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Timun Mas

Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of

farmer. They had married for some years but they had no children. So they
prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them children. Buta Ijo werw a
ferocious and powerful monster. He granted their wish on one
condition. When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to
Buta Ijo. He liked eating fresh meat of human being. The farmers agreed to
his condition. Several months later the wife was pregnant.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun
Emas. The farmers were happy. Timun Emas was very healthy and a very
smart girl. She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came
to their house. Timun Emas was frightened so she ran away to hide. The
farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child. They asked
“ Could you postpone? Timun Emas still a child?” . Buta Ijo asked
“ Sure” . He promised to come again. The following year Buta Ijo came
again. But again and again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a child.

When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something
for him. They gave Timun Emas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber,
dressing and salt.

‘ Timun, take these things” “ What are these things?” “These are your
weapons. Buta Ijo will chase you. He will eat you alive. So run as fast as you
can. And if he will catch you spread this to the ground. Now go!”
Timun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could. When Buta Ijo
arrived she was far from home. He was very angry when he realized that his
prey had left. So he ran to chase her. He had a sharp nose so he knew what
direction his prey ran.
Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could
easily catch her up. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas
quickly spread the seeds of cucumber. In seconds they turned into many vines
of cucumber. The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate
them. When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.
But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again. When he was just several
steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles. Soon they turned into
dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass. It took him some time to
break the dense bamboo forest. Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.
Buta Ijo chased her again. When he almost catch her again and again Timun
Emas threw her dressing. This time it turned into a lake. Buta Ijo was busy to
save himself so Timun Emas ran way. But Buta Ijo could overcome it and
continued chasing her.

Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt. Soon the
land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean. Buta Ijo was drowned and died
Timun Emas was thankful to god and came back to her home.

TEXT 8. Roro Jonggrang

Long time ago, there was a kingdom named Prambanan. All the people of
Prambanan lived peacefully. But then, Prambanan kingdom was attacked and
occupied by the Pengging kingdom. Prambanan then was ruled by Bandung
Bondowoso of Pengging kingdom. He was a mean king. He also had great
supernatural power. His soldiers were not only humans, but also genies.The
king of Prambanan had a beautiful daughter named Loro Jonggrang. Bandung
Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. “ You’ re very
beautiful. Would you be my queen?” asked Bandung Bondowoso. Loro
Jonggrang was shocked. She didn’ t like Bandung Bondowoso because he
was a mean person. She wanted to refuse, but she afraid that Bandung
Bondowoso would be angry and endangered the people of Prambanan. Then,
she came up with a plan. “ If you want to marry me, you have to build a
thousand temples for me in just one night,” said Loro Jonggrang. “ What?
That’ s impossible!” said Bandung Bondowoso. But he did not give up. He
consulted with his advisor. “ Your Majesty can asked the genies to help built
the temples,” said the advisor.
So, Bandung Bondowoso summoned his entire genies soldier and commanded
them to help him built a thousand temples. The genies worked in unbelievable
speed. Meanwhile, Loro Jonggrang heard from her servant that the building of
a thousand temples was almost finished. She was so worried. But again, she
came up with a great idea. She asked all of her servants to help her. “ Please
prepare a lot of straw and mortar. Please hurry up!” said Loro Jonggrang. “
Burn the straw and make some noise pounding the mortar, quickly.” All
those servants did what Loro Jonggrang ordered them; burning straw and
pounding the mortar, making the genies think that the sun is going to rise.
“ It’ s already dawn. We have to go,” said the leader of the genies to
Bandung Bondowoso. All the genies immediately stopped their work and ran
for cover from the sun, which they afraid of. They didn’ t know that the light
was from the fire that burning the straw, not from the sun.
Bandung Bondowoso can’ t stop the genies from leaving. He was angry. He
knew Loro Jonggrang had just tricked him. “ You cannot fool me, Loro
Jonggrang. I already have 999 temples. I just need one more temple. Now, I
will make you the one-thousandth temple.” He pointed his finger to Loro
Jonggrang and said some mantras. Magically, Loro Jonggrang’ s body turned
into stone. Until now, the temple is still standing in Prambanan area, Central
Java. And the temple is called Loro Jonggrang temple.

TEXT 9. True Friendship

My name is Carla. I am seventeen years old. My hobby is singing and I
don’ t have any special interest at something. I am not good at singing but I love
to do it. I always do it when I am taking a bath. I don’ t like studying and reading
books. I know that’ s important to support my score at school but I have another
point of view. For me, studying is not always about reading and doing exercise.
Studying is listening to my bestfriend’ s story about the subject that she has
already read about. She loves reading a lot. She provides me knowledge by
listening to her story. She packs the lessons into some interesting stories. I think
she has a talent to be a great teacher.

She doesn’ t like to be exposed that she has great talent in packing a
lesson into story. I keep that secret from the others. I am afraid if tell it to
someone else, she will get angry and doesn’ t want to help me anymore.
However, I ever did that. I tell it to my teacher and my teacher said it in front of
my classmates. You know what happened? She couldn’ t get angry with me.
Hmm, she was angry but a little. She didn’ t want to talk to me for 5 minutes. She
is very kind. That’ s why she never let me down even though I often make her

My friend that I have told above has a name. Her name is Tiara Sabarani.
Like her name, she is always patient in facing me who is very bad. I can’ t
imagine it if she leaves me and goes somewhere to study. She has a dream to
study abroad and she wants to enlighthen teachers in Indonesia to be better than
before. She told me that our country needs many professional and qualified
teachers to make an advance step to compete with great countries in the world.
How far she goes, I will always support her. I believe that she won’ t forget me.

Even though I am not as smart as her. I am the one who feels responsible to
protect her at school from naughty students. One day, she was in the bathroom to
change her clothes because we’ re going to have sport. She hung her uniform on
the door and someone took it without her knowing. The female student’ s
bathroom was not totally covered by wall. So that someone could do that through
above the door. She was panic. She called me and immediately looked for the
doers. Fortunalety, I caught them who were trying to bury Tiara’ s uniform in the
backyard of the school. They were the famous naughty students at school and had
already got punishment for many times. I can’ t count it. I called my teacher
silently and when my teacher found them, they got the punishment.

For me, true friendship is a friendship which doesn’ t tie people in it by

certain rules. It make us free to be ourselves and doesn’ t force us to somebody
else who they like. True friend accept who we are in real and support us to be the
best version of us be good person. People in true friendship will protect each
other without blind action. True friendship is Tiara and me.

TEXT 10. Ande Ande Lumut

A long time ago, there were two Kingdom in a region called Kahuripan. They are
Jenggala Kingdom, ruled by King Jayengnegara, and Kediri Kingdom, ruled by
King Jayengrana. The two kings were asked to unify their kingdom by their
ancestor King Airlangga. They finally decided to do it through a marriage of their
descendant, prince Panji Asmarabangun (son of king Jayengnegara) and princess
Dewi Sekartaji (daughter of king Jayengrana). They all live happily together as a
big family.

One day the kingdom was attacked by enemy. The battle was fierce that it could
endangered the live of princess Dewi Sekartaji. The princess decided to flee and
hide in a village far away from Jenggala. In order to protect herself princess Dewi
Sekartaji changed her identity into Kleting Kuning and lived in a woman’s house
by the name Nyai Intan with her daughter: Kleting Abang, Kleting Ijo and Kleting

Nyai Intan turned out to be an evil lady. She made Kleting Kuning to do
all the house work such as cooking, doing the laundry, cleaning the house every
day. Her daughter was no different, they acted as if Kleting Kuning was their
house maid. They yelled at her whenever they want something. They only fed
Kleting Kuning once a day.

Meanwhile at the kingdom, prince Panji Asmarabangun had successfully

defeat the enemy. At that moment, he realized that his beloved wife was not in the
palace anymore and no one knew her whereabout. He was so sad and he decided
to sent some of his body guard to search for his wife. They went for a couple of
days until one day, one of the body guard returned to the palace with a news.

“Your majesty, please forgive me to interrupt your rest” said the body guard.

“It’s okay. Have you located my wife, soldier?” said the prince.

“My apology Your majesty, I have not find your wife yet, but I found a girl that
looked like princess Dewi Sekartaji in a village far away from here. I couldn’t
confirmed it yet because she was working in a house of a rich widow as a house
maid.” Said the body guard.

The prince decided to disguise as a handsome and rich man looking for a
wife to attract the girl to come to him so that he will be able to see if the girl was
truly his beloved wife or not. He went to Dadapan village near Bengawan Solo
river. The village was right across the village where Kleting Kuning lived. The
prince stayed in an old widow house by the name Mbok Randa and changed his
name into Ande Ande Lumut.

Kleting Abang, Ijo and Biru were very happy to hear the news. All of them
wish to marry the handsome Ande Ande Lumut. They prepared themselves and
they wore their best clothes so they became pretty. Kleting Kuning tried to praise
them but she got mockery in return from her sisters. They did not allowed Kleting
Kuning to go to Dadapan village to see Ande Ande Lumut. They sent her to the
river to do the laundry and she followed.
Kleting Kuning collected all the dirty clothes and went to the river.
Truthfully, she had no intention to go with her sister to Dadapan village because
she only love one man in her live and the man is her husband, prince Panji
Asmarabangun. She promised to herself that she will always be faithful to her

When she was doing the laundry, suddenly a crane came to her. The crane
can talk just like human and it brought a whip on its claw. The crane started
talking to the princess, it said that the princess have to go to Dadapan village and
she will meet her husband, prince Panji Asmarabangun, in the village. The crane
also gave her the whip and ask her to use it when she needed it. After that the
crane left. Kleting Kuning rushed back to the house and prepare herself to go to
Dadapan village.

Meanwhile Kleting Abang, Ijo and Biru were already at the river bank.
The river was very large and there was no boat around. When they were still
trying to figure out how to get to the other side of the river, Kleting Abang saw a
huge creature floating on the water. It was a giant crab and its name is Yuyu
Kangkang. They didn’t know that Yuyu Kangkang was actually the servant of
Ande Ande Lumut and it was assigned to test every candidate of his wife.

Kleting Abang asked if Yuyu Kangkang was willing to take them to the
other side of the river. Yuyu Kangkang smiled and said, he will take them on his
back to the other side of the river if they agree to kiss him as the reward. All of
them agree to Yuyu Kangkang request because they really want to go to Dadapan
village, so they kissed the giant crab. After that Yuyu Kangkang took all of them
across the river.

A couple of minutes later, Kleting Kuning also arrived at the river bank.
She brought the whip from the crane with her. Yuyu Kangkang gave her the same
offer just like her sister but she refuse. She keep asking to Yuyu Kangkang to take
her and Yuyu Kangkang keep asking the same offer but she didn’t change her
mind. Loosing her patience, Kleting Kuning hit the whip to the river and in instant
the water subsided. Yuyu Kangkang was scared to see that and then he took
Kleting Kuning to the other side of the river for free.

The three sisters arrived first before Kleting Kuning. They show their
beauty to Ande Ande Lumut right away. Unfortunately, Ande Ande Lumut
decided to not choose any of them. They were upset and ask him to explain his
reason. When Ande Ande Lumut was about to explain his reason to the three
sisters, suddenly Kleting Kuning arrived at the door. Ande Ande Lumut walked
toward her right away and he said, “I choose this girl to be my wife.”.

The three sisters became so angry, and they said “why don’t you choose
one of us?”. After that Ande Ande Lumut introduce them to his loyal friend, Yuyu
Kangkang, and he said, “I didn’t choose any of you because you give your
precious kiss to Yuyu Kangkang so easily, and the only one who refuse to do so is
Kleting Kuning.”. Kleting Kuning was so happy because she recognized her
husband since the moment she stood at the door. She use the magic whip to turn
her back into a beautiful princess. Finally they reunited and live in their palace
happily along with Mbok Randa who helped the prince to be back with his wife.

TEXT 11. Putri Pandan Berduri

A long time ago, there lived a wise man in Bintan island. His name is
Batin Lagoi. He was the leader of the Sea Tribe of Riau Islands. He was always
nice to his people and all member of the Sea Tribe respected him very much.
Batin Lagoi often walked around the village in order to keep an eye on the
condition of his people.
One day, he went to the shore. There were so many pandanus shrubs at the
shore. He was enjoying the scenery when suddenly he heard a soft voice of a baby
crying. He wondered where did the voice came from. He was about to leave the
place when he heard the voice for the second time, so he decided to look for the
source of the voice.
He walked into the shrubs of the thorny pandanus and he wiped the leaves
to the sides. He was so surprised to see a baby girl inside the pandanus shrubs.
Batin Lagoi tried to look around searching for people nearby, but no one was
around at that time and the baby cried even louder. He finally decided to take the
baby with him. Surprisingly, the baby stopped crying when Batin Lagoi carried
her on his chest.
Batin Lagoi decided to raise the baby as his own child and he named her
Putri Pandan Berduri. He told everyone in the village about the baby and he
invited them to his house to express his gratitude. He was so happy with the
presence of the baby in his life, because he was not lonely anymore as he used to.
Time flew so quickly and Putri Pandan Berduri had grown into a beautiful young
lady. Her attitude always pleased anyone who met her. All people in the Sea Tribe
respected her the same way as they respected her father. There were so many
young man fell in love with her but none of them was brave enough to propose
her. Besides, her father hoping that she would wed a king or a leader of a region.
Meanwhile, far across the ocean, there lived a king in Galang Island. The king had
two sons. The name of the first son is Julela and the name of the second son is
Jenang Perkasa. The relationship between Julela and Jenang Perkasa was not as
close as when they were kid. Everything changed since their father, The King,
designated Julela as his successor to be the next king of Galang Island.
Ever since that day, Julela turned to be arrogant. He also treated Jenang Perkasa
badly. He often forced Jenang Perkasa to follow his order as if he was already
crowned as a king. When Jenang Perkasa refused to do what he asked him to,
Julela would be mad and threatened to exile him from the kingdom.
Jenang Perkasa decided to leave Galang Island because he was very
disappointed with his brother, Julela. He sail without purpose for days until he
arrived at Bintan Island. From the moment he set foot on the island, he decided to
start a new life in that place so he didn't tell anyone about who he really is. He
chose to work as a merchant so he searched for a place to start his own shop.
Jenang Perkasa was a very nice person. He adapted so quickly with the
society of the Sea Tribe. He treated every customer who came to his small shop
nicely. His behaviour and the way he talked to every person left people to wonder
if he really is an ordinary person, because usually only noble who talked and acted
the way he did. Soon, he became a topic discussion among the people in Bintan
The story about a young man with a very nice attitude finally reached
Batin Lagoi. He was so curious to see the young man in person. In order to make
it not obvious, Batin Lagoi decided to held a gala dinner and he invited all leading
figure in Bintan Island including Jenang Perkasa.
On the evening, the guests started to come to his house. Batin Lagoi
welcome all his guests including Jenang Perkasa. During the dinner, Batin Lagoi
kept observing Jenang Perkasa. He was so impressed by Jenang Perkasa's manner
at the dinner. An intention suddenly grew in his heart to ask Jenang Perkasa to
marry his daughter, Putri Pandan Berduri.
When the dinner is over, Batin Lagoi approached Jenang Perkasa and said
"My child, I've heard so many good stories about you". Jenang Perkasa replied it
with big smile on his face. "Tonight I've proven it myself" said Batin Lagoi when
he saw that Jenang Perkasa was smiling. Jenang Perkasa just stay still because he
didn't know what to say. All of sudden, Batin Lagoi expressed his intention to
Jenang Perkasa, he said "I think I would be really happy if you would like to
marry my daughter. What do you think?". Jenang Perkasa was so surprised to hear
the proposal. He couldn't believe that the father of the most beautiful woman in
the village wanted him to be the husband of his beautiful daughter. He thought
about it for some seconds and then he nodded showing his confirmation on the
A few days later they held the wedding party. All people in the village
attended the party. The villager were happy to see their future leader. Not long
after that, Batin Lagoi decided to retire and he appointed Jenang Perkasa and Putri
Pandan Berduri as the new leader of the Sea Tribe. The villager live happily under
their reign and it was because Jenang Perkasa inherited the leadership from his
father. Putri Pandan Berduri gave birth to three children. They named them Batin
Mantang, Batin Mapoi and Kelong.
TEXT 12. Sarip Tambak Oso

Long long time ago, during the colonial age in Indonesia, there lived a
man by the name Sarip in Tambak Oso village. He lived there with his mother and
his brother, Mualim. His father had passed away when he was a kid. His father
was a master of martial art who possesed a supernatural power. Before his death,
Sarip's father gave him a piece of red clay that he called as "Lemah Abang" in
Javanese language, and he asked Sarip and his mother to eat the red clay. The clay
was a magical object that allowed Sarip to link his soul to his mother soul, this
way, Sarip would never be dead as long as his mother stayed alive although he
was killed a thousand times a day.
The village was divided into two parts separated by a river, each part was
guarded by a skillful fighter. The east side of the river was called Wetan Kali and
it was guarded by Sarip and the west part of the river was called Kulon Kali and it
was guarded by Paidi, a man with an excellent skill in fighting who possesed an
heirloom that he called as Jagang Baceman. They respected each other teritories
and never tried to disturb each other business.
Sarip and his family were oppressed by the colonial government and its
cronies. This condition had forged him to be a strong-looking and impatient man,
but he was always cared to the sufferings of the people in his village. He also
loved his mother so much and he always wanted to make a better life for his
mother and that was the reason why he decided to leave his mother alone and
went to Gedangan village in order to try his fortune.
A year after Sarip left the village, his mother decided to allow his uncle,
Ridwan, to mana ge a pond that Sarip's father left for him because she was unable
to do it by herself. His uncle was supposed to pay the tax of the pond to the
colonial government and also share a few of the profit to Sarip's mother, but he
didn't do it. Mr. Ridwan turned out to be a cunning person who wanted to claim
the pond along with its profit for himself. He didn't even lend any money to
Sarip's mother to pay the tax to the colonial government.
The colonial government sent the village chief to collect the tax from
Sarip's mother because she didn't pay it until it was over the due date. When the
chief arrived at Sarip's house, Sarip's mother told the village chief that she didn't
have any money to pay the tax. The chief got angry when he heard that, so he
threatened to hurt her. She begged for additional time but the village chief didn't
want to hear any reason from her. The village chief slapped Sarip's mother on the
cheek and she fell to the ground. Unexpectedly, Sarip was just returned to his
village and he saw the incident. He ran toward the village chief and kicked his
chest and the chief fell to the ground. Sarip didn't stop right there, he jumped on
the village chief body and punch him repeatedly until the village chief stopped
Sarip helped his mother to stand up and brought her to their house. His
mother cried and told him everything, including the story about his cunning uncle.
Sarip got mad to hear the story, but he realized that he had to go from the village,
because he was a fugitive at that moment for what he did to the village chief. So
he told his mother to stay at home and he explained that he had to go for a while
so the authorities couldn't catch him. He gave his mother some money before he
left the village and he said good bye to his mother. When he was on the run, Sarip
assembled a group consist of his loyal friends. Together, they rob some house of
colonial government agent and its cronies, after that they share the spoils to the
poor. The colonial government started to be uneasy of the condition, so they sent
some skillful fighter to beat Sarip Tambak Oso but no one managed to do that.
After a couple of month on the run, Sarip decided to go back to his
hometown. When he arrived at his village, he went to his uncle's house. He asked
his uncle to give him what his uncle had promised to his mother. But his uncle
refused to give him what he wanted. Sarip was so angry to hear the statement, he
was about to attack him when suddenly someone grab his hand and pushed him
back. The person was Paidi, the guardian of Kulon Kali.
Sarip was very surprised that Paidi was working to protect uncle Ridwan.
It turned out that Paidi was wiling to do that because Paidi was in love with uncle
Ridwan's daughter, Saropah. It gave him no choice but to protect uncle Ridwan.
None of them was wiling to surrender and the fight was inevitable. They had a
fierce fight but in the end Paidi was able to defeat Sarip by using his heirloom,
Jagang Baceman. After that, he threw Sarip's body into the river.
Sarip's body drifted away following the river flow until it ended up in
front of his mother who happened to be there because she was washing her clothes
at the river. She jumped into the river and dragged Sarip's body to the river bank.
She cried when she saw the condition of Sarip and she hugged him. She scream
and said "Sarip, tangio le.. durung wayahe awakmu mati" (Sarip, wake up son.. it
is not your time yet). Suddenly Sarip resurrected from the death. His mother
brought him back to their house because he still needed time for his recovery.
After a couple of day, Sarip decided to go back to his uncle house for a
revenge. When he arrived there everyone was shocked to find out that he was still
alive. Mr.Ridwan asked Paidi to fight and defeat Sarip for the second time. Paidi
and Sarip had a fierce duel for the second time, but this time Sarip managed to
Mr. Ridwan ran away and reported the incident to the authorities of
colonial government. He also leaked the secret of Sarip's supernatural power.
When the authorities had found out the weakness of Sarip, they sent their troops
to catch Sarip's mother and after that they killed her. This condition made Sarip to
be vulnerable. After that, the troops went to catch Sarip, and when they found
him, they fire all of their weapon to Sarip's body and he fell to the ground.

TEXT 13. Leungli

Once upon a time, there lived seven sisters in a small village. Their parents
had passed away many years ago. Of all the seven sisters, the last child was the
only person who had nice attitude and kind heart. Her name was Nyi Bungsu
Rarang. Her sisters always treated her badly. She was the one who took care of
the family and did all the house work such as cooking and doing the laundry.

One day, when Nyi Bungsu was doing the laundry at the river, one of her
sister’s clothes fell into the river and drifted away. Her sister was so mad at her
and asked her to find the missing clothes right away. Nyi Bungsu was so sad, but
she realized that it was her mistake, so she went back to the river bank hoping that
she would find the clothes.

Nyi Bungsu Rarang was walking at the river bank when suddenly a
goldfish showed up in the water. The goldfish swam toward Nyi Bungsu and it
introduced itself to Nyi Bungsu. The goldfish turned out to have the ability to talk
just like human and its name was Leungli. Nyi Bungsu introduced herself to
Leungli and she said that she couldn’t talk to it at the moment because she had to
find her sister’s missing clothes. Leungli took pity on her and decided to help her.
Within minutes, Leungli managed to find the clothes and gave it to Nyi Bungsu.
Nyi Bungsu was very happy and she thanked the goldfish.

Ever since that day, Nyi Bungsu Rarang and Leungli become best friend.
Whenever Nyi Bungsu had a problem, she would go to the river bank and she
would sing in Sundanese to call Leungli and in no time the goldfish would
showed up in the water. They would spend hours every day just to talk to each
other and Leungli always find a way to cheer Nyi Bungsu up every time she felt
sad. Nyi Bungsu Rarang also brought half of her meal every day to the river so
she can give it to her best friend, Leungli.

Nyi Bungsu Rarang’s sisters was curious about the change in Nyi Bungsu
attitude, because recently she spent more time at the river than she used to. One
day, they decided to follow her to the river secretly. When they arrived at the
location, they saw that Nyi Bungsu was talking to a goldfish. They started to think
to catch it and brought it back to their house so that they could cook it because the
size of Leungli’s body was so big. They observed Nyi Bungsu and Leungli for a
couple of days until they managed to figure out the way to summon the magical

One day they went to the river bank and they sang in Sundanese just like
what Nyi Bungsu always do when she wanted to call Leungli. Nyi Bungsu’ sisters
also brought some food and they throw it into the river as a bait to make Leungli
showed up. Suddenly Leungli appeared in the water and the sisters quickly caught
it by using a fishing net. Leungli tried to escape but the sisters were stronger so it
couldn’t do anything.

They brought the goldfish to their house and then they cooked it. Nyi
Bungsu Rarang who had no idea that her best friend was dead by the hand of her
sister went to the river to feed Leungli. She sang and tried to call the goldfish for
several times but nothing happened. She was so sad that she couldn’t see her best
friend that day so she decided to went back to her house.

When she arrived at her house, she went to the kitchen and she found the
remains of a large goldfish on a plate. She recognized it right away that it was her
best friend, Leungli. She realized that her sisters were behind this. She cried when
she brought Leungli’s remains to her backyard and she buried the remains there.

A few days later, a golden tree grew on top of Leungli’s grave. The leaves
were made of gold and the fruits were made of jewel. Within a couple of days, the
news about the golden tree had spread among the villagers. A lot of people came
to take the fruits and the leaves of the golden tree but every time someone tried to
take it, the leaves and the fruits would turn into dust. Nyi Bungsu Rarang was the
only person who could take the fruits and the leaves from the golden tree without
turning it into dust.

The story about Nyi Bungsu Rarang and her golden tree finally reached
the palace. The prince who heard the story decided to go to the village because he
wanted to see it for himself. He and his bodyguard started the trip in the morning
and they arrived at the village in the afternoon. He went to the location of the
golden tree and he saw Nyi Bungsu Rarang was standing next to it. He introduced
himself and he said that he wanted to try to pluck a golden leaf from the tree. Nyi
Bungsu Rarang allowed him to try it and as they both predicted, the leaf turned
into dust. After that Nyi Bungsu showed him what happened if she was the one
plucking the leaf. The prince was so surprised to see that the leaf didn’t turn into
dust on Nyi Bungsu’s hand.

After the event, they decided to get to know each other better, so the
prince stayed in the village for a couple of days. The more he knew about Nyi
Bungsu Rarang the more affection he had in his heart for her, so he decided to
propose Nyi Bungsu Rarang and brought her back to the palace as his bride. Nyi
Bungsu Rarang turned out to have the same feeling for the prince so she accepted
the prince proposal. Finally, they got married and live happily ever after at the

TEXT 14. Damarwulan

Once upon a time, there lived a queen by the name Dewi Suhita in
Majapahit kingdom. She was famous by her title Ratu Ayu Kencana Wungu. She
was the sixth ruler of Majapahit kingdom. During her time ruling the kingdom,
Majapahit managed to conquer many regions and expanded their territory. At that
time, the center of the kingdom was located in Trowulan, East Java.

One of small kingdoms conquered by Majapahit was Blambangan

kingdom which located in Banyuwangi. The kingdom was ruled by a noble from
Klungkung, Bali, by the name Adipati Kebo Marcuet. The adipati was known to
be apowerful man with supernatural power. His appearance looked like a buffalo
because he had two horns on his head.

Ratu Ayu Kencana Wungu considered Adipati Kebo Marcuet as a threat

because he kept trying to reclaim his teritory from Majapahit. Therefore she
decided to make a contest. She announced the contest to some of her most loyal
servant and asked them to spread the word. Her announcement was “Whoever
managed to defeat Adipati Kebo Marcuet would be titled as the Adipati of
Blambangan and the queen would take him to be her husband.”. The word spread
in no time and many people joined the contest but none of them were able to
defeat Adipati Kebo Marcuet.

One day, a fine and powerful young man came to join the contest. His
name was Jaka Umbaran. He is the grandchild of Adipati Kebo Marcuet’s teacher
and supporting father, Ki Ajah Pamengger. It turned out that Jaka Umbaran knew
the weakness of Adipati Kebo Marcuet. He challenged Adipati Kebo Marcuet into
a duel and with his heirloom “Gada Wesi Kuning” Jaka Umbaran won the battle.

Ratu Ayu Kencana Wungu was very happy with the result of the battle.
After that, she made Jaka Umbaran to be the Adipati of Blambangan and entitled
him with a new name, Minakjinggo. But, Ratu Ayu Kencana Ungu did not fulfill
her promise to mary Minakjinggo as the winner of the duel. She refused to be his
wife because the physical appearance of Minakjinggo was no longer perfect after
the battle. His face was broken, his body was crooked and he also became cripple.

Minakjinggo kept trying to propose Ratu Ayu Kencana Wungu several

times, even after he had two beautiful concubine by the name Dewi Wahita and
Dewi Puyengan. But, Ratu Ayu Kencana Ungu did not change her decision. She
kept rejecting the proposal and it caused a deep pain in Minakjinggo’s heart.

Ever since that day, Minakjinggo hold a grudge toward Ratu Ayu Kencana
Wungu and he promised to himself that he would avenge her one day. In order to
do so, Minakjinggo started to claim some territories of Majapahit and built his
own army. He also planned to attack Majapahit with his forces.

Knowing this plan, Ratu Ayu Kencana Wungu decided to make another
contest. The reward of this contest was the queen herself, so whoever managed to
defeat Minakjinggo would wed Ratu Kencana Wungu. The prize of the contest
attracted so many people to participate in it, but none of them were able to defeat
One night, Ratu Ayu Kencana Wungu had a dream. In her dream, she saw
a very handsome young man fought Minakjinggo and won the battle. In the
morning, she told the description of the man in her dream to her kingdom
counselor and asked him to find the man. After a long search, the counselor
finally managed to locate a young man that match the description given by Ratu
Ayu Kencana Wungu. The young man was one of the servants in the house of
Patih Loh Gender and his name was Damarwulan.

Damarwulan was actually the son of Patih Udara, one of Majapahit’s Patih
before his place was replaced by Patih Loh Gender. When he heard about the
contest held by the queen, he decided to join the contest without any hesitation.
So, Damarwulan and the kingdom counselor went to see Ratu Ayu Kencana
Wungu at the palace.

When they arrived at the palace, they went to see Ratu Ayu Kencana
Wungu in the main hall. In front of the queen, Damarwulan express his intention
to join the contest. Ratu Ayu Kencana Wungu recognized Damarwulan as the
young man in her dream, so she granted him her permission. After that,
Damarwulan went to Blambangan to challenge Minakjinggo into a duel with him.

Damarwulan shouted in front of Minakjinggo’s palace. He challenged

Minakjinggo to get out of his palace and had a duel with him. It didn’t take too
long for Minakjinggo to respond the challenge. He went out of his palace to face
Damarwulan. He brought along his heirloom “Gada Wesi Kuning” with him.

They started the fight as soon as they laid eyes on each other on the field
in front of the palace. The fight was fierce, but in the end Damarwulan got hit by
Gada Wesi Kuning and he passed out. He was thrown into the jail by
Minakjinggo’s servants after that.

When he was in jail, Minakjinggo’s concubine, Dewi Wahita and Dewi

Puyengan, visited him. It turned out that both they had crush on him, so they treat
his injury and helped him to heal. They also told him that Minakjinggo’s power
relied on his heirloom “Gada Wesi Kuning”. They said that without the heirloom,
Minakjinggo would be powerless. Damarwulan then asked them to steal the
heirloom for him, and they agreed to do so.

In the night, Dewi Wahita and Dewi Puyengan stole the heirloom and then
they gave it to Damarwulan. They also released him from the jail. Damarwulan
escaped the palace and returned in the morning to challenge Minakjinggo for the
second time. Minakjinggo was so shocked to see his heirloom was in
Damarwulan’s hand. He was about to asked how did Damarwulan got the
heirloom when suddenly Damarwulan launched his surprise attack and defeated
Minakjinggo easily.

Damarwulan returned to Majapahit after that. He reported to the queen that

he had accomplished his mission and he brought Minakjinggo’s heirloom as the
proof that he had defeated Minakjinggo. The queen trusted him and she decided to
fulfill her promise. They got married after that and Damarwulan became the ruler
of Majapahit.

TEXT 14. Si Pitung

During the colonial age in Indonesia, there lived a boy with his family in a
small village called Rawabelong. His name was Pitung. His father was a farmer
and his name was Pak Piun and his mother was Bu Pinah. He had three siblings.

Since he was a child he learned martial arts and also knowledge about
Islam from a man by the name Haji Naipin, a famous spiritual teacher in
Rawabelong. Pitung was a diligent student. He practiced anything that his teacher
taught him every day. He became skillful in no time and his teacher became even
more fond of him. His teacher even decided to teach him everything that he
knows including a very powerful magic called Pancasona. It is a magical power
that will make anyone who learned it to be invulnerable or weapon resistant.
All of his knowledge and ability didn’t make him to be arrogant. He was
always humble and kind to anyone. He always helped his father at the paddy field,
helped his mother at home and even sometimes he also helped his neighbors
whenever they needed his help. This attitude was the reason why all people in his
village like him.

One day, Pitung witnessed some thugs seized of the villagers livestock and
crop forcefully. This was not actually the first time something like this happened
in the village, but it was his first experience to see it happened in front of him.
The villagers were not dare to fight, because they were sent by the landlord, so
they just hide inside their house as the thugs collected their livestock and crop. He
got mad and he challenged the thugs to fight him. The thugs laughed at his
challenge because he was alone and they thought that it would be very easy for
them to beat him.

They started to attack him, but Pitung was so agile that he could dodge
almost all of their move. The thugs quickly loose their temper because their attack
seemed to have no effect on Pitung at all, so they attacked him ferociously. When
the thugs’ move seemed to get slow, Pitung launched his attack and he took them
down one by one so easily. After that, the thugs ran away, but before that they
threatened him that they would report his action to the landlord. When the thugs
had gone, the villagers went out from their house and thanked him for his help.

Ever since that day, Pitung decided to protect his village from thugs and
evil landlord who sent them. Every time some thugs were sent to seize the
villagers belongings, Pitung would show up and face them. He managed to win
every fight with the thugs as he is very skillful, and his name became even more
famous than before.

After having a fight with Pitung, some of the thugs realize their
wrongdoing and decided to stop doing that. They changed into a better person and
they became Pitung’s friend. As their number got bigger, Pitung decided to
assembled a group. With this group, Pitung robbed the house of some landlords
and rich people and after that they shared the spoils with the poor and the villager.

Pitung and his group became famous among the villager for what they did.
Unfortunately, there are other groups who used Pitung’s name to rob rich people
for their own benefit. The landlords and rich people became uneasy with this
condition. They reported it to colonial government and the colonial government
reacted by sending its troops to catch Pitung and his group.

Knowing that he had become a fugitive, Pitung and his group decided to
flee from their village. They move from one place to another to make it hard fot
the authorities to catch them. During their time on the run, they kept doing their
action, they took the wealth of the rich and landlords and then share it with the
poor until one day they got caught when they were doing their action in a
landlords house. Pitung let the authorities caught him so his group could flee.

The authorities put Pitung in a jail in Grogol. One night, Pitung escaped
from the jail by climbing to the roof. The guards were shocked to find an empty
cell in the morning. They became even more convinced that Pitung has
supernatural power after that.

The authorities realized that it was not going to be easy to catch Pitung for
the second time, so they decided to catch his father and his teacher instead and
they asked Pitung to surrender in exchange for their safety. Pitung agreed to trade
himself for the safety of Pak Piun and Haji Naipin, so they arranged the meeting.

When the day had come, Pitung went to the meeting location. There were
already colonial troops guarding the place. He could see his father and his teacher
in that place. He asked the authorities to release them first before he surrender.
The commander of the troops agreed to his request and command one of his
soldiers to release Pak Piun and Haji Naipin. When he saw that his father and his
teacher were safe, he walked toward the troops to surrender. The commander was
so happy that he managed to catch a famous fugitive like Pitung, so he said
“Finally, I catch you, Pitung”. Right before the soldier grab him, Pitung said “You
got me, but not for long. I will escape from your prison again”. The commander
got mad when he heard it, so he changed his mind about catching him. He made a
few steps backward and he gave signal to the troop to shoot Pitung, and with his
single hand move all of the soldiers fired their gun toward Pitung’s body and in
instant Pitung’s body fell to the ground.

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