Tutorial h370 Hackintosh

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I had long delay to shutting down with the last version of multibeast, so I used the clover installer and

it works fine.
For Usb you need to use the USBInjectAll Kext
For ethernet, need to keep the intelmausi kext
I also use the XHCI-300-series-injector.kext and AHCI-300-Series.kext.
For IGPU working accelerated : need IntelGraphicsFixup.kext, 0x59120000 IG-Platform-ID, 0x59128086 IntelGFX
FakeID And some patches in config.plist
I also add an .aml in ACPI/Patched
I'm not sure if my settings are perfect, but it working pretty well. So again, it can be a good starting point for other.
If you see something seems to be wrong please tell me and I will try.

I add all my Clover File in attachment

Finally, a big THANK YOU to all people in this website (and others), It's the 2nd Hackintosh I made thanks to you, and
me and my brother are doing a third one with a nuc in an iMac G4 20 inche..

EDIT : Success With same Mobo/Cpu/iGPU/eGPU on MOJAVE

Hello everybody and first of all, thank's a lot for your support. I'm really glad that this thread can help some of you.

So now here is the second shot for this config with Mojave. And I can tell you, that's rocks!! especially for sleep..

Some point to know :

Mojave and 10.13.6 support UHD 630 and coffeeLake really better because of new coffelake Framebuffer
For all graphics setting, you just need Whatevergreen.kext and lilu.kext in there last version and maybe some setting
in config.plist. No more intelgrapghicsfixup or IntelGFX fake id.
There is 3 new IG Plateform for UHD 630 :
(0x3E910003 Compute only)
(0x3E920003 Compute only)
(0x3E9B0007 when screen connected to it) the one I use.
You absolutely need to use the latest vs of clover as there there is news from aptiomemoryfix and emuvariable
About aptiomemoryfix, this one not work well with sleep on my Mobo, so I'm using the combination of
osxaptiofix3drv and emuvariable which is kind of deprecated. but work well for me.

I give you the clover file (v2), it is based on the first one I just made some change :
I'm using clover vs 4769
In device/property in config.plist to change all port type of the UHD 630
In the DSDT patch to make the UHD 630 appear as built in.
For sleep working well I use the "sudo pmset -a standby 0" command in terminal and ERP need to be activate in bios.
AGDP Patch is mandatory in kernel patch
I deleted the serial number in SMBIOS, you need to add one.
All working fine except the audio.. I'm using an USB plug for audio instead so if you have idea or feedback to give
me.. I will try.

Have fun guys!!!!!

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