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1. Compute the minimum radius of a circular curve for a highway designed for 110 km/h.

maximum superelevation rate is 12%.


127( + )
From ERA Geometric Design Manual
Friction coefficient for 100 km/hr --- 0.12
Friction coefficient for 120 km/hr --- 0.10

Using interpolation
Friction coefficient for 110 km/hr --- 0.11
= = 414.24 ~
127(0.12 + 0.11)

2. A 2-lane 7.3 m wide single carriageway road has a curve radius of 600m with deflection
angle of 60. The minimum sight stopping distance required is 160m. Calculate the required
distance to be kept clear of obstructions in meters.

Length of the curve = R/180 = 628.32 m
Lane width = p = 7.3/2 = 3.65 m
When S<L
∆ .
= − − = − − = .

∆ ( ) ∆
When S > L, use = − − +

3. A two-lane highway (one 3.6 m lane in each direction) goes from normal crown with 2%
cross-slopes to 10% superelevation by means of a spiral transition curve. Determine the
minimum length of the transition if the difference in grade between the centerline and edge
of traveled way is limited to 1/200. Round up to the next largest 20 m interval.
Draw the superelevation diagram for the transition described in part a. The station of the TS
is 160 + 00.


Raising of pavement due to superelevation = 7.2x0.1 = 0.72 m

Assuming rotation of super elevation about the center, raising of the outer edge = 0.72/2 =
0.36 m
The length of the transition = 0.36x200 = 72 m, rounding the next 20 m interval
L = 80 m
4. A two-lane highway (3.6 m lanes) with a design speed of 100 km/h has a 400 m radius
horizontal curve connecting tangents with bearings of N75E° and S78E°. Determine the
superelevation rate, the length of spiral if the difference in grade between the centerline and
edge of traveled way is limited to 1/200, and the stations of the TS, SC, CS, and ST, given
that the temporary station of the P.I. is 150 + 00. The length of the spiral should be rounded
up to the next highest 20 m interval.


Determine superelevation rate:

= − = − 0.12 = 0.08
127 127(400)

Determine length of superelevation transition and spiral:

= 200 = 57.6 Round to 60 m

Determine spiral angle and coordinates of SC point:

= = = 0.075
2 2(400)
= = (60)(400) = 154.9

= − + = 59.966
40 40
= − + = 1.499
6 336 42240

Determine p, k, , T’ and Lc :
= − (1 − ) = 1.499 − 400[1 − cos(0.075)] = 0.375
= − = 59.996 − 400 sin(0.075) = 30.024
∆ = (90° − 75°) + (90° − 78°) = 27° = 0.471

= ( + ) tan = 96.122
= ∆ − = 400(0.471) − 60 = 128.4
Determine stations of critical points:
TS station = P.I. Station – (T’ + k) = 148 + 73.9
SC Station = TS station + Ls = 149 + 33.9
CS station = SC station + Lc = 150 + 62.3
ST Station = CS Station + Ls = 151 + 22.3

5. Compute the minimum length of vertical curve that will provide 190 m stopping sight
distance for a design speed of 100 km/h at the intersection of a +2.60% grade and a -2.40%

The height of the driver eye = h1 = 1.07 m
The height of the object for sight distance = h2 = 0.15 m, for passing sight distance h2 = 1.3
(√ √ ) (√ . √ . )
Assume S>L , =2 − = 2 190 − . ( . )
= . ---- this
implies the assumption is wrong

Calculate Lmin for S < L , = = = .

(√ √ ) .
6. Compute the minimum length of vertical curve that will provide 220 m stopping sight
distance for a design speed of 110 km/h at the intersection of a -3.50% grade and a +2.70%

The height of the head light above the ground = H = 0.75 m
The angle of the head light from the horizontal =  = 1
( ) ( . )
Assume S>L , =2 − = 2 220 − . .
= 291.93m---- this
implies the assumption is wrong

Calculate Lmin for S < L , = = = .
( ) ( . )

7. Given the profile below, determine:

a) The length of vertical curve needed to make the highest point on the vertical curve
come out exactly over the centerline of the cross road at station 150 + 70.
b) The vertical clearance between the profile grade on the vertical curve and the centerline
of the cross road.
St. 150 + 00
P.V.I. Elv. 48.00

● -3.0%
+6.0% ● Elv. 37.50


= ℎ = + + ------- 1

( − )

To find the highest point on the curve, derivate equation 1 with respect to x

− 0.06
= + =0→ = =− = 0.666
(−0.03 − 0.06)/

Chainage of BVC = Chainage of PVI – (L/2) = 150 + 00 – 0.5L

Chainage of highest point= 150 + 70 = Chainage of BVC + 0.67L = 150 + 00 -0.5L +0.66L = 150 +
0.17L  0.17L = 70

L = 70/0.17 = 412 m

Elevation of BVC = Elevation of PVI – (g1L/100) = 48 – (6x412/100) = 23.28 m

Elev. of the highest pt(x = 0.66L = 271.92) = Elev. BVC + 0.06x271.92 + (-0.09x271.922/(2x412))

= 31.52 m
Clearance height = Elev, of the highest point – Elev of the top of the cross road
= 37.5 – 31.52  6 m

8. A vertical curve joins a -0.5% grade to a +1.0% grade. The P.I. of the vertical curve is at
station 200 + 00 and elevation 150.00 m above sea level. The centerline of the roadway
must clear a pipe located at station 200 + 70 by 0.75 m. The elevation of the top of the pipe
is 150.40 m above sea level. What is the minimum length of vertical curve that can be used?

= ℎ = + + ------- 1

( − )

Chainage of BVC = Chainage of PVI – (L/2) = 200 + 00 – 0.5L

Elevation of BVC = Elevation of PVI – (g1L/100) = 150 – (-0.5L/100) = 150 + 0.005L

The distance of the pipe from BVC = [(200+75) – (200 + 00 – 0.5L)] = 75 + 0.5L

Elev. of the a point above the pipe = 150.4 + 0.75 = Elev. BVC - 0.005 (75 + 0.5L) + (0.015x(75 +
0.5L) 2/(2L))


9. Determine the minimum length of a crest vertical curve between a +0.5% grade and a -1.0%
grade for a road with a 100 km/h design speed. The vertical curve must provide 190-m
stopping sight distance. Round up to the next greatest 20 m interval.

Stopping sight distance criterion:

Assume SL
[0.5 − (−1.0)](190)
= = = 134.0
200(√ℎ1 + √ℎ2) 200(√1.07 + √0.15)
134.0 m < 190 m, so S>L
200(√ℎ1 + √ℎ2) 200(√1.07 + √0.15)
=2 − = 2(190) − = 110.5
[0.5 − (−1.0)]
Rounding up, L = 120 m

10. Determine the minimum length of a sag vertical curve between a -0.7% grade and a +0.5%
grade for a road with a 110 km/h design speed. The vertical curve must provide 220 m
stopping sight distance and comfort standard. Round up to the next greatest 20 m interval.

Stopping sight distance criterion:

Assume SL
[0.5 − (−0.7)](220)
= = = 65.3
120 + 3.5 120 + 3.5(220)
65.3 m < 220 m, so S>L
120 + 3.5 120 + 3.5(220)
=2 − = 2(220) − = −301.7
[0.5 − (−0.7)]
Since L<0, no vertical curve is needed to provide stopping sight distance.

Comfort criterion:
AV [0.5— 0.7)
L= = (110) 395 = 36.8 m
395 395
Use 40 m Vertical curve

11. A vertical curve joins a -1.2% grade to a +0.8% grade. The P.I. of the vertical curve is at
station 75 + 00 and elevation 50.90 m above sea level. The centerline of the roadway must
clear a pipe located at station 75 + 40 by 0.80 m. The elevation of the top of the pipe is 51.10
m above sea level. What is the minimum length of the vertical curve that can be used?

Determine z:
z = (75 + 40) -(75+ 00) = 0.40 sta.
Determine y
Elevation of tangent = 50.90 + (-1.2)(0.4) = 50.42 m
Elevation of roadway = 51.10 + 0.80 = 51.90 m
y’ =51.90 - 50.42 = 1.48 m
Determine w:
A =g2 – g1 = (+0.8) – (-1.2) = 2.0

= = 0.74

Determine L

= 4 − 2 + 4√ − = 417 m

Check y’

x = 4.17/2 + 0.3 = 2.485 sta

r = A/L = 2/4.17 = 0.48

y’ = rx2/2 = 1.48 ok!!

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