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by GM Igor Smirnov
The practical part: task 11.

The previous tasks have helped you to realize the correct

method of trainings. Now you can use the given method
for your independent trainings. The 11th task is a long
term plan for your improvement.

The tasks:

1. Improve your strategical skills.

2. Improve your tactical skills.
3. Play the games and analyze them.

The improving of your strategical skills.

Analyze the high quality games and improve your
thinking process.

80 high quality games for your analysis are presented in

a "strategy" folder.

You will find a lot of my blitz games in this database

(mine ICC name is "Charodej"). I have included even the
bullet games (1 minute per game)!! I want to show you
that using the ideas of a course "The Grandmaster's
secrets" you can find the best moves very easily and
“The Grandmaster’s secrets” by GM Igor Smirnov ( All rights reserved.
quickly! But at first you should train the given skills and
automate them.

The improving of your tactical skills.

To keep your calculation skills in a good condition you
should solve the tactical puzzles regularly.

You should set the fixed time for your thinking over every
position (no more than 20 minutes per 1 position). In the
real game you have a time limit. So during your train you
should prepare yourself for this situation.

I recommend you to solve the SIMPLE tactical puzzles

regularly (for example, 5 positions per day). Simple
tactics happens most often during the practical games,
that is why it makes sense to work on them mainly.

You should not only find the best move in every position,
but mainly – train the right thinking system and improve

There are some special games in the "tactics" folder

which illustrate the ideas of a course "The Grandmaster's
secrets". These games are the tactical tasks.

“The Grandmaster’s secrets” by GM Igor Smirnov ( All rights reserved.

The task: you should find the best move and
calculate the following lines, using the right system
of thinking, in the given positions.

- You should visualize the variations, so you may not

move the pieces on the board while calculating the
- The time limit for every position – 20 minutes.

If you cannot find the move in 20 minutes – it means

that your thinking system is not perfect. In this case, you
should see the answer of this task, and think what was
wrong in your thinking process.

When this task will be done - open a folder "Answers"

and check up yourself.

The analysis of your games.

Analyze your new games. It is one of the main ways for
thought process perfection.

At first analyze the games independently, then check

correctness of your analysis using the assistance of the
computer programs.

“The Grandmaster’s secrets” by GM Igor Smirnov ( All rights reserved.

These tasks are quite huge. But they will provide
the great progress!

I am not going to wish you a good luck. I wish you

the well-deserved success!

GM Igor Smirnov.

“The Grandmaster’s secrets” by GM Igor Smirnov ( All rights reserved.

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