Preposition Catatan

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Preposition adalah kata yang dikombinasikan dengan noun atau pronoun, membentuk phrase
(frasa) yang menerangkan verb, noun, atau adjective. Kata ini merupakan satu dari delapan part of
speech yang berfungsi menunjukkan hubungan antara object of preposition (berupa noun,
pronoun, gerund, atau noun clause yang mengikuti preposition) dengan elemen kata lain di dalam
suatu kalimat.
1. preposition of time: untuk memberi petunjuk waktu (at night, after lunch, during the
2. preposition of place and position: untuk memberi petunjuk tempat atau posisi (among his
friends, inside my PC, outside the auditorium)
3. preposition of movement: untuk memberi petunjuk arah pergerakan (towards the post
office, go up stairs, out of the hall).
Contoh kalimat penggunaan preposition
1. On artinya di atas atau menempel pada sesuatu
Contoh :
The book is on the table
The picture is hanging on the wall.

2. In/inside artinya di dalam

Contoh :
The marbles is inside the box.
The ball is inside the field.

3. Under artinya di bawah

Contoh :
Mr. Mustofa is standing under the tree.
The ball is under the table.

4. In front of artinya di depan

Contoh :
She is standing in front of me
The cow is in front of its cage

5. Beside/next to/by artinya di samping

Contoh :
The man is sitting beside me.
My house is next to the hospital.

6. Behind artinya di belakang

Contoh :
The cat is behind the mouse.
I follow behind him

7. Into artinya masuk atau proses masuk

Contoh :
The ball falls into the basket
I throw the rubbish into the box-trash.

8. Between artinya di antara dua benda atau objek

Contoh :
The hote is between the police station and the post office
The woman is standing between the driver and the police.

9. Among artinya di antara banyak atau lebih dari dua benda atau objek.
Contoh :
Susanti is sitting among his friends
The cat is among the balls

10. Across from artinya di seberang

The museum is across from the railway station.
The bus is parking across from the school.

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