at two different positions to

corrode the reinforcement at that point. Another technique was used for the same

objective and 316L stainless steel plate was used as counter electrode. The specimen was

wrapped with non-porous tape having two open windows to provide free interaction

between the concrete surface and NaCl solution.

Tests on Specimens 6 through 9 were conducted to study the effects of crack on

uniform corrosion. The current was the same for all the specimens, but the current time

was increased linearly for each specimen in order to understand the difference in

corrosion products distribution in the non-cracked specimen, the semi-cracked specimen,

and the fully cracked specimen.

4.3.2 Series 2

Series 2 was conducted to study the distribution of corrosion products and the

mechanical behavior of RC specimens for known degree of corrosion. The degree of

corrosion is calculated based on Faraday’s law. The tests were conducted on 16

specimens having two identical specimens for each degree of corrosion; the first

specimen (with non-threaded bar) was used to measure the corrosion parameter such as

the width of corrosion product, crack patterns, and crack width at the steel-concrete

interface and at the concrete surface while the second specimen (with threaded bar) was

used to study the bond strength between the reinforcement and concrete. This was done

for each degree of corrosion. Fig. 4.6 shows difference between non-threaded bars and

threaded bars.

Figure 4.6: Bars for Series 2 (Non-Threaded and Threaded)

Table 4.5: Series 2 – Test Schedule

Specimen Degree of Current Density Total Current Corrosion

Designation Corrosion (%) (mA/cm2) (mA) Duration (hrs)
Corrosion Study Specimens
C-2-000 0 - - -
C-2-001 0.25 0.5 48 18.75
C-2-002 0.50 0.5 48 37.5
C-2-003 1 0.5 48 75
C-2-004 2 0.5 48 150
C-2-005 3 .5 48 225
C-2-006 4 0.5 48 300
C-2-007 5 0.3 28.7 631
C-2-008 6 0.3 28.7 758
Pullout Test Specimens
P-2-000 0 - - -
P-2-001 0.25 0.5 48 18.75
P-2-002 0.50 0.5 48 37.5
P-2-003 1 0.5 48 75
P-2-004 2 0.5 48 150
P-2-005 3 0.5 48 225
P-2-006 4 0.5 48 300
P-2-007 5 0.3 28.7 631
P-2-008 6 0.3 28.7 758

4.3.3 Series 3

Series 3 tests were conducted to study the distribution of corrosion products and

mechanical behavior of RC specimens for known degree of corrosion, and the

methodology was similar to that for series 2. However, the difference between series 2

and 3 was the specimen length and bond length. Series 2 was 12" long with a bond length

of 12", whereas series 3 was 9" long with bond length of 5".

Table 4.6: Series 3 – Test Schedule

Specimen Degree of Current Density Total Current Corrosion

Designation Corrosion (%) (mA/cm2) (mA) Duration (hrs)
Corrosion Study Specimens
C-3-000 0 - - -
C-3-001 0.25 0.825 33 11.5
C-3-002 0.50 0.825 33 23
C-3-003 1 0.825 33 46
C-3-004 2 0.825 33 92
C-3-005 3 0.825 33 138
C-3-006 4 0.825 33 184
C-3-007 5 0.825 33 230
C-3-008 6 0.825 33 276
Pullout Test Specimens
P-3-000 0 - - -
P-3-001 0.25 0.825 33 11.5
P-3-002 0.50 0.825 33 23
P-3-003 1 0.825 33 46
P-3-004 2 0.825 33 92
P-3-005 3 0.825 33 138
P-3-006 4 0.825 33 184
P-3-008 6 0.825 33 276

4.3.4 Series 4

Series 4 was also conducted to study the mechanical behavior of RC specimens

for known degree of corrosion, and the methodology used was similar to that for series 2

and 3. After the desired degree of corrosion was achieved, the specimens were wrapped

with basalt fiber wrap as shown in Fig. 5.4.a to externally confine the concrete. This was

done because in series 3, all the specimens failed due to splitting of concrete, so

specimens were externally wrapped to achieve pullout failure (i.e. slip of the bar from the


Table 4.7: Series 4 – Test Schedule

Pullout Test Specimens

Specimen Degree of Current Density Total Current Corrosion
Designation Corrosion (%) (mA/cm2) (mA) Duration (hrs)
P-4-000 0 - - -
P-4-001 1 0.825 33 46
P-4-002 2 0.825 33 92
P-4-003 3 0.825 33 138
P-4-004 4 0.825 33 184
P-4-005 5 0.825 33 230
P-4-006 6 0.825 33 276

4.3.5 Series 5

Series 5 was conducted to understand the relationhip between bond strength and

the degree of corrosion. Table 4.8 shows the amount of current and current duration for

each degree of corrosion. The specimen dimensions were different in this series: i.e., the

specimens are cubical rather that cylindrical. This series was also conducted to

understand the effects of concrete cover on corrosion cracking and mechanical behavior.

Table 4.8: Series 5 – Test Schedule

Pullout Test Specimens

Specimen Degree of Current Density Total Current Corrosion
Designation Corrosion (%) (mA/cm2) (mA) Duration (hrs)
P-5-000 0 - - -
P-5-001 1 1 45.5 36
P-5-002 2 1 45.5 72
P-5-003 3 1 45.5 108
P-5-004 4 1 45.5 144
P-5-006 6 1 45.5 216
P-5-008 8 1 45.5 288

4.3.6 Series 6

This series was conducted to study the corrosion effects on bond strength. The

cubical specimens were cast with bar #6 and the bond length of the specimens was 4".

The specimens were corroded to a pre-defined degree of corrosion and were tested using

a standard pullout test.

Table 4.9: Series 6 – Test Schedule

Pullout Test Specimens

Specimen Degree of Current Density Total Current Corrosion
Designation Corrosion (%) (mA/cm2) (mA) Duration (hrs)
P-6-000 0 - - -
P-6-001 1 2 121 36
P-6-002 2 2 121 72
P-6-003 3 2 121 108
P-6-004 4 2 121 144
P-6-006 6 2 121 216
P-6-008 8 2 121 288
P-6-010 10 2 121 360

4.3.7 Series 7

The failure mode in series 6 was by splitting of concrete and also the

reinforcement was completely removed from the concrete due to spalling. To overcome

this, polypropylene fiber as shown in Fig 4.7 was added to concrete in series 7. It was

observed that the failure mode was still the splitting of concrete, but the spalling of

concrete was eliminated.

Table 4.10: Series 7 – Test Schedule

Pullout Test Specimens

Specimen Degree of Current Density Total Current Corrosion
Designation Corrosion (%) (mA/cm2) (mA) Duration (hrs)
P-7-000 0 - - -
P-7-001 1 2 121 36
P-7-002 2 2 121 72
P-7-003 3 2 121 108
P-7-004 4 2 121 144
P-7-006 6 2 121 216
P-7-008 8 2 121 288
P-7-010 10 2 121 360

Figure 4.7: Polypropylene Fiber

4.3.8 Series 8

Series 8 was also conducted in an attempt to eliminate the spalling of concrete with the

use of basalt fiber (also known as MiniBar) as shown in Fig 4.8. It was observed that

MiniBar eliminated the spalling of concrete due to splitting failure.

Table 4.11: Series 8 – Test Schedule

Pullout Test Specimens

Specimen Degree of Current Density Total Current Corrosion
Designation Corrosion (%) (mA/cm2) (mA) Duration (hrs)
P-8-000 0 - - -
P-8-00A 1 2 121 36
P-6-002 2 2 121 72
P-6-003 3 2 121 108
P-6-004 4 2 121 144
P-6-006 6 2 121 216
P-6-008 8 2 121 288
P-6-010 10 2 121 360

Figure 4.8: Basalt Fiber (MiniBar)

4.4 Testing Corrosion Effects

After the specimens were corroded, they were tested for either corrosion study

(i.e. measurement of corrosion products width, crack patterns, and crack width) or bond

strength by concentric pullout test (ASTM C234) depending on the series number and

specimen designation as mentioned in Tables 4.4 through 4.11. Certain steps were

followed for preparing the specimens before their respective tests.

4.4.1 Corrosion Study

 The specimens were removed from the corrosion cell after achieving the desired

degree of corrosion. Fig. 4.9 shows a series of corrosion cells for inducing


Figure 4.9: Corrosion Cell Setup

 The specimens were cleaned to remove corrosion products on its surface (such as

those shown in Fig 4.10).

Figure 4.10: Corrosion Products on Concrete Surface

 Heat shrinkage tube and the wire connected to reinforcement were removed.

 Photographs were taken of all specimens before and after slicing as shown in Fig.

4.11 and Fig. 4.12.

Figure 4.11: Specimen before Slicing (C-3-004, 2%)

Figure 4.12: Specimen after Slicing (C-3-004, 2%)

 Each specimen was sliced using automatic abrasive cutter having a diamond

cutting blade designed for hard-brittle materials, as shown in Fig 4.13. The

specimens were sliced at a low feed rate (<0.3mm/sec). Fig 4.14 shows the sliced

specimens for series 3 (C-3-004, 2%).

Figure 4.13: Diamond cut-off Blade used for Slicing Specimens

Figure 4.14: Typical Sliced Specimen for Series 3 (C-3-004, 2%)

 The slices were marked and then subjected to grinding with SiC sandpaper (240,

800, 1200) using a grinding machine as shown in Fig 4.15.

Figure 4.15: Grinding Machine

 Crack patterns around the reinforcement were drawn as shown in Fig. 4.16.

Figure 4.16: Crack Pattern around the Reinforcement

 The slices were examined immediately (as can be seen in Fig. 4.17) using a

electronic microscope, shown in Fig 4.18.

Figure 4.17: Examined Slice using microscope

Figure 4.18: Microscope used for Corrosion Product Measure

 Corrosion product width of each slice was measured at four to eight different

locations (such as at positions 12, 3, 6, 9 as shown in Fig 4.16); crack width was

measured at the steel-concrete interface and the concrete surface.

4.4.2 Pullout Test

 The specimens were removed from the corrosion cell after achieving the desired

degree of corrosion.

 The specimens were cleaned to remove corrosion products on its surface as shown

in Fig. 4.10.

 Heat shrinkage tube and the wire connected to reinforcement were removed.

 Photographs were taken of all specimens before and after pullout test, as shown in

Fig. 4.19.

Figure 4.19: Specimen before and after Pullout Test (P-3-004, 2%)

 The specimen was attached to a standard pullout test machine as shown in Fig.

4.20. Load was applied on the machine at the standard rate of 5000 lb/min until

the specimen failed in one of the failure modes.

Figure 4.20: Setup for Pullout Test

 Fig 4.21 shows a specimen before and after splitting failure during pullout test.

Figure 4.21: Specimen before and after Splitting Failure (Series 6, 1% Corrosion Level)

 Compression strength of the cylinder was tested on the same day of the pullout

test in order to determine the strength on the day of test, using a standard

compressive testing machine as shown in Fig. 4.22. Typical failure mode of

concrete cylinders is shown in Fig. 4.23.

Figure 4.22: Compressive Strength Testing Machine

Figure 4.23: Compression Test Cylinder Failure Mode



This section provides the comprehensive description of test results obtained from the

corrosion and pullout studies for series 1 through 8. Corrosion studies from test series 1

through 3 provides an understanding of the corrosion process, corrosion products

distribution for different levels of corrosion, and crack patterns. Pullout tests from series

2 through 8 provide an understanding of deterioration of RC members due to corrosion

and show the mechanical properties of corroded RC members. This chapter is divided

into two parts for each series:

1) Corrosion Products Measurement and Crack Widths

2) Pullout Test

The results from series 1 through 3 for corrosion products measurement, series 1

through 8 for crack widths, and series 2 through 8 for pullout tests are included in this

section. The specimens for series 1 through 3 were removed from the corrosion cell once

the desired degree of corrosion was achieved then specimens were sliced and marked as

shown in Figures 4.12 and 4.14 to measure the maximum corrosion product width at each

marked point. These slices were ground to achieve a polished surface in order to make

ready the slices for corrosion study: i.e., to measure corrosion product width, and crack

widths at steel-concrete interface and at the concrete surface using a scanning electron

microscope. The pull out strength between reinforcement and concrete was tested for

specimens of series 2 through 8 after corroding them to the desired degree of corrosion.

5.1 Series 1

Series 1 was the preliminary series in order to understand corrosion process. A

total of nine specimens were tested with different conditions, corrosion current, and

current time to determine the effect of counter electrode area on corrosion, corrosion

cracks effects on corrosion product width and specimen direction on the type of corrosion

(i.e., uniform and non-uniform corrosion).

Tables 5.1a – 5.1h and Figures 5.1a – 5.1e explain the corrosion widths, crack

widths at steel-concrete interface and concrete surface of 9 specimens

Table 5.1a: Series 1 Specimen 1 – Corrosion Study

Slice No Slice Length Thickness of Corrosion Products Crack Width

(in) (µm) (mm)

1 3 - - - - - -
2 1 98 212 502 150 0.973 1.09
3 1 85 187 498 246 0.333 0.442
4 1 16 150 663 214 0.641 1.032
5 1 32 139 714 49 0.222 0.380
6 1 37 230 364 145 0.308 0.290
7 4 - - - - - -

In specimen no. 1, slice no. 1 was not properly cut, and so measuring the corrosion width

was very difficult. Accordingly, it was excluded from the results. This specimen was

completely cracked and maximum corrosion width was observed at 6 o’clock (concrete

surface inside NaCl solution) for all the slices and the minimum corrosion width was

observed at 12 o’clock (concrete surface opposite to NaCl solution).

Corrosion Products Thickness

400 3
300 4
0 6
0 3
Corrosion Measurement Location

Figure 5.1a: Thickness of Corrosion Products (Series 1 Specimen 1)

Table 5.1b: Series 1 Specimen 3 – Corrosion Study

Slice Slice Thickness of Corrosion Products Crack width

No. Length (µm) (mm)
12 1:30 3 4:30 6 7:30 9 10:30 Steel Concrete
1 2.25 61 61 64 80 166 83 69 64 0.156 0.400
2 1.5 89 102 158 181 378 180 160 103 0.164 0.290
3 1.5 44 69 107 164 241 122 109 75 0.283 0.340
4 1.5 50 78 134 242 139 112 153 80 0.530 0.570
5 I.5 32 38 39 40 188 244 37 37 0.161 0.181
6 1.5 44 100 94 142 256 124 102 49 0.376 0.508
7 2.25 - - - - - - - - - -

Corrosion Products Thickness

200 2

100 3

Corrosion Measurement Location

Figure 5.1b: Thickness of Corrosion Products (Series 1 Specimen 3)

Specimens 2 and 3 were vertical specimens, which were completely immersed in

NaCl solution to achieve uniform corrosion. Specimen 2 was discarded for two reasons,

the first being that it had an end effect (i.e., most of the corrosion occurred at top of the

reinforcement) while second was the specimen were not sliced properly due to a problem

in the blade. To overcome these problems, specimen 3 was not completely immersed in

NaCl solution but 0.5-1" member was above NaCl solution and a new blade was ordered

to cut the specimen properly. It was observed that corrosion was non-uniform around the

reinforcement. The maximum corrosion width was measured where distance between

steel reinforcement and NaCl is minimum (i.e., at 6 o’clock), and minimum corrosion

was measured where distance between NaCl solution and steel reinforcement is

maximum (i.e., at 12 o’clock).

Table 5.1c: Series 1 Specimen 4 – Corrosion Study

Slice Slice Thickness of Corrosion Products Crack width

No. Length (µm) (mm)
12 1:30 3 4:30 6 7:30 9 10:30 Steel Concrete
1 3 4 4 3 4 5 3 4 4 - -
2 1 12 16 18 46 90 12 60 10 0.020 0.086
3 1 7 9 22 115 117 44 10 14 0.025 0.141
4 1 6 8 10 55 70 97 6 10 0.018 0.115
5 1 6 7 10 45 53 18 10 7 0.045 0.112
6 1 6 7 32 125 148 21 8 8 0.022 0.130
7 1 2 15 27 39 92 90 9 3 0.009 0.084
8 1 4 4 18 67 98 53 9 7 0.012 0.039
9 2 - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.1d: Series 1 Specimen 5 – Corrosion Study

Slice Slice Thickness of Corrosion Products Crack width

No. Length (µm) (mm)
12 1:30 3 4:30 6 7:30 9 10:30 Steel Concrete
1 3 - - - - - - - - - -
2 1 - - 6 41 143 32 25 - - 0.024
3 1 - 14 51 75 257 75 56 16 0.009 0.119
4 1 34 7 15 49 137 42 20 6 0.012 0.164
5 1 - - - - 3 - - - - -
6 1 - - - 6 7 6 - - - -
7 1 6 17 33 37 113 45 14 9 0.009 -
8 1 5 10 14 74 197 70 56 11 0.025 0.045
9 2 - - - - - - - - - -

Corrosion Products Thickness
100 5

0 7
1 2 8
3 4 5 6 7 8
Corrosion Measurement Location

Figure 5.1c: Thickness of Corrosion Products (Series 1 Specimen 4)

Corrosion Products Thickness

100 5
0 7
1 2 8
3 4 5 6 7 8
Corrosion Measurement Location

Figure 5.1d: Thickness of Corrosion Products (Series 1 Specimen 5)

Specimen 4 and 5 were corroded to achieve non-uniform corrosion along the

length of the reinforcement. It was observed that corrosion is non-uniform both along the

length and around the circumference of the reinforcement. From Fig 5.1c, it can be seen

that slice 1 had uniform corrosion and Fig 5.1d depicts that the corrosion was uniform for

slices 4 and 5 with no crack on concrete surface and at the remaining parts, the corrosion

was maximum at crack (6 o’clock) and minimum away from crack (0 o’clock). Specimen

5 was more effective in achieving non-uniform corrosion compared to specimen 4,

because in specimen 4, NaCl and member were in direct contact throughout the length,

whereas in specimen 5 the solution and member contact was limited at the two windows.

Table 5.1e: Series 1 Specimen 6 – Corrosion Study

Slice Slice Thickness of Corrosion Products Crack width

No. Length (µm) (mm)
12 1:30 3 4:30 6 7:30 9 10:30 Steel Concrete
1 3 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 - -
2 1 4 3 5 4 5 5 3 4 - -
3 1 5 4 4 7 6 4 3 3 - -
4 1 3 2 3 5 5 4 3 2 - -
5 1 2 2 5 7 6 5 4 5 - -
6 1 3 3 4 5 6 4 2 3 - -
7 1 6 5 5 4 5 6 6 5 - -
8 1 7 6 5 7 7 4 5 4 - -
9 2 - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.1f: Series 1 Specimen 7 – Corrosion Study

Slice Slice Thickness of Corrosion Products Crack width

No. Length (µm) (mm)
12 1:30 3 4:30 6 7:30 9 10:30 Steel Concrete
1 3 No Bar
2 1 6 5 6 4 6 5 3 3 - -
3 1 4 5 5 6 6 6 4 4 - -
4 1 6 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 - -
5 1 5 3 6 5 5 6 4 4 - -
6 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 - -
7 1 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 6 - -
8 1 5 6 5 5 6 5 4 5 - -
9 2 - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.1.g: Series 1 Specimen 8 – Corrosion Study

Slice Slice Thickness of Corrosion Products Crack width

No. Length (µm) (mm)
12 1:30 3 4:30 6 7:30 9 10:30 Steel Concrete
1 3 6 5 9 7 33 8 8 4 - -
2 1 4 5 5 6 7 7 6 5 - -
3 1 5 4 5 7 9 8 7 5 - -
4 1 7 7 8 7 33 7 6 5 - -
5 1 5 6 6 8 8 7 8 7 - -
6 1 7 8 8 31 33 9 8 8 - -
7 1 31 32 31 32 31 32 32 33 - -
8 1 7 8 8 31 31 8 8 7 - -
9 2 - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.1h: Series 1 Specimen 9 – Corrosion Study

Slice Slice Thickness of Corrosion Products Crack width

No. Length (µm) (mm)
12 1:30 3 4:30 6 7:30 9 10:30 Steel Concrete
1 3 6 6 6 4 5 5 6 5 - -
2 1 7 4 7 7 7 7 5 6 - -
3 1 5 7 8 5 8 12 6 8 - -
4 1 11 10 8 14 20 7 6 9 - -
5 1 12 6 70 57 25 10 9 6 4 12
6 1 9 10 32 91 80 12 9 12 13 55
7 1 7 10 65 88 75 9 5 12 12 60
8 1 10 65 81 95 59 10 6 9 14 73
9 1
8 10 85 105 77 10 6 8 13 68
10 1
- - - - - - - - - -
Corrosion Products Thickness

100 2
80 3
60 4

40 5
1 8
2 3 4 5 6 7 9
8 9
Corrosion Measurement Location

Figure 5.1e: Thickness of Corrosion Products (Series 1 Specimen 9)

Specimens 6 through 9 were corroded simultaneously in order to achieve uniform

and non-uniform corrosion. Keeping the current constant, the time period of current

applied was increased linearly: i.e., 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours and 96 hours for

specimen 6, 7, 8 and 9, respectively. It was observed that specimens 6, 7 and 8 were not

cracked and corrosion was uniform with corrosion product thicknesses in the range of 2 –

7, 3 – 7, and 4 – 13 µm, respectively. Specimen 9 was semi-cracked; corrosion was

uniform at un-cracked portion, partially uniform in the transition portion, and non-

uniform in the cracked portion of the specimen, as shown in Fig. 5.1e.

The corrosion products distribution near steel-concrete interface is well

understood through series 1: i.e., maximum corrosion occurs at the crack surface and

minimum at the opposite side. For horizontal specimens, the crack surface was mostly at

6 o’clock (the point where concrete touches the NaCl solution). However, for some

specimens, the maximum corrosion width was not at 6 o’clock but was found at 4:30 or

7:30. This was attributed to the fact that the bar was not exactly at center in some

specimens due to manual error, as was discussed in Chapter 4. This also gives rise to

crack of concrete surface away from 6 o’clock for horizontal specimen. To overcome the

above problem, caps were used for casting molds with holes at center in order to

eliminate the eccentricity error. This procedure was followed for series 2, 3, and 4.

5.2 Series 2

Series 2 was used to formulate the relation between degree of corrosion and

corrosion products distribution. Moreover, bond strength was evaluated for different

degree of corrosion in series 2. Two sets of specimens were corroded to 0.25%, 0.5%,

1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 6% degree of corrosion. One specimen from each set was used

for corrosion studies and the other was used for pullout testing. This gives a relation

between degree of corrosion, corrosion products thickness, crack width, and pull out

strength. In series 2, each specimen was 12" long with a diameter of 2". After corrosion,

each specimen was sliced into twelve 1" slices and three of these were selected for

measuring corrosion products thickness and crack widths at the steel-concrete interface

and the concrete surface. The pullout specimens were tested for maximum load and slip

relation using pullout tests.

Table 5.2a and Fig. 5.2a present the corrosion product widths, cracks at steel-

concrete interface and concrete surface of 7 specimens. Table 5.2b and Fig 5.2b show the

relation between degree of corrosion and crack widths at steel-concrete interface and

concrete surface. Table 5.2c and Fig. 5.2c show the relation between bond strength and

degree of corrosion.

Table 5.2a gives the details of slice number for which corrosion measurements

were taken at four different locations. Also, crack widths were measured for these slices.

The slices were selected based on the cut and the visibility of corrosion products. The

graphs given below show the variation of the corrosion products thickness within the

specimen with degree of corrosion for different specimens.

Table 5.2a Series 2 – Corrosion Studies

Slice No Slice Length Thickness of Corrosion Products Crack Width

(in) (µm) (mm)
12 3 6 9 Steel Concrete
Specimen C-2-001, 0.25% Degree of Corrosion
2 1 7 7 8 6 - -
6 1 5 7 9 8 - -
8 1 6 5 7 6 - -
Specimen C-2-002, 0.50% Degree of Corrosion
2 1 17 18 20 18 - -
5 1 16 17 18 18 - -
8 1 14 16 17 18 - -
Specimen C-2-003, 1% Degree of Corrosion
2 1 23 40 30 45 0.020 0.045
5 1 25 31 55 18 0.014 0.030
7 1 23 42 32 45 0.010 0.027
Specimen C-2-004, 2% Degree of Corrosion
6 1 18 31 120 48 0.031 0.077
9 1 21 36 55 28 0.029 0.072
10 1 80 34 70 32 0.025 0.080
Specimen C-2-005, 3% Degree of Corrosion
2 1 30 70 211 66 0.080 0.270
3 1 41 89 187 81 0.077 0.207
10 1 39 63 171 69 0.069 0.172
Specimen C-2-006, 4% Degree of Corrosion
6 1 46 96 320 130 0.144 0.294
7 1 50 97 323 157 0.180 0.390
9 1 49 125 212 104 0.120 0.270
Specimen C-2-007, 5% Degree of Corrosion
4 1 83 101 1054 132 0.285 0.530
5 1 103 123 890 143 0.311 0.542
8 1 94 142 922 119 0.306 0.531
Specimen C-2-008, 6% Degree of Corrosion
3 1 132 193 922 185 0.385 0.579
5 1 142 223 1044 176 0.379 0.590
9 1 111 201 1121 194 0.351 0.632

Specimen C-2-001, 0.25% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness

12 3 6 9 12
Corrosion Measurement Location

Specimen C-2-002, 0.50% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness


12 3 6 9
Corrosion Measurement Location

Specimen C-2-003, 1% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness


0 Series3
1 2 3 4 5
Corrosion Measurement Location

Specimen C-2-004, 2% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness


0 10
12 3 6 9 12
Corrosion Measurement Location

Specimen C-2-005, 4% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness


12 3 6 9
Corrosion Measurement Location

Specimen C-2-006, 5% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness

12 3 6 9 12
Corrosion Measurement Location

Specimen C-2-007, 6% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness

400 3
12 9
3 6 9 12
Corrosion Measurement Location

Figure 5.2a: Series 2 – Thickness of Corrosion Products for Different Corrosion Level

It is clear from the above graphs that as the degree of corrosion increases, the

corrosion product thickness increases. The concrete cover for 0.25% and 0.50% did not

crack, and corrosion products were uniform throughout the circumference and length of

the reinforcement. However, the concrete cover cracked for corrosion level of 1% or

above and corrosion product width were non-uniform. The maximum corrosion width

was measured where distance between steel reinforcement and NaCl is minimum (i.e., at

6 o’clock) and minimum corrosion product width was measured where distance between

NaCl solution and steel reinforcement is maximum (i.e., at 12 o’clock). Also, all the

slices for each degree of corrosion followed the same trend. The difference in the

corrosion products thickness between different location increases with the increase in

degree of corrosion.

Table 5.2b Series 2 – Crack Width Measurements

Degree of Corrosion Max Crack Widths (× 10-3 mm)

(%) Steel-Concrete Interface Concrete Surface
0 0 0
0.25 2 0
0.50 5 0
1 20 45
2 31 80
3 80 270
4 180 390
5 311 541
6 485 632

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Max. Crack Widths (mm)


Max. Crack Widths (mm)


0.3 Interface
Concrete Surface


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.2b: Degree of Corrosion versus Maximum Crack Widths (Series 2)

The corrosion products occupy a higher volume than the original steel and thus

exert the tensile pressure on the surrounding concrete. Concrete cover cracks when the

tensile pressure exceeds the tensile strength of the concrete. However, in the initial stage

of corrosion, the cracks at steel-concrete interface is greater than or equal to concrete

surface cracking; as the corrosion level increases, the condition is reversed (i.e., the crack

width at concrete surface is greater than the crack width at steel-concrete interface).

In series 2, for each level of corrosion, two specimens were corroded (one for

corrosion measurement studies and the other for pullout testing). The results of corrosion

measurement studies are already discussed, and the following table (Table 5.2c) gives the

detail on the maximum load carried by the specimen before failure in the standard pullout


Table 5.2c: Series 2 – Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength

Degree of Corrosion Load Bond Strength Actual Bond Strength

(%) (lb) (psi) (psi)
0 6000 424.2 424.2
0.25 6200 438.6 424.2
0.50 5740 406.0 424.2
1 5686 402.2 424.2
2 6028 426.4 424.2
3 5180 366.4 366.41
4 4329 306.2 306.2
5 4054 286.8 286.8
6 3676 260.0 260.0

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Bond Strength (psi)


Bond Strength (psi)


Series 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.2c: Series 2 - Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength

The bond strength of the specimens with different corrosion levels were tested

using standard pullout testing. The specimen for 0 - 2% showed steel failure in the

extruded portion threaded to 5/16". Hence, the strength is under represented as the failure

was not by bond failure between steel and reinforcement. However, the bond strength for

corrosion level of 3% and higher was lower than that for the 2% specimen. Moreover, the

failure mode was the splitting of the surrounding concrete, which is a bond failure

between steel and concrete.

As the corrosion level increased, the bond strength between reinforcement and

concrete decreased for this series. However, the actual behavior is not defined by this

series as the failure was premature at the threaded portion and not by pull out.

In order to overcome this problem, the bond length is decreased in series 3 to

achieve a bond failure (i.e., to induce either pullout failure or splitting failure).

5.3 Series 3

Series 3 was also used to formulate the relation between degree of corrosion and

corrosion product distribution. Moreover, bond strength is evaluated for different degree

of corrosion in series 3. Two specimens were corroded to 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%,

5% and 6% degrees of corrosion. One was used for corrosion studies and the other was

used for pullout testing. This gives a relation between the degree of corrosion, corrosion

product thickness, crack width, and bond strength. In series 3, each specimen was 9" long

with a diameter of 2" and the bond length was 5". After the corrosion, the specimens

from corrosion studies were sliced into five 1" slices; three of these slices were selected

randomly and were measured for corrosion product thickness and crack widths at steel-

concrete interface and concrete surface. The pullout specimens were tested for maximum

load and slip using pullout tests.

Table 5.3a Series 3 – Corrosion Studies

Slice No Slice Length Thickness of Corrosion Products Crack Width

(in) (µm) (mm)
12 3 6 9 Steel Concrete
Specimen C-3-001, 0.25% Degree of Corrosion
1 1 12 13 15 11 - -
3 1 10 12 15 13 - -
4 1 11 12 14 14 - -
Specimen C-3-002, 0.50% Degree of Corrosion
1 1 21 22 24 20 - -
2 1 19 18 23 17 - -
4 1 19 21 21 20 - -
Specimen C-3-003, 1% Degree of Corrosion
1 1 24 34 44 23 0.018 0.028
4 1 27 34 61 37 0.024 0.032
5 1 22 28 55 30 0.022 0.029
Specimen C-3-004, 2% Degree of Corrosion
3 1 17 53 84 52 0.026 0.064
4 1 19 58 88 58 0.034 0.081
5 1 17 55 86 50 0.027 0.068
Specimen C-3-005, 3% Degree of Corrosion
1 1 20 77 135 65 0.055 0.095
2 1 24 65 142 46 0.044 0.101
3 1 19 57 125 49 0.045 0.085
Specimen C-3-006, 4% Degree of Corrosion
2 1 34 116 360 93 0.079 0.189
3 1 31 111 320 78 0.068 0.138
4 1 22 98 281 69 0.070 0.145
Specimen C-3-007, 5% Degree of Corrosion
2 1 77 121 893 147 0.147 0.298
3 1 81 132 855 121 0.134 0.261
4 1 69 154 911 142 0.128 0.275
Specimen C-3-008, 6% Degree of Corrosion
1 1 108 185 995 190 0.179 0.394
2 1 88 191 1011 175 0.226 0.425
3 1 91 177 984 181 0.186 0.367

Tables 5.3a – 5.3b and Figures 5.3a - 5.3b explain the corrosion product widths,

cracks at steel-concrete interface and concrete surface of seven specimens; Table 5.3c

and Fig. 5.3c explain the relationship between bond strength and degree of corrosion.

The above table gives the details of corrosion measurements taken at four

different locations and crack widths measured for each slice of specimen at steel-concrete

interface and concrete surface. The graphs shown in Fig. 5.3a depict the variation in

corrosion product thickness along the length and circumference of the reinforcement

within the specimen and also with the degree of corrosion for different specimens.

Specimen C-3-001, 0.25% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness


300 1
200 2

100 3
12 3 6 9 12
Corrosion Measurement Location

Specimen C-3-002, 0.50% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness

300 1
200 2
100 3
0 4
12 3 5
6 9 12
Corrosion Measurement Location

Specimen C-2-003, 1% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness

300 1
200 2
100 3
1 2 3 4 5
Corrosion Measurement Location

Specimen C-2-004, 2% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness

300 1
200 2
100 3
0 4
12 3 5
6 9 12
Corrosion Measurement Location

Specimen C-2-005, 3% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness

300 1
200 2
100 3
0 4
12 3 5
6 9 12
Corrosion Measurement Location

Specimen C-2-006, 4% Degree of Corrosion

Corrosion Products Thickness

100 2
0 3
12 3 4
6 9 12
Corrosion Measurement Location

Figure 5.3a: Thickness of Corrosion Products for Different Corrosion Level (Series 3)

It is clear from the above graphs that as the degree of corrosion increases, the

corrosion product thickness increases. The concrete cover for 0.25% and 0.50% did not

crack and corrosion products were uniform throughout the circumference and length of

the reinforcement. However, for corrosion level of 1% or above, the concrete cover was

cracked and corrosion product width was non-uniform for those specimens. The

maximum corrosion width was measured at 6 o’clock (the minimum distance between the

reinforcement and NaCl), and minimum corrosion product width was measured at 12

o’clock (the maximum distance between NaCl solution and steel reinforcement). Also, all

the slices for each degree of corrosion followed the same trend. The difference in the

corrosion product thickness between different location increases with increase in degree

of corrosion.

Table 5.3b: Crack Width Measurements:

Degree of Corrosion Max Crack Widths (x 10-3 mm)

(%) Steel-Concrete Interface Concrete Surface
0 0 0
0.25 0 0
0.50 0 0
1 24 45
2 34 81
3 55 101
4 79 181

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Max. Crack Widths (mm)

Max. Crack Widths (mm)


0.1 Interface
Concrete Surface

0 1 2 3 4
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.3b: Degree of Corrosion versus Maximum Crack Widths (Series 3)

During the initial stage of corrosion, the crack widths at steel-concrete interface

are greater than or equal to the widths of concrete surface cracks. As the corrosion level

increases, the condition is reversed: the crack width at concrete surface is greater than the

crack width at steel-concrete interface.

The results and discussion for the corrosion measurements are outlined in above

section. The results of the maximum load carried by the specimen before failure for each

degree of corrosion in standard pullout test is given in Table 5.3c.

Table 5.3.c: Series 3 – Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength:

Degree of Corrosion Max. Load Bond Strength

(%) (lb) (psi)
0 3960 672.3
0.25 4050 687.5
0.50 4200 713.0
1 4665 792.0
2 5095 865.0
3 4140 702.8
4 3420 580.6
6 3210 544.9

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Bond Strength (psi)

Bond Strength (psi)

Series 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.3c: Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength (Series 3)

The bond length in series 3 was reduced to 5" to overcome the problem

encountered in series 2 related to splitting failure mode. It was observed that the failure

mode during pullout tests for specimens in Series 3 was splitting of concrete cover, as

shown in Fig 5.3d and Fig. 5.3e. Moreover, as corrosion level increases, the load carrying

capacity of specimen increases marginally up to approximate corrosion level of 2%; the

load capacity decreases with further increase in corrosion level.

Figure 5.3d: Types of Splitting failure

Figure 5.3e: Specimens after Pullout Test (Series 3)

The increase in the bond strength at initial stage of corrosion was due to one of

the following two reasons: either 1) the higher volume corrosion product exerts the

mechanical pressure on the surrounding concrete, which increases mechanical

interlocking or 2) the corrosion product occupies the micro-voids in the concrete, which

improves the confinement. Finally, the roughness of bar increased due to the formation of

corrosion products, thereby increasing the friction between reinforcement and the

surrounding concrete.

The increase in the bond strength due to corrosion is reversed once the corrosion

level reaches a critical value, which is about 2% in this case. Then the bond strength

decreases rapidly with a corresponding increase in the corrosion level. The decrease in

the bond strength due to corrosion was due to one of the following reasons: either 1) the

expansive corrosion products exert mechanical pressure on the surrounding concrete,

reducing mechanical interlocking or 2) the crack in the concrete cover reduces the

confinement. Moreover, the slippery corrosion products will result in a loss of friction

between the reinforcement and the surrounding concrete.

The slip in the reinforcement was recorded during pullout test using a standard

dial gauge, as the load is applied. Results in Table 5.3d show the maximum load and

maximum slip for different degrees of corrosion.

Series 5.3d: Series 3 – Pullout Test Results:

Degree of Corrosion Max. Load Max. Slip Type of Failure

(%) (lb) (in)
0 3960 0.167 Splitting Failure
0.25 4053* 0.221** Splitting Failure
0.50 4200 0.114 Splitting Failure
1 4665 0.200 Splitting Failure
2 5095 0.280 Splitting Failure
3 4139 0.209 Splitting Failure
4 3420 0.054 Splitting Failure
6 3210 0.104 Splitting Failure
*Average of 2 tests for 0.25% corrosion level
** Maximum of 2 test value for 0.25% corrosion level, refer Appendix A, Table 12 and
Table 13.

For series 3, the maximum slip occurred at maximum load as shown in Table

5.3d, above. Also the failure was brittle for all the specimens once the maximum load

was reached. This is a major problem, as no warning is provided that may result in

casualties in real structures. In order to eliminate the above problem, series 4 was cast

with the same dimensions as series 3; however, after corroding the specimens for

different degrees of corrosion, the specimens were confined using basalt wrap. It was

assumed that the spalling of concrete will be eliminated and pullout of reinforcement

from the surrounding concrete or the slip of the reinforcement to a critical value will be

the failure mode.

5.4 Series 4

Series 4 was conducted to formulate a relationship between the degree of

corrosion and bond strength of externally confined concrete. As in series 3, series 4 has

each specimen 9" in length with a diameter of 2" containing bar #3 embedded at center

with bond length of 5". The only difference between series 3 and series 4 was that in

series 4, the specimens were confined using basalt wrap as shown in Fig 5.4a once the

desired degree of corrosion was achieved. The corrosion measures study was not carried

out for series 4, as they were identical to series 3. The pullout specimens were tested for

maximum load and slip using standard pullout test.

Figure 5.4a: Basalt Wrap for Series 4

The result of the maximum load carried by specimen before failure for each

degree of corrosion in standard pullout test is presented in Table 5.4a. The failure mode

for the specimens was either yielding of reinforcement at threaded portion or breaking of

reinforcement at the same point as in series 2 (as shown in Fig. 5.4b and Fig 5.4c). Thus,

the external confinement of specimens helps in carrying greater tensile force than

compared to non-wrapped specimen (as in series 3). However, the tensile strength of

threaded portion was smaller than the bond force (either splitting failure or pullout

failure). This series was unable to generate any relation between degree of corrosion and

bond strength.

Table 5.4a: Series 4 – Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength:

Degree of Corrosion Max. Load Bond Strength

(%) (lb) (psi)
0 6070 1138
1 6120 1039
2 5810 987
3 5740 975
4 5950 1010
5 5880 999
6 6020 1022

Figure 5.4b: Specimen after Pullout Test (Series 4)

Figure 5.4c: Yielding of Threaded Portion (Series 4)

5.5 Series 5

Series 5 was the first cube series with dimension 6" × 6" × 6" and bar size #3. The

bond length was 6" for all specimens. The specimens were corroded to 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%,

6% and 8% corrosion levels. After corroding the specimens to the desired degree of

corrosion, the specimens were removed from corrosion cell and cleaned of any corrosion

products on the concrete surface. The specimens were tested in pullout, and it was

observed that the specimens were again experiencing failure at threaded portion, as in

series 2 and 4, where the threaded portion was yielding and finally breaking on further

loading, as in the case of 1% and 2% shown in Fig 5.5a. To overcome this problem,

threaded portions were removed and the original reinforcement of bar size #3 was welded

to #6 bar size, as shown in Fig 5.5a.

However, it was observed that the welding of #6 bars to the reinforcement of the

specimen did not help in achieving any bond failure mode. The failure mode was shifted

to yielding and breaking of #3 bars as shown in Fig 5.5b. Table 5.5a gives the results of

pullout testing for Series 5. Series 5 was also not able to generate a proper relation

between bond strength and degree of corrosion. The relation between degree of corrosion

and crack widths are shown in Table 5.5b and Fig 5.5b.

Table: 5.5a: Pullout test Result

Degree of Corrosion Max. Load Failure Mode

(%) (lb)
0 11840 Breaking of #3 Bar
1 6150 Yielding of Threaded portion
2 5940 Yielding of Threaded portion
3 11660 Yielding of #3 Bar
4 11590 Yielding of #3 Bar
6 11540 Yielding of #3 Bar
8 11710 Yielding of #3 Bar

Figure 5.5a: Specimen after Pullout Test (Series 5)

Thus, a new series of specimens was made with bar size #6 to overcome the type

of failure mentioned above, the yielding of non-embedded reinforcement.

5.6 Series 6:

Cube specimens with 6" × 6" × 6" and bar size #6 embedded at center with bond

length of 4" were used for series 6. The effective cover was increased to 3" compare to 1"

of series 2 through 4 to overcome the problem of sudden splitting of concrete cover as in

series 2 through 3. The bar size was increased to #6 from #3 to overcome the yielding

failure at threaded portion as in series 2, 4 or yielding of bar as in series 5. Also,

threading was not done because a gripper for bar size of #6 or above was available, as

shown in Fig 5.6b. The relationship between degree of corrosion and crack widths for

cube specimen with bar size #6 is given in Table 5.6a and Fig. 5.6a.

Table 5.6a: Crack Width Measurements:

Degree of Corrosion Crack Widths at Concrete Surface

(%) in – (mm)
0 No Crack
1 No Crack
2 No Crack
3 No Crack
4 0.004 – (0.106)
6 0.03 – (0.762)
8 0.04 – (1.016)

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Max. Crack Widths (in)

Max. Crack Widths (in)

Concrete Surface



0 2 4 6 8
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.6b: Degree of Corrosion versus Crack Width (Series 6)

Figure 5.6b: Grips for Reinforcement

For series 6, the concrete surface was not cracked up to 3% corrosion level; above that

level, the crack widths at concrete surface increased with the corresponding increase in

the degree of corrosion. Fig 5.6c shows the crack width for corrosion level of 6%.

Figure 5.6c: Typical Crack Width Measurement

Table 5.6b and Fig. 5.6d explain the relation between degree of corrosion and

bond strength and Fig 5.6e and Fig 5.6f shows the specimen before and after pullout test,


Table 5.6b: Pullout Test Results

Degree of Max. Load Bond Strength Max. Slip Failure Mode

Corrosion (%) (lb) (psi) (in)
0 12766 1355 0.1305
1 18140 1925 0.4015
2 14473 1536 0.2640
3 8192 869 0.4155 Splitting
4 5454 579 0.1935 Failure
6 3853 409 0.3400
8 2016 214 0.3500
10 1859 197 0.3800

Degree of Corrosion vs Bond Strrength


Bond Strength (psi)


1000 Series 6


0 2 4 6 8 10
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.6d: Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength (Series 6)

The bond capacity increased with an increase in corrosion level up to 1%; above

that, any increase in corrosion level rapidly reduced the bond strength of the specimens.

However, the bond strength for the 2% corrosion level is more than the bond strength for

non-corroded bar specimen.

The increase in the bond strength at initial stage of corrosion was due to one of

the following reasons: 1) the corrosion product exerts the mechanical pressure on the

surrounding concrete due to its higher volume compared to original steel, which increases

mechanical interlocking; 2) the corrosion product occupies the micro-voids in the

concrete, which improves the confinement; and/or 3) the roughness of bar increased due

to the corrosion products, thereby increasing the friction between reinforcement and the

surrounding concrete.

The increase in the bond strength due to corrosion was reversed once the

corrosion level reached a critical value, which in this series was 2%. Above this level, the

bond strength decreased rapidly with an increase in the corrosion level. The decrease in

the bond strength due to corrosion was due to one of the following reasons: 1) the

expansive corrosion products exerts huge mechanical pressure on the surrounding

concrete, reducing mechanical interlocking; or 2) reduction in the confinement due to

corrosion cracks in the concrete cover. Moreover, the slippery corrosion products results

in reduction of friction in reinforcement from the surrounding concrete.

Figure 5.6e: Specimens before Pullout Test (Series 6)

Figure 5.6f: Reinforcing Bars after Pullout Test (Series 6)

The pullout test also recorded the slip of the reinforcement during pullout test as

the load was applied. Results in Table 5.6b show the maximum load and maximum slip

for different degrees of corrosion.

The maximum slip for specimens in series 6 did not occur at maximum load, as in

series 3. But the bar slips initially at maximum load and continues to slip while the load is

reduced or until the concrete cover completely falls. This type of slip pattern is necessary

in the structures as this gives a warning on imminent failure of the structure. However,

the spalling of concrete needs to be eliminated, as it might result in causalities or in

damage to property.
5.7 Series 7

Cube specimens with 6” × 6” × 6” and bar size #6 embedded at center with bond

length of 4” were used for series 7. The difference between series 6 and 7 was that series

6 was cast with normal concrete, whereas series 7 was cast with concrete containing

polypropylene fiber. It was assumed that the addition of polypropylene fiber will help in

reducing the crack widths, spalling of concrete, increasing the bond strength and finally

reducing the effect of corrosion on bond strength.

Table: 5.7a: Crack Width Measurements:

Degree of Corrosion Crack Widths

(%) in – (mm)
1 No Crack
2 No Crack
3 No Crack
4 No Crack
5 0.01 – (0.254)
6 0.025 – (0.635)
8 0.035 – (0.889)

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Max. Crack Widths (in)

Max. Crack Widths (in)


Concrete Surface

0 2 4 6 8
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.7a: Degree of Corrosion versus Maximum Crack Widths (Series 7)

Relation between degree of corrosion and crack widths for cubic specimens with

#6 bar size is given in Table 5.7a and Fig. 5.7a.

For series 7, the concrete surface was not cracked up to 4% corrosion level and

then the crack widths at concrete surface increased with the corresponding increase in the

degree of corrosion. Use of polypropylene fiber in concrete mix helped in minimizing

crack width.

For series 6 (without polypropylene fiber), the initial crack was observed for 4%

corrosion level, whereas for series 7, the initial crack was observed at 5% corrosion level.

Also, crack width for series 6 at the 6% and 8% corrosion level was 0.03” and 0.04”,

respectively; whereas for series 7, it was 0.025” and 0.035”.

Table 5.7b and Fig. 5.7b give the relation between the degree of corrosion and the

bond strength, and Fig 5.8c and Fig 5.7d show the specimen before and after pullout test.

Table 5.7b: Pullout Test Results:

Degree of Max. Load Bond Strength Max. Slip Failure Mode

Corrosion (%) (lb) (psi) (in)
0 13650 1448 0.9535 Splitting Failure
1 14150 1501 0.630 without Spalling
2 16075 1705 0.4435 for Degree of
3 15100 1602 0.575 Corrosion
4 12950 1374 0.497
5 8950 949 0.444
6 7475 793 0.551
8 8350 886 0.466

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Bond Strength (psi)

Bond Strength (psi)

800 Series 7


0 2 4 6 8
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.7b: Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength (Series 7)

The bond capacity increased with an increase in corrosion level up to 3%; above

that, any increase in corrosion level decreased the bond strength. However, for 6% and

8% corrosion levels, the decrease in bond strength is less than 50% of the original

(without corrosion) bond strength whereas for series 6 it was 70% - 90%. Thus, the use of

polypropylene fiber in concrete mix also helped in improvement of bond strength.

The fiber in concrete carries the tensile force caused as a result of bearing force

and friction force acting on the bar during the pullout test. When fibers were not used in

concrete, the tensile force was carried by concrete; but as the confinement was reduced or

lost due to large corrosion cracks, the concrete was not able to resist tensile load, causing

splitting at very small loads.

Figure 5.7c: Specimens before Pullout Test (Series 7)

Figure 5.7d: Specimens after Pullout Test (Series 7)

5.8 Series 8

Cube specimens with 6" × 6" × 6" and bar size #6 embedded at center with bond

length of 4" were used for series 8. The difference between series 6, 7 and 8 was that

series 6 was cast with normal concrete, series 7 was casted with polypropylene fiber

concrete and series 8 was casted with MiniBar (basalt fiber) concrete. It was assumed that

addition of basalt fiber will help in reducing the crack widths and reducing the spalling of

concrete, increasing the bond strength and finally reducing the effect of corrosion on

bond strength.

Relation between the degree of corrosion and crack widths for cube specimen with bar

size #6 is given in Table 5.8a and Fig. 5.8a.

Table 5.8a: Crack Width Measurements:

Degree of Corrosion Crack Widths

(%) in – (mm)
1 No Crack
2 No Crack
3 No Crack
4 No Crack
5 0.01 – (0.254)
6 0.02 – (0.508)
8 0.03 – (0.762)

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Max. Crack Widths (in)

Max. Crack Widths (in)


Concrete Surface

0 2 4 6 8
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.8a: Degree of Corrosion versus Crack Widths (Series 8)

For series 8, the concrete surface was not cracked up to 4% corrosion level and

then the crack widths at concrete surface increased with the corresponding increase in the

degree of corrosion. Use of basalt fiber in concrete mix helped in minimizing crack


For series 6 (without any fiber) initial crack was observed for 4% corrosion level,

whereas for series 7 and 8 the initial crack was observed at 5% corrosion level. Also, the

crack width for 6% and 8% corrosion levels for series 6 it was 0.03" and 0.04"; for series

7 it was 0.025" and 0.035"; and for series 8 it was 0.02 and 0.03. Thus, the concrete

mixed with Minibar gave the best results in protecting the corrosion crack width.

Table 5.8b and Fig. 5.8b show the relation between the degree of corrosion and

the bond strength, and Fig. 5.8.c and Fig. 5.8d show the specimen before and after pullout


Table 5.8b: Series 8 - Pullout Test Results

Degree of Max. Load Bond Strength Max. Slip Failure Mdoe

Corrosion (lb) (psi) (in)
0 15771 1673 1.010
2 20499 2175 0.561 Splitting Failure
without Spalling
3 20821 2209 0.7445
for Degree of
4 21641 2296 0.432 Corrosion
5 16011 1699 0.395
6 15184 1611 0.4485
8 13254 1406 0.5120

Degree of Corroion (%) vs Bond Strength (psi)

Bond Strength (psi)


1000 Series 8


0 2 4 6 8
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.6b: Degree of Corrosion versus Bond Strength (Series 8)

The bond capacity increased with an increase in corrosion level up to 3.5%; above

that, any increase in corrosion level decreased the bond strength. For 6% and 8%

corrosion levels, the decrease in bond strength is less than 20% of original bond strength

which is without corrosion, whereas for series 6 it was 70% - 90%, and for series 7 it was

about 50%. Thus, use of basalt fiber in concrete mix also helped in the improving the

bond strength.

The fibers mixed in the concrete carry the tensile force caused as a result of the

bearing force and friction force acting on the bar during the pullout test. When fibers

were not used in the concrete, the tensile force was carried entirely by the concrete.

However, as the confinement was reduced or lost due to large corrosion cracks, the

concrete was unable to resist the tensile load and resulting in splitting at very small loads.

Figure 5.8c: Specimens before Pullout Test (Series 8)

Figure 5.8d: Specimens after Pullout Test (Series 8)

5.9 Crack Width Comparison

5.9.1 Comparison between Series 2 and Series 3

The crack width increases with the increase in corrosion level at both steel-

concrete interface and concrete surface for both series 2 and 3 as shown in Fig. 5.9.a and

Fig. 5.9.b. The crack width at both steel-concrete interface and concrete surface for series

2 was higher than series 3 as shown in Fig. 5.9.c and Fig. 5.9.d. For example, for 4%

corrosion level the crack width for series 2 and series 3 was 0.390 mm (0.0154") and

0.189 mm (0.0074"), respectively.

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Max. Crack Widths (mm)
Max. Crack Widths (mm) 0.6
0.3 Interface
0.2 Concrete Surface

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.9a: Series 2 – Crack Width versus Degree of Corrosion

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Max. Crack Widths (mm)

Max. Crack Widths (mm)

0.3 Interface
0.2 Concrete Surface
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.9b: Series 3 – Crack Width versus Degree of Corrosion

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Crack Width (mm)


Crack Width(mm)


0.3 Series 2
Series 3


0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.9c: Crack Width at Steel-Concrete Interface

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Crack Width (mm)


Crack Width (mm)



0.3 Series 2
Series 3


0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.9d: Crack Widths at Concrete Surface

The concrete cover for both the series was 0.8125". The specimen and embedded

length were 12" for series 2, whereas for series 3 the specimen length was 9" and the

embedded length was 5". Thus, the ratio of specimen length to embedded length for

series 2 was 1, whereas for series 3 it was 1.8. The above-mentioned ratio was one of the

reasons for the lower crack width observed in series 3. This can be further explained in

detail using the concept described in section 3.2.7 (Crack Model). After corrosion

initiation phase, there is a small period of free expansion as shown in Fig. 3.9; for series

2, this period is small, as a large quantity of corrosion products is available per unit

length of specimen compared to series 3. Also, a whole specimen is cracked in series 2

for low level corrosion (1%), and the crack width was fairly uniform throughout the

length of the specimen for a given corrosion level. The crack width (uniformly) increases

as the corrosion level increases throughout the length of the specimen. In series 3, only an

embedded portion of the specimen was cracked at 1% corrosion level, and the remaining

portion was semi-cracked. Also, as corrosion percentage increases, the crack width

increases for embedded portion, wheras the non-embedded portion was still in free-

expansion phase. Moreover, the tensile strength of non-embedded portion was greater

than the tensile pressure generated by corrosion products, which not only resisted the

cracking of non-embedded portion but also resisted the widening of cracks in the

embedded portion.

5.9.2 Comparison between Series 6, Series 7 and Series 8

The crack width at the concrete surface for plain concrete and concrete with

polypropylene fiber or MiniBar increases with an increase in the corrosion level, as can

be seen in Figure 5.9e. The crack width for plain concrete was more than the crack width

for polypropylene fiber concrete, which in turn was more than the crack width for

MiniBar concrete. The crack width is a function of tensile strength of concrete, the ability

of the concrete to resist the internal tensile pressure caused by expansive corrosion

products. Plain concrete is weak in tension whereas fibers act as reinforcements, which

can carry high tensile pressure. This was the reason of low crack width in concrete with

fibers compared to plain concrete. Also, MiniBar concrete was able to resist more tensile

pressure compared to polypropylene fiber concrete. Results show for 6% corrosion level

crack width for polypropylene fiber concrete was 0.025", whereas for MiniBar concrete it

was 0.02".

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Max. Crack Widths (mm)


Max. Crack Widths (in)

0.03 Plain Concrete

Polypropylene Fiber
MiniBar Concrete

0 2 4 6 8
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.9e: Crack Widths – Series 6, 7 and 8

5.10 Comparison of Bond Strength Results:

5.10.1 Comparison between Series 2 and Series 3:

Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Bond Strength (psi)


Bond Strength (psi)


400.0 Series 2
Series 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.10a: Series 2 and Series 3 – Bond Strength Results

Bond strength results for series 2 and series 3 are presented in Figure 5.10a. In

series 2, up to 2% corrosion level, the failure mode was yielding of the steel at the

threaded portion, while for higher corrosion levels, the failure mode was splitting of

concrete. Thus, the maximum load recorded up to 2% corrosion level was actally

measuring the yielding strength of threaded portion but not the bond strength. This

implies that the actual bond strength was higher than yielding strength of threaded

portion. The bond failure for corrosion levels of more than 2% was splitting of concrete,

and the bond strength decreases with an increase in corrosion level. The reduction in

bond strength for 4% corrosion level was 30%; for 6% corrosion level, the reduction was

40%. However, the actual bond strength was higher for non-corroded reinforcement

compared to the recorded maximum load. Thus, reduction in the bond strength was more

than 30% and 40% for corrosion level of 4% and 6%, respectively. The reduction in the

bond strength is due to following reasons: 1) the concrete cover crack reduces the

confinement effect of the concrete resulting in reduced bond strength; 2) the corrosion

products are slippery in nature, thereby reducing the friction between reinforcement and

concrete; and 3) the corrosion products reduce the cross-sectional area and rib height,

leading to loss of mechanical interlocking. Thus, reduction of confinement and

mechanical interlocking or increase in friction, with an increase in corrosion level

reduces the bond strength of the RC members.

In series 3, the failure mode was bond failure by splitting of concrete for all

corrosion levels. The bond strength increased initially with an increase in corrosion level

up to 2%; above that, bond strength decreases with any further increase in corrosion

level. The increase in the bond strength is due to following reasons: 1) the low level

corrosion increases the friction between reinforcement and concrete, and expansive

corrosion products exerts the tensile pressure, which enhances the mechanical

interlocking; and 2) the corrosion product fills the voids in the concrete, increasing the

confinement effect. After 2% corrosion level, the bond strength reduces with an increase

in corrosion level, and the causes of this reduction have already been explained.

The bond strength for series 3 specimens was more than the bond strength of

series 2 specimens for all the corrosion level. As mentioned in Section 5.9 (crack

comparison), the specimen length to embedded length ratio for series 2 and series 3 was 1

and 1.8, respectively. Also, the crack width for series 2 was higher than series 3 for a

particular corrosion level. This higher crack width resulted in more reduction in

confinement effect, which resulted in low bond strength. Furthermore, the tensile

carrying capacity of un-cracked portion in series 3 specimen was higher than completely

cracked specimens of series 2.

5.10.2 Comparison between Series 6, Series 7 and Series 8

The bond strength of series 6, 7 and 8 follows the same trend as series 2 and 3:

bond strength first increases with increase in degree of corrosion up to a critical

percentage, and then it decreases with any further increase in corrosion level. However,

the critical percentage varies, as new fiber materials were introduced to modify the bond

strength behavior of corroded RC members. Similar to series 2 and 3, the critical

percentage for series 6 (specimen casted with plain concrete) was 2%. It was assumed

that fibers increase the bond strength of the corroded RC members. The results show that

the assumption was correct and that addition of fibers (polypropylene fiber or MiniBar)

not only increased the bond strength of corroded RC members but also shifted the critical

percentage to higher value.

The shift in the critical percentage to a higher value is a positive sign in terms of

structural service life as shown in Fig. 5.10b. The decrease in capacity of RC member

which would happen at 2% corrosion level when plain concrete is used had shifted to

3.5% for polypropylene fiber concrete and 4.5% for MiniBar concrete. Thus, the service

life of the corroded structure is more in case of fiber induced concrete compared to plain


Degree of Corrosion (%) vs Bond Strength (psi)

Bond Strength (psi)

1500 Plain Concrete

Polypropylene Fiber
1000 Concrete
MiniBar Concrete

0 2 4 6 8
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.10b: Series 6, Series 7 and Series 8 – Bond Strength Results

Also, with the addition of polypropylene fibers or Minibar in the concrete, the

decrease in bond strength for corroded RC members was reduced. The reason for better

bond strength along with the increase in critical percentage is due to following reasons: 1)

the fibers resist the tensile load caused during the pullout tests, which stops the splitting

of concrete; 2) the fiber reduces the corrosion cracks, so the confinement effect was more

compared to plain concrete corroded specimens; and 3) fiber fills the micro-voids of the

specimens, increasing both confinement effect and mechanical interlocking.

5.11 Load-Slip Relation

5.11.1 Comparison between Series 6, Series 7 and Series 8

The load-slip relation is shown in Figures 5.11a through 5.11d for cube series 6, 7

and 8. The graph is drawn with load on Y-axis and slip on X-axis. The graphs represent

an approximately linear relationship between load and slip. It was observed that for low-

to mid-level corrosion, no slip was observed up to maximum load, and specimens failed

at the maximum load with an initial slip of about 0.03" to 0.05" for all specimens of

series 6 and series 7, and initial slip of 0.01" for all specimens of series 8. The load was

measured up to the slip of 0.1" and also the maximum slip was recorded for all the

specimens. Results are shown in a tabular form in Appendix A.


Load (lb)

0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Free End Slip (in)

Figure 5.11a: Load-Slip Curve for Series 6


Load (lb)

0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Free End Slip (in)

Figure 5.11b: Load-Slip Curve for Series 7



16000 0%
Load (lb)

12000 3%
8000 5%
4000 8%

0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Free End Slip (in)

Figure 5.11c: Load-Slip Curve for Series 8

For Non-Corroded Specimen


16000 Plain Concrete

Load (lb)

Fiber Concrete

0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Free End Slip (in)

2% Corrosion Level


Plain Concrete
Load (lb)

8000 Fiber Concrete
4000 Concrete

0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Free End Slip (in)

4% Corrosion Level


Plain Concrete
Load (lb)

12000 Polypropylene
Fiber Concrete
8000 MiniBar


0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Free End Slip (in)

6% Corrosion Level


Plain Concrete
Load (lb)

12000 Polypropylene
Fiber Concrete
8000 MiniBar

0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Free End Slip (in)

8% Corrosion Level


Plain Concrete
Load (lb)

Fiber Concrete
8000 MiniBar

0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Free End Slip (in)

Figure 5.11d: Comparison of Load-Slip Curve for Series 6, 7 and 8

5.12 Comparison of Bond Strength determined by Other Authors

This section compares individually the results obtained from series 6 in this

research effort and those obtained in the work of different authors. Also, the data of

corrosion level equal and greater than 2% from all the research work of various authors

whose specimen types were similar to the current research (series 6) is combined, and a

best fit curve is then plotted using these data such that up to 2% corrosion level, R is

approximately equal to 100 and thereafter decreases exponentially, as shown in figure

5.12a. Also, an exponential curve is fitted to the result of series 6 as shown in Figure

5.12.a. Both of these curves follow the same trend, hence it can be said that the result

obtained in series 6 matches with the work of other authors. The equation for R

(normalized bond strength) is given by


Normalized Bond Strength

60 Literature
0 2 4 6 8 10
Degree of Corrosion

Figure 5.12a: Comparison of Series 6 Result and Combined Other Author Result

Figure 5.12b shows the normalized bond strength of corroded RC specimens of present

research and different authors. The data is then compared to the normalized bond strength

curve obtained from figure 5.12a.


Normalized Bond Strength (%) 160

80 Al-Sulaimani et al.


0 2 4 6 8 10
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Normalized Bond Strength (%)


80 Cabrera


0 2 4 6 8 10
Degree of Corrosion (%)


Normalized Bond Strength (%) 160

80 Almusallam et al.


0 2 4 6 8 10
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Normalized Bond Strength (%)


80 Amleh and Mirza


0 2 4 6 8 10
Degree of Corrosion (%)


Normalized Bond Strength (%) 160

80 Auyeung et al.


0 2 4 6 8 10
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Normalized Bond Strength (%)


80 Lee et al.


0 2 4 6 8 10
Degree of Corrosion (%)


Normalized Bond Strength (%) 160

80 Fang et al.


0 2 4 6 8 10
Degree of Corrosion (%)

Figure 5.12b: Comparison of Series 6 Result and Individual Author's Result

The data points from Al-Sulaimani et al. [3.32], Almusallam et al. [3.31], Lee et al.

[3.33], and Fand et al. [3.34] follows the same trend as that of current research and best

fit curve developed from the current study. The results of Auyeung et al. [3.29] are below

the under best fit curve of current study, whereas the results of Amleh and Mirza [3.36 ]

and Cabrera [3.35] are above best fit curve. When these data points are combined, they

distribute themselves evenly about the best fit curve to produce a best fit curve which

follows the same trend as current research as shown in Figure 5.12a.



6.1 Conclusions:

Extensive experimental research were carried out to evaluate the changes in physical and

mechanical properties of RC specimens due to corrosion of the reinforcement. Based on

the results of these experiments following, conclusions were drawn:

 Uniform corrosion occurs only until the first splitting crack occurs on the concrete

surface; thereafter, corrosion is non-uniform.

 The bond strength increases with increase in corrosion level up to a critical

percentage and then decreases with any further increase in corrosion level.

 For plain concrete, the critical percentage was found to be 2%, whereas for

concrete with polypropylene or MiniBar as an additive, the critical percentages

were 3.5% and 4.5%, respectively.

 The crack width increases with an increase in corrosion level. The crack width for

plain concrete at any corrosion level was greater for cylindrical specimens when

compared to cubical specimens. This implies crack width is a function of concrete

cover; thus, the greater the concrete cover, the smaller the crack width for any

given level of corrosion.

 The crack widths for plain concrete were more than the crack widths for

polypropylene fiber concrete, which in turn were greater than the crack widths for

MiniBar concrete.

 The use of polypropylene fiber or MiniBar in concrete helps in improving bond

strength of corroded RC members and also helps in reducing the cracking due to


 The empirical formula derived based on literature review and experimental results

of cubical specimens was R = 1 for CL ≤ 2 and for CL > 2,

where R is normalized bond strength.


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3.14 ACI Committee 408, (2003). “Bond and Development of Straight Reinforcement
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3.48 ACI Committee 222, (2001). “Protection of metals in concrete against

corrosion.”ACI 222R-01, ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, American Concrete

3.49 Abosrra, L., Ashour, A. F., Youseffi, M. (2011). “Corrosion of steel

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Building Materials, 25, 3915–3925.

3.50 Harajili, M. H. (2009). “Bond stress – Slip model for steel bars in unconfined or
steel, FRC or FRP confined concrete under cyclic loading.” Journal of Structural
Engineering, 135(5), 509-518.



Series 2:

Table A.1: Specimen: P-2-000 – 0% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0
500 0 Specimen failed by bond
1000 0 failure between steel and
1500 0.0005 concrete
2000 0.0005
2500 0.0005
3000 0.0005
3500 0.0005
4000 0.0005
4500 0.0005
5000 0.0005
5500 0.0005
6000 0.0005

Table A.2: Specimen: P-2-001 – 0.25% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0
500 0 Steel Failure in the extruded
1000 0 threaded portion
1500 0
2000 0 Thread was 5/16-18"
2500 0 Diameter
3000 0
3500 0
4000 0
4500 0
5000 0

5500 0
6000 0
6222 0

Table A.3: Specimen: P-2-002 – 0.50% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0
500 0 Steel Failure in the extruded
1000 0 threaded portion
1500 0
2000 0
2500 0
3000 0
3500 0
4000 0
4500 0
5000 0
5500 0
5949 0

Table A.4: Specimen: P-2-003 – 1% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0
500 0 Steel Failure in the extruded
1000 0 threaded portion
1500 0
2000 0
2500 0
3000 0
3500 0
4000 0
4500 0
5000 0
5500 0
5686 0

Table A.5: Specimen: P-2-004 – 2% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0

500 0 Steel Failure in the extruded
1000 0 threaded portion
1500 0
2000 0.0005
2500 0.0005
3000 0.0005
3500 0.0005
4000 0.0005
4500 0.0005
5000 0.0005
5500 0.0005
6000 0.0005
6028 0.0005

Table A.6: Specimen: P-2-005 – 3% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0
500 0 Specimen failed by bond
1000 0 failure between steel and
1500 0 concrete
2000 0
2500 0
3000 0
3500 0
4000 0
4500 0
5000 0
5180 0

Table A.7: Specimen: P-2-006 – 4% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Specimen failed by bond
500 0 failure between steel and
1000 0 concrete
1500 0
2000 0
2500 0
3000 0
3500 0
4000 0
4329 0

Table A.8: Specimen: P-2-007 – 5% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Specimen failed by bond
500 0 failure between steel and
1000 0 concrete
1500 0
2000 0
2500 0
3000 0
3500 0
4000 0
4054 0

Table A.9: Specimen: P-2-008 – 6% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Specimen failed by bond
500 0 failure between steel and
1000 0 concrete
1500 0
2000 0
2500 0
3000 0
3500 0
3675 0

Table A.10: Detail of Pullout Test Results for Series 2 Specimens

Corrosion Max. Load Notes

Level (%) (lb)
0 6000 Specimen failed by bond failure between steel and concrete
0.25 6222 Steel Failure in the extruded threaded portion
0.50 5740 Steel Failure in the extruded threaded portion
1 5686 Steel Failure in the extruded threaded portion
2 6028 Steel Failure in the extruded threaded portion
3 5180 Specimen failed by bond failure between steel and concrete
4 4329 Specimen failed by bond failure between steel and concrete
5 4054 Specimen failed by bond failure between steel and concrete
6 3676 Specimen failed by bond failure between steel and concrete

Table A.11: Series 2 – Compression Strength Test Results

Cylinder No. Load (lb) Compressive Strength (psi)

1 102410 8154
2 96380 7674
3 98980 7881
Average Compressive Strength for Series 2 7903

Series 3:

Table A.12: Specimen: P-3-000 – 0% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
400 0 Specimen failed by bond
800 0 failure between steel and
1200 0 concrete
1600 0
2000 0
2400 0
2800 0
3200 0
3600 0
3960 0.167

Table A.12: Specimen: P-3-001 – 0.25% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
400 0 Specimen failed by bond
800 0 failure between steel and
1200 0.003 concrete
1600 0.003
2000 0.003
2400 0.003
2800 0.003
3200 0.004
3220 0.089

Table A.13: Specimen: P-3-001A – 0.25% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
400 0 Specimen failed by bond
800 0 failure between steel and
1200 0 concrete
1600 0.0005
2000 0.0005
2400 0.0005
2800 0.0005
3200 0.0005
3600 0.0005
4000 0.0005
4400 0.0005
4800 0.0005
4885 0.221

Table A.14: Specimen: P-3-002 – 0.50% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
400 0 Specimen failed by bond
800 0 failure between steel and
1200 0 concrete
1600 0
2000 0
2400 0
2800 0
3200 0
3600 0
4000 0
4200 0.114

Table A.15: Specimen: P-3-003 – 1% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
400 0 Specimen failed by bond
800 0 failure between steel and
1200 0 concrete
1600 0
2000 0
2400 0
2800 0
3200 0

3600 0
4000 0
4400 0
4665 0.200

Table A.16: Specimen: P-3-004 – 2% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
400 0 Specimen failed by bond
800 0 failure between steel and
1200 0 concrete
1600 0
2000 0
2400 0
2800 0
3200 0
3600 0
4000 0
4400 0
4800 0.0005
5095 0.280

Table A.17: Specimen: P-3-005 – 3% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
400 0 Specimen failed by bond
800 0 failure between steel and
1200 0 concrete
1600 0
2000 0
2400 0
2800 0
3200 0
3600 0
4139 0.209

Table A.18: Specimen: P-3-006 – 4% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.

400 0 Specimen failed by bond
800 0 failure between steel and
1200 0 concrete
1600 0
2000 0
2400 0
2800 0
3200 0
3420 0.054

Table A.19: Specimen: P-3-008 – 6% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
400 0 Specimen failed by bond
800 0 failure between steel and
1200 0 concrete
1600 0
2000 0
2400 0
2800 0
3200 0
3210 0.1035

Table A.20: Detail of Pullout Test Results for Series 3 Specimens

Corrosion Level (%) Max. Load (lb) Notes

0 3960 Splitting Failure i.e. Specimen failed by
0.25 4053 bond failure between steel and concrete
0.50 4200
1 4665
2 5095
3 4139
4 3420
6 3210

Table A.21: Series 2 – Compression Strength Test Results

Cylinder No. Load (lb) Compressive Strength (psi)

1 97880 7788
2 96710 7695
3 98240 7818

Average Compressive Strength for Series 2 7767

Series 4:

All specimens in the pullout test failed due to yielding of threaded portion. Thus, no slip

of reinforcement happened for series 4 specimens.

Table A.21: Series 4 – Compression Strength Test Results

Cylinder No. Load (lb) Compressive Note

Strength (psi)
1 96670 7692 Normal Cylinder
2 96920 7712 (Cylinder was not
3 96110 7648 wrapped with
Average Compressive Strength for Series 4 7684 basalt wrap)
non wrapped cylinder
1 65480 5211 Wrapped Cylinder
2 61490 4893 (Cylinder was
3 62130 4944 wrapped with
Average Compressive Strength for Series 4 5016 basalt wrap)
wrapped cylinder

Series 5:

Series 5 specimens were also failed due to yielding of threaded portion as series 4 or

yielding of actual bar. Thus, no slip of reinforcement occurred for series 5 specimens.

Table A.21: Series 5 – Compression Strength Test Results

Cylinder No. Load (lb) Compressive Strength (psi)

1 99430 7912
2 100230 7976
3 98630 7848
Average Compressive Strength for Series 5 7912

Series 6:

Table A.22: Specimen: P-6-000 – 0% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.

12000 0 Specimen failed by bond
12766 0.050 failure between steel and
10000 0.080 concrete
8000 0.095
4000 0.1305

Table A.23: Specimen: P-6-001 – 1% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
18000 0 Specimen failed by bond
18140 0.03 failure between steel and
15000 0.071 concrete
10000 0.089
8000 0.098
3000 0.120
2500 0.185
2000 0.220
1500 0.255
1000 0.319
500 0.3955
0 0.4015

Table A.24: Specimen: P-6-002 – 2% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
14000 0 Specimen failed by bond
14473 0.05 failure between steel and
10000 0.08 concrete
8000 0.102
4000 0.115
2000 0.12
500 0.24
0 0.264

Table A.25: Specimen: P-6-003 – 3% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
8000 0 Specimen failed by bond
8192 0.051 failure between steel and

6000 0.072 concrete
4000 0.089
3000 0.100
2500 0.130
2000 0.169
1500 0.250
1000 0.320
500 0.4155

Table A.26: Specimen: P-6-004 – 4% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
5000 0 Specimen failed by bond
5454 0.05 failure between steel and
4000 0.09 concrete
3000 0.099
2000 0.121
1000 0.170
500 0.1935

Table A.27: Specimen: P-6-006 – 6% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
2000 0 Specimen failed by bond
3000 0.01 failure between steel and
3853 0.04 concrete
2000 0.07
1000 0.093
500 0.192
300 0.340

Table A.28: Specimen: P-6-008 – 8% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
1000 0 Specimen failed by bond
2000 0.03 failure between steel and
2016 0.05 concrete
1000 0.093
500 0.188

300 0.350

Table A.30: Specimen: P-2-010 – 10% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
1000 0 Specimen failed by bond
1500 0.015 failure between steel and
1859 0.055 concrete
1000 0.095
500 0.145
400 0.290
300 0.380

Table A.31: Detail of Pullout Test Results for Series 6 Specimens

Corrosion Level (%) Max. Load (lb) Notes

0 12766 Splitting Failure i.e. Specimen
1 18140 failed by bond failure between steel
2 14473 and concrete
3 8192
4 5454
6 3853
8 2016
10 1859

Table A.32: Series 6 – Compression Strength Test Results

Cylinder No. Load (lb) Compressive Strength (psi)

1 89270 7103
2 91080 7247
3 89610 7130
Average Compressive Strength for Series 6 7160

Series 7:

Table A.22: Specimen: P-7-000 – 0% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
13000 0 Specimen failed by bond

13650 0.048 failure between steel and
10000 0.071 concrete
9000 0.093
8000 0.145
7000 0.194
6000 0.251
5000 0.295
4000 0.355
3000 0.465
2000 0.795
1000 0.9535

Table A.23: Specimen: P-7-001 – 1% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
14000 0 Specimen failed by bond
14150 0.053 failure between steel and
10000 0.067 concrete
9000 0.100
8000 0.162
7000 0.210
6000 0.236
5000 0.276
4000 0.291
3000 0.320
2000 0.355
1000 0.630

Table A.24: Specimen: P-7-002 – 2% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
16000 0 Specimen failed by bond
16075 0.054 failure between steel and
9000 0.088 concrete
8000 0.106
7000 0.149
6000 0.186
5000 0.234
4000 0.263
3000 0.306
2000 0.345

1000 0.400

Table A.25: Specimen: P-7-003 – 3% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
15000 0 Specimen failed by bond
15100 0.045 failure between steel and
10000 0.0655 concrete
9000 0.104
8000 0.136
7000 0.204
6000 0.233
5000 0.256
4000 0.271
3000 0.298
2000 0.344
1000 0.575

Table A.26: Specimen: P-7-004 – 4% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.

12000 0 Specimen failed by bond
12950 0.038 failure between steel and
10000 0.074 concrete
9000 0.094
8000 0.131
7000 0.167
6000 0.209
5000 0.245
4000 0.279
3000 0.308
2000 0.356
1000 0.497

Table A.27: Specimen: P-6-005 – 5% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
8000 0 Specimen failed by bond

8950 0. 049 failure between steel and
8000 0.075 concrete
7000 0.108
6000 0.185
5000 0.278
4000 0.295
3000 0.315
2000 0.351
1000 0.444

Table A.28: Specimen: P-6-006 – 6% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
7000 0 Specimen failed by bond
7475 0.050 failure between steel and
7000 0.110 concrete
6000 0.175
5000 0.234
4000 0.289
3000 0.325
2000 0.371
1000 0.551

Table A.30: Specimen: P-2-08 – 8% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
6000 0 Specimen failed by bond
6350 0.05 failure between steel and
6000 0.118 concrete
5000 0.274
4000 0.285
3000 0.319
2000 0.352
1000 0.466

Table A.31: Detail of Pullout Test Results for Series 7 Specimens

Corrosion Level (%) Max. Load (lb) Notes

0 13650 Splitting Failure i.e. Specimen

1 14150 failed by bond failure between steel
2 16075 and concrete
3 15100
4 12950
5 8950
6 7475
8 6350

Table A.32: Series 7 – Compression Strength Test Results

Cylinder No. Load (lb) Compressive Strength (psi)

1 104080 8282
2 103860 8264
3 103780 8258
Average Compressive Strength for Series 7 8268

Series 8:

Table A.22: Specimen: P-8-000 – 0% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
17000 0 Specimen failed by bond
17667 0.010 failure between steel and
15000 0.071 concrete
14000 0.097
8000 0.110
7000 0.145
6000 0.210
5000 0.240
4000 0.275
3000 0.320
2000 0.360
1000 0.580

Table A.23: Specimen: P-8-002 – 2% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
20000 0 Specimen failed by bond
20499 0.010 failure between steel and
18000 0.056 concrete

17000 0.071
15000 0.101
10000 0.182
9000 0.238
8000 0.295
7000 0.330
6000 0.340
5000 0.380
4000 0.590
3000 0.815
2000 0.882
1000 1.005

Table A.24: Specimen: P-8-003 – 3% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
20000 0 Specimen failed by bond
20821 0.010 failure between steel and
18000 0.061 concrete
16000 0.087
15000 0.098
10000 0.230
9000 0.245
8000 0.268
7000 0.284
6000 0.302
5000 0.336
4000 0.358
3000 0.400
2000 0.860
1000 0.9695

Table A.26: Specimen: P-8-004 – 4% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
21000 0 Specimen failed by bond
21641 0.015 failure between steel and
18000 0.063 concrete
16000 0.075
15000 0.104
10000 0.146

9000 0.168
8000 0.198
7000 0.234
6000 0.289
5000 0.445
4000 0.678
3000 0.767
2000 0.840
1000 0.9755

Table A.27: Specimen: P-8-005 – 5% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
16000 0 Specimen failed by bond
16011 0. 01 failure between steel and
13000 0.097 concrete
10000 0.093
9000 0.104
8000 0.143
7000 0.171
6000 0.210
5000 0.250
4000 0.281
3000 0.312
2000 0.367
1000 0.525

Table A.28: Specimen: P-6-006 – 6% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
15000 0 Specimen failed by bond
15184 0.010 failure between steel and
12000 0.101 concrete
10000 0.110
9000 0.123
8000 0.145
7000 0.178
6000 0.212
5000 0.256
4000 0.291
3000 0.323

2000 0.371
1000 0.477

Table A.30: Specimen: P-2-08 – 8% Corrosion Level

Load (lb) Slip (in) Note

0 0 Splitting Failure i.e.
13000 0 Specimen failed by bond
13264 0.015 failure between steel and
11000 0.103 concrete
10000 0.112
9000 0.173
8000 0.208
7000 0.245
6000 0.271
5000 0.312
4000 0.341
3000 0.378
2000 0.888
1000 0.953

Table A.31: Detail of Pullout Test Results for Series 7 Specimens

Corrosion Level (%) Max. Load (lb) Notes

0 15771
2 20499
3 20821 Splitting Failure i.e. Specimen
4 21641 failed by bond failure between steel
5 16011 and concrete
6 15184
8 13254

Table A.32: Series 8 – Compression Strength Test Results

Cylinder No. Load (lb) Compressive Strength (psi)

1 98170 7812
2 97510 7759
3 98530 7840
Average Compressive Strength for Series 8 7804


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