DIET - 1st 7 Days

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Name Mr.

Vinay Vasant
Age 35
Male 5'11
Weight 119 Kgs
BMI 36.6
BMR = 2,136 Calories/day without exercise and with exercise 5 -6 days a week 3,130 per day
Our initial goal : Create deficit of 600 - 800caloriesories

Diet Plan Outline First Seven Days (Transition to a goal-oriented diet]

Following are 3 options for each meal which may be used in rotation according to preference for the
first seven days

Morning: Total 400-500 calories in total

Pre-Workout Meal: Good non-weight gaining fruits 100-125 calories total
Option 1 - Apple 1-2 (up to 200 gm)/Papaya[With Lemon juice)/Kiwis two pieces 100 calories +
Resins 10 gm (10 to 15 pieces) 30-35 calories
Option 2 - Watermelon 300 grams is just 90 - 100 calories
45 mins to 90 mins later Workout

Post Workout Break Fast: 250-300 calories

Ghee used in place of regular oil or sesame seed oil
Options 1 - 2 Dosa + coconut and roast chana dal Chutney 30 grams (seasoning may differ according
to your preference)
Options 2 - Oats and moong dal Chilla (Pancake) 2 pieces up to 200 grams (recipe
reference )
Options 3 - 2 Regular Dosa cooked in control amounts of ghee or exceed 10 grams
Chutney 30 grams made from either Coconut/peanuts/urid dal/ chana dal/etc
Dosa 200-220 calories + chutney 30-40 calories

Beverage: 50 calories
Options 1 - Coffee with or without milk no more than 2 teaspoon sugar
Options 2 - Green tea with lemon
Options 3 - Coconut water
Options 4 - Buttermilk

Pre-Lunch: Vitamin C 500mg Celin or Limcee Chewable 500mg (30mins before lunch)

Afternoon: Total 600-650 calories in total

Main Course:
Options 1 - Moong dal Khichdi Green or Yellow With choice of rice Total Cooked Weight on plate
(250 grams which will come to 350-400 calories)(recommended spices Curry Leaves, mustard seeds,
pepper and soya oil)
Options 2 - Toor Moong Masoor mixed Dal Ratio 3:1:1 + Brown Jeera Rice up to 150 grams (has
good fibre) Can use Ghee Tadka for Dal with Usual spice as per preference. (400-450)
Options 3 - Choice of Non veg gravy made in controlled amounts of ghee/soya/coconut oil/rice bran
oil 1 serve dal =120-150grams with brown jeera rice up to 150 grams. (Calories in total 400-450)
Options 1 - Grilled Chicken with choice to your own seasoning preferably pepper garlic must be used
150grams (calories 168-180)
Options 2 - Green Vegetables Cooked in controlled amount of oils (up to 30ml for making four
servings) have 1 serving along with main course to get good carbs along with just 100-120 calories.
Options 3 - Black Gram cooked as per spice preference 1cup 125 grams gives only 150 calories.

Options 1 - Apple Cider Vinegar (sipped along with food ) diluted to suit taste preference
Options 2 - Buttermilk with any spices as per preference (post lunch
Options 3 - Moong Dal Soup 100caloriesories pre-post lunch as preference

Dinner: Total Calories 240- 250

Main Course:
Options 1 - Salad with Corn 50gm (30 calories), beetroot boiled 100gm (45 calories). Choice to
lettuce and 1 tomato without seeds) seasoned will olive oil 10ml or olive oil mayo 10 grams=50 Total
calories will stay below 120 Calories even with mayo and oil.
Options 2 - Salad made of sprouts of choice and Carrots. Spiced to your preferences
oregano/pepper/lime etc. Total Calories may vary according to available sprouts.
Options 3 - Salad with Bell Peppers 100 gram 30 Calories with corn 50 grams 30 calories tossed with
olive/sesame/coconut/rice bran oil not more than 15ml (100 calories) Total will stay under 150

WITH 2 EGGS Scrambled with Handful leaves of Spinach or Amaranth
(Preparation: boil leaves lightly when softened add eggs and scramble it)

Before Bedtime:
Warm Haldi Milk with dash of pepper 120-150 Calories

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