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Lesson 3 Ctrl + K – Create a hyperlink

Ctrl + L – Align Text to Left

Advanced Word Processing Ctrl + M – Tab
Skill Ctrl + N – Create a new document
Word Processor – is an electronic Ctrl + O – Open a document
device or computer software Ctrl + P – Display Print dialog box
application that performs the task of Ctrl + R – Align Text to Right
composing, editing, formatting, and Ctrl + S – Save a document
printing of documents. Ctrl + U – Underline Text
Examples of Word Processor: Ctrl + V – Paste a copied text
 openoffice writer Ctrl + X – Cut a selected Text
 libreoffice writer Ctrl + Y – Redo the last undone action
 polaris office Ctrl + Z – Undo the last action
 kingsoft writer
 wordperfect Home Tab - allows you to change
 wordpad document settings, such as the font
 Microsoft Office properties, adding bullets or a
Microsoft Word - is a word processor numbered list, adjusting styles, and
developed by Microsoft. It was first other common features
Insert Tab - is used to insert
released on October 25, 1983. It is
also known as MS Word. different features such as tables,
pictures, clip art, shapes, charts,
 Press “Windows Logo” + R then
page numbers, word art, headers, and
type “winword” then enter.
footers into a document.
Some Features of MS Word:
Page Layout Tab - refers to the
 AutoCorrect – corrects common
arrangement of text, images, and other
spelling errors as well as
objects on a page
capitalization mistakes
 AutoFormat – applies formatting
Image Placement
to text, e.g. number listing, In Line with Text - This is the
bullet, hyperlinks default setting for images that are
 Grammar Checker – proofreads inserted or integrated in a document.
Square - This setting allows the
documents for grammar, writing
style, sentence structure errors image you inserted to be placed
and reading statistics anywhere within the paragraph with the
text going around the image in a
 Template – a document that
square pattern like a frame.
contains the formatting
Tight - This is almost the same as
necessary for a specific
the square setting, but here the text
document type
“hugs” to the general shape of the
 Thesaurus – provides synonyms
for a word in a document
Through - This setting allows the
 Tables – organize information
text on your document to flow even
into rows and columns
tighter, taking the contour and shape
 Mail Merge – a feature that
of the image.
allows you to create a document
Top and Bottom - This setting pushes
and merge them with another
the text away vertically to the top
document or data file
and/or the bottom of the image so that
 Text Wrap – adjusts how the
the image occupies a whole text line
image behaves around other on its own.
objects or text Behind Text - This allows your image
Keyboard Shortcuts in Word to be dragged and placed anywhere on
Processing Software your document but with all text
Ctrl + A – Select All floating in front of it.
Ctrl + B – Bold Text In Front of Text - This setting
Ctrl + C – Copy Text allows your image to be placed right
Ctrl + D – Show Font Dialog Box on top of the text as if your image
Ctrl + E – Align Text to Center was dropped right on it.
Ctrl + F – Display Find Dialog Box
Ctrl + G – Display Go To Dialog Box
Ctrl + H – Display Replace Dialog Box
Ctrl + I - Italicize Text
Ctrl + J – Justify Text
Lesson 4 =x-y – returns the difference
Advanced Spreadsheet Skills of x subtracted by y OTHER
What is a Spreadsheet Software FUNCTIONS:
 allows users to organize data in =ABS(x) – returns the absolute
rows and columns and perform value of x
calculations on the data =AVERAGE(x,y) – returns the
 These rows and columns average of x and y
collectively are called =CONCATENATE(x,y) – joins x and
worksheet. y OTHER FUNCTIONS:
Examples of Spreadsheet Software: =IF(Condition, x, y) – returns
LibreOffice Calc x if the condition is true, else Calc it returns y
Google Sheets =ISEVEN(x) – returns true if x
Apple iWork Numbers is an even number
Kingsoft Office Spreadsheets =ISODD(x) – returns true if x
StarOffice Calc is an odd number OTHER
Microsoft Excel FUNCTIONS:
MICROSOFT EXCEL =COUNT(range) – counts the
 To open Microsoft Excel, Press number of cell containing a
“Windows Logo” + R then type number within a range
“excel” then enter. =COUNTIF(range, criteria) -
Key Terms in MS Excel: count the number of cell that
Row - horizontal line of entries in fits with the criteria within
a table the range OTHER FUNCTIONS:
Column – vertical line of entries =ISNUMBER(x) – returns true if
in a table x is a number
Cell - the place where info. is =ISTEXT(x) – returns true if x
held in a spreadsheet is a text
Active Cell – the selected cell =LEN(x) – returns the length of
Column Heading – the box at the top characters in x
of each column containing a letter =PROPER(x) – returns the proper
Row Heading – the row number casing of x OTHER FUNCTIONS:
Cell Reference – the cell address =LEFT(x,y) – returns the
of the cell usually combine letter characters of x specified by y
and number (ex. A1, B4, C2) (from the left)
Merge – combining or joining two or =RIGHT(x,y) – returns the
more cells characters of x specified by y
Formula – is an expression which (from the right)
calculates the value of a cell. =PI() – returns the value of pi
Functions – are predefined formulas OTHER FUNCTIONS:
and are already available in Excel =MIN(x,y) – returns the
Formula Bar – the bar that smallest number between x and y
displays the contents of a cell =MAX(x,y) – returns the largest
=MIN(range) – returns the
=SUM(x,y) or =SUM(range) –
smallest number within the range
returns the sum of x and y or
=MAX(range) – returns the
(all the numbers within the
largest number within the range
=PRODUCT(x,y) – returns the
=POWER(x,y) – returns the value
product of x and y
of x raised to the power of y
=QUOTIENT(x,y) – returns the
=ROUND(x,y) – rounds x to a
quotient of x divided by y
specified number of digits (y)
=x-y – returns the difference
=COLUMN(x) – returns the column
of x subtracted by y BASIC MATH
number of x
=ROW(x) – returns the row
=x+y – returns the sum of x and
number of x OTHER FUNCTIONS:
=SQRT(x) – returns the square
=x*y – returns the product of x
root of x
and y
=TRIM(x) – removes extra spaces
=x/y – returns the quotient of
in x
x divided by y
Lesson 5 Outline View - displays all
ADVANCED PRESENTATION of the text in a PowerPoint
slide show in outline form
regardless of the design,
Presentation Software - is an
objects and animations.
application software that allows
Slide Sorter View - displays
users to create visual aids for
mini versions of slides and
presentations to communicate
allows you to re-arrange
ideas, messages and other info to
a group
File Insertion:
Examples of Presentation Software
MagicPoint  Image Impress  Illustrations
LibreOffice Impress  Links
Powerdot  Text
Microsoft PowerPoint  Media
Microsoft PowerPoint
 To open Microsoft PowerPoint,
Press “Windows Logo” + R then
type “powerpnt” then enter.
Key Terms in MS PowerPoint :
Slide - is a single page of a
presentation. Collectively, a
group of slides may be known
as a slide deck.
Design Template – pre-
designed graphic styles that
you can apply to your slides.
Slide Show - a collection of
pages arranged in sequence
that contain text and images
for presenting to an audience
Press “F5” – to display
slide show
Animation - is a set of
effects which can be applied
to text or graphics within a
Transition - are motion
effects that when in Slide
Show view add movement to
your slides as you advance
from one slide to another
Hyperlink - allows you to
jump to another location.
Types of Views in MS PowerPoint
Normal View - simplified
layout of the page so you can
quickly key, edit, and format
the test.
Notes Page View - displays
your slides on the top
portion of the page, with the
speaker notes for each slide
in the notes pane on the
bottom of the pane.

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