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05/09/2019 Essential Fatty Acids Are Vital for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss | Muscle & Strength


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Essential Fatty Acids Are Vital for Muscle

Growth and Fat Loss

What are essential fatty acids, and are they really essential?
Learn why bodybuilders need EFAs to maximize muscle and
assist with fat loss.

You are selling your results short by not giving

your body all the nutrients it needs. I am talking specifically about the nutrients that are
“essential” to the body. Essential nutrients are nutrients that the body cannot make and
therefore must be obtained through the diet. Concerning the macronutrients, there are
two groups of essential nutrients, essential amino acids (EAAs) and essential fatty acids
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Getting adequate protein in your diet each and every day is heavily stressed in the
fitness community, but what is not stressed is getting in adequate essential fatty acids
each day. Why would you focus on only getting one of the two essential nutrients? Both
EAAs (in the form of protein) and EFAs MUST be obtained from your diet. To get the
best results possible you must focus on getting enough of both protein and essential

There are two fatty acids that are essential to the body, the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-
linolenic acid (ALA) and the omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid (LA). ALA and LA are
readily available in food, but to obtain their full benefits they must be converted into their
long-chain metabolites, ALA to Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic
Acid (DHA) and LA to Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA).  Getting adequate healthy fats in
your diet is the first step to getting these EFAs.

The conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA as well as the conversion of LA to GLA is
limited, so even if you get some ALA and LA in your diet you may not be getting enough
EPA, DHA, or GLA. Adding fat sources that contain EPA and DHA (like fish oil) and GLA
(like borage oil) is the second step and ideal to ensure you get these essential fatty acid

If you are deficient in EAAs protein synthesis cannot proceed at its full rate due to
lacking the needed building blocks (amino acids) to build muscle tissue. The same
holds true for the EFAs. Being deficient in EFAs and their metabolites will decrease
protein synthesis and muscle repair due to lacking the needed materials. An EFA
deficiency may also cause your body to try to “hold on to” your body fat because it
senses it does not have all the materials/nutrients it needs. So if you do not have enough
EFAs then you are not gaining muscle and progressing at the rate you could and your fat
loss can become impeded. EPA and DHA have been shown:

Decrease protein breakdown

Decrease body fat mass
Increase amino acid uptake
Improve cardiovascular health
Reduce blood pressure
Increase insulin sensitivity
Decrease inflammation
Improve joint health
Necessary for proper functioning of the brain
Repair damaged cell membranes
Provide building blocks for Eicosanoids (signaling molecules) and growth factors
Increase cell membrane permeability (ability to transport nutrients in and out of
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Scivation Essential FAGLA has been shown to:
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Decrease fat regain after a diet

Decrease inflammation
Improve nerve functioning
Increase calcium absorption leading to stronger bones
Improve skin health
Decrease joint pain and swelling
Improve blood pressure
Assist in weight management
Decreases PMS (A GLA deficiency may be responsible for some PMS symptoms)
Boosts immune system

We see that EPA, DHA, and GLA are vital for muscle growth and fat loss and knowing
this Scivation has created two supplements to ensure you get all the EFAs your body
needs: Solution 5 and Essential EFA.

Scivation created Solution 5 to meet all of our diet principles. Instead of making an MRP
then putting it in a diet we did the reverse and formulated Solution 5 specifically based
on what would meet our diet requirements. Solution 5 contains a protein blend, healthy
fats, fiber, a fruit and vegetable blend, and digestive enzymes. Solution 5 will give you all
the nutrients you need for your meals; of relevance to this article Solution 5 will give you
the EFAs you need. While the majority of MRPs on the market focus on protein and
carbs Solution 5 focuses on controlling insulin levels by providing protein, healthy fats,
and fiber, making it a perfect meal.

Scivation Solution 5Scivation has created Essential EFA to give you a high dose of
EPA and DHA (from fish oil) and GLA (from borage oil). Scivation’s source of Fish oil
(from the waters of Peru) provides the highest potency and purity (mercury non-
detectable) and ensures that the proper safeguards are taken to also protect the
environment by working with ethical fishing organizations in South America. The General
Law of Fishery regulates all fishing activities in Peru. Peruvian waters are monitored
constantly by the Marine Institute of Peru (IMARPE) to ensure the presence of a healthy
and growing ecological system and avoid contamination of the waters by enforcing
adequate waste treatment for all fishing companies. When you take Essential EFA you
know you are getting a PURE source of fish oil without contaminants.

Step 1 = Use Solution 5 as your MRP for two meals a day.

Step 2 = Take 3 capsules Essential EFA with two meals every day.

With Scivation Solution 5 and Essential EFA there is no reason not to get the essential
fatty acids you need and optimize your results!

--Derek Charlebois, Team Scivation

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settle for complacency or commonplace.
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