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United School

Annual Plan-2076
Subject: English
Term S.N Chapters Orde Proposed Cum Marks Weightage Project Work
r of 2076 Period TI T II T
Teac III
F 1 Making plans and expressing Intentions 1 5 5 Seen Passage (5+10) Prepare a model of
I 2 Suggesting, Advising and persuading 2 7 5+7 Unseen Passage(10+15) newspaper condolence
R 3 Expressing Condolence and sympathy 3 8 12+8 Guided Writing (5+5) on the untimely chemise
S 4 Free Writing (6) of your friend.
T 5 I am Malala
T Free writing(18)
E Grammer (11)

S 6 Expressing In/Ability. 6 6 6 Seen Passage(5+10) Collect the data based on

E 7 Describing an object or place 7 9 6+9 Unseen Passage (5+10) castes in one of section
C Criticizing and expressing Degree of Probability. 8 9 15+9 Guided Writing (5+5) of grade nine and
O 8 Free Writing(6) present in a pie chart or
N 9 I am Malala bar graph. Also interpret
D 10 Free writing(8) the data.
T 11 Grammar(11)
T 12 Giving withholding and Reporting Permission 15 According to S.E.E.
H 13 Reporting statements 16 4 26+4 Grid
I 14 Reporting Questions 17 8 30+8
R 15 Reporting Commands 18 4 38+4

Subject: Nepali
Term S.N Chapters Order of Proposed Cum Marks Weightage Project Work
Teaching 2076 Period TI T II T III
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Subject: C. Maths
Term S.N Chapters Order of Proposed Cum Marks Weightage Project Work
Teaching 2076 Period TI T II T III
F 1 Set 1 8 8 12 4 4 To Calculate the area of their
I 2 Algebra 2 22 30 33 10 8 own room or classroom.
R 3 Arithmetic 3 8 38 15
S 4 Mensuration 4 7 45 8
T 5 Geometry 5 13 58 24 6 4
T 6 Statistics 6 8(8) 8(8) 8
E 7 4 4
R 8
M 9

S 1 Arithmetic 1 15 15 17 4 To make area of path using local

E 2 Mensuration 2 18 33 8 material.
C 3 Algebra 3 12 45 14 4
O 4 Geometric 4 16 61 20
N 5 Statistics 5 6 67 8 8
D 6 Trigonometry 6 6 73 5
T 7 Probability 7 8 81 8 4
T 1 Geometry 1 20 20 22 To collect the materials and
H 2 Statics 2 5 25 8 prove that they are similar by
I 3 Algebra 3 30 55 30 the given condition.
R 4
D 5

Subject: science
Term S.N Chapters Order of Proposed Cum Marks Weightage Project Work
Teaching 2076 Period TI T II T III
F 1 Measurement 1 3 3 5 Make a model of any type of
I 2 Force 4 8 11 10 5 5 simple machine.
R 3 Machine 6 7 18 8
S 4 Classification of elements 8 8 26 12
T 5 Chemical Reaction 2 6 32 10 5 5
6 Classification of Organism 5 10 42 13
T 7 Adaptation 7 7 49 10 3 3
E 8 Natural Hazards 3 6 55 7 2 2
S 9 Work Energy and Power 9 6 6 5 3 Draw well labelled diagram of
E 10 Light 12 8 14 5 the internal structure of human
C 11 Sound 15 9 23 8 eye.
O 12 Solubility 18 4 27 5
N 13 Some Gases 10 10 37 10 5
D 14 Metals 13 4 41 2
T 15 Sense Organs 16 6 47 7 5
E 16 Evolution 11 7 54 5
R 17 Nature and Environment 14 6 60 8
M 18 Green House 17 4 64 5 2

T 19 Electricity and Magnetism 19 9 9 6

H 20 Carbon and its Compounds 20 5 14 3 Draw well labelled diagram of
I 21 The Earth in the Universe (Class 10) 21 9 23 3 human heart and label its four
R 22 Force 22 6 29 6 chambers, valves and blood
D 23 Energy 24 5 34 3 vessels.
T 24 Some Gases 25 8 42 9
E 25 Blood circulation 23 8 50 9
R 26 Chromosome and sex Determination 26 4 54 6


Subject: Social Studies

Term S.N Chapters Order of Proposed Cum Marks Weightage Project Work
Teaching 2076 Period TI T II T III
1 Our Past 1 8 8 12 4 7 Constitutional Development in
F 2 Economic Activities 2 6 14 12 4 7 Nepal.
I 3 Civic Consciousness 3 6 20 11 4 _
R 4 Our Earth 4 8 28 15 _ _
S 5 Social Problems and Solutions 5 8 36 5 1 1


S 6 Our Earth 4 8 36 _ 15 _ National luminaries

E 7 Social Problems and Solution 5 4 40 _ 4 -
C 8 International Relation, Peace and Co-orperation 6 4 44 _ 4 5
O 9 Our Tradition, Social Values and Norms 7 5 49 _ 4 5
N 10 We and our society 8 4 53 _ 5 -
D 11 Infrastructure of development 9 5 58 _ 5 5
12 Our Past 1 6 6 _ - 5
T 13 Economic Activities 2 10 16 _ - 5

T 1 Our Past 1 6 6 _ _ First World War
H 2 Economic Activities 2 10 16 _ _ 5
I 3
R 4
D 5
T 7

Subject: EPH
Term S.N Chapters Order of Proposed Cum Marks Weightage Project Work
Teaching 2076 Period TI T II T III
F 1 Concept of environment population and Health 1 10 10 17 Visit the surroundings of your
I Education locality ad find out the causes
R 3 Population, Environment and Development 2 10 20 11 and effects of environment
S 7 Environmental Health 3 13 33 17 pollution of that place. Prepare
T Consumer Health 4 10 43 17 on the basis of the information
T 9 Primary Health care, Precaution against Hazards 5 9 52 13 provided.
E and Safety Education
2nd 2 Demography and population Change 1 11 11 20% 17 Topic: Data collection for census
5 Family Life Education 2 15 26 20% 17 on the basis of the following
T 4 Demographic Situation of Nepal and Environment 3 11 37 20% 13 Title 2)Objectives
E 8 Adolescence, Sexual and Reproductive 4 13 50 20% 13 Page no 61 from book
R Health Education [Detail Description will be
M provided in the class] on the
topic: i) Title ii. Contents iii.
Introduction iv. Importance
v. Conclusion
T 6 1. Natural Resources and Biodiversity 1 8 8 20% 20% 60% Topic: Visit locality and about
H 2. Caring for the Earth 2 4 12 15 development and prepare a
I Concept of class 10 report with the following
R 1 Concept of Health population and Environment 3 5 17 11 elements:

D 2 Demography and population change 4 8 25 10 i) Title
T 5 Demographic situation of Nepal and Environment 5 6 31 9 ii) Contents
E iii) Introduction
R iv) Importance
M v) conclusion

Subject: Computer Science

Term S.N Chapters Order of Proposed Cum Marks Weightage Project Work
Teaching 2076 Period TI T II T III
1st 1 Introduction to computer 1 6 6 6 Prepare a presentation
2 Computer programming 2 7 13 6 demonstrating Generation of
T 3 History of computer 3 6 19 7 computer.
E 4 Algorithm & flowchart 4 8 27 8
R 6
5 Generation of computer 5 33 7
M 8
6 Introduction to Qbasic 6 41 7
7 DOS-Disk Operating system 7 49 9

2nd 8 Types of computer 1 5 5 4 Design (HTML)website having

9 Fundamental of Qbasic 2 7 12 20% 5 at least 5 pages.
T 10 Computer system 3 7 19 from 5
E 11 Programming in Qbasic 4 7 26 1st 5
12 Computer Hardware 5 8 34 term 4
13 HTML(Web designing) 6 15 49 9
14 Computer Software 7 6 55 4
15 It policy of Nepal 8 5 60 4

3rd 16 Control statements & loop 1 14 14 20% 20% 4 Prepare chart showing
17 Array in QBASIC 2 8 22 from from 6 different loop in BASIC
T 18 Functions in Qbasic 3 12 34 1st 2nd 8
E 19 Modular Programming 4 16 50 term term 12

Subject: Accountancy
Term S.N Chapters Order of Proposed Cum Marks Weightage Project Work
Teaching 2076 Period TI T II T III
1st 1 Office 1 7 7 15 Format of Journal
T 2 Office personnel 2 8 15 16 -Rules of Accounting
E 3 Office resources 3 5 20 11
R 4 Book keeping 4 12 32 11
M 5 Postal Service 5 5 37 6
6 Journal 6 17 54 16

2nd 7 Ledger 7 16 16 11 Draft a letter with a complete

T 8 Correspondence 8 17 33 16 format (Resume+letter)
E 9 Trial Balance 9 10 43 16 5
R 10 Subsidiary books 10 18 61 11 10
M 11 Record 11 4 65 6
First term(20%) 5
Journal , 5
Book Keeping, 5
Offices Resources

3rd 12 Business Organization 12 15 21 11 chart of Business

T 13 Meeting and Conference 13 6 34 6
E 14 Government Accounting 14 13 44 6
R 15 (class 9 + class 10) 15 11
M 16 Class 10 course (Tentatively 15 days after Term) 16 11
Final Accounts 17 10 54 30
Journal Voucher 10
(First Term 20%+ Second Term 20%)

Subject: OPT. Math
Term S.N Chapters Order of Proposed Cum Marks Weightage Project Work
Teaching 2076 Period TI T II T III
1st 1 Trigonometry 1
T 1. Trigonometric identifies 10 10
E 2. Measurement of angles 8 18 39 3 3
R 3. Conversion of trigonometric ratios 6 24
M 4. Standard angles 6 30 Make a scrap book listing the
2 Coordinate Geometry 2 4 formulae of trigonometry.
1. Distance Formula 6 34 26 8 8
2. Section Formulae 8 40
3 Statistics 3 48 16 3 3
4 Matrix 4 6 54 19 6 6

2 1 Trigonometry [cast rule] 1 11 11 16 4 Make a chart paper listing &
T 2 Coordinate Geometry 27 21 4 showing CAST rule and
E 1. Equation of straight lines and locus 2 16 32 trigonometric rations in terms of
R 2. Area of triangles 5 45 14 4 (9-6)(90+6), (180+6), (270-6),
M 3 Transformation 3 13 57 15 4 (270+6),(360-6),(360+6)
4 Vector 4 12 65 14 4

3rd 1 Trigonometry 1 8 8 11 Prepare a chart paper collecting

T 2 i) Compound Angles all operations on matrices and
E 3 Limit & Continuity 2 8 16 show their properties as well.
R 4 Algebra 3 9 25 5
M 5 i)Functions(class 10) 9 34 10
6 ii)Polynomials(class 10) 10 44 8
Sequence & series 54 12

Matrix 4 10 14


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