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The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the

creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or
represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly
changing nature of the Internet.

This book is a common sense guide to pursuing wealth. In practical advice books,
like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are
cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to
act accordingly.

This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or
financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent
professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field.

Any perceived slights of specific people or organizations are unintentional.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 1


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 3

STEP 1: MINDSET OF THE WEALTHY ................................................................................ 4

STEP 2: GOAL-ORIENTED THINKING ............................................................................ 19

STEP 3: POWER OF ASSOCIATION ............................................................................... 16

STEP 4: READY, FIRE! AIM ............................................................................................ 20

STEP 5: WINNERS NEVER QUIT ..................................................................................... 26

CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 31

BONUS RESOURCES...................................................................................................... 32

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 2


There are over 5 million millionaires in America. However, even more staggering is
the fact that although Jews make up only 2% of the total U.S. population, one-
third of all American multi- millionaires are Jewish!
• This Jewish 2% of the population makes up 45% of the top 40 richest
• The percentage of Jewish households with income greater than $50,000 is
double that of non-Jews.
• Jews made up 35 percent of all Nobel Prize winners.

Jewish people are world-class entrepreneurs and also intellectuals like Albert
Einstein. Among the world’s top Jewish billionaires include:

1. Mark Zuckerberg – Founder of Facebook

2. Sergey Brin & Larry Page – Founder of Google
3. Albert Einstein – Scientist
4. Larry Ellison – Founder of Oracle
5. Bernard Kouchner – Foreign Minister of France
6. Binyamin Netanyahu – Prime Minister of Israel
7. Lucian Freud – Artist
8. Bernard-Henri Lévy –Philosopher

What are their success secrets, considering that for 2,000 years they’ve been one
of the persecuted minorities worldwide? This book will share with you 5 ways to
manifest the secrets of Jewish prosperity so that you can learn and apply these
tips to get the same results!

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 3


Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material gain, all
great discoveries and inventions, and of all achievement.
-Claude M. Bristol

New idea, New Opportunity

There have never been more opportunities for you to become wealthy, and more
different ways to achieve it, than exist today. More people are starting more
businesses in more different industries than ever before. More knowledge,
information, and technology are creating products and services that people
want, need, and are willing to pay for. One new idea is all you need to start a
Mark Zuckerberg, the youngest Jewish billionaire on Earth who created the
Facebook social network with 1 billion monthly active users, has a net worth of
71.5 Billion USD.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 4

As Within, So Without

The Law of Correspondence works for everyone at all times under all
circumstances. This law says that your outer world will be a reflection of your inner
world. Everything moves from within to without. You cannot accomplish
something on the outside until you first accomplish it on the inside. To be wealthy
on the outside, you must think like a rich person on the inside. There is no other
Poor people think like poor people. They have self-limiting beliefs that hold
them back and stop them from even trying. In a study completed a few years
ago, entitled One Hundred Million Millionaires, the author demonstrated that if
you simply saved a hundred dollars per month throughout your working lifetime,
invested it, and let it grow with compound interest, it would amount to one million
dollars by the time you retired. Why doesn’t everyone do this? Poor thinking!
Tony Robbins, in his 2014 book, Money: Master the Game, emphasizes what
Einstein said, “Compounding is the most powerful force in the universe.” Anyone
can start small, save and invest regularly, use the miracle of compound interest,
and eventually become financially independent, if not wealthy.

Reprogram Your Thinking

In this chapter, I’m going to share with you a series of simple ideas that you can
learn and learn and apply, based on extensive research into the lives and habits
of hundreds of successful Jews. By the law of Cause and Effect, if you think and
do the same things that wealthy people do, you will soon get the same results
that they do.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 5

Reasons People Don’t Become Wealthy

Once I passed the magic million-dollar mark, I began looking around me and
asking the question, “Why is it that everyone doesn’t use these simple principles
to become wealthy?” As I continued my research, I found that there were five
reasons why people don’t become wealthy. Let’s deal with each of them in turn.

1. Lack of clear goals

They do not know what exactly do they want to achieve in life. It never
occurs to them that they can become wealthy. Because of their upbringing and
early conditioning, perhaps coming from a home where no one had ever been
wealthy, and associating with poor people, they never thought that they too
could become wealthy, just as millions of other have done before them.

2. They Procrastinate

If they have a mission and purpose, and they decide to become wealthy, they
never get started. They procrastinate. They move to that wonderful fantasy place
called “Someday I will”
“Someday I will save enough money…”
“Someday I will upgrade my knowledge and skills.”
“Someday I will get out of debt.”
They end up living on “Someday I will” for most of their lives.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “I will study and prepare myself and someday
my chance will come.” When you study and prepare yourself, by some universal
principle, you always get an opportunity to practice your new skills. But it is up to

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 6

you to develop them in the first place and to continue to development them
throughout your lifetime.

3. Fear of Failure

Because of destructive criticism in early childhood and mistakes they have made
as adults, they are paralyzed by the fear of making a mistake, of losing their time
or money. Even if they are presented with an opportunity, they go into a form of
Their fear of failure causes them to create all kinds of reasons not to take
action. They don’t have time, they can’t make the minimum investment, and they
don’t have the necessary knowledge or skills.
As it happens, most successful Jews were started by the sale of personal
services. The people had no money, but they had the ability to work hard, to
upgrade their skills, and to become more and more valuable. Thus, more and
more doors of opportunity opened for them.

4. Lack of Persistence

Most people do not persist long enough to succeed. Successful people will tell
you that the major reason for their success were that they refused to quit. They
refused to give up when the going got tough. They persisted over and over again,
year after year, even in the face of complete bankruptcy and financial ruin. They
never stopped.
It is amazing how many people give up and quit working just a few steps
away from the key turning point in their lives, after which they would have been
a big success.
Persistence and determination are the ultimate guarantors that you will
achieve all your financial goals.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 7

As a Man Thinketh

Fortunately, each of these limitations to financial success can be overcome

through learning and practice. Each of these obstacles can be turned into a
stepping-stone to success when you learn how to think the way rich people think.
The detailed solutions to each of these challenges will be explained further in the
following chapters.
Psychologists call this your self-concept, and it is considered the single
biggest breakthrough in human potential development in the twentieth century.
Your self-concept is the way you think, your bundle of beliefs about yourself. You
always act on the outside consistent with your self-concept, whatever it is.
All improvements in external performance and results begin with an
improvement in your self-concept. When you start to think of yourself in positive,
constructive, and financially successful ways on the inside, you begin to act
consistent with those beliefs.

Develop Habits of Wealthy People

You can develop several habits that are practiced by virtually all rich people. For
example, in the Forbes 2015 survey of self-made billionaires, fully 76% attributed
their success to “hard work and self-discipline.”
Millionaires work about sixty hours per week, usually six days a week, ten or
more hours per day. They arise early and get started by 7.00AM and keep going
until 6.00PM. As David Foster, the music impresario, said, “I don’t know any
successful people who work less than six days a week.
I have spent the past 5 years studying the success secrets of all the Jewish
billionaires. In the following chapters, I will be sharing with you top 4 habits that
contributed to the success of these self-made Jewish billionaires.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 8


“When you discover your goal, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with
enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.”
– W. Clement Stone

Learning from Founder of Google

Sergey Brin, the Founder of Google, the world’s largest Internet Company, was
born in a Jewish family. Brin believes that, “Everyone at Google has a strong sense
of mission and purpose. We believe the work we do has impact on millions of
people in a positive way. Each one should have a goal and work towards
creating their own stories.

Be Clear of What You Want

When Sergey Brin and Larry Page started Google, many people would often ask
them, “Why did you start this business?” or, “How did you get into this?” When I
started travelling around the country as a professional speaker, people often ask
me why did I decided to take up public speaking. All of these questions imply a
larger question: why do you do what you do?

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 9

I would like to post the same question to you. Why did you decide to run
your own business? Was it because you want to make money, or you want
independence and freedom? Why did you take up a certain job? Was it because
it’s something you have a passion for, or because it seemed like a safe option?

Don't Buckle Under the Illusion of Fake Desire

Shockingly, most people do not have a definite answer to this question. When
asked why did they take up this job, many people have lame answers like, “it’s a
stable job,” or, “it seemed like a good idea at that time,” or, “all my friends were
applying for this job.” It quickly becomes apparent that they don’t know why they
are doing it.
This can be a big stumbling block when it comes to motivation, for if you
don’t know why you began, then you won’t have a sure foundation when times
become challenging.

Goals are the Foundation of Your Motivation

It is important to have this answered at the outset because this is the foundation
of your motivation. If this is what you truly desire, it will be the bedrock of your
motivation. When you have to work long hours, or when you have to sacrifice your
weekends with your loved ones, or when you have to work hard early in the
morning till late at night, or when you have to pour in all your investments, you will
always be able to come back to this answer.
If this is what you truly want to achieve in life, it will give you the motivation
to keep doing what you’re doing. It is the rocket fuel to your high-performance

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 10

Do You Want to Lead a Mediocre Life?

Most individuals are out of touch with their real wants. They let other people
choose what they ought to work towards, or they settle for what they believe they
may get. They buy into the socially disciplined bunk that the aim of life is to work
on a meaningless career for tens of years, spend themselves into debt, get
distracted with asinine entertainment, marry, have kids, retire broke, and then
softly die. Therefore, they live despairing lives, forever weak and distressed.

Goals are Essential

To be successful, not only do you have to understand your wants, you also have
to develop clear goals for every aspect of your life.
Fully 95 percent of success is developing clarity in the first place. You must
be completely clear about who you are – your strengths, your weaknesses, your
talents and abilities – and what you want to o with your life. Then you must focus
single-mindedly on one thing at a time, without diversion or distraction.

Your Three Most Important Goals

What are your three most important goals in life right now? Write down the answer
in thirty seconds or less. When you only have thirty seconds to write down your
three most important goals, you answers will be more accurate than if you had
thirty minutes or three hours. What are they?
Napoleon Hill once wrote that the key to success is to use “proven success
formulas.” Find out what other successful people do over and over, and then do
the same things that they do.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 11

There is a simple but powerful process of setting and achieving goals that
you can use immediately to transform your life. Here it is:

1. Decide Exactly What You Want?

Most people never do this. Most people want many different things but no one
thing in particular. If your goal is not clear and specific, they are merely wishes,
hopes and fantasies. Einstein said, “If you cannot explain your goal to a six year
old child, you probably aren’t clear about it yourself.”

2. Write It Down

When you write down a goal, you take it out of the air and make it clear and
tangible. You can see it, touch it, and read it. Here is a discovery: Each goal you
write down, and each time you write it, you are actually writing and programming
into your subconscious mind.
Once you have a written goal, your subconscious mind accepts this as a
command and begins working to bring this goal to you. Written goals are very

3. Set A Deadline

A deadline acts as a forcing system for your subconscious mind. It gives your
subconscious mind a target to aim at. A written goal with a deadline activates
the Law of Attraction. You begin to attract into your life people and opportunities
to help you move faster towards your goal. This will be discussed further in the next
What happens if you don’t achieve your goal by the deadline? Simple –
set another deadline. Many things can happen over which you have no control

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 12

that might postpone the accomplishment of your goal. Don’t worry. Just set
another deadline. Remember, there is no unrealistic goals, merely unrealistic

4. Act Immediately

Take the first step to do something everyday to move you toward the
achievement of your most important goal. When you do something every day,
you trigger the “momentum principle” of success.
It may be hard to take the first step, but after that it becomes easier and
easier. You develop more and more momentum. You move faster towards your
goal, and that’s how you eventually achieve something great in life.

Follow-up Action

Here is a simple exercise that has transformed the lives of hundred of thousand of
people, including me. It is so effective because it is so simple. Let’s do it together

1. Take out a piece of paper and write the word “GOALS,” plus today’s date.
Then write down ten goals you would like to achieve within the next twelve
For example: I earn $XXX by December 31 of this year.

When you write down your goals, make them present tense, personal, and
positive. Instead of saying, “I am going to quit smoking,” you would write, “I
am a non-smoker.”

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 13

2. You then write down things you are going to change or implement in your life
today, in order to achieve these goals. Keep writing until you have 10 different
actions you could take that would help you to achieve these goals.

Here’s an example:
I weigh 68kg by December 31st this year.

Things that I am willing to change to achieve this goal:

☐ hit the gym 3 times a week

☐ have vegetarian food once a week

☐ have fried food once a month

☐ hire a fitness coach

☐ learn a new sport

☐ Drink a glass of water before each meal

☐ always have breakfast every day

☐ take up body combat classes

Remember, you don’t have to change your life 180 degree immediately. If you get
ambitious and decide to develop several good habits immediately, you end up
developing none.

It takes twenty to thirty days of repetition to develop a new habit; you can
actually develop one or two new wealth-building habit per month, this means you
will achieve the goal within a year, if you stick closely to the plan!

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 14


“Sometimes, idealistic people are put off by the whole business of networking as
something tainted by flattery and the pursuit of selfish advantage. But virtue in
obscurity is rewarded only in Heaven. To succeed in this world you have to be
known to people.”

-Sonia Sotomayor

The Power of Your Network in Building Wealth

One of the secrets to success in building your wealth is being open to the ideas
from others and making a commitment to build your network with people who
are big thinkers. It is essential to build your network and be ale to listen and learn
from others.
Henry Ford said, ‘ I don’t have to know all the answers. I just need to make
sure I am smart enough to surround myself with smart people, and I must make
sure I am wise enough to listen and learn from them.”

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 16

Your Network Determines Your Networth

I have learnt that it is your network that often determines your net worth. Who are
you having out with? Who are you talking to and sharing ideas with? Are they the
type of people who inspire you, encourage you and pour positive energy into
you? Or do they discourage you, depress you and drain your energy and
Your income is the average of the 5 closest friends you hang out with. So
make a commitment to hang with people who will inspire ideas and encourage
your entrepreneurial spirit, because those people will have a major impact on
helping you to achieve your desire in any areas of your life, marriage, wealth,
health and spiritual.

Not What You Know, but Who You Know

Life is not just about what you know, but also about whom you know, and who
knows you! This is why it is important to develop a network of people whom you
know and who know you –and know what you can do.
The old saying is that there are only six degree of separation between any
two people in the world, yet I believe in this time of social networking that the
separation is even less.

Law of Attraction

When you have a deep passion for something you’re interested in, you attract
individuals who have the same agenda, a deep sense of mission, and
commitment to the same goal, coming together to form a Master Mind Alliance.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 17

This represents the highest ordering of thinking by a group of knowledgeable
people, each contributing to their absolute best according to their own abilities,
expertise, and background.
Like all good genius start-up stories, the two Jewish young men, Larry Page
and Sergey Brin founded Google Inc. in a friend's garage in Menlo Park, Calif.
Since its incorporation on September 4, 1998, the company has grown to nearly
20,000 full-time employees worldwide.
Brin first met Larry page at Stanford University in March 1995. At first, the two
would not get along; they would never agree on anything. With time, the duo
realized they share the same passion. They were interested in extracting
information from large data sets and worked together on their doctoral theses.
Their passion for technology and innovation attracted both of them to
work together and eventually led to the birth of Google.

Network with the right people

One of the key elements of networking is to make sure you network with the right
people. One of the ways to ensure that you are networking with the right people
is to develop criteria in advance as to the kind of people that you’re looking to
network with. Some of the criteria may include the following:

The right mindset. It is important to network with people who have the right
mindset. What you have to do is find for yourself what you believe the right
mindset to be. We believe the right mindset is in someone who is positive instead
of negative, optimistic instead of pessimistic, a big thinker instead of a small
thinker, and someone who has your best interest at heart.

Successful. Not that everyone we network with has to be a multi-millionaire, but it

is helpful to find someone who is successful in the industry that can share ideas,

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 18

tips and techniques to help you on your journey. They could be successful in their
career or personal life. It is up to you to define what you mean by someone who
is successful.

Intellectually curious. You may find people whom you network with to be helpful
if they have the quality of being intellectually curious. This means that they are
interested in many things – exploring, discussing, and examining different ideas
and concepts as they relate to different fields of study.

Connect to Experts

It's common for innovation leaders to catch lunch or hop on a late night phone
call with the best experts in any given field. These leaders know the value of being
connected to tested experts.
As Steven Johnson summarizes in his book Where Good Ideas Come From:
“It’s not that the network itself is smart; it's that the individuals get smarter because
they're connected to the network."

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 19


“If you decide that you’re going to do only the things you know are going to
work, you’re going to leave a lot of opportunity on the table. “
– Jeff Bezos

Be Proactive

To turn your finance around, it is critical that you become proactive. The word
proactive was popularized by Dr. Stephen Covey in his landmark book, The 7
Habits of Highly Effective People. I first read his book years ago, but last year I had
the opportunity to attend one of his conferences in Australia. I was able to learn
in greater depth what he meant by proactive. To be proactive is to take
anticipatory actions.
To be proactive is to recognize that your personal actions can have an
impact on your present situation and change it for the better. Being proactive
means you take action, not sit and wait. Being proactive means you are “up and

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 20

Being proactive means taking responsibility for your future and being
willing to move on your thoughts and dreams rather than waiting for them to

Do Not Wait for Things to Happen

Being proactive is the opposite of being reactive, which means to wait for some
outside stimulus to appear in order for things to change. Reactive people have a
mindset that this is just the way things are, and we cannot do anything to change
them.” Proactive people do not wait for things to happen, they make things

Winners Make Things Happen, Losers Wait For Things to Happen

When asked what keeps out from being successful, most people will blame the
government, or the economy, or their families. But the one thing that most people
avoid in their list is that which is the most important… it is us! We are the main
obstacles to our success in life!
It has been stated, and I believe it is true, that success follows the 80/20
rule: 80 percent of the work usually comes from 20 percent of the people. In
personal achievement, this means that we are responsible for 80 percent of our
failure to hit our goals, and outside obstacles are only 20 percent of the problem.

Ready, FIRE! Aim

If you want to win, you must stop letting things happen and start making things
happen! Sergey Brin and Larry Page certainly understood that the best way to
get results is to take an idea to market right away. They launched Google Chrome
as soon as they had a working model, and updated the software every six weeks.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 21

The founder of LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman, says, “If you are not embarrassed by the
first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.”
Get your business idea or marketing campaign started as premature as
possible, then use the feedback to improve or redirect. Have you been playing
with an idea in your company and feel like you need to have “the stars align” to
let others experience it? Now just might be a good time to start.
Facebook’s constantly tweaked interface, and new apps and features
that get tested in real-time before getting discarded or becoming perfect, are all
signs of Zuckerberg’s bias for action. As Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and one
of the most respected forward-thinkers of our generation, puts it, “If you decide
that you’re going to do only the things you know are going to work, you’re going
to leave a lot of opportunity on the table.”

You Can Only Take Action HERE AND NOW

Before you hope for any success, you first have to comprehend that you can only
take action in the here and now. It is easy to be so taken in by the kind of success
great ideas can bring that you just revel in it and stop innovating.
It has happened many times over, with sportspeople and musicians, film
stars and technology innovators. But some of the best Silicon Valley founders and
innovators have found a way to stay relevant even as their first big wins
plateaued. Bill Gates had his heart in philanthropy; Bezos is a funder of ideas that
are changing the world, as we know it, including names like Airbnb and Uber.
Zuckerberg too constantly ensures that Facebook doesn’t plateau like
most other social networks did. From democratizing Internet access to countering
the fake news epidemic and helping small businesses grab eyeballs with
Facebook’s constantly evolving ad platform, the network constantly proves that
it is much more than a place for travel pictures and restaurant check-ins.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 22

If the last 10 years of Zuckerberg’s public life are anything to go by, it seems
clear to me that he is just getting started.

Author and Success Coach, John Di Lemme says:

The winner – is always part of the answer.
The loser – is always part of the problem.
The winner – sees an answer for every problem.
The loser – sees a problem in every answer.
The winner – says, “It may be difficult, but it’s possible!”
The loser – says, “It may be possible, but it’s too difficult!”
The winner –says, “I must do something!”
The loser –says, “Somebody please do something about it!”

To Be Outstanding You Must Stand Out!

If you are serious about becoming wealthy, you must stand out from the crowd. I
learned that the best way to grow my future is to first grow myself. I started a self-
development program and I decided that I was no longer going to wait for things
to happen. Success is not a thing to wait for; it is a thing to be achieved!
Make a commitment to be proactive about your success. Make a
commitment to take action TODAY on your dreams and goals. If you don’t have
clear and specific goals, go back to Chapter 2 to go through my goal-setting

Follow-up Action

Habits are developed with s simple three-step strategy. These strategies are
commonly practiced among successful Jews too.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 23

1. Strive to develop one habit at a time. If you get ambitious and decide to
develop several good habits immediately, you end up developing none.

☐ Getting out of bed at 6.00am

☐ read one book every month

☐ learn a new skill (Guitar, cooking, writing, public speaking etc.)

As mentioned earlier in Chapter 1, it takes twenty to thirty days of repetition to

develop a new habit; you can actually develop one new wealth-building habit
per month, or twelve new habits in a year. This is enough.

2. Act as If You Already Had This New Habit

There is a “law of Reversibility” that you can use that is responsible for many great
transformations in people that lead to financial success. This law says that if you
feel in a particular way, or if you believe yourself to be a particular type of person,
you will naturally act in a particular way.
Let’s say you decide to develop the habit of getting out of bed at 6.00AM.
Create a mental picture of yourself doing that every morning and completing the
most important task of the day before your peers has had his first cup of coffee. If
you do this every day for a month, you will soon develop a positive addiction to
the feeling of being productive and accomplishing more tasks.
William James of Harvard pointed out, “If you do not already have a habit
that you desire, act as if you already had this habit in every aspect, and the action
itself will soon create the actual belief.”

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 24

3. Have A Plan

Successful people like, Larry Page and Mark Zuckerberg, plan every day in
advance. They set priorities on their tasks and begin on the most important task
first thing, before anything else. You can do the same thing, starting today!
Start the day by writing down top 3 most important tasks that would help
you to move towards your goal. As you plan and organize your day, think to
yourself, “I’m doing what rich people do!”

4. Refuse to Allow Exceptions

Once you resolve to develop a habit, never let up until the new habit is locked in
permanently. There will be days where you just want to lie for another 2 hours
because you slept last the previous night, or because you weren’t feeling too well.
Don’t rationalize away unhelpful behaviors.
Refuse to justify or make excuses for not remaining true to what you have
resolved to do. This is what poor people do.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 25


“Nothing in the world will can take place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is
more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not’ unrewarded
genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated
derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
-Calvin Coolidge

Persistence Differentiate Winners From Losers

Persistence is a secret. Successful people know the secret: they realize that it is
the main ingredient in winning at anything.
Most people quit. Wherever we look, we see mostly quitters. Most people
who start learning to play a music instrument, quit. How many people do you
know who play a “little piano” or a few chords on the guitar? They tried it for a
while, results came too slowly, so they quit, and went to look for something easier.
Most people who go to oil painting classes, quit. Most people who try
selling life insurance, quit. (In fact, about 98% of the people quit in the first year!)
For that matter, most people who try any kind of selling quit.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 26

Most people are quitters. This is wonderful news for those of us who decide
to be successful. It means that if we stick t what we are doing, we will, in a very
short time, be ahead of the multitudes. A the saying goes, “A big shot is simply a
little shot that kept shooting!”

History is dotted with classic examples of persistence.

Edison produced thousands of inventions including light bulbs, gramophones and

the Universal Stock Ticker. It is too easy to envy his creative genius and discount
his extraordinary commitment to his projects. He said, “Genius is one percent
inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration… I never did anything worth
doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident. They came
by work.”

What’s the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity?

When asked why Jews are so wealthy, many people gave answers such as,
“because they have high education, or because they got lucky.” Larry Ellison, the
CEO of Oracle and also the richest Jewish man in the world with an estimated net
worth at $54 Billion, would tell you that you don’t need college degree to be
Ellison dropped out of college not just once, but twice to find success in
Silicon Valley. In the early days of Oracle, the company has to restate earnings
twice and its value dropped 80%. It was on the verge of bankruptcy. Ellison faced
massive lawsuits. His advisers told him to bankrupt the company. However, Larry
put his chin on his chest and pushed through. He is now the fifth richest man in the

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 27

Jewish, the most persistent religion

Jews have been the most persistently, yet unsuccessfully persecuted people on
this planet. The "unsuccessful" is important; if a people/race are successfully
persecuted, they are driven to extinction, and only read about in history books.
But for thousands of years, racists and bigots of different eras have tried to
wipe out Jews. For thousands of years, they've failed to do so.
Thousands and thousands of years of persecution and purges means that
only the clever and resourceful survive to have children. The Jewish family and
religious values put strong emphasis on success. They have strong motivation to
work hard and succeed, a strong work ethic that gives them exceptional will
power to preserve through any obstacles to succeed.

There is a lesson to be learnt from these success stories and from a song my mother
used to sing to me:

“Just what makes that little old ant

Think he’ll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant can’t
Move a rubber tree plant

So any time you’re feeling low

‘Stead of letting go, just remember that ant
Oops there goes another rubber tree
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant.”

Indeed, remember long-term persistence is omnipotent.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 28

Failures and Success Aren’t Opposites

If you give up too early, you'll never finish the shift from beginner to authority, and
the authority level is where most of the payoffs are found.
If you hear somebody say that success is simple, break away as fast as you
can as you're about to hear a sales talk for a different get-rich- quick scam. The
honest reality is that it's really hard —almost impossible—to win at something
you've never done previously.
But that's perfectly all right. Comprehend that failure and success aren't
opposites. If you fail, it signifies you're taking action, so you're making errors and
training yourself. Success occurs naturally once you ultimately learn how to take
the right actions.

Winners Never Quit

One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when you are
overtaken by temporary defeat. Every person is guilty of this mistake at one time
or another.
Be patient with yourself as you go through failure. When you're questing
after a goal you truly want, the sort that virtually brings you to tears when you
consider it as you connect with it so profoundly, then you have to stay with it.
Regardless how difficult it gets, don't quit.
It’s unbelievably inspiring to watch individuals battle through one failure
after another without resigning. From the exterior looking in, it might appear as if
they can't possibly succeed. But they still hang in.
Finally they learn what they have to learn. They successfully adjust their
anticipations to fit reality, and ultimately their actions start to bring intended
results. I'm struck by those who I can see are bound for greatness, but no one else
recognizes it yet. The revealing sign is always the same—Perseverance.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 29

You Reap What You Sow

If you're clear about what you wish, reconcile for nothing less. Admit that success
will take time, maybe much longer than you'd like. Free yourself of the quick and
simple, something-for-nothing mentality.
Keep your head down, work hard, and understand that your work will
eventually pay off, as long as you continue learning and developing. In Elon
Musk’s words, “when something is important enough, you do it even if the odds
aren’t in your favor.

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 30


Success is not an accident. Failure is not an accident either. You are where you
are and what you are because of yourself, because of your own thinking and

If you want your future to be better in any area, you must first change and
improve your thinking along the lines described in this book. You must make new
choices and better decisions.

Fortunately, everything you are today, you have learned from early childhood as
the result of input and practice. At any time, you can decide to learn new ideas,
practice new behaviors, and get different results.

I have personally used some resources that contributed to my success today, and
I have added the resources below! CLICK on the resources below to unlock your
key to success and prosperity today!

“When I do something, it is all about self-discovery. I want to learn and discover

my own limits.” – Larry Ellison

Good luck!

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 31

Bonus Resources

Can You Speak English?

You Might Be Eligible For $525



[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 32

FREE Subliminal Ancient Wealth
Attraction Video



[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 33

Free Brain Elevation Success Kit
(How You Can Get Success While



[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 34

To your Ultimate Wealth and Prosperity,

Ethan Yager
Prosperity Coach

[Bread-of-abundance] Manifest the Secrets of Jewish Prosperity 35

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