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I am Silmi Sharif Maredia, I completed my grade 10 (ICSE board e x a m i n a ti o n ) with 83% and my Higher

Secondary with 85% passed in May 2018 from Maharashtra State Board, India. I hope to push my academics further
by determination and hard work. Excelling in academics is extremely important to me. In addition to
academics, I have been exceptionally active outside the classroom. Participating in co-curricular activities
and working on personal projects have broadened my perspectives and has instilled various skills. Along
with being a diligent part of the school newspaper and parti cipati ng in debate teams, I have been active on
the sports field and at chess matches, as well as in volunteering under s e v e r a l charity organizations. I have
s u r e l y given co-curricular activities sheer importance. The school and colleges I studied in, have
substantially contributed to my efective communication skills and self -confidence. I bring an honest,
hardworking character along with a unique and friendly personality. I am quick-learning and eager to
accomplish. T h e s e qualities combined with the cherished obsession for pursuit of knowledge and the
passion for my undergraduate diploma in business, makes me a great c h o i c e to help represent the student
body at Camosun College.

Canada, being a land of opportunities, was always my first and forem ost preference for undergraduate
studies as it is one of the world’s top educational performers. The Canadian education system is, in all sorts
of ways, ranked amongst the best globally. Canadian Institutes provide a dynamic, innovative and
challenging environment in which I can create and nurture m y true potential, alongside the pioneering and
abundant research opportunities. Camosun College is a community college that is International student-
friendly, and will help me develop progressive concepts. I have a l w a y s been immersed in the world of
business and so, I hope t o study an undergraduate business program at Camosun college for obtaining new
understanding and p rofe ssional knowledge in the field. I keenly look forward to being a part of an
environment that will shape every aspect of my learning and prepare me to aid the majority of those that I
will serve. Your college, with its mix of people from diferent backgrounds, is a true microcosm of the
international business and thus the ideal place in which to pursue a business-based education. studies at
Camosun College to be the foundation of my academic career.

Business Administration programs are at a winning proposition at the undergraduate level because it
presents lucrative career options and tacti cal skills, studying courses such as leadership, communication,
critical thinking and decision making qualities. I feel education from your college will equip me with more
practi cal and th eoreti cal knowledge, will propel me to the top of the business ladder, ultimately
accomplishing my goal of leading a successful business. My short term goals simply include adapting myself
to a new environment and atempting to perform better e a c h day, as well as gaining credibility as an
individual and ability to focus on my education with sincerity and dedicati on . My long term goals are related
to my development in the coming years, as well as handling bigger responsibilities connected to human
values. Contributions to Camosun College after the completion of my program i s an indispensable long term
goal. Being an ambassador for the college by thinking of those around me, appropriate code o f conduct and
proper b e h a v i o r a l patterns when I am connected to my status as a student as well as a being a
respectful member of the college and th e larger Victoria community, would be my long term crucial
contributions to Camosun College.

Therefore, to conclude, looking at the module of Business Administration and the array of subjects ofered
under i t , Camosun College gives me the perfect platform to enhance my understanding of knowledge with
a global perspective. If given the opportunity to pursue my Business Administration undergraduate studies
at your college, I am sure it will provide necessary background in order to expand my skills and inte re sts in
this field. On evaluating the opportunities ofered by your esteemed college, I am convinced this is the best
place for me to furbish and foster my abilities.

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