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Dear mom and dad,

How are you doing?. I hope you’re doing fine. i write this letter to tell you about
my wish that i did and i didn’t do in the past. you know i used to have a lot of
wishes. Some of them i managed to do and some did not. One of my wish that i
managed to do is I made it into the top 10 in school at 7th. For the first time I made
it into the top 10 during my time in high school. Notwithstanding that i had to
sacrifice my other wish to become a computer olympics participant. I thought if I join
the Olympic guidance, then I will not join the class for a while and I will miss the material in class. And I
had to pursue the material I missed in class at the end of the semester. The other wish that i
didn’t do is I failed to reach my target of no remedial in the last semester. I wish i can fulfill tht target
in this semester.I have one big wish in the future. My wish is I hope to graduate school with the
best value and accepted in ITB majoring in civil engineering. I’ll try my best so it can be fulfilled.

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