Nitman TalentPool

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New Hire Solution


Organize Select Grow 2010


Simple Products to Streamline Complex Business Processes


About Us ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Nitman ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Group .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Awards & Recognitions ........................................................................................................................ 5
Solution ................................................................................................................................................... 6
The Need & Motivation........................................................................................................................ 6
Salient Features of Talentpool ................................................................................................................. 7
Easy to Use and Adopt ......................................................................................................................... 7
Configurable Workflow ........................................................................................................................ 8
Collaborate Effectively ......................................................................................................................... 8
Unlimited User License......................................................................................................................... 8
Dashboard ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Relationship Management................................................................................................................... 8
Reduce time to hire.............................................................................................................................. 9
No desktop installation required .......................................................................................................... 9
Value Proposition .................................................................................................................................... 9
Consulting Capabilities .......................................................................................................................... 10
Features at a Glance .............................................................................................................................. 10
Job Opening Workflow....................................................................................................................... 10
Vendor / Agency Mgmt...................................................................................................................... 10
Interview Scheduling and Mgmt......................................................................................................... 11
Candidate Workflow .......................................................................................................................... 11
Recruiter Dashboard .......................................................................................................................... 11
Emails/Alerts and Notifications .......................................................................................................... 11
Analytics & Reporting ........................................................................................................................ 12
User Experience ................................................................................................................................. 12
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Simple Products to Streamline Complex Business Processes

Organizational Setup ......................................................................................................................... 13

Security ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Tracking & Auditing ........................................................................................................................... 13
Search Capabilities............................................................................................................................. 13
Workflow Management..................................................................................................................... 13
Customers ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Security ................................................................................................................................................. 15
OWASP Compliance ........................................................................................................................... 15
Encryption ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Login and Password Security .............................................................................................................. 15
Audit Logs.......................................................................................................................................... 15
Role Based Access Control.................................................................................................................. 15
Session Security ................................................................................................................................. 16
Hardware Requirements........................................................................................................................ 17

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Simple Products to Streamline Complex Business Processes

About Us


At Nitman Software, we make products that are easy to use, yet streamline complex business processes
and boost productivity.

Our products are designed with simple, easy to use interfaces and thoughtfully crafted tools to reduce
the burden of mundane tasks. Our undertaking is to make industry specific products to address the
exact needs of our clients.

We started out in 2005 with this mission in mind. Within an year, we launched our flagship product –
Talentpool. Talentpool is a recruitment software that helps companies meet their hiring targets, reduce
time to hire and lower recruitment costs. It is available in three versions, and can be used by companies
that hire less than 5 people a month, as well as those hiring hundreds of people per month.

While promoting Talentpool, we were approached by recruitment firms, many of whom were looking
for a similar software to run their businesses. In response to this demand, we launched our second
product, Talentscout in late 2008. Talentscout lets recruitment firms create their own, easily searchable
candidate database, manage client and candidate relationships, generate more revenue and improve
recruiter productivity.

Both our products reflect our mission in being easy to use, yet provide specific tools to ease the work of
recruiters end users.

We continue to build upon our products through feedback provided by users on the ground. All our
customers are entitled to free upgrades to the latest versions as part of our annual support programs.

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Awards & Recognitions

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The Need & Motivation

Recruitment is one of the paramount importance for any organization as it deals with human capital,
one of the major driving force for any organization. Though it being the top most priority the onus is
majorly on the HR Dept.

A typical recruitment funnel or a process involves people across the board whose actions and feedbacks
are imperative for the proper movement of the process. However this process has leakages in terms of
time and information sometimes read as money also. This in turn increases the load on recruiters (many
follow-ups, waiting period, approvals etc.) and pushes the lead time for a position closure.

This is where the need for a solution arises, which makes sure that the funnel has minimum leakages of
time and information. And a system robust yet simple enough for minimum errors and easy
adapatability. In short process automation is the need of hour.

The demand for a Recruitment Process Automation has increased leaps and bounds and is driven further
by the need for a complete package with seamless technology and proper support at the time of need.

The need further translates to a solution which is user friendly, with a flexible workflow and scalable for
future needs and also a dynamic one which includes the need for timely updations.

Talentpool Enterprise is built for that very need. Talentpool helps recruiters to have their day to day
activities well configured and set with real time updates and helps them to cruise through their work
and also focus more on important tasks in hand rather than mundane work.

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Simple Products to Streamline Complex Business Processes

Salient Features of Talentpool

Easy to Use and Adopt

You don’t need to install anything, nor read a thick user manual to start using Talentpool. Its no training
necessary interface makes short listing, providing feedback and tracking recruitment progress simple,
yet effective. Eliminate the need to maintain complex excel sheets to record candidate information and
create recruitment reports for the management.

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Simple Products to Streamline Complex Business Processes

Configurable Workflow

Talentpool gives you the ability to configure the workflow according to your unique hiring process. You
may have different hiring process for each of the vacancies. Talentpool can do this in a very
comprehensive and easy manner.

Collaborate Effectively

Talentpool helps each stake holder in the recruitment process to collaborate and synchronize with all
others. You can send e-mail, message to each other. Through our Dashboard you come to know who is
working on what.

Unlimited User License

Being licensed per server, you need not purchase additional licenses as the organization grows and thus
there as increase in the number of users. Use Talentpool across locations without bearing any additional


Dashboard provides a birds eye-view of the entire hiring process. You can view your summary of various
vacancies recruiter wise. The to-do list can be seen position wise, selection-stage wise, list wise etc. You
also can view your hiring calendar and your received and sent messages.

Relationship Management

• Talentpool helps automate your vendor management and employee referral system through our
vendor and employee portals.

• Schedule / Assign telephone calls, appointments, maintain notes, track interactions, follow-ups

• Send resume(s), arrange interviews and store feedback against your contacts

• Store attachments like contracts and agreements against your Customers

• Stores all email activities, calls for future reference

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Simple Products to Streamline Complex Business Processes

• Automatic mail notification and alerts keeps recruiters aware of new requirements posted /
assigned to them

Reduce time to hire

Increases the efficiency of your operations team by helping it create an easily searchable resume bank,
providing tools to attract and track candidates and reduce time spent on mundane tasks. Report
generation is also done automatically thus saving further time.

No desktop installation required

Avoid all hassles of installation. Being browser based, Talentpool does not require desktop installation
for every user. Interaction with non HR personnel happens through emails, without requiring them to
log into the application.

Value Proposition

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Simple Products to Streamline Complex Business Processes

Consulting Capabilities

Nitman Software Pvt Ltd is part of Talentica Software, a Pune based leading Off-shore Product
Development company. TalentPool was envisaged from the Talentica’s growing requirement of
manpower thus need for a software solution. Thus, we very well understand the elaborate hiring
process in a IT firm.

We have also demonstrated our consulting abilities with many of large Corporate by suitably and
extensively customizing our recruitment product according to their very distinct and unique hiring
needs. Thus what we give them is a truly global solution.

Features at a Glance

Job Opening Workflow

• Approval workflow (configurable) for requisitions, openings, postings) at multiple levels (creator,
reviewer, approver)
• Ability to maintain job descriptions / make updates with approval workflow
• Ability to configure business rules around workflows (based on career stage the workflow might
be different)
• Ability to transfer multiple candidates from one opening to another
• Ability to align a single candidate to multiple openings and multiple candidates to single opening
• Ability for recruiters to edit a Job Opening
• Pre-populate attributes such as (JD, Role, Competencies) on the basis of Title selected in Job
Opening which can be done through a templates. You can create unlimited templates
• Ability to create a copy/clone of a posting

Vendor / Agency Mgmt

• Ability to provide interfaces to valid agencies to view their respective data -- Ability for agencies
to submit CVs electronically to us
• Duplication check on Candidates submitted by Agency
• Ability to submit electronic profiles (whether duplicates or not, without need)
• Agencies Blacklisted – Can decide not to post jobs to a particular agency
• Sourcing
• Ability to take resumes in various formats (Doc, PDF, Docx, Text etc.)
• Bulk upload of Resumes from folder, zip files etc.
• Ability to capture primary source of the candidate

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• Ability to change the primary source of the candidate, support future sources
• Referral Management (Schemes, Bonus tracking etc.)
• Ability by the system to receive email based resumes directly into the system
• Application must integrate with all possible sources (, Alumni, Email Blast, Referrals,
Jobs Boards, Networking Sites, Recruiter Sourcing, Direct Sourcing etc) -- be able to capture the

Interview Scheduling and Mgmt

• Module for Interview Scheduling and Management (Interview panel mgmt., scheduling
interviews etc.)
• Interviewer Dashboard -- on-line feedback submission -- on-line interview schedule
• Interview History: Maintain a history of all interviews the outcomes

Candidate Workflow

• On-line Job Application Interface for applicants -- Simple interface to upload CV / enter
• Candidate Processing/Tagging
• Ability to Blacklist candidates in the system by flagging
• Ability to Disqualify candidates for an opening with a reason
• Ability to assign tasks to other recruiters ( even in other geo's)
• Ability to track changes to the status of a candidate

Recruiter Dashboard

• Ability to assign and re-assign candidates to a recruiter based on candidate status

• Ability to configure different kinds of approval workflows at offer stage: -- Offer Approvals, Re-
Location approvals, RSU, Visa, Bonus, off-cycle hire, etc.
• Automatic Offer Validations / Alerts -- Check re-hire-ability (if former employee) -- Notification
that background check needed through flagging

Emails/Alerts and Notifications

• Ability to configure status alerts at various stages, activities, time period, UDF's (various
stakeholders, agencies, referrals)
• Ability to send Bulk emails/notifications using a custom template to a particular Email ID
• Ability to customize Email templates for various purposes
• Ability to edit emails/alerts as exceptions

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Simple Products to Streamline Complex Business Processes

Analytics & Reporting

Ability to generate pre-defined reports for recruitment management. Examples include:

• Performance to Plan

• Track Hire/Loss ratio, Losses against needs

• Recruiter Performance (based on the targets)

• Interviewer Reporting (No Shows, Time stamp modification, Change of Date)

• Approved Interviewers

• Conversion Rates

• Agency / Source Performance

• Response Tracking

• Top 10 companies where we are recruiting from

• 10.Referral Bonus Processing

• Cost Per Hire

User Experience

• Simple user interface for: 1) Applicants: Applicant Portal (easy to upload CVs with parsing, enter
information, etc.) 2) Recruiters 3) Interviewers
• Support for various character sets [ English Only ]
• Ability to validate values in fields (e.g., only appropriate division, domain, etc. can be entered for
the role, BU)
• Rich text editing wherever possible (JD creation etc.)
• Ability for Bulk actions (Posting a job, Changing status, De-activating)
• Ability to configure Duplication check criteria (Time Frame, Fields for Dup. check, time of
• Ability to batch process many activities (Profile submission, Duplication check etc.) are done
immediately after import
• Ability to upload attachments (documents, forms, excel sheets) at various places within the
• Ability to customize the career portal for Branding and localization

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Simple Products to Streamline Complex Business Processes

Organizational Setup

• Ability to add attributes/fields (UDF's) within the system based on Geo location, organization
and Job Roles (Diversity information)
• Integration with other systems
• Integration with Outlook


• Ability to provide customized views based on the roles in the system (Recruiter, Admin, Hiring
Lead, Track Lead, Agency, Interviewer etc)
• Ability to perform various activities based on roles (Posting a job externally)
• User automatic session time-outs
• Single Sign-On

Tracking & Auditing

• Ability to track history data across the application

• Ability to track openings, sources like Job Boards etc.)
• Ability to track candidate status and activities - Who is acting, who acted, history, interview
• Ability to maintain an Activity and Work logs for various activities
• Ability to track Offer history
• Ability to track all emails that go out (who sent it, when it was sent etc)

Search Capabilities

• Full-Text Search: Ability to parse & Search the complete Resume (not just the headers)
• Ability to search based on Wildcards, Key Words
• Advanced Search should include the UDF's within the system
• Ability to save search results, parameters
• Keyword highlighting in search results with the percentage of matching criteria
• Ability to search with Boolean attributes
• Be able to search on various attributes and configure them in the search criteria based on
business rules
• Be able to sort / filter on criteria and refine search results

Workflow Management

• Ability to capture feedbacks (Activity logs) within all workflows

• Ability to create new workflows for Approvals, Exceptions on various attributes and UDF's

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OWASP Compliance

Talentpool incorporates guidance from OWASP (Open Web

Application Security Project) that identifies most critical web
application security flaws and defines best practices for
developing secure web applications. Its design ensures protection
from attacks such as SQL Injection, Crosssite Scripting (XSS), Blind
XPATH Injection, Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and Cache


Talentpool supports HTTPS to create a secure channel for the data

and protect it against eavesdroppers and man-in-the-middle
attacks. This is particularly useful for multi-location organizations
that require Talentpool to be accessed over the internet. Sensitive
information such as passwords is always transmitted in an
encrypted form.

Login and Password Security

Talentpool limits access to all parts of the application through logins and passwords. Passwords are
hashed and never travel across the network without encryption. It implements the “three strike rule”,
which means that a user entering the wrong password three times in a row is temporarily blocked from
accessing the application. The timestamp and IP address of last login is displayed to each user at login so
that any misuse can be proactively detected by users themselves.

Audit Logs

Talentpool generates audit logs for security audit purposes. All records pertaining to login failures,
changes of passwords, changes to user roles, creation and deletion of users, etc are continuously logged.

Role Based Access Control

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Simple Products to Streamline Complex Business Processes

Talentpool supports role based authorization, which means users have limited access to data and
functionality. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) protects the front-end and back-end data and system
resources by implementing access control restrictions. Users can only view and access information that
they are supposed to see.

For example, a recruiter might not have access to profiles of candidates for executive level positions or
a junior interviewer might have a right to enter his inputs about a candidate, but not allowed to
recommend hiring him. The administrator can define unlimited number of roles and can control access
at a candidate, screen, action or data level. For organizations using Microsoft domains, Talentpool
supports LDAP integration so that internal requirements of strength of passwords and frequency at
which it is required to be changed are supported.

Session Security

Talentpool blocks multiple concurrent sessions from users. So a user can log in to Talentpool from one
location only when he has logged out from his previous session. User sessions are timed out after a
specified period of inactivity.

User sessions are auto terminated when the user closes the browser window even if the user has not
explicitly logged off. This prevents an intruder from accessing the application without logging in on a
machine where a user just closed his browser without logging off.

In addition to the above, Talentpool follows other best security related best practices such as disabling
auto complete on critical input fields, displaying email ids in a bot resistant format, not storing sensitive
data on the client browser, validating user inputs on the server side, allowing for installation of the
application and database on separate servers and supporting use of CAPTCHA on forms.

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Hardware Requirements

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