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Romblon State University

College of Business and Accountancy

Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

A Narrative Report in

On-the-Job Training undertaken at Romero & Co., CPA

And Commission on Audit

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Submitted by:

Greciel Gallano Morales


Submitted to:

Ph.D. Tomas Faminial, CPA

Professor – Accountancy Department

Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon


A Narrative Report entitled “A Narrative Report in On-the-Job Training”

undertaken at Commission on Audit and Romero & Co., CPA located at Odiongan,
Romblon, Philippines, prepared and submitted by Greciel Gallano Morales in Partial
fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, is hereby
endorsed for approval.

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy.

Dr. Tomas Teologo Faminial, CPA

Professor – Accountancy Department

Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

I. Title Page

II. Approval Sheet

III. Table of Contents

IV. Dedication

V. Acknowledgement

VI. Introduction

VII. RSU, CBA goals & BSA Objectives

VIII. Romero & Co., CPA Profile

o History
o RCC Vision & Mission

IX. Narrative Report – Romero & Co., CPA

 Weekly Accomplishment Report

 Daily Journal
 Learning
 Conclusion

X. Commission on Audit Profile

o History
o The Birth of Institution
o Growth and Changes
o COA Vision & Mission

XI. Narrative Report – Commission on Audit

 Weekly Accomplishment Report

 Daily Journal
 Learning
 Conclusion
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon


XII. Appendices

 Evaluation Sheet
 Certificate of On-the-Job Training
 Daily Time Record
 Letters
 Documentation
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

This Narrative Report is wholeheartedly dedicated to my parents, Gregorio S.
Morales and Daisy G. Morales, and to my brothers and sisters who served as my
inspirations, my strength and motivation in doing everything.

I also want to dedicate this Narrative Report to my best friends – Marey F.

Rasgo, Mariam Jamela L. Gagan, Sofia R. Sanchez, Romelyn I. Gelito, Kimberly Ann U.
Gabay, and Loren Bhabes N. Brigido who have remained true and have always been
there during my struggles.

To that one person, who always help me to do things and made me smile
during the times when all things are against me.

This report is also dedicated to Romero & Co., CPA Family and Commission
on Audit Family – Team No. R4B -05 who always had the patience to guide me in
everything I do.

To all of my professors who always wants the best for us.

To my classmates who are always there in times of need.

And above all to our Almighty God who made everything possible.
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

With deepest gratitude and appreciation, I humbly give thanks to the people
who, with all they can, helped me in making my On-the-Job Training a possible one.

To my loving parents, Gregorio S. Morales and Daisy G. Morales, who serves as

an inspiration to me, for the unending love and support, for providing all my needs
financially, morally, and emotionally, for their patience and understanding during my
tiring days and for being there for me no matter what.

To my sisters and brothers who always supports me in almost everything I do,

for giving me unending advices, for always being there to encourage me to always
bring out the best, and for always making me feel that they’re so proud to have me
as their youngest sibling.

To my best friends who made me forget all the worries even for a short while.
I thank them because even if we are distant from each other, they always find ways
and time to check how am I doing.

To all my professors who shared and continuously sharing their knowledge to

us and keep on telling us to be the better persons of tomorrow. They always inspire
me to pursue my goals in life. I want to thank them in changing my view in life, in the
government, in the society and the like.

To the University where I am studying, Romblon State University, where I

learned that life will be greater if you step out of your comfort zone.

To Romero & Co., CPA’s Family and Commission on Audit Family – Team No.
R4B -05 for all the memories we shared together – happy or not, for all the advices
and everything you taught me during my stay in the office. I thank them so much
because they contributed a lot to my growth as a student and as a member of this

To my co-trainees, for all the memories we had together. I thank them for the
comfort they gave me, for the friendship and the teamwork. I know that our bond
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

get stronger because of our OJT, thank you for always guiding me in doing my task at
times when I’m lost and really don’t know what to do.

Above everything to our Almighty God, for His untiring, unending and
unconditional love and for all the blessings and challenges He is giving me in my
everyday life. I thank Him for making everything in my life possible, for always
answering my prayers in the most unexpected ways. I thank Him for helping me
finished my On-the-Job Training without any worries. I thank Him for all the struggles
I faced because it made me realize things which helped me to be mature and strong.

With God, I can do all things.

Greciel G. Morales

Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

Most of us spend a lot of time in school, from nursery to college and so on. Students like to try
doing things especially if we know that’ll make us a better person than yesterday. School is a
place where students sit and listens to the discussion of their professors, in this way they will
learn but this is not where they stop learning. Learning the theories, histories and the likes of
different stuffs is important but what will make this more interesting is that when student
applied it in real life, each day of their life.

Efforts and hard work are the raw ingredients of success.

On the job training is now a requirement by every Institution, colleges, or universities to their
students before they graduate. It is where the student is given a chance to apply all he has
learned inside the school. It is when the student is given the opportunity to stand out and to
learn what it really felt like in the reality.
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon



Conceptualized to effectuate community development, a humble intermediaries

farm school, then called ODIONGAN FARM SCHOOL, came into being in June 1915. One
hundred thirteen pupils, 65 fifth graders, were the first batch who attended this
American school primarily established to train local in the agricultural arts so as to attain
food sufficiency in the islands of Romblon which was then a sub-province of Capiz. In
June 1916, a secondary course in farming for boys and housekeeping for girls was

In 1929, the Odiongan Farm School was converted into ODIONGAN RURAL HIGH
SCHOOL, offering complete secondary training courses. In 1947, the Odiongan Rural
High School was changed to ODIONGAN HIGH SCHOOL. A General Type A Curriculum
was offered affording the youths the opportunity to study general education.

The demand for change continued to lurk the educational planners of the
province. Thus, in Order to keep abreast with the demands of time, another conversion
took place in December 1, 1956. The Odiongan High School was again converted to
offering complete secondary vocational agricultural curriculum. This status remained for
some time until the name was changed to ROMBLON NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL
SCHOOL., under General Appropriation Act of 1958.

In 1962, then Congressman Jose D. Moreno authored Republic Act No. 4286
converting Romblon National Agricultural School to ROMBLON NATIONAL
AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. In 1969, the General Appropriations Act changed the name of

The Educational Development Act of 1972 paved the way for the opening of the
post-secondary curriculum. A two-year Associate in Agricultural Technology (AAT) was
offered in compliance with Memorandum Circular No. 8 S. 1974. It has an initial
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

enrolment of 25 students (15 males and 10 females). Subsequently, in June 25, 1975,
the Secretary of Education and Culture, Hon. Juan Manuel, approved the offering of 3
degree programs namely: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Bachelor of Science in
Agricultural Education, and Bachelor of Science in Home Technology.

In 1978, under the able leadership of Hon. Nemesio V. Ganan, Jr., Assemblyman
for Region IV and at the same time representing Romblon, the Parliamentary Bill 131, an
act converting the Romblon Agricultural College into State College and appropriating
funds thereof was authored. The bill was signed into a Law on May 18, 1983 by his
Excellency Ferdinand E. Marcos, and became Batas Pambansan Blg. 393. On September
30, 1983, ROMBLON STATE COLLEGE was inaugurated.

October 14, 2009, marked the ultimate dream come true of the Romblomanons
when Republic Act 9721 was signed by the Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, an act


Romblon State University as premier institution of higher education in the

MIMAROPA Region for a globally competitive province of Romblon.


The University shall be committed to provide advanced education, higher

technological and professional instruction and training in agriculture and fishery,
forestry, science and technology, education, arts and sciences, and other relevant fields
of study. It shall undertake research and extension services, and provide progressive
leadership in its areas of specialization.
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon


1. Develop the individual as an ethical business professional, cognizant of his varied

roles as a social being and actively involved in the affairs of his society.
2. Provide business trainings that empower people to create or seize opportunities
for a better quality of living and which develop competencies for better
individual and organizational performance.
3. Assist both government and non-government organization in the development
and administration of programs that seek to uplift the people’s social and
economic well-being.
4. Be a resource of business and industry in its effort to achieve optimal
performance and be its link to its various stakeholders.
5. Propagate the ideals of good governance and the enlightened stewardship of the


1. Equip the students with the best in contemporary business and accountancy
knowledge and skills.
2. Develop graduates whose ethics and competence make them instruments of
good governance in whatever organization they may be involved.
3. Provide the students with curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular
experiences that would develop not only their character but also their
personality, not only their creative gifts but also their athletic energies, not only
their global perspective but also their Filipino identity.
4. Develop social and environmental awareness and concern among the students.
5. Conduct trainings and seminars which develop business, economic, financial,
taxation, auditing and accounting competencies.
6. Be a resource of business, government and non-government organizations in
their efforts at optimum performance.
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

7. Have a Certified Public Accountants Licensure Examination (CPALE) passing

percentage that is at least 50%.
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

Romero & Co., CPA

Romero & Co., CPA's was formed on September 16, 2015 with Jover S.
Romero and Kristine A. Gorospe as founding Partners. The Partnership was
registered with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a General
Professional Partnership with the purpose of providing Assurance and Non-
assurance services. The Partnership took over the entire operation of Romero -
Servañez Accounting Firm

Romero - Servaňez accounting firm started its commercial operations on

January 16, 2011 with principal office located at Odiongan, Romblon. Guided by its
mission and vision to redefine the accounting service, the Firm introduces fast,
responsive and innovative solutions to its clients compliant with the accounting
standards and existing BIR regulations. In the short period of time, the Firm was
able to win a number of reputable clients not only in Odiongan but also in other
parts of Romblon. Mid of 2012, the Firm was also able to expand its market to
Manila through referrals of satisfied clients.

The firm is strategically organized into three main types of services,

Assurance, Financial Accounting and Tax consultancy services. To ensure that the
Firm provides unparalleled quality service, the Firm is manned by individuals who
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

are all highly experienced professionals with varied and extensive training in
providing professional service to companies in various industries. The Firm aims
to deliver personalized service that is sensitive and responsive to clients special
business needs and interests.

To further strengthen the Firm’s core values, methodologies and practices,

and to meet the growing market demand the Firm was converted into a
Partnership adding a business partner with audit background and experience in
international setting. Visioning to be the most trusted accounting firm providing
reliable answers and exceptional service, while building relationships of mutual
respect. And mission to provide professionals and comprehensive assurance and
non-assurance services to our client and to establish a culture of excellence and
integrity in every member of our firm. We intend to continually grow in order to
provide a clearly differentiated choice for all our stakeholders, and to maximize
our ability to invest in people, technology and innovation.


To provide professionals and comprehensive assurance and non-assurance

services to our client and to establish a culture of excellence and integrity in every
member of our firm. We intend to continually grow in order to provide a clearly
differentiated choice for all our stakeholders, and to maximize our ability to invest
in people, technology and innovation.


To be the most trusted accounting firm providing reliable answers and

exceptional service, while building relationships of mutual respect.
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon


Company: Romero & Co., CPA

Week 1: April 04-07, 2018

No. of
Day Date Daily Accomplishments
 Helped in filing BIR form of annual Income
Tax Return (offline)
O4/04/2018  Compiled Independent Auditor’s Reports and 9
Day 1
Audited Financial Statements
 Cross-footed financial statements
 Helped in filing BIR form of annual Income
Tax Return (offline)
 Cross-footed financial statements
 Compiled Income Tax Returns with its
O4/05/2018 Summary of Management Responsibilities. 9
Day 2
 Arranged documents of a business.
 Encoded Independent Auditor’s Reports
 Summarized Information for the basis of
Income Tax Return
 Joined the Parade during the Kanidugan
 Helped in tabulating the results of the street
Friday dance contest right after the parade.
O4/06/2018 9.15
Day 3  Compiled some documents.
 Helped in filing BIR form of annual Income
Tax Return (offline)
 Went to BIR to deliver documents.
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

 Filed an Income Tax Return (ITR).

O4/07/2018  Printed the Filed ITR. 9.30
Day 4
 Compiled those ITR.
Total Hours 36.45


Company: Romero & Co., CPA

Week 2: April 09-14, 2018

No. of
Day Date Daily Accomplishments
 Helped in filing BIR form of annual Income Tax
Return (offline)
 Compiled Independent Auditor’s Reports and
Monday Audited Financial Statements
O4/09/2018 13
Day 5  Helped in filing BIR form of annual Income Tax
Return of Cooperative (offline)
 Withdraw cash in PNB together with my
 Summarized and prepared monthly sales for
Annual Income Tax Return.
O4/10/2018  Encoded Independent Auditor’s Report. 11.45
Day 6
 Prepared supplemental written report for SEC
and BIR.
 Verifying and testing the sales and operating
expenses of UKR.
Wednesday  Summarized there transactions.
O4/11/2018 10.30
Day 7  Compiled the result of our test.
 Summarized the SSS and Phil Health of
ROMERO employees.
Thursday  Prepared working papers as basis for Income
O4/12/2018 9.30
Day 8 Tax Return Preparation.
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

 Helped in filing BIR form of annual Income Tax

Return (offline)
 Printed the filed ITR’s.
 Compiled Income Tax Returns


Company: Romero & Co., CPA

Week 2: April 9-14, 2018

No. of
Day Date Daily Accomplishments
 Helped in filing Annual Income Tax Return of
Walk-in Clients.
O4/13/2018  Printed the filed ITR’s 10
Day 9
 Prepared and printed SMR
 Prepared Financial Statements.
 Printed Income Tax Return and Summary of
Saturday Management Responsibility.
O4/14/2018 7
Day 10  Compiled Income Tax Return and Summary of
Management Responsibility.
Total Hours 61.45
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon


Company: Romero & Co., CPA

Week 3: April 16-18, 2018

No. of
Day Date Daily Accomplishments
 Cross-footed financial statements
Monday  Delivered some documents in DOLE.
O4/16/2018 9
Day 11  Prepared Independent Auditor’s Report.
 Bought Office Supplies (A4 Coupon)
 Cross-footed financial statements
O4/17/2018  Socialized with ROMERO’s employer and 10
Day 12
employees over dinner.
Wednesday  Prepared the Financial Statements of Suba
O4/18/2018 7
Day 13 Bay.
Total Hours 26
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon


The Commission on Audit (COA) is the Philippines’’ Supreme Audit

Institution. The Philippine Constitution declares its independence as a constitutional
office, grants it powers to audit all accounts pertaining to all government revenues
and expenditures/users of government resources and to prescribe accounting and
auditing rules, gives it exclusive authority to define the scope and techniques for its
audits, and prohibits the legislation of any law which would limit its audit coverage.


Auditing as a tool for effective governance has been recognized and practiced
since the Spanish colonial era. One proof of this was the residencia, an inquiry into
the administration of an outgoing Governor General and consequently of other
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

officials. Conducted by the Royal Audiencia, it was designed to hold colonial officials
to strict accountability for all acts during their term of office. Another was the visita
de tierra, a visit of inspection made every three years, which often revealed glaring
anomalies in the handling of local government accounts.

Colonial officials also performed investigations akin to audit at the time. One
was a fraud audit of sorts for galleon trade conducted in the 1700s. Another, which
involved the inspection of the Misericordia de Manila in 1751, had shades of
financial audit.

In 1739, a Royal Decree by the King of Spain established the royal exchequer
which was the national treasury of that era. All books of accounts of the Spanish
colonial government were required to pass through the scrutiny and certification of
the contador or the accountant and that of the oidor, a representative of the Spanish
crown, who by the nature of his duties may be considered as the precursor of the

By mid-19th century, the Tribunal de Cuentas was created. It functioned as

the supreme auditing institution of the islands until the end of the Spanish rule in
1898. Staffed by a president, two auditors, a fiscal, accountants and examiners, the
Tribunal had exclusive jurisdiction over the audit of all financial matters affecting
the colony. These personnel, all appointees of the King, were required by law to
review all vouchers and to cross-check them against corresponding entries in the
books of accounts.

The Birth of an Institution

Nurturing a nascent government requires a mixture of boldness and

prudence. And at a time when the early Philippine government was being zealously
fleshed out by its American rulers emboldened by their newfound power, then
President William McKinley ensured a healthy dose of prudence in these activities.

An unnumbered memorandum signed on May 8, 1899 by McKinley gave

birth to the Office of the Auditor for the Philippine Islands.
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

By 1900, the Office had become a fixture of government. The civil

government was formally ushered in 1901 under William Howard Taft. The major
change in the nature of government had ripple effects in the structure of
government. One result of such change was the conversion of the Office of the
Auditor of the Philippine Islands to the Bureau of the Insular Auditor.

However, it was more than a mere change of name. A provincial audit

division was created for the Bureau. Moreover, double-entry bookkeeping was
introduced which accounted for fuller analysis of settlements and ensured a higher
degree of correctness.

In 1905, a change of guard took place. Taft resigned as Civil Governor and
was replaced by Luke E. Wright who led as Governor General. Under his
administration, Act No. 1402 was passed whereby the Bureau of the Insular Auditor
was renamed the Bureau of Audits.

Growth and Changes: Becoming a Stronger Institution

As the nation celebrated its independence with the promulgation of the 1935
Constitution, the institution also reached a milestone. The 1935 Constitution
expressly provided for a General Auditing Office, thereby elevating the audit
institution to a constitutional body. Renamed as the General Auditing Office or GAO,
it now embarked on a full Filipinization of the institution as a reflection of the
government-wide transition to self-governance. For the first time, the institution
was headed by a Filipino Auditor General in the person of the Hon. Jaime

As a major stride towards the independence of the audit institution, the GAO
was explicitly placed under the direction and control of an Auditor General to
separate it as an organization from the Executive and other departments of the
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

In 1972, the country was placed under Martial Law. Government experienced
a major upheaval, and the GAO was not exempted. The GAO was renamed the
Commission on Audit (COA) and was granted broader powers under the new
Constitution promulgated in 1973. Under this Constitution, COA was given a
broader area of audit coverage by including the accounts of all subdivisions,
agencies, instrumentalities of government and government-owned-and-controlled
corporations among those to be examined, audited and settled.

As opposed to having an Auditor General single-handedly leading the GAO,

the new Constitution provided for a three-man collegial Commission on Audit. This
change aimed to strengthen the independence of the auditing office and improve the
quality of its decisions, given the rationale that a three-man body was less
susceptible to pressure than an office held by a single person. It worked as a built-in
internal check within the Commission and encouraged opposing views to surface
thereby resulting in earnest consultation and better deliberation.

In the years that ensued, the Commission was a hub of activity. Landmark
legislation on auditing, Presidential Decree 1445 or the Government Auditing Code
was promulgated in 1978. A Standard Government Chart of Accounts was likewise
issued which greatly facilitated financial audit for computerization purposes. The
Commission also implemented its comprehensive audit program focusing on the
3Es: economy, efficiency and effectiveness. Installation of this program represented
a break from tradition that laid undue emphasis on compliance and voucher audit.
And on top of all these, the Commission embarked on a massive reorganization and
professionalization of its personnel.

This era will also be remembered for the significant involvement of COA in
international events such as initiating the establishment of the Asian Organization of
Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI), on to sponsorships of trainings for Asia’s
auditors and culminating with the hosting of the XI International Congress of
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) in 1983. It was also during this time that a
COA Chairman was first elected to the United Nations Board of Auditors.

Years later, the world witnessed the 1986 EDSA Revolution. It was truly a
historical event that highlighted the need for reforms in government as a whole. It
provided everyone a chance for introspection and created an avenue towards
change. As fate would have it, the COA again found itself working under a new
government, under a new Constitution and with an even broader scope of authority.

The 1987 Constitution maintained the independence of the Commission on

Audit as the supreme auditing arm of the Philippine government. Moreover, the
Constitution reiterated COA’s role as the sole official external auditor of government
agencies as well as government-owned- and-controlled corporations (GOCCs). In
other words, the previous practice of some GOCCs and other government agencies
of hiring private accounting firms as a requirement of foreign funding institutions to
act as their auditors for foreign-assisted projects were no longer allowed.

Change, it seems, is the inescapable destiny of the Commission. But as history

proves, whatever the nature of change brought about by national political events,
the Commission manages to make it for the better.


A credible, trustworthy and independent Supreme Audit Institution a vibrant

partner in nation-building a bulwark of integrity and competence, an organization of
professionals with a culture of excellence;

Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

To carry out our constitutional mandate with the highest degree of

professionalism, competence, integrity, teamwork and organizational efficiency and
promote the people’s trust in government by upholding public accountability.
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon


Company: Commission on Audit (COA)

Week 4: April 23-27, 2018

No. of
Day Date Daily Accomplishments
 Orientation
 Packed and sacked documents of
Alcantara, Looc, San Jose, and Sta. Maria.
O4/23/2018  Familiarize myself in (BAAR) Barangay
Day 14
Annual Audit Report.
 Started auditing the transactions of
Barangay Agojo C.Y. 2015.
Tuesday  Continued auditing the disbursements of
Day 15 Barangay Agojo C.Y. 2015.
 Finished auditing the disbursements of
Wednesday Barangay Agojo C.Y. 2015.
Day 16  Started auditing the disbursements of
Barangay Agojo C.Y. 2016.
Thursday  Continued on auditing the disbursements
Day 17 of Barangay Agojo C.Y. 2016
Friday  Finished auditing the disbursements of
Day 18 Barangay Agojo C.Y. 2016
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

 Started auditing the disbursements of

Barangay Pili C.Y. 2015
Total Hours
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon


Company: Commission on Audit (COA)

Week 5: April 30, 2018 – May 4, 2018

No. of
Day Date Daily Accomplishments
Monday  Finished Auditing on Brgy. Pili C.Y. 2015.
Day 19  Started Auditing on Brgy. Pili C.Y. 2016.
Wednesday  Continued auditing the disbursements of
Day 20 Barangay Pili C.Y. 2016.
 Finished auditing the disbursements of
Barangay Pili C.Y. 2016.
 Cross-footed financial statements of
O5/03/2018 different barangays of Looc Municipality.
Day 21
 Copied the document I needed in
preparing the Financial Statements of the
Three Barangay.
 Finalized the working papers that I
Friday prepared.
Day 22  Prepared the Financial Statements of
Barangay Agojo and Pili.
Total Hours
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon


Company: Commission on Audit (COA)

Week 6: May 07-11, 2018

No. of
Day Date Daily Accomplishments
 Prepared Financial Statements of Brgy.
Poblacion, Looc, Romblon
 Sorted the vouchers of Alcantara in per
O5/07/2018 Barangay basis.
Day 23
 Started and finished auditing the
disbursements of Barangay Sto. Niño
from January to June C.Y. 2016.
 Continued and finished auditing the
disbursements of Barangay Sto. Niño, Sta.
Tuesday Maria, Romblon from July to December
Day 24 C.Y. 2016.
 Started auditing the disbursement of
Brgy. Bonga CY. 2016
Wednesday  Continued auditing the disbursement of
Day 25 Brgy. Bonga CY. 2016.
 Finished auditing Brgy. Bonga CY. 2016
O5/10/2018  Prepared the Financial Statements of
Day 26
Brgy. Bonga and Sto. Niño.
 Checked the amounts in the document if
O5/11/2018 it matched the list given.
Day 27
 Started Auditing Barangay Camandag.
Total Hours
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon


Company: Commission on Audit (COA)

Week 7: May 15, 2018

No. of
Day Date Daily Accomplishments
 Continued Auditing Barangay
Camandag, Alcantara, Romblon.
 Computed the payrolls of Barangay
Agojo to checked if the total amount
Tuesday matched with the list given.
Day 28  Checked if the disbursement for the
trust fund reconciled with the list given.
 Submitted the working papers and
financial statements I had done to
Ma’am Donah.
Total Hours
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon



Hours Minutes Hours Minutes Hours Minutes

4 43 52 43 52

5 34 26 34 26

6 42 47 42 47

7 8 22 8 22

Total 129 147

Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon


In everyday we had we always learn new things; it may be bad or good or both at the same
time. In my 240 hours I had learned a lot of things and I can tell that my On-the-Job Training was
a very memorable and relate table one. I don’t know where to start but….

I learned how to interact with the employees of a firm and COA.

I learned how to fill in income tax return, how to

Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon
Romblon State University
College of Business and Accountancy
Department of Accountancy
Odiongan, Romblon

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